
Fishermen, Mariners & Seamen of Poole 1701-1800

Transcribed & donated to Dorset OPC Project by Thomas Cole with contributions by Jillian Lea. Further contributions welcome.

SurnameFirst NameYear/DateOccupationFromNotesSource/Document
ABBOTTJohn1767 MarinerPoolepassage from Newfoundland to Poole DHC
ADAMSWilliam1772 Mariner (child Elizabeth) from Winterborne Zelstone DHC
ALLENEdward1741 SeamanPoole Marriage
ALLENThomas1794 SeamanPooleof the vessel ’Maria’; inquest DHC
ALLFORD alias ELLFORDJohn 1773Mariner (wife Mary) both deceased, children Eleanor & Elizabeth from Lyme Regis DHC
ANDREWCharles1774   Apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
ANDREWEdward1772 Mariner (son John)DHC
ANDREWSCharles1767 MarinerPoole(wife Hannah)DHC
ANDREWSCharles1790 MarinerPooleHannah Andrews, widow, husband Charles Andrews was drowned at sea DHC
ANDREWSEdward1765 MarinerPoole DHC
ANDREWSJohn1765 MarinerSturminster Newton DHC
ANDREWSJohn1768 MarinerPoole Marriage
ANDREWSJohn1779 MarinerPoole DHC
ANDREWSJohn1782 MarinerPoole DHC
ANSTEYThomas1764 Mariner master departs the 'Dolphin' for Newfoundland, owner J. White, also Poole 1776 & 1778  
ANSTEYThomas1776 & 1778 Mariner master departs the 'Dolphin' for Newfoundland, owner J. White, also Poole 1776 & 1778  
ANSTEYWilliam1767 MarinerPoole DHC
ARMSTRONGJohn1792 MarinerPoole DHC
ARNOLDJasper1752   of Sherborne apprenticed to Henry Brooks of Bay Bulls, Newfoundland DHC
ARROWSMITHWilliam1789 SeamanPooleApprenticed to Thomas Hyde, merchant, in the art of a seaman DHC
BAILEYRobert1768 MarinerPoole DHC
BAILYRichard1746 MarinerPooleUncle of Thomas Baily, Mariner, of Poole Administration
BAILYThomas1746 MarinerLate of PooleMariner, deceased and lately belonging to HM Ship ’Suffolk’ Administration
BAKERJoseph1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
BAKERJoseph1722 MarinerPoole Administration
BAKERWilliam1745 MarinerPoole(daughter Rebeckah Phippard)DHC
BALLETTSamuel1720 Mariner HMS ’Prince Frederick’ Will
BALLETTThomas1720 MarinerPoolebrother of Samuel Ballett, mariner Will
BALNEJohn1794 MarinerPoole Marriage
BANKSRobert1793 MarinerLate of Poole DHC
BARFOOTThomas1774  PooleApprenticed to Peter Jolliff, the younger, merchant, in the seafaring business Apprenticeship
BARFOOTWilliam1766  PooleApprenticed to Thomas Hyde, merchant, in the seafaring business DHC
BARLETTIsaac1765 MarinerPoolemaster departs the 'Sea Flower' for Newfoundland, owner N. Brooks  
BARNESAndrew1715 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
BARNESEdward1725 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
BARNESGeorge1715 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
BARNESRichard1764 Mariner master departs the 'Triton' for Newfoundland, owner John Slade  
BARNESThomas1766 MarinerPoole DHC
BARNES (BARNS)William 1789MarinerPoole DHC
BARNSThomas1776 Marinerlate of Wimborne Minster DHC
BARRETTJohn1711 FishermanPooleRobert Haskall apprenticed to John Barrett of Poole, to learn the trade of fisherman Apprenticeship
BARRYJames1765 Mariner late of LiverpoolDHC
BARTERJoseph1760 MarinerPooledeceased, lately belonging unto HM Ship ’Ramillies’ Administration
BARTLETTJames1727 MarinerPooleLate of HM ship the ’Kent’, deceased. Father James Bartlett of Poole. Administration
BARTLETTJ.1765 Mariner master departs the 'Molly' for Newfoundland, owner John Slade  
BARTLETTThomas1769 MarinerEling, Hampshiremaster of a sloopDHC
BARTLETT (BALLET, BALLAT, BARLETT) Samuel1720MarinerPooleLate belonging to HM ship ’Prince Frederick’; brother Thomas Ballet, mariner, of Poole Administration
BASCOMBEJohn1781 Mariner from Puddletown apprenticed to William Spurrier of Poole DHC
BASSETTWilliam1742/43 MarinerPoolelately belonging to HM ship Pearl Will
BASSILL (BASILL, BARSILL)John 1711 PooleLate of HM Ship ’Chichester’ Administration
BATTJohn1755 Seafaring Man Born in Newfoundland; served on ships from Poole & Isle of Wight DHC
BATTJohn1774 MarinerWimborne Minsterpassage from Newfoundland to Poole DHC
BAYLYAaron1740 MarinerPooleMaster of HM ship ’Rye’ (wife, Agnes Bayly of Poole) Proved 22 May 1747 Will
BAYLYJohn1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
BAYLYDuke1736 Fisherman apprenticed to John Durell, mariner, in the ’art of fishery’ DHC
BAYLYRobert1767  Poole(wife Elizabeth; son Robert Bayly; daughters Hannah & Elizabeth Bayly) Dated on board the ship Unity off Almazaron 7 Apr 1767, in the presence of Pennel King. Proved 24 Oct 1786. Will
BAZELLJames1723 MarinerPoole Marriage
BEALLShadrach1716  PooleWill proved 1717Will
BEAUMONTWilliam1711 MarinerPoole Will
BEDELLGeorge1765 MarinerPoole DHC
BELBINBenjamin1756 Mariner (wife Sarah)DHC
BELBINJames1724/1725 MarinerPooleShipped as a foremastman at Amsterdam Court of Admiralty Examinations
BENNET 1743 Captain/MarinerPooleMaster of the ’Endeavour’ of Poole Newspaper
BENNETTEdward1721 MarinerWarehamLeaseDHC
BENNETTHoward1751 MarinerWarehamLeaseDHC
BENNETTJohn1708 FishermanWareham Will
BENNETTJohn1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
BENNETTJohn1774   Apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
BENNETTRobert1791 MarinerLate of Poole DHC
BENNETTThomas1727/1740 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
BESANTJoseph1769 MarinerPoole Marriage
BEZANTJoseph1773 Mariner (wife Susannah, child Joseph from Weymouth) DHC
BEZANTJoseph1777 MarinerLate of Poole(wife Susannah)DHC
BIDDLECOMBMoses1766 Mariner Will, Mariner on board the ship Admiral Pocock in the service of the Honourable East India Company The National Archives
BIDDLECOMBEMoses1767 MarinerWimborne Minster DHC
BIDDLECOMBERichard1779 Mariner Mary Biddlecombe, widowDHC
BILLINSIsaac1749 Mariner of Dogger Privateer ’The George’; Mary BILLINS, widow of Poole, relict Administration
BIRCHGeorge1762 MarinerCanford Magna DHC
BIRDJoseph1789 MarinerPoole Will
BISHOPJohn1734 MarinerCanford Magna(widow, Bridget & son John) DHC
BISHOPJohn1745 MarinerCanford Magnaapprenticed to John White of West Cowes, IOW, in the art of sea service and fishing DHC
BISHOPJohn1777 MarinerPoole DHC
BISHOPWilliam1776 MarinerPoole DHC
BLACKLERHenry1716 MarinerPooleapprenticed to John Weston of Southwark, London, mariner DHC
BLAKEWilliam1743 Mariner son-in-law of Isaac Hull of Canford Magna; apprenticed to Moses Hooper of Poole, mariner DHC
BLAKEHenning1750 MarinerPoole DHC
BLAKEHenning1764 SeamanPoolewife ElizabethDHC
BLAKEJohn1765 Mariner Apprenticed to George Wise, mariner DHC
BLANCHARDJames1733 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of John Blanchard, son of James Blanchard of Poole, mariner DHC
BLANCHARDJames1735 Mariner of HMS PembrokeMarriage
BLANCHARDRobert1774 Mariner and late Master of the...Don Carlos’ DHC
BLANCHARDWalter1721 MarinerPoole Will
BLONDELLRobert1731 MarinerPooleWill proven 1738.Will
BLOOMFIELDWilliam1789 MarinerPoole Administration
BLUNDELLJohn1777 Fisherman  DHC
BLUNDELL 1793 CaptainPooleInsurance, property occupierLondon Metropolitan Archives
BOLGERPeter1770 Mariner Neave vs BolgerDHC
BOLTFrancis1786 FishermanWareham Administration
BOLTJames1726 MarinerWarehamLeaseDHC
BOLTJames1737 MarinerWarehamWill proven 1747.Will
BOLTThomas1726 MarinerWarehamLeaseDHC
BOLTThomas1758/59 MarinerWarehamWill proven August 1759.Will
BONDJoseph1710 MarinerPoole Will
BONFIELDRobert1759 MarinerPoole DHC
BONVILLRobert1779 MarinerPoole DHC
BOOMFIELD (BLOOMFIELD)John 1789MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of Thomas Dodge DHC
BOWDENJohn1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
BOWDENWilliam1748 Mariner  Will
BOUNDRobert1762 MarinerPooleotherwise Bownd (m) on board his Majesty’s Ship Ipswich Will
BOUNDWilliam1765 MarinerPoole DHC
BOUNDWilliam1784 MarinerPooleSon, William Bound of Poole, mariner Administration
BOWLESJohn1739 CaptainPooleDied in CarolinaWill
BOWNEJames1764 Mariner of Sherborne apprenticed to John Lemon of Poole DHC
BRACKENHenry1770 MarinerLate of Poole DHC
BRADLEYRobert1740 MarinerPooleMary Slade, wife of John Slade, mariner of Poole, administratrix Administration
BRADLEYThomas1766 Mariner master departs the 'Triton' for Newfoundland, owner Roberts & Co  
BRADYPatrick1737 Mariner (wife Hannah in 1738)DHC
BRAGGWilliam1770 MarinerPoole DHC
BREWERThomas1760 Seaman from RingwoodDHC
BRIANTLawrence1764 MarinerPoole DHC
BRIGHTJames1785 Mariner apprentice to Mackrell & Macy of Southwark, in the art of a mariner DHC
BRIGHTJohn1716 MarinerHamworthyLeaseDHC
BRINEObadiah1786 MarinerWarehamwitness to administration of estate of Francis Bolt of Wareham Administration
BRINEThomas1721 MarinerHamworthyLeaseDHC
