Parish of Marnhull

Will of Robert Sydlyn 1596

Transcript of the 'Will of Roberte Sydlyn alias Peers of Marnhull, Dorset' dated 22nd May 1596 based on TNA image 367/334 Catalogue ref: PROB 11/87.
Notes: Letters within [] are inserted by me to expand an abbreviation in the text. Numbers within {} refer to my notes at the bottom of the document
I have done, to the best of my ability, a literal transcription of the document however often vowels are indistinguishable from one another and some constants likewise - Bob Hills

In the name of God Amen the Six tenth daie of Aprill Anno Domino /1596/ I Roberte Sydlyn al[ia]s Peers of the parrishe of Marnhull in the countie of Dors[e]t beinge sicke in bodye but of good and perfecte memorie, praised be god, Doe make my Testamente in forme and manner followinge Imprimnis I bequeathe my soule to Almightie god my maker and redeemer, By the merritte of whose passion I hope to be saved, and my bodie to be buryed in the Churche of Marnhull aforesaide / Item I will devyse and give to the sole benefytt and comodytie of the poore people of the parrishe of Marnhull aforesaid Tenne poundes of lawfull money of Englande, to remayne and be in the handes and custodye of Robert Pope, Thomas Clarke, Roger Clarke and John Hilson al[ia]s Burge of the parrishe of marnhull aforesaid yomen their executores and administratorres forever / Item I give to the maintennice of Josias Clarke the sonne of Nicholas Clarke piccar of fifhed Magdalen to his maynte nannce in the univsitie of Oxforde the some of Three poundes six shillings eighte penie or thereabouts but to me the saide Roberte Sydlyn al[ia]s Peers by obligaron wherein Nicholas Clarke aforesaide standeth bounden unto me and under condicon, that the saide Nicholas Clarke shall att his charge provyde, a sufficient Preacher to preache my funeral sermon/ Item I give to Thomas Sydlyn al[ia]s Warren my godsone, all my plough harnes of all sortes due to me by the last will and Testamente of Henry Sydlin al[ia]s Peers my father deceased/ It[em] I give to Tenne ringers to ringe for me att my departure in Marnhull aforesaide, Tenne shillinges / Item I give to william Hunte, Roberte yetman and Roberte Yonge al[ia]s Smith my godsonnes to everye of them Tenne Shillinge of lawfull money / Item I give to John Hodges my Brother in lawe Twentie Ewes in his owne custodie / Item I give to John Wadnam my Brother Twentie lambes or thereaboute in the custodye of the aforesaide John Wadnam / Item I give to John Wadnam aforesaide my cubboarde, my Table bomrde and Brewing vessell / Item I give to Ambrose Brooke my Brother in lawe Twentie thoope hogge / Item I give to John An- drews of Charleton herethorne my birdinge peere, and my standinge bedstead which I lye on / Item I give my press to the youngest childe of Gilberte Keynell my kinsman / Item I give to the poore people of the Parrishes of Sturminster Newton castle, Honton Marie Stalbridge and ffifhed Mag- dalen to the poore people of everie Fontrall Parrishe Tenne Shillinges To be paide By my Executor att the discrecon of my Overseers, and in condicon ?{1} that my knyll shalle ronge att every of the aforesaide Parrishes / Item I give to Lyonell Bryne Joyner, all my Joynynge Tooles and Tymber which I have in condicon That he the saide Lyonell shall sett upp a Table engraved att my ffoote where my Bodie shalbe buryed att the discrecon and appointemente of my Overseers / Item I give to John Byrsporte clarke of Marnhull aforesaide, a whole suite of my beste apparel / Item I give to my coson William Woodroffe my suite of leather apparell / Item I give to Richarde Lyminge of Marnhull aforesaide ffortie Shillinge of lawfull money / Item I give to the poore people of Marnhull aforesaide all my wood in pile or otherwise nighe or aboute my mother Margarett Wadhams house To be distributed att the discresone of my Overseers / Item I give to Thomas Joyce the sonne of Roberte Joyce my kinsman, All my lease and terme of ?{1} yeares, Togeather w[i]th all wrytinge concerynge the same which I have in possession or reloercon of and in one Tenemente w[i]th th[e] appurtennce lyinge and beinge in the Parrishe of Chcryton in the countie of Somerset and nowe in the tenure and occupacon of Agnes ffoxe her assigney or assignes To have and to holde the saide Tenemente w[i]th th[e] appurtennce unto the saide Thomas Joyce his executores or assignes in as large and ample manner as I the saide ?{1} Roberte Sydlin my executors or adminstrators dothe did might should or ought to everye the same by anie meanes whatsoever / The rest of all my goodes and chattels moveable and immoveable my debts paide and my Legacies performed, I give and bequeath to Roberte Joyce my kinsman of Henton in the countie of Dorset, whome I ordeyne and make to be my sole and whole Executor of and in this my Testamente and Last will, Appointinge and also requestinge theis my good friendes to be Overseers Nicholas Clarke viccar of ffifhed Magdalen and Roger Clarke of Marnhull aboutnamed, To everye of whome, I give for their payne takinge aboute my will and Testa[men]t Tenne shillinge a piece / witnesse my to theis presente,
Nicholas Clarke clarke and Roger Clarke /

{1} probably a mark to pad out to end of line