Baptisms 1840 - 1879
Transcribed by Rachel Kent from records at the Dorset History Centre
do = daughter of
so = son of
Lbr = labourer
CC = Corfe Castle
priv = private baptism
bb = base born
The father was a labourer, unless otherwise specified.
The parents abode was Corfe Castle unless otherwise specified.
7 Jan; William Henry so George and Betsy STOCKLEY, of Afflington Farm
8 Jan; Julia do George and Mary Anne MARSH, of Bushey
27 Jan; Ann do Thomas and Charles PAYNE, claycutter of Sharford
31 Jan; John so Henry and Rebekah BATTRICK
5 Feb; Louisa Smith do George and Louisa HOLLAND, of Blashenwell
8 Feb; Marianne Jane do William and Ellen GRANT – private
10 Feb; Sarah Anne do Joseph and Anna BRINTON, of Norden Heath – private
27 Feb; Eliza do William and Ellen TATCHELL, of Kingston – private 1st April 1860
2 Mar; Jane do Richard and Elizabeth UDLE, servant of Lynch – private 1 April 1860
10 Apr; Emma Jane do John and Sarah MEDLIN, coast guard of Bottom – private
15 Apr; George so John and Sarah Jane NINEHAM, of North Castle
25 Apr; George so Samuel and Sarah DIFFEY – private
29 Apr; Albert Herbert so George and Martha WHITE, of Norden
13 May; Walter William so Henry and Sarah WHITE, of Norden Heath
10 Jun; George so Samuel Anne BROWN
10 Jun; David so Charles and Mary Anne STOCKLEY
10 Jun; Thomas so John and Sarah KEATH, butcher
12 Jun; Edith do Thomas and Sarah JOHNSTON, serjeant of police – private 29 July
13 Jun; Martha Anne do Stephen and Anne BEAVES of Kingston – private 1 July
1 Jul; Annie Jane do Charles and Mary KENT, farmer of Blashenwell
1 Jul; Edwin so William and Sarah DAMER, of Kingston
1 Jul; John Read so John Read and Tamar Miller Hunter SAUNDERS, packet steward of Bottom
1 Jul; Ellen Mary do James and Ellen GOODCHILD, blacksmith of Kingston
6 Jul; George William so Robert Wilson and Mary WRIGHT, relieving officer – private
8 Jul; Charles so George and Martha DAVIS, of Ailwood
29 Jul; Alice Maud do John Gordon and Mary PICKING, civil engineer
5 Aug; George so George and Jane CROCKER, dairyman of West Holme, Stoke
5 Aug; Emanuel Farwell so George and Jane CROCKER, of West Holme, Stoke
5 Aug; Hetty Margaret do John and Mary Goodchild ROSE, watchmaker of Kingston
12 Aug; William so Henry and Elizabeth DAY, carpenter
12 Aug; Charles so William and Mary Ann MARSHALSAY, claycutter of Norden Heath
2 Sep; Mary Hetty do George and Ellen VINCENT, of Ailwood
2 Sep; Elizabeth Emma do William and Sophia SALISBURY
9 Sep; Elizabeth Roe do Edward and Susan Ann CARD, school master of Cerne Abbas
26 Sep; John Joseph so Robert and Mary GRANT
3 Oct; Robert so Thomas and Jane TAYLOR, innkeeper of Wych
7 Oct; Sarah do Aaron and Elizabeth SMITH, dairyman of Afflington
10 Oct; Henry George so Samuel and Caroline HOLLAND, of West Hill
11 Nov; Emma do Frank and Susan BLANDFORD, of Lower Woolgarsten
23 Nov; Levi so George and Ann STOCKLEY
2 Dec; John Thomas so John and Jane COKES, drumond? of Wareham
5 Dec; Marianne do James and Marianne Martha CARTER, coachman of Rempstone
25 Dec; Mary Elizabeth do Henry and Caroline FURMAGE
25 Dec; Eliza do Louisa TRENT
25 Dec; Marianne do William and Ellen COLLINS
6 Jan; George so Timothy and Jane DIFFEY, servant
6 Jan; Louisa do Benjamin and Elizabeth TALBOT, shoemaker
6 Jan; William Henry so Henry and Jane STICKLAND, shepherd of West Hill
13 Jan; Fanny do Sanson and Sarah RENDALL, of Ailwood
18 Jan; Arthur John so Andrew and Hester DYER, surgeon
18 Jan; Emily Elizabeth do Andrew and Hester DYER, surgeon
18 Jan; Henry Edmund so Andrew and Hester DYER, surgeon
23 Jan; Walter John so William and Sophia DEAN, carter of Rempstone
3 Feb; Jane do Richard and Anne CHAFFEY, claycutter
3 Feb; Lucy do Thomas James and Sarah FRY, boatman
3 Mar; Jesse son or dau of John and Anne DOREY, of Kingston
3 Mar; Job so Robert and Eliza SEARLEY, mole catcher of Arfleet
8 Mar; Eustace Ralph do Eldon Surtees and Charlotte Elizabeth BANKES, Rector
13 Mar; Sarah do John and Sarah TRENT, of Norden
13 Mar; Ann do John and Fanny BRINTON, claycutter of Norden Heath
17 Mar; Phoebe Ann do George and Louisa JOHNSTONE
24 Mar; Ellen do Joseph and Anna BRINTON, of Norden
24 Mar; Mary Anne do Francis and Elizabeth DESALLIOND, tailor
31 Mar; Edwin so Thomas and Elizabeth HIBBS, mason
31 Mar; George so John and Mary Ann MORRIS, claycutter
1 Apr; Samuel so Robert and Margaret MARSHALSEA, claycutter of Norden Heath
3 Apr; John Gordon so John Gordon and Mary PICKING, civil engineer
5 May; George so Sarah Anna RENDALL, of Ailwood
19 May; Samuel so John and Sarah KITCAT, claycutter of Knowle parish
26 May; Eliza do William and Susannah HASKELL, of Burley
26 May; William Henry so James and Mary HOLLAND, shepherd of Encombe
2 Jun; Annie do Thomas and Amelia WILSON, chief boatman of Bottom
23 Jun; Albert so Henry James and E VYE, butcher
23 Jun; Sarah Sophia do John Robert and Anne Churchill DIFFEY, claycutter of Norden
15 Jul; Harry so Joseph and Elizabeth SNOOK, publican
2 Aug; Samuel so George and Sarah DAMEN, of Kingston
4 Aug; Henry John so George and Susan Anne STOCKLEY, policeman of Harron on the Hill
11 Aug; Lucy Hannah do Charles and Elizabeth BRINTON, claycutter of Norden Heath
14 Aug; Herbert so James and Hester HIBBS, school master
18 Aug; Albert so Alfred and Eliza WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
25 Aug; James Mansfield so John and Hannah HILL, brick maker of Lynch
26 Aug; Sarah do Ellen SAMSON
1 Sep; Annie do George and Elizabeth KEATS, butcher
1 Sep; Joseph so William and Elizabeth WILLS, of Ower Papye
8 Sep; Caroline do William and Sarah Rebecca WHITE, claycutter
8 Sep; Alfred George so John and Sarah Jane NINEHAM, shepherd of North Castle
16 Sep; Lydia Charlotte do Thomas and Charlotte PAYNE, claycutter of Sharford
29 Sep; Mary Susan do Thomas and Sarah AUDLEY, shoemaker
3 Oct; Frances do William and Elizabeth HATCHARD, seaman
3 Oct; George Herbert so George and Selina BURGESS, of Newton
3 Oct; Susan Ann do George and Eleanor GOULD, of Scotland Heath
6 Oct; George Alvan so John and Mary Goodchild ROSE, clock maker of Kingston
10 Oct; George Biddlecombe so Charles and Mary KENT, farmer of Blashenwell
20 Oct; Frederic John so John and Clarissa JOHNSON, shopkeeper
14 Nov; George Porter so Charles and Elizabeth VINCENT
17 Nov; Sarah Lydia do Thomas and Hannah STOCKLEY, claycutter
4 Dec; Eliza Amelia do George and Susan Sophia DAY, carpenter
8 Dec; Emma do Emma WHITE, of Norden Heath
8 Dec; Mary Jane do George and Martha WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
25 Dec; Sarah do John James and Susan Ann STICKLAND, tranter
25 Dec; Frances do Thomas and Jane MOSS, shoemaker
25 Dec; Eliza do William and Ellen CATTLE, claycutter
25 Dec; Sophia Jane do James and Sophia WHITE, servant
19 Jan; Charles so Manuel and Margaret CHURCHILL, of Rempstone Heath
19 Jan; Eliza do James and Mary Ann BATRICK, claycutter of Rempstone Heath
10 Feb; William so Sarah CATTLE
28 Feb; William Henry so John Gordon and Mary PICKING, civil engineer
12 Mar; William Rolstone Whiteway so William and Susan Rolstone FOOT, miller of Arfleet
15 Mar; Sarah Ann do William and Sarah NINEHAM, of Kingston
4 Apr; Mary Elizabeth do John and Elizabeth WEBBER, stone cutter
6 Apr; William James so Samuel and Caroline HOLLAND, of West Hill Kingston
6 Apr; Albert so Stephen and Charlotte DOREY, carpenter of Kingston
13 Apr; Frederick John so Thomas and Sarah ROE, parish clerk
13 Apr; Henry so Robert Miller and Jane EDMUNDS, claycutter of Norden Heath
14 Apr; Louisa do William and Emma SPECK, claycutter
20 Apr; Jemima Fry do Henry and Rebecca BATTRICK, claycutter
4 May; Charles James so Charles Mark and Elizabeth CLEUCH, keeper of Kingston
