Hazelbury Bryan

Baptisms 1722 to 1776

Transcribed from the Parish Registers and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Jan Hibberd


Arranged according to the Gregorian Calendar, with the Julian year indicated to the left of the forward slash (/) in those years when the Julian Calendar, which ran from March 25th to March 24th, was in use (i.e. prior to 1752, 1751 being the transition year).

The Parish Register is difficult to read in places, so readers are invited to use this transcript as a guide only and to consult the original at the Dorset History Centre.

1722Charlesson ofJohn & MaryMELMOTHAprno date
1722Thomasson ofJoseph & JeanSMALL16 May 
1722Johnson ofJohn & AnneROGERS als BARNES13 Jun 
1722Marydaughter ofJohn & AnneRYALL13 Jun 
1722Marydaughter ofJames & ElizabethALLARD29 Julof Fifehead
1722Marydaughter ofJoseph & MeliorEDWARDS30 Sep 
1722Josephson ofJoseph & MeliorEDWARDS30 Sep 
1722Peterson ofThomas & AnneKINGMAN05 Nov 
1722Richardson ofAnthony & MarySNOW05 Nov 
1722Richardson ofRichard & JaneDOMINEY07 Nov 
1722Thomasson ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN22 Nov 
1722/3Williamson ofOnesiphorus & MaryDURNFORDJanno date
1722/3Benjaminson ofThomas & AnneCOMBES02 Jan 
1722/3Thomasson ofWilliam & MaryYOUNG23 Jan 
1722/3Peterson ofThomas & DorothyTORVIL18 Feb 
1722/3Williamson ofWilliam & MaryBARNES21 Feb 
1722/3Thomasson ofCharles & RuthSHITTLER28 Febof Stoke Wake
1722/3Marydaughter ofJohn & AnneSTROUD10 Mar 
1722/3Sarahdaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethLIDFORD19 Mar 
1723Robertson ofWilliam & BettyBISHOP25 Mar 
1723Janedaughter ofWilliam & JaneCAINES08 Apr 
1723Bettydaughter ofWilliam & MaryMITCHELL19 Apr 
1723Williamson ofRobert & MaryFROTTLE27 Apr 
1723Williamson ofWilliam & AnneCOMBES06 May 
1723Edwardson ofJohn & AnnSHORT19 May 
1723Thomasson ofRobert & RepentanceSHITTLER07 May[Out of sequence]
1723Williamson ofNathaniel & MaryMULLET25 Jun 
1723Robinson ofBridgetWATTS01 Sepbaseborn
1723Williamson ofJohn & CharityFLAMBERT19 Nov 
1723/4Annedaughter ofWilliam & AnneLODER21 Jan 
1723/4Bettydaughter ofJames & JaneDOWDING29 Jan 
1723/4Marydaughter ofAllen & MargeryDYKE28 Feb 
1723/4Johnson ofRichard & DamarisMARRECKE?04 Mar 
1724Bettydaughter ofWalter & MaryCOMBE27 Apr 
1724Richardson ofThomas & DorothyCOMBE27 Jul 
1724Anthonyson ofAnthony & MarySNOW06 Sep 
1724Annedaughter ofRobert & MaryTROTTLE06 Sep 
1724Johnson ofAnnaMITCHELL29 Novbaseborn
1724Josephson ofWilliam & ElizabethLIDFORD04 Dec 
1724/5Johnson ofJoseph & MeliorEDWARDS08 Feb 
1724/5Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethTILLY24 Mar 
1725Anndaughter ofJohn & AnneBARNS19 Apr 
1725Williamson ofThomas & AnneKINGMAN09 Jun 
1725Benjaminson ofThomas & AnneCOMBS20 Sep 
1725Marydaughter ofWilliam & BettyBISHOP20 Oct 
1725Williamson ofRobert & MaryTROTTLE07 Nov 
1725/6Williamson ofAnthony & MarySNOW16 Feb 
1725/6Richardson ofRichard & ElizabethPARRECK19 Feb 
1725/6Robertson ofJoseph & AnneWHITE19 Feb 
1725/6Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryMELMOTH07 Mar 
1725/6Annedaughter ofJohn & AnneFLAMBERT15 Mar 
1726Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & MaryMITCHELL03 May 
1726Johnson ofBridgetWATTS12 Junbaseborn
1726Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethTILLY14 Jun 
1726Thomasson ofThomas & AnnaFOOT19 Jun 
1726Thomasson ofThomas & SusannaCROSS26 Jun 
1726Repentancedaughter ofCharles & RuthSHITTLER19 Augof Stoke Wake
1726Nathanielson ofThomas & SarahCARMAN07 Sep 
1726Jennydaughter ofJohn & MaryBATT02 Oct 
1726Janedaughter ofAnneHYDE02 Oct 
1726/7Edwardson ofJohn & AnnSHORT11 Jan 
1726/7Jamesson ofThomas & DorothyTORVELL16 Jan 
1726/7Williamson ofAllen & MargeryDYKE12 Feb 
1726/7Sarahdaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethLIDFORD19 Mar 
1727Marydaughter ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN03 Jul 
