Hearth Tax Assessments 1662�1664
Extracted by Tony Higgins
The Hearth Tax was an attempt to tax people according to their wealth, working on the principle that the wealthier they were the more hearth's they would have in their home. The tax and variants were in existence for several decades but records for this parish only exist for 1662 and 1664. It was often found that people had stopped up hearths after the first taxation in order to reduce their tax
"The document here published is the Hearth Tax Assessment for Dorset ...... for Michaelmas 1664; it is based on and embodies the earlier assessment for 1662."
Willm' Fillioll Esqr' 10
Mr. Richard Bone 6
Richard Burge 3
Willm' Burge 3
John Hatcher 2
Henry Clarke 3
Eliz' Hassett widd' 3
James Young 1
Richard Saymer 1
Mary Burge widd' 3
Richard Durnford 2
Ambrose Tenney 2
Widd' Rommaine 4
Will Rake 3
Widd' Lovell 2
George Keynell 2
Widd' Willatt 2
Widd' Coward 1
David Woodrow 2
Henry Durnford 4
Richard Lanings junr' 3
John Burge 4
Widd' Wild 2
John Hayter 3
John Hatcher 3, 1 false returnd (sic)
Richard Laning senr' 2
Joane Rake widd' 2
Richard Rake 3
Robte' Hine Mason 1
Thomas Combe 2
Willm' Browne 1
Mr. Pope 7
Robert Moore 9
Roger Clarke 3
Willm' Hayne 2
John Durneford 2
Thomas Burge 4, 1 false returnd
Widd' Crosse 3
Richard Clarke 3
Richard Young 3
John Symmes 1
Eliz' Samway 4
Alexander Rake 3
Nichas Bartlett 6
Robte' Hine senr' 3
Jeffery Dowdens 1
Willm' Longman 2
Willm' Joyce 2
Mary Hine 2
Mr. Glisson 9
John Hine 1
Widd' South 3
Willm' Woodrow 1
John Bush 2, 1 false returnd
John Comage 2
William Warren 2
Thomas Dicke 1
Willm' Jefferyes 1
Willm' Kelloway 2
John Kelloway 3
Robert Young 1
Mr. Knipe 2
George Crosse 4
Robert Galpin 3
Ambrose How 5
Thomas Hine 1
Protestation Returns 1641
Transcribed from original returns on microfilm by Tony Higgins.
(Note: Ornate letters and unusual spellings introduce uncertainties.)
The English Revolution (1640-60)
began in November 1640 when Charles 1st. summoned Parliament to help him out
of a financial crisis. Charles was very unpopular and was forced to agree to
radical reforms which gave Parliament a more prominent roll in the
The political crisis escalated and
the "Long Parliament" split into two opposing parties in the Autumn of 1641,
forming the King's party of Royalists (Cavaliers) and the Parliamentarians
(Roundheads), who demanded further political and religious reforms. The
events of 1640/41 led to the Civil War which began in August 1642.
It was agreed and ordered on the 3rd
May 1641, that every Member of the House of Commons should make a
protestation (declaration of loyalty), which the House of Lords also agreed
to the following day.
The Commons ordered the printing of
the protestation and preamble on the 5th May 1641 and this was distributed
by the Members to their counties. The Protestation was to be made by
everyone and the Rectors, Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor had to
appear before the Justices of the Peace in their Hundred to make their
protestation and, on returning to their parishes, any two of them were to
witness the taking of the Protestation Oath by all males over the age of 18
years. All names were listed and anyone who refused was to be noted.
The protestation itself reads:-
I,-------- do, in the presence of
Almighty God, promise, vow, and protest to maintain, and defend as farr as
lawfully I maye, with my Life, Power and Estate, the true Reformed
Protestant religion, expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England,
against all Popery and Popish Innovations, within this Realme, contrary to
the same Doctrine, and according to the duty of my Allegiance, His Majesties
Royal Person, Honour and Estate, as alsoe the Power and Privileges of
Parliament, the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subjects, and any person
that maketh this Protestation, in whatsoever he shall do in the lawful
Pursuance of the same; and to my power, and as farr as lawfully I may, I
will appose and by all good Ways and Means endeavour to bring to condign
Punishment all such as shall, either by Force, Practice, Councels, Plots,
Conspiracies, or otherwise, doe any Thing to the contrary of any Thing in
this present Protestation contained: and further, that I shall, in all just
and honourable ways, endeavour to preserve the Union and Peace betwixt the
Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland: and neither for Hope, Feare,
nor other Respect, shell relinquish this Promise, Vow and Protestation
(Note: Ornate letters and unusual spellings introduce uncertainties.)
