MARRIAGES 1751 - 1857
These records have been transcribed from the Parish Registers, but are not complete. Records that have not been transcribed yet are indicated. Derek Stone.
1751 Matthew LONGMAN & Elizabeth EASTONSTON of Shillingstone married 3rd December by Certificate
1752 Stephen POOLE & Sarah GARTELL of Stalbridge married 11th February by licence from an Official
1752 John RIDOUT & Elizabeth BOYTE married 9th March by banns
1752 John SCORE & Mary LESTER married 18th October by banns
1753 James DUFFETT of Lydlinch & Jane HICKS married 26th July by banns
1753 William GOFFE & Sarah SHIBBY married 11th December by banns
1754 Edward PETHEN & Betty HAMES married December 27th
1755 William ADAMS & Mary BUTLER married 6th January
1755 James HARDING & Mary SAVIOR married 8th February
1756 Morgan SNOOK & Ann WOOLRIDGE married 20th January
1756 Roger RIDOUT & Mary HANCOCK married 24th June by licence
1756 William HAMES & Sarah CAVE married 31st October by banns
1757 Benjamin PHELPS & Mary STILL married 24th January by banns
1757 Thomas ALLEN & Elizabeth HARDY married 22nd February by banns
1757 John KERLEY & Hannah LAMBERT married
1757 James RICKETTS & Susannah STONE married 12th April
1757 Mordecai JAMES & Anne ROSE married 14th April
1757 Samuel WOLLRIDGE & Mary ALPORT married 25th August
1757 Joseph HOLDWAY & Jane PERCY married 21st October by banns
1758 Robert –JARVIS (alias Fisher) & Elizabeth ROBINs married 12th January by banns
1758 Nicholas SHORT & Ann FRY married 16th April by licence
1759 John POPE & Martha PHILLIPS married 10th February by banns
1759 Andrew ROBINS & Anne STICLAND married 30th April by banns
1759 William POPE & Hannah EYRES married 4th September by banns
1760 James HOLLAWAY & Betty EYRES married 27th April by licence
1760 David STONE & Mary POLDEN married 17th July by banns
1760 Robert MILES & Susannah EYRES married 22nd July
1761 Joseph ROBINS & Mary MARKES married 12th January
1761 Richard EYRES & Mary FORD married 26th March
1761 William LODER & Anne JEANES married 29th March
1761 Daniel MACKINTOSH & Rachel DALLIDOWNE married 27th July
1761 Philip HARDING & Anne ROBINS married 28th September
1761 Henry ST LO & Susannah WHITE married 17th October
1762 Robert NEWMAN & Priscilla DEAN married 23rd February
1762 William MALPAS & Anne WILLIAMS married 14th November
1762 Robert TROWBRIDGE & Mary LODER married 28th November
1763 Francis LOCKE & Sarah HASKELL married 4th April
1764 James CARTER & Grace LAMBERT married 26th January
1764 Stephen LAMBERT & Elizabeth EYRES married 29th August
1764 Robert FRAMPTON & Jane HOLDWAY married 6th September
1764 James KIMBER & Susannah DAWSON married 17th December
1765 George WOOLRIDGE & Susannah ALPORT married 6th January
1765 William EYRES & Mary ROSE married 10th January
1765 George AVIOR & Susannah ROBINS married 15th April
1765 Thomas GARRETT & Susannah PAYNE married 4th July
1765 Richard CHURCH & Mary CLARKE married 29th October
1765John [illegible] & [illegible] married Illegible
1766 Thomas GARRETT & Elizabeth BROWNE married 11th February
1766 Simon MITCHELL & Mary STRANGE married 31st August