1727Gracedaughter ofWilliam & SarahMALLET30 Jul 
1727Edward Whiteson ofWilliam & JaneKEINS12 Nov 
1727Jamesson ofSarahBOYD13 Decbaseborn
1727Josephson ofThomas & MarySHITLER17 Dec 
1727Marydaughter ofAnthony & MarySNOW17 Dec 
1727/8Johnson ofJohn & AnneRYALL01 Jan 
1727/8Johnson ofRobert & MaryMITCHELL15 Jan 
1727/8Sarahdaughter ofAnneMITCHELL24 Marbaseborn
1728Jennydaughter ofJames & AnneUPSALL12 Apr 
1728Susannadaughter ofJoseph & AnneWHITE25 May 
1728Sarahdaughter ofJames & MaryCOGGAN26 May 
1728Johnson ofJohn & RachelSPICER03 Jun 
1728Lucy Loderdaughter ofJohn & LucyCARTER22 Jul 
1728Thomasson ofJoseph & MeliorEDWARDS30 Jul 
1728Jamesson ofJohn & MaryMELMOTH30 Jul 
1728Josephson ofJoseph & MargaretSTILL30 Jul 
1728Charlesson ofRobert & AnneLANE05 Oct 
1728Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethTILLY21 Oct 
1728Marydaughter ofJames & MarthaCOOMBS30 Oct 
1728/9Georgeson ofThomas & DorothyTORVELL21 Feb 
1729Margerydaughter ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN04 May 
1729Benjaminson ofWilliam & ElizabethLYDFORD04 May 
1729Josephson ofBridgetWATTS11 Maybaseborn
1729Richardson ofThomas & SusannaCROSS28 May 
1729Johnson ofWalter & MaryCOMBES26 Aug 
1729Marydaughter ofRobert & MarySHITLER07 Sep 
1729Marydaughter ofEdward & RuthHARDY29 Sep 
1729Annedaughter ofJohn & LucyBROWN28 Nov 
1729Williamson ofWilliam & AnneWATTS30 Nov 
1729Annedaughter ofJohn & AnneRYAL27 Dec 
1729/30Robertson ofWilliam & SarahMULLET01 Mar 
1729/30Marydaughter ofJames & AnneUPSIL04 Mar 
1730Christiandaughter ofJoseph & AnneWHITE29 Mar 
1730Annedaughter ofJohn & AnneBARNES12 Apr 
1730Marydaughter ofJoseph & MargaretSTILL16 Aug 
1730Elizabethdaughter ofGeorge & AnneSMALL29 Aug 
1730Elizabeth Knightdaughter ofAnneMITCHELL05 Sepbaseborn
1730Marydaughter ofCharityHUTCHENS15 Novbaseborn
1730Robertson ofThomas & MarySHITLER19 Nov 
1730Harryson ofRobert & AnneLANE09 Dec 
1730/1Thomasson ofThomas & MargaretCOMBES10 Jan 
1730/1Lawrenceson ofJoseph & ElizabethSMALL11 Feb 
1730/1Annedaughter ofThomas & SusannaCROSS02 Mar 
1731Racheldaughter ofJohn & RachelSPICER23 Apr 
1731Annedaughter ofWilliam & AnneWATTS05 May 
1731Susannadaughter ofAnthony & MarySNOW10 Jun 
1731Rachaeldaughter ofJohn & LucyBROWN CARTER13 Jun 
1731Williamson ofWilliam & AnnSHEPARD27 Jul 
1731Mary Gilbertdaughter ofMaryELVARD22 Decbaseborn
1731Edmundson ofGeorge & AnneSMALL22 Dec 
1731/2Anndaughter ofJeremiah & AnnBOTH?18 Jan 
1731/2Thomasson ofRobert & AnneLANE14 Feb 
1732Richardson ofRichard & AnnEDWARDS03 Apr 
1732Williamson ofWilliam & SarahMULLET29 May 
1732Janedaughter ofJames & AnneUPSAL29 May 
1732Johnson ofJohn & AnnEVERTON20 Aug 
1732Anndaughter ofRobert & MaryMITCHELL23 Aug 
1732Bettydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethTILLY25 Sep 
1732Thomasson ofThomas & MaryMITCHELL08 Nov 
1732Danielson ofUrsulaWHITE10 Decbaseborn
1732/3Josephson ofJames & LucyEVERTON11 Jan 
1732/3Marydaughter ofAnthony & MarySNOW26 Jan 
1732/3Johnson ofWilliam & AnneWATTS01 Feb 
1732/3Williamson ofJames & SusannaLYDFORD11 Feb 
1732/3Williamson ofJohn & RachelSPICER12 Mar 
1733Susannadaughter ofThomas & MargaretCOOMBS01 Apr 
1733Susannadaughter ofThomas & SusannaCROSS25 Apr 
1733Marydaughter ofRichard & ElizabethPARRECK29 Apr 
1733Johnson ofJohn & LucyBROWN CARTER20 May 
1733Williamson ofThomas & HannahFOOT24 Mayof Lydlinch
1733Susannadaughter ofJoseph & AnneWHITE24 May 
1733Josephson ofGeorge & ElizabethWHITE11 Jun 
1733Thomasson ofThomas & MarySHITLER26 Dec 
1733Thomasson ofJosephSMALL30 Dec 
1734Bettydaughter ofThomasMITCHEL15 Apr 
1734Robertson ofJohnRYAL08 Jul 
1734Marydaughter ofJamesEVERTON29 Aug 
1734Edwardson ofEdwardPETHIN21 Oct 
1734Elizabethdaughter ofJamesUPSALL21 Oct 
1734Josephson ofRichardEDWARDS19 Nov 
1734Elizabethdaughter ofJamesLYDFORD19 Nov 
1734/5Robertson ofRobertMITCHELL08 Jan 
