Melbury Bubb
Baptisms 1813 to 1877
Transcribed from the Parish Registers and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Jon Baker (with thanks to Janet Courtney)
The transcription is based on the earlier transcription of the Bishops Transcripts by Janet Courtney, extra information has been added from the Parish Registers as well as over 100 records that were not previously transcribed (in most cases because they were not available in the BTs
The Parish Register is difficult to read in places, so readers are invited to use this transcript as a guide only and to consult the original at the Dorset History Centre.
# Date Year Child's Forename(s) Parents Forenames SURNAME Abode Occupation Notes
1 18-Apr 1813 Mary Ann dau of Samuel & Elizabeth SCRIVEN Woolcombe Mataverse Labourer
2 16-May 1813 Thomas son of Thomas & Hannah WHITTLE Woolcombe Mataverse Labourer
3 25-Dec 1813 Mary dau of John & Sushanah SMITH Woolcombe Matavius Dairyman
4 02-Jan 1814 Hariot dau of William & Ann EDMUNDS Melbury Bubb Dairyman
5 10-Apr 1814 George son of Robt & Edith JESTY Woolcombe Matravers Yeoman Born 13th March
6 29-May 1814 George son of Thomas & Mary DAWE Melbury Osmond Yeoman
7 07-Aug 1814 Dinah dau of Benjamin & Mary PICHER Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
8 21-Aug 1814 Dibora dau of Elias & Elizabeth DIKER Leigh Miller
9 14-May 1815 Ann dau of James & Ann BRAKE Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
10 08-Oct 1815 Ann dau of Thomas & Hannah WHITTLE Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
11 22-Oct 1815 Edward son of Robert & Edith JESTY Woolcombe Matravers Yeoman Born Sept 3
12 28-Jul 1816 Joseph son of William & Ann EDMUNDS Woolcombe Matravers Dairyman
13 13-Oct 1816 Christian dau of James & Martha DUNFORD Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
14 15-Nov 1816 Charles son of Robert & Edith JESTY Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
15 16-Mar 1817 John son of Benjamin & Mary PITCHER Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
16 11-May 1817 Susan dau of Elias & Elizabeth DICKER Melbury Bubb Miller
17 25-May 1817 Elizabeth dau of Thomas & Mary MULLETT Melbury Bubb Dairyman Born May 13th
18 26-Jul 1818 John son of Thomas & Hannah WHITTLE Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
19 18-Oct 1818 James son of James & Ann BRAKE Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
20 25-Dec 1818 Ann dau of Michael & Elizabeth PAYNE Melbury Bubb Bailiff Born Oct 26 1815
21 27-Dec 1818 Ann dau of Thomas & Deborah BOW Woolcombe Matravers Dairyman Born April 28 1817
22 12-Jan 1819 Edith dau of Robert & Edith JESTY Woolcombe Matravers Yeoman Born Dec 11 1818
23 29-May 1819 Daniel son of Maria MITCHEL Melbury Bubb Single Woman Bastard Child
24 12-Dec 1819 Jean dau of Benjamin & Mary PITCHER Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
25 05-Nov 1820 Anna dau of Edmund & Charlot THURLSTONE Melbury Bubb Thatcher
26 31-Dec 1820 George son of Thomas & Hanah WHITTEL Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
27 28-Jan 1821 Mary Ann dau of James & Ann JEANS Chetnole Shoemaker
28 08-Apr 1821 George son of David & Temperance KNIGHT Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
29 03-Jun 1821 John son of Samuel & Hannah BOW Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
30 24-Jun 1821 Charles son of James & Ann BRAKE Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