The names of those that are from the age of eighteen & upwards in the parish of Marnhull in the Countie of Dorset.
William Glisson gent
John Glisson, Rector
Edmund Duddell (Puddell?), Clerke
John Russell
William Brantker(?) gent
Beniamin Brantker(?) gent
William Durneford
Nicholas Keyndle
Thomas Stone
Nicholas Yeatonia(?)
George Halther(?)
Richard Laminge
Henrie Clarke
John Clarke
Edward Clarke
Henry Clarke
Richard Conditt
John Conditt
Edward Hayne
Thomas Oatnell(?)
William Coward
Ambrose Howe
George Keyndle
Thomas Hynde ju.
John Halther
Ambrose fframpton
Richard fframpton
Edward George
Thomas Downe Se.
William Hynde
Thomas Hynde
Mathew Hilldome
Thomas Hynde Se.
John Bush
John Coleman
George Marsh
Willia Warren
Edmund Keyndle iu.
Robert Hynde
Marke Hynde
Robert Hynde
Ambrose Tinney(?)
Willia Willett
Nicholas Hynde
John George Se.
Thomas Coward
John W.......(?)
Edmund Keyndle Se.
Gregoire Keyndle
Robert Keyndle
Thomas Keyndle
George Clarke
Willia Keyndle
John White
Thomas Woolridge
Richard Symes
Richard Rake iu.
Nicholas Keyndle
David Woodrowe
George Keyndle
Edward Wayne
John Keyndle, thatcher
Will Streete
William Browne
Antony Browne
Willia Browne ju.
Thomas Combe Se.
Thomas Combe ju.
Steven Haskett
John Winscombe(?)
Willi� Gouth(?) all. Todber
Jeremy Lambert
Willi� Woodrow
Thomas Keyndle, taylor
Richard Durnford
Robert Marsh
Robert Marsh iu.
Allexander Rake
John Stickland
Peter Wallis
William ffilloll Esquire
Robert Keyndle
Richard(?) Keyndle
George Keyndle
John Seymer
John Symmings
John Davidge
John Hilsdon(?)
Thomas Hilsdon(?)
Henrie Kendle
Thomas ffugge
ffrancis Bush
John Stavis Se.
Thomas Stavis Ju.
Joseph Almont
John Rake
John Nolme(?)
Thomas Nymell(?)
Nicholas Smith
Willi� Smith
Henrie Smith
William Rake
John Rake apr.
Nicholas Rake Se.
George Rake
Nicholas Rake Ju.
Thomas Hilsdon Se.
Thomas Hilsdon Ju.
John Hilsdon
John Trimme
Henrie Dike
Thomas Dike
Richard Rake Se.
Richard Rake Ju.
John Joyce, farmer
Robert Younge
George Younge
Robert Hakins
Henrie Bartlet
Thomas Younge
Thomay Clarke
William Longman
Richard Younge
Thomas Younge
Nicholas Hydon
Richard Hydon
George Crosse
Robert Moores gent
Willi� Metyard
William Lambert
John Howe(?) gent
Nicholas Woodrowe
Nicholas Rake
Richard Clarke
John Gapin
John South Se.
John South ju.
Thomas South
George Lambert
Nicholas Dike
Jefferie Dowding
Nichas Bartlett
John Warren
John Hynde
William Markes
John Hynd
Marke Hynd
Robert Hynde
Thomas Warren
Christopher Warren
William Turner
William Clarke
Gilbert Comidge
John Kimber
John Combe
John George Ju.
John fflambert
Thomas Brooke Se.
Thomas Brooke Ju.
John Hayter Se.
John Hayter Ju.
William Hayter
William Warren Se.
William Warre Ju.
Richard Hatcher
John Hatcher
Thomas Game Se.
Thomas Game Ju.
Th~ Ravneham(?)
Richard Mantle
William Rake
Abrahan Stone
William Stone
John Hansworth
John Jacob
John Ward
Thomas Bullen
Thomas Downe
John Pope
Edmund Hayter
Thomas Kyndle
Thomas Curtis
Nicolas Warren
These have all taken the protestation. Witnesses hereunto are:
John Glisson � Rector
Robert Moore � Constable
George Clarke � Church Warden
William Waren � Church Warden
Richard Lannynge � Overseer of ye poor
William Longeman � Overseer of ye poor