
BAPTISMS 1701 - 1812

Transcribed from Records held at the Dorset History Centre and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

Arranged according to the Gregorian Calendar, with the Julian year indicated to the left of the forward slash (/) in those years when the Julian Calendar, which ran from March 25th to March 24th, was in use (i.e. prior to 1752, 1751 being the transition year).

The register is difficult to read in places, so researchers are advised to use this transcript as a guide only and to consult the originals at the Dorset History Centre.



20-Apr-1701; Peter RIGGS

23-Apr-1701; George DRAKE

27-Apr-1701; Thomas DRAKE

27-Apr-1701; Stroud CHALDECOTT

27-Jul-1701; John MICHELL

10-Aug-1701; Elizabeth BRITE


11-Jan-1701/2; Ruth PARSONS

01-Feb-1701/2; John MORRISS of Aller

08-Feb-1701/2; Luce SQUIBB

10-Mar-1701/2; Ann HOOPER

06-Apr-1702; Anthony DODSON

12-May-1702; Mary STICKLAND daughter of Isaac STICKLAND

25-May-1702; George BAKER son of Edward BAKER

18-Jun-1702; Ann EVERETT

10-Sep-1702; David MORRISS

__-Sep-1702; Mary THOMAS

29-Oct-1702; Mary PITT (born 28-Sep-1702 about 8 in the morning) daughter of John PITT vicar of Hilton

19-Nov-1702; Henery VINE

19-Nov-1702; Henry FURMAGE

26-Dec-1702; Henry STICKLAND

28-Dec-1702; Mary STICKLAND


28-Jan-1702/3; Margarett CHACUTT daughter of Richard CHACUTT, Anabaptist [born & registered]

28-Mar-1703; Peter SADBER

30-Mar-1703; Richard POLE

04-May-1703; William BEMENT son of William BEMENT

17-May-1703; Mary MICHELL of Harper Lane

24-Jun-1703; Benjamin MORRISS alias DUCK of Aller

25-Jul-1703; Elizabeth RIGGS

21-Oct-1703; Elizabeth DIRINT

24-Oct-1703; David HUESTIES

28-Nov-1703; George ADAMS

12-Dec-1703; James DRAKE


23-Jan-1703/4; John PARSONS

30-Apr-1704; Mary LOCK

30-May-1704; Cornelius CHALDECOTT

11-Jun-1704; James GOULD son of Ralph GOULD, Anabaptist, was born & registered

27-Jun-1704; Sarah MORRISS

29-Jun-1704; Susanna SQUIBB

14-Jul-1704; Joseph COWARD

03-Sep-1704; Elizabeth MORRISS of Aller

11-Oct-1704; Francis STICKLAND son of Henry STICKLAND of Aller

11-Oct-1704; Jane STICKLAND daughter of Henry STICKLAND of Aller

21-Nov-1704; Joseph GIGGER


02-Feb-1704/5; Sarah STICKLAND of Harper Lane

21-Feb-1704/5; Sarah DODSON

28-Feb-1704/5; Elizabeth FURMAGE

28-Feb-1704/5; John CHACUTT son of Richard CHACUTT Anabaptist [born & registered]

02-Mar-1704/5; Joan HOOPER

11-Apr-1705; Susanna BAKER

23-Apr-1705; James EVERETT

11-Jul-1705; John GERARD

26-Jul-1705; Margaret VINE

05-Nov-1705; Edward PARSONS

19-Nov-1705; Elizabeth SADBOR of Anstey

25-Dec-1705; Sarah ADAMS of Ansty


07-Jan-1705/6; Henry BEAMENT

08-Jan-1705/6; Ursulah BAYAR

28-Jan-1705/6; Joshuah DRAKE of Aller

04-Feb-1705/6; Sarah THOMAS of Aller

05-Feb-1705/6; Jasper GOULD son of Ralph GOULD of Aller, Anabaptist, was registered

05-Feb-1705/6; Mary ALLEN

24-Apr-1706; Richard MORRISS of Harper Lane

01-May-1706; Elizabeth COWARD

09-May-1706; Robert CANDY

20-Jun-1706; Sarah CHACUTT daughter of Richard CHACUTT, Anabaptist, was registered

02-Oct-1706; William MORRISS

10-Oct-1706; Elizabeth POLE of Aller

03-Dec-1706; Martin MICHELL of Harper Lane

17-Dec-1706; Susannah CHADECOTT of Anstey

28-Dec-1706; William CHURCHILL


04-Jan-1706/7; Francis STICKLAND of Harper Lane

26-Jan-1706/7; John GOULD (born 01-Jan-1706/7) son of Ralph GOULD, Anabaptist, was registered

18-Mar-1706/7; Margaret HOOPER

25-Mar-1707; Susannah HOUSE

03-Jun-1707; Anne CANDY

03-Jul-1707; Robert GERARD

26-Aug-1707; William MORRIS alias DUCK

11-Dec-1707; Thomas LOCK


26-Jan-1707/8; Daniel COWARD

17-Feb-1707/8; Rachell DUCK alias MORRIS

03-Mar-1707/8; John ALLEN

05-Apr-1708; Frances STICKLAND

01-Aug-1708; Mary POPE base born daughter of Mary POPE of Harper Lane

27-Sep-1708; Charles CHALDECOTT son of Richard CHALDECOTT, Anabaptist, was registered

01-Dec-1708; Anne BEAMENT

12-Dec-1708; Elizabeth LOCK


02-Jan-1708/9; Jane PARSONS

04-Jan-1708/9; John CHURCHILL

05-Jan-1708/9; John HOUSE

06-Jan-1708/9; Joan ADAMS

16-Jan-1708/9; Ann SCARD

26-Jan-1708/9; Susannah DRAKE

07-Feb-1708/9; Martha THOMAS

09-Feb-1708/9; Abel LOCK

25-Feb-1708/9; Thomas DUCK alias MORRIS

17-May-1709; Joseph CANDY son of Robert CANDY

01-Jun-1709; Elizabeth HOOPER daughter of John & Ann HOOPER

14-Jun-1709; John EVERETT base born

29-Dec-1709; Philis POLE of Aller

29-Dec-1709; John TORRILL of Cerne


25-Jan-1709/10; Dorothie COWARD

07-Feb-1709/10; James TUCKER

05-Mar-1709/10; Susannah WARE

10-Apr-1710; Thomas BAKER

31-May-1710; Martha GERARD of Aller

09-Jul-1710; Susannah LOCK daughter of Walter LOCK

09-Jul-1710; Susannah SQUIBB daughter of Walter SQUIBB

23-Jul-1710; William HOOPER son of John HOOPER of Ansty

01-Dec-1710; Jane SCARD

27-Dec-1710; John LAWRENCE


16-Mar-1710/11; Mary DAY

21-May-1711; Charles GERARD

22-May-1711; Jane SAUNDERS

20-Jun-1711; Joseph HOUSE son of Joseph HOUSE

01-Jul-1711; Robert DUCK alias MORRIS of Harper Lane

31-Jul-1711; Katharine CANDY daughter of Robert CANDY

20-Aug-1711; Robert STICKLAND of Harper Lane

07-Oct-1711; Mary DUCK alias MORRIS daughter of John DUCK alias MORRIS

10-Oct-1711; Frances VINE daughter of Henry VINE

26-Dec-1711; Christian ADAMS


02-Jan-1711/12; Mary POPE

06-Feb-1711/12; William WARR

16-Mar-1711/12; Sarah LOCKE daughter of Andrew LOCKE

24-Mar-1711/12; Elizabeth HART daughter of Thomas HART

24-Mar-1711/12; Mary CORFE daughter of William CORFE

24-Jul-1712; Jinny Jany TUCKER

27-Jul-1712; Thomas RIGGS base born son of Mary RIGGS

22-Aug-1712; Christian BRYER daughter of William BRYER

24-Aug-1712; Matthias CHURCHILL

06-Oct-1712; Elizabeth STICKLAND


21-Jan-1712/3; Richard SCARD

04-Apr-1713; John HOOPER son of John HOOPER

22-Apr-1713; Mary GERARD daughter of Robert GERARD junior

06-May-1713; Ann LAWRENCE

09-Aug-1713; Ruth VINE

16-Aug-1713; Ann DAY

20-Aug-1713; Edith DODSON

20-Aug-1713; Ann DODSON

17-Sep-1713; James BEMENT

09-Oct-1713; Robert CANDY son of Robert CANDY

24-Oct-1713; John BOWER

14-Nov-1713; Ann HART of Harper Lane

26-Dec-1713; Anne STICKLAND


01-Jan-1713/4; John STICKLAND of Harper Lane

02-Feb-1713/4; Ann WARE

02-Feb-1713/4; Elizabeth HOOPER

27-Jun-1714; Robert LOCKE son of Thomas LOCKE

25-Jul-1714; Betty BARNES daughter of Samuel & Edith BARNES

22-Aug-1714; John ADAMS of Anstey

17-Sep-1714; Rebeccah BOWER

06-Oct-1714; George HOUS

30-Oct-1714; Joseph TUCKER of Anstey

12-Dec-1714; Robert SCARD


14-Jan-1714/5; Jinny BRIER daughter of William BRIER

02-Mar-1714/5; Nathaniell STICKLAND of Aller

06-Mar-1714/5; Jeny KAYNES daughter of Thomas KAYNES junior

20-Apr-1715; Joseph JERARD

26-Apr-1715; Joseph DUCK alias MORRISH

12-Jun-1715; Samuel MORRISH

01-Aug-1715; Jaspar STICKLAND

21-Nov-1715; James STICKLAND of Aller


06-Jan-1715/6; Elizabeth HOOPER of Ansty

12-Feb-1715/6; Roger STICKLAND of Harper Lane

14-Feb-1715/6; John DAY of Aller

14-Feb-1715/6; Francis HOUS

27-Feb-1715/6; Mary HICKS of Ansty

25-Mar-1716; Amy WARE

14-Apr-1716; Ann GERRARD daughter of Robert & Susannah GERRARD

20-May-1716; Sarah SQUIB base born daughter of Ann SQUIB of Milecombe

19-Sep-1716; Thomas GARLAND

04-Oct-1716; Thomas KAYNES of Ansty

25-Dec-1716; Christopher STICKLAND of Aller


29-Jan-1716/17; Betty UPWARD

27-Mar-1717; George WORD

22-Apr-1717; Elizabeth CANES

03-Jun-1717; Mary ADAMS

03-Jun-1717; Andrew CHURCHILL

11-Jul-1717; Mary FRIPP

26-Aug-1717; Mary HART

11-Sep-1717; John GARLAND

12-Sep-1717; Ann MORRISH

29-Oct-1717; Mary GUMBLETON of Anstey

16-Dec-1717; William HAY of Ansty


05-Jan-1717/18; George MORRISH son of Samuel MORRISH

16-Jan-1717/18; Nathanell GERARD

10-Feb-1717/18; Ann FOOKE

03-Mar-1717/18; Benjamin STICKLAND

28-Mar-1718; John STICKLAND

08-Apr-1718; Robert WORD of Aller

26-Apr-1718; Thomas WARR

03-May-1718; Nathan BEATON born, [son of Nathan BEATON] Anabaptist

12-May-1718; Mary BEMENT

02-Jul-1718; William DAY

05-Jul-1718; Thomas GERARD

13-Sep-1718; John BOUCHER (born 19-Aug-1718) son of James & Hannah BOUCHER of Ansty

