Note: This file gathers together references to people with a connection to, or who lived in, Dorchester that I have come across whilst researching the history of the parish, building the website, and writing the biographies that appear on line. They are invaluable in adding to our store of knowledge about what was happening in Dorchester and it provides me with a platform for linking to specific areas of reasearch or individuals. I have provided links to relevent documents on site where I felt this was appropriate. As regards Sir Francis Ashley's casebook usually the person bound over in the greatest sum of money was the main perpetrator or in many cases the others were bound to appear as witnesses. |
Day of Publication | ||
30 Nov 1559 | John BAKER | BAPTISM: Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester 1st entry in the Parish Baptism Register "John the son of Nicholas BAKER was baptised 30th November 1559". Source Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1893 Volume 3 |
30 Jan 1559/60 | Joane DENNIS | BURIAL: Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester 1st entry in the Parish Burial Register "Joane the daughter of Jhon [John] DENNIS was buried the 30th day of January 1559"Source Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1893 Volume 3 |
1571 | Robert MARTIN v Morgan HAYNE |
Bond to fulfil covenants between Robert Martin of Dorchester, Morgann Hayne of Friar Waddon and John Hennynge. Source Dorset History Centre Ref D/BLX/F5 |
1575 | John HENNYNGE [HENNING] | 1575 : Sale to John HENNYNGE of the garden ground in Weast Walles [West Walls] late in the tenure of Richard CORBYN, and also the void ground adjoining for £6. 13s. 4d . Source Municiplal Records of Dorchester page 492 |
1 Feb 1575/6 | Luke ADYN | Bargain and sale (1 February 1575/6), by Sir Richard Reade of London, knight, to Luke ADYN of Dorchester, Dorset, draper, of a messuage or tenement and lands at Meryfeilde in the occupation of Alexander Dyke, in the parish of Catestoke, Dorset, and of lands at Holloway in the same parish (Newe Close and Lytle Close, in the tenure of Thomas Rogers; Parke Close, in the tenure of Roger Wattes; Hedborowe, in the tenure of Walter Oldiche, and a messuage built by him; 2 closes and a messuage in the tenure of Robert Tyssarde - Fursye Close of 4a. and Mirthfylde of 5a.; and a 3a. close in the tenure of John Strowde); perpetual rent of 12/- p.a.; consideration of £296; livery of seisin endorsed. Source:- Goucestershire County Archives D678/2 T2/4/1-22 |
27 Nov 1579 | Thomas & Robert ADYN | Bargain and sale (27 November 1579 [22 Elizabeth]) by Thomas Adyn alias Barbett of Dorchester, woollen draper, to Robert Adyn alias Barbett of London, gentleman (his brother), of a one third share in the messuage, tenement and appurtenances and of the closes called Meryfelde, all late in the occupation of Alexander Dicke at Catestocke, deceased, and of Parke Close, Fursoy Close, Myrthfilde Close and a close in the occupation of John Stroude; consideration of £80; appointment of Henry Cardrowe and John Aden as attorneys to deliver seisin. [Executed to give effect to the intentions of their father's will, whereby the Catstocke property should have passed to Robert but one third passed to Thomas (?as heir-at-law).] And counterpart. Source:- Goucestershire County Archives D678/2 T2/4/1-22 |
15 Nov 1580 | Luke & Thomas ADYN | Grant (15 November 1580) by the Rt Hon Sir William Cecill, knight, Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer of England and Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Robert Keylwey, Esq., Surveyor of the same, to Thomas Adyn alias Barbett, gentleman, son and heir of Luke Adyn, gentleman, deceased, of a general livery of his father's estates. Attached valor and extent of the messuages and lands of Luke Adyn alias Barbett deceased, 24 August 1578 (Latin). Source:- Goucestershire County Archives D678/2 T2/4/1-22 |
1583 | Robert, Thomas & John ADYN | Final Concord (Michaelmas Term 26 Elizabeth = 1583) between Henry Foxwell (Plaintiff) and Robert Adyn alias Barbett, Thomas Adyn alias Barbett and John Adyn alias Barbett, the younger (Deforciants).Source:- Goucestershire County Archives D678/2 T2/4/1-22 |
21 Mar 1587 | Thomas PILCHER [PILCHARD] | EXECUTION: Thomas Pilchard MA (1557-1586/7) was a native of Sussex but he worked in the West of England. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, matriculating there in 1575 at the age of 18; scholar that year; fellow 1576; BA 28 May 1576; MA 16th May 1579. Resigning his fellowship the following year. He arrived at Douay College Reims 20 November, 1581. The aim of the College was to gather together some of the many English Catholics living in exile in different countries of the continent and provide them with facilities for continuing their studies (in what was effectively a Catholic University of Oxford in exile), thus producing a ready-made stock of educated English Catholic clergy ready for England's re-conversion to Catholicism. Thomas was ordained a catholic priest at Laon, March, 1583, and joined the English Mission that year. He was arrested soon after, and banished; but returned almost immediately. He was again arrested early in March, 1586-7, and imprisoned in Dorchester Gaol to stand trial with his great friend Jessop and in the fortnight between committal to prison and condemnation converted thirty persons. He was executed on 21 March 1587 and had been so cruelly drawn upon the hurdle that he was fainting when he came to the place of execution. When the rope was cut, being still alive he stood erect under the scaffold. The executioner, a cook, carried out the sentence so clumsily that the victim, turning to the sheriff, exclaimed "Is this then your justice, Mr. Sheriff?" According to another account "the priest raised himself and putting out his hands cast forward his own bowels, crying 'Miserere mei'". Father Warford says: "There was not a priest in the whole West of England, who, to my knowledge, was his equal in virtue." Jessop died in Dorchester Gaol one year later. |
20 July 1614 | Thomas DOWRIDGE | Giles ORCHARD of Chideock fisherman in £20. John ORCHARD of Fryer Mayne husbandman in £10. Thomas DOWRIDGE of Dorchester, Helier (ie Thatcher or tiler) , in £10; bound over to the next Assizes by warrant of Sir John BROWNE . Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 2 |
3 Aug 1614 | Richard HELLIER, Roger DEVENISH, | Stephen BAGG of Wootton Fitzpaine butcher in £40. Richard HELLIER of Dorchester, taylor bound over to the next assizes to be of good behaviour in the sum of £20. Roger DEVENISH of the same, glasier, in £20. 'Committed by John DRAKE' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 2 |
20 Aug 1614 | John FARFER; Anthony NEW | Elizabeth Franklin of Sheldon in Devon widow in £40. John FARFER of Dorchester glover in £20. Anthony NEW of Dorchester hellier in £20 Bound over to the next sessions. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 2 |
20 Aug 1614 | Roger HAYDON, George OTTON | Ferdinando BICKLEY of farum in the county of Southampton gent in £40. Roger HAYDON of Dorchester Chirurgion (i.e. a surgeon) in £20. George OTTON of Dorchester, weaver in £20. Bound over to the next Sessions. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 3 |
22 Aug 1614 | Leonard FEVER; Joanna SCOTT | Leonard FEVER of Dorchester, taylor bound over to the next sessions in Dorchester to produce evidence against Joanna SCOTT, spinster, concerning a felony. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 3 |
26 Sep 1614 | Henry, John & Joseph WHITTLE | Henry WHITTLE of Dorchester, merchant, in £40; Joseph WHITTLE of the same, merchant in £20, John WHITTLE of the same, merchant, in £20, bound over to the next assizes. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 4 |
16 Jan 1614/15 | Edmund DASHWOOD, Robert NAPP | Robert NAPP of Preston gent in £20; Edmund DASHWOOD of Dorchester mercer in £10; Robert NAPP of Dorchester habberdasher in £10; Bound over to appear at the next Sessions at Dorchester and to keep the peace towards George HOLYDAY 'Upon the oath of George HOLYDAY that hee threatened to kill him'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 5 |
3 March 1614/15 | Thomas DRINN, Thomas SPARROW, John SHORY, Mr HOGGARD | Examination of Thomas DRINN of Dorchester groome upon oath.:- 'That about Michaelmas last about ten of the clock at night hee being in the widow VINS backside whome hee served, ( I should perhaps hastily explain to those not familier with 17th century England that this simply means he was outside the back of Widow VINS house in the yard and he was employed as her servant) espied one sitting on a pall (this account is refers to the back yard being next to Dorchester Goal so this may be a shortened form for 'Palisade') that enclosed the Keepers Courte, and thinking it had ben some prisoner escaping was about to make an outcry for preventing thereof. But John SHORY being the person that there sate, desired him to forbeare making anie noyse, for that it was hee, and being demanded what hee made there said hee had fetcht a piece of leade out of Thomas SPARROW's Courte, and that hee brought it forth upon his head and was now fetching back the ladder which he had formerly let downe into the Courte with a rope, which ladder he had out of the widowe VYNE's backside. And the next day in the morning SHORY showed the piece of leade to this examinant which was a spowt which would conteyne above a quarte, and afterwards sould the same for 18d. as hee tould this examinant, and promised him 6d to conceal it, but hee never gave this examinant anie thing. And sayeth that the said SHORY one other tyme sithence to lodg in the Barne of John SPARROW who maried the said widow VYNE, and this examinant asking him what hee made there, sayd the hee had ben abroad late a drinking and could not tell where to lodg soe late being 10 or 12 a clock at night. And in the morning this examinant finding a great broad barr of Iron in his Mistresses Courte, unwroughte, was about to have carried it in, but John SHORY called out of the barne to him to let it alone sayeing it was his. And being demanded where hee had it sayed hee had it from HOGGARD the glasier. Also since that tyme hath often perswaded this examinant to enter with him into the backside of Thomas FOXWELL to see what they could find there, and hath solicitied him very often tymes to goe thither and to seeke other backsides, courtes and in the night tyme for linen and would also have this examinant to have gone with him to London in his Master's absence at Church to get a suite of apparell or some other comodity fitt for them. And says also that yf hee were at anie tyme apprehended with anie thing hee would accuse divers others in Dorchester.' Thomas DRINN of Dorchester yeoman bound over in £40 to the next assizes to give evidence in the above case. -Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Pages 5/6 [Note More information about the goal and Thomas SPARROW is given in the research document produced on the life of Thomas Devenish.] |
3 March 1614/15 | Thomas DRINN; John SHORY; Peter GAWLER; Robert GOODFELLOW | Examination of John SHORY' of Dorchester 'Sayeth that about Christmas last Thomas DRYN did sell unto Peter GAWLER a brass kettle which hee had stollen from Robert GOODFELLOW'. Thomas DRINS examined: 'Sayeth that it is true hee sould such a kettle unto GAWLER and brought the money to SHORY but hee sayeth that SHORY stall it from GOODGFELLOW out of the pownd and then brought it unto the backside of the widow VYNE where this examinant dwelt and that this examinant did see him bring it in. And afterward hee hid in the mixon where this examinant fownd it and sould it and brought the money to SHORY.' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 6 |
9 March 1614/15 | Robert BITGOOD | Examination of Matthew HULL gent. 'Who sayeth that on Monday last hee did indict and wright a letter in the name of his sister Margaret THORNEHULL unto Robert BITGOOD without her privitie wherby hee obteyned 40s from him. And confesseth that the letter now chewed unto him is the same which hee did wright. And the money hee hath spent.' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 6 |
9 March 1614/15 | Robert BITGOOD | Robert BITGOOD of Dorchester, butcher, in £20 Bound over to appear at the next Assizes to prosecute the case against Matthew HULL.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 6 |
9 March 1614/15 | John STANDISH; Thomas BLACHFORD | John STANDISH of Dorchester, butcher, in £10 Thomas BLACHFORD of the same, brewer, in £5 William BARNES of Fordington, husbandman, in £5 Bound over to appear at the next Quarter Sessions in Dorchester 'for harbouring idle persons in his house and other misdemeanors by him done'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
12 March 1614/15 | Owen JONES ; Hugh WILDMAN ; Angel & Thomas BARNES | Owen JONES of Dorchester, glazier, in £10 Hugh WILDMAN of the same, glazier, in £10 Bound over together with Angel BARNES son of Thomas BARNES of Dorchester, to the next Quarter Sessions at Dorchester 'for keeping company with Mr HULL, and having noe place of aboade, but wandering up and downe the cuntry like rouges'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 pages 6/7 |
16 March 1614/15 | Arthur HONIBORNE | Thomas WAKE of Weston in the county of Middlesex, wollen draper, in £40 William HOMINGS of East Morden, husbandman, in £20 Arthur HONIBORNE [HONEYBONE] of Dorchester, weaver, in £20 Bound over to appear at the next Assises on the condition that the aforesaid Thomas WAKE is of good behaviour. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 7 |
16 March 1614/15 | Arthur & Jane HONIBORNE | William Hemings of East Morden, husbandman, in £20 Arthur HONIBORNE of Dorchester, weaver, in £20 Bound over to appear at the next Sessions together with Jane HONIBORNE wife of the aforesaid Arthur, and meanwhile to keep the peace. 18 March 1614/15Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
7 April 1615 | John EDWARDS | Examination of John EDWARDS of Dorchester, sadler. 'Who sayeth that about half a yeare now past a woman of Yetminster who used to sett her horse at his howse, whose name hee knoweth not, did desire and procure this examinant to write two letters for her unto a freind of hers, but did not tell him to whom, which this examinant did accordingly write by her direction, which letters did beginn Dorothy or Doll and conteyned a request to send money and some other matters tending to love, and that hee subscribed noe name unto them but did as shee directed, not knowing from whome nor to whome they were sent, And sayeth that at the writing of one of them an other young woman was present which this examinant was sithence informed to bee the said Dorothe MASTERS. And sayeth that the letters now showen unto him at the time of his examinacon are his owne hand writing and the same which hee did write by ye procurement of the said Yetminster woman, and for the writing of the first hee had 2d, and for the last a pott of beere.' 7 April 1615 John EDWARDS of Dorchester, saddler, in £20 Bound over to appear at the next Sessions to give evidence against Joan BILLETT .Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Pages 7/8 |
31 May 1615 | John BAILEY; Henry LANGLEY; Henry WILLS | John BAILEY of Dorchester, shoomaker, in £10: Henry LANGLEY of the same, carpenter, in £5: Henry WILLS of the same, weaver, in £5 Bound over to appear at the Sessions on condition that the aforesaid John does not keep a common alehouse without a licence.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 9 |
2 June 1615 | Clemens BAILEY; John BAILEY; John COBB; Mr JOYKENEY | Clemens BAILEY of Dorchester shoomaker, in £40: John BAILEY of the same, shoomaker, in £20: John COBB of the same, blacksmith, in £20: Bound over to the next Sessions 'for abusing the constable of Dorchester Mr JOYKENEY' on condition that the Clemens Bailey son of John Baily is of good behaviour. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 9 |
28 July 1615 | John ROGERS: High HAGGARD | John ROGERS als BAKER of Dorchester is bound in the sum of £20: Hugh HAGGARD of the same is bound in the sum of £10. Bound to the next Sessions 'for suffering divers persons to be drunke on the sabboathe daye in his howse, and for tipling without a licence.' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 11 |
29 July 1615 | John ROGERS: High HAGGARD | 'Memorandum' That the 29th of July (1615) I committedto the Gaole John ROGERS als BAKER of Dorchester for that being bownd from typling by the bailiffes he continued it. And on the saboth daye 16 July he harbored dronkards and refused to put in suretyes for his good behaviour, being offered by his friends to stand bound.' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 11 |
7 Sep 1615 | TAYLOR | Examination of William MASTERS of Mawpowder [Mapowder] shepheard 'Hee sayeth that serveing Mr Coker on Sattorday last was fortnight, he missing 2 ewe sheep of his Masters and being informed by John Gawpin, Mr Coker's bayley, that they were in Mr Brewen's flock at Athelhampton, hee repaired to Owen Barber, Mr Brewen's shepheard, who delivered to this examinant two olde ewes which were the same hee mist, with a plott in the pole and a slip athwart the nose, which hee did drive to Luscombe and then staid all night at his father's at Puddle Trenthead, And in the morning tooke 2 other sheep of his owne out of his father's fold and did drive these and the 2 ewes and 5 other sheep unto Mawpo.der uppon the Sonday morning, 4 of which were Mr Coker's and one was his owne which were escaped thither from Mawpowder, which are all the sheep that hee did fetche from Puddle Trenthead or Athelhampton growndes. And being demanded why hee did creep under the bed in the Taylor's howse in Dorchester when Abbut came to apprehend him, hee sayeth it was because he owed John Abbott who doth now accuse him 30s and intended only to shunn the arrest. And being askt what busines he had to the Towne hee sayeth that hee came to the Taylor's howse where hee was now fownd with one John Gilbert, one other of Mr Coker's servants, who were both discharged of this service yesterday about two of the clock. And sayeth that hee intended to goe unto Cornewall for service but knoweth not whom hee should serve there, but sayeth that Mr Coker did write his letter to Mr Drake of Childhay to direct him to one in Cornewall, but being demanded why hee had not then gone the next way to Childhay with his letter, but came to Dorchester the quite contrary way, hee sayeth hee came hither with Gilbert to take order for the carriage of his cloathes. :- Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 14 [Note:- This Mr COKER is from Mapowder Dorset not the Coker family in Dorchester. Their pedigree is in the 1677 Visitation of Dorset from which it would appear to have been William COKER as he was Lord of the Manor until his death in 1656] |
6 Oct 1615 | Joseph PERKINS, Joseph DAVIES | Anthony BARNES of Fordington, yeoman in the sum of £40, Joseph PERKINS of Dorchester clothier in £20, Joseph DYVES of the same , clothier in £20 bound over to the next Sessions in Dorchester for 'Abusing the Constable and committing many foule outrages in contempt of justice', In the meantime to be of good behaviour. Source:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 16 |
7 Oct 1615 | John SPICER; Robert BRAKE | Thomas BARTLETT of Illsington yeoman in £20; John SPICER of Dorchester merchant in £10; Robert BRAKE of Dorchester gentleman in £10 bound over to appear at the next sessions and meantime to keep the peace and especially towards Gregory HOOPER. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 17 |
8 Oct 1615 | Thomas LACY; Richard LACY Mr GOULD | Thomas LACY of Dorchester, shoomaker in £40; Richard LACY of Dorchester shoomaker in £20; bound over to appear at the next sessions at Dorchester 'for being drunken and for abuseing Mr GOOLD [GOULD] hee being then baylife. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 17 |
23 Dec 1615 | Elizabeth (Besse) LOWES; Alice and Henry GARRETT; Thomas SPARROW | Examination of Alice Garrett, the wife of Henry Garrett of Dorchester, yeoman. 'Sayeth-that on Saturday the 23rd December 1615 Willmott Winterhay and Catherine Benet prisoners in the Keepers Ward did enforme this examinant when she came out of the markett with fish that it was not well with Besse. The Examinant asking why, they said they had seene signes about her which moved them to thynke shee had ben delivered of a childe that morning, and they they coming by the Little Buttery heard her grone, wherupon they retorned into the markett to enforme Thomas Sparrow and his wife of it, who were in markett, who willed her to retorne home to the prison .to examine the cawse. At her retorne the suspected servant called Besse Lowes mett this examinant at he dore, whom the examinant willed to come into the parlour that this examinant might speake with her, where this examinant charged her that she had that morning ben delivered of a child, but she forswore it and stiffly persisted in the deniall when this examinant charged her hard with it. Whereupon this examinant went againe into the markett and at her retorne againe home said 2 women willed this examinant to looke into the Little Buttery, which shee did and there sawe the child in the pann, but shee did meddle not with. But Sparrowes wife being come home with provision out of the markett, shee was going to lay the same into the Little Buttery as shee was wont, which Besse perceiving shee thrust her selfe in before and endeavoured to shift the pann wherein the child was putt, but doubting least her Mistress had discovered it shee fell on her knees craving her pardon and acknowledging shee had child which shee shewed her, affirming that it was borne dead, and desired her Mistress to keep her councell which her Mistress refused and cryed out and presently sent for `Haggard's wife, which speeches this examinant heard.'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 [Note More information about the goal and Thomas SPARROW is given in the research document produced on the life of Thomas Devenish.] |
23 Dec 1615 | Elizabeth (Besse) LOWES; Judeth SPARROW | Examination of Judeth Sparrow the wife of Thomas Sparrow, keeper of his Majesty's gaole for the county of Dorset. 'She sayeth that she being on Saturday last in the markett she sent home Garrets wife with things shich she had bought, who shortly returned to her and enformed her that the woman which were prisoners said that all was not well with Besse Lowes. Then the examinant sent her backe againe to see what she ayled. And afterwards Garret's wife met this examinant as she was coming out of the market and sayd she had examined Besse and charged her that she had ben delivered of a child but she denied it or that she was otherwise but well. But when this examinant came home she went to lay such meate as she had bought into the Little Buttery, but her servant Besse shifted into the dore before her and fell on her knees desiring this examinant to forgive her and to save her creditt. This examinant asking with a loud voyce what shee had done, she desired this examinant to speake softer, and then the said Besse confect that somwhat had skipt from her but was dead and poynted towards it wherat this examinant being frighted she went forth and lockt the dore and caused Garrets wife to view it, and this examinant then sawe it also and fownd the hands to bee shutt and clitched togither. And then they had her to bed though she were unwilling therunto. And then this examinant questioned her concerning the manner of her childbirth, and how the child came to bee dead, she said that the child was borne dead and that she was delivered standing and not sitting and that the child falling from her the navel string was severed from the second birth in the fall of the child, which after birth she confest she was delivered of in an other roome and hid it behind a powdering tubbe wher this examinant cawsed search to bee made and it was there fownd. And when she was demanded by this examinant who was the father of the child she said she would never confesse the father of it; though shee died for it.'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 19/20 |
27 Dec 1615 | Elizabeth (Besse) LOWES; John & Joan HAGGARD | Examination of Joan Haggard the wife of John Haggard of Dorchester, butcher. 'The examinant sayeth that about 12 of the clock on Saturday the 23rd of this moneth, the Keeper's wife sent for her to come to the Keeper's ward in hast, whether being come she told the examinant that there was an exployte done in the house, and then brought this examinant to a little low roome under a payre of stayres some 3 or 4 foote square where stood a little barrell of beere, and haveing opened the dore shee shewed this examinant a dead man child, 3 quarters of a yard long, newly borne, layd in a little pann which being too shorte for the child made it bowe double, wherwith this examinant doth suppose the neck was put out of joynt or that the child was throtled with the licor in the pann which was about a pynt, but whether it were soe layd into the pann and putt out of joint whiles it was lyving or after it was dead she knoweth not, but doth verely beleve that it was borne alive for that when she first sawe it both the hands were clitched and fast closed, whereas it is usuall when children are borne dead that their hands are streched streight out and their fingers spread abroad. Afterwards this examinant took the child and carried it up into the chamber to the mother of it, Besse the Keeper's servant, and shewed it her who said it was borne dead, but this examinant charged her that it was borne alyve and this examinant verely thinketh it was lyveing until the mother throtled the child with putting of it in the pann to streight for it. And about 3 o clock the same afternoone the child was buried.'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 20 |
29 Dec 1615 | Elizabeth (Besse) LOWES | Examination of Willmott Winterhay, late of Langdon in the parish of Beaminster, spinster. 'Sayeth that she having occasion to use a bowle went to borrow one of Besse Lowes in her Mistresses absence and perceiving her to bee in the Little Buttery this examinant called to her to lend her a bowle, but shee answered very shorte, whereupon this examinant finding that shee was not willing to be troubled went to fetch the bowle in the place where Besse did direct her, But being at top of the staires this examinant heard her grone, which made this examinant to desire her bedfellow Catherine Benett to goe downe to her to see what was the occasion of her groning. And then Catherine Benett went down unto her.'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 18 |
31 Dec 1615 | John MERRIFIELD | John MERRIFIELD of Dorchester, shoomaker, in £20 bound to appear at next Sessions at Dorchester ' for Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Pages 17/18 |
13 Jan 1615/16 | Elizabeth (Besse) LOWES; Joan & John HAGGARD | John HAGGARD senior bound in £20; that Joan HAGGARD his wife appear to give evidence against Elizabeth LOWE. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 20 |
13 Jan 1615/16 | Joseph PATY: Simon HASEABURY | Richard Chappell of Evershott, gent., in £40 Joseph Paty of Dorchester, clothier, in £20 Simon Haseabury of the same, clothier, in £20 Bound to appear at the next Sessions at Blandford and to be of good behaviour. - 20 -Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 20 [Note:- Biographical Notes from William WHITEWAY His diary 1618-1635 Page 181 Joseph PATY Clothier of Dorchester. Assistant to Governor of Freemen 1621-1622, 1625-26, 1629-30, 1632-33. Governor of Freemen 1623-24, 1631-32. Warden of Company of clothiers 1630-31. A leader of revolt against the Fifteen 1631. Captain of borough militia 1643. Called "uncle " by diarist. Both he and his wife were godparents to children of diarist. many entries below - Also Simon HASELBURY page 177 . Clothier of Dorchester. Another Simon probably his son admitted freemen 1621. Assistant governor of freemen 1624-25, 1627-28. Named on common council of freemen in 1629 Charter] |
5 Mar 1615/16 | Edward ROBINSON, John ERLEY, Robert BISHOP | Edward ROBINSON of Dorchester, brewer in £40: John ERLEY of Dorchester, Yeoman in £20: Robert BISHOP of Dorchester weaver in £20 Bound over to appear at the next Assizes.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 21 |
9 Mar 1615/16 | John & Radolphus PERRIN: John ALLAMBRIG | John PERRIN of Dorchester Clothworker in £20: Radolphus PERRIN of Dorchester yeoman in £10: John ALLAMBRIG of Dorchester clothier in £10 bound over to appear at the next sessions 'For misbehaving himself towards Mr Thomas TRENCHARD'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 22 [Note:- See FFH pages 44, 2020,204/5, 208 - regarding John ALLAMBRIDGE a capital Burgess and Mayor in 1642 during the start of the Civil War] |
14 Mar 1615/16 | John AYDEN, Robert MASON | Robert AYDEN of Dorchester gentkleman and Robert MASON of Dorchester gentleman each in £20 Bound over on condition that Thomasina PAULE wife of John PAULE of Whitechurch yeoman appear at the next sessions and meantime keep the peace especially towards Joan LUSH of the same. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
26 Mar 1616 | Leonard MILLER; John ARNOLD; Joseph PATY | Leonard MILLER of Dorchester, brewer in £40: John ARNOLD of Dorchester innholder in £20; Joseph PATY of Dorchester clothier in £20 bound over to appear at the next sessions held in Dorchester. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 23 |
01 Apr 1616 | John LONG; Edward ASH | John DICAS of Abbotsbury, clerk bound over to appear at the next Assizes by warrant of the Bishop of Bristol together with John LONG of Dorchester, barber by trade bound over in the sum of £20 and Edward ASH of Dorchester shomaker in the sum of £20. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 23 |
12 Apr 1616 | Henry GLOVER | William AMAN of Morden mason in £40; Henry GLOVER of Dorchester labourer in £20; Anthony TURNER of Poorestock labourer in £20 bound over to appear at the next assizes. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 23 |
12 Apr 1616 | William CLARKE; Joseph PARKINS | Richard CHAPPELL of Evershot gentleman in £40; William CLARKE of Dorchester vintner in £20; Joseph PARKINS of Dorchester clothier in £20 bound over to appear at the next sessions at Sherborne.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 23 |
13 July 1616 | Anthony NEW: John RICKSON: John SOODES | Anthony NEW of Dorchester hellier in £20; John RICKSON of Dorchester husbandman in £10; John SOODES of Dorchester husbandman in £10 bound over to the next sessions in the borough of Dorchester and to be of good behaviour. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 24 |
15 July 1616 | Edward ASH | Edward Browne of Rampisham, ropemaker, in £40 Edwerd Browne junior of the same, ropemaker, in £20 Edward Ash of Dorchester, shoemaker, in £20 Bound over to the next Assizes and to be of good behaviour.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 25 |
