Charminster Dorset County Asylum

1871 CENSUS RG10/2014

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Carol Few & Jon Baker

RETURN of all the PERSONS who SLEPT or ABODE in this INSTITUTION on the NIGHT of SUNDAY APRIL 2nd 1871

    Total No of Officers4  4
    Number in Officers’ Families358
    Other classes of persons     
    Governers  11
    Domestic Servants1910
    Attendants & Nurses201838
    Wives & c of Attendants  44

No NameSURNAME Rel to HeadCond AgeAge OccupationWhere born
Page 1     MF    
1JosephSYMESHead Mar46 Surgeon: Med. Supt of Asylum Crewkerne Somerset 
2Emma LouisaSYMESWife Mar 44Wife of Med. Supt of Asylum Boston Lincs 
3Lydia Josephine SquireSYMES Dau  14ScholarForston House Dorchester  
4George DickinsonSYMES Son 10 ScholarForston House Dorchester  
5Mary EmmaSYMESDau   3NoneCounty Asylum Charminster  
6Charles FrancisSYMES Son 1 None   
7RebeccaNOLLINGTONGoverner Unm 36GovernerYeovil Somerset  
8EstherDIXServant Widow59 Nurse Domestic SvntImber Wilts  
9JaneCOOMBSServant Unm 29Cook Domestic SvntManolin  
10Louisa ElizabethHERRING ServantUnm 25Housemaid Tarrant Hinton 
11WilliamPEIRCEOfficer Unm28 Assistant SurgeonNewcastle Ireland  
12JamesSTEWARTOfficer Unm32 Assistant SurgeonBelfast Ireland  
13John BezaellHYSON OfficerMar39 Clerk & Chaplain Walworth Surrey 
14Sarah MariaHYSONWife Mar 28Wife of ChaplainCrewkerne Somerset  
15Joseph SymesHYSON Son 4  Charminster  
16FlorenceHYSONDau   2 Crewkerne Somerset  
17RhodaRANDALLServant Unm 18Domestic Servant CookChaldon  
18EllenMORRISServant Unm 23Domestic Servant NurseGreenham Somerset  
19FrederickGROVESServant  12 Domestic Servant Page Boy Godmanston 
20JohnNORTHAMServant Mar53 Engineer & BlacksmithIlton Somerset  
Page 2           
1SamuelGUPPYServant Mar50 Head Attendant of AsylumBuckland Newton  
2CatherineGUPPYWife of above Mar 36Wife of Attendant of Asylum Mappowder 
3SarahLOVELESSNiece of above  6 ScholarPucknowle  
4GeorgeROGERSServant Unm24 CarpenterPiddletrenthide  
5WilliamFRYServant Unm23 StokerSouthampton Hants  
6PrudenceDEWEYServant Unm 50Head Attendant of AsylumCompton Wilts  
7EmmaPIKEServant Unm 38Nurse in AsylumGosport Hants  
8ElizabethHAWKERServant Unm 22Nurse in AsylumChetnole  
9KeziaRECORDServant Unm 24Nurse in AsylumPilsdon Somerset  
10AnnBOONServant Unm 30Nurse in AsylumLasmore Somerset  
11ElizabethNEWServant Unm 34Nurse in AsylumPiddlehinton  
12LouisaHOUSEServant   30Nurse in AsylumPiddletrenthide  
13EmmaSPENCERServant Unm 17Nurse in Asylum? Nr Bridport  
14AlicePEATYServant Unm 21Nurse in AsylumCerne  
15LouisaEYRESServant Unm 64Laundress in AsylumFifehead Ingdale  
16MarthaJONESServant Unm 19Laundress in AsylumPiddletrenthide  
17MaryBRETTServant Unm 26Laundress in AsylumStratton  
18ElizabethCRANE?Servant Widow57 Night Nurse in AsylumStoke Abbott  
19MaryCORBENServant Unm 23Cookin AsylumAbbotsbury  
20Sarah AnnSYMESServant Unm 21Kitchen Maid in AsylumDorchester  
21ThomasCAKEServant Mar37 Night Attendant in Asylum Charminster 
22TomSIBLEYServant Mar31 Gardener in AsylumFordington  
23CharlesHAWKERServant Unm23 Attendant in in AsylumChetnole  
24HenryELFORDServant Mar32 Attendant in in AsylumHoughton  
25WilliamAMEYServant Unm20 Attendant in in AsylumPreston  
Page 3           
1IsiahSHARPServant Mar70 Gardener Attendant in Asylum Melbury Abbas 
2SophiaSHARPWife of above Mar 56Lodge Keeper in AsylumHolwell  
3Annie MarySHARPChild of above  20?Forston Charminster   
4SamuelFRAMPTONServant Mar48 Attendant in AsylumSydling  
5HarrietHELLIANServant Unm 24Housemaid in AsylumUp Cerne  
6Mary AnnBESANTServant Widow54 Second Attendant in Asylum Piddletown 
7MarySHEARServant Unm 21Cook in AsylumCorton Denham Sherborne  
8JuliaKILCHServant Unm 23Nurse in AsylumTaunton Somerset  
9EmmaDAVISServant Unm 19Nurse in AsylumCharminster  
10RosannaGREENHAMServant Unm 29Nurse in AsylumMilling? Kent  
11ElizabethCORBENServant Unm 21Nurse in AsylumAbbotsbury  
