Dorchester Poor Law Records

Removal Orders

© Compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester May 2016 (last updated July 2024)

Quarter Sessions - Bridport - 2nd Oct 1722

Removal Order for Grace DEERE widow and her children

St Peters in Dorchester and Mudford: Upon an appeal made unto this court by the inhabitants of the Parish of Mudford in the said County of Somerset from an order by Andrew PURCHASE and Josias COOPER two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Borough of Dorchester in the said County of Dorset touching the removal of Grace DEERE widow, Mary, Frances, Grace, Love, William and Jonathan children out of and from the parish of St Peters within the said Borough of Dorchester to the Parish of Mudford aforesaid

And: upon on hearing the merits of the cause & examining Witnesses on oath on both sides and also hearing what could be alleged as well on the part of Mudford aforesaid also the part of said parish of St Peters

This Court: doth think fit and so order that the said order of the said two justices be set aside and discharged and that the same is hereby set aside and discharged accordingly

Quarter Sessions - Sherborne - 21st May 1753

Removal Order for Edward DOWDING and Sarah his wife

Cerne Abbas and Holy Trinity Dorchester: Upon an appeal made unto this court by the inhabitants of the Parish of Cerne Abbas in the said County of Dorset by and under the hands and seals of Richard COOPER and Thomas COOPER Gentlemen two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Borough of Dorchester in the said County of Dorset touching the removal of Edward DOWDING and Sarah his wife from the Parish of Holy Trinity within the Borough aforesaid to the Parish of Cerne Abbas aforesaid

Now: on hearing what could be alleged by council as well on the part of the said parish of Holy trinity in the said Borough of Dorchester as on the part of the said Parish of Cerne Abbas and upon examining witnesses on oath on both sides

This Court: doth think fit and so order that the said order of the said two justices be set aside and discharged and that the same is hereby set aside and discharged accordingly

And: This Court doth order that the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of the Holy Trinity in the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid or some or one of them do and shall upon notice or licence this order pay unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of Cerne Abbas or some or one of them the sum of three? shillings for their charges in maintaining the Paupers from the time of the said removal to this present time
Genealogical Notes: -

(1). On 29th April 1753 there is a note in the Vestry Minutes for Holy Trinity Church about defending this action.

(2). There was an Edwardus [i.e. Edward] Dowding who had 4 children in Cerne Abbas:- (2.1) Richard Dowding bap 10th June 1700 (2.2) Elizabeth bap 30 Apr 1702 (2.3) Anna bap 18 May 1704 and (2.4 Susannah bap 3rd Nov 1706. This Edward Dowding's wife Maria however died and was buried at Cerne Abbas on 13th Nov 1709.

(3). I cannot trace any marriage of an Edward Dowding to a Sarah but Cerne Abbas burial Registers curiously record the burial of Edward Dowding on the 29th April 1753 the same day that Holy Trinity Overseers held their meeting and 3 weeks before the quarter sessions.

Quarter Sessions - Shaston - 14th July 1772

Removal Order for Margaret BISHOP Widow (Image 37)

Whereas: By an order made at the last General Quarter Sessions of the peace held at Sherborne in and for the said County setting forth that upon appeal made unto the said Court by the inhabitants of the parish of All Saints in the Borough of Dorchester in the said County of Dorset from an order made by under the hands and seal of Robert Lumley Kingston and William Davis Gentleman two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said Borough bearing the date of the eleventh day of April last past touching the Removal of Margaret BISHOP widow of John BISHOP, and Sarah aged 12 years; Thomas aged 10 years; John aged 8 years; William aged 7 years; Joseph aged 3 years; Joanna aged 2 years and James aged 3 months her children out of and from the parish of Holy Trinity in the said Borough of Dorset to the parish of All Saints aforesaid. The said Court by consent of all parties their Council and Attorneys did order that the further hearing and determining of the said appeal should be adjourned over until the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for the said County And that all persons concerned on notice or service of this order should attend accordingly to hear and abide by the judgment and determination of the said court touching the merits of the said appeal

Now: upon reading the said recited order and on the motion of Mr Hyde on the part of the respondents [No person appearing on the part of the appellants to oppose it] for confirming the order-of removal of the said two Justices for the reason aforesaid

This Court: doth think fit and so order that the said order of the said order of the said two Justices be ratified and confirmed and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed accordingly