31 21-Oct 1821 Charles natural son of Honor KNIGHT Woolcombe Matravers Single
32 06-Jan 1822 Sarah dau of Thomas & Debora BOW Woolcombe Matravers Dairyman Born November 17 1819
33 25-Aug 1822 Elias son of David & Maria DICKER Melbury Bubb Labourer
34 15-Sep 1822 Elizabeth dau of Benjamin & Mary PITCHER Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
35 22-Sep 1822 Charles son of John & Ann STAINER Woolcombe Matravers Thatcher
36 01-Dec 1822 John son of William & Euri FOOT Melbury Bubb Labourer
37 09-Feb 1823 Isiah son of Mary HOLMS Melbury Bubb Single woam Bastartd Child
38 23-Feb 1823 Susan dau of James & Sarah GUY Melbury Bubb Miller
39 28-Feb 1823 Jaspar son of James & Sarah GUY Melbury Bubb Miller
40 28-May 1824 Ann dau of Thomas & Hannah WHITTEL Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
41 19-Jul 1824 Eliza dau of James & Sarah GUY Melbury Bubb Miller Received Nov 12 1826
42 21-Aug 1824 Ann dau of John & Ann STAINER Woolcombe Matravers Thatcher Dec 25 1824 Entered into Christ flock
43 17-Apr 1825 Martha dau of Joseph & Sarah WHITE Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
44 31-May 1825 Ann Selina dau of James & Hester KELLYAR Woolcombe Matravers Mason Privately. Received Dec 25th
45 29-Dec 1825 Eunice dau of Marwood & Mary HOUNSELL Melbury Bubb Yeoman
46 31-Jul 1825 Lucy dau of Marwood & Mary HOUNSELL Melbury Bubb Yeoman Received Dec 29th
47 29-Jan 1826 George son of George & Elizabeth BILES Melbury Bubb Labourer
48 05-Feb 1826 Martha dau of John & Ann STAINER Woolcombe Matravers Thatcher
49 12-Nov 1826 Henry son of James & Sarah GUY Melbury Bubb Miller
50 19-Nov 1826 Elizabeth dau of Thomas & Sarah WHITTEL Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
51 13-Dec 1826 Mary Ann dau of Jonathan & Elizabeth HOUNSELL Melbury Bubb Dairyman Received Jan 28 1827
52 20-May 1827 Giles son of William & Mary DAVIS Woolcombe Matravers Dairyman
53 23-Jun 1827 George son of George & Mary FORD Melbury Bubb Labourer
54 05-Nov 1827 Harriet Emelina dau of Jesse & Susannah BALCH Melbury Bubb Labourer Received 2 Dec
55 02-Dec 1827 Ann dau of William & Catharine HALLETT Melbury Bubb Dairyman
56 30-Mar 1828 John son of John & Ann STAINER Woolcombe Matravers Thatcher
57 30-Mar 1828 Ann dau of Marwood & Mary HOUNSELL Melbury Bubb Yeoman Received Jan 5th 1831
58 29-Jun 1828 Edmund son of Joseph & Mary ann RICHARDS Melbury Bubb Miller
59 15-Jul 1828 Jane dau of Jonathan & Elizabeth HOUNSELL Woolcombe Dairyman
60 ?-Oct 1828 James son of George & Sarah CROCKER Woolcombe Dairyman Received [no date]
61 06-Dec 1828 Elizabeth West dau of George & Mary WEST Bubdown Labourer
62 05-Apr 1829 George son of George & Sarah CROCKER Woolcombe Dairyman
63 17-May 1829 Priscilla dau of James & Sarah GUY Melbury Bubb Labourer
64 08-Nov 1829 William son of Thomas & Ann BILES Woolcombe Labourer
65 07-Feb 1830 Thomas son of Joseph & Mary Ann STAYNER Woolcombe Labourer
66 09-May 1830 Sarah dau of Benjamin & Sarah WATTS Melbury Bubb Miller
67 09-May 1830 William son of George & Sarah CROCKER Woolcombe Dairyman
68 13-Jun 1830 Joseph son of John & Ann STAINER Woolcombe Thatcher
69 04-Jul 1830 Eliza dau of Arthur & Susannah BILES Melbury Bubb Dairyman
70 17-Oct 1830 William son of Henry & Ann COLLINS Melbury Bubb Labourer
71 21-Nov 1830 Martha dau of William & Susanna HINTERN Whitchurch Canonicorum Labourer
72 05-Jan 1831 Samuel son of Marwood & Mary HOUNSELL Melbury Bubb Yeoman