BRINEWilliam1786 MarinerWarehamwitness to administration of estate of Francis Bolt of Wareham Administration
BROCKWilliam1778 Mariner (wife Sarah)DHC
BROOKJoseph1764 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to Nathaniel Brooks of Poole DHC
BROOKESJoseph1787 MarinerPoole DHC
BROOKSHenry1752 Mariner of Poole and NewfoundlandDHC
BROOKSJames (Capt)1759 Mariner of Poole and Newfoundland; apprentice William Lewes DHC
BROOKSNathaniel, the younger 1757MarinerPoole DHC
BROOKSNathaniel1764 MarinerPooleApprentices Joseph Brook & Robert Parker DHC
BROOKSNathaniel1766   Apprenticeship indenture of Thomas Righthead DHC
BROOMJohn1768 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of Robert Gray DHC
BROOMJohn1771 MarinerPoole DHC
BROWNHenry1774 MarinerPoole DHC
BROWNJohn1773 MarinerPoole DHC
BROWNJoseph1763 SailorLytchett Minster Marriage
BROWNWilliam1704 MarinerPoolean administrator in will of Timothy Linthorne of HM Ship ’Oxford’ Administration
BRUMBYThomas1708 MarinerPooleApprenticed to William Phipard, mariner & master of the ship ’William and Mary’ DHC
BRYNEWilliam1735/1760 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
BUCKLANDWilliam1754 MarinerCanford Magna’went to Newfoundland two summers and one winter’ DHC
BUCKLERJohn1713 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
BUCKLERJohn1719 Mariner  Will
BUCKLERRichard1775 MarinerPoole DHC
BUCKLYFrancis1750 MarinerLondon DHC
BUDDENGeorge1715 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
BUDDENHenry1730 SeamanTwyneham, Christchurch DHC
BUDDENHenry1745 MarinerCanford Magnaapprenticed to Moses Hooper DHC
BUDDENJohn1714/1719 Mariner  DHC
BUDDENJoseph1789 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
BUDDENJoseph1791 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
BUDDENWilliam1762/1765 Mariner Nathaniel Brooks vs BuddenDHC
BULLFrancis1759 Mariner (wife Elizabeth)DHC
BUNCH (PUNCH)Edward1703 MarinerWarehamWill of 25 Jan 1693/94Will
BURCHThomas1776 MarinerPoole DHC
BURGESSamuel1715 MarinerPoole Will
BURNETTJohn1767 MarinerPoole DHC
BURRYDavid1767 MarinerPoolepassage from Newfoundland in the sloop ’Betsy’ DHC
BURTNathaniel1789 Mariner (wife Mary, children Mary, Margaret from Whitchurch) DHC
BURTRobert1778 MarinerPoole Marriage
BURTRobert1781 Mariner  Will
BURTThomas1750 MarinerIwerne DHC
BUTLERJeremiah1767 MarinerSouthampton, Hants DHC
BUTLERWilliam1777 MarinerCorfe Castleapprentice to Peter Jolliff of Poole, in the art of a mariner DHC
CAKEJohn1754 Mariner (wife Elizabeth, children Matthew, John, Mary from Weymouth) DHC
CALAGHANPhilip1772 Mariner (wife Mary from Imber, Wilts.)DHC
CALLAGHAMJohn1787 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
CARTERJohn1747 MarinerPoole DHC
CARTERSpence1798 MarinerHamworthy Militia List
CARTRIDGEJohn1748 MarinerPoole Marriage
CARTRIDGEJohn1759 FishermanPoole DHC
CATEJob1774   Apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
CHAINEYBenjamin, Junior 1740MarinerPooleon board HM Ship of War, the ’Lancaster’; Benjamin Chainey, father Will
CHAMBERLINERandolph1707 NavigatorPooleAdministrator of estate of son Joseph Chamberline Administration
CHANDLERRichard1740 MarinerPoolebelonging to HM Ship the ’Kent’, Susannah Chandler, wife, of Poole Will
CHAPPLEJoseph1791 MarinerPoole DHC
CHARDWilliam1795 MarinerPoole(wife Frances) late of St. James Poole DHC
CHEATERMoses1764 Mariner master departs the 'Juno' for Newfoundland, owner John Slade  
CHEESEMAN (CHISMAN)Christopher 1735MarinerWarehamnow belonging to HM Ship ’Somerset’. Will proven 1744. Will
CHEESEMANEdward1755 MarinerPooleWill proven 1765.Will
CHEESEMANEdward1785 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of Edward Orchard DHC
CHEESEMANJohn1782 MarinerWarehambelonging to His Majesty’s Ship the Vengeance Will
CHEESEMANS.1764 Mariner master departs the 'Escape' for Newfoundland, owners Pike & Green  
CHEESEMAN 1765 Mariner master departs the 'Vine' for Newfoundland, owner Cheeseman & Co  
CHEESMANRobert1755 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
CHISMANChristopher1767 MarinerPoole DHC
CHIVERSWilliam1774   Apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
CHRISTOPHERRobert1726 MarinerWarehamLeaseDHC
CHURCHILLAbraham1740 MarinerLytchett Minster Newspaper
CHURCHILLJohn1764 Mariner master departs the 'Vigilant' for Newfoundland, owner John Churchill  
CHURCHILLJohn1766 MarinerPoolepassage from NewfoundlandDHC
CLARKJohn1740 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of John Higgins, Joseph Justins & Bernard Line DHC
CLARKJohn1785   master of the ’Fly Hop’  
CLARKEJohn1740 MarinerPooleMortgageDHC
CLARKEJohn1740 MarinerPoolementioned in will of John Rowland Will
CLARKEGeorge1783 MarinerPoole Marriage
CLARKEPeter1701 MarinerPoole DHC
CLEEVESRobert1730 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of John Keate Apprenticeship
CLEEVESRobert1748 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of Richard Blythe Apprenticeship
CLEEVESWilliam1717 MarinerPooleFishing Admiral of St PetersState Papers
CLEEVESWilliam1736 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
CLEEVESWilliam1742 Mariner  Will
CLOADRoger1798 MarinerPoole DHC
CLODE (CLOAD)Thomas1726 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of William Waller DHC
COBBWilliam1784 MarinerCanford MagnaProved 1785Will
COCKJohn1723 MarinerPooleDeceased; Widow, JoaneDHC
COCKWilliam1715 MarinerPooleCodicil 1717. Will proven 1719.Will
COLBORNEJohn1740 MarinerPooleWill made in 1733Will
COLLING (COLLINGS)John 1791MarinerPoolewife Elizabeth from Stoke Dameral DHC
COLMANChristopher1767 Mariner apprenticed to A. CopelandDHC
COLMANRobert1794 MarinerPoole(wife Caroline, children Mary, Robert from Milborne Port, Somerset). DHC
COLPISAnthony1745 MarinerPoole Marriage
COMPTONJohn1715 MarinerLongfleet Marriage
COMPTONThomas1719 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
CONNOR (CONNER)William 1789Mariner apprentice to John Hamilton of St. Mary Hill, London DHC
COOKThomas1784 MarinerSunderland, Durham DHC
COOPER 1764 Mariner master departs the 'Endeavour' for Newfoundland, owner Samuel Miller  
COOPERPeter1774 SeamanPoole DHC
COPELANDA.1767 Mariner master of the schooner called the Nabby; Christopher Colman & John Heater apprenticed to A. Copeland in the seafaring business DHC
COPPSWilliam Arnold1786 Mariner apprenticeDHC
CORBANBen1764 Mariner master departs the 'Diamond' for Newfoundland, owner Joseph White  
CORBINHenry1770 MarinerPooleWillThe National Archives
CORBINRobert1752 MarinerWareham Burial
CORNERichard1742/43 MarinerPoolebelonging to HMS ’Princess Amelia’; Elizabeth Corne, widow of Poole, relict Administration
COURTINDaniel1710 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
COXRob1764Mariner  master departs the 'Duke of Cumberland' for Newfoundland, owner Cox & Co  
CRANEAlexander1761 MarinerPoole DHC
CRAWFORDJohn1798 SeamanPooleOn the brig ’Vine’; inquest DHC
CREWThomas1764 Mariner master departs the 'Joseph' for Newfoundland, owner Joseph White  
CRIBBEdward1768 Mariner  Marriage
CRIBBThomas1796 FishermanPoole(wife Sarah & child William) removed to Wareham HT DHC
CROSSHenry1745 MarinerPoolelately belonging to HM Sloop the ’Lizard’; Anne Cross of Poole, mother Administration
CROSSWilliam1763 Mariner William Newman vs William CrossDHC
CUMMINSBenjamin1737 Fisherman apprenticed to John Durell in the ’art of fishery’ DHC
CUREJohn1741 MarinerPooleMargaret, wife of John Cure, mariner of Poole, noted as only sister in Admon for Richard Weston of HM Ship ’Tilbury’ Administration
CURE (CUER)John1751 MarinerPoole Will
CURE (CUER)John1771 MarinerPooleMary Cure, widowAdministration
CURTISJames1773 Mariner (wife Jane, children Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, William from Puddletown). DHC
CURTISJames1777 MarinerPoole DHC
CURTISJames1790 Mariner (children Elizabeth , Jane from Puddletown) DHC
CURTIS (CURTES)Joseph 1723Mariner married at PooleMarriage
CURTISJoseph1736 MarinerPooleWill proved 1742.Will
CURTIS (CURTISE)Richard 1747MarinerWimbornebelonging to HM Ship ’Pembroke’; Henry Curtise, brother Will
CURTISWilliam1767 Mariner master of the sloop ’John and Elizabeth’ DHC
CUTLERMoses1786 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of William Copps DHC
DALEThomas1770 Fisherman Thomas Dale to Moses Neave of Poole to learn the trade of fisherman DHC
DAMONFrancis1741 CaptainPoole Newspaper
DAMPIERThomas1764 MarinerSherborneof Sherborne apprenticed to John Lemon of Poole DHC
DANIELJohn1782 MarinerPooleDied in PortseaWill
DANSONJoseph1789 MarinerLate of Poole DHC