4 May; Edna Eliza do Ellen KELLAWAY
1 Jun; Selina Luckham do George and Mary BEAVES, carpenter of Kingston
8 Jun; William so Marianne VINCENT, of Bushey
8 Jun; Anne do Joseph Manuel and Charlotte GOVER, mason
18 Jun; Caroline do William and Ellen GRANT, claycutter
22 Jun; Susan Ann do Edward and Susan Ann CARD, school master
24 Jun; John Henry so William and Jane BURGESS, butcher
6 Jul; Susannah Maria do Edward and Emma Jane JAMES, coast guard of Bottom
6 Jul; Job Angel so John and Elizabeth BEAVES, shoemaker of Kingston
27 Jul; Thomas so Thomas and Eliza BURGESS, sailor of Stoborough Wareham
27 Jul; Eliza Jane do Henry John and Eliza GLEMISTER sailor of Deptford St Paul
3 Aug; William Thomas so William and Sophia LOVELESS
3 Aug; Daniel Bishop so George and Ellen VINCENT
3 Aug; Richard Hubert so Frederic and Elizabeth MOORE, gardener of Encombe
3 Aug; Selina do Richard and Elizabeth NOBLE, of Lynch
3 Aug; Jacob George so William and Keziah WARR, of Lynch
10 Aug; Besie do Joseph and Sarah Ann CURTIS, mason
10 Aug; James Charles so Charles and Sarah Ellen VINCENT, of Woolgarsten
13 Aug; Mary Anne do Edward and Elizabeth CAINES
17 Aug; Mary Rachel do Robert and Mary GRANT
17 Aug; Emily do George and Mary WHITE, claycutter of Norden
20 Aug; Albert Edward so Edward and Mary Ann APLIN, relieving officer
24 Aug; Ellen do Henry and Caroline FURMAGE, claycutter
7 Sep; Herbert Stowell so Eldon Surtees and Charlotte Elizabeth BANKES, Rector
5 Oct; Bessy Jane do Charles and Elizabeth TALBOT, of Kingston
10 Oct; Mary Jane do Timothy and Jane DIFFEY, farmer of Parkstone Poole
19 Oct; Sarah Ann do Joseph and Hannah BRINTON, of Norden Heath
24 Oct; Frederick James so James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, yeoman of Norden
15 Nov; Alfred so George and Ann STOCKLEY, claycutter
19 Nov; Albert so Thomas and Jane TAYLOR, innkeeper of Wych
23 Nov; Elizabeth Jane do John and Jane STOCKLEY, of Stoborough in Wareham
23 Nov; John so George and Martha DAVIS, of Woolgarsten
23 Nov; Annie do Louisa TRENT
26 Nov; David so William and Ellen TATCHELL, of Kingston
25 Nov; Richard so James and Ann CUPCOMBE, coast guard of Bottom
26 Nov; Mary Susan do Stephen and Ann BEAVIS, of Kingston
25 Dec; Louisa do Thomas and Elizabeth HIBBS, mason
25 Dec; Edwin Charles so William and Jane BRINTON, claycutter of Norden
26 Dec; Susan do Isaac Newton and Mary Cutler BRIDLE, baker
2 Jan; Thirza do Richard and Ann CHAFFEY, claycutter
4 Jan; Arthur so William and Sarah RABBETTS, of Kingston
18 Jan; Jesse s or d of Charles and Mary Ann STOCKLEY
1 Feb; Frederick Randolph so Frederick and Jane RICKS, servant
1 Feb; Walter so George and Charlotte HUNT, of Kingston
5 Feb; Henry Charles so William and Martha SPECK, claycutter
25 Feb; Edith Eliza do John and Hannah HILL, brick maker
26 Feb; Ada Wilson do Robert Wilson and Mary Susan WRIGHT, exciseman
1 Mar; William Jame so Frederic and Ann BESANT, dairyman of Rolington
1 Mar; Mary Sarah do George Kellaway and Louisa HOLLAND, dairyman of Blashenwell
1 Mar; Charles so Jeremiah and Mary Ann BEAVIS, shoemaker of Kingston
22 Mar; Frank so Benjamin and Elizabeth TALBOT, shoemaker
5 Apr; William so James and Sarah WESTLAKE, coast guard of Bottom
5 Apr; Susanna do Thomas and Jane NINEHAM, of Bottom
5 Apr; Alice do Martha MARSHALSEA, of Norden Heath
6 Apr; Albert Edward so John and Sarah KEATS, butcher
19 Apr; Ann do John and Sarah TRENT, of Norden
3 May; George Edward so John and Clarissa Matilda JOHNSON, draper
3 May; Arthur Ernest so Joseph and Elizabeth SNOOK, carpenter
3 May; Philip so John and Elizabeth DAMEN, of Kingston
3 May; Henrietta do George and Betsey STOCKLEY, of Afflington
3 May; Susan do Ann TATCHELLL, of Kingston
10 May; Robert Edgar so James and Hester HIBBS, school master
15 May; Ellen Louisa do John Gordon and Mary PICKING, civil engineer
20 May; Joseph so George and Louisa BATTRICK, trapper of Woolgarsten
27 May; Edward George so William George and Fanny JEANS, coachman of Rempstone
4 Jun; Jesse s or do James and Susan SHITLER, hurdle maker
4 Jun; Annabella do Thomas and Mary HOOPER claycutter
7 Jun; Emily Susan do Thomas and Sarah AUDLEY, shoemaker
7 Jun; Annie do William and Elizabeth HATCHARD
7 Jun; Ellen Mary do Henry Samuel and Elizabeth SMITH, bailiff of Orchard Hill, Church Knowle
19 Aug; William Arthur so Mary Ann HARDY, of St Heliers, Jersey
6 Sep; Thomas Charles so John and Mary COKES, shepherd of Rollington Dairy
6 Sep; Isabella do Frederick and Elizabeth MOORE, gardener of Encombe
16 Sep; Mary do William and Jane BURGESS, butcher of West Mill
4 Oct; James so George and Elizabeth KEATES, claycutter
4 Oct; Alice Goodchild do John and Ann DOREY, of Kingston
18 Oct; Henry William so Charles and Sarah Ellen VINCENT, of Woolston
18 Oct; Mary Jane do George and Selina BURGESS, claycutter of Newton
1 Nov; Emily Sarah do Mary Jane COAKES, of St Edwards Cottage, Wareham
8 Nov; Annie Jane do James Vivian and Ellen Mary JOYCE, blacksmith of Kingston
25 Nov; Sarah Ann do William and Eleanor CATTLE, claycutter
25 Nov; Charlotte do Mehetabel VINCENT
25 Nov; Selina do Amelia HOPKINS
2 Jan; John so George and Martha WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
2 Jan; Mary do John and Fanny BRINTON, claycutter of Norden Heath
6 Jan; Walter so James and Mary Jane PALMER, of Ailwood
28 Jan; Charles so John James and Susan Ann STICKLAND, tranter
2 Feb; Angelina do Sarah Ann RENDALL, of Ailwood
3 Feb; Edward so Robert and Mary GRANT
19 Feb; Henry Charles so Alfred and Eliza WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
6 Mar; Robert Cherrett so Charles Mark and Elizabeth CLEUCH, gamekeeper of Willand
6 Mar; Thomas John so James and Mary Ann Brown HOLLAND, of Kingston
20 Mar; Charles so Henry James and E VYE, butcher
27 Mar; Caroline do Henry and Caroline FURMAGE, claycutter
3 Apr; Charlotte Helen do Eldon Surtees and Charlotte Elizabeth BANKES, Rector
3 Apr; Sydney Gilbert so William and Sarah DAMER, of Kingston
4 Apr; Caroline do Henry and Charlotte WELCH, claycutter of Norden Heath
10 Apr; Martha do William and Elizabeth WILLS, claycutter of Ower
1 May; Sarah do Francis and Elizabeth DESALLIOND, tailor
4 May; Fleda do George and Jane CROCKER, of Woolgarsten
15 May; Herbert Ambrose Philip so Joseph and Louisa TALBOT
15 May; Henry James so Thomas and Harriet CATTLE, claycutter
15 May; Sarah do Richard and Ann CHAFFEY, claycutter
22 May; James so James and Marianne BATRICK, claycutter of Rempstone Heath
22 May; Edward Best so Benjamin and Elizabeth JAMES coast guard of Bottom
23 May; Frederic so Emanuel and Margaret CHURCHILL, farrier of Rempstone Heath
28 May; Arthur Robert so James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, farmer of Norden House
5 Jun; Arthur so John and Mary ROSE, watch maker of Kingston
5 Jun; Walter so George and Jane TATCHELL, of Kingston
12 Jun; Alice Mary do William and Emma SPECK, claycutter
19 Jun; Alfred John so John and Eliza PAYNE, of Bushey
28 Jun; William so William and Jane BRINTON, claycutter of Norden
3 Jul; George so Henry Samuel and Elizabeth SMITH, bailiff of Orchard Hill Church Knowle
3 Jul; John so William and Sarah NINEHAM, of Afflington
24 Jul; Samuel Henry so Joseph and Ann HASKILL, of Bushey
29 Jul; Edith Mary Veel do William and Caroline Mary PICKING, Curate
31 Jul; Louisa do Frank and Susan BLANDFORD, of Lower Woolgarsten
7 Aug; Alice do William and Mary Ann MARSHALSEA, claycutter of Norden Heath
7 Aug; George so John Robert and Ann Churchill DIFFEY, claycutter of Norden Heath
7 Aug; Hannah Maria do George and Margaret Hannah KELSEY, groom of Kingston
7 Aug; Edward so Henry and Jane STICKLAND, shepherd of West Hill