16 July 1616 | William EVELEY: Robert STONE: Roger POUNCY | William Eveley of Dorchester, cooper, in £40 Robert Stone of the same, glover, in £20 Roger Pounsey of the same, butcher, in £20. Bound over to the next Assizes to answer a charge of felony.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 25 |
16 July 1616 | John HUTCHINS | John Hutchins of Dorchester, labourer, in £40 Thomas Hutchins of Batcombe, hooper, in £20 John Vyne of the same, husbandman, in £20 Bound over to the next Assizes to answer a charge of felony.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 25 |
21 Sep 1616 | Nicholas PAWTIER: John ADEN | Nicholas Pawtier of Dorchester, merchant, in £20 John Aden of the same, gentleman, in £20 condition that Thomasina Paule wife of John Paule of Whitchurch appear at the next Sessions to give evidence against Joan Lush of the same.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 25 |
21 Sep 1616 | Richard BUSHROD of Dorchester | Executor under the will of Edward VYNE of Bloxworth Yeoman in Dorset dated 21st Sep 1616 top of page 39 transcription of PCC Wills. " --Mr Robert Wellsted Minister of Bloxworth and Richard BUSHROD of Dorchester haberdasher of hats, Executors, and to bring up daughter Hester (under 21)" |
23 Dec 1616 | Thomas SPARROW: Christian & Luke BARROW | Examination of John ASH of Fordington, labourer. 'Who sayeth that about 12 monthes sithence about 4 a clock before day he went unto the barne of Thomas SPARROW of Dorchester in Fordington through the great dore of the same barne, and did then and there take out of a heape of wheat that was then in the said barne about three pecks together with the dust the same being not winnowed, and putt the same into a bagg which he brought with him, and being demanded how he got the same out of the barne , he sayeth that he broke open the side dore, the same being lockt before. And sayeth that about a week after he went into the said barne againe and carried away about a peck of wheat is all the wheat that he stoll out of the same barne, but being demanded what oates he tooke out of the said barne, he sayeth that about the 18th day of November last past he broke open the said barne's dore againe and went into the same and tooke out about three bushells of oats together with dust the same being unwinnowed, and carried the same unto Christian BARROW the wife of Luke BARROW of Dorchester who gave him 18d for the same, and sayeth that it is all the Corne that ever he stoll from out of the said barne. [Note in margin : Dorchester Sessions 13th December] 'Source:- The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] |
23 Dec 1616 | Thomas SPARROW: Christian & Luke BARROW: Robert HOSKINS: Richard OULDLYE | Examinatuion of Christian BARROW the wife of Luke BARROW of Dorchester, labourer. 'Who sayeth that about the 28th day of November last past one John ASHE of Fordington about 4 of the clock in the morning repaired unto the examinant's house, she being then a bedd and brought with him a bagg of oates and entreated this examinant that she would lend him 18d upon the same oats telling her that he would bring her the money for them againe the next day, who therupon lent him 18d but denieth that she bought the same, and sayeth that she never received anie more or other corne of him but sayeth that she did not denie the recipt of the same oates when she was questioned by Thomas SPARROW concerning the same. Robert HOSKINS of Dorchester cutler, bound over in £20; Richard OULDLYE of the same, shoemaker bound over in the sum of £20. Condition that Christine BARROW wife of Luke BARROW of Dorchester appear at the next Sessions in the bourough of Dorchester. Source:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] |
29 Dec 1616 | Elizabeth (Besse) LOWES | Examination of Catherine Benett, the wife of William Benett of Corfe Castle, marriner. 'Sayeth that at Willmott Winterhayes motion shee went downe to the Little Buttery supposing shee should have found Besse Lowes there, but before shee came shee was departed and lockt the dare, and fownd her gone forth with a besome in her hand, but finding some marker where shee had gone, that it was unfitt for womanhood that shee should bee abroad, she askt her what was the occasion of such signes Besse answered that it was nothing and put her besome upon it. And afterwards this examinant enformed Garretts' wife thereof who by that-occasion examined her.' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 18 |
4 Jan 1616/17 | Elizabeth (Besse) LOWES | Examination of Elizabeth Lowes of Dorchester, single woman. 'She sayeth that she was delivered of a child on Saturday the 23rd of December last in the Little Buttery in the Keepers Ward and was delivered standing being in travayle not above a quarter of an hower, and did not call for healpe because she had not tyme, and was delivered also of the second birth in an other roome in shorte tyme after as she stood and was reaching for a candle to bring to her Mistress who was in the Little Buttery, and she not having power to healpe herself in her travail, the child fell to the ground and therewith was severed from the second birth. And sayeth the child was borne dead and as soone as shee could recover her self shee tooke it up and fownd it was dead, and then shee layd it into a little pane which stood under the tappe. And refuseth to discover who was the father of the child for that he is gone out of the cuntry, and will not otherwise confesse but obstinately persisteth in deniall. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 18 |
10 Jan 1616/17 | Henry GLOVER | Richard Ingram of Hasselborne Bryne, husbandman, in £40 Henry Glover of Dorchester, husbandman, in £20 Anna Snooke of Lydlynch, widow, in £20 Bound over to the next sessions and to be of good behaviour.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 27 |
10 Jan 1616/17 | Henry GLOVER | William Snooke of Holbrooke, husbandman, in £40 Henry Glover of Dorchester, husbandman, in £20 Anna Snooke of Lydlynch, widow, in £20 Bound over to the next Sessions & to be of good behaviour.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 27 |
13 Jan 1616/17 | John HAGERD | Thomas Michell of Abbotsburie, groome, in £20 John Tregney of the same, husbandman, in £10 John Hagerd, junior, of Dorchester, butcher, in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions in Blandford, and in the meantime to keep the peace towards John Moses of Abbotsburie, butcher.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 27 |
31 Mar 1617 | Robert GOODFELLOW | Paul GOODFELLOW of Fordington, weaver in the sum of £10, Robert GOODFELLOW of Dorchester, baker in the sum of £5 bound over on condition that the said Paul does not hereafter keep a common alehouse without a licence [Note in Margin 'Tipler supprest'.] Source:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 28 |
12 Apr 1617 | Nicholas WILLIAMS | Edward Powell of Teller Porcorum, labourer, in 100 marks Richard Cox of the same, thongcutter, in £40 Nicholas Williams of Dorchester, brewer, in £40 Bound over on condition that Margaret Powell wife of the aforesaid Edward Powell appear at the next Assizes to answer a charge of felony and murder brought against her. (Note in margin: 'Committed by the Coroner for suspicion of accessorye to the murder of her daughter's child. 1C Sir John Browne to joyne in this Recognisance.')Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 28 |
22 Apr 1617 | Nicholas WILLIAMS | Edmund DAVY of Toller Porcorum carpenter in £10; Nicholas WILLIAMS of Dorchester brewer in £5 bound over on condition the said Edmund does not in future sell ale without licence. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 30 |
17 Apr 1617 | Johnn SHORYE | 'Memorandum: that John Shorye of Dorchester was by me committed to gaole to be brought to the next Sessions upon complaint by the Constables of Fordington for being dronken there, and for assaulting and using violence to them when they offered to apprehend him for such offence on the sabath daye.'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 31 |
9 June 1617 | Robert NAPPER | Robert Napper of Dorchester, haberdasher, in £40 Bound to the next Assizes to present a bill of indictment and to give evidence against Richard Masters concerning felony. (Note in the margin: 'for receiving £10 of his Master's and was taken upon a Hue and Crye' William Miller of Holnest, potter, in £40 Bound to the next Assizes to give evidence against Richard Masters.'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 31 |
9 June 1617 | John HUTCHINS: Nicholas MAUNDERS; John CONDYT; Joseph WHITTLE | 'Memorandum: That John Hutchins of Dorchester was by me committed to the gaole for breaking up of Nicholas Maunders house, the shoemaker in his absence, and breaking up his chestes, but none can saie that he caned anything awaye for he was taken in the house before he could gett forth.' Nicholas Maunders of Dorchester, shoemaker, in £40 Bound over to give evidence in the above case. 'Witnesses: John Condyt Constable, and Joseph Whittle, servant, who found hym in the howse at 5 a clock in the morning; and Wheeler's wife at next dore, for she heard one breaking up of chestes'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 32 |
10 June 1617 | Richard MASTERS; George YEAT; John COLEFOXE | Richard Masters of Dorchester, haberdasher, in 100 marks George Yeat of Dorchester, clothier, in £40 John Colefoxe of Dorchester, welt maker, in £40 Bound to appear at the next Assizes. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 31 |
14 June 1617 | Joseph UNDERWOOD; Thomas READE | Peter Scutt of Affpudle, weaver, in £10 Joseph Underwood of Dorchester, merchant, in £5 Thomas Reade of the same, tailor, in £5 Bound over to the next Sessions.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 31 |
10 Sep 1617 | Michael FOUKE | Robert Evans of Woodsford, husbandman in £20; Michael FOUKE of Dorchester in £10 bound over to the next sessions at Blandford. (Note in margin: 'For unlawful gaming and cheating at the fayre at Woodberrie Hill'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 39 |
27 Sep 1617 | Roger HAYDON; Joseph PARKINS: John SPARROW | Roger HAYDEN of Dorchester chirugeon in £40; Joseph PARKINS of Dorchester Yeoman in £20; John SPARROW of Dorchester husbandman in £20 bound over to the next assizes (Note in Margin:- 'For words used against the State, that he did hope the papists should have a daye...' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 41 |
21 Dec 1617 | Thomas FORD; Christopher EDMUNDS; JENKINS | See 'Fordington People' File for this date: Mentioned in Examination of of John CENNICKE of Fordington. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
25 Dec 1617 | Richard HODGE | Examination of Richard Hodge of Dorchester, weaver. 'Confesseth that he was yesterday at Blandford whence he purposed to goe to London and to leave his countrey, and was gone beyond Blandford onwards in his journey, but towards the evening his minde soddainlie changed being loath to forsake his wife, but departed from his howse att Dorchester on Tewsday before and returning homewards he came the direct way, and denieth that he was att Mris Chettle's howse in St Marie Blandford, but came home to Dorchester about nine of the clocke at night. And sayeth that when he departed from his wife of Tewsday he told her that he would go to Mr John Morton and that night he lay att Blandford att an alehowse that hath noe signe nor he knoweth not the owners name, but it was att a howse in the right side of the street beyound the Lyon, and the next day he went as far as Tarrant Hinton towards London and then returned.' 'And being examined again 30th December 1617 Richard Hodge confesseth allso that he sold the clothes at Blandford which were lost in Dorchester, but he fownd them in the Bowling Alley by Dorchester, and then told`Mandit that he had' fownd a thing, and that if he would go inside with him to Blandford he would shew them him. And told Mandit's wife that her husband should goe with him to Blandford to serve a writtSource The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 44 |
27 Dec 1617 | William BOLT | Radius GREGORY of Sutton blacksmith in £20; William BOLT of Dorchester husbandmman in £5 bound over to the next sessions 'For keeping typling without licence, having therefore been supprest at Bridport Sessions'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 42 |
30 Dec 1617 | Richard MENDITT [MANDIT] ; Richard HODGE | Examination of Richard Mandit of Dorchester, dyer. 'Who sayeth that on Tuesday before Chrismas day last this examinant went to Blandford with Richard Hodge who desired this examinant to goe with him to serve a writt there, but being come hither they did not goe about the serving of anie writt,nore the said Hodge sheaved him either writt or warrant. And this examinant saith that he and Hodge staid all that day at an alehowse in Blandford a little above the Bell, and staid there all that night also, but Hodge bore all the charge; but saith that he being demanded therefore whear he came he sayd he came from London but yealdeth no reason why he dissembled the place from whence he came, but acknowledgeth that he told the mayd of the howse that they came from Dorchester and not from London. And saith that he came home to Dorchester that night about 9 of the clocke and came out of Blandford about 4 of the clocke when it was almost night. He sayeth also that he spent all the holy dayes, viz Thursday, Fryday and Saturday at Toller at Mr Samwayes'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Pages 44/5 |
30 Dec 1617 | Joane MILSON; Richard MENDITT [MANDIT] ; Richard HODGE | Joane Milson of Dorchester, singlewoman, bound over in £40 to give evidence against Hodge and Mandit. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 45 |
19 May 1618 | John GOULD; William JOLLIFFE; John HILL; Dionis BOND | ELECTED: John GOULD and William JOLLIFFE were Bailives of Dorchester; John HILL and Dionis BOND Constables Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 23 |
11 Sep 1618 | John BAKER | William PERROTT of Warmwell, mason and Richard PERROTT his son mason in £40; John BAKER of Dorchester, drawer, and John GLEADE of Warmwell husbandman in £20 bound over to next sessions by writt from the Sessions at Shaftsbury. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 52 |
28 Oct 1618 | William DERBYE | Will of Richard MITCHELL of Milbourne St Andrew : In Codicil 20th Oct 1620 Bequest to? William DERBYE of Dorchester - Source: Abstract of Wills PCC Somerset House Register Soame 1620 published by the New England Historical society Boston 1904 [Note:- Entry in Probates and sentences of Prerogative Court of Canterbury1620-1624 file on " MITCHELL, Richard, of Milbourne St Andrew, Dorset (gent) Will [117 Soame] pr Dec 2 1620 by Thomas STRANGEWAYS Esw,, George TURBERVILLE gent , John ROGERS Clerk and Wm DERBY Gent.] |
21 Dec 1618 | Richard HAYSON; John HOSKINS; Thomas SOUTHEY | Richard Hayson of Dorchester, barber, in £20 John Hoskins of the same, shoomaker, and Thomas Southey of the same, shoomaker, in £10. Bound over to the next Sessions 'for beinge drunke on the Sabboth daie, abusing the Constable and servants'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 55 |
21 Dec 1618 | Henry SIMONS; William DALBEY; William CASIER | Henry Simons of Dorchester, cooper, in £10 William Dalbey of the same, cooper and William Casier of the same mault-maker, in £5 Bound over to the next Sessions in Dorchester 'for beinge found tiplinge in the alehowse and. drawinge other youths thither'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 55 |
24 Dec 1618 | Henry WHITE: Thomas SOUTHEY | Thomasin Spicer of Clenton-Rew, widow, in £20 Henry White of Dorchester, shoomaker, in £10 Thomas Southey of the same, in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions for 'Tipling without licence, for keeping disorders in his howse and harbouring apprentices and others typling'.: Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 56 |
26 Dec 1618 | Richard RYALL; william TEUXBURY; Robert HELLARD | Richard Ryall of Dorchester, glover, in £20 William Teuxbury of the same, husbandman, and Robert Hellard of the same, carpenter, in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions in Dorchester 'for striking the Constable of Fordington in Dorchester and offering to escapeSource The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 56 |
26 Dec 1618 | William CLARKE; Robert GILLET | William Clarke of Dorchester, husbandman, in £10 Robert Gillet of the same, glover, in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions in Dorchester 'for striking the Constable of Fordington in Dorchester and offering to rescue Ryall'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 56 |
29 Dec 1618 | Sinus PITRINE; Yhomas DOWRAGE; Nathaniel READ | Sinis Pitrine of Dorchester, shoomaker, in £10 Thomas Dowrage of Dorchester, hellier, in £5 Nathaniel Read of the same, husbandman, in £5 Bound over to the next Sessions 'for keeping of disorders in the howse - being drunk there on the Saboth day and having no licence to tipple'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 55 |
4 Jan 1618/19 | Thomas BLACKFORD [BLACHFORD?] | Roger Haydon of Fordington, Chirurgion, in £20 Thomas Blackford of Dorchester, merchant in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions 'for tiplinge without licence and enterteyning nieghboure of Fordington and Dorchester'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 56 |
16 Jan 1618/19 | Davy GROURE | George Geare of Charminster, husbandman, in £10 Davy Groure of Dorchester, carpenter, and Richard Dunstone of Fordington, husbandman, in £5 Bound over 'for keeping of Articles'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 57 |
16 Jan 1618/19 | Thomasine SPICER | Thomasin Spicer of Dorchester, widow, in £10 Robert Bishopp of Fordington and John Rascar of the same husbandman, in £5. Bound over. 'Tipler supprest'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 57 |
17 Jan 1618/19 | Sinio PITVIN; Edward DOWLE | Sinio Pitvin of Dorchester, shoomaker, in £20 Edward Dowle of the same, pavier, and Hugh Ludlow of Puddlehinton, husbandman, in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions. 'Tipler Supprest'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 57 |
17 Jan 1618/19 | John CRIMES; William CRIMES; Stephen FARY; Mr CHUBB | John Crimes of Dorchester, mariner, in £40 William Crimes of the same, husbandman and Stephen Fary of the same, baker, in £20 Bound over to the next Sessions at Dorchester 'for coming into Mr Chub's barn by night and are suspected that they tooke things out of the barn'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 57 |
18 Jan 1618/19 | Robert & William CRINNELL; Stephen FARY | Robert Crinnell of Dorchester, Groome, in £10 William Crinnell of the same, husbandman, and Stephen Fary of the same, baker, in £20 Bound over to the next Sessions in Dorchester. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 58 |
26 Mar 1619 | Anias CHAPPELL; Anthony DIGGETT | Nicholas Hopkins of Radipoll, miller, in £40 Arias Chappell of Dorchester, miller and Anthony Diggett of the same, miller, in E20 Bound over to the next Sessions in Dorchester and to be of good behaviour.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 58 |
29 Mar 1619 | Thomas SPARROW: Thomas DEVENISH; [Note Keeper and underkeeper of Dorchester Goal] | Examination of Austen Ricards upon oath. 'Who sayeth that on the Saturday before the prisoners were turned over to Thomas Devenish, the prisoners having broken up some of the Irons and planks neere the window grate on Sunday this examinant enformed Thomas Sparrow and his under-keeper thereof, wheruppon Sparrow sayd to this examinant "I would there were as cunning fellowes here as there have ben, Hold thy tongue, foole, thow mayst helpe theyselfe and other good fellowes to, yf thow hast anie with in thy head". And did advise them that they should escape the Monday night being the first night that Devenish tooke the charge of the goale. And the prisoners in the ward sayd that they would be joviall that night and then yf they were dronke they should be putt downe. And that then a company of mad fellowes would run downe and make the gaole smoke, if this examinant would make the gaole weake in any place. And father sayth that Henry Garrett being then in prison promisid this examinant to procure him favor with the new keeper, and that he would get liberty for him to come up and downe betweene the gaole and the warde under his custody, and then this examinant might escape and when this examinant should runne away, Garrett would make as yf he rann after him, and then they would runne away together'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Pages 58/59 See research document for Thomas DEVENISH |
4 Apr 1619 | John BAILY; Clement BAILY; Henry WILLS alias MORLEY | John Baily of Dorchester, shoomaker, in £10 Clement Baily of the same, shoomaker, and Henry Wills als Morley of the same, weaver, in £5 Bound over to observe certain unspecified articles. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 59 |
9 Apr 1619 | Robert BEAKE; William BUCKLER | William Hulet of Leigh in £10 Robert Beake of Dorchester, gent., and William Bucklar of the same, gent., in £20 Bound over to the next Sessions at Shaftesbury.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 59 |
24 May 1619 | Richard BLACHFORD | Roger Heydon of Fordington, churirgion, in £10 Richard Blatchford of Dorchester, in £20 Bound over to the next Assizes 'for severall misdemeanors done by his tipling'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 59 |
6 Sep 1619 | Robert FOOTE: John TROTTLE: John LODER | Robert FOOTE of Dorchester parchment maker in 100 marks; John KEEPINGE of Sherborne husbandman, John TROTTLE of Dorchester taylor and John LODER of the same parchment maker each in £40 bound over to the next assizes 'for stabbing of John WINDSOR of Fordington whereby he was in perill of death'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 60 |
24 Sep 1619 | Mordecai, Richard & Alvis BULL | Morecai BULL of Dorchester shoomaker, in £40; Richard BULL of the same shoomaker in £20; Alvis BULL of the same shoomaker in £20 bound over to teh next sessions in Dorchester. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 60 |
01 Oct 1619 | John PARKINS; William HORSFORD; Dionis BOND; John COOKE; Matthew BUTTLER | ELECTED: Mr John PARKINS was chosen to his third Bailliwicke. Mr William HORSFORD his partner to his second. Dionis BOND Constable with Mr John COOKE and Matthew BUTTLER Shoomaker, being the first yeare we had three constables Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 27 [Note:- John PARKINS became the father in law of William WHITEWAY the diarist when he married his daughter Elenor see 14 June 1620 below] |
01 Oct 1619 | James WHITEWAY | BIRTH: Being Tuesday about 10 of the clocke at night. I had a brother borne, was baptised by the name of James, and named so by John HILL and Mr Richard SAVAGE and my Aunt PITT of Bridport. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 27 |
20 Dec 1619 | Hugh SCRIVEN; William SMYTH | Ann WALLIS of Pilsdon, sinlelwoman in £40; Hugh SCRIVEN of Dorchester doctor of medicine and William SMYTH of the sanme farryer in £20 bound over to the next sessions. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 61 |
26 Feb 1620 | James WHITEWAY | DEATH: My little brother James deceased being not yet half a year old. The beginning ofthis yeare was very sickly for all sorts of persons especially of young children. Whereof there have died since the first of January a great number. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 28 |
21 Feb 1619/20 | Dorchester Hospital | BEQUEST: Will of Phillippe Churchill of Muckelforde Dorset in his will dated 21 Feb 1619/20 left a bequest :- Item I doe give unto the free schoolhouse of Dorchester xx (probably £20 but denomination not clear - most School House of Dorchester. Source:- Abstract of Wills PCC Somerset House Register Soame 1620 published by the New England Historical society Boston 1904 Page 129 |
19 Mar 1619/20 | John WRICKSON | Richard EVENS of Newington in Surrey silk weaver in £20; Thomas PULSAM of London Gentleman and John WRICKSON of Dorchester hellier in £10 bound over to the next assizes. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 61 |
21 Apr 1620 | John RASCAR | Robert RASCAR of Fordington, husbandman in £10, William LAWRENCE of Fordington in £10, and John RASCAR of Dorchester, husbandman in £5 'Tippler Supprest' Source:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
6 April 1620 | William WHITEWAY & Elenor PARKINS | BETROTHAL: Was concluded the marriage betwixt me William WHITEWAY and Elenor PARKINS my best beloved, which I pray to God to blesse and prosper [Note Elenor was the daughter of John PARKINS (1571-1640) Merchant of Dorchester Burgess and Bailiff by 1610. MP 1621 etc] |
4 May 1620 | William WHITEWAY & Elenor PARKINS | BETROTHAL: The said William WHITEWAY and Elenor PARKINS were betrothed in my father PARKINS his hall about 9 of the clocke at night bt Mr John WHITE in the presence of our parents, unkle John GOULD and Mr DARBY and their wives, my cossen Joan GOULD widow, and my sister Margaret PARKINS etc. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 29 |
6 June 1620 | William CURTEISSE [CURTIS] | John KEETE of Rodden husbandman, and William CURTEISSE of Dorchesterc weaver, Alice FEVER wife of John FEVER of Wieke Regis husbandman in £10 bound over 'for hurting and beating of Ann PEECK the wife of John PEECK and other of her neighbours, which have ben very sicke after it'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 62 |
10 June 1620 | John LOCKE | Robert HOOPER of Broadway blacksmith in £10 William HOPKINS of Melcombe Regis miller and John LOCKE of Dorchester clotheir in £5 'a Typler supprest by Sir John BROWNE and my selfe .. he hath forfeited by selling small measure'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 63 |
14 Jun 1620 | William WHITEWAY & Elenor PARKINS | MARRIAGE: I William WHITEWAY was married to Elenor PARKINS by Mr John WHITE in the Church of Holy Trinity in Dorchester in the presence of the greatest part of the Towne, which marriage I pray god to blesse, that it may turne to his glory, nd our good, and the comfort of all friends Amen. The wedding ring had this Posy: "Conjugii firmi et casti sum pignus amoris [I am the pledge of a steadfast marriage and of chaste love].Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 29 |
27 Sep 1620 | Thomas GILLETT | Examination of Thomas Gillet of Dorchester, shoomaker. Stated that he had lodged at Woodbury Hill in Thomas Sowthye's bower, 'upon hydes of tanned leather that were in the Bower, and there slept till day' and in the morning his purse was gone and the strings had been cut, he suspected Alice Balston who had slept in the same room. He charged her with the theft and she was searched by some of the women who were present, who found 13s 3d in her shoe. He denied 'that he had anie carnall knowledge with her or that he ever attempted it'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 64 |
27 Sep 1620 | Thomas GILLETT | Examination of Richard Ash of Fordington, shoomaker. Agreed with Thomas Gillett and had also lost his money. He suspected Alice Balston and likewise denied any sexual intercourse. Alice Balston committed to gaol Thomas Gillett and Richard Ash bound over in £40 to give evidence against Alice Balston at the next Assizes. Thomas Sowthey and Constance his wife also bound over in £40 to give evidence.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 64 |
29 Sep 1620 | William WHITEWAY, Edmond DASHWOOD, John COOKE, John BLACHFORD, Christopher WAY; | ELECTED: There were chosen Burgesses of Dorchester Bailiffs for this yeare Mr William WHITEWAY 3; Mr Edmond DASHWOOD 2; Constables Mr John COOKE; Mr John BLACHFORD; Christopher WAY; Sheriffe of Dorset Sir Nathaniel NAPPER, Knight; Undersherrife Mr NEWMAN of Fiford Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 30 |
30 Sep 1620 | John SPITER | John SPITER of Dorchester Merchant, and William COLLINS of Fordington, yeoman each in £10 bound over, 'charged by Jone SEAMAN with beating and defaming her by scandalous reports' Agnes MATTHEW wife of John MATTHEW of Ower, weaver bound over to the next Sessions and to be of good behaviour towards Jpoan SEAMANSource:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
12 Dec 1620 | Sir Francis ASHLEY, Mr John PARKINS | ELECTED: There were chosen here the knights of the Parlement for Dorsett. Sir John STANGEWAIES, and Sir Thomas TRENCHARD, For Dorchester were chosen Burgesses Sir Francis ASHLEY, Sergeant at Law and Mr John PARKINS.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 32 [Note:- John PARKINS was the father-in-law of William Whiteway] |
6 Jan 1620/21 | Alice BALSTON | Examination of Alice Balston 'Who sayth that the same day that she was delivered out of prison the last Assizes, Long Robin commonly soe called but his name is Robert Braine who was then delivered allsoe out of gaole sent for her to the widow Peal's howse in Dorchester, and binge come thither he begged drinke of her which she sent for, and when they had drunke itt, they mett by appointment at Wolvington's howse at Frome, wher he had knolledge of her body in the Turf howse, and that the child wherewith she now goeth was then begotten, and that noe other person had knolledge of her body' She also stated that she had been advised by the widow Sarer a prisoner and the midwife in gaole to name her former master Alered Paty as the father, but that this accusation was false.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 66 |
6 Jan 1620/21 | Christopher WAY; Clement BARLEY [BAILEY] | Examination of Christopher Way of Dorchester, hosyer. Stated that at Wells fair Clement Barley had come to his chamber at the George, and that afterwards he had missed a pair of stockings. He also stated that they were the same stockings that Bailey was then wearing. Christopher Way bound over in £40 to give evidence against Clement Bayley, shoemaker of Dorchester.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 66 [Note:- Christopher WAY was not only made stockings but was constable of Dorchester - See entry 15 Jan 1620/21 - Lived in All Saints Parish where he regularly served as churchwarden and he had a son Robert Way - mentioned on pages 80, 85, 122 & 138 of 'Fire from Heaven' by David Underdown] |
15 Jan 1620/21 | Christopher WAY; Clement BAILEY; Henry WHITE; Charles AUSTINE | Clement BAILEY of Dorchester, shoomaker in £40; Henry WHITE of Dorchester shoomaker; and Charles AUSTINE of Dorchester Collar maker in £20 bound over to the Assizes 'for stealing a paire of stockings from Christopher WAY. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
13 Feb 1621 | Sir Francis ASHLEY, | RESIGNED: Sir Francis ASHLEY who had beene chosen Burgesse of Parliament for Dorchester, resigned over his place unto Sir Thomas EDMONDS knight of his Majesties privy Counsell and Steward of his Magesties house, who had laine Embassador at the French Court many years. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 33 |
09 Mar 1621 | Sir Francis ASHLEY, | ELECTED: Sir Francis ASHLEY who had beene first chosen Burges for the Parliament was again chosen, Sir Thomas EDMONDES being before chosen for another place. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page |