1766 Noah BELKIN & Mary DAY married 2nd September
1767 Daniel NEW & Sarah GEARE married 15th January
1767 Robert BISHOP & Elizabeth CHAPPELL married 21st September
1767 Lawrence ROBINS & Sarah STONE married 27th September
1767 James CLARK & Grace PYLE married 6th November
1768 George BROWNE & Hannah LAMBERT married 2nd January
1768 John RAYNOLD & Susannah WOOLRIDGE married 19th April
1768 Thomas MEADES & Sarah PHELPS married 2nd May
1768 James ROGERS & Susannah RICKETTS married 13th June
1768 John PHELPS & Anne CREWE married 11th July
1768 Joseph HARDY & Tabitha KENNELL married 26th December
1769 No marriages
1770 Morgan YEATMAN & Jane KAINES married 18th December
1771 Robert ROBINS & Jane SHEPARD married 5th January
1771 John MARCH & Sarah POPE married 1st April
1771 James WOOLRIDGE & Mary TROWBRIDGE married 29th April
1771 Thomas VETHAM & Eleanor BOYTE married 18th August
1771 Richard BURT & Dinah WHIFFEN married 4th November
1772 James SPENCER & Joanna BELBIN married 28th January
1772 William STUBBY & Sarah FORD married 9th February
1772 Richard DA SILVER & Hannah MICHELL married 9th February
1772 William KENNELL & Sarah YEATMAN married 19th April
1772 James ROBIN & Betty GOFFE married 21st June
1772 Peter Gover FRAMPTON & Anne MITCHELL married 10th November
1772 James ANDREWS & Hannah BALDWIN married 31st December
1773 William SEVIOR & Betty SKIVINGTON married 10th April
1773 Roger BARTLETT & Sarah KINGMAN married 11th July
1774 Benjamin PHELPS & Mary SCORE married 15th February
1774 John POPE & Mary EHTERIDGE married 4th April
1774 James BALDWIN & Elizabeth LONGMAN married 3rd October
1774 Henry PEARCE & Betty YEATMAN married 28th November
1775 George Roger HOWSSAN & Mary BUTLER married 5th June
1775 William SEYMOUR & Anne SWEETING married 12th October
1776 No marriages
1777 James OSMOND & Anne CHURCHILL married 27th January
1777 James ANDREWS & Joan FORD married 24th February
1777 Robert DUCK & Helen JOHNSTONE married 2nd December
1778 William Hatcher & Hannah WOOLRIDGE married 31st March
1778 Robert & Jane BUTLER married 8th June
1778 Thomas SIMMONDS & Elizabeth PETHEN married 10th June
1778 William HALLETT & Avis LODER married 26th October
1779 William HATCHER & Martha THORNES married 4th January by Licence
1779 Richard TROWBRIDGE & Sarah GOFFE married 4th April by Banns
1779 Samuel KNIGHT & Betty YEATMAN married 17th May by Banns
1779 John WILLIAMS & Jane READ married 27th October by Banns
1780 John BOLTON & Ann LAMBERT Widow married 22nd August by Licence
1780 Edward PETHEN & Susannah SKIVINGTON married 18th September by Banns
1781 George Skivington & Amelia Seevior married 26th March by licence
1781 Charles Eaton & Mary POPE married 11th June by banns
1781 Samuel HALLETT & Priscilla Brown married 19th June by banns
1781 Thomas Painter & Mary GOFFE married 25th September by banns
1782 Thomas WITTERIDGE & Elizabeth LAMBERT married 22nd January by Banns
1782 Simon LAWRENCE & Susanna ADAMS married 16th June by Banns
1782 John SCORE & Mary PHILLIPS married 18th November by Banns
1782 James HARDY & Jane YEATMAN married 19th November by Banns