22-Aug-1718; John LAWRENCE alias HICKS

25-Aug-1718; Thomas SCARD


13-Jan-1718/19; John PENNY

14-Jan-1718/19; Ann STICKLAND daughter of Nathaniel STICKLAND

20-Jan-1718/19; Hannah HALLET of Aller

20-Jan-1718/19; Mary UPWARD of Aller

21-Jan-1718/19; Hugh WORLD of Aller

29-Jan-1718/19; Katharine HOOPER

05-Feb-1718/19; James HOUS

23-Feb-1718/19; William CORFE

02-Apr-1719; Benjamin MORRISH alias DUCK of Harper Lane

02-Apr-1719; Robert GREY of Ansty

15-Apr-1719; Elizabeth FRIPP daughter of James & Mary FRIPP

28-Apr-1719; Mary KAYNES daughter of Thomas KAYNES junior

06-Aug-1719; Mary GILHAM

06-Sep-1719; Thomas CANDY

13-Sep-1719; Avice BOUCHER

06-Oct-1719; Catharine GILLINGHAM

19-Nov-1719; Richard GARLAND


11-Jan-1719/20; David STICKLAND of Aller

01-Feb-1719/20; Ann ADAMS of Ansty

09-Feb-1719/20; Richard SQUIB base born son of Ann SQUIB

27-Feb-1719/20; Elenor DUCK alias MORRIS of Aller

03-Mar-1719/20; John BEATON born, son of Nathan BEATON Anabaptist

07-Mar-1719/20; Edward HOOPER of Ansty

05-May-1720; Martha EDMUNDS

__-___-1720; Margaret HART of Aller

07-Aug-1720; Sarah STICKLAND daughter of John & Damaris STICKLAND

31-Aug-1720; Elizabeth CORFE daughter of William & Elizabeth CORFE

29-Oct-1720; Avice MORRISS

06-Nov-1720; Mary STICKLAND of Harper Lane

24-Nov-1720; Samuel FRIP son of Samuel   & Mary FRIP

26-Dec-1720; Mary FRIP daughter of William & Mary FRIP

20-Dec-1720; George BEATON son of Nathan BEATON Anabaptist


12-Jan-1720/1; Sarah DAY of Ansty

12-Jan-1720/1; John WARE son of William & Dorothy WARE

21-Jan-1720/1; Sarah HOUS

25-Jan-1720/1; Mary KAINS of Ansty

30-Jan-1720/1; Benjamin DAY of Aller

22-Feb-1720/1; Paul GERARD

01-Jul-1721; William GUMBLETON of Ansty

23-Aug-1721; Cornelius BROADBEY

01-Sep-1721; Sarah DAWNEY

30-Oct-1721; Mary WORD daughter of Thomas WORD

01-Nov-1721; Catherine HOOPER of Harper Lane

22-Dec-1721; [illegible entry]


14-Jan-1721/2; Mary [illegible]

22-Mar-1721/2; John FRIPP

09-Apr-1722; Jenny ADAMS of Ansty

07-May-1722; Richard PILE

03-Jun-1722; George STICKLAND of Aller

03-Jun-1722; Martha GILLHAM

20-Jun-1722; Mary STICKLAND

23-Jul-1722; John CANDY

12-Aug-1722; Nathaniel STICKLAND

07-Dec-1722; Ursula HALLATT


11-Jan-1722/3; John FRIP son of Samuel FRIP

14-Jan-1722/3; Benjamin HOUS son of Joseph HOUS

14-Jan-1722/3; Benjamin STICKLAND

26-Feb-1722/3; Leonora EDMENS daughter of Benjamin EDMENS

14-Apr-1723; Mary WARE daughter of William WARE

15-Apr-1723; Robert STICKLAND son of Benjamin STICKLAND of Aller

16-Apr-1723; Martha STICKLAND daughter of John STICKLAND of Aller

23-Apr-1723; John MICHELL son of John MICHELL

13-May-1723; Ann HOOPER daughter of Thomas HOOPER of Harper Lane

09-Jun-1723; Anna PASONS base born daughter of Dorothy PARSONS

30-Jun-1723; William LUMMEN son of Lancelot LUMMEN

03-Jul-1723; William STICKLAND son of John STICKLAND of Harper Lane

12-Nov-1723; Joseph WORLD son of Hugh WORLD

01-Dec-1723; Martha WARE base born daughter of Martha WARE

01-Dec-1723; Mary WARE base born daughter of Martha WARE

02-Dec-1723; Samuel DRAKE son of Richard DRAKE

16-Dec-1723; Jane SQUIBB base born daughter of Luce SQUIBB

26-Dec-1723; John MORRIS son of Thomas MORRIS of Warn Lane


08-Jan-1723/4; Elinor HOUSE daughter of William HOUSE of Harper Lane

12-Jan-1723/4; Thomas MORRIS son of Samuel MORRIS of Ansty

03-Feb-1723/4; Joseph CANDY son of Joseph CANDY of Anstey

18-Feb-1723/4; George MORRIS son of Henry MORRIS of Aller

03-Mar-1723/4; Elizabeth GUMBLETON son of Robert GUMBLETON of Ansty

21-Apr-1724; William ADAMS son of George ADAMS of Ansty

14-Jun-1724; Mary BATH daughter of Thomas BATH of Cothaye

30-Jun-1724; John LUMMEN son of Lancelot LUMMEN

02-Aug-1724; Sarah DAY daughter of David DAY of Aller

23-Aug-1724; Benjamin ADAMS son of Thomas ADAMS of Ansty

06-Dec-1724; Ann STICKLAND daughter of George STICKLAND of Ansty


30-Jan-1724/5; William MICHELL son of John MICHELL

08-Feb-1724/5; Mary STICKLAND daughter of John STICKLAND of Aller

30-Apr-1725; Elizabeth WORLD daughter of John WORLD of Aller

27-Jun-1725; Benjamin HOUSE son of Joseph HOUSE

04-Jul-1725; William FRIPP son of Samuel FRIPP deceased

11-Jul-1725; Jenny BAKER daughter of George BAKER

15-Aug-1725; Richard WEAR son of William WEAR

15-Aug-1725; Elizabeth BUTCHER daughter of James BUTCHER

06-Sep-1725; Thomas UPWARD son of Edward UPWARD

06-Sep-1725; Francis STICKLAND son of John STICKLAND

19-Sep-1725; Elizabeth ALLEN daughter of Joyce ALLEN of Spetisbury

19-Sep-1725; Joseph HALLETT son of Daniel HALLETT

08-Nov-1725; Robert GUMBLEDON son of Robert & Sarah GUMBLEDON

08-Nov-1725; Mary EDMONDS daughter of Benjamin & Martha EDMONDS

05-Dec-1725; Deborah HOOPER daughter of Thomas & Hester HOOPER

27-Dec-1725; Mary MORRIS daughter of Thomas & Mary MORRIS


22-Jan-1725/6; John GILHAM son of William & Elizabeth GILHAM

06-Mar-1725/6; William SQUIB son of Richard & Mary SQUIB

13-Mar-1725/6; Elizabeth CANDY daughter of Joseph & Ann CANDY of Ansty

11-Apr-1726; Susanna ADAMS daughter of George & Susanna ADAMS of Ansty

06-May-1726; Christian WORLD daughter of Hugh & Christian WORLD

27-Aug-1726; Anne DRAKE daughter of George & Anne DRAKE

19-Oct-1726; Mary DIRANT daughter of John & Margaret DIRANT


12-Jan-1726/7; Mary MURRY daughter of Christopher & Ann MURRY of Ansty

15-Jan-1726/7; Susanna HOUSE daughter of Peter & Anne HOUSE

28-Jan-1726/7; Thomas SQUIBB son of Joseph & Dorothy SQUIBB

07-Feb-1726/7; Susan STICKLAND daughter of John & Damaris STICKLAND of Aller

20-Feb-1726/7; Mary STICKLAND daughter of George & Margaret STICKLAND of Ansty

05-Mar-1726/7; William COSH son of Justinian & Martha COSH of Ansty

09-Apr-1727; Joseph HOUSE son of William & Elleanour HOUSE of Melcombe Horsey

09-Apr-1727; Mary HOUSE daughter of William & Elleanour HOUSE of Melcombe Horsey

__-___-1727; Rebecah WHITE daughter of Andrew & Mary WHITE

04-May-1727; Joseph KAYNES son of Thomas & Jane KAYNES of Ansty

14-Jul-1727; William HARVEY son of James & Mary HARVEY

06-Aug-1727; Richard BAKER son of George & Jenny BAKER

12-Aug-1727; David DAY son of David & Dorothy DAY of Aller

14-Aug-1727; Jane GUMBLEDON daughter of Robert & Sarah GUMBLEDON of Ansty

21-Aug-1727; Jenny KERLY daughter of Samuell & Jane KERLY of Harpers Lane

15-Sep-1727; Mary THOMAS daughter of John & Eliza THOMAS

27-Sep-1727; Mary HALLET daughter of Daniel & Mary HALLET of Ansty

27-Dec-1727; John UPWARD son of Edward & Mary UPWARD of Aller


28-Jan-1727/8; William FRIPP son of William & Mary FRIPP

08-Mar-1727/8; David MORRIS son of Thomas & Mary MORRIS of Ansty

09-Mar-1727/8; George ADAMS son of George & Susanna ADAMS of Ansty

15-Aug-1728; Susanna EDMONDS daughter of Benjamin & Martha EDMONDS of Ansty

15-Oct-1728; Elizabeth GILHAM daughter of William & Elizabeth GILHAM of Harpers Lane