01 Jun 1621 | John CHURCHILL | DEATH: Memorandum. Mr John CHURCHILL Esquire died the 1st June and was buried the 7th in St Peters in Dorchester aged about 50 years or upwards. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 37 [Note:- Also See page 174 :- John CHURCHILL (c1570-1621) Clothier of Stinsford, son of William CHURCHILL of Dorchester. Member of a wealthy family long associated with Dorchester. benefactor of the town. survived by his wife Elinor (died 1641)and son William. Could not locate a will? at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
11 Jun 1621 | Mary WHITEWAY | BIRTH: the 11th hereof my wife was delivered of a mayde childe anout half an houre after eleven a clocke at night. She was baptised the 17th thereof and called Mary by my unkle Mr John GOULD Senior, my owne mother and my mother in law Mrs Rachel PARKINS. God blesse her. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 37 [Note:- Rachel PARKINS (Nee Chappell of exeter) was second wife of John PARKINS (1571-1640) His daughter Mary died 5 June 1625] |
16 Aug 1621 | William HORSFORD | DEATH: 16th hereof died Mr William HORSFORD one of the Aldermen of this towne and in his roome was chosen Mr Barnard TOOPE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 39 [Note:- See Will of William Horsforde, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset proved 25 Jan 1623 Prob 11/141] |
29 Aug 1621 | Richard BAKER | DEATH: on 29th of the same , died Mr Richard BAKER, alderman, and in his place was chosen Mr Dionis BOND to make up the numberSource William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 39 [Note:- See also page 172 Richard Barker Shoemaker of Dorchester. Burgess in 1593. Capital Burgess at death. Also see Will of Richard Barker, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset proved 6 Nov 1621] |
02 Oct 1621 | Richard BLACHFORD, Richard BUSHROD, John HILL, John BLACHFORD, Christopher WAY | ELECTED: October 2nd were chosen Bailiffs for Dorchester Mr Richard BLACHFORD, Mr Richard BUSHROD 2 ; Govenor Mr. John HILL; Constables John BLACHFORD, Christopher WAY, John LONG; Sheriffe of Dorset Sir Edward LAWRENCE Knight, ;Undersheriffe Mr Richard MAY Gentleman. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 39 [Note:- Regarding Sir Edward Lawrence Knight See Visitation of Dorset 1677 Page 39 and parish of Steeple] |
3 Oct 1621 | Giles GARRETT; Matthew YORK | Giles GARRETT of Dorchester weaver, in £20; Matthew YORK of Dorchester weaver in £20 bound over to the sessions at Dorchester 'for beating of Thomas EDWARDES. Committed at Bemster [Beaminster] to the house of correction'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 69 |
20 Dec 1621 | John YEATE | DEATH: The 20th hereof died Mr John YEAYE, one of the Aldermen of this Towne, very old, in whose roome was chosen Mr. John HILL Ironmonger. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 42 [ Note:- See also page 184:- John YEATE Clothier of Dorchester capital Burgess 1610- could not trace a will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
26 Dec 1621 | John LILLINGTON | John BOLES of Wimborne Minster shoomaker in £40; John LILLINGTON of Dorchester glover in £20; William BOLES of Beare dyer in £20 bound over to the sessions at Blandford 'for accessorye to a petti-larceny committed by Mr SWAYNE'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 69 |
12 June 1622 | William BRAY; Richard BERRY | Giles COLLIER of Knighton Marriner in £40; William BRAY of Dorchester clark in £20; Richard BERRY of Dorchester groceriman in £20 bound over to the next sessions 'for beating of Augustine MINTERNE and for killing coneys upon the common'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 71 |
27 Jun 1622 | Captain GOULD, Thomas PELHAM, William WHITEWAY | ELECTED: Captayne GOULD left his band of men and Mr Thomas PELHAM undertook it. He chose William WHITEWAY the younger his lieutenant. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 46 |
15 Jul 1622 | Joane HORSFORD | MARRIAGE: The 15th hereof in the morning Thomas WALTHAM caried away Joane HORSFORD and maried her at Lidlinch. And Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 46 [Note;- The Lyndlinch Dorset marriage register has the entry 'Thomas WALTHAM of Weymouth & Melcombe Regis & Jone HORSEFORD married 15-Jul 1622'.] |
17 Jul 1622 | Mr Dennis BOND & Luce FLEA nee LAWRENCE | MARRIAGE: And the 17th hereof, in the morning at 7 of the clocke Mr Denis BOND maried Mrs Luce FLEA, widow of Mr FLEA Minister, daughter to William LAWRENCE of Steepleton Gentleman. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 46 [Note;- not in Holy Trinity or Fordington] |
30 Sep 1622 | Various | ELECTED: were chosen for Baillives of Dorchester for this yeare Mr John GOULD M[erchant] Mr Bernard TOOPE primus Constables John LONG Bookseller, Richard SAVAGE Draper, Robert LAWRENCE Shoomaker; Sheriffe Mr John HARBIN of Newton; Undersherrife Mr John HARBIN his eldest son: Governor of the Company of Freemen Mr John BLACHFORD; Assistants to him Robert COKER, James GOULD, Thomas WHITTELL, William WHITEWAY Junior: Joseph WHITTLE was put from his office of Sergeant and Thomas DEVENISH placed in his roome; Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 48 |
24 Oct 1622 | Mrs Margaret PARKINS | BETROTHAL: 24th hereof Mr Robert WALKER was solemnely betrothed to my sister in law Mrs Margaret PARKINS. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 48 [Note:- Margaret PARKINS ( 1602-1627) was the daughter of John PARKINS (1571-1640) by his 1st wife Wilmot (1583-1617) Her death from consumption is recorded below 23 Dec 1629] |
06 Dec 1622 | William WHITEWAY | BIRTH: 6th December This day a quarter of an howre after nine in the morning was borne my eldest son and baptised two daies after by the name of William, astantibus my father, my father in law, and Mrs Joan GOULD the widow. I pray god to blesse him. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 49 |
13 Dec 1622 | Oliver HAINE [or HAYNE] | DEATH: The 13th hereof died Mr Oliver HAINE Alderman in whose place succeeded Mr John BLACHFORD, sworne 3rd January at sessions.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 49 [Note:- See Will of Oliver Hayne, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset proved 4 February 1623 and his pedigree in the Visitation of Dorset 1623 Page 54] |
14 Jan 1622/23 | Henry GARRITT | John SERGEANT of Wimborne Minster husbandman in £10 ; Robert HAIGHT of WOOLL yeoman and Henry GARRITT of Dorchester Gentleman each in £5 bound over to the next sessions.. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 71 |
20 Jan 1622/23 | Robert Walker, Mrs Margaret PARKINS | MARRIAGE: 20 January 1622/23 This day Mr Robert WALKER was by Mr WHITE maried to my sister in law Mrs Margaret PARKINS: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page50 [Note marriage took place at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester ] |
30 Jan 1622/23 | John ADIN, William SHEPHERD, Edmond BENVENUE, Jasper ARNOLD. | FIRE: This day about one a clocke in the afternoon this towne tooke on fire in the house of Mr John ADIN in the higher parish, burnt 27 houses in that parish thereabouts, to the value of £3,500 sterling. One man was burnt in William SHEPHERDS House, to wit Edmond BENVENUE, who running home all blacke and deformed by the fire, and being followed by some friends, they laboured to stay him to have him drest, was met by Mr COKER' s man Jasper ARNOLD He thinking him to be some felon, had a pole in his hand, and beat him with it greivously, and strooke him downe. He died within two daies. The Kings Majestie granted for it a collection over all England.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 50 [Note Edmond Benvenue a hellyer by trade left a will proved 3rd April 1623] |
18 & 20 Feb 1622/3 | Richard BUSHROD | PATENTEE: Minute of the Council for New England. Licence granted to Richard BUSHRODE and his associates, for setting forth a ship for discovery and other employments in New England. No ship to transport men or goods to the plantation without a licence. He is admitted a patentee. [Calendar of State Papers Colonial America and West Indies - Colonial Correspondence 1622, May 31 pp 35-36 Source British History on line] |
1623 | John HAYWARD | Listed as John HAYWARD of Dorchester husband of Margerie FRAMPTON see page 22 of Addanda to 1623 Visitation [Note separate index for addenda] |
27 Mar 1623 | Amias CHAPPLE: Henry GARRETT | Allein BURROWES of Horton weaver in £40; Amias CHAPPLE of Dorchester miller and Henry GARRETT of Dorchester gentlemen each in £20 bound over to the next sessions. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 72 |
31 Mar 1623 | John CHIMNEY | Richard HARRIS of Froome Quinton husbandman in £40; Peter HULETT of Wimborne Minster and John CHIMNEY of Dorchester glover each in £20 bound over to the next sessions and to be of good behaviour. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 72 |
17 May 1623 | John PARKINS | Received of Mr John PARKINS my father in law twelve poundes ten shillings in full of a legacy due to my wife, given by her grandmother CHAPPELLE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 51 |
30 May 1623 | Mrs John GOULD | DEATH: The 30th May about 7 a clocke in the morning died Mrs GOULD my Aunt, wife of Mr John GOULD Bailiffe, aged about 72 yeares and was buried the 4th June. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 52 [Wife of John GOULD (1558-1630) Merchant of Upwey and Dorchester brother of Edward and great uncle of diarist - No trace of will at National or Wiltyshire Archives] |
2 June 1623 | Phillip NICHOLLS; Gilbert LEADER, Joseph PERKINS; Giles GASH | Phillip NICHOLLS of Dorchester tailor in £40; William HULL of Corfe Hill gentleman; Gilbert LEADER of Dorchester gentleman, Joseph PERKIONS of Dorchester clothier, and Giles GASH of Dorchester yeoman each in £10 bound over 'by warrant from the sherriff uppon a supplication out of Chancery'. Note in Margin 'Discharged 27 Dec 1623'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 74 |
6 June 1623 | Amias CHAPPLE; Robert HOSKINS | Edward COLLIER of Knighton warrener in £40; Amias CHAPPLE of Dorchester miller, and Robert HOSKINS of Dorchester cutler each in £20 bound over to the sessions at Beaminster 'for beating and hurtinge Thomas MOTYER, Anthony SPRATT and Walter SWIRE. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 74 |
21 Aug 1623 | Mr Tobiah [or Toby] SANFORD | DEATH: the 21st of this moneth about noone died Mr Tobiah SANFORD [SANDFORD] Physition [Physician] of this towne, and was buried the next day, a man of vey excellent skill in the English and Latin tongues. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 53 [Note:- See Will at National Archives of Toby Sandford, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset probate granted 1st Nov 1623 Prob 11/142] |
9 Sep 1623 | Roger POUNCEY | Examination of Magdalen HODGES the wife of Richard HODGES of Warham carpenter --- ref to them being kinsmen of Roger PONCEY of Dorchester butcher and his wife. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 76 |
22 Sep 1623 | John COOKE | John COOKE of Dorchester mercer in £20 bound over to give evidence against John SELLMAN and Joane his wife. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
27 Sep 1623 | John SAMWAYS | Hugh JACOB of Punknoll carpenter and Robert HANSFORD of the same carpenter and John SAMWAYS of Dorchester mason each in £5 'Tiplers licenced'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 78 |
06 Oct 1623 | Various | ELECTED: This day were chosen for Dorchester Bailiffes William JOLLIFFE 2, Mr Dionis BOND 1. Constables Richard SAVAGE Draper, Morgam HAYNE, Mercer, Edward DASHWOOD Clothier, Govenor Joseph PATY Clothier; Assistants John LONG, Matthew BUTLER, John CONDIT, Joseph UNDERWOOD, Sheriffe of Dorset Mr Arthur RADFORD prickt by the prince; Under sheriffe John CHAMPNEYS 2d. :Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 54 [Note See also page 174 Matthew BUTLER Shoemaker of Dorchester Assistant to the Governor of Freemen 1623-25, 1629-31. Constable 1627-28.] |
05 Oct 1623 | Mr CHEEKE [ie Rev Robert CHEEKE] | Dr Wright our new Bishop kept his visitation here this yeare in September. Mr CHEEKE acted two comedies at the sheere hall for his coming, by his scholars: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 55 |
15 Nov 1623 | Squire WILLIAMS | This day about 10 a clocke at night Squire WILLIAMS stabd the Tapster of the George to the heart and killed him. Whereupon he fled into Holland and from thence to France, where he lived at Caen. Some 8 months after he returned, having a pardon for £1,500 : Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 55 |
26 Dec 1623 | John SPICER, | DEATH: The 26th hereof died Mr John SPICER Alderman, having beene many yeares in decay of his understanding. In his roome was chosen in the next Sessions Mr James GOULD, Merchant, at the age of 30: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 56 [Note:- See page 182 John SPICER (d1632) MP for Dorchester 1603-11. Burgess 1610. See page 177 James GOULD (1593-1676) Clothier of Dorchester second son of John GOULD. Godfather to the diarist's son in 1628. His wife Margery was godmother to his second daughter 1624- could not trace a will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
26 Jan 1623/24 | Mr William WHITEWAY Senior , Mr Richard BUSHROD | ELECTED: The 26th January were chosen Burgessess for Dorchester Mr William WHITEWAY senior & Mr Richard BUSHROD. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 57 |
08 Mar 1623/24 | Sir Arthur SMITHEYES | Sir Arthur SMITHEYES came to this towne to dwell, with his houshold. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 60 |
27 Mar 1624 | Lady Magdelene NAPPER | DEATH: This day was buryed the Lady Magdelene NAPPER, who died 4 daies before, widdow to Sir Robert NAPPER knight. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 60 [Note:- See Will of Lady Magdalen Napper, Widow of Middlemarsh Hall, Dorset proved 5 June 1624 Prob 11/143 & Will of Sir Robert Napper of Middlemarshe Hall, Dorset proved 15 Nov 1615 Prob 11/126 Under this will Nappers Mite Alms Houses in Dorchester in South Street were established for the accommondation of ten poor men. He endowed them with property elsewhere. It was one of many charitable foundations established soon after the fire of 1613] |
31 Mar 1624 | Various | NEW ENGLAND COMMITTEE: 31st dicto were the Comittes chosen for the new England busynesse at the free schole. Sir Walter ERLE Governor, Mr HUMPREYS Esq Treasurer: Sir Richard STRODE; Sir Arthur SMITHEYS; Mr John BROWNE; Doctor BEADISH; Mr John KEATE; Mr Guiles GREEN; Mr Edward CLARKE; Mr. John HILL; Mr William DERBY; Mr James GOULD; William WHITEWAY Junior; Mr Henry MANIFOLD: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 61 |
31 Mar 1624 | Henry BASCOMBE; Nicholas JEFFREY | John PAGE of Fordington, weaver in £20, Henry BASCOMBE of Dorchester, fuller and Nicholas JEFFREY of the same taylor in £10 bound over to the next Sessions 'Accused by Robert BUNN of Fordington of stealing three hams from him'. Robert BUNN of Fordington, husbandman in £20 bound over to the next Sessions to give evidence against John PAGE. Source:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
2 Apr 1624 | Daniel HAUX; Thomas COSSENS; John BURGES | Daniel HAUX of Dorchester needle maker in £20; Thomas COSSENS of Dorchester, and John BURGES of Dorchester needlemakers in £10 bound over to the next sessions at Dorchester. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 80 |
28 Apr 1624 | James GOULD | MARRIAGE: The 28th of April this yeare Cousin James GOULD was married to his wife at Bloxworth and the next day brought her home. There is a dowry of five hundred pounds. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 62 [Note there is an IGI extracted marriage record for Bloxworth Dorset for 28th April 1624 when James Gould married Margery SAVAGE] |
11 Jul 1624 | Margaret WHITEWAY | BIRTH: The 11th hereof about half an houre after 6 a clocke in the eveningbeing Sunday, my 2[nd] daughter was borne and baptised by Mr CLARKE the 18th dicto being Sunday. The godfather was Mr Joseph PATY my unkle. Godmothers Mrs Margaret WALKER my sister, and my Cousin Mrs Margery GOULD, by whom she was called Margaret. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 64 |
23 Sep 1624 | Thomas BALLS; William WILLS; John GREEN | Thomas BALLS of Dorchester butcher in £20; William WILLS of Dorchester tailor and John GREEN of Dorchester tailor in £5 bound over to the next session in Dorchester 'for fighting with henry SYMONDS'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 82 |
25 Sep 1624 | John WARD | APPRENTICE: John WARD was bound Apprentice unto my father and myself for 9 years from this day. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 64 [Note not listed in the Municipal Records for Dorchester as a Freemans Apprentice] |
25 Sep 1624 | Peter GAILARD | Examination of Peter Gailard of Dorchester. 'Who sayeth that he bein, Hill saw the above named beinge busyed with other his ware, he was told by Elizabeth had taken up a whittle and was gon with F-e in his standinge in Woodbury Elizabeth Gutteridge come in, and company that were there buyinge some that stood by that the said pewter dish and put it under her it'. She was taken and searched, and the dish was found under her whittle. She tried to run away but being held, she then offered to pay for the dish. 'And she further told this examinant that she dwelt at Bridgewater and was come thither to buy swale warrs'. Peter Gailard bound over in 9,20 to bring a bill of indictment against Elizabeth Gutteridge.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 83 |
26 Sep 1624 | James GOULD the younger | MARRIAGE: September 26th Cousin James GOULD the younger was marryed at Exon to Mr MARSHALL's daughter. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 65 [Note:- CLDS Member entries suggest this was Jane MARSHALL and the marriage took place in St Mary Arches Church Exeter Devon] |
26 Sep 1624 | Patroclus COOKE v John CONDIT | At the towne Sessions Patroclus COOKE was put out of his office of Sargeant, for some words spoken against my Lord Chief Baron and John CONDIT put in his placeSource William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 65 |
04 Oct 1624 | Various | ELECTED: The day were chosen Bailiffes for Dorchester Mr John PARKINS 4, Mr. John HILL 1; Constables Edward DASHWOOD Clothier; Henry DERBY mercer; Joseph UNDERWOOD grocer; Governor William WHITEWAY the younger; Assistants Simon HASELBURY; Henry SIMS; Richard SAVAGE; Matthew BUTTLER; Sherife of Dorset Mr Banfil CHAFFIN Esq; Undersherife Mr William GOLDESNEY: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 65 [Note:- See also page 174 Bamfield CHAFFIN (d1644) Esq of Folke MP for Bridport 1628. Sheriff 1625. Besiged and captured by parliamentary forces. Died at Exeter and buried in the cathedral 1644]. |
4 Oct 1624 | Joseph REIVES; Henry BROWNE | Joseph Reives of Dorchester, gent., in £20 Henry Browne of the same, merchant, in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions at Beaminster and to keep the peace, especially towards John Daggle. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 83 |
21 Jan 1624/25 | Nicholas VAWTER, William WHITEWAY the younger | ELECTED: 21st dicto Mr Nicholas VAWTER was remooved from his place of Capital Burgess in regard of his absence, and William WHITEWAY the younger chosen in his place. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 68 |
03 Feb 1624/25 | George BULL Elizabeth PARKINS | BETROTHAL: The 3rd hereof Mr George BULL was betrothed unto my sister in law Elizabeth PARKINS. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 68 |
03 Feb 1624/25 | Thomas HAYNE, Maximilian MOHUN, Captain GOULD | The 3rd hereof Captaine Thomas HAYNE left his band of men and Maximilian MOHUN succeeded him in that place. He held not and so Captain GOULD had it. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 68 |
13 Feb 1624/25 | Robert COKER | DEATH: 13th dicto Mr Robert COKER Esquire died suddenly at church at evening prayer. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 69 [Note Do not confuse with Robert COKER of Ashbosam the friend of Margaret CHUBB as he lived until 1655- This Robert Coker's will is at the National Archives ' Robert COKER of Mappowder proved 10 May 1625' --See also 'Dorset Visitation of 1677' page 14 for his pedigree his 1st wife was Thomazine the daughter and Co heir of Sir George Peters Knight of Devon his 2nd wife Amy the daughter of Thomas Molford of Devon] |
04 Mar 1624/25 | Captain CROUCH | DEATH: Captain CROUCH was buryed in Dorchester with military Pompe. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 69 |
15 Mar 1624/25 | Sir Francis ASHLEY | APPOINTED: At this time Sir Francis ASHLEY Knight Sergeant at Law, was made the Kings Sergeant. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page |
1625 | William BLACHFORD; and his son John BLACHFORD; Richard SAMBOURNE; James GOULD; J [Josias] COOTHES; W WHITEWAYS; William DERBY; |
DORCHESTER MERCHANTS: "Who then were the ship owners and merchants using these port facilities? They were mainly Dorchester and Weymouth men although it has not been possible to identify all of them. The number of names that appear in the Petty Customs lists for less than two years is very considerable. the total is 141 men and 2 women having some share in a cargo, and it is not claimed that this is a complete list. As will be shown later the Petty Customs returns do not exactly tally with the port book returns. The man who dominates the shipping seems to have been William BLACKFORD (i.e. BLACHFORD) merchant clothier of Dorchester. In 1625 55 cargoes of cloth left Weymouth and he had a share in 36 of them with John his son having a share in 7. The next largest exporter was Richard SAMBOURNE another Dorchester man, with 18 loads. Other Dorchester Merchants who were exporting were J GOULD; with 8 loads; J COOTHES with 5; and W WHITEWAYS with 3 loads. Compared with these Dorchester shipments the Weymouth merchants had many fewer loads. Henry Waltham sent 10; Thomas Waltham and James James 4; Henry Mitchell 3 and T Rose, H Russell D Gier and R Maior [Major] 2 each. The import figures for the same year show J BLACKFORD with 24; James GOULD 17, R SAMBOURNE 16, J COOTHES 14 with four other Dorchester also receiving loads. However the Weymouth import cargoes were much larger----" ---"In the same way the Dorchester family of BLACKFORD confined themselves mainly to cloth but also shared in the Newfoundland trade". ---The Newfoundland trade was in oil and fish which came in dried from the banks and on which no duties were paid. One cargo noted in the 1625 port book was of fish and oil received in September for William DERBY and Company. Darby was a Dorchester merchant. In 1628 John BLACKFORD imported fish. Source: Pages 35, 39 & 40 Extract from Studies in a Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
23 Jan 1625 and 27 Feb 1625 | Dorchester Co. William DARBY [DERBY] Richard BUSHROD Richard BERRY [BURY] |
The third venture of the DORCHESTER Co:- "The few cargoes to the New World which appear in the port books [i.e. of Weymouth] are interesting. In January 1625 Sir Walter ERLE and Company (Erle was one of the local members of Parliament) sent out in the 'Fellowship' 8 hundredweights of meal, 40 quarts of malt for the provision of the Christians planted in New England. On 27th February he sent more meal, malt and 6 cattle in the 'Amnity'. 1625 - Two ships returned later in the year, the 'Fellowship' from Virginia carrying 300 beaver and other skins for William DARBY and the 'Amnity' with 7 hundredweight of dried fish, 8 tons of trayne oil, 141 fox skins, 14 racoon, 25 martin, 5 otter, 8 beaver, and 1 muskrat skin for Richard BUSHROD another Dorchester merchant [Note:- These ships are also referred to on page 33 where Maureen is talking about the turnaround time of ships arriving at Weymouth mainly to do with trade with Norman and Breton ports but she also made the following reference to trade with new England. This makes it clear that :- ] ---On January 23rd 1625, the 'Fellowship' left for New England and landed cargo again in Weymouth on September 11th; the 'Amnity' sailing on February 27th was back on August 31st. The Fellowship is also listed in the survey of ships belonging to Weymouth taken on 11th March 1628 on page 32 when she is said to have been of 40 tons with 3 guns and may bear 2 more which was 20 years old and owned by Richard Berry [i.e. Richard Bury of Dorchester one of the investors in the Dorchester Co.] Source: Pages 32, 33 and 40 Extracted from Studies in a Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
14 Apr 1625 | William DERBY, Mr HAINES, Mr Dennis BOND | this day the house below the schoole was made over into the hands of Mr William DERBY and mine, for ever and The close that was Mr HAINES, to Mr Dionis BOND and Mr William DERBY, to the use of the free schoole.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 70 |
20 Apr 1625 | Nicholas MAUNDERS | Joseph MAUNDERS of Weymouth sutor in £20; Nicholas MAUNDERS of Dorchester sutor and Roger DENNYS of Fordington joyner each in £10 bound over to the next sessions ' for abuses don to the Constables of Fordington'. Note:- Discharged 23 April 1625 upon payment of ....' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 86 |
21 Apr 1625 | John PYRAM : Peter GAILARD | John PYRAM of Dorchester taylor and Peter GAILARD of dorchester penter each in £10 On condition that Joan the wife of Thomas BUCKLER appear at the next sessions and meantime is of good behaviour'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 86 |
05 Jun 1625 | Mary WHITEWAY | DEATH: 5th June This day at 11 oclock at night, god took unto his mercy, my eldest daughter Mary, being fower yeares old within 6 or 7 daies. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 72 [Note:- Page 170, Born 11 June 1621] |
12 June 1625 | Thomas NORRIS | Robert READ of Fiordington husbandman in £10; Thomas NORRIS of Dorchester miller in £5; 'Tippler supprest Fordington". Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 87 |
06 Jul 1625 | George BULL Elizabeth PARKINS | MARRIAGE: This day my sister Elizabeth PARKINS was married privately unto Mr George BULL of Wells who carried her thither upon the 11th day of the same month. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 73 [Note actually married in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 29 June 1625] |
10 Jul 1625 | Mr John PARKINS; Mr BLACHFORD; Mr WHITEWAY, Mr WALTHAM | PIRACY: This day being Sunday, Francis Sandars was taken by French Pirats laden with kerses, of which they took some, and let the rest goe. The Losses were. To Mr John PARKINS about £700; To Mr BLACHFORD about £350; To Mr WHITEWAY about £150; To Mr WALTHAM about £400. making a total of £1,600. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 73 Also an extract from the WEYMOUTH PORT BOOKS:- " In October 1625 John BLACKFORD [BLACHFORD] lodged a claim for goods taken by pirates to offset duty on 64 pieces of narrow canvas Source: Page 49 Extract from Studies in a Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
13 July 1625 | John BUSHROD; John BROWNE | QUARTER SESSIONS Blandford: Whereas John BUSHROD of Dorchester Clothier living in the next house to the gaole house on the west of the side thereof hath moved this Court for leave to set up some buildings on the Wall of the said gaole adjoining onto his houses we, he informeth, will be safeguarded for the said wall by keeping the same drye?? This Court doth desire John BROWNE Esq to view the said wall and to inform himself what mannor of building the said BUSHROD doth intend to raise thereon, and whether the same will will not be prejudicial or hurtful to the said wall or the buildings of the gaol adjoining, and to make Certificate thereof ont the next Sessions according to which this Court will proceed dither to give or deny leave unto the said BUSHROD to build thereon. |
5 Sep 1625 | Robert HOSKINS; William HAYWARD; Lawrence RYTON | Robert HOSKINS of Dorchester cuttlerin £10; William HAYWARD of Dorchester cuttler and Lawrence RYTON of Dorchester cuttler each in £5 bound over to the next sessions 'committed by the bayliffe's for typling etc]. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 88 [Note:- The bailiffs for Dorchester in Sep 1625 were John PARKINS and John HILL but they changed on 3rd Oct 1625 to William WHITEWAY senior and Edmund DASHWOOD so presumably the former ] |
09 Oct 1625 | Various | ELECTED: This day were chosen Bailiffes of Dorchester William WHITEWAY senior; Edmond DASHWOOD; Constables Henry DERBY mercer; Joseph UNDERWOOD grocer; Richard WILLIAMS Chandler; Governor John COOKE mercer; Assistants Joseph PATY; John LONG; Christopher WAY; Henry DERBY; Sherife Mr CHALDECOT Esq; Undersherife Mr GOLDSBERY tertio subvicecomite.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 75 [Note:- See also page 175 Henry DERBY Mercer probably the brother of William. Constable 1624-28. assistant to Governor of Freemen 1625-26, 1629-30, 1633-34. Govenor 1626-27. Ensign in county militia 1627. Warden of the company of merchants 1630. Moved to Beaminster 1634.] |
09 Oct 1625 | Mr Edward CLARKE | MEMORANDUM: that Mr CLARKE who had beene assistant unto Mr WHITE for 5 yeares remooved to Taunton in July last and Mr NICHOLS the younger came from Oxford now in October to supply his place. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 75 |
12 Oct 1625 | Mr Henry WHITTELL, Michael HUMFRYS | DEATH: The 12 hereof died Mr Henry WHITTELL one of our Aldermen and Michael HUMFRYS Esquire was chosen in his place 1st November. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 76 [ could not trace a will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
02 Nov 1625 | Rev John WHITE | The lecture which had beene kept on Tuesday [for] 20 yeare[s] by Mr WHITE in remembrance of the Gunpowder Treason, was this day settled upon Wednesday by occassion of the Wednesday fast. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 76 |
19 Nov 1625 | Robert BLANDFORD, Mr GARDNER | DEATH: 19th dicto died Robert BLANDFORD servant to Mr GARDNER, having been bitten by a mad dog 6 weeks before. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 77 [Note See Wills Index probate 26 June 1626 Prob 11/149] |
02 Dec 1625 | John WHITEWAY | BIRTH: This day at 5 in the evening my second son John was borne, and baptised the 11th dicto. His surities were my brother WALKER, cousin Peter MIDDLETON, and sister Elizabeth BULL. I pray to God to make him his servant. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 77 [Note See entry 20 January 1622/23 :- This day Mr Robert WALKER was by Mr WHITE maried to my sister in law Mrs Margaret PARKINS] |
27 Dec 1625 | William LAWRENCE | John HALLETT gave information against John DOLMAN, William LAWRENCE of Dorchester, William GEALE of Longbredy and Henry MORGAN of Stower Provost, tiplers without licence. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 89 |