DARBYGeorge1748/1763 MarinerHamworthy DHC
DAVISSamuel1760 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
DAVISSam1765 Mariner master departs the 'Speedwell' for Newfoundland, owner Sam White  
DAVISONRobert1741 MarinerPoolelately belonging to His Majesty’s Ship ’Chichester’ Administration
DAVYHenry1740 MarinerPoolebelonging to His Majesty’s Ship ’Buckingham’ Will
DAWHugh1758Mariner Poolenow belonging to the Dorset privateerWill
DAWRobert1768 MarinerPoole DHC
DAWWilliam1724 MarinerPoole Marriage
DAWWilliam1791 MarinerPoole DHC
DAWSONEdward1789 MarinerPoole(wife Elizabeth from Longfleet, Canford Magna) DHC
DEANHenry1714 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
DEANEJohn1715 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
DEANERichard1786 Marinerlate of PooleWill of Jane Deane, widow Will
DEATHICKIsaac1712 Seafaring ManPoole Will
DEERMartin1793 Mariner (wife Rachel from Melcombe Regis, Weymouth) DHC
DENCHCharles1764 Mariner master departs the 'Kitty' for Newfoundland, owner Roberts & Co  
DENHAMEdward1722 Mariner married at PooleMarriage
DENNISMark1731 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
DENNISONMichael1785 Mariner late of Poole.DHC
DERHAMBenjamin1790 Mate mate on the brig ’Mary Ann’; inquest, accidental drowning DHC
DERHAMSamuel1763 MarinerPoole(wife Eleanor)DHC
DEVERDSamuel1702 MarinerHamworthyLeaseDHC
DIAMONDCornelius1749 MarinerPoole(had son James Diamond).DHC
DIAMONDCornelius1761 MarinerPoolework done on the Hawk sloopDHC
DIRHAMEdward1734 Mariner  Will
DIRHAMJohn1756 Mariner apprenticed to John Tillsed, mariner DHC
DITTYJoseph1748 MarinerPooleHM Ship ’Russell’; Richard Ditty, mariner of Poole, brother Will
DITTYRichard1765 MarinerPoole DHC
DODGEThomas1789 Mariner apprenticed to John BoomfieldDHC
DOEJohn1740Mariner PooleSusanna Weston, widow of Poole, administrator for late husband John Weston; John Doe noted Administration
DOLLINGBenjamin1745 MarinerPoolelate belonging to His Majesty’s Ship ’Berwick’ Administration
DOREWoodman1765/1766 Mariner of Yarmouth, IOW, of Freshwater in 1766 DHC
DOVERJohn1750 Fishermanlate of PooleNewfoundland fishermanAdministration
DOWNERWm1764 Mariner master departs the 'Diana' for Newfoundland, owner John Green  
DRAKERobert1706 MarinerBere Regis Will
DURELLAaron1705 MarinerPooleBurgess admissionDHC
DURELLAaron1768 MarinerPoole DHC
DURELLDavid1712 MarinerPooleBurgess admissionDHC
DURELLDavid1738 MasterPooleMaster of merchant ship Pike, dec. Mary Durell, widow and relict The National Archives
DURELLGeorge1756 MarinerPoole DHC
DURELLJohn1705/06 MarinerPooleBurgess admissionDHC
DURELLJohn1736 MarinerPooleDuke Bayly, apprenticed to John Durell, mariner, in the art of fishery DHC
DURELLJohn1737 MarinerPooleBenjamin Cummins apprenticed to John Durel, mariner in the ’art of fishery’ DHC
DURELLJohn1741 Mariner  Will
DURELLMoses1739 MarinerPooleNear Dunkirk is lost the Tito, Moses Durell, bound from Rotterdam to Poole Newspaper
DURELLRobert Tito1790 CaptainPoole Insurance
DURELLThomas1791 CaptainPooleCapt Thomas Durell, George Kemp & Sarah Green; Ship ’The Swift’ Insurance
EBSWORTHRichard1764 MarinerPooleon board His Majesty’s Ship Humber Will
EDMONDSEdward1763/1764 SeamanPoole DHC
EDMONDSJohn1775 MarinerPoole DHC
EDMONDSRobert1720 MarinerPooleSusanna Edmonds, widow relictAdministration
EDMUNDSJohn1778 Mariner (wife Elianor)DHC
EDWARDSThomas1786 MarinerPoolewitness on administration of estate of Ann Edwards of Poole Administration
ELDREDThomas1774  Newport, Rhode Islandmarried at PooleMarriage
ELDREDThomas1775 MarinerPoole DHC
ELINORJohn1759 MarinerPoole DHC
ELLFORD alias ALLFORDJohn 1773Mariner (wife Mary) both deceased, children Eleanor & Elizabeth from Lyme Regis DHC
ELLISSamuel1763 SailorLytchett Minster Marriage
EVERTONJohn1775 MarinerPoole DHC
FABIANJohn1785 Seaman from Bristol & Dover cast away 
FABIANJoseph1779 MarinerPoole DHC
FARRJohn1764 Mariner master departs the 'Joseph', owner J. White jun.  
FARWELLAbsolom1763 Mariner  Will
FARWELLRobert1736 MarinerPoole Marriage
FARWELLRobert1755 MarinerPoole Will
FEARCE or PEARCEJohn1781 SeamanPooleWill of Thomas Fearce, Mariner late belonging to His Majesty’s Ship Egmont Will
FIANDERMartin1765 Mariner  DHC
FITZGERALDHenry1773 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
FLINJohn1743 MarinerPoole Marriage
FLINNJames1799 MarinerPoole DHC
FOOTGeorge1794 MarinerCanford Magnaof HMS The Boyne (wife Betty from Longfleet) DHC
FORDJoseph1751 MarinerPooleHM Ship ’Boston Packett’ otherwise a Private Ship of War Administration
FOWLERAlexander1781  Corfe Castle DHC
FOWLERWilliam1785 MarinerPoole DHC
FOWLERRobert1789 FishermanGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
FRAMPTONGeorge1738/39 MarinerPoole DHC
FRAMPTONJohn1768 MarinerPoole DHC
FRAMPTONJohn1772 MarinerCanford Magna/Longhamwent to Newfoundland DHC
FRAMPTONJohn1794 FishermanPooleinquestDHC
FRANCISPhillip1763 Mariner  DHC
FRANCISThomas1775 MarinerPoole DHC
FRANCKLIN (FRANKLIN)Thomas 1774Mariner WillDHC
FROSTThomas1764 Mariner master departs the 'Poole' for Newfoundland, owner N. Brooks  
FROUDCharles1772 MarinerHampreston Burial
FROUD (PROUD)Robert1793 Mariner  Will
FUDGERobert1777 Fisherman Apprenticed to William Spurrier of Poole, fisherman DHC
FULLERJohn1705   Of ship HMS "Namur"; wife in Poole, Dorset Will
FULLERJohn1732 Mariner married at PooleMarriage
FURNELLThomas1796 CaptainPooleMaster of the ship ’Thomas’ of Poole Marriage
GADENJohn1756 Mariner/CaptainWarehamBurialBDMs
GALLYWilliam, junior1749 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
GALTONTimothy1762 MarinerPoole DHC
GARE (GEEAR)Thomas1740 MarinerCanford Magna Will
GAYLERThomas1775 MarinerPoole(wife Mary, children Thomas, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Jane from Twynham Christchurch) DHC
GAYLERThomas1788 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of John Gregory DHC
GELLETTThomas1740 Mariner now belonging to HM Ship ’Princess Amelia’; Ann Gellett of Parkson, wife Will
GEORGEJohn1759 MarinerQuinton DHC
GEORGEWilliam1757 MarinerCanford MagnaApprenticed to James Stephen junior, mariner DHC
GERRARDJohn1703  Pooledied in ship ’Charles’ at Jamaica Will
GERRETTWilliam1772 Mariner went to Newfoundland in Mr John Green’s service DHC
GERRETTWilliam1775 MarinerPoole DHC
GIBBERDThomas1749 MarinerPoole DHC
GILLRobert1746 MarinerPoolebelonging to HM Ship ’Namur’ Administration
GILLThomas1770 MarinerWimborne Minster DHC
GILLETTThomas1717 MarinerParkstone DHC
GLEEDThomas1763 MarinerPoole DHC
GLEEDThomas1793 CaptainPooleInsurance, property occupierLondon Metropolitan Archives
GLOVERJohn1737 Mariner now at sea; mentioned in will of James Bolt. Will
GLOVERJohn1760 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
GILLINGHAMGeorge1742 MarinerCanford Magnaapprenticed to George Smith of Poole, mariner DHC
GILMANWilliam1789 MarinerCompton, Hants DHC
GLYDEEdward1752 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to Henry Brooks of Bay Bulls, Newfoundland DHC
GODFREYR.1722 Mariner in Placentia, Nfld 
GOSENYThomas1705 MarinerPoolebelonging to HM Ship ’Kent’ Will
GOULDPhineas1767 MarinerHamworthy DHC
GOVERRobert1766 MarinerPoole DHC
GRACECharlespre 1765 Boatswain deceased, late Boatswain of His Majesty’s Ship ’Carcase Bomb’, wife Jane Grace of Poole Administration of Jane Grace
GRACEWilliam1727 MarinerLongfleetLeaseDHC
GRAINGERRobert1740 CaptainPoole Treasury Papers
GRANTJohn1763 MarinerPoole DHC
GRANTJohn1776 Marinerlate of Poole(wife Catherine)DHC
GRAVENERRichard1759 MarinerRye, Sussex DHC
GRAYBennett alias Benjamin 1723 Pooleof ship ’Devonshire’ Will
GRAYCharles1785 Mariner was master the brig or vessel ’Maria’ DHC
GRAYEdward1776 MarinerWimborne Minster DHC
GRAYJohn1744 MarinerPoolelately belonging to HM Ship ’Marlborough’; John Gray mariner of Poole, father Administration
GRAYJohn1761 MarinerParkstone DHC
GRAYJonathan1718/19 MarinerWareham Will
GRAYRobert1768 Mariner apprenticed to John Broom, mariner, in the seafaring business DHC
GRAYSamuel1756 Mariner apprenticed to John Stephens of West Cowes, mariner DHC
GRAYSamuel1767 MarinerPoole DHC
GRAYThomas1704 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of Peter Randall DHC
GRAYWilliam1757 Mariner Poole tenement leaseDHC
GREGORYThomas1756 CaptainPoole Admiralty Papers
GREENBenjamin1752 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of Amey Fiford to Benjamin & wife, Mary, Green DHC
GREENBenjamin1765-1779 MarinerPoole DHC
GREENBenjamon1770-1779 MarinerPoole(master of the 'Endeavour' and the 'Sam & Tho's' for owner Samuel Spratt, Newfoundland merchant.  
