
1891 CENSUS RG12/1643 Enumeration District 7
Enumerated by Mr. F. Yearsley

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

116 persons in 24 households on the night of April 5th, 1891

N�AddressForename(s)SurnameRelationStatusAgeSexOccupation BirthplaceFolioPage
1Ridge Dairy HouseGeorge HANSFORDHeadMar43MDairyman - employed DORShilvinghampton [Portesham]771
  Emily J. HANSFORDWifeMar46F  DORCattistock771
  Wlliam H. HANSFORDSonSingle15M Dairy work - employedDORSnails Croft77 1
  Blanche M. B. HANSFORDDau 5F  DORRedcliffe, Wareham771
2Slepe CottageJohnBENNETT HeadMar41MClay Labourer - employed DORCorfe Castle771
  AnnieBENNETT WifeMar37F DOR Woolston771
  William J. BENNETTSonSingle17MAgricultural Labourer - employed DORSlepe, Arne771
  WalterBENNETT SonSingle15MAgricultural Labourer - employed DORSlepe, Arne771
  Sidney H. BENNETTSonSingle14MAgricultural Labourer - employed DORSlepe, Arne771
  Julia A. BENNETTDau 11FScholar DORSlepe, Arne771
  Bessie J. BENNETTDau 9FScholar DORSlepe, Arne771
  Albert T. BENNETTSon 6MScholar DORSlepe, Arne771
  Alice M. BENNETTDau 5FScholar DORSlepe, Arne771
  EmilyBENNETT Dau 2F DOR Slepe, Arne771
3Slepe CottageWilliam BATRICKHeadMar25*M[*age should be 45] Clay Labourer - employed DORBushy, Corfe Castle771
  Charlotte BATRICKWifeMar24*F[*age should be 44] DORNorden, Corfe Castle771
  ArthurBATRICK SonSingle19MCripple - no occupation DORSlepe, Arne771
  Frederick BATRICKSonSingle17MClay Labourer - employed DORSlepe, Arne771
  JamesBATRICK SonSingle10MScholarDOR Slepe, Arne771
4Slepe CottageHenry BATRICKHeadMar42FClay Labourer - employed DORCorfe Castle771
  JaneBATRICK WifeMar43F DOR Corfe Castle771
  SusanBATRICK DauSingle14F DOR Slepe, Arne771
  AliceBATRICK DauSingle11FScholarDOR Slepe, Arne771
  FrankBATRICK Son 7MScholarDOR Slepe, Arne771
  GraceBATRICK Dau 4F DOR Slepe, Arne771
5Slepe CottageThomas BALSONHeadMar62MClay Labourer - employed DORStudland771
  Alicia A. BALSONWifeMar62F  DORSlepe, Arne771
  RachelBALSON DauSingle22FDressmakerDOR Slepe, Arne771
6Slepe CottagePhillip BENNETTHeadMar69MClay Labourer - employed DORCorfe Castle771
  Mary Ann BENNETTWifeMar63F  DORCorfe Castle771
 Slepe - 1 uninhabited house           772
7Slepe Farm HouseGeorge GRANTHeadMar61MFarmer - employer DORCorfe Castle772
  Elizabeth GRANTWifeMar52F  DORWareham772
  Charles GRANTSonSingle16MFarmer’s son DORSlepe, Arne772
  WinnieGRANT Dau 11F DOR Slepe, Arne772
8Bank Gate CottageHezekiah WELLSTEADHeadMar67MAgricultural Labourer - employed DORWool772
  FanneyWELLSTEAD WifeMar67F DOR Wool772
9Bank Gate CottageRobert TALBOTHeadMar61MGame Keeper - employed DORCorfe Castle772
  SarahTALBOT WifeMar58F DOR Wareham772
  Eliza M. HORLOCKVisitorSingle5  ScholarDORWareham772
10Bank Gate CottageEdwin BATTRICKHeadMar21MFarm Labourer - employed DORSlepe, Arne772
  MaryBATTRICK WifeMar23F DOR Symondsbury772
  Frederick BATTRICKSon 7mM  DORWareham772
  GeorgeMOORE HeadVisitor48MFarm Labourer - employed DORPuncknowle772
  SarahMOORE WifeMar42F DOR Symondsbury772
  Frederick MOORESonSingle19M  DORLitton Cheney772
  WalterMOORE SonSingle14M DOR Litton Cheney772
  ThomasMOORE SonSingle12M DOR Litton Cheney772
  JohnMOORE SonSingle10M DOR Wynford Eagle772
  BessieMOORE Dau  F DOR Edmondsham772
  Beatrix MOOREDau  F  DORLytchett Matravers772
11Shipstall CottageRobert CHISEMANHeadWid75Mnot able to work DORArne772
  Elizabeth CHISEMANDauSingle33F  DORArne772
12Shipstall CottageRobert MASTERSHeadMar30MFarm Labourer - employed DORArne772
  BessieMASTERS WifeMar29F DOR Arne772
  MinnieMASTERS DauMar7F DORArne 772
