Dorchester - Holy Trinity Parish

The Vestry Book - Part 3 (1791-1850)

Link to Vestry Book - Part 1 (1728-1750)     Part 2 (1751-1790)

© Compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester February/May 2015
[x Sets of Minutes transcribed]

Note:- This book is available to view on - Go to the card index; input Dorset to bring up all the Dorset records; select the 'Dorset, England, Poor Law and Parish Records, 1511-1997' file; then select the Parish or Poor Law Union for 'Dorchester, Holy Trinity' and under Record type 'Vestry Minutes'; I have included image numbers to aid locating entries as it has not (at Jan 2015) been indexed.. It will take me some time to complete this transcription as there are 584 images - but I have completed parts 1 & 2 for the period 1728 - 1790 and will gradually update this file

These accounts can often add valuable background to events of the day. For example the fathers of bastards are sometimes named; marriage licences bought to help prevent single women seeking support; the recently deceased referred to as widows often then fell onto the parish for support. They also identify who were churchwardens and overseers and even some of the more important parishioners.

VESTRY Meeting Minutes

Date Image Minutes Signed by
30th January 1791 230

30th January 1791

At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

That forty four shillings due for Joseph KEECH's House rent to Mr Sebastian PITFIELD at Christmas last shall be paid to said Sn PITFIELD by weekly payments of 2/0d a week [Note:- Link to information on the Pitfield Family - This could be Sebastian PITFIELD (1726-1794) or Sebastian PITFIELD (17517-1815) both of which lived in Fordington]

John GARLAND & John HAWKINS Churchwardens

John FOOT and Robert RUMSEY Overseers

Robert HENNING Junior; Thomas SHEPPARD;

28th March 1791 230

28th March 1791
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to grant 2 lives to William SEAL on his home in pease in reversion for his own under the usual covenants of such leases under a fine of 5 guineas and also to immediately to put it in repair

John GARLAND & John HAWKINS Churchwardens

John FOOT and Robert RUMSEY Overseers

Robert HENNING Junior; William ZILLWOOD; John OLDIS; Thomas GRITTON and John NELSON

3rd May 1791 231 3rd May 1791
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to accept and take the sum of twenty pounds in lieu and full satisfaction of any other security or demand towards the maintenance of a Bastard Child born on the body of Mary WARREN Single woman and the said sum was immediately paid into the hands of the Overseers to be applied by them to the Parish Accounts [Note:- See Holy Trinity Baptism Register 18 Mar 1791 - George son of Mary WARREN baptised ]

John GARLAND & John HAWKINS Churchwardens

John FOOT and Robert RUMSEY Overseers

Robert GUNDRY, John J JACOB, William READ; James WOOD, Thomas GRITTON

12th June 1791 231 12th May 1761 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed
to accept and take the sum of twenty pounds of Mr James WOOD in lieu and full satisfaction of any other security or demand on Thomas WOOD son of the said James WOOD towards the maintenance of a Bastard child born on the body of Ann READ & begotten by the said Thomas WOOD [Note:- See Holy Trinity Baptism Register:- 07 May 1790 - Leonour daughter of Ann READ baptised ]
John GARLAND & John HAWKINS Churchwardens
Charles AUSTIN and George CLARK Overseers
Thomas SHEPPARD, Robert HENNING; William OLD Junior; Robert HENNING: Robert RUMSEY; John BROWN; John NELSON
12th February 1792 232 12 Feb 1792
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

that Mr Christopher ARDEN do inoculate the poor of the Parish at 5/- each [Note:- Link to more information about Smallpox]

John GARLAND & John HAWKINS Churchwardens and Charles AUSTIN and George CLARK Overseers
9th April 1792 [Note Some pages appear to be missing 1792/3] 233 9th April 1792
At a Vestry this day held It is proposed and agreed

to make a window or sky light in the Gallery next the street

John GARLAND & John HAWKINS Churchwardens and
Charles AUSTIN and George CLARK Overseers
William BENNICK; John MUNDAY; Robert HENNING Junior; John OLDIS; Thomas GRITTON; William ZILLWOOD; John NELSON; George LOCK; R RUMSEY; George STICKLAND Junior; John J JACOB
26th March 1794 233 26th March 1792
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice for that purpose

the Parish Officers and Parishioners then assembled did elect and choose John CRABTREE to be Sexton in the room and place of Richard CANTERBURY deceased. [Note:- Richard CANTERBURY was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 2nd Feb 1794]

George LOCK and Thomas SHEPPARD Churchwardens

William ANDREWS and George CLARK Overseers

John MUNDY; Christopher ARDEN; John GARLAND; William ZILLWOOD; George STICKLAND Junior; William OLDIS; Charles AUSTIN; Edward READ; POUNCY; William BENNICK; John READ; Thomas CURME; Thomas BRINE; G FREAK; Robert GROVES; Michael WOOD; William READ; Richard LAKE

30th August 1795 234 30th August 1795

At a Vestry held this day pursuant to Notice given It is agreed

not to accept of the sum of four pounds ten shillings as half of the money now due from the parish of Woodsford to the Parish if Holy Trinity advanced to one Edward CLARK's family he being a Militia Man and the family resident in this parish but to insist on the payment of the whole sum of nine pounds. And the Overseers of the said parish of the Holy Trinity are devised to apply for an order on the said parish of Woodsford for that purpose forthwith. The Parish Officers of Woodsford attempt to get out of the payment of this money by saying that the man being ill at home tho kept in pay by the Regiment is not in that situation of actual service as will oblige them to reimburse the parish of the Holy trinity the said sum of nine pounds

William ZILLWOOD and Thomas CURME Churchwardens

William BEACH and George READ Overseers

George LOCK; George STICKLAND Junior ; John J JACOB; Thomas GRITTON; J MUNDY and William ANDREWS

30th August 1795 234 30th August 1795
It is agreed top advance towards binding out the child of Elizabeth HARDING and six shillings the money to be paid by the Overseers at the time of executing the Indenture of Apprenticeship
William ZILLWOOD and Thomas CURME Churchwardens
William BEACH and George READ Overseers
George LOCK; George STICKLAND Junior; John J JACOB; Thomas GRITTON; J MUNDY and William ANDREWS
9th September 1795 235

9th Sept 1795
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice for the purpose

The parish officers & Parishioners then assembled did elect & choose Edmund OLDIS to be Sexton in the room & place of John CRABTREE deceased [Note: John CRABTREE was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 08 Feb 1795 and Edmund OLDIS was buried at Holy Trinity on 12 Feb 1797. Link to more information about him]

William ZILLWOOD Churchwarden and William BEACH and George READ Overseers
John GARLAND; George STICKLAND Junior; John APPLIN; George LOCK; John Callard MANFIELD; James WOOD; J MUNDY; Charles AUSTIN ; John J JACOB and William OLD
4th Oct 1795 236 Oct 4th 1795
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given for that purpose It is agreed

to employ Mr MANFIELD against the appeals intended to be made to the Poor Rates by Mr LAMBERT, W APPLIN and Mr OLDIS [Note:- John Callard MANFIELD was an apprentice Attorney to Robert Lambert of Dorchester on 7th Feb 1778]

William ZILLWOOD and Thomas CURME Churchwardens

William BEACH and George READ Overseers

Charles AUSTIN; William HENNING; William ANDREWS and J MUNDY

3rd January 1796 237 3rd January 1796
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to appeal against an order of Removal of Ann POTTLE from the Parish of Weymouth in the County to the parish of Holy Trinity

William ZILLWOOD and Thomas CURME Churchwardens and William BEACH and George READ Overseers
John GARLAND; George CLARK; William OLDIS; Thomas BRINE; Thomas GRITTON; William ANDREWS; Charles AUSTIN; Thomas Gould READ; J MUNDY and George LOCK
6th March 1796 237 Mar. 6th 1796
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to recommend it to the Guardians of the Hospital [i.e. workhouse] to advance Mr COOMBS Salary at their discretion

William ZILLWOOD Churchwarden

William BEACH and George READ Overseers

Charles AUSTIN; Thomas GRITTON; William ANDREWS and J MUNDY

10th April 1796 238 10 April 1796
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

Mr Christopher ARDEN do inoculate the poor of the parish at 5/- each [Note:- Link to more information about Smallpox]

William ZILLWOOD & John J JACOB Churchwardens and William BEACH and George READ Overseers
Charles AUSTIN; William ANDREWS and J MUNDY
7th August 1796 239 Augst 7th 1796
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to allow the Churchwardens one church rate

William ZILLWOOD Churchwarden
Henry BLY; T LOCKETT; J MUNDY; George LOCK; John J JACOB; Thomas GRITTON and George READ

9th Oct 1798 239

Oct 9th 1798
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

Mr Christopher ARDEN do inoculate the poor of the parish at 5/- each [Note:- Link to more information about Smallpox]

Thomas GRITTON and William ANDREWS Churchwardens

Joseph BRUNING Overseer

William ZILLWOOD; Charles AUSTIN; John J JACOB

3rd November 1799 240 3 Nov 1799
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed
to allow the Churchwardens three church rates to be collected immediately
William ANDREWS & William OLD Churchwardens
John GROVES and William BROWN Overseers
10th Dec 1800 241 Dec 10th 1800
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to serve the poor of this parish with Barley at 7/6d per Bushel & that the remainder is to made good from the Poor Rate and that 2/- be allowed for 2 People per week for serving it out

William OLD and Robert RUMSEY Churchwardens
John GREEN Overseer

2nd Aug 1801 242 2 August 1801
At a Vestry pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to allow the Churchwardens two Rates to be collected immediately

Robert RUMSEY & Charles AUSTIN Churchwardens
William ZILLWOOD Overseer
Thomas GRITTON; William OLD and John J JACOB
23rd August 1801 243 Augst 23rd 1801
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given to take into consideration the voluntary offer of Josh DAMON to give up two years pension towards purchasing an House to be used for and towards the maintenance of his family. It is agreed if he will give a promissory note to the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor for the payment of the money as stated periods that an House shall be purchased as soon as possible and the overplus made good from the poor rates

[Note:- Joseph DAMON was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 9th Nov 1806]

Robert RUMSEY & Charles AUSTIN Churchwardens
William ZILLWOOD Overseer
William ANDREUS; William OLD

12th September 1802 243 Sep 12th 1802
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to allow the Churchwardens two Church Rates to be collected immediately

Charles AUSTIN & George CLARK Churchwardens
Henry BLY Overseer

3rd November 1802 244 Novr 3rd 1802
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given the Parish Officers and Parishioners then assembled did elect and choose Ambrose HUNT to be Sexton in the Room and Place of Edmund OLDIS deceased (By consent of the Parishioners the widow of the said Edmund OLDIS continued in the Employ till her death)

[Note:- Edmund OLDIS was elected Sexton in Vestry Minutes 9th Sep 1795 and was buried at HT 12th Feb 1797 when his widow Mary OLDIS took on the role of Sexton herself. She was buried at HT on 31st Oct 1802]

Charles AUSTIN Churchwardens
Thomas BESANT and Henry BLY Overseer
Edward READ; J MUNDAY; Robert GROVES; Robert DAVIS; William ANDRAIS? William OLD; William CLARK; George STICKLAND Junior

11th May 1803 244 11th May 1802
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to grant the Churchwardens two rates to be collected immediately

Charles AUSTIN & George CLARK Churchwardens

John WOOD and John TRIPP Overseers

William BEACH; Thomas CURME; William ZILLWOOD; George LOCK; William HENNING and George STICKLAND Junior

15th June 1803 245 June 15th 1803
At a Meeting held this day It is agreed

that Mr ARDEN do inoculate the poor of this parish immediately

George CLARK & John GREEN Churchwardens

John WOOD Overseer

William HENNING; William ZILLWOOD; William ANDREWS; John J JACOB; Charles AUSTIN;

July 1803 to Jan 1807 inc   Note:- there are no vestry minutes taken during the rest of 1803 nor the period up to Feb 1807  
8th Feb 1807 245 Feby 8 - 1807
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

on payment of thirty pounds by Simon BULLEN Junior of Charmouth to give up & cancel the bond of indemnity by him given towards the support of a female bastard child.