1783 Samuel CLARKE & Elizabeth RAYNOLD married 2nd April by banns
1783 Robert CREW & Elizabeth POPE married 5th May by licence
1783 James STRANGE & Elizabeth MITCHELL married 8th May by banns
1783 Edmond BADCOCK & Elizabeth BOYTE married 10th November by licence
1784 Thomas RAWLES & Mary PHILLIPS married 29th December by banns
1785 Richard POPE & Elizabeth MULLETT married 27th January by licence
1785 George LODER & Sarah HALLETT widow married 25th April by banns
1785 Lawrence ROBINS & Mary SAVOURY married 16th May by banns
1790 John TROWBRIDGE & Mary EYRES married 19th May by banns
1790 William ROBERTS & Mary CREW married 27th September by banns
1791 Lawrence Edward ST LO ESQUIRE & Christian ALLEN married 20th April by licence
1792 Robert POPE & Mary HAWKINS married ** by banns
1793 Thomas HALLETT & Phillis BURLETON married 8th December by Banns
1794 George BARBER of Hinton Saint Mary & Betty SHORT married 23rd April by Banns
1795 Robert CREW & Judith MOORE married 4th February by Banns
1795 James WOOLRIDGE (Widower) & Betty YEATMAN married 16th June by Banns
1796 James PHILLIPS & Eleanor VARTER married 6th May by Banns
1796 Thomas SEVOIR & Betty POPE married 24th October by Banns
1797 Thomas HORLY & Hannah CARTER married 8th August by Banns
1798 Thomas SCOTT & Susannah RYALL married 17th April by Banns
1799 Edward MARSHALSAY & Ann WOOLRIDGE married 17th January by Banns
1799 Abraham TROWBRIDGE & Jane PALFREY married 2nd May by Banns
1800 John PAINE & Elizabeth TRIM married 13th April by Banns 1800 William CARTER & Jane SPENCER married 1st June by Banns
1800 James HARDING & Ann HEAD married 25th September by Banns
1800 Thomas SIMMONDS & Mary YEATMAN married 25th December by Banns
1800 William STRANGE & Elizabeth PETHEN married 30th December by Banns
1801 George Miller & Anne PHILLIPS married 19th January by licence
1801 Roger RIDOUT & Susannah CREW married 24th September by licence
1802 Peter NEW & Anne YOUNG married 27th June by banns
1802 James MITCHEL & Maria TRIPP married 5th October by licence
1802 John GILLINGHAM & Elizabeth VATER married 8th December by Banns
1803 William MELMOTH & Elizabeth STONE married 12th April by Licence
1804 Thomas FORD & Sarah STONE married 7th February by Licence
1804 Charles TROWBRIDGE & Mary HARDING married 30th April by Banns
1804 John CREW & Sarah TRIM married 27th May by banns
1804 Richard RIDOUT & Martha ALLEN married 4th June by licence
1804 Morgan LIGHT & Lydia JAMES married 18th October by licence
1805 William HEAD & Susannah BURDON married 5th January by banns
1806 William GULLIFORD & Elizabeth RIDOUT married 3rd February by licence
1806 John FORD & Mary HATCHER married 9th June by licence
1807 Isaac TROWBRIDGE & Eleanor HARDING married 12th July by banns
1807 Thomas HARDY & Sarah BROWN married 13th October by banns
1807 Samuel TROWBRIDGE & Jane WOOLRIDGE married 22nd November by banns
1808 William YEATMAN & Anne Varter married 10th October by banns
1808 John Short & Eleanor RIDOUT married 24th October by banns
1809 Joseph CLARKE & Anne LODER married 13th February by banns