26 Aug; William Edard so Charles and Mary KENT, farmer of Blashenwell
4 Sep; Martha do William and Charlotte BATTRICK, claycutter of Slip parish in Wareham
2 Oct; John so James and Susan SHITLER, hurdle maker
6 Nov; John Alfred so Edward Best and Emma Jane JAMES, coast guard of Bottom
13 Nov; Elizabeth Edna do George and Edna MUSSELWHITE, shipwright of Hamside, Poole St James
4 Dec; Marianne do George and Sarah DAMEN, of Kingston
11 Dec; Henry so George and Ellen GOULD, of Higher Woolgarsten
14 Dec; Bessie do W and E STOCKLEY claycutter of Sco in Wareham parish
25 Dec; Susan Grace do William and Sarah WHITE, claycutter
25 Dec; John so Abel and Eliza Jane BUCK, coast guard of Bottom
1 Jan; Eva do John and Hannah HILL, brick maker of Lynch
22 Jan; Walter so Robert and Margaret MARSHALLSAY, claycutter of Norden Heath
22 Jan; Thomas so Robert and Margaret MARSHALLSAY, of Norden Heath
22 Jan; Charles so Charles and Martha WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
22 Jan; Arthur Henry so George and Mary WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
5 Feb; Thomas James so Henry and Mary Ann HOOPER, claycutter
4 Feb; Sydney so Mary STOCKLEY
5 Feb; George so Jeremiah and Ann BEAVES, shoemaker of Kingston
5 Feb; Eliza Jane do Stephen and Ann BEAVES, shepherd of Kingston
16 Feb; Henry so Joseph and Charles STOCKLEY, servant
19 Feb; William Henry so Alfred and Mary Ann WILLS, claycutter of Norden Heath
1 Mar; Wallace so Robert Wilson and Mary Sarah WRIGHT, exciseman
9 Apr; Walter so George and Ann STOCKLEY, claycutter
9 Apr; Mary Rachel do Charles and Mary Ann STOCKLEY
16 Apr; Eliza Jane do James and Hester HIBBS, national school master
23 Apr; Arthur Herbert so Henry Frank and Martha SPECK, claycutter of Storborough, Wareham
24 Apr; Alfred so Susan MARSHALSEA, of Norden Heath
7 May; Susan Jane do William and Jane BURGESS
11 May; John so Thomas and Harriet CATTLE, claycutter
14 May; Elizabeth Ann do James and Sophia WHITE, groom
4 Jun; Harry William so George and Ellen VINCENT, of Ailwood
4 Jun; Charles so Joseph Manuel and Charlotte GOVER
4 Jun; Sarah Jane do James and Mary Jane PALMER, of Ailwood
18 Jun; Thomas Eastman so James Vivian and Ellen Mary JOYCE, smith of Kingston
23 Jun; Edwin so John and Rachel PARKER, of Arfleet
2 Jul; Ann do James and Rosanna DAY, claycutter
2 Jul; Mary Ann do Charles and Ellen VINCENT, dairyman of Stoborough,Wareham
2 Jul; Freeland so Edwin and Sarah Jane WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
2 Jul; Ann do Jane MARSHALSEA, of Norden Heath
5 Aug; Sarah Jane do George and Charlotte HUNT, of Kingston
6 Aug; Mary Ann do William and Ann WALTERS, carter of Bottom
13 Aug; Martha Senneck do Thomas Senneck and Mary FOOT, dairyman of Kingston
25 Aug; Ruth Eliza do Emanuel and Margaret CHURCHILL, of Rempstone Heath
27 Aug; Edwin Herbert so Edwin and Emma Jane ROE, clerk of Battersea Surrey
30 Aug; Ada Harriet Luker do Ellen VINCENT
3 Sep; George so Thomas and Jane TAYLOR, innkeeper of Wych
10 Sep; Elizabeth do George and Martha BAKER, coast guard of Bottom
24 Sep; Henry James so Thomas and Sarah AUDLEY, shoemaker
29 Sep; Sarah Jane do Ellen PEACH, servant of Woolgarsten
1 Oct; Tom so Thomas and Elizabeth HIBBS, mason
1 Oct; Arthur so Frederic and Ann BESANT, dairyman of Bushey
1 Oct; Alicia do George and Jane CROCKER, of Woolgarsten
1 Oct; Alfred James so Thomas and Maria CORBIN, of Wimborne
1 Oct; Augusta Selina do Frank and Charlotte Jane BAILEY, of South Eglestone
17 Oct; William George so William and Mary Ann WOOLFRIES, claycutter of Westwood
22 Oct; Harry Edward so James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, farmer of Norden House
29 Oct; Albert John so John and Elizabeth JEFFRIES, claycutter
5 Nov; Levi John so Julia SENNECK, of Middlebere, Wareham
5 Nov; Henry so Henry and Sarah SMITH, miller of Arfleet
5 Nov; George so John and Ellen TATCHELL, servant of Kingston
5 Nov; Ada Mary do Eli and Caroline GEAR, of Kingston
10 Nov; William James so William George and Fanny JEANS, coachman of Rempstone
3 Dec; Frances Ellen do John and Mary DAMER, of Woodyhide, Worth parish
3 Dec; Tom so George Kellaway and Louisa HOLLAND, of Blashenwell
10 Dec; Caroline do Charles Dallas and Katharine MARSTON, clerk in Holy Orders of 40 Montague Square, London
7 Jan; John Owen so Edward and Mary Ann APLIN, baker
7 Jan; William Henry so Henry Samuel and Elizabeth SMITH, bailiff of Orchard Hill
17 Jan; Elizabeth Jane do George and Susan Sophia DAY, carpenter of Pikes Cottage, Wareham parish
14 Feb; Jane do John and Sarah KEATS, butcher
18 Feb; Sarah Ann do James and Mary Ann BATTRICK, claycutter of Rempstone Heath
11 Mar; Mary Ann do Absalom and Charlotte STOCKLEY, claycutter of Norden Heath
19 Mar; Nathaniel so Frank and Susan BLANDFORD, of Lower Woolgarsten
1 Apr; Charles Robert so Joseph and Louisa TALBOT
1 Apr; John Walton so John and Hannah HILL, brick maker of Lynch Brickyard
15 Apr; Elizabeth do William and Charlotte BATTRICK, claycutter of Slip, Wareham
22 Apr; Louisa Catherine Tanner do Matthew Davis and Sarah FOSTER, of Bushey
22 Apr; Edward George so Emanuel and Rachel MARSH, of Bushey
17 May; Ellen do Charles and Mary KENT, farmer of Blashenwell
20 May; Albert so Thomas and Harriet CATTLE, claycutter
20 May; Harry so Richard and Ann CHAFFEY, claycutter
3 Jun; Frederic John so James and Sarah Ann HARRIS, claycutter
1 Jul; Maria do George and Sarah Ann RIDDLE, mason
1 Jul; Emma Grace do James and Louisa STILES, pensioner
1 Jul; Celia Emily do James Vivian and Ellen Mary JOYCE, smith of Kingston
15 Jul; Mary Ann do James and Eliza Ann ELMES, carter of Scotland Heath
20 Jul; Amelia Bower do James and Mary Ann Bower HOLLAND, of Kingston
5 Aug; George so George and Elizabeth KEATS, claycutter
5 Aug; Emma do George and Edna MUSSELWHITE, ship carpenter of Poole
26 Aug; Emily Sarah Lawrence do Mary Jane COKES, of St Edwards Cottage, Wareham ; (William and bricklayer for the father were crossed out on this entry)
2 Sep; William Luckham so George and Mary BEAVIS, carpenter of Kingston
2 Sep; Henry so Henry and Charlotte WELSH, claycutter of Slip, Wareham
23 Sep; William Charles so Charles and Eliza BRINTON, claycutter of Norden Heath
1 Oct; Alfred so Alfred and Eliza WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
7 Oct; Keziah Susan do Henry and Rebecca BATTRICK, claycutter
7 Oct; Charles Henry so Henry and Rebecca BATTRICK, claycutter
7 Oct; Alfred John so James and Ellen FRY clayman of St Edwards Cottage, Wareham
7 Oct; Emma Elizabeth do William and Martha SPECK, claycutter
7 Oct; Henry so John and Martha LANGTREE, carpenter of Kingston
8 Oct; Charlotte do John Robert and Ann Churchill DIFFEY, clayman of Norden Heath
11 Oct; Sidney MacDonald so James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, Farmer and yeoman of Norden
4 Nov; William Lawrence so Mary Jane COAKES, of St Edwards Cottage, Wareham
21 Nov; Robert George Serle so Richard and Jane LEWIS, clerk of Islington London
2 Dec; Frederick Charles so George and Sarah Elizabeth CANDY, gamekeeper of Gamekeepers Lodge Encombe
2 Jan; Susan Mary do Henry and Betsy HOOPER, of Kingston
2 Jan; John Pollard so Joseph and Elizabeth SNOOK, carpenter
2 Jan; Harry Augustus so Joseph and Elizabeth SNOOK, carpenter
6 Jan; Caroline do Francis and Jane TIZARD, dairyman of Dewlish
6 Jan; Albert so William and Ellen CHURCHILL, of Woolgarsten
6 Jan; Elizabeth do John and Ann DOREY, of Kingston
3 Feb; Mary Jane do James and Rosanna DAY, claycutter
3 Feb; Harry Charles so John and Ann DIFFEY, of Sandy Hills
3 Feb; John so Emanuel and Margaret CHURCHILL, of Bushey
3 Feb; Eliza do Edward and Caroline BATTRICK, gamekeeper of Bushey