1734/5Johnson ofJohnMILES13 Jan 
1734/5Williamson ofOnesiphorusDURNFORD12 Mar 
1735Johnson ofGeorgeSMALL11 May 
1735Jamesson ofJohnSPICER22 May 
1735Jamesson ofJamesAPPLIN22 Jun 
1735Marydaughter ofRobertLANE06 Jul 
1735Bettydaughter ofWilliamCOMBS25 Aug 
1735Williamson ofJohnBROWN07 Sep 
1735Georgeson ofGeorgeWHITE16 Sep 
1735Bettydaughter ofWilliamCAINES17 Nov 
1736Richardson ofWilliam & SarahMULLET26 Apr 
1736Sarahdaughter ofJames & SarahSMALL26 Apr 
1736Marydaughter ofJohnMARCH30 Jun 
1736Elizabethdaughter ofThomasSHITLER25 Jul 
1736Bettydaughter ofThomasCARMAN07 Sep 
1736Jamesson ofJohnMILES03 Oct 
1736Bettydaughter ofJamesEVERTON20 Oct 
1736Charlesson ofJohnPARRICK17 Nov 
1736/7Elizabethdaughter ofJohnSPICER02 Feb 
1736/7Thomasson ofJohnRYAL14 Feb 
1736/7Jamesson ofJamesUPSHAL04 Mar 
1736/7Johnson ofJohnBOYDE13 Mar 
1736/7Jennydaughter ofJohnUPSHAL13 Mar 
1736/7Susannadaughter ofWilliamCAINES17 Mar 
1737Edwardson ofEdwardHARDY01 May 
1737Sarahdaughter ofMaryELVORD23 May 
1737Jamesson ofJamesLYDFORD23 May 
1737Richardson ofWilliamGOLD15 Oct 
1737Jamesson ofGeorgeWHITE23 Oct 
1737Marydaughter ofGeorgeSMALL14 Nov 
1737Annedaughter ofJohnMARCH23 Nov 
1737Robertson ofWilliamGOLD22 Dec 
1737/8John  Blank02 Jana foundling infant
1737/8Williamson ofJohnBULLON09 Jan 
1737/8Thomasson ofRalphWHITE15 Mar 
1738Johnson ofThomasMITCHEL06 May 
1738Janedaughter ofJamesSMALL12 May 
1738Josephson ofJohnSPICER19 May 
1738Marthadaughter ofThomasCARMAN19 Jun 
1738Susandaughter ofWilliam & UrsulaCOMBS10 Oct 
1738Fannydaughter ofEdwardHARDYNovno date
1738Johnson ofWilliamMULLET27 Dec 
1738/9Thomasson ofThomasCOMBS13 Feb 
1738/9Johnson ofJohn juniorUPSHALL25 Feb 
1739Lucydaughter ofJamesEVERTON22 May 
1739Lucydaughter ofJohnBROWN30 May 
1739Marydaughter ofRichardSTUDELY als GRANT13 Aug 
1739Robertson ofAnneKAINES05 Sep 
1739Johnson ofRobertLANE06 Nov 
1739Johnson ofJamesLYDFORD21 Nov 
1739Benjaminson ofJamesLYDFORD21 Nov 
1739Thomasson ofThomasSHITLER04 Dec 
1739/40Richardson ofRobert & MaryMITCHELL27 Jan 
1739/40Jamesson ofJames & AnneUPSHALL03 Feb 
1739/40Annadaughter ofThomas & MaryMITCHELL03 Mar 
1739/40Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & AnneWATTS24 Mar 
1740Elizabethdaughter ofJames & SarahSMALL09 Jun 
1740Johnson ofWilliam & UrsulaCOMBS07 Jul 
1740Thomasson ofGeorge & ChristianKINGMAN30 Jul 
1740/1Thomasson ofGeorge & AnneSMALL06 Jan 
1740/1Jamesson ofJohn & JaneUPSHALL25 Jan 
1740/1Matthewson ofJohn & SusannaCAYNES12 Mar 
1740/1Robertson ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN12 Mar 
1740/1Robertson ofRichard & AnnEDWARDS24 Mar 
1740/1Samuelson ofAbraham & MaryVINSON24 Mar 
1741Samuelson ofJohn & ElizabethWHITE11 Apr 
1741Bettydaughter ofEdward & LucyKENNOLL12 Apr 
1741Joannadaughter ofJames & LucyEVERTON11 May 
1741Thomasson ofEdward & FrancesHARDY25 May 
1741Anndaughter ofMargaretGILBERT19 Julbaseborn
1741Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & MaryPOPE06 Oct 
1741Samuelson ofThomas & MaryMITCHELL18 Nov 
1741Judithdaughter ofWilliam & SarahMULLET06 Dec 
1741/2Sarahdaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethROLLS02 Jan 
1741/2Josephson ofThomas & SarahCARMAN03 Jan 
1741/2Thomasson ofThomas & SarahRIDGELEY28 Feb 
1741/2Anndaughter ofJoseph & MaryWHITE13 Mar 
1741/2Charlesson ofJohn & SusannaCAYNES22 Mar 
1741/2Racheldaughter ofJohn & RachelSPICER24 Mar 
1742Williamson ofJohn & JennyBOYDE11 Apr 
1742Sarahdaughter ofRobert & AnneLANE16 Apr 
1742Henryson ofHenry & CatherineSTICKLAND19 Apr 
1742Edmundson ofGeorge & ElizabethWHITE05 Nov 
1742/3Peterson ofJames & AnneUPSHALL09 Jan 
1742/3Richardson ofJames & SusannaLYDFORD13 Mar 
1743Josephson ofRichard & BettySTUDELY als GRANT17 Apr 
1743Benjaminson ofJohn & SusannaCAYNES21 Apr 
1743Williamson ofGeorge & ChristianKINGMAN21 Apr 
1743Robertson ofRalph & MaryWHITE30 Apr 
