
Extracts from Dorset Quarter Sessions

Order Books 1625-1638 A Calendar by Terry Hearing & Sarah Bridges - Dorset Record Society, Vol 14

Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington Feb 2008 with kind permission of Terry Hearing of Dorset Record Society

[77 Records Last updated May 2023]

Notes:- The quarter session were an assembly of the Justices of the Peace of any County for the purposes of judging suits and administering the affairs of an area.
The order books were the formal records of the court giving the justices decisions and edicts.

Quarter Session Subject Name Abode & Occupation Comments
Blandford Forum held 10th,11th,12th Jan 1626 Summary of Recognizances Edward READE Fordington Husbandman Surety £20 Condition “Obey Bastardy”
Blandford Forum held 10th,11th,12th Jan 1626 Summary of Recognizances Robert READE Fordington Yeoman Surety £10 order, or next sessions
Sherborne held 18th,19th20th April 1626 Names of Constables William LAWRENCE Fordington Liberty Sworn [Note: see entry under Sherborne April 1627]
Dorchester held 2nd,3rd,4th Oct 1626 Case before the Court ASHE Fordington a dumb boy Whereas complaint is made unto this Court, That one Ashe a poore dumbe boye of the parishe of Fordington in this Countie being nowe growne almost to mans estate doth wander about the Countrie and comes often to the Towne of Dorchester and there begges and affrights and terrifies the children and it is much doubted that he will doe some mischiefe, if he be not kept and prevented. It is therefore ordered that the Overseers of the poore of the parishe aforsaid shall use meanes to restraine the said dumbe boye from wandering abroade and shall sett him to labour within the parishe and so keepe him in labour accordinge to the Statute as they will answeare the contrarie at their perills
Blandford Forum held 9th,10th,11th Jan 1627 Case before the Court John LANNING Fordington Robert Scott The constable of the south part of the hundred of Redlane, Robert Scott is allowed to give up his office on account of age and infirmity. There are three candidates: Robert Androsse of Sutton, Richard Androsse of Sutrton and John Lanning of Fordington. Richard Androsse is chosen by the Court and ordered to take the oath before Sir Thomas Freke or another justice. Scott is discharged from all penalties imposed on him for not taking office.
Sherborne held 3rd,4th5th April 1627 Names of Constables William LAWRENCE Fordington Liberty Sworn [Note William Lawrence is known to have been churchwarden of St George’s in Fordington in the year 1626]
Sherborne held 22nd,23rd,24th April 1628 Names of Constables Thomas CHOUNT
& Robert SEAGAR
Fordington Liberty Sworn [Note; Thomas Chount was also known to have been Churchwarden of St George’s in Fordington in the years 1620 and 1621 - Roger Seager was also Churchwarden there in 1623]
Sherborne held 22nd,23rd,24th April 1628 Case before the Court Robert HUTTON Fordington Robert Hutton of Fordington, who is aged and impotent, is wandering and begging. Last Michaelmas the Court ordered that the overseers should pay him 8d per week, and that he should stop begging. Since he has disobeyed the Court he is to be sent to the House of Correction, but 8d per week is still to be paid to him.
Blandford held 13th, 14th, 15th January 1629 [Note confirmed with Terry Hearing 1628/9] Summary of Informations Ralph SPRAGUE [known to be of Fordington] Ref f170v “Ralph Sprague - Attorney William Derbye” .[Note I have spoken to Terry Hearing the author of this work about this entry - Out of 45 names entered at this Session under’ Summary of Informations’ this is the only one that is not followed by a plea or action taken by the court. It is simply blank. He was represented by the attorney but nothing seems to have happened and I think this is because Ralph has already left England on the Abigail which sailed from Weymouth for New England on 20th June 1628.
Sherborne held 14th,15th,16th April 1629 Names of Constables Thomas WYNSOR & Richard WARREN Fordington Liberty Thomas WYNSOR Sworn
Richard WARREN (pardoned as infirm)
Sherborne held 6th,7th,8th April 1630 Gaol Calendar Nicholas HELLYER [HELLIER] [of Briants Puddle & previously Fordington] To be stocked for three hours and released [ Note:- See Sir Frances ASHLEYS casebook for 3 Aug 1617 & 27 Dec 1617 (confirms trade as taylor) and 6 Jan 1617/18. Ran a disreputable tipling house in Fordington. By 1630 appears to have gone to Briants Pyuddle as again in the Quarter Session records at the Shaston Sessions held 5th & 6th July 1630 when bound over to keep the peace in the sum of £20.]