17-Oct-1728; Sarah STICKLAND daughter of Francis & Sarah STICKLAND of Aller

27-Nov-1728; John WHITE son of Andrew & Mary WHITE

17-Dec-1728; James HARVEY son of James & Mary HARVEY


28-Apr-1729; John THOMAS son of John & Elizabeth THOMAS

16-May-1729; William STICKLAND son of John & Damaris STICKLAND of Aller

27-May-1729; John PALMER son of John & Martha PALMER of Langton

13-Jul-1729; Katharine LOWMAN daughter of Lancelot & Ann LOWMAN

20-Aug-1729; Martha DOUNTON daughter of Joseph & Mary DOUNTON of Aller

06-Dec-1729; Matthew MORRIS alias DUCK son of Henry & Mary MORRIS alias DUCK

29-Dec-1729; Jenny HOUSE daughter of Peter & Ann HOUSE


23-Jan-1729/30; John WORLD daughter of Hugh & Christian WORLD

01-Feb-1729/30; Ann UPWARD daughter of Edward & Mary UPWARD of Aller

22-Feb-1729/30; Dorothy DAY posthuma daughter of David & Dorothy DAY of Aller

03-Mar-1729/30; Jenny SWATHRIDGE daughter of John & Elizabeth SWATHRIDGE of Aller

28-Apr-1730; George WORLD son of John & Elizabeth WORLD of Aller

10-May-1730; Jenny BAKER daughter of George & Jane BAKER of Ansty

19-May-1730; John CANDY son of Joseph & Ann CANDY of Ansty

16-Aug-1730; Henry BUTCHER son of James & Hannah BUTCHER of Ansty

19-Aug-1730; John TUCKER son of William & Mary TUCKER of Lydlinch

01-Sep-1730; John HARVEY son of James & Mary HARVEY

20-Sep-1730; Susanna MITCHELL daughter of John & Sarah MITCHELL

27-Sep-1730; Mordecai PARSONS base born son of Mordecai PARSONS

11-Oct-1730; Mary SANSOM daughter of Thomas & Margaret SANSOM

09-Nov-1730; George THOMAS son of John & Elizabeth THOMAS

13-Dec-1730; Simon CHRISTOPHERS son of Joseph & Joan CHRISTOPHERS

26-Dec-1730; Simon HALLETT son of Daniel & Mary HALLETT of Ansty


26-Feb-1730/1; Margaret STICKLAND daughter of George & Margaret STICKLAND of Ansty

__-___-1730/1; William STICKLAND son of Francis & Sarah STICKLAND of Ansty

05-Mar1730/1; Robert DIRANT son of John & Mary DIRANT

03-Apr-1731; Sarah MORRIS daughter of Thomas & Mary MORRIS of Ansty

04-May-1731; Mary FRIPP daughter of William & Mary FRIPP

02-Sep-1731; Anne WILSON daughter of John & Mary WILSON of Aller

26-Nov-1731; David MORRIS alias DUCK son of Henry & Mary MORRIS alias DUCK of Aller

26-Dec-1731; John COSH son of Justinian & Martha COSH of Ansty


28-Mar-1732; Thomas SANSOM son of Thomas & Margaret SANSOM

16-Apr-1732; Sarah UPWARD daughter of Edward & Mary UPWARD of Ansty

04-May-1732; Betty DOWNTON daughter of Joseph & Mary DOWNTON of Aller

21-May-1732; Martha HAWKINS daughter of Stephen & Mary HAWKINS

21-May-1732; Mary HAWKINS daughter of Stephen & Mary HAWKINS

29-May-1732; Mary DIRANT daughter of John & Mary DIRANT

04-Jun-1732; John WHITE son of Andrew & Mary WHITE

30-Jul-1732; Martha NORRIS daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth NORRIS

01-Sep-1732; William KAYNES son of Thomas & Jane KAYNES of Ansty

12-Sep-1732; Francis STICKLAND son of Francis & Ann STICKLAND of Harper Lane

15-Oct-1732; Mary BAKER daughter of George & Jenny BAKER of Ansty

01-Nov-1732; Samuell STICKLAND son of Samuel & Damaris STICKLAND of Aller

27-Dec-1732; John DODSON son of John & Mary DODSON of Anstey


23-Jan-1732/3; Mary TUCKER daughter of William & Mary TUCKER of Lidlinch

28-Jan-1732/3; William CANDY son of Joseph & Ann CANDY of Anstey

31-Jan-1732/3; Thomas MORRIS son of Thomas & Mary MORRIS of Ansty

05-Feb-1732/3; Elizabeth THOMAS daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth THOMAS

17-Feb-1732/3; Thomas STICKLAND son of Francis & Sarah STICKLAND of Harpers Lane

12-Mar-1732/3; Thomas LOCK son of Abel & Elizabeth LOCK of Newton

26-Mar-1733; Meliora DIRANT daughter of John & Meliora DIRANT

30-May-1733; Charles MORES son of Henry & Mary MORES of Ansty

08-Jun-1733; John WHITE son of John & Martha WHITE

14-Jun-1733; Ann RABBINS daughter of Augustin & Sarah RABBINS of Anstey

24-Jun-1733; John STICKLAND son of George & Margaret STICKLAND of Ansty

12-Aug-1733; Thomas COSH son of Justinian & Martha COSH of Ansty

28-Aug-1733; Richard BRIGHT son of John & Elizabeth BRIGHT of Ansty

14-Oct-1733; Sarah CHURCHILL daughter of John & Susanna CHURCHILL

18-Oct-1733; Elizabeth DRAKE daughter of Joshua & Mary DRAKE

30-Dec-1733; John DIRANT son of John & Mary DIRANT


05-Jan-1733/4; Charles NORRIS son of Charles & Elizabeth NORRIS of Ansty

08-Jan-1733/4; Robert SANSOM son of Thomas & Margaret SANSOM

21-Jan-1733/4; Elizabeth HOUSE daughter of John & Mary HOUSE

08-Feb-1733/4; Sarah MORRIS daughter of John & Mary MORRIS of Ansty

14-Apr-1734; Mary MITCHEL daughter of John & Sarah MITCHEL

29-Apr-1734; Mary Upward SADBER base born daughter of Mary SADBER

13-May-1734; Robert WHITE son of Andrew & Mary WHITE

20-May-1734; Thomas DAVAGE son of John & Sarah DAVAGE of Aller

26-Jul-1734; William GILHAM son of Thomas & Elizabeth GILLIAM of Aller

18-Oct-1734; Sarah NORRIS daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth NORRIS

18-Oct-1734; Jenny STICKLAND daughter of Francis & Anne STICKLAND of Ansty

01-Nov-1734; Thomas WHITE son of John & Martha WHITE

08-Dec-1734; Mary MORRIS daughter of Thomas & Mary MORRIS of Ansty

26-Dec-1734; George BAKER son of George & Jane BAKER of Melcombe Common


13-Apr-1735; Benjamin UPWARD son of Edward & Mary UPWARD

15-Jun-1735; Charles NORRIS son of Charles & Elizabeth NORRIS of Ansty

15-Jun-1735; Ann HOUS daughter of John & Mary HOUS

03-Jul-1735; Elizabeth DYRANT daughter of John & Meliora DYRANT

08-Aug-1735; Margery HOUSE daughter of Petter & Ann HOUSE

08-Aug-1735; Mary DAVIAGE daughter of John & Sarah DAVIAGE

11-Aug-1735; Elizabeth THOMAS daughter of John & Elizabeth THOMAS

17-Aug-1735; Mary HAWKENS daughter of Stephen & Mary HAWKENS

31-Aug-1735; Jane GERARD alias DYRANT daughter of Joseph & Jane GERARD or DYRANT

12-Sep-1735; Anne STICKLAND daughter of Henry & Catherine STICKLAND of Harpers Lane

__-Oct-1735; Richard MORRIS son of Thomas & Mary MORRIS of Ansty

__-Oct-1735; Anne HALLET daughter of Daniel & Mary HALLET of Ansty

14-Dec-1735; William STICKLAND son of George & Margaret STICKLAND of Ansty


05-Jan-1735/6; William COSH son of Justinian & Martha COSH of Ansty

04-May-1736; Mary DRAKE daughter of Joshua & Mary DRAKE of Aller

16-Oct-1736; Francis STICKLAND son of Francis & Sarah STICKLAND of Harper Lane

02-Nov-1736; Richard BUTCHER son of James & Hannah BUTCHER of Ansty

19-Dec-1736; Martha WHITE daughter of John & Martha WHITE

26-Dec-1736; Alice EDMONDS daughter of Benjamin & Martha EDMONDS of Ansty


07-Feb-1736/7; Ann DAVAGE daughter of John & Sarah DAVAGE of Aller

27-Feb-1736/7; Susannah DYRANT daughter of John & Mary DYRANT

19-Mar-1736/7; Richard SAMPSON son of Thomas & Margaret SAMPSON

27-Mar-1737; John CASTARD son of Joseph & Joan CASTARD of Cheselborne

31-Mar-1737; Henry MOORS son of Henry & Mary MOORS of Harpers Lane

11-Apr-1737; Joseph GERRARD son of Joseph & Jean GERRARD

17-Apr-1737; James THOMAS son of John & Elizabeth THOMAS

22-Apr-1737; Rebecca HARRIS the daughter of Rebecca HARRIS

10-Jul-1737; Elizabeth NORRIS daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth NORRIS

01-Nov-1737; John POWER son of John & Avis POWER of Anstey


31-Jan-1737/8; Margaret GERRARD daughter of John & Meliora GERRARD

04-Apr-1738; Austin MORRIS son of Rachel MORRIS & reputed father Austin ROBINS of Anstey

04-May-1738; Jane NORRIS daughter of Charles & Elizabeth NORRIS

18-Jun-1738; William CUMBERLAND son of William & Ann CUMBERLAND of Melcombe Horsey

25-Jul-1738; William WHITE son of John & Martha WHITE

03-Sep-1738; Mary STICKLAND daughter of Henry & Catherine STICKLAND

09-Sep-1738; John FREBEN son of Joseph & Luce FREBEN

10-Sep-1738; Catherine UPWARD daughter of Edward & Mary UPWARD of Anstey

25-Sep-1738; Hannah GERRARD daughter of Joseph & Jean GERRARD

13-Oct-1738; Eleanor RIGGS daughter of Benjamin & Sarah RIGGS of Melcombe Horsey

16-Oct-1738; William HOOPER son of William & Elizabeth HOOPER of Anstey

21-Oct-1738; John MOORS son of Henry & Mary MOORS of Harpers Lane

29-Oct-1738; Jenny DRAKE daughter of Joshua & Mary DRAKE of Anstey

18-Dec-1738; Simon THOMAS son of John & Elizabeth THOMAS

27-Dec-1738; Jenny DAVAGE daughter of John & Sarah DAVAGE of Aller


16-Jan-1738/9; John SHAVE son of Thomas & Mary SHAVE of Anstey

24-Jan-1738/9; Mary STICKLAND daughter of Francis & Sarah STICKLAND of Harper's Lane

