© Compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington 2007
(Last updated Feb 2025 (494) Marriages ; (93) Baptisms; (238) Burials; Total 823 Records )
DATE | NAME [s] | PARISH or Source |
c1577 | MARRIAGE between Robert BARTLETT a Yeoman of Fordington and XPIAN [ie. Christian} [Unknown*]
Robert left a Will which he has dated to 12th May 1579. Burial records at St Georges Church in Fordington however have not survived for the years 1579 to 1584 inc. Bishops Transcripts for the preceeding year however have survived, and there is a burial for a Robert BARTLETT which is the very last entry which took place on 17th March 1578/9 (at this date a year ran from 25th March not 1st January). Helpfully this Robert BARTLETT is described as being a middle aged man. Given that about 40% of the population did not reach adulthood I can only guess this to mean late 30's or early 40's. If this is correct he would have been a bit younger than Queen Elizabeth 1 who was born in 1533 and lived to the age of 70. It cannot have been his son Robert however as we know he was alive when the will was written (see below) so I have assumed that we are a year out in dating either the Will or the Bishops Transcripts. The chances of it being anybody else is remote. Robert BARTLETT's Will, together with an Inventory of his goods and a Letter of Administration granted to his widow provide a small window into his daily life. He ran a small farm of just over 30 acres with his wife, two sons and a daughter all alive when he was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 17th March 1578/9. On the farm his main crops were ten and half acres of wheat and twelve acres of barley. Also in the fields were 3 acres of 'dredge' (which was a mixture of wheat and barley with another corn such as oats), plus 2 acres of oats, and 2 acres of 'fatches' (which was gorse or whin used as a fuel for heating bread ovens) and one further acre of peas. His Will is careful in its allocation of livestock between his children. Specifically he left his four horses with the cart, harness ropes and other things thereto belonging to his eldest son and heir Robert. This effectively leaves him in charge of the farm. He then divides up his large flock of Sheep giving 30 to his second son Richard which is enough to start his own farm, and 12 to his daughter Johane. This still leaves 35 sheep and 12 Lambs which will accrue to his wife Christian. He then adds a caveat that his will is that Christian will retain use of everything until his children reach their age of majority specified at age 24 for the boys and age 26 for Johane. One other bequest is for a silver lamb to his godson Thomas CHOUNT. Everything else goes to his wife Christian whom he make executrix -- probate is granted on 2nd July 1579 [Note:- As an aside their Godson, Thomas CHOUNT (d.1637), was the son of Harry CHOUNT and married Marie CUSSEN at St George Church on 4th Dec 1587. He was churchwarden in 1594 and his wife Mary was buried at FStG on 28th Feb 1607/8]. Robert's widow Christian BARTLETT remarries (between 1580-1582 inc) to Harry CHOUNT described as a Husbandman of Fordington and father of the aforementioned godson Thomas Chount. Harry CHOUNT soon falls ill and writes his will on 15th July 1583 which is proved on 30th May 1584. In it he leaves a list of items to Christian his wife, including 10 sheep and a black cow together with a number of household items, and also gives back to her various other items that she brought to his house on their marriage. Harry also makes two small bequests of a crock each (which belonged to their mother) to Chritian's son Richard Bartlett and daughter Johane Bartlett Christian CHOUNT was later buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 25th March 1605 [Note:- Known children from her first marriage :-