1810 Thomas WHEELER & Elizabeth CLARKE married 18th March by Banns
1810 Benjamin ROSE & Melyar GOFFE married 23rd April by Banns
1810 John HALLETT & Priscilla CREW married 7th October by Banns
1810 Robert PETHEN & Priscilla FINDERS married 29th October by Banns
1810 Charles WHITE & Elizabeth SHORT married 17th December by Banns
1811 George BROWN & Mary YEATMAN married 23rd September by Banns
1812 Robert ROBINS & Mary CROSBY married 7th Feb by Licence
1812 Joseph RIDOUT & Anna SHORT married 10th February by Banns
1812 Joseph LODER & Grace YEATMAN married 21st April by Licence
1812 George LODER & Sarah YEATMAN married 21st April by Licence
1812 Richard COX & Elizabeth EYRES married 21st April by Banns
1812 William BELLINGER & Judith CREW married 30th December by Licence
1813 James BANDIREH & Marciah Eliza HUNTER married 11th January by Licence
1813 John ROBINS & Anne KENDELL married 28th March by Banns
1813 James WARREN & Mary STONE married 1st June by Licence
1813 James HILLIER & Susannah GOFFE married 26th July by banns
1813 John POPE & Lavinia PETHEN married 5th September by banns
1813 John PAINTER & Mary OSMOND married 13th December by banns
1813 James ROBINS & Ann HARDING married 27th December by Banns
1813 Henry BROWN & Mary PERCY married 27th December by Banns
1814 James WEBBER & Priscilla READ married 20th February by Banns
1814 James GODDARD & Susannah ELKINS married 3rd September by Banns
1814 John WOOLRIDGE & Rachel RIDOUT married 26th September by Banns
1814 James HAMMOND & Priscilla SCORE married 17th October by Licence
1814 Moses ROBINGS & Mary ROBINGS married 22nd November by Banns
1815 Thomas ROBERTS & Susannah HILLIER married 7th May by Banns
John POPE &
Joyce SCORE married
24th September
by Banns
MARRIAGES 1816 to 1857
These transcriptions are not complete, the entry number gives an indication of the entries not yet transcribed.
Year; Entry No; Groom, SURNAME; Bride; SURNAME;
Date; Licenec/Banns; Father & Fathers Occupation
1816; 16; ; John; SKIVINGTON; Grace; PETHEN; married; 25th September; by bann
1817; 17; ; Benjamin; RIDOUT; Eleanor; PHILLIPS; married; 22nd May; by banns
1817; 18; Thomas; YEATMAN; Mary Ann; RIDOUT; married; 28th May; by banns
1819; 19; Joseph; HALLETT; Ann; PHILLIPS; married; 13th May; by license
1819; 20; James; PARSONS; Harriet; RICKETTS; married; 29th July; by banns
1819; 21; VOID
1819; 22; Samuel; WITTERIDGE; Margaret; CREW; married; 29th December; by banns
1820; 23; John; RIDOUT; Ann; POPE; married; 6th April; by banns
1820; 24; John; GOFFE; Ann; PHILLIPS; married; 16th July; by banns
1820; 25; Robert; POPE; Ann; HALLETT; married; 30th July; by licence;
1820; 26; George; THOMSON; Martha; HARRISON; married; 14th September; by banns
1820; 27; James; COUREGS; Mary; PHILLIPS; married; 26th September; by banns
1821; 28; Samuel; READ; Elizabeth; FINDER; married; 13th May; by banns
1821; 29; George; POPE; Phyliss; POPE; married; 12th July; by banns
1822; 30; William; POPE; Susannah; OSMOND; married; 31st January; by banns
1823; 34; John; PHILLIPS; Mary; MARSHALSAY; married; 3rd April; by banns