3 Feb; Mary Elizabeth do Susan GRANT, of Bushey
3 Feb; George Henry so Frank and Charlotte Jane BAILEY, shepherd of South Tyneham
3 Feb; George Clement Rowles so John and Eliza PAYNE, of Bushey
6 Feb; Kate do Mary Jane SMITH, of Westwood
17 Feb; Albert George so William and Elizabeth WILLS, claycutter of Owre Quay
3 Mar; William so John and Rachel PARKER, of Arfleet
3 Mar; James so William and Sophia LOVELACE, of Bushey
3 Mar; Henry James so Thomas and Sarah SPECK, claycutter
26 Mar; Louisa do Robert and Sabina STOCKLEY
26 Mar; Samuel so Robert and Sabina STOCKLEY
7 Apr; Robert so George and Ann BISHOP, carter of Arfleet
5 May; Emily do Absalom and Charlotte STOCKLEY, claycutter of Norden Heath
5 May; Matilda do John and Mary ROSE, watch maker of Kingston
5 May; John so Robert and Susan MASTERS, of Kingston
6 May; Susan do Joseph Northover and Louisa VINCENT
2 Jun; Jane do John William and Charity BURDEN, claycutter of Norden Heath
2 Jun; Annie Emma do John and Elizabeth TOOP, of Woolgarsten
2 Jun; Amelia Ellen do Edward and Emma JAMES, coast guard of Bottom
30 Jun; Frances Mary do William and Elizabeth STOCKLEY, claycutter
7 Jul; Lewis so Joseph Manuel and Charlotte GOVER, mason
8 Jul; Louisa Elizabeth do Stephen and Ann BEAVIS, of Kingston
28 Jul; Bessie do George and Martha WHITE, claycutter of Norden
28 Jul; Edith Eleanor do William and Sarah Rebecca WHITE, claycutter
4 Aug; Joseph Horlock so Edward and Mary Ann APLIN, miller
4 Aug; Fanny do Henry and Mary Jane ORCHARD, claycutter
11 Aug; Mary Jane Bridger do George William and Marianne MacALLISTER, coast guard of Hill Bottom
11 Aug; Francis Mary do James and Hester HIBBS, school master
18 Aug; Fanny Louisa do James and Ellen VINCENT, groom of Rempstone
31 Aug; Agnes do James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, farmer of Norden
1 Sep; Harry Edwin so James Vincent and Ellen M JOYCE, smith of Kingston
1 Sep; Charles so George and Charlotte WHITE, groom of Kingston
29 Sep; Arthur Vivian so William George and Fanny JEANS, coachman of Rempstone
6 Oct; Ellen do Richard and Ann CHAFFEY, claycutter
6 Oct; Bessie Selina do Alfred and Marianne WILLS, claycutter
6 Oct; Henry do John and Ellen TATCHELL, of Kingston
6 Oct; Frederick so William and Sarah DAMER, of Kingston
14 Oct; Arthur Charles so Henry and Louisa HARDY, of Afflington
3 Nov; Louisa Elizabeth do Charles and Sarah VINCENT, dairyman of Stoborough
10 Nov; Susan do James and Mary Ann PALMER, of Ailwood
10 Nov; Seth so George and Selina BURGESS, of Goathorn
8 Dec; Alice Ann do Alfred and Eliza WHITE, claycutter of Norden
26 Dec; Ida Collingdon do William Francis and Alice Susan KENT, farmer of Afflington
11 Feb; John so Joseph Northover and Louisa VINCENT
15 Feb; Alice Minnie do Robert Wilson and Mary Sarah WRIGHT, exciseman
24 Feb; Albert so Eli and Caroline GEAR, of Kingston
1 Mar; James Gover so William and Sarah RABBETTS, gamekeeper of Woolgarsten
1 Mar; Charlotte Bertha do George and Charlotte HUNT, of Kingston
29 Mar; Florence do Charles and Mary KENT, farmer of Blashenwell
5 Apr; Francis Frederick so Thomas and Sarah AUDLEY, shoemaker
5 Apr; Henrietta Sarah do William John Brown and Elizabeth Sarah STRANGE, shoemaker
3 May; Alfred George so Joseph George Porter and Sarah CROCKER, of Rempstone Heath
17 May; Dugald Colquhoun so Thomas and Catherine Colquhoun BLANDFORD, gardener
24 May; Mary Elizabeth do George Moore and Mary Sarah DIXON, gentleman
7 Jun; John George so Thomas and Harriet CATTLE, claycutter
5 Jul; Anne do Robert and Mary Anne LINNINGTON, claycutter
5 Jul; Alice Jane do George and Anne BISHOP, carter of Arfleet
3 Aug; Matthew Henry Randall so Matthew and Sarah FOSTER of Bushey – private baptism
6 Sep; Clifford William Audley so Frederic Francis and Harriet BANKS, book keeper of Finsbury, London
6 Sep; Edwin George so James and Rosanna DAY, claycutter
6 Sep; Susan do John and Sarah KEATS, butcher
6 Sep; Catherine Jane do William and Jane CRONIN, salesman of St Marylebone, London
20 Sep; Albert Joseph so Joseph and Louisa TALBOT
18 Oct; Tommy Pearce so George and Selina BURGESS, clay labourer of Goathorn
1 Nov; Sarah Anne do Edward and Caroline BATTRICK, of Ailwood
6 Dec; Annie do William and Jane BURGESS, butcher
6 Dec; George so John and Martha LANGTREE, carpenter of Kingston
3 Jan; Helen do James and Mary Ann BATTRICK, claycutter of Rempstone Heath
3 Jan; William so William and Ellen CHURCHILL, claycutter of Rempstone Heath
24 Jan; Alice do Thomas and Mary HOWE, of Woolgarsten
7 Feb; George so Joseph and Louisa VINCENT
7 Feb; Blanche Clara do Robert and Ann HARDY, servant
7 Feb; Margaret Elizabeth do William and Mary TURNER, farmer at Carey, parish of St Martins Wareham
7 Feb; Elizabeth Augusta do George and Sarah Elizabeth CANDY, gamekeeper at Encombe
7 Feb; Robert so Henry and Mary Ann BEAVIS, of Kingston
7 Feb; Ellen do Robert and Susan MASTERS, of Kingston
7 Feb; Allan Robert so John and Mary Goodchild ROSE, watch maker of Kingston
21 Feb; Eliza do Edward and Mary DIFFEY, of Scotland, CC parish
4 Apr; Leah Elizabeth do John and Sarah Jane NINEHAM, shepherd of Vineyard
18 Apr; Clara do Robert Wilson and Mary Sarah WRIGHT, exciseman
25 Apr; Thomas so Henry and Betsy HOOPER, of Kingston
25 Apr; Sarah do Alfred and Elizabeth ALLEN, gardener of Lyndhurst
2 May; Sarah Priscilla do John and Ann DIFFEY, of Bushey
2 May; Fanny Edith do William and Elizabeth WILLS, of Ower
2 May; Lavinia Maria do William and Anne Amelia WALTERS, of Afflington
16 May; Frederic John so Henry Daniel and Eliza KERLEY, gamekeeper of Norden Cottage
30 May; Fanny Ellen do Frank and Louisa Elizabeth MUSSELL, farmer of Aylwood
6 Jun; Louisa do Richard and Ann CHAFFEY, claycutter
6 Jun; Clara do John and Rachel PARKER, of Arfleet
6 Jun; John Cull so Sarah FARWELL, of Norden
13 Jun; Margaret Sarah do James and Hester HIBBS, school master
20 Jun; George so John and Mary Ann HATCHARD, Carpenter of Bushey
20 Jun; Jane Selina do Manuel and Rachel MARSH, claycutter of Bushey
4 Jul; Betsy do John William and Charity BURDEN, claycutter of Norden
22 Jul; Charlotte Talbot do Stephen and Sarah DOREY, of Bottom
25 Jul; William so John and Elizabeth BEAVIS, shoemaker of Kingston
1 Aug; Hannah do John Miller and Emma HEATH, sailor of Scotland, CC
3 Sep; Mary Susan do William George and Fanny JEANS, coachman of Rempstone
5 Sep; Arthur William so William and Elizabeth STOCKLEY
5 Sep; Walter William so William and Grace PAYNE, miller
5 Sep; Agnes Sarah Jane do John and Rosanna MATTHEWS, miller of Stoke
17 Sep; William so William and Sarah RABBETTS, gamekeeper of Woolgarsten
7 Nov; William George so George and Susan Sophia DAY, carpenter of Stoborough Heath
7 Nov; Emma Grace do George and Martha WHITE, of Norden Heath
7 Nov; Alan Herbert so Edwin and Jane WHITE, of Norden Heath
7 Nov; George so William and Elizabeth HATCHARD
7 Nov; Martha Rachel Jane do George and Mary Ann FRAMPTON, of Wareham
17 Nov; Edith Mary do William Francis and Alice Susan KENT, yeoman of Afflington
21 Nov; Frederick George so George and Anne BISHOP, carter of Arfleet
5 Dec; Clara Fanny do James Vivian and Ellen Mary JOYCE, blacksmith of Kingston
25 Dec; Elizabeth Sarah do Charles and Ellen COTTERILL, claycutter
25 Dec; John William so John and Anne STOCKLEY, claycutter
1 Jan; Edward George Francis so Edward and Jane Selina Rowland SMITH, saddler
9 Jan; Harry so John and Anne DOREY, of Kingston
6 Feb; Owen Horlock so John and Frances Sarah RIDDLE, mason of Bucknowle
6 Feb; Charles so John and Elizabeth BURGESS
6 Feb; Charlotte do Charles and Sarah DAY, mason
17 Feb; Albert so Robert and Margaret MARSHALSEA, claycutter of Norden Heath