GREENJohn1775 MarinerPoole DHC
GREENJoseph1727 MarinerEnsbury, Great Canford Will
GREENThomas1767 MarinerPoole DHC
GREGORYJohn1788 Mariner apprenticed to Thomas GaylerDHC
GRIFFENJohn1765 MarinerPooleNathaniel Brooks vs GriffenDHC
GRIFFITHWilliam1789 Mariner  DHC
GROUT (CROUT)Andrew1702 Mariner  DHC
GUBBONSJohn1790 MarinerCanford Magna DHC
HALLETT (HEWLETT)William 1762MarinerPoole DHC
HALLETT (HEWLETT)James 1733Mariner Mate on the ’Two Brothers’ of Poole Newspaper
HANNThomas1704 Mariner apprenticeDHC
HANSARDWilliam1764 Mariner master departs the 'Don Carlos' for Newfoundland, owner Samuel Miller  
HANTRichard1792 MarinerPoole DHC
HARCOURTWilliam1723 MarinerPoole Will
HARCOURTGeorge1731 MarinerPooleOf Poole, now in Harbour Grace in Newfoundland Will
HARRISGeorge1740 Marinerlate of Poolenow belonging to HM Ship ’St Albans’; Mary King of Poole, mother; Elizabeth Harris of Portsmouth, sister Will
HARRISWilliam1763 MarinerKinson Marriage
HARRISONJohn1760 MarinerPooleWitness to administration of John Linthorne estate Administration
HARRISONSamuel1776 MarinerPoole DHC
HARTBenjamin1770 Mariner  Marriage
HARTThomas1748 Mariner (wife Elizabeth)DHC
HARVEYAmbrose1775 MarinerPoole Administration
HARVEYWilliam1774 MarinerPoolepassage from Newfoundland to Poole DHC
HASKALLRobert1711 Fisherman Robert Haskall to John Barrett of Poole, to learn the trade of fisherman Apprenticeship
HASKELLRobert1760 MarinerLyndhurst DHC
HASWELLRobert1787 MarinerPoole DHC
HATCHH.1764Mariner  master departs the 'Temple' for Boston?, owner Sam Hughes  
HAVELANDArthur1767 MarinerPoole Marriage
HAYES (HAYS)Daniel1783 MarinerPoolelate of the Union Privateer but now of His Majesty’s Ship Arrogant Will
HAYWARDEdward1741 MarinerPoole Newspaper
HAYWARDGeorge1797 MarinerPoole Marriage
HAYWARDJoseph1762 MarinerRingwood DHC
HAYTERJohn1768 Boatmanlate of Poole DHC
HEATERJohn1767 Mariner apprenticed to A. CopelandDHC
HEDLEY (HEALEY)Thomas 1740  Of ship HMS"Princess Amelia"; wife, Elizabeth, in Poole Will
HELLIARGeorge1785 MarinerPoole DHC
HELMANWilliam1756   apprenticed to Woodman Dove of Freshwater, Isle of Wight, mariner DHC
HENNINGJohn1740 MarinerPooleWilliam Williams Henning, brother Will
HENNINGJohn1748 MarinerPoole Marriage
HENNINGRichard1742 MarinerPoolementioned in 1742 will of William Martin of Poole Will
HENNINGWilliam1703 MarinerHamworthyLeaseDHC
HENNINGWilliam1722 MarinerPoole Will
HERNEMaurice1733 Mariner  Will
HEWLETTJames1762 SeamanPoole Marriage
HEWLETTJohn1764 Mariner master departs the 'Dispatch' for Newfoundland, owner Joseph White  
HEWLETTThomas1711 MarinerPooleand of HMS BerwickWill
HIDECharles1768 MarinerPoole Marriage
HIGGENSJames1743 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to Moses Hooper of Poole DHC
HIGGINSJohn1740 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to John Clark of Poole DHC
HILLWilliam1762 Mariner  DHC
HILMANJohn1753 MarinerLongfleetLeaseDHC
HILMANWilliam1753 MarinerLongfleetLease; deceasedDHC
HITCHJohn1766 Mariner  DHC
HOAREWilliam1754 MarinerCanford Magna DHC
HOBBSJohn1733 MarinerHamworthyLeaseDHC
HODDERGabriel1776 MarinerPoole DHC
HODDERJohn1761 MarinerCorfe Castle DHC
HOLFORDWilliam1787 Mariner (wife Ann, children Sarah, William from Yetminster) DHC
HOLLOWAYJohn1785 MarinerPoole DHC
HOLLOWAYRichard1800 MarinerCanford Magna DHC
HOLLOWAYThomas1768 MarinerPoole Marriage
HOLMSPhilip1740 SailorWarehamAlice Holms, widow, relictAdministration
HOOKEYJohn1759 MarinerPooleservices on board the ship ’Prince Edward DHC
HOOKEYNicholas1726 MarinerShroope, DorsetApprenticed to Isaac Pinhorne, mariner, of Poole DHC
HOOPERDavid1739 CaptainPoole Newspaper
HOOPERMoses1743 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indentures of James Higgens, James Penny & William Blake DHC
HOOPERMoses1745 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of Henry Budden DHC
HOOPERMoses1747 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of John Watts DHC
HOOPERWilliams1705/06 MarinerPooleAdministrator for Peter Webster, mariner on HM Ship ’Britania’ Administration
HOSIERWilliam1765 MarinerPoole DHC
HOUGHThomas1767 MarinerHamworthyPoole tenement leaseDHC
HOUSEWilliam1773 MarinerPoole DHC
HOUSLEYJohn1794 Seaman vessel ’Maria’; inquest DHC
HOWARDChristopher1774 MarinerPortsmouth?Wm Porter vs HowardDHC
HUGHES 1765 Mariner master departs the 'Mary & Ann' for Dublin, owners Woods & Co  
HUMFREYRichard1779 Marinerlate of Madran, Cornwall DHC
HUNTJames1773 Marinerlate of Kilkenny, Ireland. DHC
HUNTJames1786 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
HUNTJohn1745 MarinerPoole Marriage
HUNTJohn1756 Mariner now belonging to HM Ship ’Royal George’; wife Elizabeth of Canford; Will proved 1760 Will
HUNTStephen1764 Mariner master departs the 'Dolphin' to Newfoundland  
HUNTERWilliam1784 BoatswainPooleBoatswain of His Majesty’s Armed Ship Three Sisters Will
HURSTJoseph1746 MarinerLongfleetof HM Ship ’Superb’; Mary Wyatte, sister Will
HURSTRichard1729/30 MarinerCanford Magnaapprenticed to William Pike DHC
HUTCHINSWilliam1772 MarinerPoole Marriage
HUTCHINGSRobert1768 MarinerHamworthy Will
INKPENJohn1763 MarinerSturminster Newtonpassage from Newfoundland to Poole in ship of William White of Horton, Newfoundland DHC
JAFFORDSamuel, the younger 1790MarinerPooleNamed in adminstration of his uncle, Robert Greene of Great Canford Administration
JAMESWilliam1776 MarinerLyme Regis DHC
JARVISElias1774 MarinerPoole Marriage
JARVISElias1788 MarinerPoole Marriage
JARVISJames1761 MarinerFife, Scotland DHC
JEANSWilliam1774 MarinerPoole DHC
JEFFREYJohn1776 MarinerPoole DHC
JENKINSJohn1784 CaptainPoole Marriage
JOLLEYWilliam1776 MarinerWimborne Minster DHC
JOLLIFFCharles1794 Fisherman apprenticed to William Ling of Strood, Kent, fisherman & dredgerman DHC
JOLLIFFPeter1711/1717 MarinerPooleMortgageDHC
JOLLIFFPeter1717 MarinerPoole DHC
JOLLIFFPeter Jr1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
JOLLIFFPeter1741 Mariner  Will
JONESJames1748/1757 MarinerLytchett Minster DHC
JONESJohn1721 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of John Harrison DHC
JONESJohn1743/1753 MarinerPoole DHC
JONESJohn1762 Mariner  Will
JONESJohn1791 Mariner  DHC
JONESJoseph1735 MarinerPoole Will
JONESRichard1774 MarinerPortsmouthWm Porter vs JonesDHC
JONESWilliam1715 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
JOYCEGeorge1760 Mariner belonging to HM Ship ’Colchester’; Edith Joyce, spinster of Poole, sister Will
JUBBERHenry1709 MarinerPoole Will
JUSTINSJoseph1740 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to John Clark of Poole DHC
KEATESThomas1764 MarinerPooleMentioned in will of Mary Rockett of Poole Will
KEAYJames1761 MarinerPoolework done on the Hawk sloopDHC
KEEPING (KIPING)Thomas, junior 1716/1721MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
KEEPINGThomas, junior 1742MarinerCanford MagnaLeaseDHC
KEMPBenjamin1707 Mariner belonging to HM Ship ’Milford’; Edith Seager, widow of Poole, mother Will
KEMPEdward1750 MarinerPoole Marriage
KEMPNat1764Mariner  master departs the 'Ham__' for Newfoundland, owner Wm. Spurrier  
KEMPSELLGeorge1773 MarinerLate of PooleLester vs KempsellDHC
KENNETTDuncan1761 Mariner  DHC
KINGCharles1741 MarinerPoole Will
KINGJohn1720/1721 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
KINGJohn1740 MarinerPooleWilliam Pike of Poole, mariner; Nicholas May of Poole, mariner; Hannah Pike & Sarah May, the sisters, administratrixes Administration
KINGLeach1747 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to Robert Mills, mariner of Poole DHC
KINGNicholas1739 MarinerPoole Will
KINGRichard1768 MarinerPoole DHC
KIRBYWilliam1745 MarinerPoole Will
KITCHERWilliam1764 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
KITCHERWilliam1747 MarinerPoole Will
KNAPPEdward1715 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
KNIGHTWilliam1749 MarinerPoole(wife Mary)DHC
KNIGHTWilliam1750 MarinerSouthampton DHC
LACEYJonathan1727 MarinerWhitby, Yorkmarried at PooleMarriage
LAMBERTWilliam1759 MarinerPoole DHC
LAMBORNEgbert1756/1761 MarinerMiddlesex DHC
LAMBORNJames1756 MarinerMiddlesexseeks wages from owners & managers of ship ’Defiance’, privateer DHC
LANCASHIREJohn1785 Marinerlate of Poolethe brig or vessel ’Maria’ DHC
LANDERWilliam1777 MarinerPoole(wife Elizabeth)DHC
LANDERWilliam1787 MarinerPoolechildren Thomas, Charles & Mary; late wife Elizabeth Administration
LANHAMJoseph1754 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
LAPSELYJohn1770 Mariner Neave vs LapselyDHC
LARVY (also LURVY)Joseph 1768MarinerPoole DHC
LATELYGeorge1726 Ship’s CaptainPoole Marriage
LATELYGeorge1764 Mariner master departs the 'Polly' for Newfoundland, owner Clarke & Co  
LATELYGeorge1785 Mariner  Will
LAWSRichard1756 Mariner  DHC
LEARYJeremiah1773 Mariner Lester vs LearyDHC
LEMMONJohn1757/1758 MarinerPoole DHC
LEMONJohn1764 MarinerPoole & NewfoundlandSweet Walters, Thomas Dampier & James Bowne, apprentices DHC
LEWESWilliam1759 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to Capt James Brooks of Bay Bulls, Newfoundland DHC
LEWISWilliam1765 Mariner Nathaniel Brooks vs LewisDHC
LIDDELLEdward1789 Mariner  DHC
LILLINGTONJoseph1768 MarinerPoole DHC
LILLYJohn1774   Apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
LINEBernard1740 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to John Clark of Poole DHC
LININGTONWilliam1770 MarinerPoole DHC
LINTHERNJohn1705/06 MarinerPoole Bond
LINTHERNJohn1705 Mariner (wife Joane)DHC
LINTHORNJohn1715 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of Joseph Linthorne, son of John Linthorne of Poole, mariner DHC
LINTHORNE 1764 Mariner master departs the 'Lamb' for Newfoundland, owners Pike & Green  
LINTHORNEBenjamin1764 MarinerPoolebeing now bound to parts beyond the seas Will
LINTHORNEJohn1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
LINTHORNEJohn1722 Mariner In Placentia, Nfld. 