1823; 35; Thomas; ALLEN; Sarah; PHILLIPS; married; 19th May; by banns
1823; 36; Robert; RIDOUT; Mary; Badcock; married; 16th September; by banns
1823; 37; George SQUIB; Jane MAINE;; 6th October; by Banns
1823; 38; Philip ADAMS; Susannah OXFORD;; 9th December; by Licence
1824; 39; Christopher GOODMAN; Sarah STRANGE; married; 26th January; by Licence
1824; 40; William MUDDLE; Elizabeth ADAMS; married; 8th November; by Banns
1824; 41; John JEANES; Susanna ROBERTS; married; 19th December; by Banns
1825; 42; William CLARKE; Sarah HARDING; married; 26th May; by Banns
1826; 43; Alexander; POPE; Ann; LAMBERT; married; 23rd January; by banns
1826; 44; James; PARSONS; Joice; POPE; married; 2nd February ; by banns
1826; 45; John; Cribb; Elizabeth; RIDOUT; married; 2nd February 6; by banns
1826; 46; Phineas EYRES; Susannah ENDICOTT; married; 28th February; by Banns
1826; 47; Thomas Adams WINTER; Jane HAINES; married; 10th September; by Banns
1826; 48; James STRANGE; Charlotte RICKETTS; married; 28th December; by Banns
1827; 49; Charles BAKER; Mary EYRES; married; 30th January; by Banns
1827; 50; Jonathon PADDOCK; Ann DORRINGTON; married; 14th February; by Banns
1827; 51; Samuel RICKETTS; Elizabeth ROBERTS; married; 8th October; by Banns
1828; 52; William JENNINGS; Jane RIDOUT; married; 15th January; by Licence
1828; 53; James VATER; Ruth ROBINGS; married; 8th April; by Banns
1828; 54; William RAYNOLD; Francis ELFORD; married; 24th April; by Licence
1828; 55; Edward STRANGE; Tamasin TROWBRIDGE; married; 25th May; by Banns
1828; 56; Thomas CREW; Jane TROWBRIDGE; married; 30th October; by Banns
1829; 57; MARTIN HUTCHINGS; Julia YEATMAN; married; 31st August; by Banns
1829; 58; George; TROWBRIDGE; Elizabeth; MALPAS; married; 28th December; by banns
1831; 59; John; CREW; Martha; RIDOUT; married; 4th April; by banns
1831; 60; Thomas; RIP; Harriett; LAMBERT; married; 5th June
1837; 3; Lewis George; LODER; Persis; POPE; married; 31st October; Father:; George LODER; John POPE;
1838; 4; George; LODER; Mary; HARDING; married; 26th February
1838; 5; Charles MARSHALSAY & Jane HALLETT; married; 27th May
1839; 6; William BOND & Elizabeth Maria STRICKLAND; married; 29th May
1840; 7; James; HELLYAR; Sarah; GREEN; married; 28th September; Fathers:; James Hellyar; Labourer; Elias GREEN; Labourer
1840; 8; Henry; CARTER; Elizabeth; KING; married; 13th December; Fathers:; William CARTER; Labourer; Joseph KING; Labourer
1840; 9; Thomas; RIDOUT; Temperance; EYRES; married; 23rd December; Fathers:; John RIDOUT; Yeoman; George EYRES; Innkeeper
1840; 10; Robert; TRIM; Mary; MARTIN; married; 26th December; Fathers:; George Trim; Yeoman; James MARTIN; Yeoman
1841; 11; Edmund BROWN; Edith HALLETT; married; 17th February
1841; 12; Thomas HILLIER; Charlotte TROWBRIDGE; married; 1st June
1841; 13; William ROBERTS; Amelia GOFFE; married; 28 Jul; Fathers; Thomas ROBERTS; Cordwainer; John GOFFE; Labourer
1841; 14; John RAWLES; Anne MAIDMENT; married; 2 September; Fathers; Amos Rawles; Tailor; John Maidment; Labourer
1842; 15; Henry HILLIER; Anne MARSHALSAY; married; 28th March; Fathers; James Hellier; Labourer