27-Feb-1738/39; Ann STICKLAND daughter of Francis & Ann STICKLAND of Anstey

18-Jun-1739; John HAWKINS son of Stephen & Mary HAWKINS

01-Jul-1739; Mary LOCK base born daughter of Mary LOCK & reputed father William HOLLAND

12-Aug-1739; William POWER son of John & Avis POWER

30-Sep-1739; Dorothy COSH daughter of Justinian & Martha COSH

07-Oct-1739; Moses GERRARD son of Joseph & Jane GERRARD

26-Oct-1739; John STICKLAND son of John & Mary STICKLAND


07-Jan-1739/40; Christian HALLETT daughter of Daniel & Mary HALLETT

13-Jan-1739/40; Andrew HOUSE son of Peter & Ann HOUSE

20-Feb-1739/40; Ann MORRIS daughter of Samuel & Ann MORRIS

29-Mar-1740; Mary CHURCHILL daughter of William & Hannah CHURCHILL

10-Apr-1740; Susannah WHITE daughter of John & Martha WHITE

20-Apr-1740; Thomas NORRIS son of Thomas & Elizabeth NORRIS

26-Oct-1740; Ann GERRARD daughter of John & Melior GERRARD


15-Feb-1740/1; Charles THOMAS son of John & Elizabeth THOMAS

27-Feb-1740/1; Sarah GERRARD daughter of Joseph & Jane GERRARD

28-Feb-1740/1; John HOOPER son of William & Elizabeth HOOPER

21-Apr-1741; John HOUSE son of George & Susannah HOUSE

27-Apr-1741; Betty SHAVE daughter of Thomas & Betty SHAVE

12-Jul-1741; Mary MOORS daughter of Henry & Mary MOORS

20-Aug-1741; Grace DAVIDGE daughter of John & Sarah DAVIDGE

15-Sep-1741; Sarah STAY daughter of William & Elizabeth STAY

18-Oct-1741; Andrew GERRARD son of John & Mary GERRARD

25-Oct-1741; Benjamin BRODBY son of Cornelius & Martha BRODBY

29-Nov-1741; David DRAKE son of Joshua & Mary DRAKE

29-Nov-1741; Joshua DRAKE son of Joshua & Mary DRAKE


05-Feb-1741/2; Sarah STICKLAND daughter of Francis & Ann STICKLAND

14-Mar-1741/2; George MORRIS son of Samuel & Ann MORRIS

18-Apr-1742; Eleanor THOMAS daughter of John & Betty THOMAS

24-May-1742; Thomas RISE son of Thomas & Mary RISE

02-Jun-1742; Robert WHITE son of John & Martha WHITE

06-Jun-1742; Aaron GERARD son of Joseph & Jenny GERARD

06-Jul-1742; Mary FREBEN daughter of Joseph & Luce FREBEN

03-Oct-1742; Hannah CHURCHILL daughter of William & Hannah CHURCHILL

10-Oct-1742; Mary TRIM daughter of Thomas & Betty TRIM

01-Dec-1742; John CHURCHILL son of John & Betty CHURCHILL


06-Feb-1742/3; Betty DAVIDGE daughter of John & Sarah DAVIDGE

04-Mar-1742/3; William BOUCHER son of John & Sarah BOUCHER

12-Mar-1742/3; John STICKLAND son of John & Mary STICKLAND

22-Mar-1742/3; George HOUSE son of George & Susannah HOUSE

03-May-1743; William STAY son of William & Frances STAY

19-May-1743; Ann COMBERN daughter of William & Mary COMBERN

24-May-1743; Henry BRODBY son of Cornelius & Martha BRODBY

05-Sep-1743; Solomon STICKLAND son of John & Mary STICKLAND

18-Sep-1743; Joseph WHITE son of John & Martha WHITE

20-Sep-1743; William SHAVE son of Thomas & Betty SHAVE


07-Jan-1743/4; Thomas RICE son of Thomas & Sarah RICE

28-Mar-1744; Elizabeth WORLD daughter of George & Elizabeth WORLD

08-Apr-1744; Mary MORRIS daughter of Samuel & Ann MORRIS

22-Apr-1744; Mary MORRIS daughter of Henry & Mary MORRIS

15-May-1744; Elizabeth WHITE daughter of Andrew & Hannah WHITE

20-May-1744; John NORRIS son of Thomas & Elizabeth NORRIS

31-May-1744; John CANDY son of Robert & Ann CANDY

12-Jun-1744; Dinah DAVIDGE daughter of John & Sarah DAVIDGE

12-Jun-1744; Mary JEANS daughter of Henry & Elizabeth JEANS

13-Aug-1744; Matthew MORRIS son of Henry & Mary MORRIS

11-Sep-1744; Sarah DRAKE daughter of Joshua & Mary DRAKE

02-Oct-1744; Mary STURMY daughter of Thomas & Mary STURMY

24-Nov-1744; Miles George NORRIS son of Charles & Elizabeth NORRIS

24-Nov-1744; Mary HOOPER daughter of William & Elizabeth HOOPER


10-Jan-1744/5; Stephen HAWKINS son of Stephen & Mary HAWKINS

26-Feb-1744/5; Isaac GERRARD son of John & Mary GERRARD

13-Mar-1744/5; William CHURCHILL son of William & Hannah CHURCHILL

18-Mar-1744/5; William FRIBEN son of Joseph & Luce FRIBEN

01-Apr-1745; Martha THOMAS daughter of John & Elizabeth THOMAS

04-May-1745; Frances STAY daughter of William & Frances STAY

29-Sep-1745; John NORRIS son of Thomas & Elizabeth NORRIS

27-Nov-1745; Jenny STICKLAND daughter of Francis & Ann STICKLAND


09-Feb-1745/6; William MORRIS son of Henry & Mary MORRIS

26-Feb-1745/6; Elizabeth STICKLAND daughter of James & Mary STICKLAND

09-Mar-1745/6; Sarah CHURCHILL daughter of John & Elizabeth CHURCHILL

30-Mar-1746; Mary CHALCOT daughter of Charles & Susannah CHALCOT

29-Jul-1746; Ann SQUIBB daughter of John & Sarah SQUIBB

22-Oct-1746; Joseph MUSTON [no further details given]

22-Oct-1746; Jenny MUSTON [no further details given]

20-Dec-1746; Susannah STAY daughter of William & Frances STAY

26-Dec-1746; Mary STICKLAND son of John & Mary STICKLAND

27-Dec-1746; Susannah SHAVE daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth SHAVE


23-Jan-1746/7; Elizabeth BROWNJOHN daughter of Benjamin & Grace BROWNJOHN

23-Jan-1746/7; Ann HOUSE daughter of Peter & Ann HOUSE

23-Mar-1746/7; Elizabeth CORFE daughter of William & Ann CORFE

29-Jul-1747; Rebeckah DAVIDGE daughter of John & Sarah DAVIDGE

21-Nov-1747; Hannah DRAKE daughter of Joshua & Mary DRAKE


03-Jan-1747/8; John SQUIBB son of John & Sarah SQUIBB

21-Feb-1747/8; Sarah STICKLAND daughter of John & Mary STICKLAND

20-Mar-1747/8; Hester CHURCHILL daughter of William & Hannah CHURCHILL

09-Jul-1748; Samuel STAY son of William & Frances STAY of Aller

18-Sep-1748; Hannah MITCHELL daughter of John & Sarah MITCHELL

25-Sep-1748; William MITCHELL son of William & Sarah MITCHELL

15-Oct-1748; Henry STICKLAND son of Francis & Ann STICKLAND of Anstey

27-Dec-1748; Mary WHITE daughter of John & Martha WHITE of Anstey


21-Mar-1748/9; Elizabeth TRASH daughter of John & Elizabeth TRASH of Anstey

16-Apr-1749; William MORRIS son of Thomas & Elizabeth MORRIS

02-May-1749; Luke SHAVE son of Thomas & Elizabeth SHAVE

13-Aug-1749; Joseph CHURCHILL son of John & Elizabeth CHURCHILL

13-Aug-1749; Elizabeth CHURCHILL daughter of John & Elizabeth CHURCHILL

23-Dec-1749; William HOUSE son of Francis & Sarah HOUSE


11-Mar-1749/50; Sarah SQUIBB daughter of John & Sarah SQUIBB

11-Jul-1750; William BROADBY son of Cornelius & Elizabeth BROADBY

30-Sep-1750; George CHALDICOT son of Charles & Susannah CHALDICOT

10-Oct-1750; John WORLD son of George & Anne WORLD

09-Dec-1750; Elizabeth TAYLOR daughter of William & Mary TAYLOR of Blandford


20-Jan-1750/1; Mary JACOB daughter of John & Mary JACOB

19-Feb-1750/1; Eleanor MORRIS daughter of George & Mary MORRIS

22-Mar-1750/1; ADAMS George son of John & Mary ADAMS

19-May-1751; Richard CUFF son of William & Anne CUFF

20-May-1751; James CANDY base born son of Anne CANDY

23-Jun-1751; Henry TRASH son of John & Elizabeth TRASH

24-Jun-1751; Martha HAWKINS (aged 4) daughter of Stephen & Mary HAWKINS

24-Jun-1751; Elizabeth WHITE daughter of John & Martha WHITE

06-Aug-1751; Sarah TRASH daughter of John junior & Elizabeth TRASH

18-Oct-1751; Benjamin HOUSE son of Francis & Sarah HOUSE


[29-Jan-1752; James SQUIBB son of John & Sarah SQUIBB]

06-Feb-1752; Judith COX base born daughter of Elizabeth COX & reputed father John UPWARD

22-Mar-1752; Richard SQUIBB son of William & Phyllis SQUIBB

24-Jul-1752; Mary FRIPP daughter of Samuel & Ann FRIPP

01-Aug-1752; Ann PARSONS daughter of Robert & Susannah PARSONS

05-Nov-1752; Anne ADAMS daughter of John & Mary ADAMS

20-Dec-1752; Charles HALL son of William & Deborah HALL


23-Feb-1753; Elizabeth HART daughter of John & Mary HART

24-Feb-1753; Elizabeth MORRIS daughter of Samuel & Susannah MORRIS

26-Feb-1753; John Dodson TOOGOOD base born son of Anne TOOGOOD of Maiden Newton

21-Mar-1753; William TRASH son of John & Elizabeth TRASH

02-Apr-1753; William LOVELACE son of Edward & Mary LOVELACE

19-May-1753; Elizabeth HOUSE daughter of John & Sarah HOUSE

28-Jun-1753; Joseph HAWKINS son of Stephen & Mary HAWKINS of Melcombe

20-Sep-1753; Jenny JEANS an adult, a base born daughter of Elizabeth JEANS, ye present wife of John TRASH senior, was publicly admitted into ye Church, being born & privately baptised at Stowborough

