Buckland Newton

The Last Will & Testament of John HOPKINS, Blacksmith of Buckland Newton (1867)

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC project by Jon Baker
[Note paragraphs added to improve readability]


This is the Last Will and Testament of me, John HOPKINS of Buckland Newton in the County of Dorset Blacksmith.

I give, devise and bequeath unto my Son Hillary and my Daughter Maria Foot the Wife of Robert William RIDOUT of Pulham in the same County Yeoman their heirs executors administrators and assigns all my Freehold Cottages and Gardens Blacksmiths Shop and Carpenters Shop situated in Buckland Newton aforesaid and also my piece of Freehold Land containing Three Roods or thereabouts heretofore part of Cosmore Common in the same parish and also all my working tools and utensils Stock in Trade Household Goods Furniture and Effects and all other my Real and personal Estate of every descreption [sic] and wheresoever situate Upon Trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to dispose of the same either by public Auction or private Contract as they shall think fit and to divide the proceeds arising from the sale of my said Real and Personal Estate after payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses equally between my said Son Hillary my said Daughter Maria Foot my Son Horatio Hackman and my Son Herbert John.

I appoint my said Son Hillary and my said Daughter Maria Foot Executor and Executrix of this my Will in winding up and settling my Estate to compound for debts to make compromises and to settle accounts on such terms and in such manner as they shall in their discretion deem expedient.

I revoke all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto signed and subscribed my name this twenty seventh day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty seven John HOPKINS. Signed by the said Testator John HOPKINS as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses

Silvester GALE Inn Keeper Buckland Newton
John LANGDON Clerk to Messrs FFOOKES Solicitors Sherborne Dorset
A correct copy
Proved at Blandford, the 5th day of November 1867 by the Oath of Hillary HOPKINS, the Son, one of the Executors named in the Will to whom administration was granted power reserved of making the life grant to Maria Foot RIDOUT (Wife of Robert William RIDOUT Yeoman Daughter of the deceased the other Executor named in the said Will.

The Testator John HOPKINS was late of Buckland Newton in the County of Dorset Blacksmith and died on the fifth day of June 167 at Buckland Newton aforesaid.

Under £100

Messrs N & J FFOOKES Solicitors Sherborne

Biographical notes. John Hopkins (1784-1867) married Jemima FOOT in 1816 at Buckland Newton. They had 9 sons and one daughter all born in and around Buckland Newton. All of the sons, except one, were given Christian names beginning with H.
(1) Hamilton George (1816-1873)
(2) Herbert John (1818-Aft 1871)
(3) William Henry (1820-1821)
(4) Henry Augustus (1822-1868)
(5) Harold (1825-1839)
(6) Horatio Hackman (1827-1889)
(7) Hercules (1830-1853)
(8) Hillary (1832-1899)
(9) Hiram (1834-1861) and
(10) Maria Foot (1836-1883).
It is not known why Hamilton and Henry who outlived John were not mentioned in the Will.

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