John WOOD & William BEACH Churchwardens

G Frampton and Joseph ??? Overseers


15th Mar 1807 246 Mar 15th 1807
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

Mr ARDEN do inoculate the poor of this parish for the Cow Pox & Afterwards if required for the small pox

John WOOD & William BEACH Churchwardens


William ANDREWS; Charles AUSTIN and William ZILLWOOD

23 Aug 1807 246 23rd August 1807
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed


the Revd Mr RICHMAN Master of the Free Grammar School in this town shall enjoy and use the first seat in the new or school gallery on the North side of the church, Mr W ZILLWOOD the second seat and Mr Joseph TRENOW the third seat of the same Gallery, paying each the sum of thirteen shillings and four pence yearly from midsummer last, and in case Mr RICHMAN should hereafter have occasion for any greater proportion or the whole of the said gallery Mr Zillwood and Mr Trenow agree to give up such part as they shall enjoy to him or any future Master of the Free Grammar School, Mr Trenow first giving up the seat or such part as may be wanted which he shall occupy and a proportionate advance in the yearly rate to be paid by the Master of the Free Grammar School so that each Master may pay for such proportion as he shall occupy making together the yearly sum of forty shillings

William BEACH & Robert SHITTLER Churchwardens

George STICKLAND Overseer

William GARLAND; William BOWER; Thomas Gould READ; Thomas CURME; G Frampton; William ANDREWS; John WOOD; J INCOLE; STICKLAND

13th September 1807 247 13th Sept 1807
At a Vestry this day held pursuant to notice It is agreed

that Mr George STICKLAND / Collar Maker be allowed the sum of a guinea yearly for keeping in repair the leather pipes of the Fire Engine and attending at the Engine when taken out for trial, which he hereby agrees to do accordingly, to commence from the 29th September Instant

William BEACH & Robert SHITTLER Churchwardens

George STRICKLAND Overseer

William ZILLWOOD; Charles AUSTIN; Thomas Gould READ and Joseph BROUNING

20th May 1808 247 1808 May 20.
At a Vestry this day held pursuant to notice given for that purpose It is agreed

that a Vestry be constantly held on the first Sunday of every month when the Overseers are to produce an account of their disbursements for the month preceding & that in case of the removal of any Poor Person to this parish that a Vestry be called the following Sunday to take the same into consideration.

Mr BEACH Churchwarden

William DAVIS and John OLDIS Overseers

William HENNING; Thomas Gould READ; John TRIPP; William ANDREWS; William CLARK; John WOOD; Charles AUSTIN and George STRICKLAND

29th September 1816 248 29th September 1816
At a Vestry this day held pursuant to notice given It is agreed

John SNOW the Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of Bridport be prosecuted for illegally causing to be removed William SMITH and Elizabeth his wife two paupers from the said parish of Bridport and thereby throwing a burden and expense on this parish in the maintenance of the said paupers and the expenses of the funeral of the said Elizabeth SMITH who died this morning {Note:- Elizabeth the wife of William SMITH of Pease Lane in Dorchester was buried 1st Oct 1816]

Thomas BESANT & William GARLAND Churchwardens

Thomas CURTIS and James MILLS Overseers

George STRICKLAND; Thomas CURME; Charles AUSTIN; William CLARK;' William HENNING; John J JACOB; Thomas Gould READ; John WOOD and Henry LAKE

1819 249 Holy Trinity Dorchester 1819
Copy of Population return taken May 30th following day 1831 (sic) by G.Lock & T Patch Overseers

Houses (189) Families (246) Houses Building (1) Houses uninhabited (4) Families employed in agriculture (26) Families employed in trade or manufacture (150) Other Families (7)) Males (612) Females (657) Total (1269) Males above4 20 (361) Males employed in agriculture 1st class (4) Labourers (24) Males above 20 employed in Trade etc (234) Males above 20 Merchants profession etc (35) Males above 20 labourers (17) All other above 20 (26) Male servants upwards of 20 (21) Male servants under 20 (6) Female Servants (123)

James Kerslake, Mr Bridge Langdon near Beaminster

07 April 1819 250 April 7th 1819
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given the following persons were nominated as proper to serve the office of Overseers for the year ensuing Vitz Solomon COZENS; Edward LESTER, James SEBLEY; Edward FOY and George NEWMAN
William DAVIS & William GARLAND Churchwardens
PADDICK and Thomas FISHER Overseers
William BOWER; Edward BOSWELL; Charles AUSTIN; Thomas BENNETT
12th April 1819 250 Easter Monday 12th April 1819
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given It is agreed

that no seat or sitting be sold to any person or persons residing out of this parish.

Item: that the sum of five pounds per annum lately allowed to John BROWN to instruct a choir of singers be discontinued And that the churchwardens are empowered to treat with some medical practitioner for his attendance on the poor of this parish for the year ensuing

NB Signatures vides Churchwarden Account Books

15th November 1820 251

Nov - 15 - 1820
At a Vestry held It is agreed
that 3/- per week be continued to ROWLEY family for the present
Also 7/- per week to HARDY's Family
If expecting Robert HANN he is bound apprentice the Parish can have no objection to pay the expenses attending the said apprenticeship also to give the boy a shirt of clothes
It was agreed to make application to get Charles VACHER into the Salisbury Infirmary to be cured of a very ulcerated throat that in the meantime to give him temporary relief at the discretion of the Oversees

William GARLAND Churchwarden


14th December 1820 251 Dec 14th 1820
At a Vestry held it was agreed

that HOLT's boy be immediately apprenticed to Mr John KEAT's shoemaker upon the terms now agreed on -- and that the widow HOLT be allowed 7/- per week provided she leaves Dorchester
It was also agreed that ? per week be allowed to the widow CASE for looking after the widow ELLIOTT
to allow Mrs WHITE 1/6d per week for a temporary relief
It was agreed that the children of DAVIS & their chill[dren] 3 in number be vaccinated if the parents wish it

William GARLAND Churchwarden

7th January 1821 252

It was resolved that Frances PHILIP having offered to pay all the expenses attending the funeral of the Widow Elliott provided the parish will allow her to take as her own the bed belonging to the aforesaid widow she being nearly related to the deceased - she be allowed so to do [Note:- Parish register entry for 1821 number 142:- Elizabeth ELLIOTT of South Back Street in this parish; buried 05 Jan 1821; age 68 years; Rev Henry John Richman Rector]

That APPLIN be allowed 2/-
That ARGYLE be sent to the Hospital [i.e. the workhouse]
That Frances KEATS being apprenticed to Mr CURME the sum of two pounds be allowed for a suit of clothes to be given him

William GARLAND Churchwarden

17th January 1821 252 It was agreed to allow John PLOWMAN 8/- per week to maintain his family out of the Hospital

William GAIL and Churchwarden

4th March 1821 252 It was resolved to have a general vestry to look into the state & allowance of the poor on Thursday the 15th Mr Haut? and Overseers are requested to give notice of the same & every one receiving Parish Pay to attend the Vestry that day -- a pair of shoes ordered for the Baileys

William GARLAND Churchwarden

12th April 1821 252 At a Vestry held the 12th April 1821 it was ordered that no parish pauper should have medical advice or medicine without an order from the parish officers to the surgeon

William GARLAND Churchwarden

6th May 1821 252 At a Vestry it was agreed to allow Jane CAKE 3/- and 1/- per week during her illness

William GARLAND Churchwarden

01 July 1821 252 At a Vestry It was agreed

to allow GALE some clothes on condition of his being apprenticed to Mr REMAN Coach Maker at the discretion of the Overseers

William GARLAND Churchwarden

03? July 1821 253 and 254

Dorset Borough of Dorchester Holy Trinity July 3? 1821
At a Vestry this day held pursuant to notice given as the Act directs it is agreed by a great majority that in case a sufficient sum be raised by subscription to repay the expense of ? chasing an organ & erecting the same that a licence or faculty be applied for the ordinary of the diocese to erect the same in the Church & it is further agreed that the salary of the organist & future repair of the organ be raised by assessment or paid out of the church rates

Note:- This document has all the actual signatures of those attending - see right

H.J.RICHMAN Rector & Chairman
William GARLAND & James GOODRIDGE Churchwardens
Charles Austin Overseer
Thomas Gould READ; Robert PATTISON; Christopher? ARDEN; Thomas ARLAND; Thomas BESANT; Charles CURME; John TULLIDGE; G CLARK Junior; ----- next page ---- William ANDREWS; John WOOD; R.G.DAVIS; J.E. NORMAN; Joseoh OLIVER; John MILLER; George POUND; John PETT; John WHEELER; John J JACOB; Robert MILLER; George LOCK; James CRISWICK; William SLYFIELD; William WHITE; Thomas CURTIS; W DAVIS

22nd August 1821 254 Dorset Borough of Dorchester Holy Trinity Wednesday August 22nd 1821
At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given to take into consideration the state of Philip HARDY who has been found guilty of violating the excise laws
At this meeting that the sum of £12 : 10s for the fine and expenses to relive him there from be not allowed

James GOODRIDGE Churchwarden
Charles AUSTIN & George CLARK Overseer

25th Mar 1822 255 Monday March 25th 1822 At a Vestry held this day Frances STILES applied for relief during the absence of her husband when it was agreed to allow seven shillings & six pence per week until further order

Ann PORTER applied to this Vestry for a Blanket when it was agreed to allow it provided she allows out of her weekly pay six pence per week until it is paid for.