Sherborne held 6th,7th,8th April 1630 Names of Constables Anthony EAMES &
Michaiah BARNES
Manor of Fordington Sworn [Note: Anthony EAMES was a puritan who was also known to be churchwarden of Fordington in the years 1622, 1627 and 1631 - he emigrated to New England with his family in 1634]
Bridport held 5th,6th,7th Oct 1630 Case before the Court Mohun’s Bridge Fordington Justices Ashley, Trenchard, Napper, Brune, Whetcombe and Browne are to call together two able inhabitants from the hundreds and Liberty’s of George, Totcombe, Modbury, Yetminster, Buckland, Tollerfield, Sherborne, Sydling St Nicholas, Minterne Piddlehintom, Piddletrenthide, Alton Pancras, and Fordington. The meeting will set a rate to be collected for the repair of Mohun’s Bridge at Dorchester. No one without land worth 20 nobles per year is to pay this rate nor is anyone who has paid under a previous rating. The borough of Dorchester is to make a special contribution.
Sherborne held 19th,20th, 21st Apr 1631 Names of Constables John WINDSOR &
Manor of Fordington Sworn
Bridport held 4th,5th,6th Oct 1631 Recognizances Respited Thomas HUNT Fordington Husbandman Bastardy with Ann WATTS
Blandford held 10th to 13th Jan 1631/2 Recognizances Respited Thomas HUNT Fordington Husbandman Bastardy with Ann WATTS
Blandford held 10th to 13th Jan 1631/2 Maltsters Licenced William BARTLETT,
John SEAGER junior,
John SEAGER Senior,
All of Fordington All licensed at 8 Bushels per week
Sherborne held 10th to 12th April 1632 Names of Constables Robert FORD,
Fordington Manor Robert FORD sworn,
John EAMES (Pardoned)
Sherborne held 10th to 12th Apr 1632 Case before the Court Thomas HUNT &
Thomas TIZAR
Fordington Husbandman Thomas HUNT of Fordington Husbandman, had been ordered to pay 12d per week for the maintenance of the bastard child of Ann WATTS of Fordington. He now appeals and says the father is Thomas TIZAR of Fordington husbandman. The Court orders that the appeal shall be heard at the next sessions, and TIZAR is to appear”with such proofes as he hath or can gett in defence of himselfe”. NOTE: Parish Registers for Fordington reger to Agnes Watts had her bastard child Thomas Watts baptised in St George’s church on 14th January 1631/32
Sherborne held 10th to 12th Apr 1632 Maltsters Licenced Robert COZINS
  Both licensed at 8 Bushels per week
Shaston held 3rd to 5th July 1632 Case before the Court Thomas HUNT &
Thomas TIZAR
Fordington Husbandman Thomas HUNT of Fordington Husbandman, had been ordered to pay towards the upkeep of the bastard child of Ann WATTS of Fordington. He has appealed and accuses Thomas TIZAR of being the real father. This is accepted by the Court after evidence is given by WATTS concerning the time of the birth and which of the two was responsible. As both men had carnal knowledge, they are ordered to contribute 6d per week each and give security to discharge the parish of Fordington. Thomas HUNT’s bond to the Overseers of Fordington is cancelled
Bridport held 25th to 27th Sep 1632 Maltsters Licensed Robert EDWARDS
Walter DAW
Fordington Both licensed at 10 Bushels a week
Blandford held 8th to 11th Jan 1633 Case before the Court John FORT Fordington John BARTLETT and Ellis GOBY Bailiffs of the borough of Wimborne Minster, had sent to Fordington John FORT aged four years, son of John FORT, who had been left in the care of his stepmother in Wimborne, John FORT senior had lived in Fordington earlier, but the Court orders that the child should be sent back to Wimborne where the overseers are to receive and provide for him.
Blandford held 8th to 11th Jan 1633 Maltsters Licensed Robert SEAGAR
William KEYMER
Alexander FURMAGE
Richard COZINS
Fordington Licensed at 10 Bushels a week
Sherborne held 30th April to 2nd May 1633 Names of Constables Owen WALLIS
Manor of Fordington Owen WALLIS sworn;
William COLLINS Pardoned
Sherborne held 30th April to 2nd May 1633 Recognizances Respited Thomas POUNCEY Fordington Butcher To Answer
Sherborne held 30th April to 2nd May 1633 Maltsters Licensed Richard COZINS
John SEAGAR Senior
Fordington Richard COZINS licensed at 8 Bushels a week
John SEAGAR at 10 Bushels a week
Bridport held 24th to 26th Sep 1633 Case before the Court Thomas DEVENISH Fordington A cottage and ground in the manor of Fordington have been purchased by Justices FREKE and TRENCHARD as Feoffes in trust of Joan GOULD, widow deceased. It was ordered at Sherborne that the cottage should be made over to Thomas DEVENISH, Keeper of the Gaol and Master of the House of Correction. John GARDINER, gentleman has now laid claim to the cottage but failed to prove it.