12AbrahamSAUNDERSServant Unm25 Attendant in AsylumAlton - Cerne  
13GeorgeNEALServant Unm28 Attendant in AsylumDorchester  
14HenryDAVISServant Unm26 Attendant in AsylumMilborne St Andrew  
15RobertBRINEServant Unm24 Attendant in AsylumBlandford  
16JobBURDENServant Mar52 Attendant in AsylumPotterne Wilts  
17WilliamGREENServant Unm30 Attendant in AsylumPiddletrenthide  
18JacobGIBBONSServant Unm29 Attendant in AsylumBroadmayne  
19James EliGIBBONSServant Mar28 Attendant in AsylumEast Chinnock Somerset  
20JohnMOLFRIESServant Unm22 Attendant in AsylumPiddlehinton  
Page 4           
1ThomasBLOOMFIELDPatient Unm41 LabourEast Cowes Lunatic
2AlfredBENNETTPatient Unm29 LabourVentnorLunatic
3JohnBEALPatient Mar35 PlastererLong Burton Lunatic
4GCOXPatient Mar49 LabourPucknowleLunatic
5GeorgeCOWARDPatient Unm48 LabourBockhampton Lunatic
6William HenryCHENEY PatientUnm34 LabourBurton Bradstock Lunatic
7Sidney GeorgeDYERPatient Unm24 GardenerLong Burton Lunatic
8SamuelDURRENTPatient Unm75 LabourFolkeLunatic Blind
9JamesHARRINGTONPatient Unm48  FolkeLunatic
10GeorgeHILLPatient Unm31 GardenerFolkeLunatic
11FrederickHOLMESPatient Unm32 LabourLondonLunatic
12GeorgeHUTCHINGSPatient Unm39  LondonLunatic
13FrederickHUNTPatient Unm36 PlumberDorchester Lunatic
14RichardHALLPatient Unm58 LabourWinfrithLunatic
15JamesKINCHINGTONPatient Unm38 LabourWinfrithLunatic
16WilliamLAMBERTPatient Mar31 BakerSouthampton Lunatic
17DavidLATIMERPatient Unm28 LabourCanadaLunatic
18RichardMAJORPatient Mar41 ClerkBridportLunatic
19WilliamROBINSONPatient Widower31 SeamanBridport Lunatic
20WilliamRAYPatient Mar32 LabourPortsmouth Lunatic
21JamesSTAPLESPatient Mar35 LabourCompton Abbas Lunatic
22William HenryVICKERS PatientMar49 LabourCompton Abbas Lunatic
23William HenryWILLIAMS PatientMar49 LabourWeymouth Lunatic
24ThomasWILLIAMSPatient Mar37 CarpenterWeymouth Idiot
25OliverWHITTLEPatient Unm34  BridportImbecile Blind
Page 5           
1StephenBARLINGPatient Unm58 Independent MinisterWeymouth Lunatic
2RobertAPPLINPatient Mar30 LabourHambourne ? Lunatic
3RichardCHAFFINPatient Widower67 ConfectionerSherborne? Lunatic
4IsaacPERROTT ?Patient Mar52 Stone CutterLong Burton Lunatic
5WilliamLANCASTERPatient Unm41 Stainer?Long Burton Lunatic
6JohnBLACKLOCKNOYSPatient Unm32 AccountantWeymouth Lunatic
7Alfred Edwin LyleBENNETT PatientUnm40 Farmer? Poole Lunatic
8William ComptonSAUNDERS PatientWidower70 Corn Merchant Bere RegisLunatic
9GeorgeLANEPatient Unm29 LabourBere Regis Lunatic
10RobertWALLACEPatient Mar56 LabourBere Regis Lunatic
11JosephBURDENPatient Widower68 CarpenterStickland Lunatic
12WilliamHUMPHRIESPatient Widower50  Stickland Lunatic
13AlbertPRIORPatient Mar23 LabourSymondsbury Lunatic
14SilasBUTTPatient Mar52 DraperStourton Wilts Lunatic
15Charles GilbertGIBSON PatientUnm25 East India Co Service Turley GloucesterLunatic
16ThomasHODDERPatient Unm56 FarmerThorne Somerset Lunatic
17JosephBURDENPatient Mar43 CarrierThorne Somerset Lunatic
18GeorgeHOUNSELLPatient Unm42 PainterThorne Somerset Lunatic
19Henry JamesLAMBERT PatientUnm39  Thorne Somerset Lunatic
20WilliamLUCASPatient  33  Thorne Somerset Lunatic
21WilliamBISHOPPatient Unm34 LabourBobury Hereford Lunatic
22John MatesonHICKS PatientMar21 GrocerChristchurch Hants Lunatic
23JohnADAMMSPatient Unm39 Labour?Lunatic
24StephenBESTPatient Widower81 Labour  Lunatic
25JamesBETHELPatient Unm21   Idiot
Page 6           
1GeorgeBALSONPatient Unm21 BakerBridportLunatic
2JohnBRINEPatient Mar70 SailorBlandfordLunatic
3JohnBARRETTPatient Mar54 ShoemakerBlandford Lunatic
4MatthewBANGERPatient Mar68 FarmerStallbridge Lunatic
5WilliamCARLISLEPatient Mar61 CollierScotlandLunatic
6HerbertCURTISPatient Mar47 HawkerDorchester Lunatic
7LeviCOOKPatient Widower68 BlacksmithCharminster Lunatic
8WalterCAVEPatient Mar31  Cad Stour? Imbecile
9SamuelCOOMBSPatient Mar56 SawyerBuck?Lunatic
10WilliamDAVISPatient Mar39  Buck?Lunatic
11ThomasDAVIESPatient  60  Buck?Lunatic