At this Vestry it was agreed to pay Mr EDWARDS Two Guineas in part of his bill on account of [blank] DRAKE who he attended in danger - the remaining part of his bill two pounds four shillings being considered a charge which the Parish have nothing to do with

James GOODRIDGE and John TULLIDGE Churchwardens

Charles AUSTIN & George CLARK Overseers

James CULL; Thomas BENNETT; John WOOD; William GARLAND; William HENNING

8th April 1822 255 Easter Monday April 8 - 1822 At a Vestry held this day it was agreed to allow Mr George GREENING Five Pounds in consequence of his taking James PURCHASE an apprentice during the term until he attains the age of twenty one years and it was agreed to allow a suitable quantity of wearing apparel on his being apprenticed to the said Mr George GREENING

H.J.RICKMAN Rector; James GOODRIDGE; John TULLIDGE Churchwardens; John WOOD and Thomas BESANT Overseers; William HENNING; James CULL: William GARLAND; John J JACOB; George LOCK; William ANDREWS; Charles AUSTIN; William ZILLWOOD; John BEEVION; Charles CURME; and Henry LAKE

11th Apr 1822 256

At a Vestry held on Thursday April 11th 1822 pursuant to notice given:- Thomas ARNOLD being very ill as by surgeons certificate produced it was agreed to advance him one pound for present support [Note:- St Georges Church Fordington Parish Burial Register Entry:- Thomas ARNOLD ; Entry 319; F; 21 Feb 1823; age 31 years; John Palmer Vicar]

John CURME being very ill applied for temporary relief and it was agreed to allow seven shillings for present support [Note:- HT Parish Burial Register entry:- 178 – John CURME of Collyton Row in this parish; buried 09 Nov 1823; age 70 years; Rev Henry John Richman Rector]

James GOODRIDGE and John TULLIDGE Churchwardens; John WOOD and Thomas BESANT Overseers; William GARLAND; John J. JACOB; Thomas BENNETT; Robert MILLER and Henry LAKE

2nd June 1822 256

Parish of Holy Trinity --At a Vestry held on Sunday June 2nd 1822 pursuant to public notice given a complaint having been made against the present Sexton Ambrose HUNT for repeated irregularities made against him by the Parish Churchwardens

Resolved That in consequence of such conduct the present Vestry have decided that Ambrose HUNT the present Sexton be suspended from his office as such for three calendar months from the date hereof and have appointed James LESTER of this Parish to succeed the said Ambrose HUNT for that period who will receive the emoluments for the same not exceeding the period mentioned

James GOODRIDGE and John TULLIDGE Churchwardens
John WOOD and Thomas BESANT Overseers
James CULL; Thomas BENNETT; Henry LAKE; Charles AUSTIN

3rd Oct 1822 257 Parish of Holy Trinity -- At a Vestry held on Sunday Oct 3rd 1822

Edward CASHER applied for a pair of shoes ; William WARREN applied for the same ; Mary STEVENS applied for the same (for her son) ; Francis STILES applied to the Overseers for some shifts for her children. It was agreed to allow Frances STILES three shillings and the other applicants their shoes

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
John WOOD and Thomas BESANT Overseers
Charles AUSTIN; Robert MILLER; Henry LAKE

20th Nov 1822 257

Parish of Holy Trinity - November 20th 1822 At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given It is agreed

to adjourn the meeting till to morrow at eleven o'clock

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
John WOOD and Thomas BESANT Overseers
Charles AUSTIN; Robert MILLER; Henry LAKE

21st November 1822 258 Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held the 21st Nov 1822 pursuant to the adjournment of yesterday to take into consideration a proper place for divine worship during the present dilapidated state of the Church of this Parish it is unanimously agreed at this Vestry that Mr RICHMAN be requested to prepare divine service on Sunday next at the County Hall

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
John WOOD and Thomas BESANT Overseers
organ YEATMAN; Charles AUSTIN; William GARLAND; Charles CURME; John TRIPP; Thomas BENNETT; John BROWN; Robert MILLER; James MILLS; Mr BUSSELL; Henry LAKE; John MILLER

1st Dec 1822 258

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given

Joseph KEECH applied for relief being ill it was agreed to allow him during his illness 3/6d per week ; CASHER's son applied for a great coat it was agreed to allow him

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
John WOOD and Thomas BESANT Overseers
Charles AUSTIN

4th May 1823 259

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was agreed

That George SHINER should be allowed a pair of shoes

That Thomas GRABTREE [CRABTREE] be allowed 3/6d per week during his illness [Note:- Entry in HT Burial register :- Thomas CRABTREE of Back South Street in this parish; buried 20 July 1823; age 60 years;]

That Mr BEASANT the late Overseer be paid 8/- for an end in his accounts

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

John TRIPP and Charles CURME Overseers

William ZILLWOOD; Robert MILLER; John J JACOB; Thomas BESANT; Thomas BENNETT

28th May 1823 259

Dorchester May 28 - 1823 At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That the churchwardens & Overseers of this Parish be hereby empowered to recover the sum of sixty pounds with interest the property of Elizabeth DENNING due on a note of land from Mr MILLER Esq & to be give him an indemnifying Bond for the amount on behalf of the Parish

That the Churchwardens be requested to purchase a clock? for the intended new church the cost thereof not to exceed fifteen pounds

That Mrs? PORTER be allowed five shillings on account of illness

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

John TRIPP and Charles CURME Overseers

Charles AUSTIN; William GARLAND; William ZILLWOOD

1st June 1823 260

Parish of Holy Trinity - Dorchester June 1 - 1823 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That Thomas GRABTREE [CRABTREE] be allowed an extra pay at the discretion of the Overseers per week

That Thomas STILES be relieved during his illness with 6/- per week

That the examination of Thomas BRETT be taken & an order got for his removal & suspended & that John VATCHER be summoned before the County Magistrate on Saturday next [See minutes ? 1823 below]

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

John TRIPP and Charles CURME Overseers

James CULL; William AUSTIN; Charles AUSTIN; Thomas BESANT; Robert MILLER and William ZILLWOOD

6th July 1823 260

Parish of Holy Trinity - Dorchester 6th July 1823 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That the Widow GENGE be allowed 1/6d per week during her inability to work

That James REYNOLD [RAYNOLD] be allowed 7/- per week during his illness [Note:- Entry in HT Burial Register :- 174 – James RAYNOLD of West Back Street in this parish; buried 07 Sep 1823; age 39 years; Rev Henry John Richman Rector]

That J ARGYLE be reduced from 2/6d to 1/- per week

That Ms? ARNOLD be allowed 6/- per week

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

Charles CURME Overseer

William HENNING; Charles AUSTIN; James MILES and Thomas BESANT

? 1823 261

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That the surgeon Bill on Mary STANLY before the supervision of the ? be not paid by this parish

That John TENILL? be paid Five Pounds which the Parish consider to be as much as ought to be charged for the board and lodging of BRETT [See minutes 1st June 1823]

That KEECH be given calin ? for shifts to an amount not exceeding 10/-

That Mr GRABTREE [CRABTREE] be allowed 5/- for temporary support

That Thomas STILES be at present allowed 4/- per week

That the sum of three pounds ten shillings be allowed towards hiring boys for the choir of this parish

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

John TRIPP and Charles CURME Overseers

William AUSTIN; Charles AUSTIN; Robert MILLER

7th Sep 1823 261

Parish of Holy Trinity - Sep 7th 1823 At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That STILE's wife be allowed 6/- per week as soon as she leaves her place

That Thomas STILES be advertised for in the papers immediately

That Thomas CHURCHILL be immediately summoned to answer for his neglect of his family

That RUMSEY be not relieved

That ? GRABTREE be not relieved

That Jeny ARGYLE be allowed a shirt & pair of stockings

That M ANDREWS be not relieved

That Theophilus BAILEY be only allowed 7/- per week instead of 8/6d

That ? OLIVER be no more allowed 1/6d per week as before

That ? PERCY's pay be discontinued

That REYNOLD's children be not supported by this parish

John TULLIDGE Churchwarden

John TRIPP and Charles CURME Overseers

William HENNING;

Charles HENNING;


Charles AUSTIN;


5th Oct 1823 262

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That STEPHENSON's boy be allowed a pair of shoes

That Isaac MILLER be allowed 1/6d per week

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

John TRIPP and Charles CURME Overseers


2nd Nov 1823 262

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That Peggy ANDREWS be allowed 1/- week occasionally

That W WARREN be allowed a pair of shoes

That Mrs PORT?? not achieved?

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

John TRIPP Overseer

7th Dec 1823 263

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held Dec 7th It was agreed

To allow COATES Family one pound towards clothing the family

Also to allow the W [Widow] CRABTREE 1/6d per week during their illness

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

John TRIPP and Charles CURME Overseers

William HENNING; James CULL; Charles HENNING; Thomas BESANT and James MILES

4th Jan 1824 263

January 4 1823 Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day it was agreed

that PALMER's wife (she having applied for relief) should not be allowed anything Mr TRIPP being desired to write to the parish officers of Poole concerning her

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
John TRIPP Overseer; William HENNING; James CULL; Charles AUSTIN; Robert MILLER and Thomas BESANT
1st Feb 1824 264

February 1 1824 Parish of Holy Trinity At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That the W [Widow] CRABTREE be allowed 1/- per week also that Casher be allowed 1/- per week and further agreed to take off 1/- per week from George DAVIS's pay and 1/- per week from Wo [Widow] ARNOLD's pay

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
John TRIPP Overseer; William HENNING; William ZILWOOD; James CULL and Thomas BESANT

25th Feb 1824 264

Feby 25 - 1824 Parish of Holy Trinity at a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

that the sum of twenty shillings be allowed to provide necessaries for John KERLEY and his family to leave the workhouse

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
John TRIPP Overseer; C.G. READ; William HENNING; Charles AUSTIN and Thomas BESANT

7th March 1824 265

Parish of Holy Trinity - Dorchester - March 7th 1824 At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

COSHER's son be allowed a pair of shoes
That STEPHENSON's sons be allowed a pair of shoes
That Mr ARDEN be desired to visit Elizabeth GOULD at Frampton
That Mr LOCKETT be allowed 3/- per week during his illness
That Mrs ARNOLD pay not be advanced
That Mr TRIPP be authorized to employ Mr C HENNING to earn S DUNNINGS money of the M MILLER

John TULLIDGE Churchwarden

John TRIPP and Charles CURME Overseers

William HENNING; Charles AUSTIN; William ZILLWOOD; Thomas BESANT; Henry LAKE and Robert MILLER

19th April 1824 265

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held on Monday 19th day of April 1824 it was agreed

That the pay for Mrs HAYMAN be discontinued for the present [Note:- Mary Hayman nee Smith (1790-1865) Her husband Richard HAYMAN was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 26th March 1824]

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Edward FOY and Robert MILLER Overseers
William HENNING; Charles AUSTIN; James CULL; William GARLAND; William ZILLWOOD; John J JACOB; Charles HENNING; & Thomas BESANT
2nd May 1824 266

Parish of Holy Trinity - May 2th 1824 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

That CUSHER be allowed a pair of shoes
That John WATTS be allowed a pair of shoes
That Thomas STILE want more allowance
That widow HARDY want more

That Widow HARDY be allowed no pay
That CASHER Mary be allowed no pay
That the Widow IRONSIDE to have 1/6d per week

John TULLIDGE Churchwardens
Edward FOY and Robert MILLER Overseers
Charles AUSTIN; William AUSTIN; Thomas BENNETT; James CULL; William HENNING; William ZILLWOOD
6th June 1824 266

Parish of Holy Trinity - 6th June 1824 At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

Widow KEACH be allowed a pair of shoes
That CHURCHILL be summoned for not keeping his Family
If Widow HARDY feel agreed the child to be sent to Hospital