LINTHORNEJohn1758 MarinerPoolenow bound to parts beyond the seas Will
LINTHORNEJohn1760 MarinerPoole Administration
LINTHORNERichard1772 MarinerPooleIn will of aunt Frances Sherring of Poole, widow Will
LINTHORNESamuel1762 MarinerPoole DHC
LINTHORNEThomas1732 MarinerPoole Will
LINTHORNETimothy1704 MarinerPooleHM Ship ’Oxford’; Elizabeth Linthorne, widow of Poole, mother Administration
LINTHORNETimothy1758 MarinerPoolementioned in will of John Linthorne Will
LINTHORNEWilliam1770 MarinerPoole DHC
LIVINGJames1789 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
LOCKJohn1722 Mariner  Will
LOCKRichard1745 Fisherman  DHC
LOCKRichard1764/1766 Fisherman  DHC
LOCKWilliam1714 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
LOCKIER (LOKIER)James 1711MarinerPoolebelonging to HM Ship ’Rochester’; Sarah Lokier, widow of Poole, relict Administration
LOCKYERGeorge1763 MarinerPoole DHC
LODGEWilliam1777 MarinerPoole DHC
LONGSamuel1777 MarinerPoole DHC
LOVELACEJohn1785 MarinerPoole DHC
LOVELLRichard1740 CaptainPoole Treasury Papers
LUNDRIDGE (LUNRIDGE)Joseph (Capt) 1774-1790MarinerPooleTrading with Bristol, Waterford, Ireland & Alicante, Spain DHC
LYMINGTONRobert1727 MarinerPoole Administration
MACKERELLJohn1742 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Oxford’; Susanna Pain, now wife of Richard Pain, joyner of Poole, late wife of John Mackerell Administration
MACKRELLThomas1785 Mariner merchant of Southward, LondonDHC
MACYFrancis1785 Mariner merchant of Southwark, LondonDHC
MAHONYThomas1776 MarinerPoole DHC
MAJOR alias MANAGERDavid 1735/36Mariner  DHC
MALDRENDaniel1740 Mariner Of ship HMS "Victory"; wife Anne in Poole, Dorset Will
MANLAWSJohn1800 Master Master of the schooner ’Margaret’; brother James Manlaws DHC
MANSFIELDWilliam1774 MarinerPoole(wife Mary Harding) mentions Lanning’s Mead, Corfe Castle DHC
MARTINJohn1712/13 MarinerPooleWill proved 1727.Will
MARTINJohn1713 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
MARTINJohn1746 MarinerGreat Canfordlate belonging to HM Ship ’Sunderland’; Thomas Martin of Great Canford, father Administration
MARTINRobert1742 MarinerPooleWill proved 1742.Will
MARTINThomas1767 MarinerPoole DHC
MARTINWilliam1768 MarinerPooleMartha Martin, wifeAdministration
MARTINWilliam1768 MarinerGosport, Hants(wife Susannah)DHC
MASTERSJohn1722 Fisherman Newfoundland fishery 
MASTERSJohn1764 MarinerPoole Administration
MATTHEWSJoseph1745/46 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’St Albans’; Joseph Matthews, mariner of Poole, father Administration
MAUGIR (MAUGER)Joshua 1765ShipmasterNative of JerseyHis uncle Mathew Mauger came from Jersey, settled in Poole and was master of a ship out of the port of Poole. Peter Thompson Letter DHC
MAUGIR (MAUGER)Mathew 1719MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
MAUGIR (MAUGER)Mathew 1749MarinerPoole Will
MAYNicholas1740 MarinerPooleSarah May, wife of Nicholas May of Poole, mariner; sister and administratrix of John King of Poole, mariner Administration
MAYWilliam1726/1738 MarinerPoolePoole tenement leaseDHC
MEADUSHenry1771  Canford Magnawent to sea and spent two summers in the fishery of Newfoundland DHC
MIFFLEN (MIFFLIN)Samson 1760MarinerPoolenow bound for Newfoundland Will
MILLERBenjamin1743 MarinerPoole Marriage
MILLERBenjamin1749 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of William Brook DHC
MILLERBenjamin1773 MarinerPoole(mother Deborah, siblings Joseph & Sarah) DHC
MILLERBenjamin1783 MarinerPooleLease; son of Benjamin Miller of Poole DHC
MILLERJohn1701 MarinerPoole DHC
MILLERJohn1710 MarinerPoole Marriage
MILLERJohn1743 & 1745 Mariner  DHC
MILLERJoseph1759 & 1763 MarinerStudland DHC
MILLERJoseph1762 MarinerPooleabsence at sea in his majesties’ service DHC
MILLERJoseph1769 MarinerPoolemaster "The Endeavour" 
MILLERJoseph1773 MarinerPoole(mother Deborah, siblings Benjamin & Sarah) DHC
MILLERJoseph1774 Mariner late master of the ship or vessel ’The Endeavour’ DHC
MILLERRichard1750 MarinerPoole DHC
MILLERThomas1785 Mariner  Will
MILLERWilliam1764 Mariner master departs the 'Dolphin' for Newfoundland, owner John Lemon  
MILLSRichard1747/48 MarinerPooleadministrator�for John Tidbury, mariner of Poole Administration
MILLSRichard1789 MarinerPooleinsurance, property occupierLondon Metropolitan Archives
MILLSRobert1747 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of Leach King DHC
MILLSRobert1768 MarinerPoole DHC
MINGOWilliam1746 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Diamond’Administration
MITCHELLHenry1761 MarinerCanford Magna DHC
MOORESJames1721 Mariner apprenticed to Robert RiderDHC
MOORESJohn1711 SeamanHamworthy Will
MOORESJohn1765 Mariner master departs the 'Rose' for Newfoundland, owner Childs & Co  
MOORESWilliam1765 Mariner master departs the 'Providence' for Newfoundland, owner George Tito  
MOORESWilliam1773 MarinerTwyneham, Christchurch DHC
MOORSJohn1746 MarinerLower LytchetLeaseDHC
MOORSWilliam1763 MarinerBeaminster DHC
MULCHINOCKMichael1786 Marinerlate of Munster, Ireland DHC
MULLENDERWilliam1743 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to Benjamin Weston of Poole Apprenticeship
MULLENSGeorge1741/42 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Princess Amelia’ Administration
MULLENSJohn1737 MarinerPoole DHC
MUNDAYWilliam1765 Mariner master departs the 'Molly' for Newfoundland, owner J. White  
NEWBERRYReuben1784 Mariner apprenticeDHC
NEWMANJn.1764 Mariner master departs the 'Fanny' for Newfoundland, owner John Slade  
NEWMANJohn1778 MarinerTwyneham, Christchurch DHC
NICKALLESRichard1764 MarinerPoolelate father of Mary, wife of Charles Pearce of Poole, mariner; Proved 1770. Administration
NICHOLLASJoseph1753 MarinerPoole Will
NICHOLSONGeorge1739 CaptainPooleDeath noticeIpswich Journal
NICKELSONThomas1708 MarinerPoole DHC
NICKLESONGeorge1719 & 1734 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
NICKLESONJohn1704 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of Thomas Hann DHC
NICKLESONJosiah1715 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of Richard Beere DHC
NICKLESONJosiah1717 MarinerPoole Marriage
NICKLESONJosiah1736 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
NICKOLSONGeorge1750 MarinerPoole Will
NICOLSONJohn1724 MarinerPoole Will
NORRISThomas1774 Mariner InquestDHC
OLDJohn1765Mariner Poole DHC
OLIVE (OLLIVE)George1730/31 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of William Ridout DHC
OLIVEThomas1753 Mariner Poole tenement leaseDHC
OLIVERWilliam1723-1725 MarinerPooleForemastman on the ’Delight’ Court of Admiralty Examinations
ORCHARDEdward1785 Mariner apprenticed to Edward CheesemanDHC
ORCHARDJohn1790 Seaman aprenticed to Mathew Stewart of London DHC
OSMONDJohn1730 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
OSMONDRichard1768 MarinerPoole DHC
OSMONDThomas1730 MarinerLytchett MinsterDeceased; John Osmond executor DHC
PAINWilliam1782 MarinerPooleWillDHC
PAINTERJohn, junior1744/1752 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
PARDYSamuel1781 MarinerLytchett Minster Will
PARDYThomas1775 MarinerLytchett Minster DHC
PARDYThomas1797 MarinerLytchett Minstermentioned as deceasedDHC
PARKERRobert1764 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to Nathaniel Brooks of Poole DHC
PARROTTPuxstone1783 MarinerPoole DHC
PARROTT alias PERROTTThomas 1793MarinerOttery St. Mary, Devon  DHC
PARROTTWilliam1785 Mariner apprentice to Thomas ThompsonDHC
PARSONSJa1765 Mariner master departs the 'Elizabeth' for Newfoundland, owner Samuel Spratt  
PARSONSJohn1733 Mariner Boatswain on the ’Two Brothers’ of Poole Newspaper
PARSONSThomas1756 Seafaring Man went to Newfoundland and lived there for seven years DHC
PARSONSWilliam1776 MarinerPooleWilliam Parsons vs Richard GleedDHC
PAULYChristopher1789 Mariner apprenticed to Charles Pearce Jr. Apprenticeship
PAULYGiles1768 MarinerPoole DHC
PAYNEEdward1747 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to George Smith, mariner of Poole DHC
PEACEYJohn1759 MarinerPoole DHC
PEARCECharles1764 MarinerPooleMary, wife of Charles Pearce of Poole, mariner, executrix for father Richard Nickalles of Poole, mariner Administration
PEARCECharles Jr.1789 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of Christopher Pawly DHC
PEARCE or FEARCEJohn1781 SeamanPooleWill of Thomas Fearce, Mariner late belonging to His Majesty’s Ship Egmont Will
PENNEYGeorge1763-1777 MarinerPoolevoyage to NewfoundlandDHC
PENNEYGeorge1780 MarinerPoole Marriage
PENNYJames1743 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to Moses Hooper of Poole DHC
PERHAMWilliam1775 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
PETERSONFrancis1737 Mariner (son Isaac to Revd Robert Killpatrick, minister of Trinity Harbour, Newfoundland)  
PHILLIPSJohn1768 MarinerAffpuddlepassage from Newfoundland to Poole in Jacob Whitewood’s ship ’Sukey’ DHC
PHILLIPSSamuel1754 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
PHIPPARDJohn Jr1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
PHIPPARDJohn1722 Mariner  Will
PHIPPARDJohn1746 MarinerPoolementioned in 1746 will of Samuel White of Poole Will
PHIPPARDPeter1745 Fisherman  DHC
PHIPARD (PHIPPARD)Pinnell 1703MarinerPooleAt my departure out of England this voyage for Virginia Will
PHIPPARDWilliam1707 Mariner  Will
PHIPPARD (PHIPARD)William 1708Mariner master of the ship ’William and Mary’ DHC
PHIPPARDWilliam1740 MarinerPoole Will
PICKARDRichard1775 MarinerPoole DHC
PIKEFrancis1759 MarinerPoolenow belonging to the Dorset privateer of Poole, Captain Francis Pinney, Commander Will
PIKEFrancis1761 FishermanPoole DHC
PIKEJohn1734 Mariner  DHC
PIKE (PICKE)Thomas1708 Mariner bound for NewfoundlandWill
PIKEThomas1718 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
PIKEThomas1740 Mariner  Will
PIKEThomas1765 Mariner master departs the 'John & Oliver' for Newfoundland, owners Green & Pike  
PIKEWilliam1729/30 MarinerPooleRichard Hurst apprenticeDHC
PIKEWilliam1740 MarinerPooleHannah Pike, wife of William Pike of Poole, mariner; sister and administratrix of John King of Poole, mariner Administration
PIMERJ.1765Mariner  master departs the 'Mermaid' for Newfoundland, owner John White Sen.  