(1.1) Agnes Bartlett (1585- ) bap FStg on 17th Oct 1585 (1.2) William Bartlett (1587-1638) bap FStG 17th Oct 1587; William married Katherine INGRAM at FstG on 26th Aug 1620 Follow link for info on his 2 children. William BARTLETT was buried at FStG on 4th Sep 1638. (1.3) Thomas Bartlett (1592- ) bap FStG 18th Aug 1592. he appears to have married an Edith who was buried at FstG 23 Jan 1620/1 recorded as the wife of Thomas Bartlett. (1.4) Edmond Bartlett (1594-) bap FStG abt middle of 1594 (2) Richard BARTLETT (bur.1620);When his Godfather Richard GARLAND died in 1573 he left him 1 sheep ;he was a beneficiary under fathers Will in 1579 being left 'thirty sheep as they come at the hurdle ' and also under the Will of his step-father Harry CHOUNT dated 15th July 1583 when he is left a crock which was his mothers. Richard Bartlett was buried at FStG 9th Sep 1620] (3) Johane [Also Jone] BARTLETT ;beneficiary under fathers Will in 1579 being left ' 12 sheep as they come at the hurdle'; and her step-father Harry CHOUNT's Will dated 1th July 1853 when like her brother Richard was left a crock which had been her mothers. |
Marriage not located Will from Wiltshire Archives P5/3Reg/124B |
14 Nov 1577 | BURIAL:- 14 Nov 1577 Male person ASHE of Fordington killed by the fall of the bough of a tree [Note:- Probably Richard ASHE a middle aged man buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 13th Nov 1577] | Burials Stinsford |
3 May 1621 | MARRIAGE: Anne PELHAM daughter of Herbert PELHAM by Elizabeth daughter of Lord Delaware bap Hellingly Co Sussex 22nd March 1601/2 married at Fordington 3rd May 1621 to Edward CLARKE Clerk of Dorchester See Biographical notes under the Dorchester Company | Dorset Visitation 1677 Page 53 |
22 Jan 1623 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church of St Marys at Piddlehinton Dorset in the year AD 1623 on "Mar 22 th [they] were Marryed Samuell BELMAN and Mary MYTCHELL"
Known Children :- (1) Samuel BELMAN (1627-aft 1681?) Bapt St Georges Church Fordington 2nd Sep 1627. Living in 1650 Survey of FM. Probably the Samuel who married a Mary and raised a family of 7 children in FStG between 1665 and 1681 (2) Robert BELMAN (c1629-1630) Baptisms missing for 1629. Buried FStG 2nd May 1630 described as Robert the sonne of Samuel BELMAN ---(Note:-Parish Registers are missing for the years 1629; 1632; 1634;1636 and 1640 to 1663 inc) (3) Robert BELMAN (aft1631-1638/9) Buried FStG 4th Feb 1638/9 described as 'Robert the sonne of Samuel BELMAN'. (4) John BELMAN (1639- ) Bapt FStG 22nd Sep 1639: probably the John BELLMAN that married a Joane and raised a family of 5 children FStG between 1667 and 1680/1 |
Marriage Piddlehinton PR Image 23 of 272 Ancestry.com |
18 Jun 1629 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church at Steeple in Dorset 1629 : "Johanes [Joan] BRAGE et Philip BONNE [BUNNE] matrimonio Conjuncti fuerunt Decimo Octabo die mensis Junij (ut supra) :: Joan BRAGE & Phillip BUNNE were married the 18th day in the month of june as above (i.e.1629)
(1) Mary BUNN (1630 -aft 1662) bap FStG 9th May 1630 she is a beneficiary under her father's Will in 1662 named as Mary FROOME and left 10 shillings and his dwelling house. Her husband Thomas FROOME of Fordington and Marian his wife are granted administration of her father's estate on the 8th day in the month of Nov 1662. (2) Ann BUNN ( c 1634 - aft 1662) she is a beneficiary under her father's Will in 1662 named as Ann MOORES and left 10 shillings and his dwelling house (3) Richard BUNN (1638-1638) bap FStG 15th Apr 1638 and buried 10th Nov 1638 |
Marriages Steeple Dorset Ancestry.com image 20 of 90 |
6 Mar 1634/5 | MARRIAGE: at the parish church at Charminster Dorset: "The 6 day of March was married Ffrancis BARNES & Sarah HENDY "
(1) Martha BARNES (1639-1639) Baptised at St Georges Church Fordington on 22nd September 1639 recorded as the daughter of Francis BARNES. She was also buried there on 22nd Oct 1639. |