17 Jan 1625/26 | Various | In this month the Privy Seals came abroad of which 152 were for Dorsett and in them 9 for Dorchester, son [i.e. sum] £100. : - Sir Francis ASHLEY£20; Mr John GOULD £10; Mr John PARKINS £10; Mr William WHITEWAY £10; Mr Richard BLACHFORD£10; Humfrey JOLLIFFE £10; Widow GOULD £10; Leonard MELLER £10; Mrs CHUBB £10 : Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 78 |
30 Jan 1625/26 | Mr John BROWNE | ELECTED: The summons for a parliament to be holden at February 6th Westminster. The knights of the shire were chosen this day, wherein though Mr John BROWNE; had more voices then Baronet MORTON, yet the shrive Mr CHALDICOTT slubberd up the busynes and returned Baronet MORTON, taking voices in a chamber. Knights Sir Thomas FREKE; Sir George MORTON Baronet; For Dorchester Micael HUMFREYS, Richard BUSHROD; William WHITEWAY Junior. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 78/79 [Note:- Also see page 176 Sir Thomas FEKE (c 1563-1633) of Iwerne Courtney. twice Knight of the Shire. Deputy Lieutenant for about 30 years and a respected figure in the county. Co-owner with his son of the ship Leopold of weymouth largest of the Dorset Privateers. ] |
28 Feb 1625/26 | John WHITEWAY | DEATH: This day half an houre after 6 in the morning God tooke unto himselfe my second son John about 3 months old, when he had not beene sicke above 3 hours. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 80 |
06 Mar 1625/26 | Henry BROWNE, Mr Henry COLLIER | DEATH: This day died in Dorchester at Henry BROWNES house, Mr Henry COLLIER suddenly. He had beene marshall to Judge FENNER, and since, by usury, gott an estate of more than £20,000 but was lately growne lunatick and beyd for a foole. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 80 |
25 Mar 1626 | John MULLENS | Thomas Sydenham of Keevil in Wiltshire, gent., in 100 marks John Mullens of Dorchester, feltmaker, and John Peach of Maiden Newton, feltmaker, each in £40 Bound over to the next Assizes. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 90 |
01 Apr 1626 | Matthew BUTLER; Richard WILLIAMS; Samuel CONDITT; Henry DERBYE; Henry BROWNE | Nicholas Day of Hooke, clerk, in £40 Matthew Butler of Dorchester, shoomaker, and Richard Williams of the same, chaundler, each in £20 Bound over to the next Assizes. Samuel Conditt of Dorchester, tailor, in £40 Henry Derbye of the same, mercer, and Henry Browne of the same, merchant, each in £20 Bound over to the next Assizes. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 90 |
03 Apr 1626 | Michael HUMFREIES | DEATH: This day Michael HUMFREIES died in London. Being one of the Capital Burgesses of Dorchester, and at present one of our Burgesses for the Parliament. In his steed was chosen for Capital Burgesses of Dorchester Mr William DERBY upon the 10th April and Burgess for the parliament William WHITEWAY Junior upon the 19th dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 81 [Note:- See page 178:- Michael HUMPHREY (d 1626) Esq of East Chaldon and Dorchester. Alderman of Dorchester 1625. Died whilst MP for Dorchester. the diarist was elected to sit out his term -No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
4 Apr 1626 | John LAYES; Ann TITTMAN | Ordered that John Laynes should pay 12d weekly towards the maintenance of a base child born to Ann Tittman, widow, in the parish of Holy Trinity, Dorchester. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 90 [Note:- John bastard son of Anne TETMAN baptised at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 19th March 1625/6] |
7 Apr 1626 | Matthew CHUB; Edward BUCKLER; William SHEPHEARD | Matthew Chub of Dorchester, in £40 Edward Buckler of the same, yeoman, and William Shepheard of the same, joyner, each in £20 Bound over to the next Sessions at Dorchester, 'Uppon the oath of Ann the wife of William Tremoor for throwinge downe her milk and kicking her with his feet, etc.' Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 90 |
8 Apr 1626 | John SPARROW | Edward Collyer of Knighton, warrener, in £20 John Sparrow of Dorchester, yeoman, and Moses Hill of Warmewell, miller, each in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions 'uppon the oath of Mr Henry Salter for assaulting him'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 90 |
18-20 Apr 1626 | John GARDNER: Roger DOWNE | QUARTER SESSIONS: DORCHESTER: 'Order concerning Dorchester Clothyers' 'Whereas the Justices of the peace att this Sessions have received direction from the right honourable the Lordes and others of his Mjesties most honourable privie counsell proceedinge uppon the humble peticion of John Gardner and Roger Downe Clothiers of the Countie aforesaide who about fower yeeres since uppon letters directed to the high sheriffe of this Countie were made choyse of by other Clothyers of the same Countie, to search and certifie the reason of the decaie of clothinge, in which imployment they made two journeys to London and were robbed in theire retorne homewardes after they had attended theire honours pleasure and spent above two Moneths in the prosecution of the saide busines, to their greate charge travile, hindrance and expenses amountinge to one |Hundred Marks as they alledge, which charges and expenses were promised should be fullie satisfied from the generall Clothiers of this Countie, but hitherto they have receaved noe recompence, nor penny contribucion, for the same theire expenses, hindrance asnd losses as they likewise alleadge insomuch as that the same peticion to the saidhonourable Lordes, It pleased theire Lordships to referre unto the said Justices of peace att this Sessions to take or give some order for the petitioners reliefe as cause shoulde require. Now therefore it is thought fitt and so ordered by this Courte that John Gould the elder, Richard Blachford, Dennis Bond, and Joseph Patie all of Dorchester beinge fower clothyers of this Countie aforesaid as they shall conceave are lyable to the contribucion of the payment of theis charges and expenses and accordinge to everie mans estate and dealinge, they fower are to make an equall and indifferent rate for the raysinge of the summe aforesaide, or for such parte thereof which they shall sett downe into a cetain proprcion to that which shall appeare to be trulie expended or due unto them for damages, expence, or losses in or by their saide Travaile and imployment to paie the same rates to the said peticioners before midsomer next. And if anie man shall refuse to paie such equall and indifferent rates so to be sett on them by the forenamed fower clothyers, Raters then to certifie theire names which so refuse att the next general Quarter sessions of the peace to be holden within this Countie to then retorne maie be made of the same their e names so refusinge unto the Counsell Table there to yeeld reasons for such theire refusall. Source: Dorset Quarter Session Order Book 1625-1638 Sherbone Sessions |
18-20 Apr 1626 | William SHORTE | QUARTER SESSIONS: William Shorte of Dorchester furrier by trade bound over in the sum of £10 to keep the peace towards Henry Salter Gentleman Source: Dorset Quarter Session Order Book 1625-1638 Sherbone Sessions |
17 Jun 1626 | Mrs Joane ADIN | DEATH: This somer there died Mrs Alice PITT of Weymouth, Mr John EARLY and Mrs Joane ADIN of Dorchester. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 82 [No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
4-5 July 1626 1626 | Richard NORMAN | QUARTER SESSIONS: Richard Norman of Dorchester carpenter by trade bound over in the sum of £10 (no reason given) Source: Dorset Quarter Session Order Book 1625-1638 Shaston |
24 Aug 1626 | John MERIFIELD; Henry GLOVIER | John HURST of Cranebourne husbandman in £20; John MERIFIELD of Dorchester shoomaker and Henry GLOVIER of Dorchester husbandman weach in £10 bound over to the next assizes and to be of good behaviour. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 92 |
02 Oct 1626 | Various | ELECTED: Bailiffs for Dorchester chosen Richard BUSHROD and John BLACHFORD: Constables Richard WILLIAMS Chandler; Richard BURY grocer; George WEY glover; Governor Henry DERBY, mercer; Assistants Joseph UNDERWOOD; Amias MARTIN; Henry MABER; George MONDIN; Sheriffe of Dorset Sir William UVEDALL knight; undersheriffe John COLE the second time. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 85 |
3 Oct 1626 | John PARCHES [Purchase?] | Ambrose WHITE of Fordington in £20; Michaes BARNES of Fordington yeoman and Joseph PARCHES of Dorchester baker each in £10 bound over to the next sessions. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 94 |
27 Nov 1626 | Aunt MIDDLETON, John & Samuel WHITEWAY, William WHITEWAY | The 27th of this month my Aunt MIDDLETON of Periplace died. This same time, my father bought a lease of Ashdon farme, of 3 lives, of my Lord Suffolke. The lives that are upon the lease are my brothers John & Samuel WHITEWAY, and my sonne William WHITEWAY. And my father PARKINS bought three lives in the farme of Clandon at the same time.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 85/86 |
04 Dec 1626 | Thomas DEVENISH | This day Thomas DEVENISH Serjeant was made keeper of the Common Jaile, and Benjamin DERBY chosen Sergeant in his place the 15th december.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 86 |
10 Dec 1626 | PAUL Family | DEATH: The sickenes was suspected to be in the house of PAUL a hatter of this towne, because 3 of his house died in 15 daies and his house was shut up 5 or 6 weeks, but God be praised it was not so but as it is supposed some pestilentiall feaver. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 86 |
01 Jan 1626/27 | Rev John WHITE | Mr WHITE's morning lecture was encreased from Mondaies and Fridaies, to Mondaies, Tuesdaies, and fridaies. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 87 |
03 Jan 1626/27 | William WHITEWAY | I W.W. was chosen Steward of the Hospital, in the place of Mr TOOPE, and George GOULD was chosen Governour, in the place of George WEY: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 87 |
13 Jan 1626/27 | Sir John STRANGEWAIES, Sir Walter EARLE, Mr TREGONWELL, Mr William SAVIDGE | The 13th January the Earle of Suffolke and Sir Robert Nanton master of the Court of wards, came downe to Dorsett, for the setting forward of the Lone, which amounted to 5 subsidies, and all men in this County subscribed thereunto, except Sir John STRANGEWAIES, Sir Walter EARLE , Mr TREGONWELL, Mr William SAVIDGE,Atturney. These 4 were for rufusing, bound to answere it at the Counsell table, from whence the three former were sent prisoners to the fleete, and the last unto the new prison in Clarkenwell. Divers others of other counties also were committed to severall prisons for the same counties, the commons refused generally to lend, and were all dismissed, the Counsell not knowing what course to take with them. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 87 |
17 Jan 1626/27 | Sir Francis ASHLEY | The 17th January, here was held an extraordinary Commission for the tryall of som souldiers in which Sir Francis ASHLEY sate Judger, and condemned 7 souldiers and one tapster to death, for burglary, but 6 of the souldiers had a pardon. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 87 |
12 Mar 1626/27 | John PITT, James GOULD, William WHITEWAY | This day my unkle John PIT of Bridport died, being 80 years old. He died of age and the stone. This day my cousin James GOULD and I did ride to London, to Joine with the merchants of Exeter, in petitioning the King and the Counsell that we might have as much french goods delivered us as we had arrested in France. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 88 |
29 Mar 1627 | Rev John BALL | The 29th hereof, the Archdeacon visited, and Mr BALL of Purbec preached. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 88 |
21 May 1627 | William WHITEWAY, Thomas BROWNE | I tooke Mr Thomas BROWNES house for 7 years at £10 per annum. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 89 |
24 May 1627 | Mr John COKE, Henry DERBY, Henry BROWNE, Amis MARTIN | MILITIA: Mr John COKE was made Lieutenant, Henry DERBY Ensigne, Henry BROWNE Sergeant Major, and Amis MARTIN younger Sergeant of Captain PELHAMS Company. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 89 |
11 Jun 1627 | Mr John STANGEWAIES | Mr John STANGEWAIES, prisoner in the fleete, had liberty for 5 weeks to come into the Countrey, granted him.:Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 89 |
02 Aug 1627 | Peter MIDDLETON | Cousin Peter MIDDLETON went from hence to be a Turkey Merchant having lived here three years. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 91 |
26 Aug 1627 | Ferdinand NICHOLS | Ferdinand NICHOLS went hence to live at Sherborne and within a moneth after Mr WHITEFIELD succeeded him in his assistance to Mr WHITE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 91 [Note Ferdinando NICHOLLS married Mary LOTSUM a gentelwoman in Sherborne on 12 May 1631 - See OPC - His marriage is entered twice in WW Diary as 21st and 22nd May 1631 but I have used the date in the marriage register] |
28 Aug 1627 | Richard BERRY | "The cargoes were often varied ; for example Richard BERRY a Dorchester grocer imported on August 26th 1627 in a ship from London, 2 tons of ground red wood, 2 tons of grocerywares, 2 pipes of rape oil, 7 bags of hops, 1 ton of haberdashery, a last of soap, 2 tons of fullers earth, 3 of bereger, 3 chests and 2 maundes of pots and glasses, 1 ton of molasses, 3 tonof alum, and 7 bales of madder. ----" Source: Page 41 Extract from Studies in a Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
31 Aug 1627 | John BENVILLE | Samuel Wills of Winfrith, blacksmith, in £20; Thomas Wills of Forsell in the parish of Chaldon Herring, husbandman, and John Benvile of Dorchester, carpenter, each in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions. 'Committed to the House of Correction by Sir Edward Lawrence.'Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 98 |
Sept 1627 | Rawlin HAINE, Martha PARKINS | DEATHS: In this month there died cousin Rawlin HAINE 4th dicto; Mrs MORICE of Melcombe 6th dicto Sister Martha PARKINS 16th dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 91 [Note:- Rawlin HAYNE was the daughter of Christopher DABYNOT of White Stanton who married Morgan HAYNE of Dorchester the son of Oliver HAYNE and Cicely the daughter of William ADYN of Dorchester: See Visitation of Dorset 1623 Page 54 - No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
3 Sep 1627 | Anthony DIGGOTT; Robert MOTYER | Richard Pierce of the Island of Portland, miller, in £20 Anthony Diggott of Dorchester, miller, and Robert Motyer of the same, hosyer, each in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions 'for tipling without licence and keeping disorders in his house on the sabboth dayes'.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 98 |
5 Sep 1627 | Thomas WHITTLE | Henry Minterne of Fordington, clothyer, in £20; Thomas Whittle of Dorchester, clothyer, in £10; Bound over to the next Sessions, 'uppon the oath of Robert Warman and Roger Pouncey for hindering them in executing a warrant and for beatinge them and offering to dischardge a peice att them'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 98 |
17 Sep 1627 | Thomas ATKINS; Renaldo KNAPTON | Thomas Atkins of Dorchester, labourer, in £20 Renaldo Knapton of the same, gent., in £10 Bound over to the next Sessions 'for bastardy'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 98 |
29 Sep 1627 | Martha ADIN v Edward BRAG & Thomas BLACHFORD v Margaret MEECH | MARRIAGES: This day Martha ADIN was married to Edward BRAG and 3 daies after Thomas BLACHFORD to Margaret MEECH. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 91 [Note:- Thomas BLACHFORD was the son of Richard BLACHFORD ( 1570-1652) & Frances COMBE lived in Roane [Rouen] Normandy from 1 June 1632 (see below) and is thought to have died there approx 1644.] |
01 Oct 1627 | Various | ELECTED: Bailives were chosen for Dorchester Mr Richard BUSHROD merchant; Mr James GOULD; Constables: George WAY glover; Matthew BUTLER shoomaker; Henry Maber clothier; Governor John LONG bookseller; Assistants Robert COKER; Simon HAILSBURY; Richard SAVAGE; Henry DERBY. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 92 |
1-3 Oct 1627 | John BENVILE | QUARTER SESSIONS: John Benvile of Dorchester carpenter by trade bound over in the sum of £20 to give evidence at the next assizesagainst Agnes RAUSTON. Source Quarter sessions Order Book Beaminster Sessions |
04 Oct 1627 | William WHITEWAY | I began to keep house this day: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 92 /160 [Note:- The diarist and his wife set up house on their own for the first time, in the house he had leased fron Thomas BROWN in the previous May]. |
05 Oct 1627 | Mr Giles MELLER | DEATH: This month there died near us Mr Giles MELLER the 5th: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 92 [Note:- page 179 of diary may be the nephew of Sir John MELLER (d 1650) -No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives ] |
08 Oct 1627 | Mr Robert CHEEKE | DEATH This month there died near us Mr Robert CHEEKE the 8th; Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 92 |
10 Oct 1627 | Sir John BROWNE | DEATH: This month there died near us Sir John BROWNE; the 10th: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 92 [Note:- Sir John BROWNE ( 1558-1627) father of Sir John BROWNE JP (1582-1659) |
16 Oct 1627 | Lady TRENCHARD | DEATH: This month there died near us Old Lady TRENCHARD the 16th. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 92 [No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
22 Nov 1627 | Sir Walter EARLE | This day Sir Walter EARLE , Mr CORRITON, and some other gentlemen that had long been prisoners in the fleet about the loane, almost a yeare, got a habeas corpus out of the Kings Bench, to be tried there, and so they were. Mr LEY being their chief lawye, who defended them so well that he convinced all the assistants that they had wrong. Yet the Kings atturney craved time to certify the King of it and so their delivery was protracted. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 92 |
22 Nov 1627 | Mr John WATS | DEATH: The 22nd thereof died Mr John WATS, and the 30th hereof died his daughter Mrs BUSHROD and Mrs LEE 7th December: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 93 [Note:- See page 183:- John WATT (d1627) Factor in New England for the Dorchester Company Brother-in-Law of Richard BUSHROD - No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
16 Dec 1627 | Mr Samuel WHITEFIELD | APPOINTED: Mr Samuel WHITEFIELD was chosen Parson of All Saints in Mr CHEEKE's place, and Mr RULIZIUS succeeded him in assistance to Mr WHITE. He was inducted the 11th January.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 93 |
08 Jan 1628 | Nathaniel BOWER | QUARTER SESSIONS: Nathaniel Bower of Dorchester yeoman bound over in the sum of £10 (Reason blank but they are all cases of trading without a licence) Source Quarter sessions Order Book Blandford |
11 Jan 1627/28 | Sir John STRANGEWAYS, Sir Walter EARLE, | Sir John STRANGEWAYS, Sir Walter EARLE and all the rest that were imprisoned for the lone [loan to the king] were this day set at liberty after almost a years imprisonment. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 94 |
13 Jan 1627/28 | Sir Anthony ASHLEY | DEATH: The 13th hereof Sir Anthony ASHLEY died. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 94 [Note:- Anthony Ashley (1551-1627/8) was the elder brother of Sir Francis ASHLEY of Dorchester] |
18 Jan 1627/28 | Mrs CHUBB | DEATH: The 18th Mrs CHUBB died and gave all her lands and goods to Mr COKER the Goldsmith, and to a little boy of his called Matthew CHUB, upon condition that he should mary with Joane, second daughter to Mr COKER. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 94 [From the Dorset Visitation of 1623 & FFH page 153 also see transcription of Margaret CHUBBs Will and Robert Coker of Dorchester then aged 44 who married Martha the daughter of William CHUBB of Frome Selwood Somerset and his second daughter Joane then aged 11 (est birth 1612)] |
20 Feb 1627/18 | John WHITEWAY | BIRTH: This day my son John the second , was borne quarter past 1 in the afternoon, and baptised the 24th, Mr James GOULD, and my brother PARKINS, and my mother WHITEWAY being his suritiesSource William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 94 |
22 Feb 1627/28 | Margaret WHITEWAY | DEATH: And the 22nd of the same god took to his mercy my daughter Margaret being about 3 years and a half old. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 95 |
25 Feb 1627/28 | Various | ELECTED: This day the knights of the Shire were chosen for the Parliament as followeth. Sir John STANGEWAIES, Sir Walter EARLE, for Dorchester Densell HOLLES Esq, John HILL Marchant. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page |
11 Apr 1628 | Sir Thomas TRENCHARD, Sir John BREWEN, John BROWNE, and Henry DRAK Esq for the examining of Mr BUSHROD | The 11th of this month the souldiers billettted in Dorset, remooved hence towards Plimouth, to goe thence for Rochell with the earle of Denbigh, but they were left behind, an so returned to be billetted in Dorchester, which were now refused, though Sir Thomas Frier their Colonel obteyned Letters from the Counsell of the towne, and procured a Commission to Sir Thomas TRENCHARD, Sir John BREWEN, John BROWNE, and Henry DRAK Esq for the examining of Mr BUSHROD as an agent in [detering] other men from billetting. But it came to nothing. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 96 |
14 Apr 1628 | William WHITEWAY , Joseph UNDERWOOD | APPOINTED: This day I was chosen Overseer of the Poor for Trinity Parish together with Mr Joseph UNDERWEOOD: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 96 |
22 Apr 1628 | Sir Francis ASHLEY | The 22nd hereof Sir Francis ASHLEY was imprisoned by the Lords House for speking against the liberty of the subject, but upon his recantation, and craving of pardon, he was soone released. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 96 |
01 Jul 1628 | Mr Richard BUSHROD | DEATH: This spring died:- Mr Richard BUSHROD 1st July Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 97 |
05 Jul 1628 | Mr Samuel WHITEFIELD | DEATH: This spring died:- Mr Samuel WHITEFIELD 5th July Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 97 |
01? Jun 1628 | Mr Gabriel REEVE | APPOINTED: This day Mr RIVES the schoolmaster came to this towne, the place having been supplied by Mr BRANCARD, ever since Mr CHEEKE's death til now. Mr BRANCARD's brother was chosen his Usher, and Mr TUTCHIN was vicar of Fordington. Mr PELE Parson of Compton [ Actually although Rev. Edward PELE removed to Compton Vallance he remained vicar of Fordiongton - Tutchin was a curate but left to adminsiter most of the services and running of St Georges Church in Fordington] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 97 |
14 Jul 1628 | Mr Richard HENING | ARRIVAL: This day Mr Richard HENING and his family came to this towne to dwell. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 98 |
22 Sep 1628 | Mr Richard SAVAGE | ELECTED: This day Mr Richard SAVAGE was chosen to be of the Company in steed of Mr Richard BUSHROD deceased. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 99 |
06 Oct 1628 | Bernard TOUP, William WHITEWAY Junior etc | ELECTED: 6 October this day were chosen Bailiffs Bernard TOUP, William WHITEWAY Junior, Constables Henry Maber clothier, John ALLIMBRIG Clothier, Josias TERRY haberdasher, Sherife of Dorset Thomas STILL Esq, Governor Richard BURY grocer, Assistants Joseph UNDERWOOD, George MUNDYN, Richard WILLIAMS, Henry DERBY, Undersheriffe Rinaldo KNAPTON: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 99 |
06 Oct 1628 | William PATY, Margaret COKER | MARRIAGE: This day William PATY was married to Margaret the daughter of Mr Robert COKER of this towne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 99 [Note:- See Dorset Visitation 1623 - Margaret was the daughter & 3rd child of Robert Coker goldsmith of Dorchester and Martha the daughter of William CHUBB of Fromes Selswood Somerset]. |
22 Nov 1628 | Mr John BALL | 22 Nov This day Mr John BALL of Langton was instituted and inducted to the parsonage of All Saints in Dorchester in the place of Mr WHITFIELD; Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 100 |
26 Nov 1628 | William CHAFFEY | DEATH: The end of this year there died - William CHAFFEY 26th November: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 100 [No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
28 Nov 1628 | Thomas DEVENISH | Thomas DEVENISH was put out of the Keepers place, and Thomas SPARROW made Keeper in his steed. Yet Thomas DEVENISH kept the House of Correction still, and had £40 per annum allowed him of the County for it. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 100 |
28 Nov 1628 | Sir John STRANGEWAYS, Sir Walter EARLE | At this time Sir John STRANGEWAYS and Sir Walter EARLE were againe made Justices of the peace, having beene put by for more then 2 yeares Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 100 |
12 Dec 1628 | Bernard TOOPE | DEATH: The end of this year there died - Mr Bernard TOOPE 12 December :Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 100 [See notes at end of biography link - unidentified but clearly related in some way yet to be ascertained] |
12 Dec 1628 | Rev John WHITE | The 12th of this monthe Mr WHITE began to expound the Bible the second timeSource William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 100 |
27 Dec 1628 | Mrs JOLLIFE | DEATH: The end of this year there died -The wife of Mr. William JOLIFFE 27th dicto : Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 100 [Note:- William Jolliffe was a woollen draper of Dorchester and bailiff 1623/4; 1629/30 and mayor 1633/34 - No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
07 Jan 1628/29 | Sir Francis ASHLEY | Sir Francis ASHLEY was taken sicke of a palsey at London but recovered. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 102 |
13-15 Jan 1628/29 | John HILLARD : John COWARD | QUARTER SESSIONS: John HILLARD of Dorchester a Glover by trade bound over in the sum of £5 and John COWARD of Dorchester a Weaver by trade also bound over for £5 both on good behaviour. Source:- Quarter Session Order Books Blandford Sessions |
20 Jan 1628 | New England Co | NEW ENGLAND Co. Venture:-In 1628 on January 20th in the 'Peter' of 40 tons by virtue of a commission from Mr Lord Treasurer there were sent 14 beasts, 14 hogshead of oats and 3 tons of hay, provisions for the cattle, 4 tons of salt, 3 of bread, and 1 hogshead each of beef and fish. On the same day the Happy Endurance of 20 tons left with malt, peas, grits, cheese, butter, oil, soap, clothes, 5 dozen stockings, 10 dozen boots and shoes, 5 dozen hats, 2 lasts of nails, 2 of meal, and 3 dickers of calveskins. Source: Page 40 Extract from 'Studies in Dorset History' by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
20 Jan 1628/29 | Densil HOLLIS | This day the Parliament met again at Westminster: where the Kings first proposition was for the setting of the Bill of Tonnage and Poundage. But the house resolved to settle Relligion, and to provide for the suppressing of Popery and Arminianisms, before they would conclude of any other busynesse. They discovered also a formall Colledge of Jesuitesb at London, but could not have the Law executed against them, for all of them had procured pardons. Then the Parliament obtained of the King a general fast. Kept at London 18th February when the Lower House afjourned themselves for two daies. The King being offended at that, adjourned them for 7 daies, and then when they met, for 10 daies more, where there wasmuch adoe about the adjournment in the lower house. Mr HOLLIS and Mr VALENTINE kept the speaker in his chaire by force: and Sir John ELLIOT voted the 3 articles of Liberty in the house. Thereupon on the 10th March the King in great anger dissolved the Parliament, and sent 5 of the lower house to the Tower, one to the fleete and another to the gatehouse, and 14 daies after published a declaration of the causes that moved him to dissolve Parliamentetc.: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 102/103 |
05 Mar 1628/29 | Thomas PELHAM | 5 March at this time Captain PELHAM resigned his place , and Captain William NAPPER succeeded him in it. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 103 |
11 Mar 1628 | BLACHFORD Family | SHIPOWNERS: A Survey of the number, strength, age and tonnage of all shipping with the names of the owners and part owners was carried out during the reign of Charles I in 1628. The survey of ships that belonged to Weymouth was started on the 11th March 1628 and included ships owned by the Blachford Family:- At Sea:- The 'Hopewell' 30 tons, 4 guns, 20 years old owners - John Blachfood [Blachford] & William Collins. The 'Hopewell' (different ship) 40 tons 4 guns 10 years old owners John, James, & John Blachford The 'Content' 50 tons 6 guns 8 years old owners John Blackforde [Blachford] & Capt Pettifitz At Home:- The 'Great Katherine' 80 tons 8 guns 20 years old owners Robert White & John Blackford [Blachford] Source: Pages 31 & 32 Extract from' Studies in Dorset History' by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
28 Mar 1629 | Mr HENNING | This day Mr HENNING left the towne, and Mr BROWNE came hither the 18th april after. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 103 |
1 Apr 1629 | John HILLARD; John COWARD | Henry Beale of East Orchard, yeoman, in £20; John Hillard of Dorchester, Glover and John Coward of the same, weaver, each in £10. Bound over to the next Sessions & to be of good behaviour. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 98 |
16 April 1629 | Mr William COKER | This day Mr William COKER Esq came to live in this towne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 103 |
05 April 1629 | Mr Thomas SPARROW | DEATH: The 5th of this month Thomas SPARROW Jailkeeper died, and his son in law KNAPTON kept the Jail. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 103 [No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
05 Apr 1629 | Mr John BROWNE |
In this month Sir John BROWNE; set up Mr HARDY's monumnet in St Peter's church, but the towne paid for it £5. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 103 |
05 May 1629 | Mr Robert ANGEL v Susan BATEMAN | MARRIAGE: 5 may This day Mr Robert ANGEL married my cousin Susan BATEMAN Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 103 [Note:- Robert ANGELL married Susanna BATEMAN in St Dunstan in the East church in London. Note are other entries in the diary for :- 21 March 1630 'This day about 9 oclock in the evening my cousin Jane BATEMAN died at London', and 12 january 1631/2 'Cousin Christiane Bateman died 12th dicto' presumably her sisters] |
7-8 July 1629 | Richard HILLGROVE | QUARTER SESSIONS: Richard HILLGROVE of Dorchester a Currier by trade bound over in the sum of £20 to the next Sessions travers Source Quarter Sessions Order Book Shaston Sessions. |
