Canford Magna

Inquest into the death of Esau Jupe held on 27 February 1809
Hundred of Cogdean to wit

Transcribed by Jacqui Leaton

An Inquisition indented taken for our Sovereign Lord the King at Parkstone in the Parish of Great Canford in the County of Dorset within the Hundred aforesaid the twenty seventh day of February in the forty ninth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God of the United Kingdom  of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine before William Castleman Gentleman Coroner of our said Lord the King for the said Hundred on view of the body of Esau Jupe then and there lying dead

upon the oaths of John Bellows, Thomas Brake, Thomas Seymour, Humphry Saunders, Thomas Hutchins, Wiliam Lacy, Thomas White, Edward Miller, George Ballott (?), George Conway, William Land and Thomas Webb good and lawful men of the said Hundred duly charged and sworn to inquire for our sovereign Lord the King

when where how and in what manner the said Esau Jupe came to his death upon their oaths do say that as the said Esau Jupe late of Longfleat in the Parish of Great Canford aforesaid Labourer on the twenty fourth day of this instant February at Parkstone in the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid and within the Hundred aforesaid was removing the steaningof a well at Parkstone aforesaid in the Parish Hundred and County aforesaid it so happened that the sides of the said well then and there foundered and fell in by reason whereof the said Esau Jupe accidentally casually and by misfortune was by the sand and earth adjoining then and there suffocated and smothered of which said suffocation and smothering he the said Esau Jupe then and there instantly died and the sworn (?) aforesaid upon their oaths do say that the said Esau Jupe in manner and by the means aforesaid accidentally casually and by misfortune came to his death and not otherwise.

In witness whereof as well the said Coroner as the said John Bellows the foreman on behalf of Counsell and the rest of his fellows have hereto set their hands and seals on the day and year aforesaid at the place above written.

Signed by Wm Castleman Coroner & John Bellows


steaning (or steening) is a lining made of brick, stone or other material, eg in a well
Witness statement from Jacob Jupe on the death of Esau Jupe
27 February 1809


Hundred of Cogdean

To wit, Information of Witness taken on view of the body of Esau Jupe at Parkstone in the Parish of Great Canford in the County of Dorset and within the said Hundred the 27th day of February 1809 before me William Castleman Coroner of our Lord the King in an dfor the said Hundred

Jacob Jupe of Kinson in the Parish of Great Canford Labourer being sworn and examined deposith that this examinement (?) of the Deceased who is his Brother were employed by the manor (?) of Parkstone aforesaid to sink a well for him near his Dwellinghouse at Parkstone aforesaid that they had sunk the well to about the depth of fifty foot without having found any water that they had steaned some of the lower part of the well and into about 30 foot of the surface when it was determined to remove the steaning and sink the well lower - that the deceased was then employed in removing the steaningon Friday last the 24 instant and about 4 o'clock in the afternoon this ……………………… at the top of the well observed that the sides of the well foundered by which means the deceased was buried at least six feet in the sand and earth that ………………………. were ……………………………………..
but that from its continuing to founder they were not able to get him out till the 26 instant between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning when the Deceased was quite dead from (?) his appearance the witness judging he must have been killed on the first foundering of the well on the 24 instant.

The mark of Jacob Jupe X
Sworn before me Wm Castleman Coroner


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