Langton Matravers Nominal Roll Additions
Richard Smith 18. 2. 2025
Burials from C.W.G.C. at Langton Matravers Churchyard
EASTMENT, Richard Samuel - Sergeant No.524673 214 Reserve
Squadron attached 150 Squadron Royal Air Force. Born at Nursling,
Hampshire in July 1909, son of Ernest Edmund Easement, a farm
dairyman, and his wife Amelia Fanny Cole. He was the Observer on a
Wellington 1c bomber on a training flight from RAF Stradisham,
Suffolk on 11th October 1940 when an accident occurred on take off;
the plane hit a hanger and caught fire. Richard was killed; two crew
survived. He was buried at Langton Matravers where his parents were
then living. |
HOBBS, William John - Private No.582021 Suffolk Regiment.
Born at Langton Matravers on 3rd May 1896 son of William James Henry
Hobbs, a stone carter, and his wife Ruth Hancock. In 1911 the family
were living at The Gulley, Langton Matravers where William aged 15
worked as a baker's errand boy. He died of unspecified wounds at
Herbert Hospital, Woolwich, London on 10th May 1921 aged 26. |
RYLANDS, Peter Wolferstan - 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air
Force Born at Heckfield, Hampshire on 9th March 1899 son of Thomas
Kirkland Rylands, an estate agent, and his wife Betha Nesbit
Wolferstan Thomas. Joined the RAF as a cadet 14. 3. 1917, promoted
probationer 2nd Lt. on 19. 7. 1917 and confirmed as a 2nd Lt. on
27th October 1917. He was killed in an unspecified flying accident
when he drowned in the area of the New Forest, Hampshire on 9th
August 1918 aged 19. His probate to his father on 8th November 1918
was for £126. 8s.
3d giving his home address as The Down House, Tockington, Nr
Bristol, Gloucestershire. |