Genealogical Notes: -

(1) John BISHOP married Margaret EVOMY at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 5th July 1756.
(2). After marriage they lived in Holy Trinity Parish where the parish Registers show the following baptisms for their children:-
    (2.1) Mary Bishop bap HT 2nd Sep 1757
    (2.2) Sarah Bishop bap HT 7th Mar 1759
    (2.3) Thomas Evomy Bishop bap HT 30 Aug 1761
    (2.4) John Bishop bap HT 30 Dec 1763
    (2.5) William bap HT 15 Sep 1765 and buried at All Saints church 3rd Jan 1773
    (2.6) Joseph Bishop bap HT 25 Dec 1767
    (2.7) Joanna [Joan] Bishop bap HT 6 Dec 1769
    (2.8) James Bishop bap HT 14 Feb 1772
(3) The family moved to All Saints Parish where John BISHOP Senior died being buried there on 3rd April 1772. Margaret was also buried there on 24th March 1812.

Quarter Sessions - Sherborne - 20 Apr 1773

Removal Order for Joseph JOHNSON, Sarah his wife & 3 children (Images 63 and 70)

Whereas: By an order made at the last General Quarter Sessions of the peace held at Sherborne in and for the said County setting forth that upon appeal made unto the said Court by the inhabitants of the parish of Holy Trinity in the Borough of Dorchester in the said County of Dorset to an order made by under the hands and seal of James Parsons Clerk and William Toogood the younger Esquire two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County of Dorset bearing the date of the first day of April last past touching the Removal of Joseph JOHNSON, Sarah his wife, Hester aged 5 years, Thomas aged 3 years and Benjamin aged 8 weeks or thereabouts their children out and of the parish of Sherborne in the said County of Dorset to the parish of Holy Trinity within the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid. The said Court by consent of all parties their Council and Attorneys did order that the further hearing and determining of the said appeal should be adjourned over until the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for the said County And that all persons concerned on notice or service of this order should attend accordingly to hear and abide by the judgement and determination of the said court touching the merits of the said appeal

Now: upon reading the said recited order and hearing what could be alleged by Council as well on the part and behalf of the inhabitants of the parish of Holy Trinity within the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid as on the part of the inhabitants of the said parish of Sherborne and examining the witnesses on oath on both sides

This Court: doth think fit and so order that the said order of the said two justices be set aside and discharged and that the same is hereby set aside and discharged accordingly

And: This Court doth order that the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of the Sherborne or some or one of them do and shall upon notice or service of this order pay unto the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Holy trinity within the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid or one of them the sum of eighteen shillings for the maintenance and support of the said paupers from the time of their removal until this present time.

Quarter Sessions - Sherborne - 12 Apr 1774

Removal Order for Alice WARREN widow of Richard WARREN,
and William WARREN, her son and Mary his wife and Jane, Ann, and Elizabeth, John and William their children (Image 90)

Hollwell County of Somerset & All Saints Dorchester: Upon an Appeal made unto this court by the Inhabitants of Holwell in the County of Somerset from an order made by and under the hands and seals of Robert Lambert and Walter Nicholls Gentlemen two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Borough of Dorchester in the County of Dorset bearing Date the 28th day of March last past touching the removal of Alice WARREN Widow of Richard WARREN and William WARREN her son and Mary his wife and Jane Ann and Elizabeth John and William their children out of and from the parish of All Saints in the said Borough of Dorchester to the parish of Hollwell aforesaid

Now: on reading the said recited order and hearing what could be alleged by Council as well on the part and behalf of the Parish of Holwell aforesaid as on the part and behalf of the said parish of All Saints and examining witnesses on oath on both sides and taking the same into consideration doth think fit and so order so much of the said recited order as relates to the removal of Alice WARREN the widow of Richard WARREN be ratified and confirmed and the same is herby ratified and confirmed accordingly

And: this Court doth further order that as to so much of the said recited order as relates to the removal of William WARREN the son of the said Alice WARREN, Mary his wife and Jane John Ann Elizabeth and William their children be set aside & discharged and the same is hereby set aside and discharged accordingly AND this Court doth further order that the churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of All Saints do upon notice on service of this order pay unto the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of Holwell the sum of twenty shillings for the maintenance of the said paupers from the time of their said removal to this present time