09-Oct-1753; William WORLD son of George & Anne WORLD

13-Oct-1753; Honour CUFF daughter of Richard & Anne CUFF

24-Nov-1753; Betty WILLIAMS daughter of John & Mary WILLIAMS of Henley on Thames, co. Oxfordshire

17-Dec-1753; Benjamin SQUIBB son of John & Sarah SQUIBB


26-Jan-1754; Elizabeth HOUSE daughter of Francis & Sarah HOUSE

18-Feb-1754; Elizabeth THOMAS daughter of George & Alice THOMAS privately, received 16-Apr-1754

10-May-1754; Abraham MOORES son of Henry & Mary MOORES

11-May-1754; Foot BROADBY child of Cornelius & Elizabeth BROADBY

07-Jun-1754; Elizabeth TRASH daughter of John & Elizabeth TRASH

07-Jun-1754; Thomas Squibb CANDY base born son of Anne CANDY

08-Jul-1754; Samuel FRIPP son of Samuel & Anne FRIPP

14-Jul-1754; Sarah ADAMS daughter of John & Mary ADAMS

04-Aug-1754; Mary SQUIBB daughter of William & Phyllis SQUIBB

24-Sep-1754; Ann WHITE daughter of Daniel & Anne WHITE

04-Nov-1754; Melior TUCKER daughter of John & Elizabeth TUCKER of Lydlinch


13-Feb-1755; Anne BRIDGES daughter of Henry & Ann BRIDGES

05-Mar-1755; Frances LOVELACE twin daughter of Edward & Mary LOVELACE

05-Mar-1755; Elizabeth LOVELACE twin daughter of Edward & Mary LOVELACE

14-Apr-1755; John MORRIS son of Arthur & Ann MORRIS

04-Jun-1755; Nathaniel MORRIS son of Samuel & Susannah MORRIS

30-Jun-1755; Betty HOUSE daughter of George & Susannah HOUSE

20-Jul-1755; James MORRIS son of George & Mary MORRIS

27-Aug-1755; James CANDY son of John & Anna CANDY

17-Oct-1755; Susanna ARNOLD daughter of William & Anne ARNOLD

08-Dec-1755; Anne HOUSE daughter of Francis & Sarah HOUSE

25-Dec-1755; William DUCK alias MORRIS son of Benjamin & Sarah DUCK alias MORRIS christened at Melcombe


15-Feb-1756; Elizabeth CUFF daughter of Richard & Anne CUFF

17-Jun-1756; Anne CHURCHILL daughter of John & Elizabeth CHURCHILL

20-Oct-1756; John SQUIBB son of William & Phyllis SQUIBB

24-Oct-1756; Rebecca PARSONS daughter of Robert & Susannah PARSONS

09-Nov-1756; Bethia ROGERS daughter of John & Hannah ROGERS

20-Nov-1756; John SQUIRE son of John & Martha SQUIRE

25-Dec-1756; Thomas ADAMS son of John & Mary ADAMS


14-Jun-1757; Sarah LOVELESS daughter of Edward & Mary LOVELESS

05-Jul-1757; George BRIDGE son of Henry & Anne BRIDGE

31-Oct-1757; William Kaines YOUNG base born son of Dinah YOUNG [BTs only � parish register states this is a burial � perhaps the child was born and died on the same day]

27-Dec-1757; Joseph HOUSE son of Joseph & Sarah HOUSE


05-Jan-1758; John TRASH son of John & Elizabeth TRASH

22-Feb-1758; George HOUSE son of Peter junior & Ann HOUSE

22-Feb-1758; William SQUIRE son of John & Martha SQUIRE

05-Mar-1758; Dorothy SQUIBB daughter of Thomas & Mary SQUIBB

19-Mar-1758; George HOUSE son of John & Sarah HOUSE

30-Mar-1758; Edith ADAMS daughter of John & Mary Adams ADAMS

14-Apr-1758; Susannah SQUIBB daughter of John & Sarah SQUIBB

28-Apr-1758; David MORRIS son of George & Mary MORRIS

21-May-1758; Mary CANDY daughter of Joseph CANDY

30-May-1758; Betty PARSONS daughter of Robert & Susannah PARSONS


07-Jan-1759; James CUFF son of Richard & Phebe CUFF

28-Apr-1759; Daniel DRAKE son of Daniel & Susannah DRAKE

27-May-1759; John WINTEN son of John & Susannah WINTER

03-Jun-1759; Anne CANDY daughter of John & Anna CANDY

04-Jun-1759; Anne TUCKER daughter of John & Elizabeth TUCKER

01-Jul-1759; George THOMAS son of George & Alice THOMAS

28-Sep-1759; William SQUIBB son of William & Phyllis SQUIBB

20-Dec-1759; Mary LOVELESS daughter of Edward & Mary LOVELESS


05-Jan-1760; Susannah WHITE daughter of John & Martha WHITE

06-Jan-1760; James ARNOLD son of William & Anne ARNOLD

27-Jan-1760; George MORRIS son of Arthur & Anne MORRIS

15-Feb-1760; Thomas SQUIRE son of John & Martha SQUIRE

03-Mar-1760; Thomas STICKLAND base born son of Anne STICKLAND & reputed father Simon THOMAS

04-Mar-1760; Mary LOVELESS daughter of Edward & Mary LOVELESS

06-Mar-1760; Susannah HOUSE daughter of John & Sarah HOUSE

10-Mar-1760; John ROGERS son of Rogers & Hannah ROGERS

26-May-1760; Mary KAINES daughter of Thomas junior & Catherine KAINES

27-Jul-1760; Benjamin SQUIBB son of John & Sarah SQUIBB

06-Aug-1760; James HOUSE twin son of Peter junior & Ann HOUSE

06-Aug-1760; Jean HOUSE twin daughter of Peter junior & Ann HOUSE

10-Aug-1760; Joseph HARVEY base born son of Anne HARVEY

22-Oct-1760; Peter KERLEY son of Robert & Mary KERLEY

09-Nov-1760; Philadelphia MORRIS daughter of George & Mary MORRIS

28-Nov-1760; James DOLLING son of Thomas & Mary DOLLING


05-Jan-1761; John White GALE son of Robert & Rebekah GALE

08-Feb-1761; Mary WINTER daughter of John & Susannah WINTER

13-Feb-1761; Frances CANDY daughter of Joseph CANDY

11-May-1761; Elizabeth SQUIBB daughter of Thomas & Mary SQUIBB

14-May-1761; John PARSONS son of Robert & Susannah PARSONS

25-May-1761; Sarah SHEPHERD daughter of Joseph & Sarah SHEPHERD

20-Jun-1761; Susannah CUFF daughter of Richard & Phebe CUFF

19-Jul-1761; Sarah WHITE daughter of John junior & Anne WHITE of Anstey

02-Aug-1761; Philadelphia SQUIBB daughter of William & Phyllis SQUIBB

02-Oct-1761; Mary HOOPER daughter of William & Susannah HOOPER

12-Oct-1761; William TUCKER son of John & Elizabeth TUCKER

14-Oct-1761; John HOUSE son of Peter junior & Ann HOUSE

28-Dec-1761; Matthias CHURCHILL son of John & Elizabeth CHURCHILL


11-Jan-1762; Mary DRAKE daughter of Daniel & Susannah DRAKE

25-Apr-1762; John MORRIS son of Arthur & Anne MORRIS

09-Jun-1762; Robert White GALE son of Robert & Rebekah GALE

18-Jul-1762; Grace WINTER daughter of John & Susannah WINTER

17-Sep-1762; William Vincent DEVENISH base born son of Anne DEVENISH

16-Dec-1762; Joseph SQUIBB son of John & Sarah SQUIBB

25-Dec-1762; Anne HOUSE daughter of John & Sarah HOUSE


07-Jan-1763; John STICKLAND son of John & Mary STICKLAND

15-Jan-1763; Charles CHALDICOT an adult

24-Apr-1763; John HOOPER son of William & Susannah HOOPER

28-May-1763; William ARNOLD son of William & Anne ARNOLD

19-Jul-1763; Susannah SQUIBB daughter of Thomas & Mary SQUIBB

27-Nov-1763; John WOOLLEY son of Samuel & Anne WOOLLEY

22-Dec-1763; Elizabeth Thomas CHURCHILL base born daughter Mary CHURCHILL & reputed father John THOMAS


23-Jan-1764; Rebekah GALE daugther of Robert & Rebekah GALE

30-Jun-1764; Anne STICKLAND daughter of John STICKLAND weaver of Harefoot Lane

07-Sep-1764; William KAINES son of Thomas & Catherine KAINES of Anstey at Melcombe

30-Sep-1764; Samuel SQUIBB son of William & Phyllis SQUIBB

04-Nov-1764; Edward LOVELESS son of Edward & Mary LOVELESS

02-Dec-1764; Mary WHITE daughter of William & Christian WHITE of Anstey

16-Dec-1764; Robert WHITE son of Robert & Eleanor WHITE

21-Dec-1764; Anne HOOPER daughter of William & Susannah HOOPER


23-Feb-1765; Mary UPWARD daughter of John & Jenny UPWARD of Anstey

07-Apr-1765; Mary Bryar HALLETT daughter Simon & Mary HALLET of Anstey

21-Apr-1765; Isaac GERRAD son of Robert & Mary GERRAD

29-Jul-1765; Joseph SHEPHERD son of Joseph & Sarah SHEPHERD of Anstey

24-Aug-1765; William Grottley WHITE son of John junior & Anne WHITE

15-Sep-1765; George SQUIBB son of Thomas & Dorothy SQUIBB

18-Sep-1765; William EVERTY an adult

22-Dec-1765; Anne WOLLEY daughter of Samuel & Anne WOOLLEY

25-Dec-1765; Mary WHITE daughter of Robert & Eleanor WHITE


19-Jan-1766; Andrew GALE son of Robert & Rebekah GALE

23-Mar-1766; Richard CANDY son of Joseph & Mary CANDY of Anstey

23-Mar-1766; Robert ARNOLD son of William & Ann ARNOLD

30-Mar-1766; Richard CUFF son of Richard & Phebe CUFF

09-May-1766; Jean KAINES daughter of Thomas & Catherine KAINES of Anstey

17-May-1766; Susannah CROSS base born daughter of Mary CROSS


05-Jul-1767; James TUCKER son of John & Elizabeth TUCKER of Anstey

10-Aug-1767; Ellen UPWARD daughter of John & Jenny UPWARD of Anstey

19-Oct-1767; Joseph KAINES son of Thomas & Catherine KAINES of Anstey

21-Nov-1767; Christian WHITE daughter of William & Christian WHITE of Anstey


21-Feb-1768; Richard CHRISTOPHER son of Simon & Mary CHRISTOPHER

04-Mar-1768; Robert STICKLAND son of John & Mary STICKLAND weaver of Harefoot Lane