73 27-Feb 1831 Emily dau of James & Sarah GUY Melbury Bubb Labourer
74 27-Nov 1831 Job son of Matthew & Jean HACKWELL Melbury Bubb Carpenter
75 [Blank] 1831 Benjamin son of Benjamin & Sarah WATTS Melbury Bubb Miller
76 25-Dec 1831 Joseph son of Joseph & Mary STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
77 [Blank] 1831 Thomas son of Robert & Elizabeth MEECH Woolcombe Labourer
78 25-Mar 1832 Daniel son of Thomas & Ann BILES Woolcombe Labourer
79 13-May 1832 George son of James & Elizabeth CHANT Melbury Bubb Labourer
80 06-Jul 1832 Charlotte dau of Thomas & Jane HILLIAR Woolcombe Mason
81 21-Oct 1832 Francis son of Robert & Elizabeth MEECH Melbury Bubb Dairyman
82 06-Jan 1833 Elizabeth dau of John & Ann STAYNER Woolcombe Thatcher
83 19-May 1833 Mary Ann dau of Joseph & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer
84 05-Jan 1834 George son of Thomas & Jane HILLIER Woolcombe Stone Mason
85 23-Mar 1834 John twin son of George & Mary STAYNER Woolcombe Labourer
85 23-Mar 1834 Francis twin son of George & Mary STAYNER Woolcombe Labourer
86 27-Apr 1834 John son of Joseph & Mary STAYNER Woolcombe Labourer
87 24-Aug 1834 Elizabeth dau of Benjamin & Sarah WATTS Melbury Bubb Miller
88 09-Nov 1834 Edith dau of John & Ann STAYNER Woolcomb Thatcher
89 05-May 1835 Edwin base born son of Martha HAWKINS Woolcombe Spinster
90 01-Nov 1835 John son of Thomas & Jean HILLIER Woolcombe Mason
91 08-Nov 1835 Sarah Jean dau of Joseph & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer
92 06-Dec 1835 Catharine dau of Jasper & Jean MAIDMENT Woolcombe Labourer
93 24-Feb 1836 Harriet dau of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
94 12-Jun 1836 Richard Nanney son of Joseph & Mary STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
95 07-Aug 1836 Mary Ann dau of Thomas & Mary DOWNTON Woolcombe Dairyman
96 09-Oct 1836 William son of Benjamin & Sarah WATTS Melbury Bubb Miller
97 16-Oct 1836 Harriet dau of George & Mary STAYNER Woolcombe Labourer
98 17-Oct 1836 Korah? dau of Joseph & Sarah BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
99 23-Oct 1836 Mary Meech dau of William & Ann WATTS Melbury Bubb Miller
100 03-Jan 1837 Walter son of Joseph & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer
101 03-Jan 1837 Martha Ann dau of George & Mary ANDREWS Woolcombe Labourer
102 16-Apr 1837 Emma dau of John & Ann STAYNER Woolcombe Thatcher
103 23-Jul 1837 Jane dau of Thomas & Ann BILES Woolcombe Labourer
104 08-Oct 1837 Mary Ann dau of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
105 24-Dec 1837 George Thomas son of George & Marcia Sarah BENNETT Yeovil Cabinet Maker
106 27-May 1838 Mary Jane dau of Jasper & Jane MAIDMENT Woolcombe Labourer
107 11-Sep 1838 Sarah Ann dau of Joseph & Sarah BRAKE Woolcombe Shepherd
108 16-Sep 1838 Alfred James son of John & Sarah BRIDLE Melbury Bubb Labourer
109 30-Sep 1838 Elizabeth dau of Joseph & Mary STAYNER Woolcombe Labourer
110 28-Oct 1838 Ann dau of Thomas & Jane HILLYAR Woolcombe Mason
111 13-Jan 1839 Jemima dau of Richard & Mary CHAINEY Melbury Bubb Labourer
112 10-Feb 1839 Jane Ann dau of Joseph & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Shepherd
113 29-Sep 1839 George son of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
114 22-Dec 1839 Eliza dau of George & Fanny ANDREWS Woolcombe Labourer
115 22-Dec 1839 Mary dau of John & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer
116 30-Jan 1841 Henry son of William & Fanny SHINER Woolcombe Labourer [No Baptisms in 1840]
116 30-Jan 1841 Mary dau of William & Fanny SHINER Woolcombe Labourer
116 30-Jan 1841 Sarah dau of William & Fanny SHINER Woolcombe Labourer
117 28-Feb 1841 Francis son of Francis & Sarah GREENING Melbury Bubb Labourer
118 30-May 1841 Caroline dau of Joseph & Mary STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
119 20-Jun 1841 William son of Richard & Mary CHAINEY Melbury Bubb Labourer
120 04-Jul 1841 Stephen son of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
121 12-Sep 1841 George son of John & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer Received June 12th 1845
122 12-Sep 1841 Thomas son of Thomas & Rebecca Mary AYRES Melbury Bubb Clerk
123 03-Oct 1841 John George son of George & Eliza Stone STOODLEY Melbury Bubb Miller
124 21-Nov 1841 Charles son of Joseph & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer
125 07-May 1842 Louisa Sarah dau of Charles & Marianna STAINER Woolcombe Thatcher
126 29-Jan 1843 George John Redway son of George & Elizabeth Stone STOODLEY Melbury Bubb Miller
127 21-Mar 1843 Sarah Anne dau of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
128 28-May 1843 Sarah Jane dau of Joseph & Sarah BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
129 20-Sep 1843 Arthur son of John Forse & Ann VINCENT Woolcombe Labourer
130 01-Oct 1843 Mary dau of Thomas & Jane HILLYAR Woolcombe Labourer
131 25-Nov 1843 Jane Bow dau of John & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer
132 19-Dec 1843 Eliza dau of Thomas & Rebecca Mary AYRES Melbury Bubb Clerk
133 26-Dec 1843 Jane Elisabeth dau of Francis & Sarah GREENING Melbury Bubb Labourer
133 27-Dec 1843 William ????? son of Francis & Sarah GREENING Melbury Bubb Labourer
134 07-Jan 1844 George son of John & Mary MAYO Melbury Sampford Dairyman
135 21-Jan 1844 Susan dau of james & Deborah NEAL Melbury Bubb Labourer
136 02-Mar 1844 Emily dau of Joseph & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Shepherd
137 16-May 1844 Jane dau of Joseph & Mary STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
138 15-Nov 1844 Ann Eliza dau of Charles & Marianna STAINER Woolcombe Thatcher
139 29-Dec 1844 Martha dau of Francis & Sarah GREENING Melbury Bubb Labourer
140 16-Feb 1845 William Frampton son of George & Fanny ANDREWS Woolcombe Labourer
141 05-Mar 1845 Henry Eyre son of Thomas & Rebecca Mary AYRES Melbury Bubb Clerk Received 12th June 1845
142 27-Apr 1845 Elizabeth dau of Joseph & Sarah BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
143 29-Jun 1845 Emily dau of Charles & Ann KNIGHT Woolcombe Labourer
144 06-Jul 1845 Stephen son of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
145 15-Feb 1846 Jane dau of Charles & Jane BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
146 15-Mar 1846 Thomas son of John & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer
147 20-Apr 1846 William John son of Elias & Mary FOOT Melbury Bubb Labourer
148 22-Aug 1846 Lois Loveless dau of Mary Ann JEANS Chetnole Dressmaker
149 08-Sep 1846 Emily dau of Joseph & Mary STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
150 27-Sep 1846 Mary Jane dau of John Forse & Ann VINCENT Woolcombe Labourer
151 17-Oct 1846 Edward son of Thomas & Rebecca Mary AYRES Melbury Bubb Clerk