John TULLIDGE Churchwarden
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers
Charles AUSTIN; William AUSTIN; Thomas BENNETT; James CULL; William HENNING; William ZILLWOOD
23rd June 1824 267

Parish of Holy Trinity - June 23rd 1824 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

That the Widow HAYMAN and Family be removed with an order to the Parish of Wimpole in the County of Devon [Note:- Mary Hayman nee Smith (1790-1865) Her husband Richard HAYMAN was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 26th March 1824 - The removal order was quashed on appeal at Quarter Sessions ]

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers
James CULL; William HENNING; Charles AUSTIN and John TRIPP
[Blank] 267

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

That STEPHINSON be allowed a pair of shoes, and
That PERCY son of London be apprenticed with his mother illness and for her to be allowed temporary relief

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers
Thomas BENNETT; Charles AUSTIN and William GARLAND
8th July 1824 268

Parish of Holy Trinity - July 8th 1824 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given

to take into consideration a notice of appeal given by Mr John James LAMBERT and MR Edward BOSWELL against the last Rate or assessment made for the relief of the poor of this parish

and that Mr Thomas Gould READ be employed in defending the same


John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers
William Andrews; William Davis; Mr Churchill; Morgan Yeatman; CG Read; John Tizard; Joseph Oliver; William Kearley; James Mills; William Bishop; James Hutchins; Henry Lake; Henry HUNT; Sol? Cozens; John Foy; Isaac Maber? ; Mansell; Thomas Bennett; John New; James Selby? John Legg; Thomas Newman; Joseph Browning; Charles Curme; William Garland; John J Jacob; Thomas Besant; William Clark; George Pound; William Austin; Charles Austin; John Wood; Joseph Browning junior; Thomas Stroud; Edward Lester; John Tripp
1st Aug 1824 269

Parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester - Dated August 1st 1824 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given

That the present Overseers are requested to borrow the sum of one hundred pounds and to pay lawful interest for the same fore the necessary relief of the poor of this parish
William BROWN is to be relived [i.e. allowed relief and supported from the rates]
Widow WARREN a pair of shoes
Widow HARDY to have 1/- per week
BAYLEY daughter be allowed £1.0s.0d for close [clothes]


John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers
Thomas BENNETT; Charles AUSTIN; John WOOD; Henry LAKE; Thomas BENNETT; William GARLAND
5th Aug 1824 270

Parish of Holy Trinity - Dorchester - Aug 5 . 1824 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to legal notice

Ordered - that the Churchwardens be requested to get a minute hand part to the new Clock purchased by them according to the authority of the Vestry May 28 1824 previous to its execution

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers
H.J RICHMAN Rector; Joseph Browning junior; W Churchill; T.G.Read; William Garland; Charles Austin; Thomas Besant; John Wood; William Austin; Thomas Bennett
5th Sep 1824 271

Parish of Holy Trinity - Sep 5th 1824 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

That Eliz GOULD pay be discontinued
CASHER boy be allowed a pair of shoes
That Widow GANGE be allowed six pence per week more

John TULLIDGE Churchwarden
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers
James CULL; William GARLAND; John TRIPP; Charles AUSTIN; Henry LAKE; Amos? DENNIS
19th Oct 1824 271 & 272

Parish of Holy Trinity - 19th October 1824 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given

to take into consideration a notice of appeal given by Mr John James LAMBERT and MR Edward BOSWELL against the last Rate or assessment made for the relief of the poor of this parish on the thirteenth day of September last

It is agreed that the said appeal be defended by the churchwardens and overseers of the Poor

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Mr? CHURCHILL Overseers
Morgan Yeatman; Thomas Bennett; Charles Austin; T.G.Read; John Wood; John Pett; William Austin; Joseph Browning Junior; John J Jacob; Charles Curme; Thomas Besant; John Clark and Joseph Browning; Thomas Stroud; John Tizard; Richard Fudge; Henry Hunt; George Andrews; James Mills; Edward Lester; James Hutchings; John Legg; Henry Lake George Pound and William Garland
7th Nov 1824 273

Borough of Dorchester 1824 November 7th - Parish of Holy Trinity -This being the first Vestry held in the new Church on the 7th day of November 1824 it was agreed

That proper steps be taken for counseling? the sons of Widow PERCY to adjust in maintaining her
Ordered a pair of shoes for Thomas BAYLEY
June [Jane] GREGORY's child bill to be paid
Agreed that the Overseers do take up William MILLER Butcher of Nottingham and bring him before Justice to give bail [i.e. a bond] for bastard child
STILES boy to have a pair of shoes

John TULLIDGE Churchwarden
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers

Charles AUSTIN; Thomas BENNETT; William GARLAND; James MILES; Thomas STROUD; J.J.JACOB
5th Dec 1824 273

Parish of Holy Trinity - Dec 5th 1824 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given that

William PORTER on account of damage done by the wind be allowed 5/-
CHURCHILL to be allowed 2/- per week
CASHER boy be allowed a pair of shoes
Widow ARNOLD be allowed 2 per week extra
Mr? MILLS to be sent to the hospital
Widow PERCY be sent into ditto
That Jane GREGORY Boys pay be discontinued
That WATT's boy be allowed a great coat

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens

Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers

[Blank] 274

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

that KEECH wife be allowed one pound & that two shillings be taken from CASHER pay per week and William BROWN sent to the Hospital

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers
John J JACOB; Charles AUYSTI; John WOOD; Thomas BENNETT; Henry LAKE
6th Feb 1825 274

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

that John BRINTON be allowed ten shillings and
that John VACHER be lent forty shillings if Mr George CLARK will be responsible
Mr JONES be allowed five shillings per week during his illness
that the parish officer is to see whether Eliz GOULD be deserving of charity and
Mr MILLS goods be sold to defray the parish for keeping his wife

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers

6th March 1825 275

Parish of Holy Trinity - March 6th 1825 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

Thomas STILES Child to have a pair of shoes
Thomas BAYLEY be allowed extra during his illness
Eliz GOULD be allowed 2/- per week and find her own medicine
and the Widow TRICKEY be removed to Hemmyoch in Devonshire the settlement of her husband

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers

George WOOD; Charles AUSTIN
25th March 1825 275

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - March 25th 1825 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

that Mr Thomas BENNETT Mr NEWMAN Mr William DAVIS Mr. Richard FUDGE Mr George ANDREWS & Mr Thomas GARLAND nominated a proper persons to serve the office of Overseers for the year ensuing.

John TULLIDGE and RG DAVIS Churchwardens
Robert MILLER and Edward FOY Overseers

John PETT; William AUSTIN; Charles CURME; John WOOD; Joseph BROWNING; William GARLAND; James CULL; Joseph BROWNING Junior ; Thomas STROUD; Thomas BENNETT; John J JACOB; Charles AUSTIN; James GOODRIDGE; Morgan YEATMAN
[Blank] 276

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

to allow Theophilus BAILEY two shillings a week during his illness in addition to his present allowance

John TULLIDGE Churchwarden
Thomas BENNETT & George ADDREWS Overseers
Charles Austin; John J JACOB; Edward FOY; Thomas BEASANT; William GARLAND; Joseph BROWNING Junior and John FOY
5th June 1825 276

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

that Widow IRONSIDE's pay be discontinued

that John PLOWMAN's pay be discontinued

that George CHURCHILL be allowed 2/- per week

George WOOD Rector
RG DAVIS & John TULLIDGE Churchwardens
Thomas BENNETT & George ADDREWS Overseers
William HENNING; John WOOD; Thomas BEASANT; Charles AUSTIN; Edward FOY; Thomas STROUD; Robert MILLER
3rd July 1825 277

Parish of Holy Trinity July 3rd 1825 - - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

that Jerry ARGYN [ARGYLE] shall be allowed no pay but if he wants relief to be admitted into the hospital [i.e. workhouse]

That widow ARNOLD be allowed only 5/- shillings a week

That Theoph[alus] BAILY be allowed 4/- week

That George DAVIS be allowed no more pay until he comes to Vestry and give account of his earnings

That widow JONES be allowed 4/- per week

That the extra 2/- be taken off NEWMAN's Pay

The Wm [William] APLIN Junr be allowed 5/- per week

That Charles OSTLER be allowed 6/- per week [Note:- Charles OSTLER was buried at HT on 18 Aug 1825; age 52 years]

Rector George WOOD

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

Mr BENNETT and George ANDREWS Overseers

John JACOB and James CULL

7th August 1825 1825 277

Parish of Holy Trinity - Agst 7th 1825 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice resolved

That widow WARREN is to have a pair of shoes

That Captain Mc CHURCH be written to pay the expenses of Samuel BROWN a Bastard of Meriah [Maria] BROWN [Note:- unable to locate a baptism]

That Mr VIE be written to to pay the expenses of the child SAMWAYS and if not complying to be apprehended immediately

That Mr MILLS be apprehended for not supporting his wife4

That Jerry ARGYLE be allowed 1/6d per week

That Jno [John] DRAN? be apprehended for not paying for Jane CAKE's? child a bastard

That James HUNT be apprehended for not paying the expenses of BROWN's Bastard that VATCHER be apprehended [Note:- See Baptisms for 16 Apr 1825 may relate to Louisa base born daughter of Frances BROWN baptised, Freke's Alley West Back Street, [occupation blank] Rev George Wood Rector ]

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

Thomas BENNETT and George ANDREWS Overseers

John J JACOB; Thomas BEASANT and Edward FOY

4th September 1825 278

Parish of Holy Trinity - Sept 4th 1825 At a Vestry held pursuant to notice resolved that

George DAVIS be allowed 1/6d per week

That Widow OSTLER be allowed 4/6d per week [Note:- Charles OSTLER was buried at HT on 18 Aug 1825; age 52 years]

That Maria BROWN child be allowed 1/6d per week or go into the poor house

John WOOD Churchwarden

Thomas BENNETT and George ANDREWS Overseers

William AUSTIN; John James LAMBERT; Thomas BEASANT

2nd October 1825 278

Parish of Holy Trinity - Oct 2nd 1825 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice resolved

That Ann WARREN be allowed a blanket

Pegg ANDREWS be allowed a pair of shoes

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens
Thomas BENNETT and George ANDREWS Overseers
Thomas BEASANT; William AUSTIN; John James LAMBERT; George WOOD
6th November 1825 279

Parish of Holy Trinity - November 6th - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

That Susan CHURCHILL be examined as to her Parish

Widow CLARK to be allowed a sheet

Thomas STILES to have a pair of shoes

This advice be John respecting the money due from Cheselbourne Parish

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

Thomas BENNETT Overseer

Robert MILLER; Thomas BEASANT; Thomas STRONG

4th December 1825 279

Parish of Holy Trinity - Decr 4th 1825 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice resolved

That Edward COSHER [CASHER] be allowed a pair of shoes

That Theophilus BAILY be allowed a pair of shoes

and a summons be allowed for Eilect? unto ??? ???? why he does not pay the expenses of his bastard child ny Ann TREVES [Could not trace a baptism]