21 Jul 1629 | Mr BUSHROD v Willmot PARKINS | MARRIAGE: 21 July This day Mr BUSHROD was married to my sister [i.e. sister-in-law] Willmot PARKINS : proved bankrupt within a yeare and a half: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 105 [Note this was Thomas BUSHROD the son of the recently departed Richard BUSHROD - His wife Wilmot was the daughter of John PARKINS (1571-1640) and she died in 1633 and Thomas emigrated to New England circa 1635] |
28 Jul 1629 | Mr Robert BLAKE v Mary DASHWOOD | MARRIAGE: 28 July Mr Robert BLAKE married Mary DASHWOOD; proved bankrupt within a yeare and a half: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 105 |
11 Aug 1629 | Mr William BENN, Mr John BALL | APPOINTEMENT: This daty Mr William BENN was inducted Parson of All Saints, the place being vacant by the resignation of Mr John BALL, who returned to Langton. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 105 |
18 Aug 1629 | Jacon TREMOR; John BRITMAN | John Sarver of Cerne, butcher, in £10 Jacob Tremor of Dorchester, milwright, and John Britman of the same, dyer, each in £5. Bound over to the next Sessions & to be of good behaviour. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 98 |
26 Aug 1629 | Mr William PARKINS | MARRIAGE: The 26th hereof my brother (i.e. brother-in-law) William PARKINS was married. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 106 [Note:- William PARKINS (1604- 1631) was the son of John PARKINS (1571-1640) and a merchant of Dorchester and Wareham.] |
30 Sep - 2 Oct 1629 | Robert WAREHAM | QUARTER SESSIONS: Robert WAREHAM of Dorchester a Yeoman bound over in the sum of £5 Source: Quarter Sessions Order Book Beaminster Sessions |
30 Sep - 2 Oct 1629 | Richard HILLGROVE | QUARTER SESSIONS: Richard HILLGROVE of Dorchester Currier by trade Travers comp et ex Source: Quarter Sessions Order Book Beaminster Sessions |
06 Oct 1629 | various | NEW CHARTER: This day our New Charter was published by which the King made a maior, Aldermen etc and a Governor of Freemen in Dorchester. And the same day all officers were chosen as followeth. John PERKINS (PARKINS) Maior. Bailives: William JOLIFF & William DERBY: Governor John LONG: Assistants John COOKE, Joseph PATY, Henry DERBY, Richard BURY: Constables Richard BURY, Christopher WEY, Ralph PERRYN: Shrieve of Dorset Angel GREY Esq: Undersheriffe Robert GOLDSBOROUGH. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Pages 106/107 |
29 Oct 1629 | John PARKINS Junior | BIRTH: This day John PARKINS the younger was born, about 5 in the morning. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 107 [Note:- This is the son of John PARKINS (1571-1640) by his second wife Rachel CHAPPELL of Exeter] |
30 Oct 1629 | Denzil HOLLIS | 30 October This day Mr HOLLIS was set at liberty after eight months imprisonment upon suretys for the good behaviour. Added Note: The same day Densell HOLLIS Esq was set at liberty having laine 8 monthes prisoner in the Tower about some passages in the last Parliament. He was delivered upon his surities for the good behaviour: but that Recognisance was shortly after yielded up.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 107 |
01 Nov 1629 | Mr Henry BLACHFORD, Mr Frederick LOSSE | MARRIAGE: This day Mr Henry BLACHFORD was maried and the last of this month Mr Frederick LOSSE was maried. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 107 [Note:- Henry BLACHFORD was the 4th son of Richard BLACHFORD (1570-1652) of Dorchester and married a Mary BIRD [BYRD] of Chichester at St Lawrence Church Southron the date is recorded in the Hampshire Marriage Licences records as being 30th October 1629. - Frederick LOSSE married Joane UNDERWOOD in Holy Trinity Church 30th Nov 1629. Joane was the daughter of Joseph UNDERWOOD and Rachel EDWARDS] |
23 Dec 1629 | [Margaret] WALKER | DEATH: This day my sister Walker died of a consumption. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 107 [Note:- This is Margaret WALKER nee PARKINS his sister-in-law who married Robert WALKER see 24 Oct 1622] |
23 Dec 1629 | Mr John HILL Mr William DERBY Mr John BLACHFORD | This Day Mr. John HILL, Mr William DERBY and Mr John BLACHFORD rode to London in the behalfe of the Towne, to procure from my Lord of Suffolke, or from the Counsell, liberty to muster our men in the towne and to have a Captaine of our owne. The Earle of Suffolk referred it to his Lieutenants Deputys: and they shewed so much coldness and unwillingness in it, especially Sir Thomas FREKE, that it came to nothing. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 107/108 |
29 Dec 1629 | Mr HOLLIS | This day the towne bestowed upon Mr HOLLIS a standing cup of plate, which cost 20 marks, for his service done the Last Parliament. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 108. |
12 Feb 1629 | Mr HOLLIS | This day Mr HOLLIS and the other Gentlemen of the parliament were fined in the Star Chamber for their carriage at the dissolution thereof, Mr HOLLIS 1,000 marks, Sir John ELLIOT 2,000 and so all the rest more or less. Mr LONG was fined at £2,000 and sent to the Fleete, for leaving his country, and coming to Parliament while he was Sheriff of Wiltes. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 109. |
1630 | BLACKFORD [BLATCHFORD] | Letters of Marque 'Pilgrim' 160 tons Owner Blackford Source: Page 37 Extract from Studies in a Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
2 Apr 1630 | Robert LODER | John BRINE of Puddletrenthead husbandman inn £40; Robert LODER of Dorchester gent in £20; bound over to the next sessions in Sherborne.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
6-8 Apr 1630 | Francis ASHLEY, John BROWNE | QUARTER SESSIONS: MOHUN'S BRIDGE near Dorchester is reported to be in decay. Justices Ashley, Napper, Trenchard, Brune, Whetcombe and Browne are appointed to meet as soon as possible, set a rate and organise the collection of money from appropriate parishes, and to arrange for workmen to be appointed. source Quarter Session order book Sherborne Sessions. |
10 Apr 1630 | Mrs SANDFORD | The beginning of this month, many of this towne went to plant [ i.e. settle and live on a plantation] in New England and among them Mrs SANDFORD. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 110 [Note:- This is said to be Frances SANFORD widow approx age 42 who sailed on the Mary and John, the ship organised by the Rev John WHITE. She is thought to have been accompanied by a son called Henry SMITH (approx age 20) both in "Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants to New England 1620 - 1650" by Charles Edwards Banks, Edited and Indexed by Elijah Ellsworth Brownell, Southern Book Company, Baltimore, 1957 (Lady Anne's Library) ] |
21 Apr 1630 | William WHITEWAY Senior | APPOINTED: This day my father was sworne a Jistice of the Peace for the Towne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 110 |
22 Apr 1630 | Hester BOND | MARRIAGE: This day Mr BOURD married Hester BOND. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 110 [Note OPC marriage records show in the parish of Steeple Dorset on 22 Apr 1630 the marriage of William Borde to Hester Bond. She was the daughter of John BOND (1555-1632) & Margaret PITT and younger sister to Dennis BOND (1588-1658)] |
29 Apr 1630 | Mr William COKER | This day Mr William COKER returned to live at Maypowder. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 110 |
20 May 1630 | Mr [Robert] WAKER | MARRIAGE: This day my brother WALKER was married to his second wife the daughter of Mr COTTON Minister. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 111 [Note Robert Walker see marriage to 1st wife Margaret PARKINS 24 Oct 1622 who died of consumption 23 Dec 1629. ] |
01 Jun 1630 | Rev John WHITE | This day was a provate fast kept by certain persons for the turning away of the danger threatened, namely the removing of Mr WHITE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 111 |
13 Jun 1630 | Mr John GOULD | DEATH; This day my unkle Mr John GOULD died, and in his place of the 15 was chosen upon yje 4th October Mr William PERKINS and for a Feoffee of Trinity his son James: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 111 [Note:- See Wills index and page 177 of diary - John GOULD (1558-1630 merchant of Upwey and Dorchester great uncle to the diarist] |
19 Jun 1630 | Sir Francis ASHLEY | The 19th hereof Sir Francis ASHLEY pleaded his owne cause in Star Chamber, being endited of a conspiracy against Sir Thomas COVENTRY Lord keeper, as that he should scandalize him in saying he had taken a bribe of £600. He was acqutted by the vote of the table. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 111 |
14 Jul 1630 | William WHITEWAY jun | This day I was chosen Towne Steward. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 112 |
20 Jul 1630 | Mr Richard HILL v Sarah DAVIDGE | MARRIAGE: This day Richard HILL married Sarah DAVIDGE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 112 [Note:- mentioned in the Will of John Hill Alderman, Capital Burgess & Mayor of Dorchester in 1636] |
29 Jul 1630 | Stephen THORLTON v Judith MILLER, | MARRIAGE: The 29th dicto Stephen THORLTON married Judith MILLER, Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 112 |
03 Aug 1630 | William HASELBURY v Ann BONGER | MARRIAGE: and 3rd August William HASELBURY married Ann BONGER Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 112 [Note The marriage took place in in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on the 3rd Aug 1630 but names given are William HASELBER[Y] and Jane? BANDGER] |
25 Aug 1630 | Joseph PURCHASE | This day Joseph PURCHASE his man DAVIS fell upon a Corne Puike and died suddenly. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 112 [Note:- Joseph PURCHASE married in the Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester on 9 Nov 1618 to Elizabeth HASELBER[Y], He was a baker by trade and was admitted Freeman of Dorchester 2 Nov 1621] |
2 Sep 1630 | Benjamin DEVENISH | John BURD of Sutton Points husbandman in £40; Jesper CHURCHILL of London cutter, Benjamin DEVENISH of Dorchester tipler each in £20 bound over to the next sessions 'for striking William ARNEY with a stone and saying that he would kill him'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 99 |
14 Sep 1630 | Richard CHURCHILL v Edith BLACHFORD | MARRIAGE: and 14th September Richard CHURCHILL was married to Edith BLACHFORD. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 112 [Note:- Edith was the daughter of Richard BLACHFORD (1570-1652) Richard was the 3rd son of John Churchill of Muston and Elinor Miller] |
28 Sep 1630 | Thomas SPARROW | DEATH: of Thomas SPARROW 28 September 1630. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 113 |
04 Oct 1630 | Various | ELECTED: Shereffe of Dorset Sir John MELLER; Undersheriff Henry ARNOLD Junior; Maior of Dorchester Richard BLACHFORD; Bailiffs Mr Denis BOND, Mr Richard SAVAGE; Governor Mr John COOKE; Assistants Joseph UNDERWOOD, Henry MABER, Matthew BUTLER, George MUNDEN; Constables Richard WILLIAMS, John ROBERTS, Thomas HUNT: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 113 |
5-8 Oct 1630 | Francis ASHLEY, John BROWNE | QUARTER SESSIONS: MOHUN'S BRIDGE Justices Ashley, Trenchard, Napper, Brune, Whetcombe and Browne are to call together two able inhabitants from the hundreds and liberties of George , Totcombe and Modbury, Yetminster, Buckland,Tollerfield, Sherborne, Sydling, St Nicholas, Minterne, Piddlehinton, Piddletrenthide, Alton Pancras, and Fordington. The meeting will set a rate to be collected for the repair of Mohun's Bridge at Dorchester. No one without land worth 20 nobles per year is to pay this rate nor is anyone who has paid under a previous rating. The borough of Dorchester is to make special contribution. Source Quarter Session order book Bridport Sessions. |
5-8 Oct 1630 | Rev. John RUSSELL : Rev. William BENN | QUARTER SESSIONS: £10 to be Paid to William BENN: John RUSSELL clerk, who is in Dorchester Gaol for debt, has been ministering to the prisoners. A total of £10 has been paid for this, 20 nobles to RUSSELL and £3 and a noble to the keeper for a room. The gaol is now divided and Russell is in the sgheriff's ward, and is therefore unable to carry out his ministry. William BENN of All Saints Dorchester clerk, has been doing this work and the Court orders that he is to be paid £10 per year. Source Quarter Session order book Bridport Sessions. |
5-8 Oct 1630 | Nathaniel READ | QUARTER SESSIONS: Nathaniel READ of Dorchester Yeoman £10 (Note:- Under Recognizances from Tipplers so may have been the granting of a licence to sell ale). Source Quarter Session order book Bridport Sessions. |
17 Nov 1630 | John PALMER | DEATH: of Old John PALMER 17 November: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 113 [Note:- This may have been John PALMER that married Joane BISHOPPE on 22 November 1579 in the parish of Holy Trinity. No trace of will at National or Wiltshire archives] |
25 Nov 1630 | Sir George TRENCHARD | DEATH: Sir George TRENCHARD 25th November 1630: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 113 [Note;- See page 182 diary:- Sir George TRENCHARD (d1630) of Wolfeton near Dorchester Recorder of Dorchester 1610, benefactor of the town etc - Note his will is at the National Archives Ref Prob 11/159] |
09 Dec 1630 | Mrs Joan GOULD | DEATH: Mrs Joane GOULD Widow 9 December. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 113 [Note:- See Will of Joane Gould, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset proved 22 Dec 1630 Ref Prob 11/158] |
06 Dec 1630 | Mary WHITEWAY | BIRTH: this day at 9 a clocke in the evening my 3rd daughter was borne and baptised Mary secunda. Her sureties were Mr George BULL, Mrs Rachel PARKINS and Mrs Sarah HILL. She died the 5 January next Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 114 [Note George BULL married his sister-in-law Elizabeth PARKINS on 6 July 1625 - Rachel PARLINS was the 2nd wife of John PARKINS ] |
15 Dec 1630 | Mr John BROWNE | Mr John BROWNE; remooved from Dorchester to dwell at Frampton. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 114 |
17 Dec 1630 | Mr Robert BLAKE | This day Mr Robert BLAKE was arrested for debt, having gotten into his hands of diverse men £5,000. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 114 |
20 Dec 1630 | Lawrence RYTON | Examination of Lawrence RYTON of Dorchester cutler: Stated that he had seen Elizabeth PROSSER take a knife from his standing at Woodbury Hill fair and run off with it. Ehereupon he went after her 'and found her in another row or street in the fair' She was found to have his knife and also two cnvas wrapped around her body and other stuff in a large bag. Lawrence RYTON bound in £40 to give evidence against Elizabeth PROSSER.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 101 |
20 Dec 1630 | John COOKE | Examination of John Cooke of Dorchester, merchant. Stated that some of the goods found on Elizabeth Prosser when she was apprehended had been taken from his stall 'but having much business in the Faire in serving of customers he mist it not tyll it was gone'. John Cooke bound over in £40 to give evidnece against Elizabeth Prosser. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 102 |
20 Dec 1630 | George PANCHARD | Examination of George Panchard of Dorchester, tailor. Stated that his wife 'useth to sell bonela.ce and make and sell all sortes of Linnen used by men and women, and at Woodbury Hill carryed such commodityes to sell', and that some of the goods found upon Elizabeth Prosser were goods they had brought to the fair to sell. George Panchard bound over in £40 to give evidence against Elizabeth Prosser. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 102 |
27 Dec 1630 | Denzil HOLLIS Junior | DEATH: Young Densell HOLLIS 27th December 1630. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 114 [Note The life of his father Denzil HOLLIS (1599-1680) is extensively covered in the Dictionary of National Biography which concentrates upon his role in Parliament and the Civil War. He was married three times and this child was born of his first wife Dorothy the daughter of Sir Francis ASHLEY] |
31 Dec 1630 | Mr Edward CLARKE & Anne CLARKE (nee PELHAM) | DEATH: Mr Edward CLARKE of Tanton. His wife the 19th dicto: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 114 |
13 Jan 1630/31 | Leonard MILLER; Robert LODER | Leonard Miller of Dorchester, gent., in £10 Robert Loder of the same, gent., in £5 Bound over to the Sessions in Dorchester, 'for abusinge the Constables of Dorchester'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 102 |
07 Feb 1630/31 | Mr William PERKINS [PARKINS] & Mary PARKINS | DEATH & BIRTH: This day Mr William PERKINS my brother [i.e. brother in law] died , and Mr John LONG succeeded him in the place of Capital Burgess : his wife was delivered of a daughter called Mary the 24th of the same month.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 115 [Note:- See Will of William Perkins, Merchant of Dorchester proved 2nd July 1631 Prob 11/160] |
07 Feb 1630/31 | Samuel WHITEWAY | The same 7th February, I rode to London, and my brother Samuel WHITEWAY went to Cambridge and was placed in Catherine Hall. My sister Mary went to sojourne in London. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 115 [Note unfortunately the Cambridge Alumni only says that he obtained a BA 1634/5. The Biographical notes page 183 of WW Diary says he was a twin with John WHITEWAY who died before 1641 - It also suggests that Mary's move to London was probably because she married Andrew KENRICKE (or KERRY) then] |
22 Feb 1630/31 | Grace BROWNE | MARRIAGE: This day Mrs Grace BROWNE was married to John STEPHENS of Gloucestershire Counsellor at Law. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 115 [Note Grace was the daughter of Sir John BROWNE; Knight of Frampton and Elizabeth TRENCHARD] |
11 Mar 1630/31 | Thomas EYRES | DEATH: This day died Thomas EYRES. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 115 [Note Thomas EYRES married a Cecely GREGORY in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 16th Nov 1600 - No trace of a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
22 Mar 1630/31 | William BURY | DEATH: 22 March 1630/31 died William BURY: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 115 [Note:- No trace of a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
18 Apr 1631 | Mrs Rachel UNDERWOOD | DEATH: 18 April 1631 Mrs Rachel UNDERWOOD: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 115.[Note:- Joseph UNDERWOOD married Rachel EDWARDS in Holy Trinity church 25 Apr 1607 - No trace of a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
19-21 Apr 1631 | Thomas DEVENISH | QUARTER SESSIONS: Thomas DEVENISH, Master of the House of Correction at Dorchester has laid out £5.6s7d for repairs and for tools for the prisoners to use. The Court orders that he be paid by the treasurer, the implements to remain to the use of the house. Source Quater session order book Sherborne Sessions. |
21 Apr 1631 | Mrs William MUNDENS | DEATH: Died Mr William MUNDIN's wife 21 dicto: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 115 [Note William MUNDEN re-married to Thomasine FOXWELL 10 sep 1632 see below] |
21 May 1630 | Mr Ferdinand NICHOLS | MARRIAGE: The 21st dicto Mr Ferdinand NICHOLS was maried: There is a 2nd entry fior 22nd May to the same effect: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Pages 116 & 117 [Note:- Ferdinando NICHOLS was John WHITE's assistant curate at St Peters & Holy Trinity 1625-1627 when he left to live in Sherborne see entry 26 Aug 1627 above. The marriage referred to here is to Mary LOTTISHAM which according to the OPC transcription of the Bishops Transcripts to have actually taken place on 12 May 1631 where she is referred to as Mary LOTSUM gentlewoman.] |
[27] May 1631 | Rev Walter NEWBURGH | DEATH: In this monthe died :-- Mr Walter NEWBURGH Minister of Simondsbury (succeeded by Mr GLENHAM) : Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 116 |
3 Jun 1631 | Thomas NORRIS | Henry READE of Fordington, husbandman in £40, Thomas NORRIS of Dorchester, miller and William MARTIN of Fordington, hellier each in £20 bound over to the next Sessions and to be of good behaviour 'for beating his wife' Source:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 102 |
5 June 1631 | Joseph PATY | John Phillips of Gillingham, tanner, in £100 Joseph Paty of Dorchester, yeoman, and Thomas Card of Gillingham, butcher, and Christopher Greene of the same, husbandmen, each in £40 Bound over to the next Assizes 'for breaking up enclosures in Gillingham forest.' Source:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 102 |
15 Aug 1631 | Mr Matthias NICHOLS | DEATH: death of diverse persons:- includes Mr Matthias NICHOLS 15 dicto: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 117 |
16 Sep 1631 | Various | This day the matter was debated between the capital burgesses of this town and some discontented persons of the same, who complayned of them that they had wronged them in procuring the Charter, and not giving the common counsell power to chuse their owne members. And this was clearly disproved by Mr DERBY against Mr John COKE and Mr Joseph PATY who were their speakers. Another complaint they made about the free Schoole which they said should be free for all, wheras the deed being produced shewed that the founder member meant it should be free onely for poore mens children. Sir Francis ASHLEY was present at the debate and shewed them their errors yet they went away unmanerly and in an insolent maner cried out, a free schoole, a free schoole. The chief of this faction were Mr John COKE, Joseph PATY, George MUNDIN, John STEVENS, thomas WHITTELL, William MUNDIN, Edward BRAG and old Mr VAWTER the instigator of all. Mr William SAVIDGE their Counsellor, Dr BRADISH and Mr IRONSIDE their divines. The same men caried themselves tumultuously in the choise of Govenor and Assistants the next Law day.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 118 [Note:- See also page 173 Dr BRADISH (d1638) Rector of Puddletown and Athelhampton from 1611. Investor in the Dorchester Co. A leader in opposition to the fifteen sep 1631]. |
3 Oct 1631 | Various | ELECTED: Mayor of Dorchester Mr William WHITEWAY Senior, Bailiffs Mr. John HILL, Mr James GOULD, Governor Mr Joseph PATY, assistants Mr John COKE, George MUNDIN, John STEPHENS, Thomas WHITTELL, Constables Thomas HIAT, Henry SIMMS, John BUSHROD. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 118 |
4-6 Oct 1631 | William FORDE: William MELLEDGE | QUARTER SESSIONS: William Forde apprentice to William MELLEDGE of Dorchester has suffered ill-usage and outrageous beating by his master, and has been threatened with worse usage by his mistress. He is to be discharges from his apprenticeship unless William MELLEDGE can show Sir Francis ASHLEY cause to the cotrary. Source Quarter session Order Book Bridport sessions |
11 Oct 1631 | Mr Adam REVE | DEATH: Death of several persons:- Mr Adam REVE the 11th October 1631:Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 119 [No trace of a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
16 Oct 1631 | John WHITEWAY | DEATH: Death of several persons:- My son John the 2nd [i.e. the second son named John the first having died in 1626] and 3rd [ i.e. the third son born to him - his eldest son William born c1622 lived until about 1656] 16 dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 119 |
31 Oct 1631 | Wife of George MUNDINS | DEATH: Death of several persons:- George MUNDINS wife 31st dicto: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 119 |
13 Nov 1631 | Mrs WALKER | DEATH: Death of several persons:- Mrs WALKER of Cliff 13th November 1631: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 119 |
31 Nov 1631 | Mr John Nicholas RULISS | This day Mr John Nicholas RULISS went hence to London to dwell, there having been much stir about his departure. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 120 |
05 Dec 1631 | Mr John COKE, Patroclus COKE, Roger STEPHENS | This day was there made a colemne Pacification between the 15 of this towne and the Commons, as they call themselves. Every man stressing his readyness except Mr John COKE, Patroclus COKE and Roger STEPHENS. This was brought to pass by Mr WHITE's mediation. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 120 |
06 Dec 1631 | Mr Henage FINCH | DEATH: Death of several persons:- Sir Henage FINCH Recorder, London 6 December 1631: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 119 [Note:- See National Archives Sentence of Heneage Finch, Recorder of London of Saint Bartholomew the Great, City of London 7th Dec 1631Prob 11/160] |
07 Dec 1631 | Sir Hugh MIDDLETON | DEATH: Death of several persons:- Sir Hugh MIDDLETON 7 December 1631; Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 119 [Note:- See national Archives Will of Sir Hugh Middelton, Goldsmith of London proved 21 dec 1631 Ref Prob 11/160] |
27 Dec 1631 | Mr William DERBY | MARRIAGE: The 27th of this month Mr William DERBY of Dorchester mercer was marriedSource William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 120 |
10-13 Jan 1631/32 | Sir John BROWNE | QUARTER SESSIONS: MOHUN'S Bridge Orders have been given previously for rates to be levied towards the repair of Mohun's Bridge in Dorchester. many persons are refusing to pay and some constables have failed to present full accounts. Justices Whetcombe and BROWNE; are to examine officials and grant warrants for the distress and sale of goods of those defaulters and constables. Source Quarter Sessions order book Blandford Sessions. |
10-13 Jan 1631/32 | Thomas POUNCEY [POUNCY] | QUARTER SESSIONS: Thomas POUNCEY of Dorchester, victualler, appears and pleads guilty to assault and affray, against Thomas HOOPER. He is fined 4 marks, later reduced to 10s, and is committed until he has paid and found good security for his good behaviour. Source Quarter Sessions order book Blandford Sessions. |
10-13 Jan 1631/32 | Thomas DEVENISH | QUARTER SESSIONS: MILL AT DORCHESTER A handmill for grinding malt is to be erected in the House of Correction at the request of Thomas DEVENISH the master 'for the better settinge on worke of sundry sturdy offendours'. The treasurer of the western division is to pay Thomas Devenish for his expenditure on the mill.Source Quarter Sessions order book Blandford Sessions. |
10-13 Jan 1631/32 | Richard LEMMINGE: Richard RYALL | QUARTER SESSIONS:Richard LEMMINGE to be discharged and ordered to be placed as servant to Richard RYALL of Dorchester for one year. Source Quarter Sessions order book Blandford Sessions. |
15 Jan 1631/32 | PELHAM | DEATH: Old Mr PELHAM of Compton died 15th dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 121 [No trace of a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
19 Jan 1631/32 | Mr HAIDEN | MARRIAGE: Mr HAIDEN was married to my cousin Elisabeth GOULD of Haies near Exon. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 120 [Note:- There are CLDS member entries which might be relevent for the marriage of a Robert HAYDON to Elizabeth GOULD c1629? at Ottery Saint Mary in Devon which states that Robert Haydon died 12 Nov 1634 and was the son of Gideon Hayden and margaret Davy] |
01 Mar 163132 | William MOUNSELL | DEATH: of Unkle William MOUNSELL. 1st March. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 121. [Note:- William Whiteways mother was Mary MOUNSELL (1579-1655) the daughter of John MOUNSELL and Joan (nee PITT) who married his father in 1598 - No trace of a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
24 Mar 1631/32 | William MILLER | John REASON of Bryanspuddle yeoman in £20; William MILLER of Dorchester brewer and John BARNES of Fordington husbandman each in £10; bound over to the next sessions 'for beating Michaiah BARNES upon the high way'. Richard HARRIS of Kingston Yeoman in £20; John REASON of Bryanspuddle in £20; bound over to the next sessions 'uppon the oate of Michaish BARNES'. NOTE:_ Released upon petition of Michaish BARNES 7 Apr 1632'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 104 |
17 Mar 1631/32 | Mrs [Margaret] BOND | DEATH: of Mrs BOND of Purbeck 17th dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 121 [Note:- This is Margaret BOND the wife of John BOND and she was buried at Steeple Dorset 17 march 1631/2. See Biography of her son Dennis BOND (1588-1658) |
26 Mar 1632 | [John] PARKINS (1571-1634) | This day my father (i.e. father-in-law) had his gray gelding of £20 stolen by night out of his stable, but he had news of him again at Bristol within 5 days. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 121 |
10 Apr 1632 | Gifford BALE | MARRIAGE: The 10th hereof Gifford BALE married Joane DAVIDGE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 122 [Note:- Gifford Bale a mercer was admitted Freeman of Dorchester on 26th July 1632. -- According to Fire from Heaven by David Underdown page 160 he was Constable of Dorchester in 1639 - also mentioned in the Will of John Hill Alderman, Capital Burgess & Mayor of Dorchester in 1636]] |
10 Apr 1632 | John WHITEWAY | The 10th of this month John WARD went to France and my brother John WHITEWAY (1614-1679) came to live with me. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 122 [Note:- John WARD was a bound apprentice to the diarists father and himself for 9 years from 25 Sep 1624. He returned from Mortain 1st December 1633. John WHITEWAY was one of the diarists twin brothers born c1614; the other being Samuel WHITEWAY (1614- bef 1640)] |
11 May 1632 | Mr COWARD | DEATH: Farmer COWARD died 11 May 1632. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [Note There is a Will of John Coward of Portesham, Dorset proved at the National Archives on 16 june 1632 ref Prob 11/162] |
24 May 1632 | Sir Francis ASHLEY; Sir Thomas TRENCHARD: Sir Nathaniel NAPPER: John BROWNE Esq | This day there was another company tried at Weymouth for piracy by an extraordinary Commission granted to Sir Francis ASHLEY, Sir Thomas TRENCHARD, Sir Nathaniel NAPPER, John BROWNE Esq and others. The Captaine was condemned, and reprieved: He was a Portugal. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 123 |
29 May 1632 | Mrs LAWRENCE | DEATH: Mr William LAURENCE's [LAWRENCE] wife died 29 dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [Note:- A William LAURENCE a brewer who was admitted as a member of the company of Freemen on 25 Oct 1621 appears to have been married to Christian Lawrence who outlived him and died in 1663 leaving a will so this is likely to a wife of a different William Lawrence] |
1 June 1632 | Mr Thomas BLACHFORD | This day Mr Thomas BLACHFORD caried [i.e. took] his wife and her sister into France. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 123 [Note:- Thomas BLACHFORD was the son of Richard BLACHFORD ( 1570-1652) & Frances COMBE lived in Roane [Rouen] Normandy from 1 June 1632 and is thought to have died there approx 1644.] |
5 June 1632 | Mr William DERBY | Mr William DERBY was deputed by the merchants of this town to treate with the rest of the Merchants at London by order from the privy counsell: about cutting of the processe of Marteau and Launay, and setting the french trade. To which purpose there was levied 12 per pound of the Custome paid for all goods caried to and brought out of france. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 123 |