152 07-Nov 1846 Charles Cornelius son of John & Ann FOOT Melbury Bubb Labourer
153 10-Jan 1847 Charles son of Joseph & Mary BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
154 14-Mar 1847 Mary Ellen dau of Henry & Eliza BIRD Melbury Bubb Miller
155 31-Oct 1847 Eliza dau of George & Ann TURNER Woolcombe Navigator
156 31-Oct 1847 Thomas son of Thomas & Mary ASHTON Woolcombe Navigator
157 30-Dec 1847 Hubert son of Thomas & Rebecca Mary AYRES Melbury Bubb Clerk Born Dec 24. Received Sep 20th 1849
158 13-Feb 1848 John son of Charles & Ann KNIGHT Woolcombe Labourer
159 18-Jun 1848 Emily dau of Henry & Eliza BIRD Melbury Bubb Miller
160 01-Jul 1848 David twin son of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
160 01-Jul 1848 Mary twin dau of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
161 08-Oct 1848 Henry son of William & Mary Ann LOVELESS Chetnole Yeoman
162 21-Jan 1849 William son of Charles & Jane BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
163 04-Mar 1849 Henry son of Joseph & Sarah BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
164 15-Apr 1849 Emmanuel son of Elias & Mary FOOT Melbury Bubb Labourer
165 19-Aug 1849 Samuel son of John & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Labourer
166 19-Jan 1850 James son of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Labourer
167 06-Mar 1850 Margaret Mary dau of Thomas & Rebecca Mary AYRES Melbury Bubb Clerk
168 30-Mar 1850 George son of Charles & Ann KNIGHT Woolcombe Labourer
169 14-Apr 1850 Thomas son of John Forse & Ann VINCENT Woolcombe Labourer
170 28-Apr 1850 Frederic Elias son of James & Anna CHILDS Chetnole Blacksmith
171 19-May 1850 James son of James & Susan GREEN Woolcombe Labourer on Railway
172 21-Jul 1850 William son of Reuben & Jane DEWLAND Melbury Bubb Labourer
173 21-Jul 1850 Elizabeth Anne dau of Reuben & Jane DEWLAND Melbury Bubb Labourer
174 07-Oct 1850 Sarah dau of Elias & Elizabeth PEACH Melbury Bubb Labourer
175 10-Nov 1850 Ann dau of William & Mary Ann LOVELESS Chetnole Yeoman
176 07-May 1851 Fanny Ann dau of John & Ann FOOT Melbury Bubb Labourer
177 30-Jun 1851 Mary Jane dau of Elias & Mary FOOT Melbury Bubb Labourer
178 23-Jul 1851 James son of Joseph & Martha KELLAWAY Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
179 21-Aug 1851 Elizabeth dau of Charles & Jane BRAKE Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
180 21-Sep 1851 William son of Charles & Ann KNIGHT Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
181 02-Nov 1851 Edmund son of Job & Elizabeth PITCHER Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
182 04-Mar 1852 Harry son of James & Anna CHILDS Chetnole Blacksmith
183 27-Jan 1853 William Thomas base born son of Charlotte HELLIER Woolcombe Dressmaker
184 06-Mar 1853 Julia Rachel dau of Thomas & Rebecca Mary AYRES Melbury Bubb Clerk
185 20-Nov 1853 Sarah Anne dau of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
186 27-Nov 1853 Anna Jane base born dau of Mary Ann PITCHER Woolcombe
187 10-Apr 1854 Joseph son of George & Jane STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
188 10-Aug 1854 Elizabeth Beck dau of Charles & Mary SMITH Melbury Bubb Labourer
189 25-Aug 1854 William son of John & Elizabeth PITCHER Melbury Bubb Labourer
190 09-Jul 1854 George son of William & Sarah HALLETT Woolcombe Labourer
191 05-Nov 1854 James son of Charles & Jane BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