1842; 16; John Henry BEALE; Mary Eleanor BUTLER; married; 5th April
1842; 17; Edwin; PHILLIPS; Elisa; RIDOUT; married; 5th April; Fathers:; Edward PHILLIPS; Yeoman; Robert RIDOUT; Innkeeper
1842; 18; James; CARTER; Sarah; POPE; married; 18th May; Fathers:; William CARTER; Labourer; John POPE; Cooper
1842; 19; David WUILLIAMS; Mary Ann REID; married; 11th December; fathers; Robert Williams; Labourer; James Reid; Labourer
1843; 20; Edmund ANDREWS; Jane PHILLIPS; married; 20th April; fathers; Robert ANDREWS; Yeoman; Edward PHILLIPS; Yeoman
1843; 21; Robert RAWLES; Rosanna BROWN; married; 30 April; fathers; Amos Rawles; Tailor; Henry Brown; Labourer
1843; 22; Charles RICKETTS; Elisabeth HISCOCK; married; 2nd May; fathers; John Rickets; Labourer; Elizabeth RIDOUT; Labourer
1843; 23; Joseph PHILLIPS; Temperance PHILLIPS; married; 6th July; fathers; Joseph PHILLIPS; Labourer; Edward PHILLIPS; Yeoman
1843; 24; Thomas COOK; Elizabeth ADAMS; married; 14th August; fathers; Michael Cook; Yeoman; Charles Adams; Innkeeper
1843; 25; George GOFFE; Eliza LAMBERT; married; 17th August; fathers; John GOFFE; Labourer; George LAMBERT; Yeoman
1843; 26; John GILLINGHAM; Jane PIERCY; married; 12 November; fathers; Job Gillingham; Labourer; Joseph Percy; Labourer
1844; 27; Edmond; TROWBRIDGE; Martha; ROSE; married; 11th July; Fathers:; Isaac TROWBRIDGE; Labourer; John ROSE; Labourer
1844; 28; William; RIDOUT; Elisa; Hillyer; married; 1st September; Fathers:; Joseph RIDOUT; Labourer; James Hillyer; Labourer
1844; 29; John; WOOLRIDGE; Sarah; RIDOUT; married; 19th September; Fathers:; Jane WOOLRIDGE; Roger RIDOUT; Labourer
1844; 30; Benjamin; PHILLIPS; Sarah; PHILLIPS; married; 20th November; Fathers:; John PHILLIPS; Yeoman; Edmond PHILLIPS; Yeoman
1844; 31; ; Thomas KEEVIL; Lucy WITTERIDGE; married; 10th December ; Fathers; Charles Keevil; Yeoman; William Witteridge; Yeoman
1845; 32; Joshua THORNE; Phillis GOFFE; married; 3rd February ; Fathers; John Thorne; Soldier; John GOFFE; Labourer
1845; 33; William WILLIAMS; Elizabeth LYDFORD; married; 28th April
1845; 34; Benjamin PHILLIPS; Elizabeth Mary FOOT; married; 17th June
1845; 35; Silas; POPE; Sarah; HARVEY; married; 18th June; Fathers:; John POPE; Cooper; Thomas Harvey; Labourer
1846; 36; Samuel; HALL; Charlotte; ROBERTS; married; 24th July; Fathers:; William Hall; Yeoman; Robert ROBERTS; Yeoman
1847; 43; Christopher; POPE; Jane; POPE; married; 23rd September; Fathers:; John POPE; Cooper; Thomas POPE; Blacksmith
1847; 44; John; ANDREWS; Isabella; POPE; married; 4th October; Fathers:; James ANDREWS; Yeoman; Thomas POPE; Blacksmith
1848; 45; Henry LAWRENCE; Elizabeth Robeta WITTERIDGE; married; 11th January; Fathers; John Lawrence; Yeoman; William Witteridge; Yeoman;
1848; 46; Morgan POPE; Ellen CLARK; married; 3rd May; Fathers; John POPE; Cooper; Joseph Clark; Labourer;
1849; 47; Robert DRAKE; Susanna GOUGH; married; 1st June; Fathers; George Drake; Yeoman; John Gough; Jobber;
1849; 48; George WHEELER; Sarah TAPPER; married; 10th Jun; Fathers; Thomas Wheeler; Taylor; John Tapper; ;