PINCHARDThomas1765 MarinerRingwood DHC
PINHORNJohn1743 Mariner  Will
PINHORNEIsaac1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
PINHORNEIsaac1726 MarinerPooleApprentice: Nicholas HookeyHRO
PINHORNEIsaac1727 MarinerPoole(Hannah Pinhorne, wife)Administration
PINHORNEJames1737 MarinerWimborne MinsterAdministration of Aaron Pinhorne Administration
PINNEYFrancis1759 CommanderPooleCaptain Francis Pinney, Commander of the Dorset privateer of Poole Will of Francis Pike
PINNEYFrancis1761/1771 MarinerPoole DHC
PINSONJames1749 MarinerPoole DHC
PIPPETSamuel1766 MarinerPoolepassage from NewfoundlandDHC
PITTSJohn1740 MarinerPoolebelonging to HM Ship the ’Norfolk’; Susanna Pitts of Poole, wife Will
PLOMERJohn1794 Fisherman apprenticed to William Boucher of Strood, Kent, fisherman & dredgerman DHC
PLOWMANJohn, the younger 1737MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
PLOWMANWilliam1731 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
PLUCKINGTONJohn1767 MarinerPoole DHC
POLLARDWilliam1784 MarinerLytchett Minster DHC
POLLYJames1788 Fisherman  DHC
POLLYWilliam1769 MarinerPoole DHC
POLLYWilliam1777 MarinerPoole DHC
POOLLEYGiles1759 SeamanPoole DHC
POPEGeorge1746 Mariner Mr George Pope, commander of a ship in the Merchant Service Marriage
POPEJacob1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
POTTERRobert1719 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
POTTERWilliam1708 MarinerParkstoneof HM Ship ’Alborough’ Will
POTTLEWilliam1763 MarinerPoole DHC
PRESTONThomas1761 Mariner  Will
PRICEThomas1739 MarinerPooleMariner and Lace Master of the Ship ’Whatley’ Will
PRITCHETTEdward1782 MarinerPoole Marriage
PROUD (FROUD)Robert1793 Mariner  Will
PRYNSRichard1714 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
PUDDICOMBEJoseph1780 MarinerPoole Will
PUNCH or BUNCHEdward1703 MarinerWarehamWill of 25 Jan 1693/94Will
RAKEPeter1794 Seaman vessel ’Maria’Coroner’s Inquest
RANDALLPeter1704 MarinerCorfe Castleapprentice to Thos Gray, Poole DHC
RANDALLThomas1740 MarinerPoolenow belonging to His Majesty’s Ship ’Princess Amelia’, wife Sarah of Poole Will
RANDALL (RANDAL)Thomas 1759MarinerWareham Burial
RANDALLWilliam1759 MarinerWareham Burial
RAWLENSLawrence1717 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
RAWLINSONJohn1791 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
RAWLINSONJohn1792 MarinerHamworthy(1794 Lease Mary Rawlinson, widow of John Rawlinson of Hamworthy) DHC
RAYMONDMichael1773 MarinerPoole DHC
READWilliam1776 MarinerLyme Regis DHC
REDWOODGabriel1729 MarinerWarehamDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of William Davis DHC
REEDAlexander1767 MarinerSouthampton DHC
REEKSJohn1758 MarinerPoolewife Susanna; will proved 1762Will
REEKSNicholas1734 Mariner Of the merchant ship ’William and Sarah’ who died in Maryland. Probate to Samuel Spurrier. Will
REYMANTMichael1767 MarinerPoole DHC
REYNOLDSWilliam1773 MarinerPoole DHC
RICHARDSJohn1774   Apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
RIDERGeorge1767 MarinerPoolepassage from Newfoundland in the sloop ’Betsy’ DHC
RIDERGeorge1768 MarinerPoole DHC
RIDERRobert1721/22 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of James Moores DHC
RIDOUTJoseph1707 MarinerPoole DHC
RIDOUTJoseph1736 Mariner (daughter Vine)DHC
RIDOUT (RYDOUT)Richard 1762Mariner  Will
RIDOUTWilliam1730 Mariner s/o William a buttonmaker of Sherborne to George Ollive of Poole DHC
ROBBENSJohn1740 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of William Talbot DHC
ROBBINSJohn1773 MarinerPoole DHC
ROBBINS (ROBINS)Joseph 1765FishermanPoolewife Frances Robins of Poole  
ROBBINSNicklos1745 Mariner Belonging to His Majesty’s Ship ’Starling Castle’; Wife Ruth Robbins of Poole Will
ROBBINSPhilip1762 MarinerPoole DHC
ROBBINSP.1764 Mariner master departs the 'Betsy' for Dublin, owner John Robbins  
ROBERTSJohn1766 Mariner master departs the 'Lark' for Newfoundland, owner Roberts & Co.  
ROBINSONWilliam1798 MarinerPooleon the brig ’Vine’ 
ROERichard1740 MarinerPooleSusanna Weston, widow of Poole, administrator for late husband John Weston; Richard Roe noted Administration
ROGERSGeorge1775 MarinerPoole DHC
ROGERSJohn1739/1740 MarinerPoolebelonging to His Majesty’s ’Rochester’; wife Mary Rogers of Poole Will
ROGERSJohn1758/1759 MarinerPooleBrother of Robert Rogers of Poole, mariner; in will of cousin Mary Devenish of Poole Will
ROGERSRobert1730 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of John Rogers, son of Robert Rogers of Poole, mariner DHC
ROGERSRobert1742 Custom House OfficerPooleSon, John RogersWill
ROGERSRobert1758/1759 MarinerPooleBrother of John Rogers of Poole, mariner; in will of cousin Mary Devenish of Poole Will
ROGERSWilliam1776 MarinerPoole DHC
ROLLESJohn1711 Mariner  Will
ROLLESJohn1768 Mariner  Will
ROLLESSamuel1772 Mariner Married at PooleMarriage
ROLLSJohn1752/1766 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
ROLLSJohn1764 Mariner master departs the 'Mary & Sarah' for Newfoundland, owner Sam White  
ROLLSJoseph1765 MarinerLytchett MinsterLeaseDHC
ROUSEBenjamin1783? Marinerlate of PooleSon William apprenticed to Richard Tombs DHC
ROUSEWilliam1774   Apprenticed to John Jeffery, Joseph Randall & Thomas Street, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
ROSEGeorge1735 MarinerPoolewill of father, William RoseWill
ROSEGeorge1739 MarinerPoolebrother Robert Rose; will proved 1757 Will
ROSEJohn1735 Master MarinerPoolewill of father, William Rose Will
ROSERobert1735 MarinerPoolewill of father, William RoseWill
ROSEWilliam1735 MarinerPooleWill proved 1738.Will
ROUSEGeorge1749 MarinerPoolelately belonging unto His Majesty’s Ship ’Elizabeth’; wife Jane Rouse Administration
ROWEGeorge1732 Master Mariner In will of father Nicholas Rowe; master of the ’Hopewell’ Will
ROWEHenry1778 MarinerPoole DHC
ROWENicholas1732 MarinerPoole Will
RUDDEdward1788 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
RUGGThomas1734 MarinerPoolebelonging to His majesty’s Ship ’Rochester’; wife Sarah Rugg of Poole Will
RUSSELLAndrew1720 Mariner Married at PooleMarriage
RUSSELLThomas1755 Master of VesselPoole Marriage
RYDER (RIDER)George1764-1768 Mariner master departs the 'Cecilia' for Newfoundland, owner George Ryder  
RYDER (RIDER)Robert1726 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of Luke Galpin DHC
SADLERJames1793 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
SALTERSamuel1740 MarinerPoolebelonging to the ’Princess Amelia’, Capt John Hennington Will
SAMPSONThomas1764-1769 Mariner master the 'Spy' to Newfoundland, owner George Milner  
SAMSONJames1764 Mariner master departs the 'Priscilla' for Newfoundland, owner John Churchill  
SAMSONWilliam1775 MarinerPoole DHC
SANDERSEdward1787 Mariner  Marriage
SANSOMThomas1763 MarinerWimborne Minsterof Poole 1766DHC