192 18-Mar 1855 Betsy Jane dau of William & Jane EDWARDS Woolcombe Railway Labourer
193 18-Mar 1855 Martha dau of Thomas & Jane TURNER Woolcombe Railway Labourer
194 03-May 1855 Susannah dau of George & Jane STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
195 01-Jul 1855 John son of Robert & Betsy PARK Melbury Bubb Labourer
196 09-Jul 1855 Edward son of Charles & Ann KNIGHT Woolcombe Labourer
197 07-Sep 1855 Mary dau of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
198 07-Dec 1855 Sarah Ann dau of Thomas & Hannah REYNOLDS Woolcombe Railway Labourer
199 14-Dec 1855 Mary Ann dau of Samuel & Jane LAWRENCE Woolcombe Railway Labourer
200 14-Dec 1855 Sarah dau of Samuel & Jane LAWRENCE Woolcombe Railway Labourer
201 15-Jan 1856 James son of Elias & Mary FOOT Melbury Bubb Labourer
202 19-Jan 1856 Adam George Stone son of Adam George Stone & Anne HOUNSELL Melbury Bubb Farmer
203 29-Jul 1856 Mary Ann dau of George & Jane STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
204 10-Aug 1856 Walter son of Charles & Ann KNIGHT Woolcombe Labourer
205 19-Mar 1857 John son of William & Sarah HOLLOWAY Melbury Bubb Dairyman
206 10-Apr 1857 Ellen Elizabeth dau of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
207 25-Apr 1857 Herbert Henry son of William Henry & Mary Elizabeth JAMES Woolcombe Gentleman
208 26-Jul 1857 Caroline dau of Thomas & Mary Ann STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
209 09-Aug 1857 Joseph son of Charles & Jane BRAKE Woolcombe Labourer
210 09-Aug 1857 George William son of John & Elizabeth PEACH Melbury Bubb Labourer
211 20-Sep 1857 Priscilla dau of George & Harriet JACKSON Melbury Bubb Labourer
212 01-Aug 1858 John son of William & Sarah HOLLOWAY Melbury Bubb Dairyman
213 05-Sep 1858 George son of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
214 17-Dec 1858 William Arthur son of William Henry & Mary Elizabeth JAMES Woolcombe Gentleman
215 20-Mar 1859 Selina dau of Charles & Ann KNIGHT Woolcombe Labourer
216 01-May 1859 George son of George & Jane STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
217 17-May 1859 Elizabeth Jane base born dau of Ann Theresa RYALL Batcombe
218 29-Jul 1859 Edwin James Brake son of John Chant & Jane Ann HELLIER Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
219 02-Oct 1859 Thomas son of Thomas & Mary Ann STAINER Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
220 02-Oct 1859 Ellen Agnes dau of Elias & Mary FOOT Melbury Bubb Labourer
221 25-Dec 1859 James Thomas son of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Matravers Labourer
222 07-Jan 1860 Richard son of William & Sarah HOLLOWAY Melbury Bubb Dairyman
223 12-Feb 1860 Mary Ann dau of John & Elizabeth PEACH Melbury Bubb Labourer
224 20-May 1860 Jane Emma dau of George & Louisa SAUNDERS Melbury Bubb Dairyman
224B 30-Sep 1860 Richard son of John & Ellen CAINES Holywell Yeoman Privately [Entry added in margin]
225 10-Oct 1860 Esau son of Thomas & Edith LEGG Melbury Bubb Groom Private
226 19-May 1861 Georgina dau of George & Theresa BROWN Melbury Bubb Labourer
227 19-May 1861 Louisa dau of George & Harriet JACKSON Melbury Bubb Labourer
228 01-Dec 1861 Charles son of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
229 26-Jan 1862 Francis son of George & Jane STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
230 10-May 1862 William John son of Francis & Elizabeth STAINER Melbury Bubb Labourer