09-Mar-1768; James WHITE son of Robert & Eleanor WHITE of Anstey

24-Apr-1768; James MOORE son of Henry junior & Sarah MOORE

25-May-1768; David DICKER son of William & Jean DICKER

26-Jun-1768; Martha SQUIBB daughter of Thomas & Mary SQUIBB

17-Jul-1768; Elizabeth CANDY daughter of Joseph & Mary CANDY of Anstey

26-Jul-1768; Fanny FRIPP daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth FRIPP of Aller

14-Aug-1768; Thomas DRAKE son of Daniel & Elizabeth DRAKE of Cothays

17-Oct-1768; Mary MITCHELL daughter of Simon & Mary MITCHELL of Hatherly

04-Dec-1768; Jonathon GALE son of Robert & Rebecca GALE

30-Dec-1768; John KAINES daughter of Thomas & Catherine KAINES of Anstey


26-Jan-1769; Hanah HALLETT daughter of Joseph & Sarah HALLETT

27-Mar-1769; Sarah STICKLAND daughter of Francis & Margery STICKLAND weaver

31-Mar-1769; Sarah WHITE base born daughter of Elizabeth WHITE & reputed father Joseph MILLER of Woolland

23-May-1769; George Thomas CHURCHILL second base born son of Mary CHURCHILL & reputed father John THOMAS

28-Nov-1769; Anthony MORRIS base born son of Jean MORRIS & reputed father John DODSON

26-Dec-1769; Mary RIGGS daughter of Benjamin & Anne RIGGS


22-Apr-1770; Robert CANDY son of Joseph & Mary CANDY of Anstey

08-Jul-1770; Edmund COSH son of James & Margaret COSH

04-Aug-1770; Elizabeth ARNOLD daughter of William & Anne ARNOLD

21-Aug-1770; Martha MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

27-Aug-1770; John Strange MITCHELL son of Simon & Mary MITCHELL of Hatherly

08-Oct-1770; Aaron GERRARD son of Joseph junior & Anne GERRARD


08-Feb-1771; Mary GUILHAM daughter of John Allen GUILHAM

03-Mar-1771; Thomas WHITE son of Robert & Elizabeth WHITE

07-Apr-1771; James ROBERTS son of Lawrence & Hannah ROBERTS


15-Jan-1772; James PILLY son of John & Elizabeth PILLY

28-Jan-1772; Melior HOOPER daughter of John & Mary HOOPER

15-Mar-1772; William STICKLAND son of Thomas & Ann STICKLAND

28-Apr-1772; Mary MORRIS daughter of George & Mary MORRIS of Anstey

18-Aug-1772; Abraham GERRARD son of Joseph & Anne GERRARD

11-Oct-1772; Elizabeth MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

05-Dec-1772; Charles HOUSE son of Peter & Anne HOUSE

29-Dec-1772; Anne GUILHAM alias ALLEN daughter of John GUILHAM alias ALLEN


12-Mar-1773; Francis HOUSE son of John & Sarah HOUSE of Anstey

12-Mar-1773; Catherine CANDY daughter of Joseph & Mary CANDY of Anstey

05-Jul-1773; James TUCKER son of John & Elizabeth TUCKER

16-Nov-1773; Betty Strange MITCHELL daughter of Simon & Mary MITCHELL of Hatherly


20-Jan-1774; Elizabeth GOLTIN base born daughter of Mary GOLTIN

16-Oct-1774; Elizabeth SWYRE daughter of John & Jean SWYRE

__-Nov-1774; George STURNEY son of Jacob & Mary STURNEY [full date not given]

11-Dec-1774; Mary THOMAS daughter of Simon & Ann THOMAS


22-Jan-1775; Bethia MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

18-Apr-1775; Elizabeth GUILHAM daughter of John & Anne Allen GUILHAM

05-May-1775; John RIGGS son of William & Susannah RIGGS

05-May-1775; James ROBINS son of Lawrence & Sarah ROBINS

11-Jun-1775; Anne Holloway WORLD base born daughter of Mary WORLD


29-Feb-1776; Mary MORRIS daughter of Arthur & Elizabeth MORRIS of Anstey

24-Apr-1776; John SQUIBB son of John & Anne SQUIBB

26-Apr-1776; Thomas HART son of William & Ann HART

26-Aug-1776; Jean GERRARD daughter of Joseph & Anne GERRARD

26-Dec-1776; Henry HORLOCK son of John & Mary HORLOCK of Rawlsbury

26-Dec-1776; William ELFORD son of John & Anne ELFORD

27-Dec-1776; Meliar HOOPER daughter of John & Mary HOOPER

28-Dec-1776; Henry DUCK son of Henry & Martha DUCK


09-Jan-1777; James WORLD base born son of Mary WORLD

07-Apr-1777; Charity TUCKER daughter of John & Elizabeth TUCKER

27-May-1777; Edmund ALLEN son of John ALLEN

15-Jun-1777; Mary MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

12-Jul-1777; Martha WHITE daughter of Robert & Eleanor WHITE


22-Feb-1778; John TUCKER daughter of John & Anne TUCKER

09-Apr-1778; Dinah DRAKE daughter of George & Mary DRAKE

__-May-1778; Edmund ALLEN son of John ALLEN [full date not given]

15-Jun-1778; Mary MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

12-Jul-1778; Martha WHITE daughter of Robert & Elner WHITE

30-Aug-1778; John MORRIS son of Arthur & Betty MORRIS

31-Aug-1778; Sarah STICKLAND daughter of Thomas & Anne STICKLAND

04-Oct-1778; George WORLD son of William & Catherine WORLD

01-Nov-1778; Richard DUCK son of Robert & Ellen DUCK

01-Nov-1778; Mary DUCK daughter of Robert & Ellen DUCK

25-Dec-1778; Joseph RIGGS son of Samuel & Ann RIGGS


03-Jan-1779; Benjamin RIGGS son of William & Susannah RIGGS

03-Jan-1779; William STICKLAND son of Benjamin & Melyer STICKLAND

10-Feb-1779; Jane DUCK daughter of John & Lydia DUCK

02-Mar-1779; Sarah SQUIBB son of John & Anne SQUIBB

14-Mar-1779; James PEACH son of John & Joan PEACH

21-Mar-1779; Robert DUCK son of Henry & Martha DUCK

21-Mar-1779; Joseph STICKLAND son of Benjamin & Mary STICKLAND

21-Mar-1779; Charles SYER son of John & Jane SYER

06-Jun-1779; John TRASH son of Henry & Anne TRASH

13-Jun-1779; Anne STICKLAND daughter of John & Anne STICKLAND

25-Jul-1779; Rebeckah ALLEN daughter of John & Ann ALLEN

22-Aug-1779; Joseph MILLER son of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

26-Sep-1779; William MORZE son of William & Martha MORZE

31-Oct-1779; Absalom GERRARD son of Joseph & Anne GERRARD

21-Nov-1779; Susannah RIGGS daughter of Joseph & Dinah RIGGS

28-Nov-1779; William MORRIS son of William & Martha MORRIS

05-Dec-1779; Frances HOOPER daughter of John & Mary HOOPER


26-Mar-1780; Jane WHITE daughter of John & Sarah WHITE

04-Aug-1780; Thomas WHITE son of William & Christian WHITE

04-Aug-1780; Joseph WHITE son of William & Christian WHITE

03-Dec-1780; Charles THOMAS son of Simon & Ann THOMAS


14-Jan-1781; Hannah SWYER daughter of William & Ann SWYER

11-Feb-1781; Charles HOUSE son of Peter & Ann HOUSE

01-Apr-1781; Hellen MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

29-Apr-1781; Arthur MORRIS son of Arthur & Elizabeth MORRIS

08-Jul-1781; John PEACH son of John & Joan PEACH

30-Sep-1781; William RIGGS son of Samuel & Ann RIGGS

28-Oct-1781; Elizabeth TRASH daughter of Henery & Anne TRASH

28-Oct-1781; John STICKLAND son of John & Ann STICKLAND

28-Oct-1781; Elizabeth MORRIS daughter of William & Elizabeth MORRIS


16-Jun-1782; Elizabeth HART daughter of William & Jean HART

21-Jul-1782; Robert DUCK son of Robert & Ellen DUCK

21-Jul-1782; Mary SQUIBB base born daughter of Dority SQUIBB

25-Aug-1782; John HOOPER son of John & Mary HOOPER

22-Sep-1782; Ann WHITE daughter of John & Sarah WHITE

06-Nov-1782; Robert ALLEN son of John & Ann ALLEN

01-Dec-1782; John ELVERD son of John & Ann ELVERD


09-Mar-1783; Edward PEACH son of John & Joan PEACH

16-Mar-1783; Eleanor WHITE daughter of Robert & Eleanor WHITE

18-Aug-1783; Daniel KAINES son of Andrew & Anne KAINES

14-Sep-1783; Joanna MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

26-Oct-1783; Samuel JORDAN illegitimate son of Mary JORDAN & Edward LOVELESS

01-Dec-1783; Ishannah RIGGS daughter of William & Ishanna RIGGS


02-May-1784; Thomas RIGGS son of Samuel & Ann RIGGS

27-May-1784; Mary HOOPER daughter of John & Mary HOOPER

31-Oct-1784; Elizabeth YEATMAN daughter of George & Ann YEATMAN


19-Jun-1785; John WHITE son of John & Sarah WHITE

16-Aug-1785; Elizabeth MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

23-Oct-1785; William COASH son of William & Mary COASH


05-Jan-1786; John DUCK son of Robert & Ellen DUCK

26-Feb-1786; Mary HOOPER daughter of John & Mary HOOPER

23-Apr-1786; Mary HART daughter of William & Jean HART

29-Apr-1786; William CUFF base born son of Elizabeth CUFF

21-May-1786; Susannah Hooper SQUIBB base born daughter of Mary SQUIBB

13-Aug-1786; Jean MORRIS daughter of Arthur & Elizabeth MORRIS

22-Oct-1786; Thomas MITCHELL base born son of Mary MITCHELL

29-Oct-1786; Sarah GERRARD (aged 16, as alleged by one of the sponsors) daughter of Robert & Mary GERARD

12-Nov-1786; John Shepherd CHURCHILL base born son of Elizabeth CHURCHILL

19-Nov-1786; Bennett SWYER son of William & Ann SWYER


07-Jan-1787; Deborah BESLEY daughter of John & Sarah BESLEY

14-Jan-1787; John MILLER son of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