1849; 49; John BROWN; Risanna RAWLES; married; 5th August; Fathers; Henry Brown; Labourer; Amos Rawles; Taylor;
1850; 50; Thomas YEATMAN; Eliza ROLLS; married; 10th January; Fathers; Charles Bullen; Yeoman; James Rolls; Baker;
1850; 51; Joseph ADAMS; Elizabeth POPE; married; 24th April; Fathers; Abel Adams; Labourer; Thomas POPE; Blacksmith;
1850; 52; Joseph YOUNG; Jemima LACEY; married; 17th September; Fathers; William Young; Cordwainer; Septimus Lacy; Labourer;
1850; 53; Leonard COLLAS; Martha GILLINGHAM; married; 19th September; Fathers; Samuel Collas; Labourer; Job Gillingham; Labourer;
1850; 54; Josiah LIGHT; Maria STONE; married; 22nd October; Fathers; Morgan Light; Yeoman; James Stone; Yeoman;
1850; 55; John FUDGE; Tributina POPE; married; 24th October; Fathers; Jeremiah Fudge; Labourer; Thomas POPE; Blacksmith;
1851; 56; James PHILLIPS; Mary Sarah SHORT; married; 27th February; Fathers; Edward PHILLIPS; Yeoman; George Short; Dealer;
1851; 57; Richard LYDFORD; Mary Ann SAVOY; married; 28th May; Fathers; Elijah Lydford; Cordwainer; Andrew Savory; Labourer;
1851; 58; John STRANGE; Jane RIDOUT; married; 10th June; Fathers; Edward Strange; Cordwainer; Benjamin RIDOUT; Yeoman;
1851; 59; John HELYAR; Elizabeth ROSE; married; 23rd September; Fathers; James Helyar; Labourer; Richard ROSE; Labourer;
1851; 60; William PERCEY; Grace SHORT; married; 9th December; Fathers; Joseph Percy; Labourer; ???? Short; ;
1852; 61; James WAREHAM; Mary DIAMOND (Widow); married; 13 January; Fathers; William Wareham; Yeoman; Robert RIDOUT; Innkeeper; Mary Diamond was formerly RIDOUT
1852; 61; Theophilus MULLETT; Elinor RIDOUT; married; 8 July; Fathers; William Mullett; Yeoman; Benjamin RIDOUT; Yeoman; Banns
1852; 62; Benjamin ROCKS; Kitty CREW; married; 8th August; Fathers; John Rocks; Gardener; Robert CREW; Blacksmith;
1852; 63; George PERCY; Hannah TUCKER; married; 11th August; Fathers; Joseph Percy; Labourer; William Tucker; Labourer;
1852; 65; Andrew COLLIS; Elizabeth GILLINGHAM; married; 25th October; Fathers; Samuel Collis; Labourer; Job Gillingham; Labourer; Banns
1852; 66; William Davis SHORT; Anne Susannah POPE; married; 7th December; Fathers; George Short; Labourer; Alexander POPE; Hay Dealer; Banns
1852; 67; Louis George LODER; Martha STICKLAND; married; 28th December; Fathers; George LODER; Carpenter; John Eyeres; Labourer;
1854; 68; George ROBERTS; Elisabeth LAMBERT; married; 28th February; Fathers; Robert ROBERTS; Yeoman; George Lamber; Yeoman;
1854; 69; John HOBBS; Mary Anne RIDOUT; married; 24th September; Fathers; James Hobbs; Carpenter; John RIDOUT; Yeoman;
1854; 70; William RICKETTS; Sarah RAWLES; married; 25th September; Fathers; Samuel RICKETTS; Labourer; Amos Rawles; Taylor;
1855; 79; James; RIDOUT; Selina; CREW; married; 22nd November; Fathers:; Robert RIDOUT; Innkeeper; John CREW; Yeoman
1857; 91; Joseph; Allen; Mary Elizabeth; PHILLIPS; married; 1st April; Fathers:; Thomas Allen; Yeoman; Simon PHILLIPS; Dairyman
1857; 92; Thomas; RIDOUT; Sarah; ROSE; married; 5th May; Fathers:; Joseph RIDOUT; Labourer; James ROSE; Yeoman
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