Marriages Charminster Dorset ancestry.com image 45 of 129 |
02 Feb 1636 | MARRIAGE:- 2 Feb William WHIT of Forthington & Elizabeth Cammell [Note: Comes from CLDS transcriptions a second transcription has the surname WEST? . Also image 40 in the parish registers of Winfrith Newburgh 1635/6 on ancestry - not clear but in my view states :- "William WYTE [WHITE] of Forthington [older name for Fordington] & Elizabeth CAMMELL were married the Second day of February 1636" [Also Note:- See William WHITE (bap1608-?) son of Robert WHITE (c1565-1607) both of Fordington] | Marriages Winfrith Newburgh ancestry.com image 40 of 269 and CLDS transcription |
08 Dec 1636 | MARRIAGE:- 8 Dec 1636 Thomas JACOB of Nether Searor [Cerne] & Anne BUNE [BUNNE] of Fordington married | Marriages (old transcription) Stinsford image ancestry.com 72 of 133 |
11 Apr 1638 | BAPTISM:- Richard the sonne of Alce [Alice] Steventon (als Burgen) of Wooll, the reputed child of one Richard WHITE of Fordington was baptized att Wooll Aprill 11 1638 [Note:- See Genealogical Note 3 in the White Family of Fordington - The father appears to be the Richard WHITE son of Robert WHITE baptised at St Georges Church Fordington 3rd July 1614] | Baptisms Wool Dorset Ancestry.com omage 14 of 186 |
c 1645 | MARRIAGE Unknown BARTLETT from Fordington Dorset to UNKNOWN
The Three SIBLINGS arranged in order of death were:- (1) Joseph BARTLET (c1645 - 1725/6) of Fordington. Buried FStG 28th Jan 1725/6 Left a short Will undated . Administration granted to his daughter Mary AMEY of West Stafford Dorset 22nd Jun 1726. The estate was to be split between her and her younger sister Elizabeth His Will was obviously written in haste and unsatisfactory being undated, signed by his and his sister Elizabeth's marks and his son in law's signature who was married to his daughter Mary a beneficiary, so was not properly witnessed. They appeared on 22nd June 1726 before the Rev John JACOB (1690-1759) who was not only Vicar of St Georges Church in Fordington from 1714 to 1759 and would have known Joseph Bartlett, but also a JP and Surrogate of the Court authorised to grant probate etc for Fordington. He granted Mary Administration of Joseph's estate but bound her husband John Amey and Josephs' brother William Bartlett to the Court for it's correct administration. Known children:- (1.1) Mary BARTLETT (? - aft1735) married to John AMEY at West Stafford Dorset on 31st July 1694. Follow link provided for more information about their family of 8 children (1.2) Elizabeth BARTLETT (? - 1735/6) beneficiary under her father's Will and therefore living in 1726. She was due to be left 1 guinea in her aunt Elizabeth's Will shown below which was dated 21st Oct 1735 but died before her aunt and was buried at FStG on January 24 1735/6. (2) William BARTLETT (c1647- 1727) Yeoman of Fordington. Overseers of the Poor Accounts for St Georges Church have survived from 1725 and show William present at Vestry meetings when passing the accounts for relief of the poor. In 1726 William was paying 1s. 8d towards the Parish Rates an amount which was billed to Widdow BARTLETT (i.e.Margaret) after his death in 1727. William was buried at FStG 8th May 1727 and left a Will dated 15th Apr 1727 . Probate was granted to his executor and nephew John Amey Junior of West Stafford on 7th Jun 1727. Unusually William in his will leaves his wife 1 shilling (a legal ploy used where someone might normally be expected to benefit from the Will, to show she was properly considered, and making his intentions clear) and then left everything to his nephew. Probably also implies they were estranged and that there were no living children of their own. Margaret BARTLETT (Bur.1732/3) described as his widow was buried at FStG on 10th Feb 1732/3. (3) Elizabeth BARTLETT (1649-1739) Spinster of Fordington Buried FStG 2nd Sep 1738 aged 89 years. Left a Will dated 21st Oct 1735 Probate granted on 5th July 1739 to her executor William AMEY son of Mary AMEY her neice. |