08-Apr-1787; Robert RICKS son of William & Mary RICKS

20-May-1787; John STICKLAND son of John & Ann STICKLAND

03-Jun-1787; Ann ARNOLD daughter of William & Susannah ARNOLD

09-Dec-1787; Elizabeth DUCK daughter of Henery & Martha DUCK


17-Feb-1788; John WHITE son of John & Sarah WHITE

23-Mar-1788; Thomas RICHARDS son of William & Sarah RICHARDS

27-Apr-1788; John CRITCHEL son of John & Mary CRITCHEL


15-Mar-1789; George DUCK son of Robert & Ellen DUCK

23-Apr-1789; Sarah MORRIS daughter of Arthur & Elizabeth MORRIS

14-Jun-1789; James SQUIBB son of Joseph & Susannah SQUIBB

05-Jul-1789; Martha RICHARDS daughter of William & Sarah RICHARDS

26-Jul-1789; Dinah PLOWMAN daughter of James & Ann PLOWMAN

06-Sep-1789; Ann MILLER daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth MILLER

13-Sep-1789; Merria ARNOLD daughter of William & Susannah ARNOLD

27-Sep-1789; Diana STICKLAND daughter of John & Ann STICKLAND

18-Oct-1789; Richard DRAKE son of Daniel & Mary DRAKE

25-Oct-1789; Hannah DRAKE daughter of James & Mary DRAKE


03-Jan-1790; George Halley BRYAN base born son of Sarah BRYAN

24-Jan-1790; Eleanor PADDOCK base born daughter of Mary PADDOCK

28-Feb-1790; Joseph WHITE son of John & Sarah WHITE

16-May-1790; Rebecca CANDY daughter of Joseph & Jenney CANDY

31-Oct-1790; Susannah SQUIBB daughter of Joseph & Susannah SQUIBB

06-Dec-1790; James CUFF base born son of Honour CUFF


09-Jan-1791; Richard STURMEY son of Jacob & Mary STURMEY

06-Feb-1791; John HOOPER son of Thomas & Elizabeth HOOPER

01-May-1791; John WHITE son of William & Ann WHITE

06-May-1791; Jean MORSE daughter of John & Elizabeth MORSE

05-Jun-1791; Christian SCAMP daughter of Joshua & Keazey SCAMP Gypsies, the child was born in Fream Lane

03-Jul-1791; James TUCKER daughter of William & Ealener TUCKER

10-Jul-1791; Mary PLOWMAN daughter of James & Ann PLOWMAN

14-Aug-1791; James Shepherd CHURCHILL base born son of Elizabeth CHURCHILL

28-Aug-1791; Andrew Loveless SQUIBB base born son of Elizabeth SQUIBB

11-Sep-1791; Charity STICKLAND daughter of Benjamin & Melyear STICKLAND

02-Oct-1791; George HOUSE son of Francis & Mary HOUSE

24-Oct-1791; Susannah DUCK daughter of Robert & Ellen DUCK


01-Jan-1792; Elizabeth THOMAS daughter of George & Mary THOMAS

30-May-1792; John LILLEY son of Robert & Ruth LILLEY

03-Jun-1792; Sarah SQUIBB daughter of Joseph & Susannah SQUIBB

10-Jun-1792; Bettey BULLEN base born daughter of Jean BULLEN

02-Sep-1792; Elizabeth FRIPP daughter of Robert & Sarah FRIPP

14-Oct-1792; Mary DRAKE daughter of James & Mary DRAKE

16-Dec-1792; Martha SWYER daughter of William & Ann SWYER

25-Dec-1792; Thomas CANDEY son of Joseph & Jenney CANDEY


20-Jan-1793; Mary BROWN daughter of Thomas & Lettechea BROWN

22-Jan-1793; Elizabeth MORRIS daughter of George & Mary MORRIS

03-Feb-1793; Merria HOOPER son of Thomas & Elizabeth HOOPER

03-Feb-1793; Mary STICKLAND daughter of John & Mary STICKLAND

14-Apr-1793; Mary Ann CUTTLER daughter of William & Mary CUTTLER

14-Apr-1793; George RICKS son of William & Mary RICKS

05-May-1793; Mary WHITE daughter of John & Sarah WHITE

14-Jul-1793; Sarah ARNOLD daughter of William & Susannah ARNOLD

08-Sep-1793; George THOMAS son of George & Mary THOMAS

29-Sep-1793; William TUCKER daughter of William & Eleanor TUCKER

13-Oct-1793; Persilla MORSE daughter of John & Elizabeth MORSE

08-Dec-1793; George WHITE son of William & Ann WHITE

25-Dec-1793; Mary JEARRED daughter of Isaac & Mary JEARRED


10-Feb-1794; Elizabeth Churchil MORSE base born daughter of Mary MORSE & reputed father Matthias CHURCHIL

21-Feb-1794; Betsey Mitchel EDWARDS daughter of Richard & Mary EDWARDS

30-Mar-1794; Dinah PLOWMAN daughter of James & Ann PLOWMAN

17-Aug-1794; Meria MORSE base born daughter of Martha MORSE

19-Oct-1794; Ann BROWN daughter of Thomas & Lettechea BROWN

19-Oct-1794; William STICKLAND son of Mary STICKLAND, widow of William STICKLAND

16-Nov-1794; James DRAKE son of James & Mary DRAKE


08-Feb-1795; John FRIPP son of Robert & Sarah FRIPP

10-May-1795; Lydya DUCK daughter of Robert & Ellen DUCK

05-Jul-1795; Joseph HALLETT son of Daniel & Jean HALLETT

05-Jul-1795; Jean LEGG daughter of Benjamin & Ann LEGG

30-Aug-1795; Benjamin STICKLAND son of Benjamin & Melyear STICKLAND

06-Sep-1795; Anabilla SQUIBB base born daughter of Dinah SQUIBB

13-Sep-1795; Peneleper WHITE daughter of Joseph & Peneleper WHITE

20-Sep-1795; Jenney STICKLAND daughter of John & Mary STICKLAND

19-Nov-1795; Robert HALL (born 04-Oct-1786) son of Charles & Hannah HALL

19-Nov-1795; Tirzah HALL (born 20-May-1789) daughter of Charles & Hannah HALL

19-Nov-1795; Charles HALL (born 28-Jan-1794) son of Charles & Hannah HALL

25-Dec-1795; Bettey Ricks HOOPER base born daughter of Melyer HOOPER & reputed father Charles RICKS


21-Feb-1796; Samuel RANDLE son of George & Elizabeth RANDLE

26-Feb-1796; John Churchill MORSE base born son of Mary MORSE & reputed father Matthias CHURCHILL

27-Mar-1796; Elizabeth MORSE daughter of John & Elizabeth MORSE

03-Apr-1796; Samuel DRAKE son of James & Mary DRAKE

10-Apr-1796; James WHITE son of William & Ann WHITE

24-Apr-1796; Thomas Drake TUCKER base born son of Charity TUCKER & reputed father Thomas DRAKE

22-May-1796; John TUCKER daughter of William & Eleanor TUCKER

26-Jun-1796; Sarah ARNOLD daughter of William & Susannah ARNOLD

23-Jul-1796; John HOOPER son of Thomas & Elizabeth HOOPER

21-Aug-1796; Jesper STICKLAND son of George & Christian STICKLAND

13-Nov-1796; Thomas HELYEAR son of Thomas & Mary HELYEAR

25-Dec-1796; Tamzey BROWN daughter of Thomas & Lettecher BROWN

25-Dec-1796; Mary WHITE daughter of Peter & Elizabeth WHITE


29-Jan-1797; Mary FRIPP daughter of Robert & Sarah FRIPP

16-Apr-1797; Betsey MITCHEL daughter of Joseph & Sarah MITCHEL

14-May-1797; William Meech DICKER base born son of Martha DICKER

18-Jun-1797; Sarah WHITE daughter of Joseph & Peneleper WHITE

16-Jul-1797; Isaac JEARRED son of Isaac & Margaret JEARRED

12-Nov-1797; Joseph LEGG son of Benjamin & Ann LEGG

26-Nov-1797; Thomas Churchill MORSE base born son of Mary MORSE & reputed father Matthias CHURCHILL

03-Dec-1797; Rebekah STICKLAND daughter of John & Mary STICKLAND

25-Dec-1797; Joseph MINTERN son of Thomas & Jean MINTERN

25-Dec-1797; Hanna WHITE daughter of Peter & Elizabeth WHITE


11-Mar-1798; Ann DRAKE daughter of James & Mary DRAKE

13-May-1798; Sarah HALLET daughter of Daniel & Jean HALLET

20-May-1798; Sarah RANDLE daughter of George & Elizabeth RANDLE

20-May-1798; John STICKLAND son of Francis & Hanna STICKLAND

27-May-1798; Rebecca WHITE daughter of William & Ann WHITE

08-Jul-1798; Susanna STICKLAND daughter of George & Christian STICKLAND

12-Aug-1798; Mical STICKLAND son of Benjamin & Melyear STICKLAND

16-Sep-1798; George SQUIBB son of George & Mary SQUIBB

19-Oct-1798; John MITCHEL son of Joseph & Sarah MITCHEL

23-Dec-1798; Charlotte JEARRED base born daughter of Mary JEARRED & reputed father George WORLD

23-Dec-1798; John HELYEAR son of Thomas & Mary HELYEAR


15-Jan-1799; Martha WHITE daughter of Peter & Elizabeth WHITE

24-Mar-1799; Elizabeth ARNOLD daughter of William & Susanna ARNOLD

12-May-1799; Meriah MORSE daughter of John & Elizabeth MORSE

26-May-1799; James WHITE son of Joseph & Peneleper WHITE

23-Jun-1799; Joseph CANDEY son of Joseph & Jean CANDEY

23-Jun-1799; Richard CANDEY son of Joseph & Jean CANDEY

30-Jun-1799; Martha HOOPER daughter of Thomas & Martha HOOPER

14-Jul-1799; Persilla STICKLAND daughter of John & Mary STICKLAND

18-Aug-1799; Susanna BROWN daughter of Thomas & Lettecher BROWN

25-Aug-1799; Elizabeth TUCKER daughter of William & Eleanor TUCKER

08-Sep-1799; William FRIPP son of Robert & Sarah FRIPP


10-Mar-1800; Thomas SQUIBB son of George & Mary SQUIBB

20-Apr-1800; William STICKLAND son of George & Christian STICKLAND

01-Jun-1800; Diana MINTERN daughter of Thomas & Jean MINTERN

20-Jul-1800; Sarah HOOPER daughter of Thomas & Martha HOOPER

20-Jul-1800; John RANDLE son of George & Elizabeth RANDLE

31-Aug-1800; Haiot THORNE daughter of Edward & Elizabeth THORNE

23-Nov-1800; Elizabeth HART daughter of Thomas & Charity HART

21-Dec-1800; Elizabeth LEGG daughter of Benjamin & Ann LEGG

25-Dec-1800; John GUY son of John & Sarah GUY

25-Dec-1800; Elizabeth WHITE daughter of Peter & Elizabeth WHITE


18-Jun-1801; Catharine THOMAS daughter of William & Sarah Thomas

26-Jul-1801; Joseph WHITE son of Joseph & Penelope WHITE

11-Oct-1801; Ann MORSE base born daughter of Mary MORSE & reputed father Mathias CHURCHILL