1743Sarahdaughter ofAbraham & MaryVINCENT02 May 
1743Marydaughter ofEdward & LucyKENNELL24 Jun 
1743Bettydaughter ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN06 Jul 
1743Robertson ofJohn & JaneUPSHALL17 Jul 
1743Benjaminson ofWilliam & AnneWATTS11 Sep 
1743Marydaughter ofJoseph & JennyMUSTON08 Novof Stoke Wake
1743Marydaughter ofJohn & JoannaCOMBE03 Dec 
1743Georgeson ofHenry & BeatriceMILMORE08 Dec 
1743Bettydaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethROLLS08 Dec 
1744Josephson ofWilliam & SarahMULLET15 Apr 
1744Josephson ofRichard & MarySHITLER21 Apr 
1744Philipson ofJohn & SusannaCAYNES06 Jun 
1744Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & ElizabethHILL13 Jun 
1744Bettydaughter ofJohn & MaryBLAKE19 Jul 
1744Thomasson ofEdward & FrancesHARDY25 Jul 
1744Frederickson ofJohn & MaryELSWORTH30 Jul 
1744Bettydaughter ofWilliam & UrsulaCOMBE23 Sep 
1744Henryson ofWilliam & SarahYOUNG09 Nov 
1744/5Susannadaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethJONES09 Jan 
1744/5Robertson ofJohn & ElizabethSMART13 Jan 
1745Jacobson ofJohn and wifeNORTHOVER26 Mara grown person
1745Marydaughter ofJohn & RachelSPICER04 Apr 
1745Georgeson ofJohn & ElizabethWHITE18 Jul 
1745Johnson ofAndrew & MaryCROCKER29 Jul 
1745Marydaughter ofThomas & AnneKINGMAN29 Jul 
1745Abrahamson ofAbraham & MaryVINCENT12 Aug 
1745Benjaminson ofJames & LucyWESTON22 Sep 
1745Williamson ofJohn & JoannaCOMBE06 Oct 
1745Edmundson ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN16 Oct 
1745Josephson ofJoseph & MaryWHITE17 Nov 
1745/6Henryson ofJohn & SusannaCAYNES02 Jan 
1745/6Hughson ofBenjamin & MaryWILSON08 Febof Newport, Salop
1745/6Robertson ofRichard & MarySHITLER11 Feb 
1745/6Anndaughter ofWilliam & AnneWATTS11 Feb 
1745/6Anndaughter ofJames & AnnCOGGEN17 Mar 
1746Josephson ofJoseph & ElizabethJONES27 Jul 
1746Jamesson ofJames & AnneUPSHALL29 Jul 
1746Marthadaughter ofAndrew & MaryCROCKER01 Nov 
1746Williamson ofWilliam & SarahYOUNG07 Nov 
1746Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryBLAKE26 Dec 
1746Sarahdaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethROLLS26 Dec 
1746Georgeson ofJohn & JaneUPSHALL29 Dec 
1746/7Sarahdaughter ofEdward & LucyKENNELL23 Jan 
1746/7Jamesson ofJohn & SusannaCAYNES09 Feb 
1746/7Margaretdaughter ofRichard & MargaretHOPKINS01 Mar 
1746/7Marydaughter ofEsau & MaryLUSH07 Mar 
1746/7Anndaughter ofJohn & GraceCOGGEN08 Mar 
1747Williamson ofJames & AnnCOGGEN19 Apr 
1747Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethSMART02 Aug 
1747Johnson ofMaryMILLMER20 Sepbaseborn
1747Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & SarahNORTHOVER23 Sep 
1747Josephson ofJohnCOMBE25 Oct 
1747Marydaughter ofJohn & BettyPARICK25 Oct 
1747Thomasson ofJohn & ElizabethWHITE10 Dec 
1747Thomasson ofJohn & MaryELSWORTH26 Dec 
1747Annedaughter ofRichard & MarySHITLER31 Dec 
1747/8Thomasson ofThomas & AnneKINGMAN01 Jan 
1747/8Williamson ofJoseph & MaryWHITE17 Mar 
1747/8Johnson ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN20 Mar 
1748Marydaughter ofOnesiphorus & MaryDURNFORD08 Apr 
1748Annadaughter ofRalph & MaryWHITE08 Apr 
1748Marydaughter ofAbraham & MaryVINCENT13 Apr 
1748Jonathanson ofJohn & EdithPARRECK24 Apr 
1748Sallydaughter ofWilliam & AnneWATTS01 May 
1748Susannahdaughter ofJames & SarahSMALL08 May 
1748Ralphson ofJohn & SusannahCAINES22 May 
1748Johnson ofJohn & GraceCOGGEN22 May 
1748Marydaughter ofJames & GraceNORTHOVER22 May 
1748Margerydaughter ofGeorge & AnneSMALL06 Nov 
1748Samuelson ofWilliam & MarthaCAINES13 Nov 
1748Anndaughter ofWilliam & SarahNORTHOVER28 Nov 
1748Johnson ofWilliam & SarahYOUNGE11 Dec 
1748Williamson ofRichard & MargaretHOPKINS18 Dec 
1748/9Sarahdaughter ofThomas & SarahCOMBES03 Jan 
1748/9Anndaughter ofEdward & LucyKENNEL24 Jan 
1749Anndaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethROLLS10 Apr 