SAMSONWilliam1775 MarinerPoole DHC
SANSUMThomas1761 Mariner  DHC
SAUNDERSEdward1768 MarinerPoole Marriage
SAUNDERSPatrick1746/1752 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
SCOTTJohn1767 MarinerPoolelate of Whitehaven CumberlandDHC
SCRIVENERJames1768 MarinerPoole Marriage
SCRIVENERJames1786 MarinerPoole DHC
SCRIVENERRichard1715-1717 SailorPooleEngaged as foremastman on the ’Providence’ travelling from Gravesend to Madeira and Charles Town Court of Admiralty Examinations
SEAL alias SALERoger1746/47 Mariner (wife Mary, child Betty from St. Thomas Bristol) DHC
SEALWilliam1780 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of William Watts DHC
SENNETTWilliam1763 & 1769 MarinerPoole DHC
SEYMOUR (SEYMOR)William 1737MarinerPoole(wife Elizabeth)DHC
SHANKPeter1731   married at PooleMarriage
SHANKPeter1760 MarinerPooleWill proved 1766.Will
SHAWJohn1771 Mariner (son William)DHC
SHAWEThomas1765 MarinerPoole DHC
SHEPICKThomas1725/26 MarinerBridportApprenticed to Joseph Vallis of Poole, mariner DHC
SHEPPARDEdward1796 MarinerPooleof His Majesty’s Ship Eagle Will
SHEPPHARDThomas1774   Apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
SHERGOLDThomas1766 MarinerPoole DHC
SHERRENHAMRoger1764/1765 MarinerPoole DHC
SHERRINGSamuel1726 MarinerPooleFrances Sherring, administratorAdministration
SHERRINGWilliam1740 MarinerPoolementioned in will of John Rowland Will
SHORTGeorge1763 MarinerWimborne Minster DHC
SHORTJames1776 MarinerPoole DHC
SIBLEYJohn1734 MarinerPoole DHC
SIBLEYThomas1743 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
SIGGSJoseph1739 Seaman Lately belonging to His Majesty’s ship ’Lancaster’; administrator Mary Simmonds 1742 Administraion
SILLEYThomas1749 Seaman apprenticed to Joseph Bowles, merchant DHC
SISTERNEHenry1705 Seaman a seaman in the last war with Holland; fishing in and about the harbour of Poole’ Treasury Papers
SKUTTThomas1766 Mariner  Will
SLADEHugh1706 MarinerWarehamLeaseDHC
SLADEJohn1740 MarinerPooleWife Mary Slade, administratrix of estate of Robert Bradley, mariner of Poole Administration
SLADEJohn1750 MarinerPoole DHC
SLADEJohn1759 Mariner regarding services on board the ship ’Prince Edward’ DHC
SLADEWilliam1759 MarinerPoole Marriage
SLADEWilliam1761 MarinerPoole DHC
SLADEWilliam1774 MarinerPoole DHC
SMITHAllexander1732 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
SMITHBenjamin1759 MarinerPoole DHC
SMITHChristopher1740 MarinerPoolenow belonging to His Majestys Ship Princess Amelia Will
SMITHGeorge1742 MarinerPooleApprentice indenture of George Gillingham DHC
SMITHGeorge1747 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of Edward Payne DHC
SMITHGeorge1753 Captain, MarinerPoole Will
SMITHHenry1741 MarinerPoole DHC
SMITHJohn1738 MarinerPoole Will
SMITHJohn1776 MarinerPoole DHC
SMITHPearce1761 Mariner  Will
SMITHPinnel1729 Mariner married at PooleMarriage
SMITHRichard1737 Mariner  Will
SMITHRobert1748 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Medway’Will
SMITHRobert1773 MarinerPoole DHC
SMITHThomas1731 MarinerLate of Poole Administration
SNOOKJohn, junior1725 MarinerHamworthyLeaseDHC
SNOWJohn1770 MarinerPoole DHC
SOMERTONJohn1764 Marinerlate of Swanage DHC
SPEARINGMatthew1767 MarinerLate of Poole DHC
SPENCERElias1747 MarinerHampreston Marriage
SPENCERElias, junior1752  PooleBill of Sale executed at Bay du Verd, Newfoundland DHC
SPENCERElias1755 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
SPENCERElias1757 Mariner  Will
SPRAGPeter?1707 Marinerlate of Studlandin HM Ship ’Eagle’’; Frances Sprag, relict. Administration
SPURRIERChris1765 Mariner master departs the 'Polly' for Newfoundland, owner Wm. Spurrier  
SPURRIERGeorge1772 MarinerPoole DHC
SPURRIERJohn1774   Apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, merchants, in the seafaring business DHC
SPURRIERTimothy, the younger 1750MarinerPooleMortgageDHC
SPURRIERThomas1740 MarinerWarehambelonging to HM Ship ’Dunkirk’; Ann Spurrier of Wareham, mother Will
SPURRIERWalter1724 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
SPURRIERWalter1740 MarinerPooleAnn Spurrier, wife. Proven 1741.Will
SPURRIERWilliam1777 FishermanPooleApprentice indenture of Robert Fudge DHC
SPURRIERWilliam1781 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of John Bascombe DHC
STAINSMOREHenry1745 MarinerPoole Marriage
STANDLEYHenry1764 MarinerPoole DHC
STANWORTHRichard1786 Seafaring man of Poole, Dorset, now of Greenspond, Newfoundland Will
STAPLESJohn1764 MarinerRingwood DHC
ST BARBEPoole1738  PooleAdministration granted to George St Barbe of Southampton, mariner Will
STEELWilliam1774 MarinerOkeford DHC
STENWORTHRichard1771 Mariner  DHC
STEPHENJames Jr.1757 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of William George DHC
STEPHENSJohn1756 MarinerWest Cowes, IOWApprentice indenture of Samuel Gray DHC
STILLIsrael1786 Mariner (wife Grace, children Ann, Mary from St. Stephen Exeter) DHC
STOKESMartin1787 MarinerChristchurchMaster of the brig ’Beaver’ DHC
STOKS (STOKES)Samuel1790 Mariner  DHC
STONEJohn1759 MarinerLongham DHC
STOOKJohn1764 Mariner master departs the 'Billy' for Newfoundland, owner Wm. Spurrier  
STORNEYCaleb1794 MarinerStudland DHC
STREETPeter1724 MarinerPoole Marriage
STREETPeter1727 MarinerPoole Will
STREETThomas1766 Mariner master departs the 'Speedwell' for Newfoundland, owner Joseph White  
STREETWilliam1746 MarinerPoolementioned in 1746 will of Samuel White of Poole Will
STRONGGeorge1739 MarinerPoole DHC
STRONGGeorge1744 Mariner  DHC
STRONGHenry1701 MarinerPoole DHC
STRONGHenry1739 MarinerPoole DHC
STRONGRobert1773 MarinerPoole DHC
STRONGRobert1774 MarinerPoole DHC
STRONGSamuel1798 SeafaringHamworthy Militia List
STURZAKERRichard1722 Mariner in Placentia, Nfld. 
SULLEYThomas1746 Sailor apprenticed to Edward Wills of Hamworthy DHC
SUMMERSWilliam1778 MarinerPoole DHC
SUTTONJohn1771 MarinerPoole DHC
SUTTONRichard1709 Mariner Apprentice indenture of John Whitroe DHC
SUTTONRobert1711 Mariner  Will
SUTTONThomas1741 MarinerPooleof HMS WinchesterWill
SWATRIDGEHugh1799 MarinerPoole Marriage
TALBOTWilliam1740 MarinerPooleapprenticed to John Robbens, mariner DHC
TAPPERJohn1773 MarinerPoole DHC
TARRANTCharles1705 MarinerLongfleetLeaseDHC
TAVERNERJoseph1732/33 MarinerPooleProbate 1736.Will
TAVERNERRobert1748 Mariner  Will
TAVERNERRobert1748/49 MarinerPooleMaster of the Ship called the Mediterranean of Poole, Dorset Will
TAVERNERWilliam1768 MarinerPooleProbate 1769.Will
TAYLORMoses1769/1771 MarinerLytchett Minster DHC
TAYLORRobert1771 MarinerPoole DHC
TENNYENDJohn1763 Mariner  DHC
TEPPETTSamuel1766 MarinerPoolepassage from NewfoundlandDHC
THICKJoseph1767 MarinerPoole DHC
THOMBESRichard1772 MarinerPoole DHC
THOMPSONBen1764 Mariner master departs the 'Nancy' for Newfoundland, owner Clarke & Co.  