8 June 1632 | Mr BERNAUD | Upon the remoovall of Mr Nathaniel BERNAUD usher, Mr Nathaniel COOKE succeeded him in that place. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 123 |
13 June 1632 | Mr John ADIN | DEATH: Mr John ADIN died 13th dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [Note:- May be the John ADIN who married Christian HARRIS in Holy Trinity church on 14 Apr 1619 - No trace of a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
15 June 1632 | Philip NICHOLS | DEATH: Philip NICHOLS died 18 dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [Note:- See page 180 - Philip NICHOLLES a tailor who was admitted as a member of the Company of Freemen on 14 Nov 1621. Accused of criticising John WHITE in 1630 - see FFH Page 40] |
28 June 1632 | Mr LUTTRELL came from Sidling to live here in this towne. | Mr LUTTRELL came from Sidling to live here in this towne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 123 [Note See entry 16 Apr 1634 when he left] |
3-5 July 1632 | Joseph PURCHASE | QUARTER SESSIONS: Joseph PURCHASE The Court orders that the treasurer of the western division is to pay Joseph PURCHASE of Dorchester, baker £14.15.1d for bread delivered to Dorchester Gaol. The tresurer of the eastern division has not this much stock in hand.Source Quarter Sessions order book Sghaston Sessions |
5 July 1632 | Mr RULISS | Upon the remoovall of Mr RULISS the place having been a while supplied by Mr Roger DERBY, Mr John STRICKLAND came to be Mr WHITE's assistant|:The towne promised him £50 per annum from Seton and Mr WHITE £30 more. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 123 |
25 July 1632 | John HOLLIS | BIRTH: Mr John HOLLIS 3rd son of Densell HOLLIS Esq was borne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 |
2 Aug 1632 | Mr Richard BATEMAN | MARRIAGE: This day Mr Richard BATEMAN married his 2nd wife having been a widow some 6 months. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [Note See also page 172 Richard Bateman (b 1599) Merchant of London. son of Robert Bateman. Connected in French trade with james GOULD of Dorchester] |
21 Aug 1632 | Margaret DASHWOOD | DEATH: Margaret DASHWOOD died 21 August 1632. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [No trace of a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
31 Aug 1632 | Mr John BUSHROD | BIRTH: This day John BUSHROD was borne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [Note:- Likely to be the son of Thomas BUSHROD (1605-1677) as he married William Whiteway's sister in law. See biography of Richard Bushrod 1576-1628] and his death below on 1 Apr 1633 |
1 Sep 1632 | Matthew BOUYER; Nathaniel BOWER; William COXE | William CHURCHILL of Charminster husbandman in £20; Matthew BOUYER of Dorchester and Nathaniel BOWER of Dorchester each in £10 bound over to the next sessions 'for striking William COXE of Dorchester shepheard with a staffe'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 104 |
10 Sep 1632 | William MUNDEN v Thomasin FOXWELL | MARRIAGE: William MUNDEN & Thomasine FOXWELL were married 10-Sep 1632 Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [Note see diary page 115 states William MUNDEN's first wife died 21 march 1631- he married Thomasine FOXWELL in Holy Trinity church on 10 Sep 1632] |
15 Sep 1632 | Mr John GALLOT | DEATH: Mr John GALLOT died 15th dec 1632. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 [Note:- may be the John GALLOTTa merchant of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis whose will was proved 24 Oct 1633 Nat Archives Ref 11/164] |
19 Sep 1632 | Samuel HUET v Anne SIMMES | MARRIAGE: Samuel HUET married Anne SIMMES 19 Sep 1632. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124 |
1 Oct 1632 | Various | ELECTED: This day Mr Edmund DASHWOOD was chosen Maior of Dorchester: Bailiffs Mr John BLACHFORD & Mr John LONG: Constables John BUSHROD & Thomas SYMONDS. Governor Henry Maber Assistant Mr Joseph PATY, Mr Richard BURY, Mr Edward DASHWOOD, Robert NAPPER: Sheriffe of Dorset John BROWNE Esq: Undersheriff Thomas DEVENISH. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 125 |
8 Oct 1632 | Richard BLAKE v Jane DASHWOOD | MARRIAGE: October 8 [1632] Mr Richard BLAKE of Andover married with Jane DASHWOOD [of Dorchester] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 124/5 |
11 Oct 1632 | Lady [Dorothy?] MELLER | DEATH: More there died about this time . The old Lady MELLER widow to Sir Robert MELLER died 11 October [1632]. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 125 [Note: According to the 1623 Visitation of Dorset Sir Robert MELLER Knight of Came was living in 1623 with his second wife Margaret the daughter of Robert FFREAK of Vrencourtney in Dorset. - See National Archives Will of Dame Margarett Meller, Widow of Upcerne, Dorset proved 25 Feb 1633 Ref Prob 11/163] |
5 Nov 1632 | Hugh PHILIPS v Mary FOXWELL | MARRIAGE: 5 November [1632] Hugh PHILIPS married Mary FOXWELL. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 125 [Note:- They married in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester] |
12 Dec 1632 | John HOLLES Esq | DEATH: John HOLLES Esq a child 12 December [1632].Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 126 |
20 Dec 1632 | Mr John LONG | DEATH: Mr John LONG Bailiff 20 December 1632.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 126 [Note:- John Long a bookseller of Dorchester was constable 1621-22, 1627-28, Assistant to Governor of Freemen 1623-24, 1625-26. Governor of the Company of Freemen 1627-28, 1629-1630. Elected Capital Burgess 1631 and Bailiff 1632 - See biographical notes WW Diary page 179 - see possible will at national Atchives "Will of John Longe or Long proved 30 Sep 1633 Ref Prob 11/164]]. |
31 Dec 1632 | John COB | DEATH: John COB smith 31st December [1632] This John Cob suddenly as he was ringing of a bell. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 126 [Note:- John Cob blacksmith was admitted to the company of freemen in Dorchester on 7 Nov 1621] |
2 Jan 1632/3 | Mr Richard BURY | APPOINTED: This day Mr Richard BURY was chosen a Capital Burgess in the place of Mr John LONG late deceased, and in his place of Bailiffe William WHITEWAY the younger succeded. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page |
2 Jan 1632/3 | Mr John STRICKLAND | Mr John STRICKLAND , Mr WHITE's Assistant was by Sir John HORNER presented to the Parsonage of Puddimores Milton which he accepted to preserve it from the Lapse: he remooved hence the 19th February and the place was supplied a while by Mr Jonathan LAWRENCE, and afterwards Mr GILES. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 127 |
3 Jan 1632/3 | [Mary] WHITEWAY (nee Mounsell) | At this time my mother had a very general sicknesse, but by gods blessing upon the endeavours of Captaine Salleneuve she was well recovered againe. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 127 |
7 Jan 1632/3 | Robert LAWRENCE | John LAWRENCE of Fordington yeoman in £10; Robert LAWRENCE of Dorchester shoomaker in £5 'Tipler licenced in Fordington'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 105 |
7 Jan 1632/3 | Gerard NAPPER Esq | MARRIAGE: The 7 of this month Gerard NAPPER Esq was married to one of the heires of Mr COLE of Pitminster in Somerset. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 127 [Note:- Gerard NAPPER (1606-1673 ) of Middlemarsh in Mintern Magna was the grandson of Sir Robert NAPPER of Moore Critchell Dorset who was a great benefactor of Dorchester but died in 1615. He started 'Nappers Mite' almshouses (now a cafe in Dorchester) and Gerard Napper completed them]. |
22 Jan 1632/3 | Sir Thomas TRENCHARD; Dr WHETCOME; |
The 22nd of this month there came out a Commission to collect money of all men of ability towards the repairing of St Pauls church in London: to which the king and many great men about London had already given largely. This town gave about £10 towards it. Sir Thomas TRENCHARD, and Dr WHETCOME were commissioners for this town, and Dr WHETCOME was very earnest. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 127 |
1 Feb 1632/3 | Mr John BOND | DEATH: Mr John BOND of Purbeck 1st February [1632/3]. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 |
3 Feb 1632/3 | Mary BULL | BIRTH: This day Mary BULL was borne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 128 [Note:- See also page 173/4 :- George BULL probably Dr George BULL of Wells who later became Bishop of St David's. In 1631 he presented religious works to the Dorchester Library. married Elizabeth PARKINS the diarists sister-in-law (in Holy Trinity church on 29 June 1625) He was godfather to the diarists daughter Mary in 1630. His wife was godmother to John the first in 1625.] |
25 Feb 1632/3 | John BLANCHFORD; Thomas WALTHAM | There was a warrant granted out for apprehending of Mr John BLACHFORD and Mr Thomas WALTHAM, for refusing to answer to the information made in the Exchequer against them for stealing custom [i.e. not paying custom duty on imported goods] and counterfeiting of Cockets which were discovered by Walter GOULD who had been their chief agent therein. Whereupon they absented themselves. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 128 Extract" Another fraud appears to have been perpetrated in 1632, when Thomas Geiar, John Blackford [Blachford] and Thomas Waltham were found guilty of plots, confederacies and conspiracies inevading customs [Exchequer Depositions, transcription in Dorchester Museum Library volIX,pp 128, 136]Geiar was found guilty and fined £3,000, Blackford and Waltham £2,000 and for a time seem to have been lodged in the Fleet. The fines were never paid. There may have been some personal spite here since when Geiar was Mayor [of weymouth] he fined Gardiner, the Customs Controller 23/- for blaspheming and swearing and 5/- for drunkenness". Source: Page 46 Extract from Studies in a Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
26 Feb 1632/3 | Christopher GOULD v Rachell BEAKE | MARRIAGE: This day Mr Christopher GOULD married with Rachell BEAKE, and shortly after, when Aquila PURCHASE, Bernard GAPEN and others went to New England, he was chosen Clarke of Trinitie Parish and by the towne made schoolmaster of Trinitie Schoole. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 [Note also page 176 Christopher GOULD died 1668] |
27 Feb 1632/3 | Thomas SIMONDS | BIRTH: Thomas SIMONDS was borne 27th dicto. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 128 [Note:- died see entry 12 March 1632/3] |
7 March 1632/3 | Rev John WHITE | This day the Assizes were held here before Sir Thomas RICHARSON Lord Chief Justice of King Bench and Sir John DENHAM Baron of Exchequer. Mr WHITE preached. 3 persons were executed. And the Judges brought with them a Proclamation for prices of wine, Canary and Muscardi, and Alicant at 12d. Sack and Malaga at 9d and french wine at 6d. Rochell wine at 5d the Quart. Lord Richardson was sent for to the Court, before he had ended the circuit. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 |
8 March 1632/3 | Matthew CHUBB | DEATH: Matthew CHUBB 8 March [1632/3] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 [Note:- Matthew CHUBB the elder a goldsmith of Dorchester whose life is covered in 'Dorchester Divided -pages 135 to 137' was buried in All Saints church in 1617, this is the death of his son - See also page 174 of WW's diary] |
12 March 1632/3 | Thomas SIMONDS | DEATH: Little Thomas SIMONDS 12 ditto [ March 1632/3]. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 [Note see Birth entry 27 February 1632/3] |
14 March 1632/3 | Martha PATIE | BIRTH: Martha PATIE borne 14 March. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 128 |
15 March 1632/3 | George GOULD | DEATH: George GOULD 15 ditto [ March 1632/3]. Clothier of Dorchester. Governor of the Hospital in 1627. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Pages 129 & 177 [Note:- see Wills Index Will of George Gould, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset Proved 18 April 1633 PROB 11/163] |
16 Mar 1632/3 | Mrs COLLIER | DEATH: Captain COLLIERS wife 16th ditto [March 1632/3].Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 [Could not locate a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
18 March 1632/3 | Silvester KEECH | DEATH Silvester KEECH 18 ditto [March 1632/3]. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 [Note:- a Silvester CEECH married Mary HUTCHINS at Stinsford 15 Jan 1632 - [Could not locate a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
25 March 1632/3 | Robert BEAKE; Mrs FOXWELL | DEATH: 25 March 1632/3 Mr Robert BEAKE died this day. Mrs FOXWELL died the same day. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 [Could not locate a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
27 March 1632/3 | Mrs GOULD | DEATH: My aunt GOULD of Staverton 27 march 1632/3. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 [Could not locate a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
1 Apr 1633 | John BUSHROD | DEATH: Little John BUSHROD 1 Aprilis. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 129 [See birth 31 Aug 1632] |
12 Apr 1633 | Various | This day the new feoffement of the lands of All Saints parish was sealed. The feoffees were Mr Richard BLACFORD, Mr Dionis BOND , Mr James GOULD, Mr John BLACHFORD, William WHITEWAY Junior, Mr Richard SAVAGE, Matthew BUTTLER, Robert LAWRENCE, Edward DASHWOOD, and Mr John BUSHROD. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 130 |
21 Apr 1633 | Mrs [Wilmot ] BUSHROD | DEATH: Death of sundry persons:- My sister BUSHROD 21 April [1633] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 131 [Note:- This is his sister-in-law Wilmot BUSHROD nee PARKINS the wife of Thomas BUSHROD the son of Richard BUSHROD][Could not locate a Will at National or Wiltshire Archives] |
30 April 1633 - 2nd May 1633 | John HILL | QUARTER SESSIONS: Treasurers Elected for the following year. The following re elected Treasurers for the next year for the western and eastern divisions respectively : John HILL of Dorchester, merchant and Richard RYVES of Shaston, merchantSource Quarter Sessions Order Book Sherborne sessions |
5 May 1633 | Sir Thomas FREKE | DEATH: Sir Thomas FREKE going to Lonodn 5 May [1633]. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 131. [Also Page 176:- Sir Thomas FREKE (1563-1633) Of Iwerne Courtney was twice Kinght of the Shire. Deputy Lietenant for about 30 years, and a respected figure in the county. Co-Owner with his son of the ship 'Leopold' of Weymouth, largest of the Dorset Privateers.] |
27 June 1633 | Catherine GARDENER v Mr John Casper HOPFF | MARRIAGE: Mr John Casper HOPFF was married to his wife Catherine GARDENER 15 July: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 132 [See also page 178 of diary John Casper Hopff refugee from Palatinate 1627. Note: Married Katherine Gardener, John White's niece: probably took place at St Peters where the registers were destroyed as John White was Vicar of Holy Trinity and St Peters and the marriage is not in the registers of Holy Trinity which have survived.] |
4 July 1633 | Rev. John WHITE; John Winthrop; John GALLOP; John ELFORD; | LETTER: Masschusetts July 4 1632: This letter is addressed " To his Reverend and verie loving Friende Mr John WHITE, minister of the Gospell these delyver." The bill enclosed runs "Brother DOWINGE, I parye unto this bearer by the allowance of Mr. John WHITE of Dorchester twelve pounds. It is for fishing lines to be sent into New England. So I Rest your loving brother Jo: Winthrop. masschusetts in new England July 4, 1632 Reverend and Worthye Sir, Source: Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. Soc 1860-2 at pages 126 and 127. Also Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset 1888 pages 21/2 |
16-18 July 1633 | William TAYLOUR | QUARTER SESSIONS: Willial TAYLOUR sheraman by trade bound over in the sum of £20 for good behaviour. Quarter Sessions Order book Shaston sessions |
23 Jul 1633 | Mr John HARDY v Alice TOOPE | MARRIAGE: 23 July [1633] Mr John HARDY married to Alice TOOPE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 132 |
2 July 1633 | Mr Henry FISHER; Mr GILES, Mr Jonathan LAWRENCE | Mr Henry FISHER went for Germany, and Mr GILES went away into Gloucestershire to a living: and Mr Jonathan LAWRENCE, assisted Mr WHITE for a time. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 132: [ Also page 176 Mr John Henry FISHER (died 1634) Refugee from Palatinate 1626. Returned to Germany 1633] |
28 Aug 1633 | Mr Joseph PARKINS | My brother (in-law) Joseph PARKINS to prevent a consumption had an issue made in his arm by Captain SALLENEUVE. He died 26 October next. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 133 |
29 Aug 1633 | Mr William LAWRENCE v Mrs Margaret CHEEK | MARRIAGE: Mr William LAWRENCE of Stapleton was married unto Mrs Margaret CHEEK widow. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 133 [Note:- Margaret CHEEKE was the widow of the Rev Robert CHEEKE (1572-1627) who was master of the Free School in Dorchester] |
2 Sep 1633 | Mr GARDENER, Mr BLACHFORD | Mr GARDENER and Mr BLACHFORD had a commission at Waimouth about the Custome causes. Mr BLACHFORD's commissioners were Mr LAWRENCE of Wraxall and Parson SIMONS of Melbury. Mr GARDENER's were Robert SMART and Mr WOOLFREYS of Hampton. Mr GARDENER seing he could not prove things as he desired, snatch up the commission and put it in his pocket, which Mr BLACHFORD certified into the exchecker. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 133/4 |
18 Sep 1633 | John BAYLAND ; William BANKES | John BAYLAND of Dorchester glover in £20; William BANKES of Dorchester glover in £20; bound over to the next sessions to keep the peace especially towards .....GREENE of Godmoston.Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 107 |
30 Sep 1633 | Various | ELECTED: this day were chosen for the towne:- Maior: Mr William JOLIFFE. Bailiffs: Mr William DERBY 2, Mr Richard BURY. Constables: Mr Edward BRAG, Mr Robert LAWRENCE, Mr Nicholas STONE, Governor: Mr Edward DASHWOOD, Assistants Mr Henry MABER, Henry DERBY, Joseph UNDERWOOD, John BUSHROD: Sheriff of Dorset William COLLIER Esq Undersherrif Matthew DERBY. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 134 |
30 Sep 1633 | Grace TRENCHARD v William POWLE | MARRIAGE: This day Grace TRENCHARD was married unto the son and heire of Sir John POLE Baronet: videlicet William POOLE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 134. [Note:- The marriage register of Charminster Dorset shows :- William sonn unto Sir John Powle KNIGHT baronett of Collinton the one party & Grace d. unto Sir Thomas TRENCHARD of Wolveton and the Lady Elizabeth married 30th Sept 1633 ] |
12 Oct 1633 | John COOTH | DEATH: This quarter died these persons:- Mr John COOTH 12 October. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 136 [Note:- See National Archives the will of John COOTH clothier of Dorchester was proved 16 May 1634 PROB 11/ 165] |
16 Oct 1633 | William WHITEWAY junior | The 16 hereof Mr FITZHERBERT Archdeacon visited, Mr BULL of Purbeck preached. This day Mr Charles GAGE a french painter came and wrought in this town for 5 weeks. He drew my picture and my wiveas and many others. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 134 [Note:- Also see page 176 Richard FITZHERBERT (d 1653) Vicar of Gussage All Saints 1621. Archdeacon of Dorset 1621. |
26 Oct 1633 | Joseph PARKINS | DEATH: This quarter died these persons:- My brother (i.e. in-law) Joseph PARKINS 26 October [1633] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 136 |
26 Oct 1633 | John GUPPY v Jane MELLEDGE | MARRIAGE: The 26 October [1633] John GUPPY was married to Jane MELLEDGE. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 135 |
16 Dec 1633 | Mr LAWRENCE, John COLE, Mr BLACHFORD, Mr Robert SMART, Mr GARDNER | There was a commission held here at the Shirehall about stealing of customs. Mr LAWRENCE of Wraxall, and John COLE were for Mr BLACHFORD, and Mr Robert SMART, for Mr GARDNER. It lasted a monthe. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 136 |
20 Dec 1633 | Mr Hugh THOMPSON | Mr Hugh THOMPSON of Queen's College in Oxford , came to be assistant to Mr WHITE in the Ministry, and to have £60 per annum for his paines, with augmentation of maintenance, when his occasions require. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 136 |
30 Dec 1633 | Mr John BLACHFORD; Mr James GOULD Mr Thomas WALTHAM | The 30th of this month the 'Mary of Morlaix' laden with 120 fardles of derbys (i.e. bundles of cloth) for Dorchester, Weymouth and Hampton was cast away upon Portland beach and all the goods. The men forsook the narke when they might have saved her. The greatest loss fell upon Mr John BLACHFORD , Mr James GOULD and Mr Thomas WALTHAM. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 136/7 |
Jan 1633 to 21 Mar 1633 | John BLACHFORD Richard BLACHFORD J. RIVES; Francis DASHWOOD; James GOULD |
CUSTOMS WEYMOUTH: Over this short period import duries and Petty Customs were paid at the Port of Weymouth by the following known Dorchester merchants Goods were on various ships including:- The James' on 11th January 1633; Import duties:- J. Rives mainly canvas, F [Francis] Dashwood, R [Richard] Blackford [Blachford]; Petty Customs:- J [James] Gould The 'Francis' on 17th January 1633; Import duties:- J Rives, F [Francis] Dashwood, J [John] Blackford [Blachford] ; Petty Customs:- R [Richard] Blackford [Blachford] The 'Rotterdam' 19th January 1633; Import duties:- J [John] Blackford [Blachford] canvas ; J. Rives, The 'Swallow' 4th February 1833 Import duties:- R [Richard] Blackford [Blachford] feathers and thread; The 'Sarath' 19th February 1633; Import duties:- R [Richard] Blackford [Blachford] canvas and cloth; James Gould; F [Francis] Dashwood; J. Rives; John Gould; Petty Customs:- G Bales The 'Pelican' 19th February 1633; Import duties:- R [Richard] Blackford [Blachford] canvas and oil The 'Ann' 19th February 1633; Import duties:- R [Richard] Blackford [Blachford] oil Source: Pages 44 & 45 Extract from Studies in a Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
7-9 Jan 1633/4 | Stephen PRESLEY | QUARET SESSIONS: Stephen PRESLEY of Dorchester labourer bound over to the next assizes for good behaviour in the sum of £20. Outcome transcript. Source: Quarter Sessions order book Blandford Session |
11 Jan 1633/4 | Edward BUCKLER | Stephen BILES of Poole saylor in £40; Robert BILES of the same shipwright and Edward BUCKLER of Dorchester pewterer each in £40 bound over to the next Assizes for robbery'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 107 |
28 Jan 1633/4 | Joseph UNDERWOOD | MARRIAGE: 28 January [1633/4] This day Joseph UNDERWOOD the younger was married. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 138 |
6 Feb 1633/4 | Mrs Joane CHUB | MARRIAGE: -- and the young widow Mrs Joane CHUB was maried in London to Mr Thomas MAN. [This marriage is actually entered twice in his diary] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 138 [Note there is an extracted marriage record on the CLDS IGI between Joane CHUBB and a William? MAN for the 1 Feb 1633 for the parish of St John Hackney London] |
19 Feb 1633/4 | Mr Hugh THOMPSON | 19 February [1633/4] This day Mr Hugh THOMPSON was promised £100 per annum, as long as he used his ministry here, by Mr Maior and the company. Whereupon he promised not to leave us to accept any other preferment. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 139 |
23 Feb 1633/4 | Andrew SPRATLIN | DEATH: Andrew SPRATLIN [SPRATLING] died 23 Febr [1633/4] :Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 142 [Note:- see National Archives the will of Andrew SPRATLING feltmaker of Dorchester proved 16 May 1634 PROB/11/165] |
2 Mar 16333/4 | Mrs Thomas GALPIN | The wife of Thomas GALPIN of this towne killed her young child of half a year old, for which she was imprisoned, and afterwards executed to death at the Summer Assizes, sentenced by Baron DENHAM. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 141 [Note there was a Thomas GALPIN, a clothworker born in the town, who was apprenticed on 6 Jan 1630/1 ] |
6 Mar 1633/34 | Thomas READE | DEATH: Thomas READE died 6 march [1633/4].Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Pages 142 and 181: [Note:-Thomas READE (d1634) Alehouse keeper of Dorchester Freeman 1622] |
7 Mar 1633/34 | Hugh MANUELL | DEATH: Old Hugh MANUELL died 7 March [1633/34]:Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 142 and 179 blacksmith and freeman of Dorchester 1621 |
18 Mar 1633/4 | Mr BLACHFORD Mr GARDENER | After many thousands spent in law, Mr BLACHFORD and Mr GARDENER referred their differences upon account unto Mr John LAWRENCE and Mr Henry CUTTANCE who sate on it this day, but could not agree, so the business was referred unto Sir John STANGEWAYS to be umpier who took time to deliberate on it until 1st August.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page |
19 Mar 1633/4 | Stephen TERRY | MARRIAGE: Stephen TERRY was married to Mr John HARDEYS sister. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 142 [Note Stephen TERRY was the son of John TERRY & Mary WHITE the sister of the Rev John WHITE. John TERRY died in 1625 and Mary moved with her family including Stephen to live in Dorchester. Stephen TERRY married Jane HARDEY in St John the Baptists church in the parish of Symondsbury according to the parish register on 13 March 1633.] |
26 Mar 1634 | George BULL | BIRTH: This day my nephew George BULL was borne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 142 |
29 Mar 1634 | Mr Christopher EARLE | DEATH: Christopher ERLE(1590-1634) died 29 March 1633/4: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 142 |
30 Mar 1634 | New England Co | NEW ENGLAND Co. Venture:-there are two export and two import loads in 1634. On March 30th into the 'Recovery of London' Gabriel CORNISH embarked for "Matachusset-New England" goods to the value of £209.6.8d for 26 planters "divers sorts of household stuff, apparrell and other provisions for the necessary use of themselves, their wives, children and servants. All wch provisions are valued as they cost and are worth heere and are allowed to go free custome - John White" Exactly a month later in the 'Neptune of London' go 8 mares, 40 cows, 6 trunks, 4 hampers of household stuff and harness for horses to the value of £112. In May a load comes from Virginia of 1511 hogsheads, but of what is not specified. It is possible that the cargo was tobacco. In October the 'Thunder' brought in 8 beaver skins. |
11 Apr 1634 | Thomas BLACHFORD John GARDNER, William BURT | The 11th of this month Mr Thomas BLACHFORD being come into England about busyness was like to be betrayed into the hands of a pursivant by Mr John GARDNER who had a quarrel at him for beating him at bolayes. But he escaped him and lodged the night at Mr KNAPTON's whose back house was burnt the same night by the negligence of a servantwho let a snuffe fall among the turnves. William BURT tailor was so affrighted with this fire that he died within 10 days after. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 143 [See William BURT's death 21 Apr 1634 below] |
12 Apr 1634 | Matthias NICHOLS widow | The wife of Mr Matthias NICHOLS deceased came to live here in towne: Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 143 & 180 |
15 Apr 1634 | Mr Patroclus COOKE | MARRIAGE: Mr Patroclus COOKE married to his 2nd wife. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 143 & 175 [Note:- Patroclus COOKE (d1658) Beadle of the Company of Freemen of Dorchester 1621 . Sergeant at mace 1624 and 1634. One of leaders in revolt against the fifteen 1631. Burgess 1631 - many ref in Fire from Heaven by david Underdown] |
15-17 Apr 1634 | John HILL | QUARTER SESSIONS: John HILL of Dorchester, merchant, current treasurer for the western divisio, is unable to present accounts because there is much still to be paid in by the constables. He is given one month to complete, and then the accounts are to be submitted to Justices Whetcombe and Browne. Source:- Quarter Session Order Book Sherborne Session |
15-17 Apr 1634 | Gregory HILLARY | QUARTER SESSIONS: Gregory HILLARY To be whipt att the foot of the pillory on the next markett day in this towne(i.e. Sherborne) - then to stand on the pillory after by the space of 2 hours with an inscription For gayning money by false messages. After that to be openly whipt on the next market day att Dorchester and to stand 2 houres more in the pillory there with the same inscrition. Then to remayne in the house of correction for sixe moneths, and from thence untill he finde good suertyes for his good behaviour. Source:- Quarter Session Order Book Sherborne Session |
16 Apr 1634 | Mr John LUTTRELL | 16th Mr John LUTTRELL remooved hence to live in Marshwood Vale. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 143 |
17 Apr 1634 | Mr John HUMFREYS | Mr NEUBURGH of Marshwood Vale and many others set sail from Weymouth towards New England: and the 27 of the same Mr John HUMFREYS with his wife the Lady Susan FINES set sail likewise for the same place. This summer there went over to that plantation at the least 20 sail ships and in them 2,000 planters. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 143 [See page 178 :- John HUMFREY (1597-c1652) Son of Michael of Dorchester Treasurer of the Dorchester Co. Actively engaged in this and other colonizing ventures. sailed to New England 1634 but returned 1641.] |
19 Apr 1634 | Joseph CUFF | DEATH: Joseph CUFFE died at Stockbridge 19th dicto .Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 145 [Note:- We know Joseph CUFF was a barber by trade as he took an apprentice for 8 years in 1632. Also see Dorset Visitation 1623 Page 24 Mary BUCKLER daughter of William BUCKLER and Mary KEYTE married Joseph CUFFE of Dorchester prior to 1623] |
21 Apr 1634 | William BURT | DEATH: William BURT tailour doed Aprill 21 [1634].Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 146 [Note entry 11 Apr 1634 above] |
10 May 1634 | Mrs PARKINS | DEATH: My grandame PARKINS died 10 May [1634]. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 146 |
11 May 1634 | Lady Jane BROWNE | DEATH: Lady Jane BROWNE died 11 May 1634. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 146 [Note Lady Jane BROWNE was the widow of Sir John BROWNE (1558-1627) and mother of John BROWNE JP for Dorchester.] |
17 May 1634 | W PARKINS [PERKINS] | DEATH: My Grandsire W.PERKINS died 17 May [1634] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 146 |
22 May 1634 | William WHITEWAY junior | I rode with my wife to Sherborn, Castel cary, Wells, Axbridge, Bath, bingar and Glaston and Shapwick and returned home the 4th June. In this journey I was in Bath and heard Dr PERCE Bishop of Bath and Wells and Dr RIVET preach. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 143 |
22 May 1634 | Captain Robert BROWNE | Captaine Robert BROWNE being fallen behind hand, went into Ireland to settle there, and swimming his horse through a great river oftentimes in a bravado at last he drowned. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 144-- also listed under people that died that year giving a date og 16 may 1634 on page 146] |