Genealogical Notes: -

(1) Richard WARREN (1696-1773) was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 10th May 1773.
(2) Alice was Richard Warrens 2nd wife and they had married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 24th June 1731 follow link provided for more information about their family. Alice Warren was also buried at All Saints on 21st Jan 1776.
(3) Their son William WARREN was their 4th child and baptised at All Saints Church on 7th Nov 1742. He married Edeth BUNN at All Saints Church on 8th Jan 1764 but she died a month later on 1st Feb 1764. William remarried to Mary KNIGHT at Stinsford on 1st Jan 1765 and brought her back to All Saints Parish where they raised a family of 8 children as listed below.

(1) Jenny [Jane] Warren bap All Sts 4th Aug 1765
(2) John Warren bap All Sts 16th Nov 1766
(3) Ann Warren bap All Sts 17th Feb 1769
(4) Elizabeth Bap All Sts 9th Sep 1780
(5) William Bap All Sts 30th Aug 1772

Even after the removal order William & Mary continued to have children:-

(6) Mary bap All Sts 28th May 1775
(7) John Bap All Sts 5th Oct 1777
(8) Alice Bap All Sts 10th Feb 1780

Quarter Sessions - Shaston - 10 July 1792

Removal Order for Thomas BURT, Mary his wife and Ann their daughter
(Source:- : Quarter Sessions Order Books 1783-1797 - Image 383)

St Peter's Dorchester Appeal v Winfrith Newburgh: Upon an appeal made unto thos Court by the Inhabitants of the Parish of St Peter's in Dorchester in the said County of Dorset to an order made by and under the Hands and seals of George GOULD and Thomas MEGGS Esquires two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said County of Dorset, and of the quorum, bearing date 2nd day of June last past touching the Removal of Thomas BURT, Mary his wife and Ann their daughter aged about 14 years out of and from the Parish of Winfrith Newburgh in the said County to the Parish of Saint Peter's in Dorchester aforesaid

And upon reading the said recited order and the merits of the said Appeal coming on to be heard and being examined into from the Testimoney of Witnesses on Oath and hearing what could be alleged by Council on both sides THIS COURT having taken the Premises into consideration doth think fit and so order that the said order of the said two Justices be confirmed and the same is hereby confirmed accordingly

Quarter Sessions - Sherborne- 25 April 1797

Removal Order for Jane COOMBS
(Source:- : Quarter Sessions Order Books 1783-1797 - Image 509)

St Peter's Dorchester Appeal v Wimbrone Minster: Whereas an order was made at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of our Lord King held at Blandford Forum in and for the said County on Tuesday the tenth day of January last past setting forth that upon an Appeal made unto this Court by the Inhabitants of the Parish of Saint Peters in the Borough of Dorchester in the Countyb of Dorset from an order made by and under the hands and seals of Anthony Chapman Esquire and George Kete Brice Clerk two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said County one whereof is of the ??? bearing date the 15th day of October last past touching the Removal of Jane COOMBS a singlewoman aged about 17 years out of and from the Parish of Wimborne Minster in the said County tonthe Parish of Saint Peters in the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid

THEN upon reading the said recited order and on motion Charlton Byam Woolaston Esquire as Counsel on the part of the said appelants for receiving entering and filing the said order and for respitting and adjourning over the hearing the merits of the said Appeal to the next General Quarter sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the said County

The said Court did therefore order that the said Order should be received and filed and that the hearing Merit of the said Appeal should stand adjourned over to the next General Sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the said County and the same was hereby received entered and filed and also adjourned over accordingly And the said Court did also order that all persons concerned should upon notice or service of this order attend accordingly to hear and abide by the Judgement and Determination of the said Court touching the merits of the said Appeal

NOW upon reading the saiod recited Order and the merits of the said Appeal coming on to be heard and being examined into by the Testimony of witnesses on Oath and hearing what could be alledged by Counsel on both sides

THIS COURT having taken the same into consideration doth think fit and so order that the Order for Removal of the said Justices be confirmed and the same is confirmed accordingly.

Genealogical Notes: -

(1) Jane COOMBS was baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 8th March 1778 the daughter of Jacob and Jane COOMBS . Her father Jacob COOMBS had married her mother Jane STYLES at St Peters Church on 3rd Nov 1775.

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