It appears to the Court that since the building of the new gaol it was thought fit that the same piece of ground should remain to the keeper for the time being for the airing of the prisoners, and the two remaining lives are ready to resign. The Court orders that DEVENISH is to buy out the remaining two lives in the cottage and ground negotiating with the steward of the manor of Fordington and make a new estate for the lives of Giles STRANGWAYES, Thomas TRENCHARD and John BROWNE the younger esquires feoffees in trust for the County. The money is to be paid by the treasurer of the western division. Devenish is to continue to hold the estate as long as he is in office and is to maintain the house & fences.
Bridport held 24th to 26th Sep 1633 Maltsters Licensed Robert EDWARDS
Richard LOCKE
Fordington Licensed at 10 Bushels a week
Blandford held 7th to 10th Jan 1634 Maltsters Licensed Walter DAW
  Walter DAW Licensed at 10 Bushels per week others at 8 Bushels a week
Sherborne held 15th to 17th Apr 1634 Names of Constables Roger SEAGAR and
Fordington Liberty Roger SEAGAR sworn;
Henry HOLMAN Pardoned as infirm
Blandford held 12th to 14th Jan 1643 Case before the Court Ralph PERHAM Manor of Fordington Ralph PERHAM of Holy Trinity parish in Dorchester has land in the manor of Fordington but that land is still in the parish of Holy Trinity. Now the parish of Fordington has rated him towards the poor as well as Holy Trinity. He has not paid Fordingtom; his goods have been distrained and may be sold before the case as to his correct parish is heard. The Court orders that Fordington is to distrain no more, and is not to sell PELHAM’s other goods until the case has been heard at the next sessions.
Blandford held 12th to 14th Jan 1643 Maltsters Licensed Walter DAW Fordington Licensed at 8 Bushels per week
Sherborne held 7th to 9th April 1635 Names of Constables William LILLINGTON
Michaiah BARNES
Fordington Sworn
Sherborne held 26th to 28th Apr 1636 Names of Constables William COLLINS
Ambrose HUNT
Fordington Liberty Sworn
Sherborne held 26th to 28th Apr 1636 Malsters Licensed Richard COZINS
Walter DAWE
Fordington Richard & Robert Licensed at 8 Bushels a week Walter Daw at 10 Bushels a week
Blandford held 10th to 13th Jan 1637 Summary of Recognizances Christopher JOHNSON Fordington Occupation Gentleman, Surety £40 Condition Next sessions travers
Blandford held 10th to 13th Jan 1637 Summary of Recognizances Thomas HARBYN Fordington Occupation Groom , Next Sessions
Blandford held 10th to 13th Jan 1637 Summary of Recognizances Robert BUNN Fordington Occupation Yeoman £40 Next Sessions travers
Sherborne held 18th to 20th Apr 1637 Names of Constables Robert FORD
Fordington Liberty Robert FORD Sworn; Thomas BASCOMBE Pardoned as infirm
Blandford held 11th to 13th Jul 1637 Summary of Recognizances Renald KNAPTON Fordington Occupation Gentleman Surety £10 Condition Licensed to sell ale
Bridport held 3rd to 5th Oct 1637 Case before the Court John GARDNER &
Fordington Manor John Gardner This Court doth give way that John GARDNER gentleman shall have leave to buy an estate in a certain house and piece of ground lying within the Manor of Fordington but near unto the new built gaol in Dorchester now in the possession of Thomas DEVENISH keeper of the said gaol. Which house and ground was heretofore purchased by this County and intended to be by the gaoler for the time being employed for airing and refreshing the prisoners committed to the said gaol, but hath since been by DEVENISH converted to his own private use and benefit contrary to such former intention, so as the said GARDNER do compound with the County for their estate in the same and with Sir John STRANGEWAYS knight or others the Princes Officers of the said Manor of Fordington that have power to grant a further estate to therein.
Bridport held 3rd to 5th October 1637 Case before the Court Thomas DEVENISH Fordington Manor At Blandford Assizes last July Justices TRENCHARD, COKER and Edward LAWRENCE were ordered to join Thomas GOLLOP esq and William LAWRENCE Gentleman supervisors of the gaol mainprise and House of Correction at Dorchester, to investigate abuses said to have been committed by the keeper Thomas DEVENISH. As a result of this investigation and hearing the evidence in Court, DEVENISH is judged to be a very unfit man for the executing of those offices. No further allowance is to be paid to him. He is to account for the time he has held a tenement in the manor of Fordington beside the gaol, intended for the airing the prisoners, which he has converted to his own use, and received the profits and for the money he has been given to buy implements. The next sheriff is to appoint a fit person to the office.

Bridport held 3rd to 5th October 1637

Case before the Court


Fordington Manor

The Court orders that the part of the gaol used as a House of Correction is no longer to be used as such. The House of Correction for the county is to be settled at Sherborne, as it used to be. DEVENISH requests further examination of the case and the Court agrees that the same men will hear it again. He requests that John BROWNE Esq be present at the re-examination but the Court decides that it will be up to BROWNE whether he agrees or not. In the meantime DEVENISH is ordered to treat the prisoners better than in the past for as long as he remains gaoler.

Sherborne held 3rd to 5th April 1638 Names of Constables Robert FORD
[William?] BASCOMBE
Manor of Fordington Liberty Both Sworn
Dorchester Quarter Sessions in the year 1756 Summary of Recognizances Edward COATE of Fordington At the general quarter sessions of the peace for the borough of Dorchester in the year 1756 Edward COATE of Fordington in the County of Dorset Miller - To Elizabeth his wife to prosecute James PLOWMAN of ye said borough for suffering 'Card Playing' in his house

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