1749Elenordaughter ofJohn & MaryBLAKE21 Apr 
1749Thomas Jensonson ofBettyUPSHALL28 Maybaseborn
1749Johnson ofJoseph & ElizabethJONES07 Jun 
1749Lucydaughter ofJohn & EdithPARRECK16 Oct 
1749Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethSYMES19 Nov 
1749Anndaughter ofPeter & HonorKINGMAN26 Nov 
1749Sarahdaughter ofEsau & MaryLUSH04 Dec 
1749Onesiphorusson ofMaryCROCKER24 Decbaseborn
1749/50Rebeccahdaughter ofRebeccahSHITLER11 Febbaseborn
1749/50Marydaughter ofJohn & JaneUPSHALL18 Febtwin
1749/50Marthadaughter ofJohn & JaneUPSHALL18 Febtwin
1750Anndaughter ofJacob & GraceNORTHOVER15 Apr 
1750Janedaughter ofJoseph & MaryWHITE15 Apr 
1750Jeremiahson ofJoannahCOOPER13 Maybaseborn
1750Richardson ofRichard & MarySHITLER29 May 
1750Johnson ofJames & SarahFARWELL15 Jul 
1750Isaacson ofAbraham & MaryVINCENT15 Jul 
1750Benjaminson ofGeorge & HannahELSWORTH09 Aug 
1750Josephson ofJoseph & ElizabethROLLS02 Sep 
1750Azariasson ofJohn & SusannahCAINES12 Nov 
1750Sarahdaughter ofWilliam & SarahNORTHOVER19 Nov 
1750Thomasson ofThomas & AnneROLLS26 Dec 
1750/1Marydaughter ofRichard & MargaretHOPKINS11 Jan 
1750/1Anndaughter ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN20 Jan 
1750/1Hughson ofWilliam & JaneROTHERY17 Jan[Out of sequence]
1750/1Williamson ofWilliam & ElizabethBURN/BEERN?17 Mar 
1750/1Davidson ofWilliam & MarthaCAINES17 Mar 
1751Anndaughter ofThomas & AnnCOOMBES31 Mar 
1751Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethWHITE09 Apr 
1751Johnson ofWilliam & MaryMITCHEL14 Apr 
1751Jamesson ofEdward & FrancesHARDY25 May 
1751Marydaughter ofJames & GraceHAWKINS21 Jul 
1751Jamesson ofWilliam & SarahYOUNGE18 Aug 
1751Elizabethdaughter ofChristopher & MaryDEIGH26 Aug 
1751Peterson ofJames & SarahTORVELL16 Oct 
1751Peterson ofPeter & HonorKINGMAN08 Dec 
1751Susannadaughter ofWilliam & AnneWATTS20 Dec 
1752Benjaminson ofJohn & MaryELSWORTH07 Feb 
1752Jeremiahson ofJohn & SusannaCAINS23 Feb 
1752Anndaughter ofWilliam & MaryMITCHELL22 Mar 
1752Deborahdaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethROLLE05 Apr 
1752Susannadaughter ofThomas & AnneROLLS05 Apr 
1752Johnson ofJohn & EdithPARRECK12 Apr 
1752Gilesson ofRichard & MarySHITLER10 Jun 
1752Annabelladaughter ofJohn & ElizabethBLAKE19 Jun 
1752Bettydaughter ofThomas & ElizabethTUCKER02 Aug 
1752Williamson ofWilliam & SarahNORTHOVER25 Oct 
1752Susannahdaughter ofJohnRYALL29 Oct 
1752unnamedson ofJoseph & MaryWHITE29 Nov 
1752Bettydaughter ofJohn & EdithPARRECK17 Dec 
1753Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & MargaretHOPKINS14 Jan 
1753Susannahdaughter ofJames & SusannaLIDFORD04 Feb 
1753Margaretdaughter ofThomas & AnnCOMBES29 Apr 
1753Marydaughter ofEsau & MaryLUSH03 May 
1753Robertson ofJames & GraceHAWKINS08 May 
1753Josephson ofGeorge & HannahELSWORTH30 May 
1753Marydaughter ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN04 Jun 
1753Elizabethdaughter ofRalph & MaryWHITE23 Sep 
1754Jenneydaughter ofJohn & GraceTOREVELL07 Jan 
1754Georgeson ofPeter & HonorKINGMAN08 Mar 
1754Anndaughter ofThomas & AnneROLLS26 Mar 
1754Richardson ofJohn & EdithPARRICK31 Mar 
1754Anndaughter ofThomas & AnneKINGMAN07 Apr 
1754Edmundson ofGeorge & ElizabethKENDALL12 May 
1754Marydaughter ofWilliam & SarahNORTHOVER19 May 
1754Esauson ofEsau & MaryLUSH20 Aug 
1754Marydaughter ofRichard & MarySHITTLER25 Aug 
1754Gilesson ofGiles & AnoverLODER28 Aug 
1754Georgeson ofMaryMELMORE08 Sepbaseborn
1754Elizabethdaughter ofAbraham & MaryVINCENT29 Sep 
1754Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryELSWORTH25 Dec 
1755Richardson ofRichard & MargaretHAWKINS05 Feb 
1755Susannadaughter ofThomas & BettyROLLS09 Feb 
1755Thomasson ofJoseph & MaryWHITE23 Feb 
1755Marthadaughter ofThomas & AnnCOOMBS02 Mar 
1755Marydaughter ofThomas & AnnCOOMBS02 Mar 
1755Robertson ofRobert & AnnWATTS05 Mar 
1755Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & MaryCARMAN19 May 