That CRATES family be allowed 1 pound sterling

George WOOD;[Rector]

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

James CULL

25th December 1825 280

Holy Trinity - Decr 25 - 1825 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice

to take into consideration the subject letter from flood && mules? respecting the legal settlement of John BARTLET it was resolved that Mr GOULD READ be requested to write to them for more particulars

G WOOD [Rector] ; Charles AUSTIN; John WOOD


1st January 1826 280

Holy Trinity - Jany 1st 1826 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice resolved

That STEVENSON be allowed a Great Coat

That Widow REACH? be allowed only two shillings a week

That widow CRABTREE be allowed 1/6 per week

George WOOD Rector

Charles HENNING; William AUSTIN

5th March 1826 280

Parish of Holy Trinity - Dorchester March 5 - 1826 - At a Vestry held this day following the monthly vestry it was agreed

That the sum of 2/6d per week be allowed to John ELLIS who is become blind & unable to maintain himself

George WOOD Rector

Charles AUSTIN ; George ANDREWS Thomas BENNETT; Robert MILLER; John J JACOB; John BROWN; Thomas BESANT

27th March 1826 281

At an adjourned Vestry held pursuant to notice given resolved

that the present Overseers accounts be examined by Mr William GARLAND and Mr Thomas BEASANT before they are sworn to before the Magistrates

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

George ANDREWS and Thomas BENNETT Overseers

Christopher ARDEN; John TULLIDGE; William GARLAND; Richard FUDGE; Thomas BEASANT; Joseph OLIVER; Francis HUTCHINGS; Henry LAKE; ???; George WOOD

7th May 1826 281

At a Vestry held it was agreed

To allow Robert HANN a sum per week at the discretion of the Overseers during his illness

Jerry ARGYLE a shirt

CARTER's boy a pair of shoes & no more extra pay to be allowed to the family

At this Vestry the Church Wardens were ordered to provide Lattice work for the protection of the painted window over the alter piece

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

Joseph OLIVER and James HUTCHINGS Overseers


2nd July 1826 282

At a Vestry held pursuant to notice resolved:-

That the Overseers do not pay to Louisa De LISLE any money to her from the commencement of their Office

That the Overseers do speak to Mr GALE & Mr GREGORY with respect to their taking the two RAYNOLDS from the Hospital Apprentices

George WOOD Rector

Charles AUSTIN Churchwarden; Joseph OLIVER and James HUTCHINGS Overseers; Robert MILLER; William AUSTIN; John BREDON; Henry LAKE

5th November 1826 282

Dorchester - Nov 5.1826: At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given resolved

That Mr BOSWELLS Account on the Parish of the Holy Trinity amounting to Thirty Three Pounds be immediately paid by Mr FOY the late Overseer & That the balance left after paying the same be paid to the present Overseers

A Great Coat for CARTER [Casher?]

Paid the present Overseer the sum of Thirteen Pounds and ??? shillings and five pence being the balance of the BOSWELL bills by us Messrs FOX & MILLER late Overseers Joseph HUTCHINGS

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

Joseph OLIVER and James HUTCHINGS Overseers

George WOOD; William GARLAND; Edward FOY; Robert MILLER; William HENNING; John TULLIDGE

3rd December 1826 283

At a Vestry held Dec 3rd 1826 pursuant to notice given resolved

To give George DAVIS a Great Coat &

Eleanor CLARK 3/- per week &

To give Thomas STILES a pair of shoes

Elizabeth ARNOLD 5/- per week

George WOOD Rector

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

James HUTCHINGS & John James LAMBERT; Overseers

28th March 1827 283

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - March 28. 1827: At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That Mr James HUTCHINS Mr Joseph OLIVER Mr James CURME Mr Robert DAVIS Mr Thomas NEWMAN Mr Edward CURTIS; Mr William CURTIS & Mr Isaac MABER be nominated as proper persons to serve the office of Overseers for the year ensuing

George WOOD Rector Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

Joseph OLIVER and Joseph OLIVER Overseers


12th April 1827 284

Dorset Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held the 12 April 1827 pursuant to notice given resolved

That William GARLAND and Mr William ZILLWOOD be requested to inspect the late Overseers Accounts and report the same at a future vestry.

At the same Vestry it was ordered that in future no Overseer shall pay any part of the weekly allowance granted to any poor person to any tradesman for articles consumed by them, but that the whole of their pay excepting that kept back for House Rent be paid to such persons weekly in cash,

George WOOD Rector

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

Edmund CURTIS and Thomas NEWMAN Overseers

Charles HENNING; William AUSTIN; John J JACOB; John BROWN; James CULL; Charles HENNING; Edward BOSWELL; Robert MILLER and Joseph OLIVER

5th August 1827 285

Dorset Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held the 5th day of August 1827 pursuant to notice given resolved

That an appeal entered by Saint Davis Parish in Exeter against this Parish in the removal of SYMONDS Family be defended and that Messrs Robert and Charles HENNING do manage and conduct such defence

Charles AUSTIN and John WOOD Churchwardens

Joseph OLIVER and James HUTCHINGS Overseers

8th October 1827 286

Parish of Holy Trinity Oct 8th 1827 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given resolved

To give Edward CASLIN a pair of shoes

Charles AUSTIN Churchwarden
Edmund CURTIS Thomas NEWMAN Overseer

William AUSTIN; Edward FOY and John TULLIDGE

24th October 1827 286

Parish of Holy Trinity Octr 24. 1827 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to public notice given it was resolved

That Thomasina SYMONDS be re-examined before the Mayor in order for her family being removed to their place of settlement it having been decided by the Bench of Magistrates at the late Quarter Sessions that an order made for their removal to the Parish of St David's Exeter be quested the decision of the Magistrates was made in consequence of the Indentures of Samuel SYMONDS the husband having been drawn by Hugh MIDDLECOMBE ELLICOMBE the attorney employed on an illegal stamp

George WOOD Rector

Charles AUSTIN and Thomas BEASANT Churchwardens

Edmund CURTIS and Thomas NEWMAN Overseers

Edward FOY; William HENNING John TULLIDGE; James CULL John WOOD

2nd December 1827 287

Parish of Holy Trinity - 2nd Dec 1827 - At a Vestry held to notice given resolved

To give Mrs STEVENSON a pair of shoes and CASHER's son a pair

It was further ordered that 3/6d for digging the grave and 2/6d for ringing and tolling be the sums charged by the Sexton in future

George WOOD Rector : Charles AUSTIN Churchwarden

Thomas NEWMAN and Edmund CURTIS Overseers and James CULL

3rd February 1828 287

Parish of Holy Trinity - 3rd Feb 1827 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given resolved

That the churchwardens do request Mr Thomas BASCOMBE to pay the Church Rate that is left in arrears of the late Mrs CUST - are they paid - Yes

George WOOD Rector

Charles AUSTIN and Thomas BEASANT Churchwardens

Edmund CURTIS and Thomas NEWMAN Overseers and James CULL

27th March 1828 288

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - Mar 27th 1828 At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given resolved

That Mr John CURME; Mr William CURTIS; Mr William AUSTIN; Mr Charles ZILLWOOD; Mr Robert DAVIS; Mr William WATSON be nominated as proper persons to serve the office as Overseers for the year ensuing

Charles AUSTIN and Thomas BEASANT Churchwardens

Edmund CURTIS and Thomas NEWMAN Overseers


7th December 1828 288

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - December 7. 1828 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved

that the rent of KEECH's House be paid to HENNING by the parish

That Elizabeth GOULD be in future allowed one shilling per week

Thomas BEASANT & Robert MILLER Churchwardens

[Blank] Overseers and William HENNING; James CULL; Charles AUSTIN; William BISHOP

23rd March 1829 289

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - March 23rd 1929 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was resolved that

Mr William AUSTIN Mr Charles ZILLWOOD; Mr W WATSON; Mr James P?? be nominated as proper persons to serve the office of Overseers for the year ensuing.

Thomas BEASANT & Robert MILLER Churchwardens

John ??? Overseer; Charles AUSTIN; John J JACOB; John WOOD;

3rd May 1829 289

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - May 3rd 1829 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved

that Mr CASHIER should have a pair of shoes; and

That the expenses of attending the illness and burial of William?? WITES?? a pauper belonging to this parish but late residing in the Parish of Winfrith?? should be paid

George WOOD

Thomas BEASANT Churchwardens

W WATSON Overseer

7th June 1829 290

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - June 7th 1829 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was ordered

That the sum of Two Guineas be paid to the Bath Hospital and

that the daughter of William VATCHER be placed with her aunt, who shall receive a sum per week at the [???] discretion? of the overseers for her maintenance

[Note:- William VATCHER (1779-1829)of South Back street Dorchester was buried at HT on 22nd April 1829 aged 50 years. This relates to his remaining unmarried daughter Ann VATCHER (1815-1886) ]

That James RAYNOLD shall have a coat and a pair of shoes

Thomas BEASANT Churchwarden

Charles ZILLWOOD W WATSON Overseers


4th July 1829 290

Dorchester Parish Holy Trinity - July 4th 1829 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given, it was resolved

That William LOCKETT is to be allowed but one shilling per week

and Widow WHETHAM pay discontinued

BAYLEY's Family to have but four shillings per week

Robert MILLER & Charles CURME Churchwardens

Charles ZILLWOOD Overseer

John WOOD; William HENNING; James CULL; Thomas BESANT; Henry LAKE

3rd October 1829 291

Dorchester Parish Holy Trinity - Oct 3. 1829 - At a Vestry held this day in pursuant to notice give, it was ordered

That the order of dismissal? of Lionel ELFORD be submitted to Mr Charles HENNING for Inspection and that of ??? ??? to be informed? to take an opinion on the subject; [Note:- Charles HENNING was an Attorney]

and further to proceed on the subject (if favourable to the Parish) by ??? an appeal at the ensuing Sessions

That the sum of Thirty Pounds paid on account of the Mary CHURCHILL in the family way, be accepted

George WOOD Rector

Robert MILLER & Charles CURME Churchwardens

Charles ZILLWOOD and W WATSON Overseers


6th December 1829 291

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - Dec 6. 1829 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That Thomas SMITH be allowed 1/6 per week in future

That DAMAN's family be allowed a sum per week at the discretion of the Overseers

That David CASHER be allowed a pair of shoes

That Mr ARDEN's opinion be obtained as to Robert POUNCEY's ability to work [Note:- Mr Christopher ARDEN was a surgeon] and then to be relieved at the discretion of the Overseers

That Widow ROPER be allowed 1/- per week ???, during her illness

Robert MILLER & Charles CURME Churchwardens

W WATSON Overseer

John WOOD and Charles AUSTIN

3rd January 1830 292

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - Jan 3. 1830 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved and agreed

hat William REYNOLD's shall receive but 1/- per week

That George CLARK's pay be discontinued

That James POUNCEY be relived at the discretion of the Overseers

That Mr Charles HENNING be empowered to defend the Appeal by the parish of Holwell touching the removal of Elizabeth READ and