THOMPSONJames, senior 1703MarinerPooleWill proven 1706Will
THOMPSONJames1766 MarinerPooleWill proven 1768Will
THOMPSONJohn1720 MarinerPoolein will of father Zephaniah Thompson of Poole, mariner Will
THOMPSONJohn1763 MarinerPoole DHC
THOMPSONJohn1769 Mariner  DHC
THOMPSONJohn1773    Will
THOMPSONJoseph1776 MarinerPoole Marriage
THOMPSONPeter1715/1716 Mariner  Will
THOMPSONPeter1720 MarinerPoolein will of father Zephaniah Thompson of Poole, mariner Will
THOMPSONPeter1748 MarinerPoole Marriage
THOMPSONThomas1764 MarinerPooleWill proven 1766.Will
THOMPSONThomas1785 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of William Parrott DHC
THOMPSONWilliam1706 MarinerPooleSon William Thompson now master of the barque ’Endeavour’. Will
THOMPSONWilliam1720 MarinerPoole Marriage
THOMPSONWilliam1738 MarinerPooleWill proved 1739.Will
THOMPSONWilliam1754 MarinerPooleWill probate 1776.Will
THOMPSONWilliam1761 MarinerPoole DHC
THOMPSONWilliam1784 Mariner  Will
THOMPSONZephaniah1720 MarinerPooleAdministration by sons John, Zephaniah & Peter Thompson, mariners Will
THOMSJohn1779 MarinerWimborne DHC
THOMSJosiah1710 Mariner  Will
THOMSONJohn1746 MarinerPoole DHC
THRESHERJohn1780 Mariner (wife Elizabeth)DHC
THRINGRobert1765  Sturminster Newton DHC
TIDBURYJohn1747/48 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Norfolk’; Richard MILLS, mariner of Poole, administrator Administration
TILLSED (TILSED)John1743 MarinerDorsetDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of John Gardner DHC
TILLSEDJohn1756 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of John Dirham DHC
TITE (TITO)George1721 SeamanPoole Will
TITOGeorge1740 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of Nicholas Gillingham DHC
TITOWadham1768 MarinerPoole DHC
TIZARDMorgan1766 MarinerPoole DHC
TOMSObadiah1765 MarinerPoole DHC
TOOGOODJames1768 Mariner  Marriage
TOWNSENDThomas1788 Mariner  DHC
TREWThomas1764 & 1771 SailorLytchett Minster Marriage
TRIMJohn1763 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Africa’; Mary Trim, widow of Poole, mother Administration
TROKEHenry1715 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
TROTHHenry1773 Mariner  Will
TROTHJohn1773 Mariner master of the brig 'Sweepstakes' at Poole Quay  
TUCKSolomon1758 Mariner passage from Newfoundland to Poole DHC
TUCKThomas1746/47 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Prince Frederick’; William Tuck, mariner of Poole Will
TUCKWilliam1746/47 MarinerPooleadministrator for brother Thomas Tuck of HM Ship ’Prince Frederick’ Administration
TUCKERBone1797 MarinerSouth Haven DHC
TUCKERJohn1740 QuartermasterPoolebelonging to HM Ship ’Montague’; Margreat Tucker, wife Will
TURNERCornelius1785 MarinerPlymouth, Devon DHC
TURNERJohn1776 Mariner (wife Elizabeth)DHC
TURNERRichard1750 MarinerPoole DHC
UPHAMJohn1775 MarinerTiverton, Devon(wife Eleanor)DHC
VALLISJoseph1725/26 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of Thomas Shepick DHC
VALLISJoseph1729/1736 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
VALLISJoseph1753 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
VALLIS?Sam1764 Mariner master departs the 'Delight' to Connecticut, owner Henry Davis  
VALLISWilliam1743 Mariner  Will
WADHAMJames1735 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
WADHAMJoseph1717 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
WADHAMMartine1714 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
WADHAMMartin1744/45 Master Mariner noted as Master of HM Ship ’Bellica’ in Adm. for John Weston Administration
WADHAMRoger1752 Master Master of the Amelia of PooleThe National Archives
WADHAMThomas1742 Mariner  Will
WALLISJohn1718  Woods, near Pooledied in ship "The Hope" Will
WALLISRichard1764 MarinerPoole(wife Mary)DHC
WALLISWilliam1778 MarinerPoole DHC
WALTERSGeorge1770 Marinerlate of Poole DHC
WALTERSSweet1764 MarinerSherborneapprenticed to John LEMON of Poole DHC
WARLANDWilliam1741 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Prince of Orange’; Elizabeth Warland, widow of Poole, mother Administration
WARNEJames1768 MarinerPoole DHC
WARRENRobert1750 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
WARRENSilvester1745 MarinerPoolebelonging to HM Ship ’Kinsale’, now on board the ’Royal Sovereign’; John Sherringham of Poole, father Will
WATERMANWilliam1769 MarinerPoole DHC
WATTSAnthony1768 MarinerPoole Marriage
WATTSJohn1747 MarinerSherbornes/o Elizabeth Manfield of Sherborne to Moses Hooper of Poole DHC
WATTSJohn1789 Seaman apprenticeDHC
WATTSJoseph1764 SailorPoole Marriage
WATTSWilliam1780 MarinerWimborne Minsterapprenticed to William Seal of Poole DHC
WAYMAN (WEYMAN)Joseph 1742/1751MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
WEARSamuel1735 Mariner Poole tenement leaseDHC
WEBSTERPeter1705/06 Mariner of HM Ship ’Britania’; Administration
WEEDON (WEEDEN)John1751 MarinerPoolebelonging to His Majesty’s Ship "Dover" Will
WESTJohn1741 Mariner belonging to HM Ship ’Princess Amelia’; William West, mariner of Poole, father Will
WESTStephen1770/1774 MarinerPoole DHC
WESTWilliam1741 MarinerPooleExecutor for son, John West of HM Ship ’Princess Amelia’ Will
WESTWilliam1763 - 1768 MarinerPoole DHC
WESTONAmbrose1704   apprenticed to John Weston of Southwark, London, mariner DHC
WESTONAmbrose1717 MarinerPooleFishing Admiral of St PetersState Papers
WESTONAmbrose1742 MarinerPoole Will
WESTONAmbrose, the younger 1748MarinerPoole Will
WESTONBenjamin1741  PooleHM Ship ’Chichester’; Anne, wife of Richard Corpe, sister Will
WESTONBenjamin1743 MarinerPooleApprenticeship indenture of William Mullender DHC
WESTONJohn, the elder 1701MarinerPoole Will
WESTONJohn1704 MarinerShadthames Southwark, LondonApprenticeshp indenture of Ambrose Weston DHC
WESTONJohn1716 MarinerSouthwark, LondonApprenticeship indenture of Henry Blackler DHC
WESTONJohn1719 MarinerLondonNow residing at PooleWill
WESTONJohn1740  PooleSusanna Weston, widow of Poole, administrator for late husband John Weston; Richard Roe & John Doe, mariners, noted Administration
WESTONJohn1744/45 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Bellica’, under Martin Wadham, Master Administration
WESTONJoshua1716/17 MarinerPoole Marriage
WESTONJoshua1730 MarinerPooleWilliam Windsor apprenticed to Joshua Weston in the art of a seaman DHC
WESTONJoshua1736 MarinerPoole Will
WESTONJoshua1740 MarinerPoolenow belonging to HM Ship the ’Russell’; Henry Weston of Poole, father Will
WESTONRichard1705   Purser of the ’Revenge’ DHC
WESTONRichard1717 MarinerPlymouth Dock, DevonLease Canford Magna DHC
WESTONRichard1741 MarinerPoolelately belonging to HM ship Tilbury; Margaret, wife of John CURE, mariner of Poole, sister Administration
WESTONSamuel1705 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
WESTONSamuel1717 MarinerPooledeceased; mentioned in leaseDHC
WESTONWilliam1709  Pooledied in "Sarah" frigateWill
WHALESJohn1758 MarinerPoole DHC
WHALESJohn1783 MarinerMargate, Kent DHC
WHETSTONEJohn1760 MarinerPoole Administration
WHETSTONEJohn1765   Apprenticed to Samuel Spratt, merchant, in the seafaring business DHC
WHITEJames1771 Mariner  Will
WHITEJohn1745 MarinerWest Cowes, IOWApprenticeship indenture of John Bishop DHC
WHITEJohn1778/1779 Mariner deceased (widow Elizabeth from Chiswell, Portland) DHC
WHITEMark1722 Marinerlate of Poole Administration
WHITERichard1759 MarinerWimborne Minster DHC
WHITESamuel1702 MarinerPoole Marriage
WHITESamuel, junior1715 MarinerPooleSale and transferDHC
WHITESamuel1721 Mariner  Will
WHITESamuel, the elder 1759MarinerPoole Will
WHITESamuel1764 MarinerPooleIn 1764 will of wife Ann’s father Thomas Thompson of Poole, mariner Will
WHITEThomas1783 MarinerWimborne Minster DHC
WHITEWilliam1748 MarinerPoole Will
WHITEWilliam1762 MarinerPoole DHC
WHITEWilliam1789 Mariner (widow Ann)DHC
WHITEROW (WHITROW)Thomas 1739MarinerPoolenow belonging to HM Ship. Mary Whiterow, relict. Will proved 1741. Administration
WHITEWOODChristopher1777 MasterPooleLog books for ship Sukey of Poole, Christopher Whitewood, master. The National Archive
WHITEWOODJacob1768   (owner ship ’Sukey’)DHC
WHITROEJohn1709 Mariner apprenticed to Richard Sutton, mariner DHC
WHITTLEGeorge1768/1775 MarinerPoole DHC
WILESJohn1756 MarinerPoole DHC
WILKINSIsaac1770 Mariner (wife Mary, children Nanny, Hester from Poplar & Blackwall, Middlesex) DHC
WILKINSJohn1767 MarinerPoolepassage from Newfoundland to Poole in Joseph White’s ship ’Diamond’ DHC
WILLGeorge1792 Mariner  DHC
WILLEY (WILLIE)James1740 MarinerPoolelate belonging to HM good ship ’Lenoe’ Administration
WILLIAMSAbraham1714 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
WILLIAMSJacob1763 JoinerPoolenow belonging to His Majesty’s Ship "Alcide" Will
WILLIAMSJohn1718 MarinerGreat CanfordLeaseDHC
WILLIAMSJoseph1771 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLIAMSRobert1709 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLIAMSWilliam1758 MarinerPoolebelonging to His Majesty’s Ship of War Saint George Will
WILLIAMSWilliam1776 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLISThomas1704 Mariner (wife Rebecca)DHC
WILLISThomas1774-1776 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLISWilliam1747 MarinerPoolelately belonging unto HM Ship ’Elizabeth’; brother John Willis of West Lulworth Administration
WILLISWilliam1763 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLSBenjamin1764-1767 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLSEdward1729 MarinerPooleLeaseDHC
WILLSEdward1746 MarinerHamworthyThomas Sully apprenticed to Edward Wills, mariner, in the art of a sailor DHC
WILLSEdward1748 MarinerHamworthyLeaseDHC
WILLSFrancis1792 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLSGeorge1741 MarinerPoolenoted in Admon for Robert Wills of HM Ship ’Squirrel’ Administration
WILLSGeorge1749 Mariner of HM Ship ’York’; George Wills, custom house officer of Poole, father Will
WILLSJohn1764 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLSRichard1759 MarinerPoole Marriage
WILLSRobert1741 MarinerPooleof HM Ship ’Squirrel’; George Wills, mariner of Poole, father Administration
WILLSRobert1747  Pooleof HM Ship ’Mary’; Grace Wills of Poole, wife Administration
WILLSRobert1763/1766 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLSRobert1784 MarinerPoole Marriage
WILLSRobert1793 MarinerPoole Will
WILLSThomas1708 MarinerPoole DHC
WILLSThomas1784 MarinerPoolebelonging to His Majesty’s Ship "Defence" Will
WINDSORWilliam1730 Seaman apprenticed to Joshua Weston, mariner DHC
WINSORAaron1735 MarinerPooleBelonging to HM Ship ’Grafton’ but in HM Ship ’ Defyance’ Will
WINSORJames1708 FishermanPoole(Eleanor d/o Jacob)DHC
WINSORJohn1708 FishermanPoole DHC
WISEGeorge1765 Mariner Apprenticeship indenture of John Blake DHC
WISEJohn1732 Mariner  Will
WISEThomas1730 Master MarinerPooleIn will of Elizabeth Christian of Poole Will
WISEThomas1779 Mariner  Will
WISEMANRichard1773 Marinerlate of Hinton Admiral DHC
WITTEdward1761 MarinerPooleWill of Elizabeth Witt, relictWill
WOODFORDThomas Watson 1771MarinerPoole DHC
WOODROWERichard1767 Mariner apprenticed to Isaac & Benjamin Lester, Poole merchants DHC
YOUNGRobert1769 MarinerPoole Will
YOUNGThomas Jr1705 MarinerPooleBurgessDHC
YOUNGThomas1731 MarinerPooleDuties paid for apprenticeship indenture of Martin Pack DHC

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