6 Mar; Albert Edward so Edward and Caroline BATRICK, keeper of Bushey
6 Mar; Katharine Jane do John and Betsy TOAD, coachman of Bryanstone Square, St Marylebone, London
17 Mar; Alfred John so John and Eliza PAYNE, of Bushey
25 Mar; Frances Joanna Maud do William and Caroline Mary PRINEY?, clerk in Holy Orders
3 Apr; Emma do Henry and Jane ORCHARD, claycutter
22 Apr; Arthur so James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, yeoman of Norden
22 Apr; George Talbot so James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, yeoman
1 May; Susan do James and Rosanna DAY, claycutter
1 May; William so Thomas and Harriet CATTLE, claycutter
1 May; Edward so James and Margaret HOLLAND, shepherd of Encombe Farm
1 May; Eliza Jane do William and Hannah ANDREWS, of Kingston
29 May; Edwin Arthur so Joseph and Louisa GORINGE, saddler
5 Jun; Selina Frances do Thomas and Mary Elizabeth TRENT, seaman
5 Jun; James Charles so Charles and Sarah Ellen VINCENT, dairyman of Furzebrook in Wareham parish
3 Jul; George Charles so Henry and Eliza KERLEY, gamekeeper of St Edwards Cottage in Wareham parish
3 Jul; Frank so William and Sarah WHITE, claycutter
3 Jul; James so John and Mary Ann HATCHARD, carpenter
3 Jul; Annie do Edwin George and Henrietta HUNT, of Kingston
7 Aug; John so William and Jane CRONIN, salesman of St Marylebone, London
7 Aug; Bessie Mabel do Thomas and Sarah AUDLEY, shoemaker
7 Aug; Alfred James so John and M ROSE, watch maker of Kingston
7 Aug; Louisa Martha do Robert and Martha HUNT, of Kingston
7 Aug; George Hubert so George and Sarah CANDY, gamekeeper of Encombe
25 Aug; Robert Simmons so William and Martha STOCKLEY, of West Lynch
4 Sep; Marna Mabel Audley do Frederick Francis and Harriet BANKES, clerk of Deptford
4 Sep; Bessie do Henry Frank and Matilda SPECK, claycutter
2 Oct; William so Emanuel and Susan GREEN, claycutter of Goathorn
2 Oct; Emily Anna do Emanuel and Margaret CHURCHILL, of Rempstone Heath
2 Oct; Ada Hester do Reuben and Elizabeth SMITH, dairyman of Norden
16 Oct; William Frederic so Stephen and Sarah DOREY, gardener of Kingston
3 Nov; Samuel James so George and Mary Jane TUCK, gardener
5 Nov; Samuel so Samuel and Elizabeth Matilda CHRISTOPHER, of Wareham
6 Nov; Selina Augusta do George and Emily SMITH
6 Nov; Elizabeth Sarah do Robert and Sabina STOCKLEY
6 Nov; Harriet Mary do Joseph and Louisa TALBOT
6 Nov; Annie Jane do Henry and Mary Ann BEAVES, carpenter of Kingston
15 Nov; Mary Sarah do James John and Ellen CROCKER, dairyman of Talbot's Hill
5 Dec; Albert so Thomas and Elizabeth HIBBS, mason
17 Dec; Emma Jane do William White and Jane BURGESS
23 Dec; Reginald William so William Robert and Emma MARSHINALL, relieving officer
8 Jan; William Frederick Pople so Alfred George and Annie ELLIS, dairyman of Bushey Dairy
11 Jan; Edward Charles so Edward and Mary Ann FARWELL, dairyman of Church Knowle
13 Jan; Edward so John and Ana DIFFEY, of Threshers Lane
26 Jan; John so Richard and Ann CHAFFEY, claycutter
3 Feb; John Henry so Henry and Rebecca BATTRICK, claycutter
5 Feb; Arthur so James and Elizabeth BEAVIS, coast guard
5 Feb; Elizabeth Jane do Joseph and Anne HASKILL, of Bushey
5 Feb; Eliza Ann do Richard and May Ana TIZARD, of Woolgarsten
14 Feb; William so John William and Charity BURDEN, claycutter of Norden Heath
5 Mar; Louisa do John and Sarah Jane NINEHAM, shepherd of Vineyard
5 Mar; Ruth do Robert and Mary Ann LINNINGTON
5 Mar; Ellen Mary do Edwin George and Mary Jane DAMER, groom of Woolston
2 Apr; Edith do Charles and Ellen COTTERILL, claycutter
2 Apr; John so Alfred and Marianne WILLS, claycutter of Norden Heath
2 Apr; Mary Elizabeth do William and Ellen CHURCHILL, claycutter of Bushey
2 Apr; James Holland so Susan HORLOCK, single woman of Bucknowle
6 Apr; Albert Edward so William and Martha Mary GORINGE, of Vit Owre
7 Apr; Harriet do Samuel and Sarah MOSS, blacksmith
9 Apr; Stephen so Alfred and Martha GREEN, of Bushey
9 Apr; Charles Martha do James and Hester HIBBS, school master
21 Apr; John Charles so George William and Maria STICKLAND, of Norden
7 May; George so John and Sarah KEATS, butcher
28 May; Charlotte Wilson do Robert Wilson and Mary Sarah WRIGHT, excise officer
4 Jun; Elijah so George and Elizabeth CRUBBE, shepherd of Rollington
4 Jun; William George Wood so William and Anne LINNINGTON, of Lynch
10 Jun; Joseph so Richard and Sarah GOVER – private baptism
2 Jul; George Frederick so James and Sarah Ann HARRIS, carter of Arfleet
2 Jul; Florence do John HOOPER, single woman
2 Jul; Charles so Lackford John and Martha LANGTREE, carpenter of Kingston
10 Jul; Frank Oliver so James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, farmer of Norden
5 Aug; Alfred so Robert and Susan MASTERS, of Kingston
3 Sep; Frederick William so Henry William and Ellen Matilda STOCKLEY, claycutter
3 Sep; Albert George so Frederick William and Elizabeth HARDY
3 Sep; Albert John so Absalom and Charlotte STOCKLEY, claycutter
3 Sep; Albert Walter so Levi and Martha Talbot STOCKLEY, claycutter
3 Sep; Fred so Frank and Sarah CATTLE, claycutter
11 Sep; Edward Thomas so James and Jane CHURCHILL, claycutter of Owre Quay
11 Sep; Timothy Charles so James and Jane CHURCHILL, of Owre Quay – private
17 Sep; Louisa Amelia do John and Elizabeth DUNFORD, of Rollington
26 Sep; Frederick George so John and Eliza Anne STOCKLEY, claycutter
1 Oct; Mary do James and Sarah GREEN, of Scotland CC
3 Oct; Charlotte do Rhoda DIFFEY, single woman of Norden Heath – private baptism
5 Oct; John so Edward and Caroline BATRICK, of Bushey – private baptism
1 Nov; Alice Talbot do William Francis and Alice Susan KENT, farmer of Afflington Manor
5 Nov; Sarah do Charles and Sarah DAY, mason
5 Nov; Thomas so John and Rachel PARKER, of Arfleet
18 Nov; James John so James John and Ellen CROCKER, dairyman of Tabbits Hill
3 Dec; Mary Elizabeth do John Aplin and Mary Jane TRAVERS
25 Dec; Bessie do William and Elizabeth STOCKLEY, claycutter
25 Dec; Frederick George so John and Ann Ozzard STOCKLEY, claycutter
25 Dec; May Jane Elizabeth do Sampson and Martha FRAMTON, brick maker
25 Dec; Albert Edwin so Thomas and Lucy Ann MORRIS, shoemaker
2 Jan; Arthur so John and Frances RIDDLE, mason
7 Jan; May Elizabeth do George and Sarah RIDDLE, mason
28 Jan; Edward so James and Ellen VINCENT, groom of Rempstone
4 Feb; Jesse s or d of James and Mary Ann BATTRICK, claycutter of Bushey
4 Feb; William James so Joseph and Louisa GORINGE, saddler
4 Feb; Albert so John and Caroline DAMON, shoemaker of Norden
18 Feb; Joseph so William and Mary VINCENT, of Woolgarsten
1 Mar; Robert Edward so Henry and Eliza KERLEY, gamekeeper of Norden – private
3 Mar; Arthur so Thomas and Harriet CATTLE, claycutter
3 Mar; Herbert William so James and Ellen JOYCE, blacksmith of Kingston
23 Mar; Mary Elizabeth do Harriet Ann CROCKER, single woman of Wych
26 Mar; Frances Ellen do Alfred and Mary Ann DOWEL, miller
7 Apr; Amy Alice Hadinham do Sarah AUDLEY, single woman
7 Apr; May do Thomas and Elizabeth HIBBS, mason
5 May; Louisa do Joseph and Ann TRENT, groom of Norden
5 May; Mary Eliza do Robert and Martha HUNT, of Kingston
10 May; Edwin George so Edwin George and Henrietta HUNT, of Kingston
2 Jun; Ellen Mary Goodchild do John and Mary ROSE, watch maker of Kingston
7 Jul; Sarah Anne do John and Mary Anne HATCHARD, carpenter
7 Jul; Joseph so John and Anne DIFFEY, of Threshers Lane
7 Jul; Louisa Mary do Henry and Mary Ann BEAVIS, carpenter of Kingston
7 Jul; Joseph so John and Anne SNELLING, of Kingston
28 Jul; Edward George so William and Jane CRONIN, Ironmongers assistant of Marylebone, London
4 Aug; Sydney George so James and Susan Elizabeth PALMER, gardener of Herne Hill, Dewlish