That William TREVES shall have a smockfrock & pair of trousers

That George HAWKIN's pay be continued at the discretion of the Overseers

Robert MILLER & Charles CURME Churchwardens

Charles ZILLWOOD and W WATSON Overseers

James CULL and Thomas BEASANT

7th February 1830 292

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - Feb 7th 1830 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

That Theop [Theophalus] BAILEY shall have a pair of shoes

That W STEVENSON shall have a pair of shoes

That George DAVIS be relieved at the discretion of the Overseers

That Thomas SMITH be allowed 2/- per week in future

That Mary THOMPSON's pay be discontinued and that this Vestry be adjourned to Tuesday next at 4 o'clock

Robert MILLER & Charles CURME Churchwardens

W WATSON Overseer

John WOOD and William GARLAND

7th March 1830 293

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - March 7th 1830 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That Robert POUNCY & family be immediately placed in the workhouse with strict charge to ? ROLLS to prevent his leaving the place without Mr ARDEN's order

That Elizabeth GOULD be allowed 1/- extra per week

That Theophilus BAILEY be allowed 3/- per week extra until Mr ARDEN shall consider him able to work

That Prescilla HIBBS be relieved at the discretion of the Overseers

George WOOD Rector

Robert MILLER & Charles CURME Churchwardens

W WATSON Overseer

Charles B HENNING; Charles AUSTIN; James CULL; William BISHOP

25th March 1830 293

March 25th 1830 - Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That Mr Thomas GARLAND Mr John James LAMBERT; Mr George LESTER; Mr Joseph HANSFORD and Mr John FRY be nominated as proper persons to serve the office of Overseer for the year ensuing

George WOOD Rector

Robert MILLER & Charles CURME Churchwardens

Charles ZILLWOOD and William WATSON Overseers

James CULL; Charles B HENNING; John WOOD

8th April 1830 294

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - April 8th 1830 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given resolved

That Mr John WOOD and MR John J JACOB be requested to inspect the late Overseers Accounts and to report the same at a future vestry

Robert MILLER & Charles CURME Churchwardens

Joseph HANDSFORD Overseer and George LESTER

13 May 1830 294

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - May 13. 1830 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That Widow ARNOLD be in future allowed only 3/- per week

That Elizabeth BROWN's 2/- be discontinued

That Theophilus BAILYS Arrears of rent be paid amounting to 20/- and his pay be in future 4/6 per week out of which the rent is to be reduced by the arrears & paid to the Landlord

That Widow CASHER's pay be reduced to 1/- weekly [Note her husband Edward died in 1829 so food allowance cut]

That James HIBB's pay be reduced to 3/- weekly

That W LOCKETT's pay be discontinued

That Isaac MILLER's pay be discontinued

That MILLER's child receive in future 1/6 per week only

That Widow OSTLEY arrears of rent be paid & in future kept back out of her pay

That Wm PORTER in future receive only 3/- per week

The PARSON's child receive only 1/- per week

That Wm TREVE's pay be discontinued

That Widow STEVENSON receive in future her rent only

George WOOD Rector

Charles CURME Churchwarden

Joseph HANDSFORD Overseer and George LESTER

William HENNING; John WOOD; William GARLAND;

8th July 1830 295

July 8. 1830 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it being found inconvenient to have the monthly vestry on a week day, it is recommended to have the same as usual on a Sunday after Service


William GARLAND churchwarden - Joseph HANDSFORD Overseer and William HENNING; James CULL; Robert MILLER; John WOOD; William WATSON; Thomas CURTIS

1st Dec 1830 296

Parish of the Holy Trinity - Dec 1 - 1830 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given resolved

That Mrs BROWN be allowed 2/- per week during the winter months

That - TREVIS be allowed 1/-6 per week the same time

That the Overseers be authorised to continue relieving POUNCY occasionally

That Alfred LOCKETT be allowed sufficient to pay his lodgings

George WOOD Rector

Charles CURME & William GARLAND Churchwardens

Joseph HANDSFORD and George LESTER Overseer s

25th March 1831 296

Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given resolved

That the following persons be nominated as fit & proper persons to serve the office of Overseers for the year ensuing

Mr James HENNING; Mr John James LAMBERT; Mr George LOCK Jun; W Hooper TOLBUT; Mr J BURNE, Baker; Mr Thomas Patch + ???

That John KEELEY be not relieved

That Thomas OSTLER & that John BUN? be allowed a pair of shoes if he has not a sufficient balance due to from Mr HENNING

Charles CURME & William GARLAND Churchwardens

Joseph HANDSFORD and George LESTER Overseer s

Charles B HENNING; William WATSON

4th April 1831 297

1801 April 4 - - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was agreed

to employ Mr C HENNING in the affair of Samuel WILLIAMS of Melcombe Regis [Note:- Charles HENNING was an Attorney]

William GARLAND Churchwarden

Joseph HANDSFORD Overseer and George LESTER and PARISHIONERS::

John J JACOB; William HENNING; Edward FOY; James CULL; Joseph OLIVER; Robert MILLER; Charles AUSTIN; William BISHOP; Thomas NEWMAN; W WATSON; John WOOD; William ESCOLL; John BROWN

7th April 1831 297

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given Resolved

That Mr William WATSON Mr George LOCK and Mr William ESCOTT be requested to inspect the late Overseers Accounts and to report to the same at a future Vestry.

William GARLAND Churchwarden

George LOCK Overseer

John WOOD; Charles AUSTIN; Thomas BENNETT; Richard GAULTON; Isaac MABEAR; Thomas BEASANT

7th August 1831 298

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given Resolved

The widow CLARK be allowed 2/6 per week during her illness

James POUNCY is allowed 4/- per week

Phillip WINSOR is allowed 3/- per week during his illness

That ARNOLD's Children for the future is to have 2 shillings per week

That Lionel ELFORDS pay be discontinued [Note:- See HT Burials entry 330 :- Lionel ELFORD of Freke's Alley, South Back Street; buried 02 Aug 1831; age 55 years; Rev George Wood Rector]

That HUNIBOURN [HONEYBUN] Child pay be discontinued

That CASHER's extra 1/- per week be discontinued

That COLLIER be allowed 1/- per week only

Edward FOY Churchwarden

Thomas PATCH and George LOCK Overseers

James CULL; William HENNING; William WATSON; John FOY

6th Nov 1831 298

Dorchester Parish of Holy Trinity - Nov 6th 1831 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given - Resolved

That John COLLIER & wife be allowed 2s per week

and 1 pair of shoes to Widow NOSTLER's son

Edward FOY Churchwarden

Thomas PATCH and George LOCK Overseers

William BISHOP; James CULL; Joseph OLIVER; Charles AUSTIN

5th July 1832 299

Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was agreed

To allow John ??? 2/- per week until a place of service can be obtained for him , also a pair of shoes

To allow STYLE's Family 4/- per week & pay the rent as usual

To allow POPE & his wife 3/- per week

To allow BAYLYS Child a pair of strong shoes

To allow BASCOMBE 2/- per week during her illness

The pay of Mrs ELFORD to be discontinued

The HONEYBUN recommended by the parish to be made an example of for not keeping his child

William GARLAND and Edward FOY Churchwarden

Thomas PATCH and George LOCK Overseers

James CULL; William ESCOTT; Robert MILLER; John FOY; James HANDFGORD

21st March 1832 299

Parish of Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given - Resolved

That the following persons be nominated as fit and proper persons to serve the office of Overseers for the year ensuing.

Mr William BISHOP; Mr William ESCOTT; Mr Edward MONDAY; Mr William AUSTIN; Mr Robert DAVIS Junior

George WOOD Rector; William GARLAND and Edward FOY Churchwardens

Thomas PATCH and George LOCK Overseers and William HENNING; William WATRSON; James CULL; John FOY

1st April 1832 300

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - April 1st 1832 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given Resolved

That Mr William WATSON; Mr William ESCOTT and Mr William BISHOP be requested to inspect the late Overseers Accounts and to report the same at a future Vestry

George Wood Rector; Edward FOY and James CULL Churchwardens

Mr John James LAMBERT and William HENNING Overseers


14th September 1832 300

Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given to take into consideration that part of a resolution passed by7 the Board of Health in this town, which recommends to the three parishes of the Borough the advancement of Twenty Pounds each, for the general purposes of the said Board, a majority of the parishioners then assembled objected to the advancement of the said sum

At the same Vestry the Chairman was requested to represent to the Magistrates in the County Hall tomorrow the case of Betty DUNNING lately removed by an order signed by two of them, to the Lunatic Asylum

George WOOD Chairman

20th September 1832 301

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - Sepr 20th 1832 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was agreed

That three rates be granted to the Churchwardens to settle several Bills not paid by the late Churchwarden

It was proposed by Mr GARLAND and seconded by Mr EDWARDS that the sum of £16. 5s.0d be granted from the Poor Rate of this Parish being the sums apportioned by the Overseers for the use of the Board of Health which was called by the Majority of the Parishioners Assembled G WOOD Chairman

George WOOD Rector; Edward MONDEY & William AUSTIN Overseers

John J JACOB; J HULME; Robert MILLER; John WOOD; Charles AUSTIN; J.J. LAMBERT; Christopher ARDEN; William GARLAND; Thomas BENNETT; Thomas BEASANT

4th April 1833 302

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - April 4th 1833 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given it was resolved

That Mr George LOCK and Mr John BROWN Senior Mr MILLER be requested to inspect the late Overseers Accounts and to report the same at a future Vestry

Edward FOY Churchwarden

Joseph OLIVER & William ESCOTT Overseers William BISHOP; John BROWN; John WOOD; Charles AUSTIN; Wm ALLEN; Richard FUDGE;

8th April 1833 302

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - 8th April 1833 - At a Vestry held this day Resolved

That no poor person to do apply for medical advice without first obtaining an order from the Overseers and do appoint John BROWN and James MILLER Guardians for the year ensuing

Edward FOY & Joseph OLIVER Churchwarden

William BISHOP and William ESCOTT Overseers Richard FUDGE; Wm ALLEN? J PATCH; John WOOD; William GARLAND; Robert MILLER; Charles AUSTIN

27th June 1833 303

Dorchester Parish of the Holy Trinity - 27th June 1833 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice Resolved

That Mr Joseph OLIVER and Mr. Richard FUDGE the present churchwardens be requested to summon all persons who are entered on the late Churchwardens Account as defaulters in not paying their church rates for the year 1832

Joseph OLIVER Churchwarden

William BISHOP and William ESCOTT Overseers Edward FOY; John WOOD; Thomas BEASANT

13th February 1834 303

Dorchester 13th Febry 1834 - Holy Trinity Parish- At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice -Resolved

That no House Rent shall in future be paid by the Parish Officers for the different Poor Persons be;longing to this Parish from and after the 25th day of March next , but that instead thereof each Person shall receive an extra weekly allowance in order to enable them to pay it themselves

Richard FUDGE Churchwarden

William BISHOP and William ESCOTT Overseers ; ??? Robert MILLER and James MILLS

27th March 1834 304

Parish of the Holy Trinity - March 27th 1834 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given Resolved

That the following Persons be nominated as fit & proper Persons to serve the office of Overseers for the year ensuing

Mr Thomas WOOD; Mr Edward CROSS; Mr Richard GAULTON; Mr James HENNING; Mr John James LAMBERT