2 June 1634 | Bernard TOOPE | Mr Bernard TOOPE overruled by his wife went hence to live at Chaldon against his will. But at Michaelmas next he was chosen Maior, and being invited home, he returned the week after his election. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page |
6 June 1634 | George GOULD | BIRTH: Cousin George GOULD was born 6 dicto.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 144 |
7 June 1634 | William BROWNE v Ruth MELLEDGE | MARRIAGE: William BROWNE Bookbinder was maried to Ruth MELLEDGE : Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 145 |
11 June 1634 | Debora MEECH | DEATH: Cousin Debora MEECH died suddenly 11 June [1634] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 146 |
12 June 1634 | Sir Edward COKE | DEATH: Sir Edward COKE, late Lord Cheife Justice died 12 June 1634. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 146 - also pages 15, 43, 47,57, 77, 80, 128 [Note Biography of Sir Edward COKE (1552-1634) on Wapedia suggests death was 3 Sep 1634 at Stoke pages in Buckinghamshire?] |
14 June 1634 | Nathaniel BOND | BIRTH: Cousin Nathaniel BOND was born 14 dicto.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 144 |
22 June 1634 | Richard and Mary VEALE | Richard VEALE and his wife Mary bare penance openly for an obscene abuse offered to BURKE of Fordington who died shortly after it. She had been a month in Bridewell for it, and was well whipt there. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 145. [Note:- This incident is covered in more detail in 'Fire from Heaven' by David Underdown pages 61/2, 64 and is said to have involved Richard & Mary VEALE, a shoemaker Anthony PENNY, Rober BUCK from Fordington who later died, a carpenter John WEIR and his wife Joan, and Walter HAGGARD a butcher. ] |
24 June 1634 | Henry DERBY | At this time Mr Henry DERBY remooved hence to live at Beaminster. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 145 |
3 July 1634 | PARKES | FIRE: July 3 there were 4 small thatched houses burnt at the east side of the South Gate of this town, by the negligence of PARKES wife. A collection was made for them in our three churches in which there was 322.9s collected and distributede amongst them. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 146 |
7 July 1634 | Uroth [Euroth] ALLIMBRIG | DEATH: Mrs Uroth ALLIMBRIG died 7 July [1634] Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 146 [Note:- Euroth WILSON married John ALAMBRIGG in Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 28 Sep 1615. John ALLANBRIDGE a clothier by trade was made constable of Dorchester in 1628 and Mayor in 1642 in which year he died] |
7 July 1634 | Rev John WHITE; Rev William BENN | The reading of the Kings book for recreations upon Sunday qwas eagerly urged in Somerset by the Bishop of Bath and Wells, and in the diocess of Winchester, and diverse ministers suspended for refusing to reade it. They all appealed from BB to the delegates. The Bishop of Bristoll and the Chancellor urged Mr WHITE to read it before the Archbishops Visitation: and upon his refusal, the Churchwardens in his absence procured Mr HOLLIDAY to reade it on a Friday morning 11 July , none then being in church, but he and the Clarke and the Churchwardens. When Mr WHITE heard of it he was exceedingly angry. It was read in St Peters Church. Mr BEN refused utterly to reade it. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 147 |
21 July 1634 | George YEATE | MARRIAGE: 21 July George YEATE was married. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 145 |
22 July 1634 | Mary PARKINS | This day Mary PARKINS was sent to Salisbury to school. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 148 |
23 July 1634 | William GOULD | Cousin William GOULD shooting London Bridge, the boat was overturned and two of his companions drowned. He was in great danger also himself. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 148 |
27 July 1634 | Francis DASHWOOD | MARRIAGE: marriages of severall persons:- Francis DASHWOOD married a French woman at Caen 27 July 1634. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 155 [See also page 175 of diary:- Francis DASHWOOD Mercer. Son of Edmund DASHWOOD (1588-1642) Admitted to the Company of Freemen 1623 as apprentice to John BLACHFORD.]. |
30 July 1634 | Mr BLACHFORD and Mr GARDNER | Sir John STANGEWAYS after many delays and much intreaty made an arbitration between Mr BLACHFORD and Mr GARDNER wherein he gave Mr BLACHFORD the value of £250 from Mr GARDNER who demandedof Mr BLACHFORD £1,100. The next day he made a declaration wherein he showed that he had committed an error of £100 upon his arbitration. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 148 |
1 Aug 1634 | Mr FRY | Yong Mr FRY of Colliton coming from Exon with his man, between them they killed a man at Vinneton bridge. For which his man was burnt in the hand, and Mr FRY had a pardon. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 149 |
4 Aug 1634 | Mr John STEVENS wife | DEATH: of sundry persons:- John STEVENS of Dorchester his wife 4 August. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 155 [Note John STEVENS was a mercer of Dorchester who took on apprentices in 1626 and 1630] |
6 Aug 1634 | Mr WHITE | This year Mr WHITE left of[f] the celebrating of the Anniversary of the great fire, which happened annon 1613. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 149 |
15 Aug 1634 | John Nicholas RULICE | Mr John Nicholas RULICE came out of the Palatinat to London with letters for the King, for a collection for the restoring of the University of Heidelberg. But when matters succeeded ill in Germany, he presented them not, but went a while after unto Amsterdam, to be MInister to the English Church there. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 149 |
25 Aug 1634 | Nathaniel PEACOCKE | Examination of Nathaniel PEACOCKE of Dorchester gentleman 'Stated that Peter BUSH had come to his inn, the Rose , in Dorchester and had claimed that he was one of those that had authoritie to take up cattle that were not pitch marked and was going about that business'. Bush had ordered supper but had not come to eat it. [Note other examinations about this case not recorded as not affecting Dorchester] Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 110 |
27 Aug 1634 | Hugh THOMPSON | MARRIAGE: Marriages of several persons:- Mr Hugh THOMPSON married 27 august 1634. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 155 |
28 Aug 1634 | Mr John BROWNE (1610-1671) | MARRIAGE: Marriages of several persons:- Mr John BROWNE esq married to Lady WISES daughter 28th August 1634. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 155 [Note eldest son and heir to John BROWNE JP of Dorchester. ] |
2 Sep 1634 | William LEVET | MARRIAGE: Marriages of severall persons:- William LEVET married his maid 2nd September 1634. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 155 [See also page 179 of Diary William LEVETT Weaver of Dorchester admitted Freeman 1622] |
6 Sep 1634 | William TAYLOR | John SHOLE of Portesham husbandman in £20; William TAYLOR of Dorchester sheerman and Thomas MICHELL of langton Herring fisherman each in £10 bound over to the next sessions and to keep the peace especially towards John DISCOTT and Robert HANSFORD. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 Page 113 |
10 Sep 1634 | Joseph PORTY [PATY?] | Robert HUNT of Lawehoase in the parish of Wyke Regis yeoman in £20; Joseph PORTY of Dorchester clothier and Robert SHERRIN of Widcombe husbandman each in £10; bound over to the next sessions and to keep the peace especially towards Joan HEBBARD of Waymouth and Melcombe Regis widow. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 |
13 Sep 1634 | Giles FOY; William BESSE; William OTHEY; Charles AUSTIN: Robert OSBORNE | Memorandum Giles FOY of Dorchester gave information as follows:- Against William BESSE of Dorchester, yeoman, William OTHEY of the same, feltmaker, Charles AUSTIN of the same collarmaker, Robert OSBORNE of the same clothier for engrossing grain in the field contrary to Statute. Against Samuel BELLMAN of Fordington, blacksmith, Richard COZENS of the same, yeoman, and Richard FREKE of the same husbandman for a similar offence and against Robert EDWARDS of the same yeoman and Thomas BELLETT of Dorchester yeoman for a similar offence .Source:- The casebook of Sir Frances Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 [Note very brief mention in 'Fire from Heaven by david Underdown page 119] |
17 Sep 1634 | Mr John James TREDER | Mr John James TREDER a Gentleman of Pomerania, came to live here, and lay at Mr John BLACHFORD's with Mr [ENSUM] .Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 150 |
24 Sep 1634 | Mr Giles GREEN | Mr Giles GREEN came out of Purbeck to live here in this town by occasion of his own and his wives sicknesse. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 150 |
4 Oct 1634 | Various | ELECTED: This day were chosen for Dorchester:- Maior Barnard Toope . Bailiffs Mr John PARKINS 5. & Mr Richard SAVAGE 2. Constables Mr William PATY, Mr William LODER, Mr Lawrence RIGHTON: Governor Mr Robert COKER. Assistants Edward DASHWOOD, John DASHWOOD, Thonmas HIAT. Christopher WAY. Sheriff Dorset. Sir Thomas TRENCHARD. Undersherrif Mr Andrew KEILWAY. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 151 |
7 Oct 1634 | Grace PARKINS : An(n) MODIFORD | My sister (i.e. sister in law) Grace PARKINS and An(n) MODIFORD came hiother 7 Dicto to have her Jointer sealed, which was done and they returned 3 daies agter. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 152 |
13 Oct 1634 | Onecipherus (Onesiphorus) BOND, William & Samuel WHITEWAY | This day I rode towards London with Mr Onecipherus BOND. Roger COLE, and my brother Sam WHITEWAY. We took Oxford in our way, and viewed all the Colleges, as also Windsor Castle and Eaton College, and from thence went to to Hampton Court, where wee saw the King and Queen dine. At Lambeth wee saw the rarityes of Tredescant. And in Morefields I saw a woman delivered of a child. I returned home 31 October. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 151 [Note Onesipherus BOND (1612-1635) was the son of John BOND and younger brother to Dennis BOND (1588-1658)] |
28 Oct 1634 | Eleanor WHITEWAY | DEATH: God took to his mercy my little daughter Elenor WHITEWAY aged about 13 months 28 October. She was weaned the 6th of the said month. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 152 |
6 Nov 1634 | John GUPPY | BIRTH: John GUPPY had a daughter borne, which had 7 toes upon one foote. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 152 |
17 Nov 1634 | Sir Thomas TRENCHARD & Dr WHETCOME | This day Sir Thomas TRENCHARD and Dr WHETCOME sate here about a second collection for the repairing of (St) Pauls. Every man gave what he would. I gave 2s6d. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page |
19 Nov 1634 | Mr ROLLES | DEATH: Mr ROLLES hunting in Bradford ground his horse fell under him and brake his necke, and he died instantly, Mr ROLLES had but little harme. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 153 |
23 Nov 1634 | Joseph UNDERWOOD | Joseph UNDERWOOD became nonsolvent whereupon some of his creditors gott out an extent upon his goods, executed 19 December. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 153. |
28 Nov 1634 | Thomas GIAR, John BLACHFORD, Thomas WALTHAM | This day Mr Thomas GIEAR, John BLACHFORD, and Thomas WALTHAM, after a long and chargeable suit followed against them in the Exchequer by Mr John GARDNER in the Kings name and his owne, were censured by the Barons upon the statue of labourers for weking on undue times, shipping goods at unlawful howers and in undue manner: and Mr Thomas GIAR who was then Maior for permitting such unlawful practises to be done in his house. Mr GIAR was fined £3000, Mr BLACHFORD £2000 and Mr Thomas WALTHAM £2000 and all to be imprisoned: but they provided for their liberty. Mr James GOULD and Mr John SEWARD, who went upon the same information, were cleared and discharged by the Court. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page |
13 Dec 1634 | Sampson HARRIS | Examination of Sampson Harris of Dorchester, weaver. 'Who saith that on or about the 13th day of November last this examinant went to Minterne to arrest one John Game by virtue of a warrant from the Sheriff ..... att the suit of Richard Collier, gent. And when he came thither he found the said Game casting of soyle in the feilds, then this examinant told the said Game that he had a warrant from the Sheriff against him, whereupon the said Game fell on this examinant and beate him cruelly with a corne pike, giving this examinant very foule language and swore with a deepe oath that he did not care a turd for the Sheriff, nor the King neither'. Source The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 page 116 |
9 Jan 1634/5 | Rev John WHITE | The 9 of this month Mr WHITE began to expound the Scriptures in Trinity Church every Friday at 10 oclock. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 155 |
12-14 Jan 1634/5 | Ralph PERHAM | QUATER SESSIONS: Dorchester & Fordington: Ralph PERHAM of Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester has land in the Manor of Fordington, but that land is still in the parish of Holy Trinity. Now the parish of Fordington has rated him towards the poor as well as Holy Trinity. He has not paid Fordington; his goods have been distrained and may be sold before the case as to his correct parish is heard. The Court orders that Fordington is to distrain no more, and is not to sell PERHAM's other goods until the case has been heard at the next Sessions. Source Quarter Sessions Order Book Blandford Session |
5 Feb 1634/5 | Henry MABER | Henry Maber was chosen Town Steward in the room [i.e. in place of] Mr Richard BURY. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 157 |
12 Feb 1634/5 | Daniel TOOP | BIRTH: Daniel TOOP was born. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 157 |
16 Feb 1634/5 | William WHITEWAY (junior) | This day with running up a steepe place at Pombery[ Note An Iron age Hill Fort half a mile north west of Dorchester) I fell into a shortness of breath, with extreme soreness of the brest, for which I was twice purged by Mr LOSSE: and had 17 and 8 stooles. And the 18 march I sweated 5 hours. Afterwards the shortness of breath continuing I took physicke of Mr OLEVIAN who prescribed in Althea, tosts in oile saffron [?troves], Powders, drinkes, Diapheri[tic] and many other things.Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 157 [Note See also page 179:- Frederick LOSSE was a physician, graduate of Heidelberg. probably refugee from Palatinate. Friend and physician of John WHITE. Given fee for taking care of the "poore of the Towne" in 1650. capital Burgess 1658. Treated diarist shortly before his death in 1635 : See also page 180:- Francis Anthony OLIVIAN (died 1642) Physician and astrologer. Religious refugee from Germany.] |
17 Feb 1634/5 | Nathaniel COOKE | 17 Feb Mr Nathaniel COOKE was presented to the Parsonage of Wotton near Lyme by Mr MAN of London, and had a very litigious sute about uit against Mr Richard HIDE who claimed right unto it. Thier title was by the Bishop referred to a Jury halfe Clergy men and halfe lay. But Mr COOKE obtained it at last. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 157 [Note also page 175:- Nathaniel COOKE died 1642 Clerk nephew of John WHITE. Usher of the free school 1632. Rector of Wootton Fitzpaine from 1638. |
17 Feb 1634/5 | John MOUNSELL | About this time my unkle John MOUNSELL settled himselfe to live at Cardiffe in Wales having taken home with him Peter MOUNSELL who had been here 4 years 4 months.4/5 Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 157. [Note:- See also page 180 under Mary MOUNSELL (1579-1655) mother of diarist. Peter MOUNSELL a young cousin was a student at Dorchester free school 1632, boarded as an apprentice with WHITEWAY until 1635 when he moved with his father to Cardiff] |
23 Feb 1634/5 | Elizabeth PATY | BIRTH: 23 Feb 1634/5 Elizabeth PATY my goddaughter was borne. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 157 |
26 Feb 1634/5 | Mr RULICE | Mr RULICE procured letters patents from the King for a collection over all England for the inhabitants of the Palatinate who suffered far more under the Swedes and French who came to helpe them, then ever they did under the Spaniards and Imperialists, so that they longed for their Government againe. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 158 |
7-9 Apr 1635 | William WHITEWAY the younger | QUARTER SESSIONS: Treasurer elected for the following year. The Treasureersare appointed for the ensuing year: in the western division, William WHITEWAY the younger of Dorchester; and in the eastern division, William BURLESTON of Shaston. Source: Quarter session book Sherborne Sessions |
21 June 1635 | William WHITEWAY (junior) | NOTE: page 159 " The diarist died on 21st June 1635 a few weeks after his last entry. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635. Transcription of his Will is available on this site. |
12-14 Jan 1635.36 | Thomas TANNER | QUARTER SESSIONS: Thomas TANNER petitions the Court from Dorchester Gaol, where he has been for two years. He has been committed by the Mayor of Dorchester until he gave security to discharge the town from the bastard child born to Joan DEVALE of Piddlehinton. Tanner says the child is not charegable to Dorchester since it was born in Piddlehinton. The Court asks Justice BROWNE to investigate and make such order for the childs maintenance and Tanner's release as he thinks fit. Source Quarter Session Order Book Blandford Session. |
26-28 Apr 1636 | James GOULD | QUARTER SESSIONS: Election of Treasurers. Treasurers for the next year are elected for the eastern and western divisions respectively. Henry DURNFORD for Sherborne, Gentleman and James GOULD of Dorchester , merchant. Source: Quarter Session Order Book Sherborne Session. |
12-14 July 1636 | Giles FOY, Richard FOYE, and Sampson HARRIS | QUARTER SESSIONS: Source: Writs for good behaviour are granted against Giles FOY, Richard FOYE, and Sampson HARRIS all of Dorchester, for abusing Sir John BRUNE. Quarter Session Order Book Shaston Session. [Note:- Sir John BUNE was Lord of the Manor of Charlton Marshall] |
24 Sep 1636 | Paul DERBY; John WHITEWAY; Richard DAVIDGE; Thomas DASHWOOD | 1636, September 24.—Similar certificate for Paul Derby, John Whitway, Richard Davidge, and Thomas Dashwood, merchants, who had lately landed at Rye, on their way to Dorchester in Dorsetshire. Source British History On line 'The corporation of Rye: 1631-40', The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.: Thirteenth report, Appendix Part IV (1892), pp. 194-213. URL: |
10-12 Jan 1636/37 | John OLDISH | QUARTER SESSIONS: John OLDISH of Dorchester Yeoman bound over for the sum of £40 until next sessions travers comp et ex . Source Quarter Sessions Order Book Blandford Session |
10-12 Jan 1636/37 | Clement BAYLY | QUARTER SESSIONS: Clement BAYLY of Dorchester shoemaker bound over in the sum of £5. Source Quarter Sessions Order Book Blandford Session |
10-12 Jan 1636/37 | Sampson HARRIS; Giles FOYE & William BARBER | QUARTER SESSIONS: Sampson HARRIS of Dorchester Weaver by trade bound over Next sessions good behaviour comp et ex; Also Giles FOYE of Dorchester Weaver & William BARBER of Dorchester Shearman by trade both bound in the sum of £10. Source Quarter Sessions Order Book Blandford Session |
DORCHESTER MERCHANTS: Moreover not only did Dorchester Merchants send more cargoes through Weymouth but the loads themselves were larger. For example in 1637, the Customs paid on three typical Loads show thus for October 8th on the 'Nonesuch' - Export Customs duties J. Seaward £51.1.2d. -- J. Coale 18/11d -- J. Rives £6.1.2d -- T. Dashwood (figure lost) -- J. Arthur £1.1.8d -- J. Allembib (lost) -- W.Scammell. 15/7d -- J. Gardiner £4.0.0d -- R. Bolt £1.0.0d Arthur and Bolt were Weymouth Merchants. Scammell has not been identified, all the rest are Dorchester men. October 7th on 'Littel John' Import duties G. Cole £2.10.0d -- J Seaward £2.14.0d -- E. Dashwood £1.4.0d -- J Allembig £2.14.0d -- J Underwood £1.0.5d -- J Rives £2.16.0d. -- G. Bale £1.7.0d -- G Churchey £4.12.0d. -- g.Flory 8d -- H. Cuttance £2.18.0d Only the last three are Weymouth men, the others are all from Dorchester The most important merchants then using the port were Dorchester men. It is rare to find a load either exported or imported by a single merchant. Often up to nine men had different cargoes on board.Source: Page 36 Extract from Studies in a Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A..,F.R..Hist.S. Published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 |
18-20 Apr 1637 | Thomas DEVENISH | QUARTER SESSIONS: Dorchester Gaol: Orders made for the good government of the gaol and House of correction have not been observed. Money has been given to the Keeper and Master Thomas DEVENISH but he has given no account of it. Information has been given of the hard and ill usage of the prisoners. The Court orders Thomas GOLLOP, Esq and William LAWRENCE of of Wraxall, gentleman to be appoointed as supervisors for one year to ensure that all orders are observed, to take account of implements bought, of how prisoners are employed and their treatment. Source Quarter Session Order Book Sherborne Session |
18-20 Apr 1637 | Robert COKER | QUARTER SESSIONS: ELECTION of Treasurers The following are elected as Treasurers for the eastern and western divisions of the County respectively: John WHETTCOMBE of Sherborne and Robert COKER of Dorchester. Source Quarter Session Order Book Sherborne Sessions |
11-13 July 1637 | John BUSHROD | QUARTER SESSIONS: John BUSHROD of Dorchester Clothier, lives in the house west of the gaol. He wishes to build on to the wall of the gaol, stating that doing so will keep the wall dry. The Court asks John BROWNE, esquire to investigate and report to the next Sessions so that a decision can be made. Source Quarter session Order Book Blandford Session |
11-13 July 1637 | Gregory BAYIE [BAYLY] Roger POUNCEY [POUNCY] | QUARTER SESSIONS: Gregory BAYLIE & Roger POUNCEY both Yeomen of Dorchester bound over in the sum of £10 good behaviour (with Thomas PERHAM of Charminster bound £20) Source Quarter session Order Book Blandford Session |
11-13 July 1637 | Robert WARHAM: Roger POUNCY | QUARTER SESSIONS: Robert WARHAM of Dorchester Shoemaker bound in the sum of £10; Roger POUNCY Butcher bound in the sum of £10.Source Quarter session Order Book Blandford Session |
3-5 Oct 1637 | Thomas DEVENISH; John GARDNER | QUARTER SESSIONS: John GARDNER This Court doth give way that John Gardner gentleman shall have leave to buy an estate in a certaine house and piece of ground lyeing within the Manor of Fordington but neere unto the new built gaole in Dorchester now in the possession of Thomas DEVENISH Keeper of the saide gaol Which house and ground was heretofore purchased by this County and intended to be by the gaoler for the time being imployed for airing and refreashing the prisoners committed to the said gaole., but hath since been by the said Thomas DEVENISH converted to his owne private use and benefit contrary to such former intencion, soe as the said Mr Gardner doe compound with the County for their estate in the same and with Sir John STANGEWAYES knight or others the Princes officers of the said Mannour of Fordington that have power to grant a further estate therein. Source Quarter session Order Book Bridport Session |
9-11 Jan 1637/38 | Matthias HAGGARD: Giles FOY: Roger POUNCY | QUARTER SESSIONS: Matthias HAGGARD of Dorchester Butcher bound over in the sum of £40 to the next sessions good behaviour comp et ex; Giles FOY of Dorchester Weaver bound in the sum of £20; Roger POUNCY of Dorchester Butcher bound in the sum of £20. Source: Quarter session Order Book Blandford Session. [Note on the same day Roger POUNCY this time described as a Yeoman is also bound over for another £20 in a case with Thomas MASKULL of Shaston a Yeoman and William FOOT of Stalbridge yeoman again for good behaviour. ] |
3-5 Apr 1638 | Thomas DEVENISH | QUARTER SESSIONS: DORCHESTER GAOL: Long account detailing the orders for better government of the Gaol. See account of Thomas DEVENISH: Source Quarter Session Order book Sherborne Session |
25 Dec 1652 09 Jun 1657 |
Numerous as listed | ACTS & ORDINANCES of the INERREGNUM - December 1652: An Act for an assessment at the rate of one hundred and twenty pounds by the month for six months from the five and 20th day of December 1652 to the 24th June next ensuing towards the maintenance of the Armies in England, Ireland and Scotland as also for the Navy: Shall be assessed taxed colleted levied and paid in the several counties cities towns and places hereafter named respectivly by the several sums and according to the several rates and proportions and in such manner as is hereafter expressed :- [There then follows a long list of counties: Dorset is to raise £2,243 and the following persons named shall be commisioners for Dorset] William Earl of Salisbury; Edmund Prideaux Esq; Attorny General John Broun; John Trenchard; Dennis Bond; Roger Hill; John Bingham; William Sydenham Junior Esquires; Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper; Sir Gerald Nappier; Baronets; Henry Hastings John Fitzjames of Lewson; John Strode of Chaunte Marnel; John Still; John Tregonwell; John Harham; Henry Henley; William Hussey; John Whiteway; Roger Clavel; William Sidenham senior; Charistopher Earl; Elias Bond; Richard Bury; Anthony Ellesdon; Thomas Gallop; John Mintern of Batcomb; Edward Thornhillk; Walter Foy; John Squibb; John Arthur; James Dewey; Edward Butler; John Gould of Upwey; Robert Pollam; John EveryEsquires; John Eyre of Reyncombe; Edward Chick; John Lea of Bridport; Francis Decenish of Gillinham; Richard Laurence of Steepleton; John Jay of Hemsworth; Philip Stansby; James Gould; and John BUSHROD of Dorchester; Richard Scovil, John Manyford of Long Burton; William White of Hellanmland; George Pley of Melcomb; John Hardy of Compton; Humfrey Bailey of Nether Cern; John Whetcomb of Sherborne junior; James Mew of Candel; James Baker; John Damar, Gentelmen Many of the same names shown above, including John BUSHROD of Dorchester, are repeated in a similar ordinance dated 9th June 1657 to raise another £1,104 from Dorset - Source British History on Line |
28 Aug 1654 | Numerous as listed | ACTS & ORDINANCES of the INERREGNUM - August 1654 : An Ordinance for ejecting scandalous, ignorant and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters - Whereas by the continuance of divers scandalous and Insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters in many churches, chappels and public scholls within the Nation, the more effectual Propagation of the Gospel, and settlement of a godly and painful Ministery is much obstructed and no Authority now in force for the removing of such Ministers and Schoolmasters; For remedy thereof, be it ordained by his highness the Lord Protector , by and with the consent of his Council, That the persons hereafter named shall be and are hereby appointed and constituted Commissions for and within the respective Counties within England and Wales, for the ends and purposes hereafter in and by this ordinance directed That is to say [There then follows a list of names for each county: Dorset and Pool: Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper Baronet; William Sydenham Esq; Sir Walter Earl Knight, John Bingham, Dennis Bond, John Trenchard, Henry Henly, John Whiteway, Thomas Moor, John BUSHROD; Walter Foy Esquires, Edward Butler, James Dewey, Edward Chick, Joan Lea, Jeremy Pothecary, George Skutt, William Thornhul, James Mew Gent Source British History on Line - pp968-990 |
16 May 1658 | [John] BUSHROD | STATE PAPERS: Letter John Cooke etc to Sir John Compton: Volume lix. p75 Honourable, In pursuance of your instructions we speeded to Dorchester [in Dorset] where we came on Monday night about 8 at night, delaying the time until then, because we would avoid observation in our coming.; and in order to the concealment of ourselves, left our swords at Burport [Bridport?] Suddenly after our coming to Dorchhester we delivered your honour's letter to Mr. [John] BUSHROD , who thereupon readily engaged his best assistance, then acquainting us that some of the Annabaptists had been with the Mayor, (himself and Major Strange being present) and desired to have one of the churches to meet in which after some consideration and debate he refused to grant them. [There then follows a long account of two meetings held by the Annabaptiusts at the George Inn in Dorchester] - Source British History on Line / thurloe-papers/vol7/pp129-140 |
26 July 1659 | Numerous as listed | ACTS & ORDINANCES of the INERREGNUM - Names of Commisioners of Militia in England and Wales and Berwick-on-Tweed - The Parliament of England now assesmbled being truly sensible of the great Trust that lies upon them for the preservation and safeguard of the Peoples of the Commonwealth from the malicious attempts and endeavours of the enemies thereof, and finding it necessary for the enlaregment of its forces above the number formerly established, that they may be in a capacity to make use of such means as is by providence afforded them, to prevent all Invasions from abroad, and the tulmults and insurrections whatsoever and toi maintain the present peacewelfare and quiet of this Commonwealth. Hold fit to ordain and enact and be it hereby enacted and ordained by the present Parliament and by the authority thereof. That the persons hereafter mentioned shall be and are hereby appointed to be Commisioners of the Militia of the several and respective Counties and places hereafter named of England Wales and the Town of Berwick- upon Tweed: [There then follows for each County a list of Names ] DORSET: William Earl of Salisbury; Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper Baronet; William Sidenham John Bingham, John Trenchard, John Brown, Robert Coker, William Hussey, William Laurence [Lawrence], John Whiteway, Robert Pelham, Edward Butler, Esquires; Captain James Dewey, Captain Edmind Butler, Edward Cheek, Edward Thornhil Esquires, Major George Scut, John BUSHROD , John Lea Senior, PhilipStansby; William White of Hillam Lands, John Eyres Gentleman Captain Pothecary, Richard Scovil; Captain John Lea, John Chaffin, John Hardy Gent, Captain George Plea, Francis Devenish Gent |
1662 | Daniel ARDEN | LIIGATION: Property in Upway: Butler V Allen Plaintiffs Henry Butler, Rebecca Butler his wife, John Allen,Daniel ARDEN (of Dorchester) Richard Goodchild Source National Archives Ref C 8/191/29 |
19 Apr 1663 | Sarah COMBDEN | QUARTER SESSIONS Held at Sherborne 19th, 20th and 21st April 1663 [Image 24 left]: Sarah COMBDEN: Upon a motion made unto this Court concerning ye settlement of Sarah COMBDEN whether in the parish of Holy trinity in Dorchester or in the parish of West Stafford. It is ordered by this Court that Robert COKER & Thomas BAYNARD Esquires two of his Majesties Justices of the peace for this County be desired to call ye Overseers of ye Poor of ye said parishes before them & to hear & determine whether she ought to be settled in ye said parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester or in West Stafford if they can, if not to certify this Court at the next general Sessions of ye peace to be held for this County when & where the said difference is ordered by this Court to be heard. [Image 24 Left] |