12GeorgeERLEIGHPatient Mar42 BricklayerWhitchurch Hants Lunatic
13JamesEDIFSPatient Unm22  Whitchurch Hants Idiot
14JamesEVANSPatient Mar41 CollierLlandour? Lunatic
15WilliamEYERSPatient Mar42 LabourerPooleLunatic
16EdwinEDMUNDSPatient Unm30 LabourerPooleLunatic
17SamuelFOSTERPatient Mar60 Diamond CutterCalcutta Lunatic
18PeterFULTONPatient    Corn? MakerLondon Lunatic
19EliasFRAMPTONPatient Mar50 LabourerChilbury Lunatic
20GeorgeGAIZETER?Patient Unm35 SoldierRadipole? Lunatic
21CharlesGRAYPatient Mar52 LabourerGillingham Lunatic
22RobertHOLDINGPatient Unm46 LabourerSouthampton Lunatic
23JamesHAASPatient Unm30 BricklayerSt Giles Berks Lunatic
24GeorgeHALLETTPatient Unm49 FarmerChideockLunatic
25ThomasHOREPatient Unm46  ChideockImbecile
Page 7           
1EmmaLEGGPatient Mar 37  Lunatic
2DorcasLEWISPatient Unm 43  Lunatic
3Mary AnnNORTONPatient Unm 38 Domestic Servant Lunatic
4AdelaideOWENPatient Unm 39 Newport Monmouth Lunatic
5AnnaPARFITTPatient Unm 35Daughter of FarmerSomerset Lunatic
6SophiaPARTRIDGEPatient Unm 50Daughter of FarmerSomerset Lunatic
7CharlottePHILLIPSPatient Unm 39Daughter of FarmerSomerset Lunatic
8MaryPHIPPARDPatient Unm 76Domestic ServantWest Morden Nr Wareham Lunatic
9AnnPUGHPatient Mar 38  Lunatic
10ElizaPYMBLEPatient Unm 29 Ross Herefordshire Lunatic
11SarahROBERTSPatient Unm 35Daughter of Butcher  Lunatic
12ElizabethRUSHTONPatient Unm 56  Lunatic
13CatherineSMILLIVAN Patient  60   Lunatic
14MarySYMONDSPatient Unm 66ServantS WalesLunatic
15EmmaTRENTPatient Unm 31Domestic Servant & all work  Lunatic
16AnnTULLEDGEPatient Unm 55SeamstressAbbotsbury Lunatic
17MaryTISNER?Patient Mar 66  Lunatic
18JaneWATKINSPatient   48  Lunatic
19MaryWILKINSONPatient Mar 37 Portsea Hants Lunatic
20CharlotteWILLIAMS PatientMar 38 Lyme Regis Lunatic
21ElizaWILLSPatient Mar 40Wife of Labourer  Lunatic
22SarahBAGGSPatient Mar 63  Lunatic
23HannahBAKERPatient Unm 61Nurse - Domestic ServantShorton Lunatic
24Mary AnnBADELLPatient Unm 50  Lunatic
25MargaretBLANDFORD PatientMar 54 Ireland Lunatic
Page 8           
1JaneBROWNPatient Unm 56Agriculture LabourSturminster Marshall Lunatic
2AnnBUTLERPatient Mar 58Inn Keepers Wife  Lunatic
3Mary AnnCHANTPatient Unm 41SeamstressPortland Lunatic
4ElizabethCHURCHILL PatientWidow 74 BroadWindsor Lunatic
5AnnCOLLINSPatient Unm 39LaundressWyke Regis Lunatic
6ElizaDEACONPatient Unm 37  Lunatic Blind
7MaryEDWARDSPatient   50  Lunatic
8Susan AnnFAITHFULPatient Unm 36? Lunatic
9HelenFORSEYPatient Mar 38  Lunatic
10ElizaGILLINGHAMPatient Unm 29Domestic Servant - All Work  Lunatic
11ElizabethHAINESPatient Mar 60 Lusten Herefordshire Lunatic
12RebeccaHALLETTPatient Unm 43Twine BraiderNr Bridport Lunatic
13MaryHANSFORDPatient Unm 52NeedlewomanLoders Nr Bridport Lunatic
14MaryHARDYPatient Unm 48 Beaminster Lunatic
15MaryHODDERPatient W 56  Lunatic
16JemimaHOUNSELLPatient Unm 40Net NakerNr Bridport Lunatic
17RuthHUDSONPatient   49  Lunatic
18AmeliaHUGHESPatient   32  Lunatic
19EllenHYDEPatient Unm 40Governess Lunatic
20SarahJONESPatient Mar 54Button-MakerHatton Nr Swanage Lunatic
21ElizabethLACEYPatient Mar 50  Lunatic
22MaryBARTLETTPatient Unm 42None Lunatic Blind
23MaryCALDECOTTPatient Mar 49  Lunatic
24HarriettCHAFFEYPatient Unm 24Pupil teacher in School  Lunatic
25HannahDAVIDGEPatient Unm 44None Lunatic Blind
Page 9           
1MariaDAVIDGEPatient Unm 36None Lunatic Blind
2CarolineFARNHAMPatient Mar 57? Lunatic
3Anna MarieFRAMPTON PatientMar 30Servant  Lunatic
4Mary AnnGARRETTPatient Mar 53Glovemaker  Lunatic
5SarahGROVESPatient Unm 21None Lunatic Imbecile
6ElizabethHOOKPatient Unm 36SeamstressBlandford Lunatic
7MargaretJONESPatient   60  Lunatic
8ElizabethKEECHPatient Unm 47Domestic Servant: Nurse  Lunatic
9MaryLONGPatient Mar 62  Lunatic
10EllenLOVELESSPatient Unm 38Dressmaker  Lunatic
11FrancesMOOREPatient Unm 41 Stallbridge Lunatic
12Catherine JaneMORGAN PatientUnm 40   Lunatic
13MaryNORMANPatient Unm 48  Lunatic
14JanePERRYMANPatient   25 Gosport Hants Lunatic