John OLIVER & Richard FUDGE Churchwarden

William ESCOTT and William BISHOP Overseers


31st March 1834 305

Dorchester Easter Monday 31st March 1834 - Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given it was Resolved

That Mr ESCOTT be appointed Guardian for the year ensuing

Joseph OLIVER and Richard FUDGE Churchwarden

William BISHOP Overseer; George ANDREWS; Robert MILLER; John BROWN; Henry BLY; James CULL; James MILLER

1st June 1834 306

[Copy] [Note:- Out of page sequence]

At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of the Holy Trinity in Dorchester on the first day of June in the year of Our Lord 1834 - It was Resolved

That as Charles OLD a Pauper belonging to the said Parish was about to be put out as on Apprentice from a Charity Fund called Floyers Charity to John DART of the Parish of Piddlehinton Boot and Shoemaker The sum of Ten Pounds should be given in aid of such Apprenticeship to be paid at two installments namely Five Pounds when half the term is completed and the other Five Pounds at the expiration of the whole term. And we do order and direct that the aforesaid sums as they shall become due at the respective periods shall be paid by the Overseers who shall be then acting for the said Parish to the said John DART, if the said Charles OLD shall then be in his service as an Apprentice

Richard FUDGE Churchwarden

J.R.E. CURTIS and Thomas WOOD Overseers

George WOOD Rector

James CULL; William HENNING; William ESCOTT; J.J.LAMBERT; Joseph HANSFORD; William BISHOP; Thomas LOCK

12th June 1834 305

Dorchester 12th June 1834 - Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given Resolved

That a petition be presented to the Honourable The House of Commons against clauses of the Poor Laws amendment bill


17th June 1834 306

Dorchester 17th July 1834 - Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given Resolved

Three Rates be granted to the Churchwardens to settle several bills remaining unpaid and for necessary repairs to the Church

J.R.E. CURTIS and Thomas WOODS Overseers

9th April 1835 307

Dorchester 9th April 1835 - Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given Resolved

That the Churchwardens be authorized to have the Church painted by Mr Robert WHETHAM agreeably to the estimate now produced amounting to Twenty Pounds

Richard GAULTON & Thomas LOCK Overseers

J.J.LAMBERT; Charles AUSTIN; George WOOD; Christopher ARDEN; Thomas WOOD; J>R>E> CURTIS; William ESCOTT; William BISHOP; James HUTCHINGS; John BROWN

24th March 1836 307

Dorchester 24th March 1836 - Parish of the Holy Trinity - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given Resolved

That the following Perso9ns be nominated as fit and proper persons to serve the office of Overseers for the year ensuing

Mr William TULLIDGE; Mr George LUCAS; Mr William BARGE; Mr Joseph Brown GRAY; Mr James HENNING and Mr John James LAMBERT

George ANDREWS Churchwarden

Thomas LOCK and James CULL Overseers

William ESCOTT

7th April 1836 308

Dorchester April 7 1836 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given Resolved

That Mr J. G. GARLAND and Mr WATSON be requested to inspect the late Overseers Accounts and report the same at a future Vestry

George ANDREWS & William BISHOP Churchwarden

William TULLIDGE Overseers; George LUCAS;' William AUSTIN; J.R.E. CURTIS and William ESCOTT

22nd Dec 1836 308

Dorchester Dec 22nd 1836 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given Resolved

That in consequence of an order from the Town Council demanding the sum of £40-2-6 for a Borough Rate on this Parish that the Parish Officers do make a Rate for that special purpose

George WOOD Rector ; William ESCOTT Churchwarden

George LUCAS and William TULLIDGE Overseers; John WALLS; Thomas BEASANT; Thomas BENNETT; Thomas WOOD; Henry BLY; Henry LAKE

10th Oct 1849 309

NOTE:- At this point in the Vestry Book there is inserted a "A Terrier of the Property belonging to the Church of the Parish of Holy Trinity, in Dorchester" which I have transcribed separately and can be accessed via this link:-

A Terrier of the Property belonging to the Church of the Parish of Holy Trinity

12th October 1848 310

Dorchester Holy Trinity Dorset - 12th October 1848 - At a Vestry this day held, pursuant to notice

Mr Job SHORTO (Church Warden) in the Chair. A Rate of one shilling in the Pound for the relief of the Poor & other expenses

Job SHORTO Churchwarden Present:-


20th October 1848 311

Oct 20th 1848 - At a Vestry holden this day pursuant to notice for that purpose given

It was Resolved that the church be lighted was gas and the expenses attending the gas fittings be raised by subscription

That the churchwardens be empowered to sell the present fittings with the exception of the entry and the appropriate proceeds to the expenses of the gas fittings

That a committee be appointed for the purpose of examining and revising the present rate and making a report of the same to a subsequent vestry

Resolved let the committee consist of the following members

Mr Charles HENNING; William BRIDGE; George LUCAS; Hugh HILL; William WATSON; Job SHORTO

The Rev Mr BULLER (The Rector) in the Chair Present:-


25th January 1849 311 & 312

January 25th 1849 - At a Vestry holden this day pursuant to notice for that purpose given

Resolved that the report of the committee appointed to examine and revise the rate be received, approved and let the Overseers be instructed to make a rate accordingly and a Rate of one shilling in the Pound was granted William BULLER Chairman

The Rev Mr BULLER (The Rector) in the Chair Present:-

Messrs: William Lewis HENNING; Charles Burt HENNING; James CULL; Frederick COZENS; H BELLHOUSE; William BRIDGE; Thomas PATCH; George LUCAS; Job SHORTO (Churchwarden) William WATSON (Churchwarden) Thomas WOOD; George BROWN; William TRIPP; William ESCOTT; William DAVIS; Joseph FRITH; Joseph HANDSFORD Junior; John GALPIN; Edward STEELE; Hugh HILL; John POUNCY

22nd February 1849 312

February 22nd 1849 - At a Vestry holden this day in the School House (after adjournment from the church) pursuant to notice given for the nomination of fit persons to serve the office of Constable for the ensuing year

The following persons were nominated Joseph WELSPRING: George BROWN Senior; Henry HARMAN; William BRINSON; George LUCAS; George BISHOP; Thomas GILMAN; Joseph WOODSFORD John GREY; John BROWN; Richard MABER; John DAVIS; Charles ??NER; Jess or Jeff LODGE

Present:- The Rector in the chair:- Messrs WATSON; Job SHORTO; William BENNETT; FISK; POUNCY;

Signed William BULLER Chairman

22nd March 1849 312

March 22nd 1849 - At a Vestry held this day in the schoolhouse (after adjournment from the church) pursuant to notice for to nomination of Guardians Overseers and Surveyors for the Parish of the Holy Trinity Dorchester for the year ensuing the following names were proposed for the office of Overseers

Messrs William DAVIS; William TOPP; George HAWKINS; Charles DUFALL; James HARDY; ? GALE; Charles KERLEY and Major SHIRLEY

It was proposed that Messrs W.L. HENNING, James GALE be the Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing

Also it was proposed Messrs John WOOD; and Hugh HILL be Guardians for the Parish of the Holy Trinity for the year ensuing

Present: Messrs WATSON; Job SHORTO; James CULL; Thomas WOOD; John POUNCEY; William ESCOTT; Joseph FUDGE; Hugh HILL; Harry BILLOWS

William BULLER Rector in the Chair

19th April 1849 313

April 19th 1849 - At a Vestry held this day in the schoolhouse (after adjournment from the church) pursuant to notice for the purpose of making a poor rate for the Parish of the Holy Trinity: Mr Job SHORTO Churchwarden in the Chair

It was proposed by Mr COZENS and seconded by Mr Charles Burt HENNING that the Parish be not surveyed which was carried by a Majority of the persons present

At this Vestry a Poor Rate of one shilling in the Pound was granted Job SHORTO Chairman

Present: M.L.WATSON; Giles SYMONDS; J.R.TOOZE; Frederick COSENS; Charles Burt HENNING; Joseph HANDFORD Junior; William BRIDGE; C KERLEY; Thomas WOOD; John GALPIN; George PAUTON; Job SHORTO; John POUNCY; Mr WALLIS; Mr EWATSON; Mr Cull; Mr W L HENNING; Thomas PATCH; Heorger HAWKINS; Hugh HILL; William ESCOTT; D BENNETT; George LUCAS; William BENNETT; William TRIPP

12th July 1849 313

July 12th 1849 - At a Vestry held this day in the schoolroom after adjournment from the church pursuant to notice for that purpose of making a poor rate for the Parish of Holy Trinity Rev William BULLER in the Chair

It was proposed by Mr William BENNETT and seconded by Mr John WOOD that the Overseers be instructed to make a rate accordingly and a rate of nine pence in the pound was granted.

Present:- Messrs M.V.WATSON; C.KERLEY Overseer; Thomas WOOD; Job SHORTO; William BENNETT; William DAVIS; ? CULL; George HAWKINS Overseer; Robert DAVIS Churchwarden; W.L. HENNING; John WALLIS; ? TOOZE; Hugh HILL; George LUCAS; John WOOD; W. EVERETT

William BULLER Rector Chairman

19th July 1849 314

July 19th - At a Vestry held this day in the County Hall after adjournment from the schoolroom pursuant to notice for the purpose of examining the late Churchwardens Accounts of taking into consideration of the property and priority a Terrier of the Church Property also of having two Parish Serjeant's previously to making the next rate for the relief of the Poor

It was resolved that the late Church Wardens Accounts be ??? ----be printed and placed in the hands of every ratepayer (Vizt) a Terrier of the Property belonging to the Parish) Also it was resolved that no surveying of the Parish should be made Signed William BULLER Rector Chairman


Signed William BULLER Chairman

11th October 1849 314

Dorchester October 11th 1849 - At a Vestry held this day in the church pursuant to notice for the purpose of making a rate for the relief of the Poor it was resolved that a rate of ten pence in the pound be raised

Present: Charles HENNING Esq; Messrs WATSON; and Robert DAVIS Churchwardens; TRIPP; DAVIS; LUCVAS; ESCOTT; Thomas WOOD; CURTIS; GALPIN; SHORTO; HILL; HANDSFORD; Kerley Overseer - Signed William BULLER Chairman

19th October 1849 315

Dorchester October 19th 1849 - At a Vestry held at the church of the Holy Trinity pursuant to notice to take consideration & determine on the terms on which renewal leases of certain houses belonging to the church of the said Parish shall be granted etc ?? & then business relating to the church property

It was proposed seconded and unanimously resolved That renewed leases of the Church properties on which lives have dropped be offered to the present lessees thereof for Fines to be calculated according to the 4 ? Column of Inwards tables on the annual value of such properties according to the existing Dorchester Paving? rate and that in case of refusal to renew by the present lessees for one calendar month from the date of such offer the Churchwardens be authorised and empowered to grant such renewals on the same terms to any person or persons disposed to accept the same and that in the opinion of this Meeting it is desirable that the Balance of the amount to be realised from such fines after providing for the churchwardens expenses of the current year be so invested as to produce the best income for the future benefit of the Parish