Marriage Unknown Probably Fordington during the Civil War |
15 Oct 1655 | MARRIAGE:- William BOYES [also BOYSE] of this parish and Anne [also Annie] DOWLE of Forington [Fordington] were ----[published] three Lords days and were married the 15 of October
(1) William bap All Saints 24 Mar 1656/7 (2) Thomas Bap All Saints 31 Apr 1658 and buried there 8th Aug 1675 (3) Tamsen Bap All Saints 25 Jan 1661/2 (4) John bap All Saints 17 Apr 1664 |
Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
08 Sep 1656 | MARRIAGE:- The 8th of September was marryed Christopher CELLOWAY [Kelloway] * & Jone BUNNE of Fordington married 8th Sept 1656 [Note:-* Image poor quality] | Marriages Charminster Dorset Image 46 of 129 ancestry,com |
25 Dec 1656 | MARRIAGE:- Wm [William] BASCOMBE of forington Fordington & Tamsen BUTLER married 25 Dec 1656 | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
18 May 1657 | MARRIAGE:- Henry MINTERNE of Fordington & Sarah TOLDERVILE were married 18-May 1657 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
25 Jun 1657 | MARRIAGE:- Bryant CHUBB Mariner & Mary MINTREN [Mintern?] daughter of Henry MINTREN Clothier of Fordington were married 25 Jun 1657 [Note:- I have not been able to locate an original record of this marriage - entry on Family tree ancestry tree ] | Marriages Melcombe Regis |
26 Jan 1658 | MARRIAGE:- 1658 : The 21st Day of January was marryed Robert TIZER of Piddlethirthen [Piddletrenthide?] & Allce [Alice] DAN of Fordington | Marriages Charminster Dorset image 46 of 129 ancestry.com |
22 Nov 1660 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas MANUEL of FFordington and Sarah SPRATT of Whitcombe were marryed the 22nd day of November | Marriages Winterbourne St Martin Ancestry.com image 28 of 114 |
1662-1664 | SOLDIERS:- William BARNES and Thomas FORD both of Fordington Parish | Dorset Pensioned Royalist Soldiers OPC Misc |
17 Apr 1662 | MARRIAGE:- Frampton : Abraham HUXFORD of this parish and Jane SANGER of Fforrington [Fordington] were married the seventeenth day of April 1662. [Note:- Abraham HUXFORD was baptised at Frampton the son of Jeffrey and Joan HUXFORD the 13th of Aug 1637] | Marraiges Frampton Dorset image 27 of 219 ancestry.com |
08 Feb 1663 | MARRIAGE:- Nicholas CONWAY of Melcombe Regis & Elizabeth KING of Fordington were married 8th Feb 1663 | Marriages Winterborne St Martin ancestry.com image 29 of 114 |
16 Apr 1663 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas CONIKE of Buckland Ruton & Sarah COLLINS daughter of William COLLINS of FFordington were married April 16th 1663 | Marriages Winterbourne St Martin Ancestry.com image 29 of 114 |
05 Sep 1663 | MARRIAGE:- 1663: The 5th of September was marryed Humphry COWARD and Elizabeth WAYTE both of Fordington | Marriages Charminster CLDS Film 002427601 - image 46 Charminster Mar ancestry.com |
09 Sep 1663 | MARRIAGE:- 1663: The 9th day of September was marryed Thomas BARTLETT and Elizabeth PITT of Fordington
Childrem from this marriage:- (1) Thomas Bartlett (1664- ?) bap All Saints Church in Dorchester on 12th June 1664 recorded as a son of Thomas Bartlett. Not so far located any further information? (2) Elizabeth Bartlett (1666-1705) bap All Saints Dorchester 14th Apr 1666 recorded as the son of Thomas & Elizabeth Bartlett . Elizabeth BARTLETT was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 27th Jun 1705. (3) Mary [Marie] Bartlett (1669-1669) bap All Saints 30th Jan 1669/70 as the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Bartlett. She was buried at All Saints Church on 4th Feb 1669/70 as Marie the dau of Thomas & Elizabeth Bartlett. (4) Susannah Bartlett (1671 - aft 1698) bap St Peters Church Dorchester on 7th May 1671 recorded as the daughter of Thomas BARTLETT. Susannah later married at St Peters Church to Thomas LODER on 1st Nov 1698. |