15AnnPHILLIPSPatient Unm 52  Lunatic
16HarriettSCADDENPatient Mar 47 Uploders Bridport Lunatic
17MarySLADEPatient Unm 35  Lunatic
18PriscillaSTROUDEPatient Mar 54CharwomanTolpuddle Dorchester Lunatic
19LeonoraTALBOTPatient Unm 55  Lunatic
20AnnWILLIAMSPatient   50  Lunatic
21HannahWILTONPatient Unm 36  Lunatic
22AnnWILMOTPatient Unm 36  Lunatic
23JohnBROWNPatient Widow58 GardenerShaftesbury Lunatic
24GeorgeCREECHPatient Unm63 Barman in "public"  Lunatic
25JamesDACOMBEPatient Unm38 None Lunatic Blind
Page 10           
1CorneliusDARGAN   38   Lunatic
2JohnDERRYMANPatient Unm26 NoneBuckland Newton Idiot
3JohnDUFFYPatient Mar60 Agricultural LabourerWool Lunatic
4WilliamDYERPatient Unm32 Agricultural LabourerBurton Lunatic
5John CollinsFLETCHER PatientUnm25 Labourer at Gas Works Portsea HantsLunatic
6JohnFOOTPatient Widower75 GardenerMinterne Magna Lunatic
7JamesFRENCHPatient Mar60 BakerAxminster Devonsh Lunatic
8GeorgeGILESPatient Unm25 None Idiot
9WilliamGODFREYPatient Mar65 SawyerGlastonbury Somerset Lunatic Outpatient
10RichardGRIFFITHSPatient  65  Birmingham Warwicks Lunatic
11GeorgeHARVEYPatient Unm37 GamekeeperShroton Lunatic
12WilliamHICKMANPatient Mar50 GardenerWeymouth Lunatic
13GeorgeIRONSPatient  24   Lunatic
14ThomasJOYPatient Mar64 FarmerSt Giles Nr Cranborne Lunatic
15CharlesLARCOMBEPatient Unm59 TailorBroad Windsor Lunatic
16WilliamLOADERPatient Unm33 Roadbuilder  Lunatic
17EdwardLOVELESSPatient Unm39   Lunatic
18RichardPAUL (a)Patient Widow65 Agricultural LabourerBlandford Lunatic
19RichardPAUL (b)Patient Mar44 do doBeaminsterLunatic
20WilliamPAULPatient Widower45 ShoemakerBeaminster Lunatic
21William HenryPHILLIPS PatientMar61 Confectioner Clebunger? HerefordLunatic
22JohnPRANKONPatient Unm39 SeamanPortland Dorset Lunatic
23EdwardPROBERTPatient Unm42 Domestic ServantKinton Herefordshire Lunatic
24JosephRICHARDSPatient Unm64 BlacksmithWinterborne Lunatic
25Cornelius KeatsSTOCKLEY PatientUnm26 School Teacher Rohais Isle of GuernseyLunatic
Page 11           
1EdwardTHOMPSONPatient Unm24   Lunatic
2EdwardTILLIDGEPatient Unm32  WeymouthLunatic
3ThomasVINCENTPatient Widower71 Gen Labourer  Lunatic
4EthelredVINEPatient Mar33 Dairyman Lunatic
5HenryWALLBRIDGEPatient Mar48 Agric Labourer  Lunatic
6JohnWILLIAMSPatient  31   Lunatic
7George TWISEPatient Unm34 Teacher in School  Lunatic
8WilliamALLDRIDGEPatient  42   Lunatic
9EdmundBALLPatient Unm36 BakerWimborneLunatic
10JohnBEVANPatient Unm70  S WalesLunatic
11IsaacBISHOPPatient Unm51 HairdresserPortsea Hants Lunatic
12WilliamBRIDLEPatient Unm66 Agricultural LabourSydling Lunatic
13WilliamCHANDLERPatient Unm49  Fareham Hants Lunatic
14GeorgeCHRISTOPHER PatientMar64 Agricultural Labour PurbeckLunatic
15SimonCRIDLANDPatient Unm35 MasonBradfordLunatic
16HenryDODDPatient Unm45 BootmakerPortsmouth Hants Lunatic
17JamesEYLESPatient Unm17  Southsea Hants Lunatic
18PatrickFOLEYPatient Unm38 Vagrant Lunatic
19JohnFORDPatient Mar59 Stone MasonWest Stratton Lunatic
20JamesGABRIELPatient Unm38  HerefordLunatic
21HenryGALEPatient Unm50 ShoemakerBurton Bradstock Lunatic
22SamuelGALLEYPatient Unm26 QuarrymanHerston Nr Swanage Lunatic
23EdwardGOULDPatient Unm33 WoodmanBere Regis Lunatic
24FrederickGRANTPatient Unm30   Lunatic
25CharlesGREENEPatient Unm18   Lunatic
Page 12           
1RichardGROVESPatient Unm24 Agric Labourer  Lunatic
2DavidHALLPatient Unm35 do do Lunatic
3EdwinHARDWICKEPatient Unm26 Coachpainter  Lunatic
4James GHARVEYPatient  28   Lunatic
5ThomasHEADPatient Widower60 Plumber & GlazierPortsea Hants Lunatic
6JamesHILLYERPatient Unm40  Portsea Hants Lunatic
7BernardHUGHESPatient Unm55 BlacksmithParish of I? Co Armagh Ireland Lunatic
8David Wm MayJONESPatient Unm26 ClerkPortsea Hants Lunatic
9DavidKINGPatient Unm65 TannerLeigh Nr Sherborne Lunatic
10ThomasLAKEPatient  70 ShoemakerMonmouth Lunatic
11CharlesLEWISPatient Unm59   Lunatic
12JohnLEACHPatient Unm34 OrganistBurtonLunatic
13CharlesMELVILLEPatient Unm27   Imbecile