1755Anndaughter ofJames & GraceHAWKINS29 Jun 
1755Georgeson ofJohn & EdithPARRICK29 Jun 
1755Jennydaughter ofRichard & JennyPARRICK09 Jul 
1755Annadaughter ofCaleb & RepentanceBURGE16 Oct 
1755Williamson ofRichard & CatherineDAVIS21 Dec 
1756Bettydaughter ofGeorge & HannahELSWORTH06 Feb 
1756Margerydaughter ofChristopher & AnneCHAPMAN11 Mar 
1756Williamson ofWilliam & MaryMITCHELL14 Mar 
1756Andrewson ofAnnCAINES21 Marbaseborn
1756Abelson ofJohn & SusannahCAINES04 Apr 
1756Marydaughter ofThomas & AnnROLLES09 May 
1756Johnson ofJohn & GraceTOREVELL10 Aug 
1756Johnson ofWilliam & BettyWATTS17 Aug 
1756Jennydaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethROLLES15 Sep 
1756Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWHITE15 Sep 
1756Francesdaughter ofJohn & EdithPARRICK03 Oct 
1756Johnson ofPeter & HonorKINGMAN03 Dec 
1756Georgeson ofGeorge & ElizabethKENDALL12 Dec 
1756Williamson ofJohn & AnnFRAMPTON22 Decof Lydlinch
1757Susannahdaughter ofWilliam & BettyBARNES18 Janof Fifehead
1757Thomasson ofNathaniel & MaryCARMAN31 Jan 
1757Sarahdaughter ofMaryGOULD06 Febbaseborn
1757Charlesson ofMaryMELMORE11 Febbaseborn
1757Anndaughter ofAbraham & MaryVINCENT27 Mar 
1757Dinahdaughter ofJohn & DinahWEBBER01 Apr 
1757Richardson ofHenry & SusannahLANE19 May 
1757Thomasson ofThomas & AnnCOOMBES29 May 
1757Aquilason ofWilliam & MarthaCAINES03 Jul 
1757Fannydaughter ofRichard & MargaretHOPKINS08 Aug 
1757Elizabethdaughter ofJames & GraceHAWKINS09 Aug 
1757Johnson ofJohn & EdithPARRICK20 Nov 
1758Sarahdaughter ofWilliam & SarahNORTHOVER11 Jan 
1758Susannahdaughter ofJohn & SusannahCAINES17 Feb 
1758Johnson ofWilliam & MaryCROCKER28 May 
1758Johnson ofJohn & DinahWEBBER09 Jul 
1758Anndaughter ofGeorge & HannahELSWORTH16 Jul 
1758Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & BettyPOPE30 Jul 
1758Anndaughter ofElizabethTATE06 Augbaseborn
1758Nannydaughter ofElizabethUPSHALL09 Augbaseborn
1758Anndaughter ofNathaniel & MaryCARMAN13 Aug 
1758Benjaminson ofWilliam & BettyBARNES12 Sepof Fifehead
1758Jennydaughter ofAnnGILBERT29 Sepbaseborn
1758Henryson ofHenry & SusannahLANE09 Oct 
1758Josephson ofMarySTUBBS27 Oct 
1758Thomasson ofJames & SarahTOREVELL27 Oct 
1759Georgeson ofRobert & AnnMULLET04 Jan 
1759Charlesson ofJohn & EdithPARRICK11 Feb 
1759Elinordaughter ofWilliam & BettyDEICK18 Apr 
1759Josephson ofWilliam & BettyWATTS01 Dec 
1760Thomasson ofJohn & GraceTOREVELL09 Jan 
1760Thomasson ofJoseph & AnnEDWARDS24 Feb 
1760Thomasson ofJohn & EdithPARRICK09 Mar 
1760Robinson ofJohn & BettyPOPE10 Mar 
1760Marthadaughter ofNathaniel & MaryCARMAN06 Apr 
1760Silasson ofJohn & DinahWEBBER27 Apr 
1760Richardson ofJohn & SusannahCHAPMAN17 Jun 
1760Marydaughter ofJames & GraceHAWKINS13 Jul 
1760Jennydaughter ofWilliam & JennyGOODFELLOW07 Aug 
1760Adamson ofWilliam & BettyWATTS15 Aug 
1760Williamson ofThomas & AnnCOOMBES21 Aug 
1760Thomasson ofRobert & AnnMULLET24 Aug 
1760Marydaughter ofGiles & AnoverLODER10 Sep 
1760Peterson ofLuke & BettyCOX18 Sep 
1760Jamesson ofWilliam & MaryCROCKER28 Sep 
1761Richardson ofThomas & AnnROLLES01 Feb 
1761Marthadaughter ofJohn & GraceMARJOR13 Feb 
1761Elizabethdaughter ofMaryGILLAM08 Mar 
1761Hannahdaughter ofGeorge & HannahELSWORTH28 Mar 
1761Christopherson ofWilliam & BettyDEICK03 Apr 
1761Thomasson ofEdmund & BettySMALL03 Apr 
1761Fannydaughter ofWilliam & JennyGOODFELLOW24 May 
1761Reubenson ofRichard & MargaretHOPKINS31 Jul 
1761Sarahdaughter ofNathaniel & MaryCARMAN08 Oct 
1761Johnson ofJoseph & AnnEDWARDS15 Oct 
1761Jeremiahson ofJames & SarahTOREVELL17 Dec 
1762Marydaughter ofWilliam & BettyWATTS10 Jan 
1762Henryson ofPeter & HonorKINGMAN15 Jantwin
1762Honordaughter ofPeter & HonorKINGMAN15 Jantwin
1762Thomasson ofBettyWATTS21 Janbaseborn
1762Marydaughter ofJohn & DinahWEBBER31 Jan 
1762Robertson ofRobert & AnnMULLET01 Feb 