4 Aug; Annie Elizabeth do James and Annie STEVENS, baker
4 Aug; Henrietta do Abraham and Elizabeth Ann TATCHELL, carpenter of Kingston
1 Sep; Mary Jane do Henry and Mary Jane ORCHARD claycutter
1 Sep; Henry James so Joseph and Elizabeth CATTLE, claycutter
1 Sep; Richard so Richard and Anne CHAFFEY, claycutter
1 Sep; Walter William so Henry Frank and Martha SPECK
1 Sep; Alfred John so John and Ann SPECK
6 Oct; Thomas Charles so Thomas and Sarah AUDLEY, shoemaker
6 Oct; Elizabeth do Stephen and Sarah DOREY, of Kingston
26 Oct; George so John Bradford and Amelia Rebecca STOCKLEY, claycutter
26 Oct; James so Joseph and Anne BRADFORD, of Hill Bottom
27 Oct; Alice do John and Eliza JEFFREYS, claycutter
3 Nov; Richard William so James and Ertha TRIM, carter of Woolgarsten
3 Nov; Rachel do John and Anne DOREY, of Kingston
3 Nov; Anne do George and Julia GOVER, shepherd of Blashenwell
1 Dec; Ada Agnes do Absalom and Charlotte STOCKLEY, claycutter of Norden
1 Dec; Ada Susan do Albert and Martha DAY, blacksmith
10 Dec; Ernest Strole? so John SCOTT, Earl of Eldon and Henrietta Countess of Eldon of Bucknowle
25 Dec; Cecil so Edward and Sarah Jane Rowland SMITH, saddler
25 Dec; George Edwin so Samuel and Sarah MOSS, blacksmith
25 Dec; Herbert Frederick so Henry and Emily SMITH, claycutter
25 Dec; George so John Robert and Amelia STOCKLEY, claycutter
25 Dec; Sarah Ann do John and Elizabeth JEFFRIES, claycutter
5 Jan; Laura Annie Marsh do John and Mary STOCKLEY, claycutter
27 Jan; Annie Jane do George and Martha STICKLAND, gamekeeper of West Hill
9 Feb; Lucy Ruth do Robert and Alice CHURCHILL, claycutter of Rempstone Heath
9 Feb; Harry Robert so Stephen and Mary Jane OBORNE, wetozan? of Kingston
2 Mar; Kate Maria do William Robert and Emma MARSHMAN, Registrar and relieving officer
5 Mar; Martha Letitia Kimber do James and Barbara Lowe BARKER, public works surveyor of Balham
5 Mar; Barbara Annie do James and Barbara Lowe BARKER, of Balham
16 Mar; Ellen do William and Martha STOCKLEY, of Kingston
23 Mar; Eva Ann do Mary Anne READ, single woman of St Edwards Cottage, Wareham parish
6 Apr; Martha Minnie do Edwin and John WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
6 Apr; Caroline do James and Sarah GREEN, of Rempstone
6 Apr; Tom Diffey so William and Sarah Elizabeth NINEHAM, of Kingston [Confirmed as Tom Diffey NINEHAM, 24 Jan 2014]
1 May; Robert Ernest so James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, farmer of Norden House
4 May; Frederick so Alfred and Mary Anne WILLS, claycutter of Norden
22 May; Emma do Thomas and Anna Maria GOVER, officers servant of Alderhot
1 Jun; Ethel Fanny Audley do Frederick Francis and Harriet BANKS, clerk in parish office
1 Jun; Cecil so Joseph and Charlotte GOVER, claycutter
1 Jun; William Henry so John and Charity BURDEN, claycutter of Norden Heath
1 Jun; John so John and Martha LANGTREE, carpenter of Kingston
16 Jun; John Curtis so Ellen Ann VINCENT, of Ailwood
6 Jul; Ethel Annie do Henry John and Mary Jane FOLEY, upholsterer of Fisherton
6 Jul; George William so James John and Ellen CROCKER, dairyman of Talbot's Hill Tappershill
6 Jul; Anna Louisa do William and Hannah ANDREWS, of Kimmeridge
6 Jul; Ernest Tabor so James Vivian and Ellen Mary JOYCE, blacksmith of Kingston
6 Jul; Thomas Henry so William and Elizabeth HARDY, of Kingston
20 Jul; Arthur Albert so Charles and Sarah Ellen VINCENT, farmer of Furzebrook, Church Knowle
20 Jul; Ellen Jane do John and Susan TUCK, shoemaker
22 Jul; Eliza do George and Fanny HOOPER claycutter
23 Jul; Hester Mabel do Joseph and Elizabeth SNOOK, builder
3 Aug; Annie do John and Sarah Jane NINEHAM, shepherd of North Castle
3 Aug; Mary Elizabeth do Frank and Sarah CATTLE, claycutter
11 Aug; Helen Frances do William Francis and Alice Susan KENT, farmer of Afflington Manor
27 Aug; Felix Cliworth so Alfred and Mary Ann DOWEL, miller
27 Aug; Frederick Charles so George and Ellen Victoria DODGE, gamekeeper of Alderholt
31 Aug; William so James Wright and Elizabeth HIBBS, signalman of Kingston on Thames
7 Sep; Annie Letitia do Jane and Sarah KEATS, butcher
7 Sep; Agnes Annie do John and Mary Ann STOCKLEY, claycutter of Scotland CC
7 Sep; Alice Maud Mary do George and Emma Harriet UPWARD, clerk of Clay Co.
5 Oct; Walter so Emanuel and Margaret CHURCHILL, of Rempstone Heath
5 Oct; Susie Frederica do Robert and Mary Ann LINNINGTON, claycutter
2 Nov; Nina Ellen do Joseph and Louisa GORINGE SADDLER
7 Dec; Edwin so Charles and Sarah DAY, mason
7 Dec; Lucy do Charles and Mary Ann SCADDEN
25 Dec; Elizabeth Susan do Henry William and Elizabeth Matilda STOCKLEY, claycutter
4 Jan; Maria Jane do John and Elizabeth DUNFORD, of Bushey
4 Jan; William John so John and Frances Sarah RIDDLE, mason
4 Jan; Charles George so George and Elizabeth BROWN, of Millwood
11 Jan; Edith do Alfred and Martha GRCER?, of Bushey
1 Feb; Sarah Selina do James and Jane CHURCHILL, of Ower
1 Feb; Lillie Best do George and Selina BURGESS, claycutter of Goathorn
5 Feb; Walter George so William George and Ann GOLDRING, porter of Dorchester
22 Feb; Emma Louisa do George and Mary Ann DAMEN, porter of Dorchester
1 Mar; Henry Charles so James and Susan Sarah MARSHALSAY, claycutter of Norden Heath
1 Mar; Susan do John and Charity BURDEN, claycutter of Norden Heath
1 Mar; Walter Emanuel so George Emanuel and Sarah Elizabeth CANDY, gamekeeper of Kingston
23 Mar; Walter Joseph so John and Eliza Ann STOCKLEY
3 Apr; Albert so Stephen and Sarah DOREY, gardener of Kingston
3 Apr; Henry so Robert and Susan MASTERS, of Kingston
5 Apr; Ernest Arthur so James and Annie STEVENS, journeyman baker
5 Apr; Charles so Thomas and Harriet CATTLE, claycutter
12 Apr; Edith Mary do Robert and Sabina STOCKLEY
19 Apr; Annie Theresa do Samuel and Martha FRAMPTON, brickmaker of Wimborne
3 May; Joseph so Edwin George and Henrietta HUNT, of Kingston
7 Jun; Albert so William and Elizabeth STOCKLEY, claycutter
7 Jun; Ruth Mary do John James and Emily HOLLAND, of Kingston
10 Jun; Marian Gertrude do James Talbot and Rebecca MacDonald KENT, ; farmer of Norden House
5 Jul; Elizabeth do John and Mary Ann HATCHARD, carpenter
5 Jul; Edith do Henry and Mary Ann BEAVES, carpenter of Kingston
5 Jul; Sydney so John and Mary Goodchild ROSE, watch maker of Kingston
8 Jul; Frederic so Frank and Ann THORNE, carpenter and builder of Fulham
2 Aug; James so Henry and Mary Jane ORCHARD, of East St, CC
2 Aug; Ethel Mary do George and Ann STOCKLEY, of West St, CC
27 Aug; Sarah Louisa do Emily HOLLAND, of Blashenwell
6 Sep; Eveline Kate Habgood do William Henry and Harriet MORTIMER, mariner of Freemantle
6 Sep; Percy Gerard so James and Hester HIBBS, school master
6 Sep; Edna Susan do Henry and Edna TATCHELL, of Kingston
6 Sep; William Alfred so George and Martha TRENT, of Scoles Lane
11 Sep; Mary Jane Harriet do Henry William and Sarah ROBERTS, of Rollington
30 Sep; James so Samuel and Sarah MOSS, blacksmith
4 Oct; Julia Sarah do James and Marianne BATTRICK, claycutter of Bushey
4 Oct; William Warnd George so Eliza STOCKLEY
1 Nov; Maria do Richard and Sarah GOVER
1 Nov; Joseph so John and Rachel PARKER, of Arfleet
29 Nov; Mary Louisa do Edward and Jane Selina SMITH, saddler
6 Dec; Albina Martha do Albert Henry and Martha Ann DAY, smith
6 Dec; Ada Jane do Henry and Jane BURGESS
25 Dec; Louisa do Charles and Ellen COTTERELL
3 Jan; Mary Louisa do Alfred and Louisa Eliza PARKER, national school master of Kingston
6 Jan; George William so George William and Susan Amelia MARSH, dairyman of Woolston
6 Jan; Charles John so William and Sarah Ann CROCKER, of Ailwood
13 Jan; Hubert Levi Marsh so John and Mary STOCKLEY, of Honeymount Cottage, parish of Wareham