14CharlesMORAYPatient Unm55 Agricultural LabourerLoders Bridport Lunatic
15RobertMARTINPatient Unm65 SeamanLimehouse Kent Lunatic
16BenjaminPAYNEPatient Unm34  Southsea Hants Lunatic
17WilliamPEARSEPatient Unm52   Lunatic
18JamesPHIPPARDPatient Unm67 Agricultural LabourerWest Morden Lunatic
19RobertPITCHERPatient Unm40 Agricultural LabourerShalbury Lunatic
20AlfredREEVESPatient Unm36 do do Lunatic
21LeviSAMWAYSPatient Unm60 Agricultural LabourerWroxall Lunatic
22JamesSANDYSPatient  38  Cranborne Lunatic
23JohnSAMDENTS?Patient Widower74 NavvyHereford Lunatic
24JosephSIBLEYPatient Unm45 Groom & Domestic ServantMelbury Lunatic
25JamesSTOODLEYPatient Mar60 Agricultural LabourerWeyford Nr Crewkerne Somerset Lunatic
Page 13           
1GeorgeTHORN (alias Thornly) PatientUnm27 SeamanGosport Hants Lunatic
2WilliamWALTERSPatient  57   Lunatic
3CharlesWATKINPatient  30   Lunatic
4GeorgeWELLSTEADPatient Mar57 BootmakerPortsmouth Hants Lunatic
5JohnWILLSPatient Widower78    Lunatic
6GeorgeHATCHARDPatient Mar60 Agric Labourer  Lunatic
7SamuelJOHNSONPatient  45 do do Lunatic
8GeorgeMUSSEL WHITE PatientUnm45    Lunatic
9GeorgeMAJORPatient Unm65 Labourer AgrictNetherbury Lunatic
10JohnPOUNDPatient Mar45 FarmerWoolmiston Lunatic
11JohnREADPatient Mar73 Servant & Footman  Lunatic
12ArthurREADPatient Unm27   Imbecile
13WilliamSTACEYPatient Unm60 FarmerWarrington Lunatic
14William DeanneTHURMAN PatientMar50 Schoolmaster WeymouthLunatic
15WilliamWESTPatient Mar34 Labourer AgrictPortsmouth Hants Lunatic
16JosephWEEKSPatient Mar55 QuarrymanSwanage Lunatic
17JosephWOODHOUSEPatient Unm52 Labourer AgrictSt Mainett? Lunatic
18CharlesWOODWARDPatient Unm24 NoneWindsor Berks Lunatic
19FrankASHPatient Unm58 Labourer Agrict  Lunatic
20JamesBAFFPatient Unm48 Labourer Agrict  Lunatic
21WilliamCALLCOTTPatient Unm48 GardenerAshburton Lunatic
22WilliamCALCUSPatient  66   Lunatic
23RichardCOURTNEYPatient Mar68 BlacksmithWeymouth Lunatic
24HenryCREESPatient Unm38 Labourer Agrict  Lunatic
25ThomasDOWDALEPatient Unm26 Rope MakerPooleLunatic
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1MarkEDWARDSPatient Unm28   Lunatic
2ThomasGALLOPPatient Mar62 CarpenterBere Regis Lunatic
3HanryGALPINPatient Mar29 Labourer AgricMarnhull Lunatic
4JohnGOUNDRYPatient Mar40 SeamanSouthampton Imbecile
5HenryGOUGHPatient Mar56 Clerk?Lunatic
6IsaacHOUSHAMPatient Mar45 FarmerShosston?Lunatic
7CharlesHEWLETTPatient Mar51 SeamanLougport Ireland Lunatic
8HarryHISCOCKPatient Mar37 BlacksmithHookLunatic
9JohnHODDINSTLEPatient Unm42 SawyerSherborneLunatic
10FrederickHOLLANDPatient  51   Idiot
11WilliamHORNPatient Mar61 BakerPlymouthLunatic
12RobertHYDEPatient Mar26 Seaman Lunatic
13ArthurLOADERPatient Unm33  LondonLunatic
14GeorgePARSONSPatient Mar70 Stone MasonMotcombe Lunatic
15TheodorMOUNCER?Patient  44 Organ Player  Lunatic
16WilliamMYALLPatient Unm32 Labourer Agric  Lunatic
17WilliamMOREYPatient Mar52 LabourerWest Lulworth Lunatic
18JohnMUNDAYPatient Mar32 Boiler-MakerSunderland Lunatic
19JohnNEWMANPatient Mar60 SeamanSouthampton Lunatic
20RobertNOTTONPatient Mar36 Carpenter Lunatic
21JohnNICHOLLSPatient Mar30 Tailor Lunatic
22ThomasOSEYPatient Unm32 Labourer AgricFrance Lunatic
23ThomasORCHARDPatient Unm30 Groom D SMudford Lunatic
24GeorgePOORPatient Unm33 Labourer AgricBlandford Lunatic
25DavidPRICEPatient Unm38 Labourer AgricWest Bromwich LTW Lunatic
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1CharlesROSEPatient Widower46 Ropemaker  Lunatic
2JohnSHEEHANPatient Unm46 LabourerIrelandLunatic
3WilliamSHEPPERDPatient Mar60 ShoemakerStalbridge Lunatic
4BenjaminSTONEPatient Mar42 LabourerSymondsbury Lunatic
5JohnTHORNTONPatient Mar43 Soldier Lunatic
6JamesTOMSPatient Mar60 Collourmaker?Wick Longport Ireland Lunatic
7RobertTURNERPatient  45   Lunatic
8JosephWILLIAMSPatient  34   Lunatic
9JohnALLENPatient Unm44 ShoemakerBeaminster Lunatic
10AlfredBLANCHARDPatient Unm33 GardenerBlandford Lunatic
11EdwardBISHOPPatient Mar42 Labourer AgricultBradford Abbas Lunatic