231 29-May 1862 Christopher son of John & Ellen CAINES Woolcombe Yeoman
232 22-Jun 1862 Eli son of John & Elizabeth PEACH Melbury Bubb Labourer
233 19-Oct 1862 Sarah Eliza Louisa dau of George & Louisa SAUNDERS Melbury Bubb Dairyman
234 05-Jul 1863 Eliza Ellen dau of William John & Jane WOODSFORD Holywell Shoemaker
235 13-Sep 1863 Elizabeth Jane dau of John & Mary Ann STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
236 18-Sep 1863 Edward James son of Francis & Elizabeth STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
237 01-Oct 1863 Edward John son of John & Ellen CAINES Henniford Melbury Bubb Labourer
238 11-Oct 1863 Rachel dau of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
239 18-Oct 1863 Henry George son of James & Ruth LANE Holywell Labourer
240 13-Mar 1864 Emily dau of Thomas & Mary Ann STAINER Melbury Bubb Labourer
241 13-Mar 1864 John son of Thomas & Mary Ann STAINER Melbury Bubb Labourer
242 13-Mar 1864 Joseph son of Thomas & Mary Ann STAINER Melbury Bubb Labourer
243 27-May 1864 William George son of George & Louisa SAUNDERS Melbury Bubb Dairyman
244 19-Jun 1864 William Joseph son of William & Sarah HOLLOWAY Melbury Bubb Dairyman
245 24-Jul 1864 Frances Ellen dau of Samuel & Sarah GREEN Henniford Melbury Bubb Labourer
246 20-Nov 1864 Julia Jane dau of John & Jane Anne HILYER Woolcombe Railway Labourer
247 28-May 1865 Albert Henry son of George & Ellen LEGG Woolcombe Dairyman
248 10-Jun 1865 Frank Uriah son of Alfred & Caroline Dinah BOW Henniford Melbury Bubb Labourer
249 18-Jun 1865 Elizabeth Mary dau of James & Emma BROWNSEY? Woolcombe Labourer
250 09-Jul 1865 Arthur son of Francis & Elizabeth STAINER Henniford Melbury Bubb Labourer
251 06-Aug 1865 Joseph son of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
252 17-Sep 1865 Martha Jane dau of Sarah Anne KELLAWAY Woolcombe
253 03-Dec 1865 Jesse son of William & Esther EVERETT Woolcombe Labourer
254 03-Dec 1865 Prudence dau of William & Esther EVERETT Woolcombe Labourer
255 03-Dec 1865 Elizabeth dau of William & Esther EVERETT Woolcombe Labourer
256 02-Jan 1866 Charles Edward son of Charles Henry & Elizabeth WARNE Holywell Yeoman
257 08-Jan 1867 John son of George & Ellen LEGG Woolcombe Dairyman Privately
258 10-Mar 1867 Robert Edward son of John & Jane WALDON Woolcombe Dairyman
259 24-Mar 1867 Henry Fred son of Charles & Martha PEATRY Woolcombe Labourer
260 12-May 1867 John son of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
261 16-Jun 1867 Mary Jane dau of James & Emma BROWNSEY Woolcombe Labourer
262 19-Jun 1867 Arthur James son of James Benjamin & Julia Martha HOUSE Beachley Terrace Wandsworth Road Surrey Engine Driver
263 16-Sep 1867 Richard Eastment son of Francis & Elizabeth STAINER Henniford Melbury Bubb Labourer
264 29-Sep 1867 Julia dau of James & Susan BARTLETT Holywell Labourer
265 03-Dec 1867 Edith Anna dau of Charles Henry & Elizabeth WARNE Holywell Yeoman
266 04-Dec 1867 Henry William son of Henry & Mary Margaret BIRD Henniford Mill Melbury Bubb Miller
267 08-Dec 1867 Henry son of John & Mary BOWDITCH Holywell Labourer
268 08-Dec 1867 Annie Eliza dau of John & Mary Ann STAINER Henniford Melbury Bubb Labourer
269 25-Apr 1868 Mary Ann dau of James & Emma EASTMENT Melbury Bubb Labourer
270 05-Jul 1868 John son of George & Ellen LEGG Woolcombe Dairyman
271 04-Oct 1868 William Francis son of William & Ellen STAINER Woolcombe Labourer