1762Williamson ofWilliam & JennyGOODFELLOW04 May 
1762Anndaughter ofR? & MargeryEDWARDS29 May 
1762Marydaughter ofWilliam & AnnDURNFORD11 Jun 
1762Samuelson ofWilliam & MaryCROCKER13 Jun 
1762Jamesson ofJames & GraceHAWKINS11 Nov 
1762Francesdaughter ofJohn & EdithPARRICK21 Nov 
1762Sarahdaughter ofRobin & MaryMULLET07 Decof Fifehead Neville
1763Jennydaughter ofJohn & MaryEDWARDS08 Jan 
1763Elizabethdaughter ofEdmund & BettySMALL03 Feb 
1763Samuelson ofMaryGUILLAM13 Marof Stoke
1763Anndaughter ofJohn & BettyPOPE03 Jun 
1763Johnson ofRobert & AnnMULLET07 Jun 
1763Thomasson ofThomas & AnnCOOMBES19 Jun 
1763Marydaughter ofGeorge & HannahELSWORTH26 Jun 
1763Rosedaughter ofThomas & AnnROLLES03 Jul 
1763Gracedaughter ofWilliam & JennyGOODFELLOW14 Aug 
1763Thomasson ofJohn & GraceTOREVELL25 Oct 
1763Williamson ofWilliam & BettyDEICK27 Oct 
1763Marydaughter ofWilliam & AnnDURNFORD02 Nov 
1764Johnson ofWilliam & FannyMONCKTON30 Jan 
1764Nathanielson ofNathaniel & MaryCARMAN22 Feb 
1764Honourdaughter ofPeter & HonorKINGMAN26 Feb 
1764Jerryson ofWilliam & BettyWATTS08 Mar 
1764Jamesson ofJohn & SusannahCHAPMAN18 Mar 
1764Thomasson ofGeorge & BettyKENDALL18 Mar 
1764Anndaughter ofHenry & SusannahLANE28 Mar 
1764Anndaughter ofJohn & EdithPARRICK09 Apr 
1764Anndaughter ofGeorge & ChristianTOREVELL10 Apr 
1764Samuelson ofWilliam & MaryCROCKER05 Aug 
1764Marydaughter ofJoseph & AnnEDWARDS07 Aug 
1764Rosedaughter ofJames & SarahTOREVELL25 Aug 
1764Phillisdaughter ofRobert & AnnMULLET16 Sep 
1764Gracedaughter ofWilliam & JennyGOODFELLOW09 Oct 
1764Robinson ofJames & RachelUPSHALL21 Oct 
1765Robinson ofJohn & MarySPICER24 Mar 
1765Anndaughter ofEdmund & BettySMALL12 Apr 
1765Georgeson ofGeorge & ChristianTOREVELL21 Apr 
1765Joshuason ofJoshua & JennySHERRING02 Jun 
1765Abrahamson ofSamuel & MaryVINCENT02 Jun 
1765Marydaughter ofThomas & MaryRIDGELY15 Oct 
1766Georgeson ofGeorge & HannahELSWORTH07 Jan 
1766Abelson ofBenjamin & MollyMULLEN23 Janof Buckland Newton
1766Williamson ofWilliam & BettyDEICK26 Feb 
1766Thomasson ofJohn & SusannahCHAPMAN12 Mar 
1766Fannydaughter ofWilliam & FannyMONCKTON25 Apr 
1766Gracedaughter ofWilliam & GraceELKINS21 Mayof Fifehead
1766Harriotdaughter ofPeter & HonorKINGMAN08 Jun 
1766Mary Upwarddaughter ofRobert & AnnMULLET19 Jun 
1766Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & AnnDURNFORD24 Jun 
1766Christiandaughter ofGeorge & ChristianFOREWELL24 Jun 
1766Thomasson ofWilliam & MarySCOTT16 Decof Lower Fifehead
1767Thomas Upwardson ofThomas & MaryRIDGELY18 Jan 
1767Gracedaughter ofWilliam & JennyGOODFELLOW26 Jan 
1767Thomasson ofJoseph & MaryEDWARDS01 Mar 
1767Bethiahdaughter ofJames & RachelUPSHALL15 Mar 
1767Samuelson ofSamuel & SarahWHITE29 Mar 
1767Bettydaughter ofJohn & MarySPICER23 Aug 
1767Susannahdaughter ofNathaniel & MaryCARMAN06 Sep 
1767Williamson ofWilliam & FannyMONCKTON27 Dec 
1768Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & MarySHITTLER17 Jan 
1768Jamesson ofRobert & AnnMULLET07 Feb 
1768Marydaughter ofRobert & AnnMULLET07 Feb 
1768Jennydaughter ofThomas & JennyHARDY06 Mar 
1768Onesiphorusson ofWilliam & AnnDURNFORD24 Apr 
1768Meliordaughter ofJoseph & MaryEDWARDS08 May 
1768Georgeson ofGeorge & KatherineWHITE20 May 
1768Davidson ofThomas & MaryWHITE27 Jun 
1768Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & DinahWEBBER31 Jul 
1768Williamson ofJohn & BettyKAFE17 Sepof Lydlinch
1768Samuelson ofThomas & MaryRIDGELY04 Oct 
1768Marydaughter ofWilliam & BettyDEICK06 Nov 
1768Bethiadaughter ofJohn & MarySPICER06 Nov 
1769Williamson ofJoseph & AnnEDWARDS01 Jan 
1769Jamesson ofSamuel & SarahWHITE20 Jan 
1769Robertson ofGeorge & KatherineWHITE08 Feb 
1769Martinson ofJohn & MarySMART17 Feb 
1769Johnson ofGeorge & HannahEDWARDS12 Apr 
1769Josephson ofJames & RachelUPSHALL14 May 
1769Marydaughter ofWilliam & FannyMONCKTON28 May 