  ElsieMASTERS Dau 3F DOR Arne772
  BessieMASTERS Dau 5mF DOR Arne772
13Shipstall CottageJoseph ORCHARDHeadMar43MFisherman DORPoole783
  JaneORCHARD WifeMar40F DOR Stoborough, Wareham783
  Thomas H. ORCHARDSonSingle22MFisherman, with his father DORStoborough, Wareham783
  Sarah J. ORCHARDDauSingle17F  DORStoborough, Wareham783
  JoeORCHARD SonSingle14FFisherman, with his father DORStoborough, Wareham783
  Robert S. ORCHARDSonSingle12FFisherman, with his father DORStoborough, Wareham783
  William J. ORCHARDSon 9MScholar DORShipstall, Arne783
  ArthurORCHARD Son 7MScholarDOR Shipstall, Arne783
  HarryORCHARD Son 5MScholarDOR Shipstall, Arne783
  Annie L. ORCHARDDau 3FScholar DORShipstall, Arne783
  Charles G. ORCHARDSon 2M  DORShipstall, Arne783
  RobertSAMWAYS Fa-in-LawWid76Mno occupation DORCorfe Castle783
14Arne CottageJohn S. SMITHHeadSingle25MDairyman - employed DORCorfe Castle783
  Elizabeth SMITHMotherWid59F  DORSteeple783
  JamesWHELLER VisitorMar32MDairymanDOR Piddlehinton783
  Sarah F. WHELLERWifeMar29F  DORCorfe Castle783
  Minnie G. WHELLERDau 5FScholar DORCanford Magna783
  Frederick J. WHELLERSon 2M  DORCorfe Castle783
15Russell Quay - Vessel        Enumerated by Customs Officer, Poole   783
16Arne CottageJames GRANTHeadMar56MWoodman - employed DORCorfe Castle783
  SarahGRANT WifeMar55F DOR Acton783
17Arne CottageJames NORTHOVERHeadMar45MCarter - employed DORWool783
  ElizaNORTHOVER WifeMar41F DOR North Trigon783
  Frederick J. NORTHOVERSonSingle16M Game Keeper’s Assistant - employedDORWareham 783
  Ellen M. NORTHOVERDau 11F ScholarDORArne783
  HesterNORTHOVER Dau 9FScholarDOR Arne783
  EffieNORTHOVER Dau 1F DOR Arne783
18Arne CottageThomas LOCKYERHeadMar66MFarm Labourer - employed DORWareham783
  Elizabeth S. LOCKYERWifeMar58F  DORArne783
  Elizabeth J. LOCKYERDauSingle22FDressmaker DORArne783
19Arne CottageGeorge TALBOTHeadMar58MFarm Servant - employed DORSwanage784
  Elizabeth TALBOTWifeMar54F  DORChurch Knowle784
  HenryTALBOT SonSingle21MFarm Servant - employed DORArne784
  TomTALBOT SonSingle14MFarm Servant - employed DORArne784
  AliceTALBOT DauSingle9FScholarDOR Arne784
20Arne CottageRobert WHITEHeadMar59MFarm Servant - employed DORArne784
  Emily J. WHITEWifeMar54F  DORArne784
  Edwin H. WHITESonSingle13MScholar DORArne784
  Lydia F. WHITEDauSingle15FSchool Mistress’s Assistant - employed DORArne784
21Arne Farm HouseCharles C. SMITHHeadMar47MFarm Manager - employed DORTyneham784
  AliceSMITH WifeMar37F DOR Langton784
  Thomas G. SMITHSon 13MScholar DORChurch Knowle784
  Charles C. SMITHSon 12MScholar DORChurch Knowle784
  Alice L. SMITHDau 11FScholar DORChurch Knowle784
  GraceSMITH Dau 9FScholarDOR Church Knowle784
  Frederick H. SMITHSon 6MScholar DORArne784
  Elizabeth A. SMITHDau 5FScholar DORArne784
  Mildred S. SMITHDau 2F  DORArne784
  Mary C. SMITHDau 7mF  DORArne784
  ElizaKAIL NurseWid38FNurseDOR Wimborne784
22Arne CottageRichard CUFFHeadMar29MGame Keeper - employed DORHilton near Blandford784
  Elizabeth J. CUFFWifeMar31F  DORWimborne784
  Lottie S. L. CUFFDau 3F  DORWimborne784
  Richard J. B. CUFFSon 2M  DORWimborne784
  Alfred G. CUFFSon 4mM  DORWimborne784
23Arne CottageEliza WEBBHeadWid80FHousekeeper SSXBosham784
  Laura R. WEBBGranddauSingle26F School Mistress - employedWILSwindon78 4
24Arne CottageHenry W. HILLHeadMar40MGame Keeper - employed DORSixpenny Handley784
  LucyHILL WifeMar39F HAM Brockenhurst784
  Henry W. HILLSon 13MScholar DORWareham784
 Churchill Cottage - uninhabited           784

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