This transcription courtesy of Helen Ginn


Last Will and Testament

Proved at London 5 July 1820

THIS IS THE LAST WILL and testament of Me Joseph Moore of the town and county of Poole Book seller which I make in manner and form following (that is to say) I desire that I may Be interred with my first or second wife if I shall be in or near Poole and In as plain and decent a manner in every respect as possible and particularly That I may be interred in a plain walnut coffin it being my wish that all Expense in funeral parade or show should be avoided.  I order and direct My just debts, funeral expenses and the charges of the probate of this my Will to be first paid and discharged.  I give and bequeath unto my brother Richard Moore of Plymtree in the county of Devon and his assigns for and During his natural life one annuity or stock yearly sum of twenty pounds To be paid at the usual place of abode of my said brother on the four usual Days of payment in the year (that is to say) on the twenty first day of  December, the twenty fifth day of March, the twenty fourth day of June and the twenty ninth day of September the first payment thereof to begin and be made on one of those days as shall happen next after my death and from and immediately after the decease of my said brother.  I give and  bequeath unto Elizabeth Moore the wife of my said brother and her assigns in case she shall survive him one annuity or clear yearly sum of twenty pounds to be paid at the usual place of abode for and during so long time as she shall continue the widow of my said brother and shall not marry again but no longer at the four usual days of payment in the year that is to say on the twenty first day of December, the twenty fifth day of March the twenty fourth day of June, and the twenty ninth day of September in every year the first payment thereof to begin and be made on such of those days as shall next happen next after my said brother's decease and I do hereby charge and make liable all and every my estate and effects hereinafter devised and bequeathed to and with payment of the said last mentioned annuities also I give and bequeath unto my said brother Richard Moore the sum of ten pounds.  I give  and bequeath unto Martha Moore the daughter of my said brother his                        second  second wife one hundred pounds I give and bequeath unto Joseph Sydenham Hugh Sydenham, David Sydenham, Nathan Sydenham, Moses Sydenham and Aaron Sydenham sons of my late sister Mary Sydenham deceased who married Hugh Sydenham of the borough of  ?S--inton in the county of Devon deceased the sum of fifty pounds each also I give and bequeath unto my niece Ann Hayworth wife of William Hayworth of ?Walworth? in the county of  Surry daughter of my late sister Mary Sydenham deceased the sum of fifty pounds and I also give and bequeath unto my said nephew and niece over and above their several legacies all and every such sum and sums of money  which they may respectively owe me at my decease and I direct my executors hereinafter named to give them discharges for the same I give and be- queath to Elizabeth the daughter of my nephew Joseph Moore my  executor hereinafter named the sum of fifty pounds  I give and bequeath unto Ann Chaplin late Ann Moore now living at Plymouth in the county of Devon and to her sister Elizabeth Canniford? widow two daughters which my father had by his second wife the sum of five pounds cash I give and  bequeath unto Ursula Gourd.wife of Joseph Gourd of Portsea in the County of Southampton carpenter and daughter of Richard ?Dean? the brother of my late wife ?Fanny? Moore deceased the sum of two hundred pounds being the amount of the purchase money which I obtained on the sale of my late wife's Ann Moore's house  in West  __   Street and which I promised to leave to the said Ursula Gourd and also give to the said Ursula Gourd the sum of twenty pounds which sums of two hundred pounds and twenty pounds shall be paid into her own hands exclusive and indepen- dant of her husband the said Joseph Gourd  who shall not interfere or intermeddle therewith  nor shall the same be subject or liable to his debts control or engagements and her receipt alone shall be a good discharge for the same I likewise give and bequeath unto each of the children of the said Ursula Gourd     the sum of twenty pounds.  I give and bequeath all and singular my wearing apparel unto my said brother Richard Moore but if he shall not be living at the time of my decease I give and bequeath the same unto my said nephew Nathan Sydenham I give and bequeath unto my grand nephew John Sydenham son of my said nephew David Sydenham and grandson of my said sister Mary Sydenham and Elizabeth his wife who is a daughter of my said brother Richard Moore by his second wife all my household goods and furniture plate linen china and such of my prints  and books as do not form a part of my stock in trade and which I keep for my private use and in particular my history of Dorsetshire and I also give to them in whatever money rings pocket pieces and other articles except writings which may be in my private closet where I keep my writings at my decease and I give and bequeath unto my nephew Joseph Moore my executor there -inafter named the sum of one hundred pounds in lieu of giving him any of my household goods and furniture and it is my will in case of the death of Any of the said legatees in my lifetime or before their respective legacies shall become payable that their respective legacy or legacies shall not lapse but shall go to the next of kin of him her or their saying except where I have otherwise ordered I give and devise unto my said nephew Joseph Moore and my said grand nephew John Sydenham all that my Messauges or dwelling houses which I purchased of Sarah Richards and  ___ Walker situate on the East side of Sixth Street in Poole aforesaid now in the possession of myself and my said executor Joseph Moore with the  printing office outbuildings yard gardens and other  appurtenances thereto belonging to hold the same unto them my said nephew Joseph Moore and my said grand nephew John Sydenham equally to be divided between them share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to their several and respective heirs executors administrators and assigns absolutely for ever subject and chargeable nevertheless with the said annuities to my said brother and his wife I also give and bequeath unto my said nephews Joseph Moore and my said grand nephew John Sydenham all my stock in made fixtures in my shop utensils book debts money in house and at interest and a sum of one thousand pounds stock in the three per cent consolidated bank annuities and all other stock and annuities and securities for money and all other my estate and effects whatsoever and whosoever both real and personal equally between them share and share alike and to their several and respective heirs executors administrators and assigns absolutely forever and I recommend to my said nephew Joseph Moore and my said next grand nephew John Sydenham to carry on my trade and business in all its branches in copartnership on their joint and equal amount of profit and  loss and it is my will that my said nephew Joseph Moore shall not have any greater share or interest in such trade or business than my said  grand nephew John Sydenham notwithstanding I do or may give them in my lifetime for this better support certain privileges and advantages therein and revoking all former wills by me made I declare this only to be my last Will and Testament and I do appoint my said nephew Joseph Moore who is the son of my said brother Richard Moore and my said nephew John A Sydenham joint executors of this my will to which I the same in witness whereof I the said Joseph Moore the testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in these sheets of paper set my hand and seal that is to say to the first two sheets I have subscribed my name and to this third and  last sheet have subscribed my name and affixed my seal this twenty sixth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight Joseph Moore  (~) Signed sealed published and declared by the said Joseph Moore the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the due execution thereof -  Thos Parr Attorney Poole  -   Joseph ?Danall -  John A Willis – clerks to Mr. Thos. Parr