12JohnBISHOPPatient Unm52 CarpenterFordington Dorchester Lunatic
13WilliamBAXTERPatient Unm58 Labourer AgricultPiddletrenthide Lunatic
14CharlesBELBINPatient Mar62 ShoemakerShaftesbury Lunatic
15JamesBURDENPatient Unm55 BricklayerParkstone Lunatic
16JohnBURGESSPatient Widower73 HawkerLondon Lunatic
17AlbertBENNETTPatient Mar61 ShoemakerPimperne Lunatic
18CharlesCHILDSPatient Unm45 ShoemakerEast Coker Yeovil Somerset Lunatic
19MartinCURTISPatient Mar75 ServantMarnhullLunatic
20GeorgeCUSSPatient Unm61 Clerk in BankFrampton Lunatic
21HenryDAVIESPatient Unm50 Shoemaker Lunatic
22JamesDOYLEPatient Unm42 Labourer AgricultIreland Lunatic
23Job?Patient Unm51 Labourer AgricultBeaminster Lunatic
24CharlesGORMANPatient Mar50 BlacksmithGosport Lunatic
25EsauHODDERPatient Mar60 TailorMaiden Newton Lunatic
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1H…..buryHOADEPatient Unm54 Labourer AgricBlandford Lunatic
2JamesJOLLIFEPatient Mar71 Labourer AgricCranborne Lunatic
3CharlesKELLAWAYPatient Unm42 CarpenterMelcombe Regis Lunatic
4RobertLAWRENCEPatient Unm38   Lunatic
5ThomasLOCKYERPatient Widower61 ShoemakerSouthampton Lunatic
6JamesMEECHPatient Widower61 Shoemaker  Lunatic
7PatrickMcDONALDPatient Mar41 ShoemakerIreland Lunatic
8JohnMANSELPatient Mar51 SawyerHerefordLunatic
9JosephMAIDMENTPatient Unm35 Labourer AgricMelbury Abbas Lunatic
10WilliamPRICHARDPatient Unm31   Lunatic
11JamesPHIPPARDPatient Mar54 Tinman Lunatic
12JohnPARSONSPatient  61 Labourer Agric  Lunatic
13GeorgePASHENPatient Mar52 MasonBincombeLunatic
14JamesPUSSELLPatient Unm52 GardenerHook Beaminster Lunatic
15William SPEADPatient Unm27 Labourer AgricGillingham Lunatic
16JohnSTICKLANDPatient Unm60   Lunatic
17IsaacSYMESPatient Mar46 DairymanLongburton Lunatic
18RobertSEARLEPatient Unm45 Labourer Agric  Imbecile
19GeorgeTRIMPatient Unm60 PainterWeymouthLunatic
20ThomasWHEELERPatient Unm57 BricklayerSturminster Lunatic
21HenryWILLIAMSPatient Unm52 Labourer Agric  Lunatic
22MaryBRINEPatient Unm 59Domestic ServantDorchester Lunatic
23MaryBALLPatient Mar 57Laundress Lunatic
24ElizabethBARBERPatient Unm 42SempstressIlminster Lunatic
25JoanBROWNPatient Unm 29Factory GirlSherborne Lunatic
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1LouisaBROWNPatient Mar 50 GosportLunatic
2GeorginaCUFFPatient Unm 35Domestic ServantBlandford Lunatic
3BettyCHEESEMANPatient Unm 55NeedlewomanWhitchurch Lunatic
4AnnCUMMINSPatient Unm 61NeedlewomanStalbridge Lunatic
5EmmaEXELBURYPatient Unm 21VagrantHelston Cornwall Lunatic
6PhoebeFANCYPatient Mar 46Labourers Wife  Lunatic
7JaneFRAMPTONPatient Mar 51Labourers WifeDorchester Lunatic
8AnnGOODWINPatient Unm 44LaundressWoolLunatic
9AmeliaGILLINGHAMPatient Unm 39Worker in LaundryCerne Abbas Lunatic
10ClarissaGEORGEPatient Mar 67MillinerDorchester Lunatic
11ThurzaHILLIERPatient Unm 36Agric Labourer  Lunatic
12HannahJOLLIFEPatient Mar 60Laobour’s Wife  Lunatic
13AnnKINGPatient Mar 56DressmakerGosport Lunatic
14EmilyKINGPatient Unm 22Domestic ServantGillingham Lunatic
15HannahLODGEPatient Unm 55Agric LabourerShaftesbury Lunatic
16ElizabethLODERPatient Mar 70LaundressSherborne Lunatic
17AliceLUSHPatient Mar 60Labourers WifeCompton Abbas Lunatic
18AnnSHACKLETONPatient Mar 73Agric Labourers WifeMelbury Abbas Lunatic
19FannyOWENPatient Unm 44 Newport Monmouth Lunatic
20RebeccaORCHARDPatient Mar 48Agric Labourer  Lunatic
21SarahPORTPatient Mar 66do doMartinstown Lunatic
22CharlottePOOR?Patient Mar 42do doWoodbury Hill Lunatic
23RachelSAMSONPatient Unm 52Domestic ServantPurbeck Lunatic
24AliceSTANLEYPatient Mar 60  Lunatic
25ElizabethWATLEYPatient Unm 62Domestic ServantGillingham Lunatic
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1SarahALLENPatient Mar 60  Lunatic
2PrudenceALLUMPatient Unm 55Domestic Service  Lunatic
3MarthaBRADLEYPatient Unm 13  Lunatic
4MaryBONNETTPatient Widow 63NeedlewomanPiddletown Lunatic
5ElizabethBILESPatient Unm 46ServantMilborne St Andrew Lunatic