7 Feb; Clara do William George and Sarah Jane STOCKLEY, carpenter
7 Feb; Kate Harriete do William and Sophia ROBERTS, shepherd of Bushey
7 Mar; Thomas so David and Emily Sarah HOOPER, of Kingston
8 Mar; Henry so Susan HARRIS, of Westwood
9 Mar; John so George and Julia GOVER, shepherd of West Hill
14 Mar; Helena Wornall do Thomas Swan and Emily Anne MEDD, plumber of Kingston
29 Mar; Eliza do John and Charity BURDEN, of Norden Heath
4 Apr; Emily do Frank and Sarah CATTLE, claycutter
4 Apr; Ruth Selina do Edwin and John WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
4 Apr; Elizabeth Louisa do Eliza GOULD, of Bushey
4 Apr; Edwin so George and Sarah Ann RIDDLE, mason
28 Apr; Robert so William Robert and Emma MARSHMAN, registrar and relieving officer
2 May; Edwin George so George and Sarah Holland DOREY, carpenter of West Hill
16 May; William Ernest so George and Emily Ann SMITH, claypit labourer
26 Jun; Stephen Henry Goodchild so Eliza MOSS
30 Jun; Hetty Mary do John and Mary Crocker MILES, coachman
4 Jul; Ernest George so Joseph and Louisa GORINGE, saddler
4 Jul; Henry so Joseph and Ann TRENT, servant to James Talbot Kent of Norden
4 Jul; Edward so Robert and Alice CHURCHILL, of Rempstone Heath
4 Jul; Frederic so George and Louisa PARKER
5 Jul; Edith Dunthorne (maybe Dunthouse) do Jane TATCHELL, widow of Kingston
1 Aug; Henry Everly so Henry John and Mary Jane FOLEY, upholsterer of Salisbury
1 Aug; Daniel George so Charles and Sarah Ellen VINCENT, farmer of Furzebrook, Church Knowle
30 Aug ; Eliza do Joseph and Elizabeth CATTLE
5 Sep; William James so William and Amelia BALSON, of Woolston
5 Sep; Eli so Absalom and Charlotte STOCKLEY, of Norden
5 Sep; Florence Ada do George Stacey and Mary Jane CLEALL
5 Sep; Maud Blanche do James and Annie STEVENS, journeyman baker
5 Sep; William Edward so John and Susan TUCK, shoemaker
3 Oct; Arthur Henry so George and Susan Sophia DAY, carpenter of Furze Brook
10 Oct; Alice Maud do George and Alice Ann BISHOP, cattle dealer
7 Nov; Emma Maria do Stephen Suit and Ann Ellen STILLMAN, police sergeant
7 Nov; Thomas Henry so Job and Rosannah Jane CHURCHILL, dairyman of Church Knowle
7 Nov; Elizabeth Sarah do Emmanuel and Margaret CHURCHILL, of Bushey
7 Nov; Louisa Frances do Stephen and Sarah DOREY, of Kingston
9 Nov; Alice do Frank and Martha SPECK
25 Dec; Walter so Thomas and Hannah CATTLE, claycutter
25 Dec; Thomas so Thomas and Elizabeth SPECK, claycutter
25 Dec; Arthur Joseph so Charles and Eliza BRINTON, claycutter of Norden Heath
25 Dec; Augustus so John and Ann DIFFEY, of Threshers Lane
25 Dec; Edwin John so George and Alice HOLLAND, gamekeeper of Kingston
25 Dec; Albert Thomas so Thomas and Mary Ann UDELL, sailor of Poole
26 Dec; John so Alfred and Martha GREEN, of Rempstone Heath
26 Dec; John James so James and Sarah GREEN, of Rempstone Heath
2 Jan; Blanche Margaret do Alfred and Louisa Eliza PARKER, national school master
9 Jan; Mary Ellen do Joseph and Mary SMITH, farmer of Wych
12 Jan; Seth Batter so James and Ellen CHURCHILL, claycutter of Owre Quay
22 Jan; Herbert George so George and Anne Rennison STOCKLEY, claycutter of West St, CC
6 Feb; Amy Mabel do John James and Emily HOLLAND, of Kingston
6 Feb; Margaret Louisa do John Henry? and Lydia M BEAVES, carpenter of Parkstone Poole
20 Feb; Elvia Caroline do Arthur and Mary PRINCE, carpenter of Gouldar
21 Feb; Thomas Henry so Henry William and Ellen Matilda STOCKLEY
27 Feb; Edith Elizabeth do Albert and Edna Mary SPECK
27 Feb; Thomas William so Frank and Mary Jane HOLLOWAY, gamekeeper of Woolgarsten
1 Mar; Frances Mary do Henry and Edna TATCHELL, of Kingston
5 Mar; Elizabeth do Charles and Sarah DAY, mason
5 Mar; William Joseph so James Charles and Mary Elizabeth VINCENT
5 Mar; William Gerald so David and Emily Sarah HOOPER, of Kingston
7 Mar; Louisa do George and Isabella CHURCHILL, claycutter of Rempstone Heath
10 Mar; Grace Alice do James and Sarah Mahala ELDER, clerk of works, of Kingston
14 Mar; Samuel George so Jane HOLLAND, of Kingston
18 Mar; Edwin Alfred so Thomas and Amelia SENNECK, bailiff of Scotland Heath
20 Mar; Harold William so William Francis and Alice Susan KENT, yeoman of Afflington
2 Apr; Emily Miriam do John and Sarah KEATS, butcher
2 Apr; Frederick Arthur so John and Elizabeth JEFFRIES
2 Apr; Jessie Maud do Edwin and Sarah Jane WHITE, of Norden Heath
11 Apr; Henry Edward so John and Eliza PAYNE, of Bushey
16 Apr; Mary Ann Nineham do John and Mary Ann HATCHARD, carpenter
1 May; Osmund so John and Henrietta Minna SCOTT, Peer of the Realm of Kingston – Earl Encombe of Eldon
7 May; Walter so Manuel and Susan GREEN, of Goathorn
7 May; Alfred Owen so John George and Elizabeth LUKER, groom
9 May; Fanny do John and Rachel PARKER, of Arfleet
28 May; Sarah Jane do George and Mary Jane DAYMAN, railway porter of Dorchester
4 Jun; Herbert Augustus Henry so Robert and Mary Ann LINNINGTON
4 Jun; Susan do George and Fanny HOOPER
4 Jun; Jane do George and Fanny HOOPER
18 Jun; Anna Maud do Thomas Swan and Emily Ann MEDD, plumber of Kingston
24 Jun; Henry Ernest so Edward George and Henrietta HUNT, of Kingston
1 Jul; Margaret Alice Hay do Edward Herbert and Mary Alice TAYLOR, clerk in holy orders
2 Jul; Robert Wilson so Robert Wilson and Mary Sarah WRIGHT, excise officer
2 Jul; Mary Elizabeth do Robert Wilson and Mary Sarah WRIGHT, excise officer
4 Jul; James William Diffey so Charles Hodder and Rhoda LOWETSUAG? of Stoborough
6 Jul; Augustus Henry so Henry and Mary Ann BEAVES, of Kingston
3 Sep; George so John and Susan TUCK, shoemaker
3 Sep; Eliza do John and Elizabeth SPECK
1 Oct; Frederic Charles so Charles and Ellen COTTERELL
15 Oct; Marian Charlotte do William Henry and Charlotte VYE, butcher
22 Oct; Mary Anne do John and Fanny BLOOMFIELD, gamekeeper of St Edwards Cottage, Wareham parish
27 Oct; Richard Frederick so William and Sarah Ann CROCKER, dairyman of Tabbots Hill
5 Oct; Frederic so John and Sarah Ann NINEHAM, shepherd of Vineyard
5 Oct; Elizabeth Martha do James and Annie Elizabeth TRENT, carter
19 Oct; Edward Albert so William and Sarah EYENS, foreman of brickyard
19 Oct; Annie do George and Sarah Holland DOREY, carpenter of Bucknowle
3 Dec; Drummond Cospatrick so Spencer Compton and Mary SPENCER-SMITH, clerk in holy orders, of Kingston
25 Dec; Edith Blanche do Albert Henry and Martha Ann DAY, blacksmith
25 Dec; Ethel Beatrice Mary do John and Elina Ann STOCKLEY
16 Jan; Emily Martha do Thomas and Lucy Ann MORRIS, shoemaker
4 Feb; Lily Howard do George Fry and Annie BATTRICK, baker
4 Feb; Edward so James and Mary Ann BATTRICK, of Bushey
10 Feb; Albert Alfred so Henry William and Ellen Matilda STOCKLEY
18 Feb; George Davis so William Robert and Emma MARSHMAN, relieving officer
4 Mar; Mary Sarah do John and Charity BURDON, of Norden Heath
4 Mar; Alice do Joseph and Jane TALBOT, of Kingston
4 Mar; Mary Eliza do George Emanuel and Sarah Eliza CANDY, gamekeeper of Kingston
4 Mar; William Dawson so Robert and Mary DAMER, lime-burner of Kingston
16 Mar; Susan Priscilla do William and Amelia BALSOM, of Woolston
1 Apr; George Samuel so Joseph and Mary SMITH, farmer of Wych
14 Apr; Annetta Louisa do Joseph and Louisa GORINGE, saddler
6 May; Maude Mary do Mary Jane WHITE
6 May; Mary Jane do Stephen Henry and Eliza GOODCHILD, brick layer
6 May; Albert Alfred so Henry and Ellen STOCKLEY
27 May; Edith Eliza do William and Elizabeth STOCKLEY, claycutter
24 Jun; Gertrude Annie do John Henry and Sarah ELWORTHY, coachman
1 Jul; Annie Clementina do Henry and Mary Ann ORCHARD
1 Jul; Arthur George so George and Alice HOLLAND, gamekeeper of Hill Bottom
12 Jul; Rose do Charles and Anna PHILLIPS, dairyman of Blashenwell