20-Dec-1801; Mary HOOPER daughter of Thomas & Martha HOOPER


07-Feb-1802; Elizabeth STICKLAND daughter of George & Christian STICKLAND

21-Feb-1802; Thomas BROWN son of Thomas & Lettecher BROWN

21-Mar-1802; Hannah THORNE daughter of Edward & Elizabeth THORNE

22-Mar-1802; Elizabeth THOMAS base born daughter of Mary THOMAS & reputed father William HERVER

20-Jun-1802; John DRAKE son of James & Mary DRAKE

20-Jun-1802; Ann TUCKER daughter of William & Eleanor TUCKER

04-Jul-1802; Mary MORSE daughter of John & Elizabeth MORSE

05-Sep-1802; Rebeccah LONGMAN daughter of Jacob & Susannah LONGMAN

26-Sep-1802; Hannah FRIPP daughter of Robert & Sarah FRIPP

25-Dec-1802; Joseph WHITE son of Peter & Elizabeth WHITE


10-Apr-1803; John HART son of Thomas & Charity HART

08-May-1803; Rebeccah RANDLE daughter of George & Elizabeth RANDLE

30-May-1803; Susannah SEAL daughter of William & Hannah SEAL

17-Jul-1803; Charles MORRIS son of John & Mary MORRIS

21-Aug-1803; Mary MORRIS daughter of Henery & Elizabeth MORRIS

09-Oct-1803; Frances PLOWMAN daughter of Robert & Mary PLOWMAN

19-Oct-1803; Mary MITCHEL daughter of Joseph & Sarah MITCHEL

30-Oct-1803; Mary ARNOLD daughter of William & Susanna ARNOLD

04-Dec-1803; Thomas WHITE son of Joseph & Peneleper WHITE

25-Dec-1803; George STICKLAND son of George & Christan STICKLAND


29-Jan-1804; James LONGMAN son of Jacob & Susanna LONGMAN

08-Apr-1804; Sarah SQUIBB daughter of John & Ann SQUIBB

20-May-1804; James Hill THOMAS son of William & Sarah THOMAS

20-May-1804; Arabella THOMAS daughter of William & Sarah THOMAS

20-May-1804; Jean HOOPER daughter of Thomas & Martha HOOPER

13-Jun-1804; William MORSE base born son of Mary MORSE & reputed father Matthias CHURCHILL

24-Jun-1804; Stephen THORNE son of Edward & Elizabeth THORNE

30-Sep-1804; Rebeccah WHITE daughter of Robert & Susanna WHITE

21-Oct-1804; Mary LEGG daughter of Benjamin & Ann LEGG


28-Apr-1805; George MORRIS son of John & Mary MORRIS

02-Jun-1805; Charles TUCKER son of William & Eleaner TUCKER

24-Jun-1805; Priscilla COAKES daughter of Luke & Charity COAKES

07-Jul-1805; Mary WHITE daughter of George & Christian WHITE

18-Aug-1805; John SQUIBB son of John & Ann SQUIBB

01-Sep-1805; Ann SQUIBB daughter of George & Ann SQUIBB of Aller

15-Sep-1805; Christan WHITE daughter of Peter & Elizabeth WHITE

22-Sep-1805; Rebeccah MORSE daughter of John & Elizabeth MORSE


05-Jan-1806; John THORNE son of Edward & Elizabeth THORNE

05-Jan-1806; James STICKLAND daughter of John & Mary STICKLAND

19-Jan-1806; James PLOWMAN son of George & Sarah PLOWMAN

02-Mar-1806; James WHITE son of Robert & Susanna WHITE

29-Mar-1806; Mary Ann HOUSE daughter of George & Ann HOUSE

27-Apr-1806; Jacob LONGMAN son of Jacob & Susanna LONGMAN

25-May-1806; William HART son of Thomas & Charity HART

29-Jun-1806; Robert CAINES son of Thomas & Jean CAINES

31-Aug-1806; Roseanna MORIS daughter of John & Martha MORIS

14-Oct-1806; Meliah HOOPER daughter of Thomas & Martha HOOPER

26-Oct-1806; Robert FRIPP son of Robert & Sarah FRIPP

30-Nov-1806; Elizabeth WHITE daughter of Peter & Elizabeth WHITE

14-Dec-1806; Robert WHITE son of Joseph & Peneleper WHITE

14-Dec-1806; William MORRIS son of Henery & Elizabeth MORRIS


01-Mar-1807; Jenney EARS child of Henery & Penney EARS

29-Mar-1807; Joseph SQUIBB son of John & Ann SQUIBB

19-Apr-1807; Eliza ARNOLD daughter of William & Susanna ARNOLD

28-Apr-1807; John STICKLAND son of George & Christian STICKLAND

07-Jun-1807; Kerias BUSSELL daughter of Daile & Jenney BUSSELL

07-Jun-1807; Elizabeth MORRIS daughter of John & Mary MORRIS

21-Jun-1807; Robert LEGG son of Benjamin & Ann LEGG

30-Aug-1807; Elizabeth THORNE daughter of Edward & Elizabeth THORNE

06-Sep-1807; William STICKLAND son of Samuel & Elizabeth STICKLAND

05-Oct-1807; George LONGMAN son of Jacob & Susanna LONGMAN

05-Oct-1807; Mary COAKES daughter of Luke & Charity COAKES

06-Dec-1807; Susanna PLOWMAN daughter of George & Sarah PLOWMAN


10-Jan-1808; Samuel COATE son of John & Jean COATE

07-Feb-1808; John SYER son of Charles & Martha SYER

17-Apr-1808; John WHITE son of Robert & Mary WHITE

01-May-1808; John HOUSE son of George & Ann HOUSE

03-Jul-1808; Charles MORRIS son of John & Martha MORRIS

14-Aug-1808; Mary EARS daughter of Henery & Penney EARS

21-Aug-1808; Mary TUCKER daughter of William & Eleanor TUCKER

25-Sep-1808; William JANES son of Thomas & Hannah JANES

09-Oct-1808; James MORRIS son of John & Mary MORRIS

06-Nov-1808; Edward THORNE son of Edward & Elizabeth THORNE

11-Dec-1808; Ann HOUSE daughter of Charles & Jane HOUSE

27-Dec-1808; Charles CHURCHILL son of Matthias & Mary CHURCHILL

27-Dec-1808; James KELLAWAY son of John & Jane KELLAWAY


29-Jan-1809; Mary HART daughter of Thomas & Charity HART

19-Feb-1809; John STICKLAND son of John & Joannah STICKLAND

02-Apr-1809; John HOOPER son of Thomas & Martha HOOPER

30-Apr-1809; Mary COATE daughter of John & Jean COATE

21-May-1809; Stephen FOOT son of James & Elizabeth FOOT

18-Jun-1809; Leanora DICKER daughter of Edward & Ann DICKER

27-Aug-1809; James MORSE son of John & Elizabeth MORSE

01-Oct-1809; Love Candey SQUIBB daughter of John & Jenney SQUIBB

25-Oct-1809; Mary STICKLAND daughter of George & Christan STICKLAND

03-Dec-1809; William Richards HARLICK son of Silfester & Martha HARLICK

25-Dec-1809; Priscilla PITMAN daughter of Ann PITMAN


28-Jan-1810; Edward THORNE son of Edward & Elizabeth THORNE

25-Feb-1810; Hannah LOVIL daughter of Henery & Martha LOVIL

10-Jun-1810; Jean HOUSE daughter of Charles & Jean HOUSE

01-Jul-1810; Robert LONGMAN son of Jacob & Susanna LONGMAN

01-Jul-1810; Ann STICKLAND daughter of John & Joanna STICKLAND

02-Sep-1810; Ann EARS daughter of Henery & Penney EARS

21-Oct-1810; William Estman HOOPER base born son of Mary HOOPER

09-Dec-1810; Ann JANES daughter of Thomas & Hannah JANES


18-Jan-1811; Edward THOMAS daughter of George & Mary THOMAS

25-Jan-1811; Joseph MITCHELL son of Joseph & Sarah MITCHELL

25-Jan-1811; James MITCHELL son of Joseph & Sarah MITCHELL

13-Feb-1811; Ann Priscilla LILLINGTON daughter of Thomas & Hannah Coombs LILLINGTON

13-Feb-1811; Hannah Mary LILLINGTON daughter of Thomas & Hannah Coombs LILLINGTON

10-Mar-1811; George RIGGS son of James & Mary RIGGS

31-Mar-1811; Charles FRIPP son of Robert & Sarah FRIPP

14-Apr-1811; Charles WHITE son of Robert & Mary WHITE

07-Jul-1811; John MORRIS son of John & Martha MORRIS

04-Aug-1811; Ann PAINTER daughter of William & Mary PAINTER

01-Sep-1811; Charles RIGGS son of Joseph & Jean RIGGS

29-Sep-1811; John MORRIS son of John & Mary MORRIS

29-Sep-1811; Robert STICKLAND son of George & Christian STICKLAND

18-Oct-1811; Samuel FUDGE son of George & Hannah FUDGE

27-Oct-1811; James SQUIBB son of John & Ann SQUIBB

17-Nov-1811; Fanney HOOPER daughter of Thomas & Martha HOOPER

17-Nov-1811; Meriah HART daughter of Thomas & Charity HART

24-Nov-1811; William LOVIL son of Henery & Martha LOVIL

25-Dec-1811; Ann FOOT daughter of James & Elizabeth FOOT


12-Jan-1812; Rebecca MORRIS daughter of Samuel & Mary MORRIS

19-Jan-1812; Charles HOUSE son of Charles & Jean HOUSE

19-Jan-1812; Jean HOUSE daughter of George & Ann HOUSE

02-Aug-1812; Eliza HALLETT daughter of William & Christian HALLETT

09-Aug-1812; Elizabeth BENNET daughter of Ceave & Elizabeth BENNET

01-Nov-1812; Mary PITMAN daughter of Ann PITMAN

08-Nov-1812; Dinah LONGMAN daughter of Jacob & Susannah LONGMAN

22-Nov-1812; Mary Ann MILLER daughter of John & Elizabeth MILLER

20-Dec-1812; Joseph Squibb HOUSE son of George & Susanna HOUSE

25-Dec-1812; Emma RIGGS daughter of William & Mary RIGGS


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