272 06-Dec 1868 William Charles son of Solomon & Mehali DEWLAND Woolcombe Labourer
273 25-Apr 1869 Emily Kate dau of Henry & Sarah BOWLES Woolcombe Labourer
274 16-May 1869 Emily Kate dau of James & Emma EASTMENT Melbury Bubb Labourer
275 27-Jun 1869 Francis Frederick son of Francis & Elizabeth STAINER Henniford Labourer
276 15-Dec 1869 Phyllis Ellen dau of Samuel & Sarah BUTLER Woolcombe Labourer
277 09-Jan 1870 Frank twin son of Eli & Anne SAMWAYS Woolcombe Labourer
277 09-Jan 1870 William Walter twin son of Eli & Anne WARNE Holywell Yeoman
278 12-Jan 1870 Elizabeth Mary Louisa dau of Charles Henry & Elizabeth WARNE Holywell Yeoman
279 20-Mar 1870 Herbert John son of John & Mary Ann STAINER Henniford Labourer
280 03-Apr 1870 Thomas son of James & Susan BARTLETT Holywell Labourer
281 03-Apr 1870 Alfred Elias son of Henry & Mary Margaret BIRD Henniford Miller
282 24-Apr 1870 Frederic Robert son of George & Ellen LEGG Woolcombe Dairyman
283 31-Jul 1870 Edith Ellen dau of Henry & Sarah BOWLES Woolcombe Labourer
284 18-Dec 1870 Francis George son of Francis & Elizabeth STAINER Henniford Labourer
285 09-Jul 1871 Annie Eliza dau of George & Ellen LEGG Woolcombe Dairyman
286 05-Nov 1871 Margaret Susan dau of Henry & Mary Margaret BIRD Henniford Melbury Bubb Miller
287 03-Mar 1872 Elisabeth Emily dau of George & Emily EVERETT Woolcombe Labourer
288 12-May 1872 Alfred James son of James & Maria MATTHEWS Woolcombe Labourer
289 02-Jun 1872 Margaret Sarah dau of James Benjamin & Julia Martha HOUSE Woolcombe Greengrocer
290 01-Sep 1872 Alice Ellen dau of George Giles & Ellen SHAVES Woolcombe Shepherd
291 26-Jan 1873 Frederick son of Francis & Elisabeth STAINER Henniford Railway Labourer
292 09-Feb 1873 Emily Kate dau of Henry & Sarah BOWLES Woolcombe Labourer
293 21-Sep 1873 Anne Kate dau of Henry & Mary Margaret BIRD Henniford Miller
294 02-Nov 1873 Fanny Jane dau of Alfred & Caroline Dinah BOW Henniford Labourer
295 11-Jan 1874 Ambrose James son of George & Emily EVERETT Woolcombe Labourer
296 08-Feb 1874 William Tom son of George & Mary SYMES Woolcombe Game Keeper
297 27-Apr 1874 Eleanor Frances Sarah dau of Charles Henry & Elisabeth WARNE Holywell Yeoman
298 09-Jun 1874 Albert son of James & Maria MATTHEWS Henniford Labourer Private
299 28-Feb 1875 Wasley son of Henry & Mary Margaret BIRD Henniford Miller
300 06-Mar 1876 John son of Mary SYMES Melbury Bubb Widow
301 12-Mar 1876 Ellen dau of Henry & Mary Margaret BIRD Henniford Miller
302 12-Mar 1876 Anne dau of James & Emma BROWNSEY Woolcombe Labourer
303 26-Mar 1876 Walter son of Mary & Elisabeth BARTLETT Woolcombe Dairywoman Widow
304 26-Mar 1876 Elisabeth dau of Joseph & Jane BRIDLE Woolcombe Labourer
06-Sep 1874 Henry son of Henry & Georgina SANDERS No 64 Driffield Rd Old Ford Bow Railway Clerk [Entered in bottom margin]
305 09-Apr 1876 Benjamin John son of James & Maria MATTHEWS Woolcombe Labourer
306 09-Apr 1876 Louisa dau of James & Susan BARTLETT Woolcombe Labourer
307 09-Apr 1876 Thomas George son of John & Anna Maria GOFF Henniford Labourer
308 24-Dec 1876 Mary Elisabeth dau of Alfred & Caroline Dinah BOW Woolcombe Labourer
309 26-Aug 1877 Herbert John Trevett son of William James & Elisabeth LOCK Melbury Bubb Dairyman
310 02-Sep 1877 Susan dau of Henry & Mary Margaret BIRD Henniford Miller
311 16-Dec 1877 Joseph son of George & Emily EVERETT Woolcombe Labourer
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