6JuliannaBILLETTPatient Mar 22Wife of Agric LabourerShapwick Blandford Lunatic
7CharlotteBYWATERPatient Mar 58Domestic Servant Ladys Maid  Lunatic
8SarahBARFOOTPatient Unm 68ServantWoodlands Cranborne Lunatic
9SarahCAFF/CASSPatient Widow 61Book Binder  Lunatic
10ElizabethCHAPPLEPatient Unm 67Domestic Servant  Lunatic
11Mary AnnCOOMBSPatient Unm 57  Lunatic
12ElizabethCANNARPLES? PatientWidow 56 Portsmouth Lunatic
13ElizabethCOXPatient Unm 51 CharmouthLunatic
14KeziaCURTISPatient Mar 32Wife of Smith  Lunatic
15MaryCHUBBPatient Unm 25Dressmaker  Lunatic
16MaryELLISPatient   14  Idiot
17Mary AnnFORDPatient Widow 60NeedlewomanPortland Lunatic
18MatildaGILLETTPatient Unm 42  Lunatic
19SophiaHAYTERPatient Mar 49Wife of Brick Maker  Lunatic
20LouiseHUMBERPatient Unm 34ServantCompton Abbas Lunatic
21SarahHARVEYPatient Unm 48  Lunatic
22MarthaHAMPTONPatient Mar 55 Portsmouth Lunatic
23ElizabethHARVEYPatient Widow 66Widow of Game Keeper  Lunatic
24JaneHATCHERPatient Mar 48  Lunatic
25SarahHEBDITCHPatient Unm 23Domestic Servant & Housemaid SherborneLunatic
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1ElizabethJUSTICEPatient Widow 38Government PensionerPortsea Lunatic
2MaryAnnJAYPatient Widow 77do doGranville Lunatic
3AnnJONESPatient Unm 76  Lunatic
4HarrietKNAPPPatient Mar 70  Lunatic
5JaneLLOYDPatient Unm 59  Lunatic
6JaneLILEPatient Widow 57NeedlewomanLytchett Lunatic
7ElizabethGREENPatient   60  Lunatic
8JaneMITCHELLPatient Unm 59  Idiot
9CatherineMATTHEWSPatient Unm 60  Lunatic
10ElizabethMUNDEWPatient Unm 46ServantEleyLunatic
11ElizabethNEWMANPatient Mar 36  Lunatic
12JaneMcCONNORPatient Mar 50Wife of SoldierIreland Lunatic
13PriscillaPOOLEPatient Unm 46Agric Labourer  Lunatic
14MargaretPRICEPatient Unm 56  Lunatic
15CarolinePHIPPPatient Mar 47Dressmaker  Lunatic
16SarahROBINSONPatient Unm 32ServantSouthampton Lunatic
17JaneROBERTSPatient Unm 50  Lunatic
18MarthaRAMBLEPatient Widow 59  Lunatic
19HannahSTICKLEYPatient Unm 28Servant & all workCharlton Kent Lunatic
20SarahSYMESPatient Mar 56  Lunatic
21ElizabethSTAINERPatient Unm 34  Lunatic
22CharlotteSTICKLAND PatientWidow 49Tailoress LitchettLunatic
23Mary AnnTOPPPatient Mar 42Weaver Lunatic
24JaneTEATUNCAN ?Patient Mar 49  Lunatic
25GeorginaCLARKPatient Mar 45SeamstressPiddletown Lunatic
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1RosaCLARKPatient Mar 45Servant Lunatic
2ElizabethBARBERPatient Unm 60HucksterGrimston Lunatic
3CatherineBELLPatient Unm 52ServantSiltonLunatic
4MariaBAKERPatient Unm 65Servant Lunatic
5ElizabethCOWARDPatient Mar 29Labourers WifePimperne Lunatic
6SarahCOBBPatient Unm 24  Lunatic
7CatherineDOBBINPatient Unm 46  Lunatic
8SarahFOWLERPatient Unm 74LaundressLymeLunatic
9SarahFRAMPTONPatient Mar 65Labourers WifeWimborne Lunatic
10AnnFORDPatient Unm 51Needlewoman  Lunatic
11ElizabethHENSTRIDGE PatientUnm 25Dressmaker  Lunatic
12SarahHILEPatient Mar 63Labourers Wife  Lunatic
13BetsyHARPERPatient Mar 30Labourers WifeKingston Lunatic
14ElizabethHANSFORD Patient  12    
15ElizabethIBBETTPatient   48Dressmaker  Lunatic
16CharlotteJONESPatient Mar 31Soldiers WifePortland Lunatic
17ElizabethJAMESPatient Unm 30Servant Lunatic
18Anna CharlotteMORRISSON PatientMar 39Lodging House Keeper ParkstoneLunatic
19CatherineMORLEYPatient Mar 37Soldiers WifeIreland Lunatic
20LucyMABYPatient Mar 26Labourers Wife  Lunatic
21SarahPILEPatient Unm 25 Symondsbury Lunatic
22Mary AnnPARKERPatient Unm 31Domestic Servant Housemaid  Lunatic
23MaryROPERPatient Unm 37Domestic Servant All Work  Lunatic
24SusanROLLSPatient Mar 43Shepherds WifeVerwood? Lunatic
25WilliamSMITHPatient  7 Labourers Son  Idiot
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1SusanTIZARDPatient Mar 39Tailor’s Wife  Lunatic
2HarriettWAITEPatient Mar 40Warder’s WifeIsle of Wight Lunatic
3JanieWRASS?Patient Unm 45Dressmaker  Lunatic
4JaneYEATMANPatient Unm 49ServantSherborne Lunatic
5Sarah AnnABBOTTPatient   41  Lunatic