1769Williamson ofJohn & MaryCOOMBS09 Jul 
1769Robertson ofRobertSHITLER06 Nov 
1769Edwardson ofThomasHARDY19 Nov 
1769Elizabethdaughter ofThomasHARDY08 Dec 
1769Robertson ofGeorgeWHITE25 Dec 
1770Johnson ofSamuelCOOMBES07 Jan 
1770Bettydaughter ofWilliamGOODFELLOW09 Jan 
1770Sallydaughter ofThomasRIDOUT08 Apr 
1770Samuelson ofJosephEDWARDS22 Apr 
1770Johnson ofWilliamDUNFORD06 May 
1770Jeremiahson ofWilliamWATTS23 Sep 
1770Anndaughter ofWilliamWATTS23 Sep 
1770Dinahdaughter ofWilliamWATTS23 Sep 
1770Williamson ofWilliamGILLINGHAM28 Oct 
1770Bettydaughter ofGeorgeWHITE13 Nov 
1771Anndaughter ofThomasRIDGELEY22 Jan 
1771Anndaughter ofRobertMULLET27 Jan 
1771Jamesson ofJohnSMART06 Feb 
1771Eleanordaughter ofThomasWHITE13 Feb 
1771Anndaughter ofWilliamUPSHALL13 Feb 
1771Sarahdaughter ofWilliamSTONETON?20 Feb 
1771Robertson ofGeorgeFOREWELL15 Mar 
1771Janedaughter ofJohnMELMORE18 Apr 
1771Elizabethdaughter ofJohnCOMBS06 MayDied in 1821
1771Jonathanson ofElishaWHITE13 Aug 
1771Williamson ofThomasHARDY29 Aug 
1771Sarahdaughter ofThomasWORM27 Sepsojourner
1771Jacob Vivasson ofJohnWEBBER17 Nov 
1772Marydaughter ofJamesUPSHALL22 Jan 
1772Rosemondadaughter ofSamuelWHITE29 Jan 
1772Marydaughter ofWilliamDUNFORD30 Mar 
1772Josephson ofThomasRIDGELY04 May 
1772Elizabethdaughter ofWilliamDICK28 May 
1772Hannah Mulletdaughter ofElizabethWHITE01 Junbaseborn
1772Josephson ofFrancesBARNES19 Julbaseborn
1772Johnson ofThomasRIDEOUT26 Aug 
1772Marthadaughter ofRobertUPSHALL06 Sep 
1772Marydaughter ofSamuelCOMBES08 Sep 
1772Josephson ofWilliamMONCKTON11 Novtwin
1772Thomasson ofWilliamMONCKTON11 Novtwin
1772Johnson ofGeorgeWHITE26 Nov 
1773Susannahdaughter ofWilliamWATTS25 Jan 
1773Elizabethdaughter ofWilliamGILLINGHAM29 Jan 
1773Marydaughter ofJohnSMART02 Feb 
1773Elizabethdaughter ofDavidCAINS18 Feb 
1773Rogerson ofJohnRICHARDS26 Feb 
1773Francesdaughter ofThomasHARDY12 Mar 
1773Anndaughter ofJosephEDWARDS12 Apr 
1773Elizabethdaughter ofJohnARCHMORE13 Apr 
1773Marydaughter ofJosephEDWARDS16 May 
1773Anndaughter ofWilliamDUNFORD04 Jul 
1773Rebekahdaughter ofThomasHARDY21 Jul 
1773Janedaughter ofSamuelCOOMBS09 Aug 
1773Benjaminson ofBenjaminELSWORTH29 Aug 
1773Samuelson ofBenjaminCAINS12 Sep 
1774Sarahdaughter ofJohnUPSHALL30 Jan 
1774Peterson ofJohnCOMBS31 Jan 
1774Charlesson ofJohnCALF12 Feb 
1774Elizabethdaughter ofRobertMULLET29 Mar 
1774Richardson ofThomasHALET07 Apr 
1774Edwardson ofWilliamMONCKTON13 May 
1774Jennydaughter ofGeorgeELFORD18 May 
1774Josephson ofGeorgeTOREVIL18 Jun 
1774Benjaminson ofJohnUPSHALL18 Jun 
1774Anndaughter ofSamuelWHITE30 Jun 
1774Charlesson ofJamesUPSHALL03 Jul 
1774Elizabethdaughter ofJohnCHAPMAN10 Jul 
1774Williamson ofSamuelDUNFORD23 Oct 
1774Benjamin Chewsterson ofJohnBROWN06 Nov 
1775Sarahdaughter ofWilliamDIKE15 Feb 
1775Jamesson ofThomasRIDEOUT27 Feb 
1775Marthadaughter ofJohnMILMOUTH?27 Mar 
1775Elizabethdaughter ofJamesYOUNG25 Mar 
1775Williamson ofThomasHARDY15 May 
1775Anndaughter ofHenrySYMES19 May 
1775Isaacson ofRobertUPSHALL09 Jun 
1775Gracedaughter ofBenjaminELSWORTH08 Oct 
1775Susannadaughter ofGeorgeWHITE08 Oct 
1775Susannadaughter ofSamuelCOOMBS17 Oct 
1775Thomasson ofThomasHALET10 Nov 
1775Gracedaughter ofHughDRAKE12 Nov 
1775Marydaughter ofJohnCHAPMAN04 Dec 
1775Williamson ofWilliamDUNFORD23 Dec 
1776Marydaughter ofAbelPOPE03 Jan 
1776Johnson ofBenjaminCAINS08 Jan 
1776Thomasson ofWilliamCAINS28 Jan 
1776Johnson ofJosephELSWORTH09 Feb 
1776Robertson ofJohnCALF30 Mar 
1776Rosedaughter ofWilliamWATTS03 Apr 
1776Johnson ofRobertSMART13 Apr 
1776Richardson ofThomasWHITE13 Apr 
1776Marydaughter ofJamesWHITE13 Apr 
1776Susannadaughter ofElishaWHITE17 Apr 
1776Jamesson ofRichardCARTERMayNo date. Died March 1844
1776Georgeson ofJohnCOOMBES10 May 
1776Johnson ofRobertMULLETJulDied Nov 1863
1776Anndaughter ofNicodemusSTEAD  

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