20 Jul; Sarah Jane Woodland do Henry and Sarah Jane CROCKER, farmer of Woolston
21 Jul; Denys so John and Henrietta Minna SCOTT, Earl and Countess of Eldon, Peer of the realm, of Encombe
5 Aug; Ernest William so Thomas and Elizabeth Ann LANGTREE, plumber
5 Aug; Mabel do George and Annie Rennison STOCKLEY
5 Aug; Bessie Harriet do Richard White and Ann BURGESS, farm lbr of Bushey
5 Aug; Emily Charlotte Marsh do John and Mary STOCKLEY, claycutter of Norden
5 Aug; Henry so Thomas and Jane PEACH, of Scotland CC
5 Aug; Mary Jane do Frank and Mary Jane HOLLOWAY, gamekeeper of Woolston
15 Aug; Louisa Clara do Frances RIDDLE
15 Aug; Henry Charles so Frances RIDDLE
2 Sep; Emma Sarah do Robert and Alice CHURCHILL, claycutter of Rempstone Heath
5 Oct; Emma Annie do James and Ellen Ann GREEN, of Ailwood
17 Oct; James Douglas so William Francis and Alice Susan KENT yeoman of Afflington
4 Nov; Thomas so John and Elizabeth DUNFORD, of Bushey
4 Nov; Elizabeth Annie do Jane GREEN, of Bushey
4 Nov; Louisa Blanche do Henry and Jane BURGESS
4 Nov; Burt Henry William so Henry James and Harriet Jane SPECK, carter
25 Nov; Agnes do Edward and Jane Selina Rowland SMITH, saddler
2 Dec; Eliza Jane do Thomas and Hannah CATTLE, claycutter
2 Dec; Mary Anne do Thomas and Elizabeth SPECK, claycutter
2 Dec; George so Joseph and Louisa FURMAGE, claycutter of Norden Heath
2 Jan; Albert Edward so James Charles and Mary Elizabeth VINCENT
6 Jan; Annie do Manuel and Susan GREEN, of Goathorn
6 Jan; Arthur Tomkins so William and Sophia LOVELESS, shepherd of Bushey
15 Jan; Sarah Annie do James and Sarah GREEN, of Bushey
31 Jan; Ada Eleanor do John and Eliza PAYNE, of Bushey
3 Feb; Florietta Mary do Albert Edmund and Mary Sarah MILLER, carpenter and joiner
3 Feb; Elizabeth do John George and Elizabeth LUKER, baker
3 Feb; Mabel do George and Sarah Ann RIDDLE, mason
3 Feb; Alfred so David John and Lucy DIFFEY, of North Castle
3 Feb; Ethel do John and Susan TUCK, shoemaker
3 Feb; Ada do John and Mary Ann HATCHARD, coal merchant
3 Feb; Andrew so William and Elizabeth FRY, of Sandy Hills
14 Feb; Ada do Joseph and Mary SMITH, farmer of Wych
20 Feb; Elizabeth Louisa do George and Cordelia DAMER, carter of Rollington
5 Apr; Sidney Ernest so William and Sarah Jane CROCKER, dairyman of Blashenwell Langton
7 Apr; Charles Willie Ernie so William and Ellen ORCHCARD
7 Apr; Louisa Maude do John and Fannie BROOMFIELD, gamekeeper of St Edwards Cottage
7 Apr; Ellen do Charles and Sarah DAY, mason
9 Apr; Kate do Albert Henry and Martha Ann DAY, blacksmith
29 Apr; Ellen Amelia do Sarah Amelia BAKER
9 Jun; John so John and Sarah KEATS, butcher
9 Jun; Maggie Rhoda Kate do Edwin and Sarah Jane WHITE, claycutter of Norden Heath
14 Jun; Emma Louise do William Robert and Emma MARSHMAN, registrar and relieving officer
16 Jun; Annie Mary do John and Emily LUCAS, printer of Preston Brighton
7 Jul; Elizabeth Ann Sansom do Antony and Martha CORDOREY, hotel waiter of St James parish, Clerkenwell, Middlesex
4 Aug; Harry so William Henry and Charlotte VYE, butcher
4 Aug; Frances Jane do Walter Jane and Eliza MOSS, brick-layer
4 Aug; Edith Mary do Alfred and Mary Ann MILLS, miner of Norden
11 Aug; Edward James so Henry George and Emily Ann SMITH
1 Sep; Minnie Margaret do George Fry and Annie BATTRICK, miller and baker
1 Sep; William Alfred so Lydia Louisa GOULD
1 Sep; Elizabeth Martha do Joseph and Elizabeth CATTLE
1 Sep; Annie do George and Mary Ann TATCHELL, carter of Woolgarsten
22 Sep; Katherine do John Henry and Sarah ELWORTHY, coachman of Rempstone
4 Oct; Charles Henry so Richard Henry and Sarah GOVER
6 Oct; William Henry so Alfred and Martha GREEN, farmer of Little Woolgarsten
6 Oct; Charles so Samuel Thomas Eliza Ann MULLET, trapper of Little Woolgarsten
6 Oct; Seyward Samuel so Charles Frederick and Mary CANDY, dairyman of Kimmeridge
6 Oct; Wilfred so John and Sarah RENDALL, farmer of Swalland, Kimmeridge
6 Oct; Frederick so Joseph and Ann TRENT, groom for James Kent, of Norden
12 Oct; Lawrence Wilfred Marsh so Absalom and Charles STOCKLEY, claycutter of Norden
3 Nov; Herbert John so Joseph and Louisa GORINGE, saddler
3 Nov; Elizabeth Sarah do Thomas and Elizabeth SPECK, claycutter
1 Dec; Annie do John and Rachel PARKER, carter of Arfleet
1 Dec; Albert George so George and Mary Ann CLEALL, painter
1 Dec; Edwin so William and Ellen CHURCHILL, claycutter of Goathorn
3 Jan; Walter so Henry James and Harriet Jane SPECK, carter
5 Jan; Wilfred George so William George and Sarah Jane STOCKLEY, carpenter
2 Feb; Clara Annie do Job and Emma TALBOT, dairy of Downshay
2 Feb; Charlotte Keats do James and Jane MORRIS
18 Feb; Eveline Jane do Alfred and Mary Ann CATTLE
26 Feb; Daniel James so James and Ellen Ann GREEN, claycutter of Ailwood
2 Mar; George so George and Elizabeth MASTERS, carter of Rempstone
2 Mar; Emanuel Herbert Sidney so James and Jane CHURCHILL, claycutter of Owre Quay
2 Mar; Sarah do Thomas and Jane PEACH, of Norden Heath
10 Mar; Katie Louisa do George and Susan Sophia DAY, carpenter of Furze Brook
6 Apr; Mary Jane do Charles and Eliza BRINTON, claycutter of Norden Heath
6 Apr; Albert Edward so James Charles and Mary Elizabeth VINCENT
6 Apr; Abraham Foyle so John and Mary STOCKLEY, claycutter of Norden Heath
4 May; Joseph so John and Eliza Ann STOCKLEY, claycutter
4 May; Alice Mary do James and Annie Elizabeth TRENT, of Norden
4 May; Dinah do Charles and Ellen COTTERELL
4 May; Bessie Mary do Charles Henry and Harriet GOVER, mason
11 May; William so James Henry and Elizabeth Sarah MARSHALLSAY, of Norden
11 May; Bessie do James Henry and Elizabeth Sarah MARSHALLSAY, of Norden
1 Jun; Edward John so Thoms and Elizabeth Ann LANGTREE, plumber
1 Jun; Thomas James so Henry William and Ellen Matilda STOCKLEY
13 Jun; Henry John Thomas so Edwin and Elizabeth Ellen ABBOTT, farmer of Ower Farm
4 Jul; Laura Edith Mary do William and Sarah Jane CROCKER, farmer of Woolgarsten
6 Jul; Dennis Charles so William and Eleanor CATTLE, clayman of Creech Bottom
6 Jul; Henry so Martha WILLS, of Owre Quay
6 Jul; Edith do George and Ellen ROBERTS, carter of Newton, Studland
16 Jul; Ethel Rose do Francis William Byrne and Isabella Helena DERRICK, school master
22 Jul; William Roderick Herbert so Edward Herbert and Mary Alice TAYLOR, clerk in holy orders
3 Aug; Ernest Robert so Stephen Henry and Eliza GOODCHILD, mason
3 Aug; Frederick John so William John and Charity BURDEN, claycutter of Norden Heath
3 Aug; George so James and Eliza FRY, carter of Arfleet
1 Sep; John William so John William and Fanny BROOMFIELD, gamekeeper of St Edwards Cottage
7 Sep; Ann Foyle do Abraham and Mary Elizabeth STOCKLEY, grocers assistant
7 Sep; Thomas Joseph so Frederic and Mary Sarah ALLEN, carpenter of Clapham
7 Sep; Lily May do Ellen MARSHALLSAY
5 Oct; Amy Grace do George Fry and Annie BATTRICK, baker
5 Oct; Sarah Ann do Manuel and Susan GREEN, of Studland
5 Oct; Mary Jane do Thomas and Lucy Ann MORRIS shoemaker
5 Oct; Alice Sarah do Frank and Mary Ann STOCKLEY, pitman of Lynch
5 Oct; Herbert Arthur so George and Louisa STOCKLEY
5 Oct; Agnes May do Richard and Anna BURGESS, shepherd of Rollington Dairy
5 Oct; Henry George John so William and Amelia BALSON, of Vit Owre
5 Oct; Annie do George and Mary DAMER, carter of Afflington
2 Nov; Drusilla Jane do James and Sarah GREEN, carter of Rempstone
2 Nov; Gertrude Ethel do John and Ann DIFFEY, carter of Rollington
3 Nov; Lewellyn so Mary Ann Jane GRANT
23 Nov; Henry John so Albert Edmund and Mary Stickland MILLER, carpenter
23 Nov; Lucy do George and Elizabeth Mary VINCENT, of Bushey
7 Dec; Lena Marion do Henry and Mary Jane ORCHARD, claycutter
22 Dec; Frederic John so John Henry and Sarah ELWORTY, coachman of Rempstone