It was resolved that the Churchwardens be instructed to cause a proper examination and survey of the parish proprieties to be made and to give notice to such of the lessees thereof to repair the same as on such examination and survey shall be found necessary and according to the terms of the existing leases [Note:- Link to Terrier dated 10th October 1849]

Present :- W.L.HENNING Esq; Charles HENNING Esq; Giles SYMONDS Esq; WALLIS Esq; J GALPIN; R.W.ANDREWS; J. BENNETT; R DAVIS Churchwarden; Hugh HILL; George LUCAS; JWG HAWKINS; (Overseer) J WOOD; J.R.E.CURTIS; ESCOTT; TRIPP; WATSON (Churchwarden) W.BENNETT; J SHORTO; J WOODSFORD; James HANDSFORD Junior The Rev William BULLER (Rector) Chairman

14th December 1849 315 & 316

December 14th 1849 - At a Vestry held in the church of the Holy Trinity pursuant to notice for the purpose of taking rate consideration the propriety of erecting a new Finger & Barrel Organ or of adding a Finger movement to the present organ and of otherwise improving it

The Revd BULLER in the Chair: It was resolved that in the opinion of this Vestry it is very desirable there should either be a new finger and barrel organ in this church or that the finger movement should be added to the present organ funding is voluntary subscriptions and be obtained for the purpose and that the present churchwardens Mr CAISWICK Mr John GALPIN; Mr Henry ARDEN and Mr George SHATEN be a committee to raise such subscriptions and to carry out the undertaking upon the express understanding that the Parish be not subjected by late? to any expense by means of the proposed alteration other than it is now liable to. Signed William BULLER Rector Chairman

Present The Revd William BULLER (The Rector) Robert DAVIS; William WATSON (Churchwardens) ; F.BENNETT; W.BENNETT; Giles SYMONDS; Ralph SHORTO; Hugh HILL; Harry BORER?; Frederick COSENS; William DAVIS; Job SHORTO; Robert ENGLAND Carter; George BUTON; Henry ANDREW? ; Charles CAISWICK ; Thomas GARLAND; John HICKS; Thomas PATCH; George HAWKINS; R.W.ANDREWS; J.STERN?

17th January 1850 316

January 17th 1850 - At a Vestry held in the church of the Holy Trinity pursuant to notice for the purpose of making a poor rate for the Parish of the Holy Trinity

It was proposed by Mr HILL & seconded by Mr William BENNET that the Vestry be adjourned until January 30th at 3 o'clock


30th January 1850 316 & 317

January 30th 1850 - At a Vestry held in the church of the Holy Trinity pursuant to notice for the purpose of making a poor rate for the Parish of the Holy Trinity. It was resolved that a rate of eight pence in the pound be raised George HAWKINS Chairman


20th February 1850 317

Feby 20 - 1850 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given for nomination of fit persons to serve the office of Constables for the ensuing year

The following persons were nominated Robert L CURTIS; Henry HARMEN; William BRINSON; George LUCAS; George BISHOP; Thomas GILMAN; Joseph WOODSFORD; Jethro GUY; John BROWN; Richard MABER; John DAVIS; Charles AMOR; Jasper LODGE; George BARTLETT

Present:- Robert DAVIS; William DAVIS; Charles KERLY; George HAWKINS Chairman

26th March 1850 317

March 26th 1850 - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given for the purpose of nominating Overseers & Guardians for the ensuing year

The following persons were nominated as fit and proper persons to serve the office of Overseers : Messrs

William TOPP - West Back Street
Charles DUFFALL - High West Street
Joseph WELLSPRING - South Back Street
John DAVIS - West Back Street
Joshua WOODSFORD - Pease Lane
Robert HAZEL - High West Street

Also the following persons were nominated and appointed to serve the office of Guardians for the Parish of Holy trinity for the ensuing year

Messrs Matthew DEVENISH - High West Street
Joseph FRITH - High West Street

Present:- William BULLER REctor: Robert DAVIS and William WATSON Churchwardens

William Lewis HENNING Esq; Charles HENNING Esq; Messrs Thomas COMBS; John WOOD; Joseph HANDSFORD; William ESCOTT; William BENNET

William BULLER Chairman

1st April 1850 318

April 1st 1850 - At a Vestry held in the church of The Holy Trinity pursuant to notice for the purpose of choosing Churchwardens for the year ensuing and at the same time to take into consideration the ??? & ventilating the church ??? the proposing and granting a renewed lease on a portion of the church property on other terms than those resolved on at a previous meeting

Resolved It was proposed by Mr CRISWICK & seconded by Mr PANTIA that Messrs DAVIS Joseph STONE Esq be appointed Churchwardens for the year ensuing

Resolved that Messrs Robert DAVIES and Joseph STONE be the Churchwardens for the Parish of the Holy Trinity during the year ensuing

Resolved that a Committee of the following Gentlemen be appointed to act with the churchwardens in considering the propriety & ??? made of ventilating the church


And that they do report result of their proceedings to a future Vestry called for that purpose and that in the meantime ??? in the Vestry room be continued if necessary

It was proposed by Mr John GALPIN and seconded by Mr George LUCAS that as regards the case of John RUMSEY's renewal the ?? came to at a Vestry held on the 19th October last be so far modified that he be allowed to renew on payment of a present rent equal to the amount of the fair interest of such time but that in all other cases the said ?? be confirmed William BULLER Chairman

Present:- William BULLER Rector: William Lewis HENNING Esq; Charles HENNING Esq; Joseph STONE esq; Charles Caiswick Esq; WESTIN Esq; Giles SIMMONDS Esq Mr Henry ARDEN Esq PANTIN? Esq; GALPIN; William BENNET; George LUCAS; Job SHORTO; KERLY; FUDGE; ESCOTT; HANDSFORD; PATCH

1st April 1850 318

April 1st 1850 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice only given for the purpose of making a poor rate for the Parish

Mr Robert HAZEL in the Chair I was agreed that a rate of 9d in the pound be made and raised Signed Robert HAZEL

Prsent: Robert DAVIS amd Mr WATSON Churchwardens; Robert HAZEL ; William BENNETT; Joseph HANDSFORD Junior; C.H.HENNING; William ESCOTT; Robert J.E. CURTIS; William DAVIS; J STONE

6th June 1850 319

Parish of the holy Trinity Dorchester - At a Vestry held in this church pursuant to notice at 12 o'clock Thursday June 6th for the purpose of taking into consideration the best means of investing the surplus funds now in the hands of the Churchwardens

It was proposed by Mr John GALPIN and seconded by Mr James Robert CURTIS that the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds be invested by the Churchwardens with the Paving Commissioners of the Borough of Dorchester. The resolution was carried with one dissenting voice

Present Messrs WATSON and Robert DAVIS Churchwardens John GALPIN; James Robert CURTIS ; William BENNETT

William BULLER Rector Chairman

27th June 1850 319

Parish of the holy Trinity Dorchester - At a Vestry held in this church pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock in the fornoon of June 27th for the purpose of receiving the Report of the Committee Appointed to ascertain the best mode of ventilating the Church

It was proposed & seconded & resolved that the Churchwardens be instructed to open appurtures in the walls near to the roof so may be conveiniently done and likewise in the doors to produce an under control of air


William BULLER Rector Chairman

1st Aug 1850 320

August 1st 1850 - At a Vestryduly commenced for the purpose of making a Rate for the relief of the Poor

On a motioon of Mr ESCOTT it was proposed that a Rate of nine pence in the pound - Then the order ??? Signed Robert HAZEL

Robert HAZEL in the Chair


7th August 1850 320

At a Vestry held August 7th 1850 pursuant to notice in the church of the Parish of Holy Trinity for the purpose of examing & passing the churchwardens accounts for the past year

It was proposed that the accounts be passed when an amendment was moved by Mr William BENNETT & seconded by Mr Job SHORTO that the items of Gas Lighting & for the laying of the church with black for the late Queen Dowager be objected to. The amendment was negotiated & the original resolution that the accounts be passed was carried

Present:- Robert DAVIS Churchwarden; William WATSON; William DAVIS; William BENNETT; Richard MABER; William TOPP; Job SHORTO; Thomas WOOD

William BULLER Rector Chairman

10th October 1850 320

Parish of the Holy Trinity Dorchester - At a Vestry held the 10th day of October 1850 pursuant to notice in the church of the Holy Trinity Dorchester for the purpose of making a Rate for the relief of the poor for the current quarter

It was proposed and carried that a poor rate at ninepence in the pound be raised

Mr John DAVIS new house to be rated at £35
Mr W PARSONS ditto £35
Mr George LUCAS new house & business £30 [Note:- George LUCAS was a carpenter and builder living in Shire Lane]

Present: Mr Robert DAVIS; Mr William TRIPP; Mr William BENNETT; Mr J.R.CURTIS; Mr George LUCAS; Mr Thomas W PEARCE

William TRIPP Chairman

9th January 1851 321

Parish of the Holy Trinity Dorchester - At a Vestry held the 9th day of January 1851 pursuant to notice in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester for the purpose of making a Rate for the relief of the poor for the current quarter

It was proposed and carried that a poor rate at eightpence in the pound be raised

George CROCKER's House be rated at £16
Mr Charles ELFORD £14
Mr Thomas JENKINS £15
Mr James WOODFORD £15
Mr William STAINER £12

Present: Mr Robert DAVIS; Mr M.C.MELTON; Mr William TRIPP; Mr John GALPIN; Mr William DAVIS; Mr J.R.CURTIS; Mr Thomas W PEARCE

William TRIPP Chairman

13th February 1851 321

Parish of the Holy Trinity Dorchester - At a Vestry held the 13th day of February 1851 pursuant to notice in the Holy Trinity Church Dorchester aforesaid to make out a list of persons qualified and liable to serve as Constables under the Act of 5 and 6 Victoria C.1091 the following persons were nominated

Charles AMOR
William Gray BRYER
James Robert England CURTIS
Jethro GUY
Richard MABER

Robert DAVIS Churchwarden

Willian TRIPP

William DAVIS


25th March 1851 322

March 25th 1851 - At a Vestry held pursuant to notice given for the purpose of nominating Overseers and Guardians for the ensuing year

The following persons were nominated as fit and proper persons to serve the office of Overseers vizt:-

Mr William HARTLEY
Mr James HARDY
Mr James John KNIGHT
Mr Charles DUFALL

Also the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Guardians for the Parish of The Holy trinity for the ensuing year

Mr Joseph FIRTH and Mr Matthew DEVENISH

Present : Mr Robert DAVIS Churcdhwarden;

Mr Robert HAZEL and Mr TAPP Overseers



Mr TAPP in the Chair

21st April 1851 322

Easter Monday - April 21st 1851 - At a Vestry held in the church of The Holy Trinity pursuant to notice for the purpose of choosing Churchwardens for the year ensuing

It was propsed that Mr STOUR & Mr CRISWICH be elected Churchwardens for the year ensuing & Carried unanimously


xx 1851 xx

xxx - At a Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given for the purpose



Dorchester Page      OPC Page     Vestry Book - Part 1 (1728-1750)     Part 2 (1751-1790)