6ElizabethBRYERPatient Unm 28SchoolmistressSouthampton Lunatic
7Sarah CatherineBASSON PatientUnm 24None  Lunatic Idiot
8ElizabethBARBERPatient Unm 28ServantHolewellLunatic
9Blanch ElizabethCOOPER PatientUnm 22 Bradford Lunatic
10Mary AnnCOOMBSPatient   57  Lunatic
11Mary AnnHAMPTONPatient Unm 23 Broadchalk Lunatic
12ClaraFOSTERPatient Unm 23 Whitchurch Hants Lunatic
13ClarissaGARDENERPatient Unm 20Needlewoman  Lunatic
14Jane LuckhurstGARDINER PatientUnm 35   Lunatic
15EllenGOODPatient Unm 41Silk WeaverBath Somerset Lunatic
16ElizabethGRAYPatient Unm 70 GranvilleLunatic
17ElizabethGRALE/GALE PatientUnm 55Dressmaker  Lunatic
18MargaretHUNTPatient Unm 38Agric Labours WifeLittle Burton Lunatic
19HarriettHUNTPatient Mar 47Agric Labours WifeWorth Lunatic
20JaneHILLIERPatient Unm 43 Monkton Pererall Lunatic
21AnnJENKINSPatient Unm 83SchoolmistressChepstow Mon Lunatic
22Mary AnnLOUSS?Patient Unm 31  Lunatic
23SusanNEWPatient Unm 25 MappowderLunatic
24SophiaPARKPatient Mar 43Labour’s WifeCharlton Lunatic
25LouisaRICHARDSPatient Unm 52 LangportLunatic
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1MiriamROBERTSPatient Mar 25Warder’s wifeBotley Hants Lunatic
2ElizabethSPAULPatient Unm  Servant  Lunatic
3ElizabethSANSOMPatient Mar 40Shepherd’s wifeWest Lulworth Lunatic
4PhoebeSENNICKPatient Unm 22ServantPortsmouth Lunatic
5SarahTHORNEPatient Mar 76Labour’s wife  Lunatic
6HonororTUCKERPatient Unm 67Domestic ServantDewlish Lunatic
7SophiaVINEPatient Widow 62Domestic Servant  Lunatic
8AnnWARRPatient Mar 64Gatekeeper’s wife  Lunatic
9KateWOODROWPatient Unm 73 West Lulworth Lunatic
10SeliaALBERTAPatient Unm 37ServantChinaLunatic
11CharlotteALDRIDGE PatientMar 31 Stour Lunatic
12ElizabethBLANDFORD PatientMar 48Laundress SalisburyLunatic
13JaneBOWERPatient Mar 41ServantLongtonLunatic
14RuthBINKSPatient Mar 60 Southampton Lunatic
15SarahBRACKSTONEPatient Mar 35DressmakerSherborne Lunatic
16JaneCURTISPatient Unm 28BakeressWarehamLunatic
17ElizabethCHILDSPatient Unm 34Servant Lunatic
18MarthaCRITCHELLPatient Mar 55Labourer’s wifeMartinstown Lunatic
19CarolineCOURAGEPatient Mar 41Servant Lunatic
20EllenCREESPatient Unm 25 Portsea Hants Lunatic
21ElizabethCOLLINGTON PatientMar 37Sempstress  Lunatic
22ElizabethCOLMANPatient Mar 60 SwanageLunatic
23SarahCHISLETTPatient Mar 57TailoressEvershot Lunatic
24GeorginaCOTRELLPatient Unm 40  Lunatic
25ElizabethCUFTPatient Mar 54LaundressLangton Blandford Lunatic
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1LouisaDAVIDGEPatient Unm 21  Lunatic
2JaneFOOTPatient Unm 48Strawplaster /Swanage Lunatic
3SusanFRAMPTONPatient Mar 52?BeaminsterLunatic
4CharlotteGEORGEPatient Mar 25GeneralLaborer Wife  Lunatic
5Mary AnnHAYWARDPatient Mar 71DressmakerDorchester Lunatic
6Mary AnnHULBERTPatient Unm 25  Lunatic
7SusanHARDINGPatient   40 Southsea Lunatic
8ElizabethHOLLANDPatient Unm 57Agricultural LaborerCrewkerne Som Lunatic
9AnnHALLIDAYPatient Mar 53Domestic Servant  Lunatic
10MaryLURNEYPatient Mar 28ServantSouthampton Lunatic
11JoannaLIGHTPatient Mar 65Baker’s wife  Lunatic
12AnnLANGRISHPatient Mar 51  Lunatic
13MiriamMURPHYPatient Unm 25  Lunatic
14ElizabethMABERPatient Unm 30ServantNetherbury Lunatic
15SarahNEALPatient Mar 41LaundressRadipole Lunatic
16AliceNEWMANPatient Unm 63 PortlandLunatic
17Mary JaneOLDPatient Unm 30SempstressDorchester Lunatic
18ElizabethPRESTONPatient Mar 40 Woolbridge Lunatic
19AnnPRIESTPatient Unm 71  Lunatic
20SophiaRIDEOUTPatient Mar 64General Laborers WifeWorth Lunatic
21HarriettRICEPatient Mar 36ServantWarminster Wilts Lunatic
22EllenSILVERLOCKPatient Unm 59  Lunatic
23Mary AnnSCARLETTPatient Unm 15  Idiot
24ElizabethSQUIBBPatient Mar 55Servant All workWeymouth Lunatic
25Salney ?SEALEPatient Unm 55Servant CookNetherbury Lunatic
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1MargaretTURNERPatient Unm 67  Lunatic
2Elizabeth AnnWORLEDGE PatientUnm 21Domestic Servant Cook BathLunatic

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