19 Apr 1663 | MOONES BRIDGE | QUARTER SESSIONS Held at Sherborne 19th, 20th and 21st April 1663 [Image 24 right]: Moones Bridge: Whereas this Court hath adjudged the bridge called Moones Bridge near the town of Dorchester ought to be repaired at the costs and charges of the inhabitants of the County and the same being very much in decay at present and very dangerous for persons with carts & carriages who have occasion to travel over the sameL It is ordered by this court that Robert COKER & George BROWNE Esq two of his Majesties justices of the peace for this County be desired to treat and construct with some sufficient and able workmen for the amending and repairing of the said bridge and what they shall do herin this Court doth confirm and allot a fit person to see that the work men who shall be employed and that shall undertake the said work be careful in following and doing the same [Image 24 right] |
1662-1664 | Richard BUTTLER: Matthew HAGGARD: James KEECH: William POUNCY; George SHERMAN: Thomas WALLBRIDGE: | Richard BUTTLER: Matthew HAGGARD: James KEECH: William POUNCY; George SHERMAN: Thomas WALLBRIDGE: Dorset Pensioned Royalist Soldiers 1662-4: Sponsors:- Sir Gerrard Napper Knt, Col. Strangeways & George Savage, Esq Matthew HAGGARD; and Dorset Pensioned Royalist Soldiers still alive in 1672 |
12 July 1663 | Sarah COMBDON | QUARTER SESSIONS: Held at Shaston 12th 13th and 14th July 1663{image 27 refers to decimo sexto i.e.16th year of reign Charles II which ran from 30th Jan 1663 to 29th Jan 1664. The year 1664 which is stated in the record should therefore have been 1663} Sarah COMBDEN [Image 30 left - of 235 Order Books]: Whereas by an order of this Court made at the last general sessions of the peace held for this county concerning the settlement of Sarah COMBDEN whether in the Parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester or in the Parish of West Stafford was refrred to thde hearing and determination of Robert COKER and Thomas BAYNARD Esq two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this county or otherwise to certify this Court at this Sessions when as this Court heard the same And this Court being now again moved that in regard the said Robert COKER Esq could not conveiiently attend the hearing of the said difference & so nothing was done by virtue of the said order therein therefore this Court would appoint someone other of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this County to be joined withthe said r Baynard: It is therefore ordered by this Court that the same be referred to the said Thomas BAYNARD & George FFULLFORD Esq who are desired to call the Overseers of the Poor of the said Parishes before them and to hear & determine whether the said Sarah COMBDEN ought to be settled in the said Parish of the Holy Trinity in Dorchester ir in West Stafford if they can, if not top certify to this Court at the next general sessions of the poor to be held for this County when where the said difference is ordered by this Court to be heard |
13 July 1663 | Renaldo KNAPTON Keeper of the Dorchester Gaol William PATY |
QUARTER SESSIONS: Held at Shaston 12th 13th and 14th July 1663 Image 32 {image 27 refers to decimo sexto i.e.16th year of reign Charles II which ran from 30th Jan 1663 to 29th Jan 1664. The year 1664 which is stated in the record should therefore have been 1663} - Order Books 1663-1674 QSM1/2 - DORCHESTER GAOLE: An Inventory of Irons Fetters & Gives belonging to the County and now in the custody of Renaldo KNAPTON Keeper taken by Mr John RANDALL Clerk of the Peace of this County 15th July 1664: by virtue of an order of Sessions Impremis: 15 pair of Iron Handholds Item: One small iron Chain of 27 links Item: One pair of cross bolt fetters Item: one pair of Irons called the Taylors shears Item: four and twenty pair of fetters brzills and chains Item: five horse locks & two & twenty door locks & Keys Item: One Tableboard in the hall One Cupboard in the kitchen. ALSO: Image 39 (Right) GAOLE: JP's to investigate - concerning order made at Sherborne 23rd Apr 1639 Reign Charles 1st - a piece of ground adjoining and being part of the ground belonging to the gaole in Dorchester which was by William PATY late of Dorchester deceased desired to be rented |
04 Oct 1663 | Richard BUTLER of Dorchester William POUNCY of Dorchester James KEECH of Dorchester Thomas WALLBRIDGE of Dorchester Matthew HAGGARD of Dorchester William BARNES of Fordington |
QUARTER SESSIONS: Held at Beaminster on 4th and 5th of Oct 1663 Images 35 - 37 of 235 Order Books: Series of lists of Soldiers for most towns in Dorset who remained loyal and are to be paid a pension: I have extracted the preamble image 35 followed by the list that related to Dorchester and Fordington:-
Richard BUTLER of Dorchester William POUNCY of Dorchester James KEECH of Dorchester Thomas WALLBRIDGE of Dorchester Matthew HAGGARD of Dorchester William BARNES of Fordington |
04 Oct 1663 | Renaldo KNAPTON | QUARTER SESSIONS Held at Beaminster on 4th and 5th of Oct 1663 (Image 40 of 235 in Order Books): This Court having taken into consideration of the Commissioning of a Furnace in the Common Gaol of this County for the brewing of small beer for the prison there, they being forced to pay excessive prices for it being deprived of materials for brewing in the said gaol, And this being Court being credibly informed that the charge for acquiring the said Furnace will amount to the sum of thirteen pounds thirteen shillings & eight pence besides brewing vessels and other materials which Mr Renaldo KNAPTON present Keeper of the said Gaol hath promised to procure; It is therefore ordered by this Court that the Treasurer for the Western part of this County do pay unto Mr Renaldo KNAPTON or his assigns the said sum of thirteen pounds thirteen shillings & eight pence payment whereof this will be his discharge, The said Mr KNAPTON giving such security to this Court for the delivery of the said Furnace if at any time hereafter he shall be displaced of his said office of Gaolership as this Court at the next general Sessions of the Peace to be held for this County this Court shall allow of. |
1663/4 | HOUSE of CORRECTION: Robert Upward: Christobell Burt: William Gilling: Bridget Parsons PRISON: Wm Cook; Richard Seamour; Wm Rodden |
QUARTER SESSIONS: Held at Blandford Forum [Image 41] on 10th & 11th January 1663/4 : At Image 42 left - A Kalendar of the Prisoners in the House of Correction: Robert UPWARD and Christobell BURT ; To be discharged: William GILLING To remayne till next vules? [rules?] in the meane tyme Coll COKER gives order for his discharge whereby to bee transported or to serve his Majesty at Sea : Bridgett PARSONS to remayne according to her comittment , vules it, appears she is with child but her bastard child is to bee returned to Wareham there to be provided for. [The next entry is a removal order for her child to Wareham] Same Sessions Image 47 : A kallender of the Prisoners in the Common Gaole : William COOKE Indicted this Sessions for te felonious taking of six ewe sheep to remain till the next sessions he having accidentally broke his legge & so could not appear this Sessions: Ricus [Richard] SEAMOUR - indicted for a vagrant to be transported to some one of his Majesties plantations beyond the sea. Willus [William] RODDEN - to remaine in prispn he having incurred the statute of promise being now the second time tendered him in open Court. |
1663/4 | GAOL: | QUARTER SESSIONS: Held at Blandford Forum [Image 41] on 10th & 11th January 1663/4 : At Image 48: Whereas several Bills have been presented unto this Court for monies disbursed about the reparation of the Common Gaol of this County which amounts unto the sum of twenty nine pounds sixteen shillings and five pence. It is ordered that Tho: BAYNARD John Invbernille? & Robt COKER Esq's three of his Majesties Justices of the peace for this County or any one of them dev? being the said bills & examine the same & to make report thereof at the next general sessions of the peace to be held for this County, in the meantime the said Clerk of the peace alledging that he hath paid most parts of this sum to the Labourers & workmen who were employed in the said service, It is further ordered that the Treasurer of the Eastern part of this County do pay unto Mr John RANDALL the said Clerk of the peace the said sum of twenty nine pounds sixteen shillings and five pence whose receipt with this order shall be his sufficient discharge for ye payment of the same, and if the said Justices of the Peace shall default any sumout of the said bills then the said sum Mr RANDALL is to repay such sums as shall be so by the said Justices defaulted as aforesaid |
4th, 5th & 6th July 1664 |
HOUSE OF CORRECTION: William Swettman; Jessy Tolley; Jane haynes; Honor Moore GAOL: |
QUARTER SESSIONS: held at Shaston [Image 53] from Tuesday on 4th, 5th & 6th July in the reign of Charles II King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland & Defender of the Faith decimo septimo [i.e.17th year of his reign - which ran from 30th Jan 1664 to 29th Jan 1665] 1665 [Note:- This should be 1664 in the document ?].---- A Kallender for the Prisoners of the House of Correction : William SWETTMAN; Jessy TOLLEY; Jane HAYNES; Honor MOORES } To be discharged in such manner as by order of the Court: Brigett PARSONS To continue according to Commitment ; William PLYMPTON - Committed & to remain till further order GAOL: A Kallender of the prisoners in the Gaole this Sessions : William PERKINS & Winfrith his wife: Katherine BURKHORNE : John COLLEY; Thomas HILAND & Anne his wife } To be burnt in the left shoulder with the Swew "R" [or perhaps "K"? ]& then discharged : John HARRISON; John Bartholomew Fforde ; Daniel SPRAKE; William GRUNEY Gent } To be discharged : William COOLE To be burnt with the Swew "F" [Probably a brawler with F for "fraymaker"] in the left hand. : Richard RIDGLY To be whipt till his body bleed & then to be discharged: John BONNETT, John DEDMAN, Francis GUY the Young, John MAYNARD } To remain having incured a ??? in refusing the oath of Allegiance being the second time now tendered unto them in open court |
3rd, 4th & 5th Oct 1664 | William PITT | QUARTER SESSIONS: Held at Beaminster [Image 62 right] on the 3rd, 4th and 5th October 1664 : At Image 65 :- Whereas the Keeper of the Common Gaol for this County hath presented to this Court several defects in the tyling of the said prison the repaying whereof will amount to the sum of £10. It is ordered by this Court that the Treasurer for the Western Part of this County do pay unto Mr William PITT of Dorchester the sum of £10 who is desired to pay such workmen as shall be employed about the said work the whole £10 shall be allowed upon the said Treasurers Accounts. |
9th & 10th January 1664/5 | John ADDAMS | QUARTER SESSIONS: Held at Blandford Forum [Image 67] on 9th, 10th and 11th January 1664/5 At [Image 71 left] GAOL: Whereas this Court is informed upon the oath of John ROBERTS that John ADDAMS of Dorchester within this County (to whom this Court hath heretofore granted a pension of 40 shillings per ann) did in the time of the late Wars serve as a soldier under the command of Captain Thomas ADDAMS - after the surrender of Portland Castle who was then (in arms against the King) It is there upon ordered by this Court that the said Pension unto him the said ADDAMS be hereby suspended by the treasurer of the Western Part (Division of this County) amd that the further examination hereof be referred unto Giles STANGEWAYS, Thomas BAYNARD and John CHURCHILL Esq three of his Majesties Justices of the peace for this County or any two of them and thereupon to make report thereof unto this Court who shall further proceed here on according to Justice |
9th & 10th January 1664/5 | GAOL: Renaldo KNAPTON and employment of James KEECH of Dorchester to maintain the weir | QUATER SESSIONS: Held at Blandford Forum [Image 67] on 9th, 10th and 11th January 1664/5 At [Image 71 right] GAOL WARE [WEIR] : Whereas the County hath by the order of this Court byn [been] at great charges and expenses in now building a ware [weir?] near the common gaol of this County for the conveying and bringing in the water out of the river for the cleaning of the said Gaole AND this Court having taken into consideration that unless the same be carefully looked into & preserved it will soon fall into decay & ruin, & that it is necessary some person be employed to take care of it, & likewise for the drawing up & shuttering of the said hatches at times conveinient did at the Quarter Sessions last held at Beaminster require the Clerk of the Peace of this County to consider who was fit to be allowed tso such a person should be employed in the said service who thereupon hath made a report to this Court that he hath treated with James KEECH the Carpenter who built & made the said ware [weir] & living in Dorchester near the said place is the most fit person to perform the said service & that he will deserve the sum of twenty shillings yearly to be paid him quarterly bythe Treasurer of the County AND if at times the said ware shall need any reparation or amendment the said James KEECH is to amend the same at his own costs & charges, save which shall be needful for new lumber or other materials to be used about the said work for which the County is to allow this Court taking into further consideration do order the said James KEECH --- for(??)eing? the said service from time to time & the same signified under the hands of the Clerk of the peace, the treasurer for the western part of the County do pasy unto him the said James KEECH the sum of twenty shillings per annum to be paid quarterly, AND for that this Court is informed both by the Clerk of the peace and Mr KNAPTON Keeper of the said Gaol that the said James KEECH hath done and performed the said servive for the year last past. It is further ordered that the said Treasurer |
2 Oct 1665 | Joseph SEAWARD [SEWARD] | QUARTER SESSION RECORDS Held at Bridport [Image 88] on 2nd Oct 1665. At Image 92 Joseph SEAWARD to pay Seamen: This Court being credibly informed that there are daily Seamen, and other distressed travellers who pass through the town of Dorchester & who ought by the law to be relieved in their travels especially in this time of War, AND for that Michael HENRY Esq treasurer for the Western Part of this County residing some where conveinient for such travellers & seamen to repair unto for relief It is therefore ordered that the said treasurer be hereby desired to pay unto Mr Joseph SEAWARD merchant in Dorchester the sum of forty shillings to relive such distressed travellers and Seamen who ought to be relived accordingly to the law. AND the said Mt Joseph SEAWARD is to give account at the next General Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held for this County how he hath distributed and disbursed the same. |
2 Oct 1665 | Mr Thomas KNAPTON | QUARTER SESSIONS held at Bridport 2nd Oct 1666 (Image 92 of 235 in Order Books) : Whereas Mr Thomas KNAPTON the present Keeper of the Common Gaol & Sheriff Ward at Dorchester for this County hath presented unto this Court several bills for work done & monies disbursed by him for materials in necessary altering & converting several rooms in the said Gaol for his convenience a more safe keeping of such prisoners both debtors and felons as are now in custody & thereafter shall be committed to the said gaol for which he prays this court he might receive satisfaction. This Court thereupon having taken the same into consideration are of the opinion that those alterations & conversions being at present made and set up for the Keeper's own convenience and security is not to be reimbursed out of the Treasury of the County. But if at any time hereafter during his being Keeper of the said Ward & Common Gaol any succeeding Sheriff of this County shall think fit to displace him the said Thomas KNAPTON & to appoint & place any other person in his room to be Keeper of the said Gaol & Mainprize which was built at the costs & charges of the County, It is ordered by this Court that such Sheriff shall first satisfy & pay unto the said Thomas KNAPTON such sums of money as he hath by or hereafter shall be laid out and disbursed by him for the said alterations & buildings as shall be adjudged by able workmen & other persons appointed by this court verify and believe the same at the next general Quarter Sessions of the Peace next after he shall be so displaced as aforesaid.. |
2 Oct 1665 | Dutch War and Plague | NOTE:- Several references to many seamen who have lost limbs in the war against the Dutch and are unable to support their families - Also measures to avoid the PLAGUE spread from London as far as Derby - [Note:- Link to image and transcription] |
14 Jan 1666/7 | Mark HAGGARD | QUATERS SESSIONS Held at Blandford 14th Jan 1666/7 Image 114 MARK: HAGGARD - Whereas Richard GREENE of West Chickerell & Phillip LOVELACE of Broadsidling lately deceased were in their life time Pensioners and had twenty shillings each per annum paid by the Treasurer of the Western division of this County AND whereas upon sufficient certificate unto this Court that Mathew HAGGARD of Dorchester hath received several wounds in his body in the Service of the late King Charles the First and is thereby disabled in his body This Court having duly considered his present necessity do by this instrument grant unto the said Mathew HAGGARD the said pensions being forty shillings per annum during his life if the said pension shall not be revoked to be paid him quarterly by the Treasurer of the Western Division of this County. |
31 Mar 1667 | Mathew COPPINGER & Mr John COLE | QUARTER SESSIONS Held at Sherborne 31st March 1667 Image 114 At Image 115 Math: COPINGER It is ordered by this Court that Mr Mathew COPPINGER the Subfar-- of Excise for this County for his abuse given to the Justices of the Peace sitting in this Court & for taking away the goods of Mr John COLE a common brewer in Dorchester in the County aforesaid after he had desposited his singlke duty of Eccise & given notice to the said COPPINGER of his appeal to this Court against several judgements awarded against the said COLE by the Subfarm--of Excise & of his giving security to stand to the judgement of this Court shall find surities for his good behaviour & to appear at the next general quater Sessions of the peace for this County to answer the same AND the Mayor & other the Justices of the Peace within the Borough of Dorchester where the said COPPINGER is an inhabitant are thereby desired to bind him over accordingly AND for refusal or neglect of findingsuch surities they are hereby likewise desired to commit the said COPPINGERto the Common Gaole of this County there to remain until he shall give such secrity for his said good behavour and appearance as aforesaid NOTE:- This turns into a complicated case with much background and 52 Judgements recorded separately in the QS Records See Images 119-to 124 inc |
8 May 1668 | Elizabeth BURWELL | Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas BURWELL and Jane STOUGHTON baptised 8th may 1668 Dorchester Holy Trinity. Source The Visitation of Dorset 1677 page 11 |
3rd Oct 1671 | John BUSHROD | QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS held at Bridport on 3rd Oct 1671 - Whereas John BUSHROD of Sherborne within the County Butter maker was bound over with recognizance by Thomas Chase Esq one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County to appear at this present Sessions to ensure in a matter of wages alledged & claimed to be due unto Mary MULLETT & Elizabeth MULLETT but did not appear according to the recognizance. This Court on motion made on behalf of the said John BUSHROD doth order that if he does not in ten days now next ensuing appear before the said Mr Chase & give justification to the said parties both for the wages due & such costs & charges as the said Mr Chase shall (upon hearing & examining matters) think fit to allow That then the said regonizance to he estroated [estreated] otherwise not, All with the said Mt Chase is desired immediately on the expiration of the said 10 days to Certify unto the Clerke of the Peace, that he may accordingly proceed to the estreating or not estroating [estreating] thereof? |
1672 | Matthew HAGGARD ; Mr.Richard WYNE | Link to Dorset Pensioned Royalist Soldiers 1672 - OPC "Matthew HAGGARD of Dorchester - Amount £2.0s 0d " also " Mr. Richard WYNE for preaching in ye Gaole at Dorchester Amount £14. 0s. 0d " |
21 Sep 1672 | William WARREN; William TWISSE | William WARREN, aged 21 of Dorchester Dorset deposed before John WODER Esq (Mayor of Weymouth) on 23rd September 1672 that, per the order of his master William TWISSE (Merchant of Dorchester) and his partner John WEST in October 1670 the deponent delivered goods expressly for John PARKER since gone to VA and shipped on the ship John of Waymouthto VA or MD : Source Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland Volume II 1670-1674: Court Session 1674 Ref 6.390.By V. L. Skinner, V. L. Skinner, Jr. |
24 Sep 1672 | William TWISSE; John WEST; Thomas BRICE; William DARE | Date: 24 September 1672. Notice by William TWISSE (Merchant Dorchester Dorset), John WEST (merchant Dorchester Dorset) & Thomas BRICE (clothier Fordington Dorset) that John PARKER (merchant Crewkerene Somerset, now in MD or West India) was lately employed. They issued PoA to William DARE (merchant Dorchester dorset) Source: Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland Volume II by VL Skinner published 2005 . Ref 6/385 1674 |
24 Sep 1672 | William DARE | Thomas HIDE (merchant Waymouth Dorset) fave PoA to William DARE (merchant Dorchester Dorset) to demand of John PARKER (merchant Paxtuxent) Date 24 September 1672. Witnesses George PARRY; John COX; Will proved 16 Dec1672. Signed C Calvert.Ref 6/391 1674 William DARE was granted administration on said estate. Appraisers George BECKWITH; Richard KEENE. Thomas SPRIGG (g) to administer oath.Ref 6/392 1674. Source: Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland Volume II by VL Skinner published 2005 . Ref 6/391/392 1674 |
1677 | Thomas BURWELL | VISITATION: Thomas BURWELL of Dorchester in the County of Dorset in Physick a.e.t. 51 (in) 1677 [i.e. Born c 1626] the son of Edmund BURWELL (of Suffolk buried 1652 Rougham) and mary the daughter of Jeffrey PITMAN of Woodbridge in Suffolk. Source The Visitation of Dorset 1677 page 11 |
1677 | Margaret BUTLER (nee DODSWORTH) | VISITATION: Margaret listed as the 2nd wife of Edmund BUTLER of Almer in Dorset aged 50 in 1677 - Margaret was the daughter of George DODSWORTH of Dorchester in Dorset Doctor in Physick. They had a daughter Beatrice BUTLER Bap at Almer 22nd Oct 1678. Source The Visitation of Dorset 1677 page 11 |
1677 | Thomas DELACOURT | VISITATION: Thomas DELACOURT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset gentlemen aged 36 in 1677 Under Sherrif of Dorset 1665 and 1673; mayor of Dorchester 1693 and 1708 will proved 6 Nov 1708 PCC 11/246. He married Margaret daughter and Co heir of Mathew COKER of Dorchester 25 Sep 1665 in Dorchester St Peters. . He was the son of Thomas Delacourt of Milton Abbas and Anne daughter of Robert FRAMPTON of Okeforde Fitzpayne in Dorset. Source The Visitation of Dorset 1677 page 17 |
1677 | Elinor & Nicholas COVERT | VISITATION: Elinor the daughter of Nicholas COVERT of Dorchester is shown as the wife of John MINTERNE of Batcombe Dorset. Elinors death recorded as 6 Mar 1716 - 3 children |
1680 | Thomas KNAPTON Renaldo KNAPTON James CHAFFEY Batt CHAFFEY George ANDREWS Robert W ANDREWS |
DORCHESTER GAOLERS:- Short Exract from The Civil Division of Dorset by Edward Boswell Page 12. This actually relates to Midsummer Quaret Sessions 1824 but is useful as it lists Dorchester Gaolers from 1680. "The Persons who have held Office of Gaoler from the year 1680 are:-
1715. Renaldo KNAPTON 1722. Edward CHAFFEY. 1728. James CHAFFEY. 1782. Bart CHAFFEY. 1786 George ANDREWS. 1808 Robert W ANDREWS" |
20 Sep 1680 | Joseph BUSHRODE | BUSHRODE: Joseph son of John BUSHRODE of Dorchester in Dorset p.p. Trinity College matriculated 20th Sep 1680 aged 18 [i.e. born c1662] BA 1684 MA 1687. Source: Oxford University Alumni 1500-1886 |
06 July 1685 | Henry ALLEN: John DOBER: Hugh GREENE Richard HOLLEDAY; William HOLEMAN John JARVIS Richard MOORES Thomas PITTS William WISEMAN John GAME Matthew BRAGG John FAWNE Henry FORD Benjamin GRAY Samuel HILLARD Philip LEVERMORE Robert PINNEY George SEAWARD Thomas SMITH Joseph SPEED Thomas WELCH Christopher WILLS |
Battle of Sedgemoor Following the Battle of Sedgemoor on 6th July 1685 many of the defeated Rebels were punished or either hanged or transported by ship to Barbados, Jamaica, The Leeward Islands or Virginia. I have extracted the entries from zoylandheritage website which relate to people from Dorchester . Name: Town: Sentence for : Punishment - REBELS PUNISHED: Henry ALLEN; Dorchester; Seditious words; Fined and whipped John DOBER; Dorchester; Seditious words; Fined and whipped Hugh GREENE; Dorchester; Publishing Monmouth's declaration; Fined £1,000 Richard HOLLEDAY; DorchesterConducted Lord Grey after Weston fight; Whipped twice and fined William HOLEMAN; Dorchester; Seditious words; Fined and whipped John JARVIS; Dorchester; Seditious words; Fined and whipped Richard MOORES; Dorchester; Seditious words; Fined and whipped Thomas PITTS; Dorchester Spreading false news; Fined and whipped William WISEMAN; Dorchester; Published a Seditious Libel; Whipped 10 times NAMES OF REBELS EXECUTED at DORCHESTER on 7th Sep 1685: John GAME Matthew BRAGG [Note:- See John Hutchins History of the County of Dorset - Judge Jeffries Assizes 1685 - Mr. Matthew Bragg,was an attorney, from the parish of Thorncomb] John FAWNE Henry FORD Benjamin GRAY Samuel HILLARD Philip LEVERMORE Robert PINNEY George SEAWARD Thomas SMITH [Note:- See John Hutchins History of the County of Dorset - Judge Jeffries Assizes 1685 - Mr.Smith, was constable of Chardstock] Joseph SPEED [Note:- See John Hutchins History of the County of Dorset - Judge Jeffries Assizes 1685 - Mr.Joseph Speed, was of Culliton] Thomas WELCH Christopher WILLS |
1686 | Guido (GUY) ARDEN | Guido (GUY) ARDEN of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis a Goldsmith: Source Quarter Sessions Records QSM 2/1 (Image 91) [Note:- See Comments in account of the Arden Family of Dorchester] |
1686 | Daniel ARDEN | LITIGATION: Waltham v ARDEN Plaintiffs: John Waltham. Defendants Daniel ARDEN Subject Property in Melcombe Regis Dorset : answer only. Source National Archives Kew Ref C 8/527/116 and Bill only ref C 7/382/80 [Note:- Daniel ARDEN (1652-1723) Goldsmith of Dorchester] |
23 July 1686 | John MEGGS | BAPTISM: John the son of Harry MEGGS of Bradford Peverell & Elizabeth the daughter of Hugh BARKER baptised 23 July 1686 St Peters Dorchester Source The Visitation of Dorset 1677 page 43 |
4 Jun 1691 | Jane PITT | DEATH: Folio 96 PITT, Jane widow of Dorchester Administration of her estate granted to Mary the wife of George GOULD daughter on 4th June 1691 ; further grant May 1713: Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- A Joane PITTS was buried at HT Church Dorchester on 20th July 1690] |
10 Jun 1691 | Hugh Fowke CRODE alias COMPTON | DEATH: Folio 96 CRODE, Hugh Fowke al's Compton of Dorchester administration of his estate granted to Mary CRODE relict on 10th June 1691: Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- A Hugh CRODE was buried at HT Church Dorchester on 26 Jul 1690] |
9 Dec 1691 | Thomas MEADER | DEATH: Folio 224 MEADER, Thomas of Dorchester Administration of his estate granted to Jane MEADER relict on 9th Dec 1691 : Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- Thomas MEADER was buried at HT Church Dorchester on 25th Nov 1691] |
8 Feb 1692 | William LEVETT | DEATH: Folio 34 LEVETT, William of Dorchester died in Ship "Bristol" administration granted to Elizabeth LEVETT Relict on 8th Feb 1692: Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- presumably buried at Sea] |
12 Feb 1692 | Thomas FRAMPTON | DEATH: Folio 33 FRAMPTON, Thomas Of Dorchester died in Ship "Greenwich" Administration granted to Mary FRAMPTON relict on 12th Feb 1692: Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- presumably buried at Sea] |
9 Apr 1692 | Henry CHURCHILL | DEATH: Folio 67 CHURCHILL Henry Gent of Dorchester Administration of his estate granted to Elizabeth CHURCHILL relic on 9th April 1692: Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- Henry CHURCHILL was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 11th Feb 1691/2] |
3 May 1692 | John DASHWOOD | DEATH: Folio 86 DASHWOOD, John of Dorchester Administration of his estate granted to Grace DASHWOOD relict on 3rd May 1692: Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- John DASWOOD was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 21st March 1691/2] |
16 May 1692 | Mrs Margaret BOND | MARRIAGE: William SPEAKE Esquire White Lackington, Somerset to Mrs Margaret BOND of Dorchester 16 May 1692 St Mary Abbots, London |
23 May 1692 | John MEADER | DEATH: Entry 80 MEADER, John of Dorchester Administration of his estate granted to Elizabeth MEADER relict on 23rd May 1692 Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- John MEADER was buried at HT Church Dorchester on 24th April 1692] |
21 July 1692 | Robert WHITE | DEATH: Entry 127 WHITE, Robert of Dorchester (died in St Botolph Aldersgate St London) Administration granted to James COOKE principal creditor; Rebecca Relict renouncing on 21st July 1692 : Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- Robert WHITE was buried at St Botolph Aldersgate London on 8th March 1691/2] |
9 Nov 1692 | James SEAGER | DEATH: Entry 214 SEAGER, James a bachelor of Dorchester died in Ship "Burford" Administration of his estate granted to Elizabeth SEAGER Widow mother on 9th Nov 1692 : Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- presumably buried at Sea] |
29 Aug 1693 | Daniel ARDEN | DEEDS: Copy of court roll of the manor of Wyke Regis and Elwell recording the surrender by Daniel ARDEN of Dorchester, goldsmith, of a property on the highway from Upway to Weymouth, formerly in occupation of John ALLEN, deceased and late of Rebecca BUTLER, widow, and Charles BUTLER, gentleman, her son and heir, to the use of Elizabeth GOULD of Upway, widow. [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester] |
25 Oct 1693 | Sarah STOOLDEY | DEATH: Entry 187 - STOODLEY, Sarah Widow at Dorchester Administration of her estate granted to her son CHRISTOPHER STOODLEY 25th Oct 1693: Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- Sarah STOODLEY was buried at HT Church Dorchester on 28th Sep 1693] |
13 Nov 1693 | Hugh BAKER | DEATH: Entry 211 BAKER, Hugh of Dorchester Administration was granted to son James BAKER on 13th Nov 1693: Source Notes & Queries of Somerset and Dorset 1888-1899; 1905-1906 [Note:- Hugh BAKER was buried at HT Church dorchester on 5th july 1693] |