THIS is a codicil which I wish to be added to and taken as part of the last Will and Testament of me Joseph Moore of the Town and County of Poole Stationer which will bears date the twenty sixth day of May one thousand eight hundred and eight whereas since the date of my said will the Comissioners acting under the Act of Parliament passed in the   45th year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third intitled an Act for Authorising Laws in the parish of Great Canford in the County of Dorset  and in the Town and County of the Town of Poole have set out and allotted or have proposed to set out and allot unto me an allotment or piece of land situate at ?Baiter?  in Poole aforesaid and No 121on the said  Commissioners plan in respect of my messauges land and premises in Poole which said Allotment I have sold and disposed of unto Thomas Parr of Poole aforesaid Gentleman for a valuable consideration now for the confirmation of title to him I do hereby give and devise unto the said Thomas Parr all that the said allotment or piece? of a  land with the appurtenances and any other allotment which may be made to me under the said Inclosure Act in lieu thereof to hold the same unto the said Thomas Parr his heirs and assigns forever and I confirm my said Will in all respects not altered by this will codicil in witness whereof I the said Joseph Moore have to this my Codicil subscribed my name and affixed my Seal this twenty seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen Joseph Moore  (~) this writing was signed sealed published and declared by the said Joseph Moore the testator as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the due execution hereof – Francis Etheridge John A. Willis Wm Reynolds - clerks to Mr. Parr Attorney Poole

PROVED at London with a Codicil? 5th July 1820 before the Judge by the oaths of Joseph Moore and John Sydenham the Extrs to whom administration granted having been first sworn by Comon duly to admr.