Marriages Charminster - image 46 Charminster Mar ancestry.com |
08 Feb 1663/4 | MARRIAGE:- Nicholas CONWAY of Melcombe Regis and Elizabeth KING of Ffordington were marryed the 8th day of Ffeb | Marriages Winterbourne St Martin Ancestry.com image 29 of 114 |
20 Feb 1663/4 | MARRIAGE: at Parish Church at Stratton Dorset in the year 1663 "The 20th day of February was married Maekias [Micheas] BARNES and Jane HARDY of Grimstone" [Note:- 2nd marriage of Micheas BARNES (1598-1681) ] | Marriages Stratton Dorset Ancestry.com image 119 of 156 |
27 Feb 1665/6 | MARRIAGE:- William BARNES of Fordington & Elenor BATTERCOMBE of Bere Regis were married Ffebruasry the 27th 1665/6 | Marriages Owermoigne Dorset image 53 of 123 ancestry.com |
15 Aug 1666 | BURIAL:- In the Parich Church of Winterborne St Martin Dorset for the year 1666 : John ADDAMS [ADAMS] of Ffordington was buried the 25th day of August | Burials Winterborne St Martin Dorset Ancestry.com image 37 of 114 |
4 July 1671 | MARRIAGE:- Parish of Almer Dorset in 1671: William COLLINS & Jane BANN [BUNN] both of Ffordington were married July 4th [Note:- [Note:- William COLLINS was the son of William COLLINS Senior and Ann and his widow. Jane BUNN was the daughter of William BUNN and a beneficiary under his Will dated 26 Dec 1679. Jane was buried at FStG on 23 May 1716 and left a Will dated 8th Feb 1711/12] | Marriages Almer Dorset image ancestry.com Image 23 of 123 |
02 Dec 1672 | MARRIAGE:- Belonging to Wareham Meeting:- George WEST of Wareham & Christian BURGES of Fordington in the County of Dorset now joined together as husband and wife the 2nd December 1672 . Link to Dorchester Quakers File | Marriages Wareham [Quaker Records] Image 67 of 150 Ancestry.com Quakers BMD Registers 1578-1837 File |
10 Sep 1676 | MARRIAGE:- Robert COOMES of Fordington & Joane WOOKE were married 20-Sep 1676 (PR) [Note:- settled in his parish of Fordington where registers for 1676 & 1677 are missing - a child Elizabeth was bap St Georges Church Fordington 11th July 1680] | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
22 May 1677 | MARRIAGE:- Francis COLLINS of Fordington and Frances BALSON of Martins Town were marryed May 22nd 1677 signed John Thornburgh Rector | Marriages Owermoigne Dorset image 54 of 123 ancestry.com |
18 Sep 1677 | MARRIAGE:- John WINSER of Fordington & Ann GATS widow were married 18-Sep 1677 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
22 Sep 1679 | MARRIAGE:- Ambrose HUNT & Elenor CHUBB , both of Fordington were married Sept. 22 - 79 [Note:- See Hunt Family History. I can trace no children from this marriage. Ambrose was 55 so this was probably his 2nd marriage, the first being during the turmoil following the Civil War when records are missing from 1640 to 1663. I think he had children by his 1st wife the eldest son being called Ambrose after him. I suspect Eleanor was past child bearing age. Ambrose senior listed here was buried at FStG on 21st March 1680/1 and an inventory of his goods etc taken the day before. A Letter of Administration for his estate was granted to his widow Eleanor HUNT on 6th June 1681. |
Marriages Owermoigne Image Ancestry.com image 64 of 123 |
24 Dec 1681 | MARRIAGE:- December ye 24th were married Henry CROOME of Fordington & Mary GALE of the parish of All Saints' Dorchester [Note:- All Saints Parisg Dorchester: Year 1690: Febrw 2nd : Mary wife of Henry CROOME was buried: Henry Croome signed the 1672 Parish Register [as Churchwarden] for Fordington St George Parish: Also Year 1709 FStG Buried : Henry CROOME January 26th] | Marriages Charminster Dorset ancestry.com image 47 of 129 |
11 Feb 1682 | MARRIAGE: Henry SERGEANT of Stinsford and Grace SQUIBB of Fordington were married with Licence Ffebr: 11 1682 | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset ancestry.com image 10 of 72 |
22 June 1682 | MARRIAGE:- June the 22nd were married Ffrancis DEVENISH of Grimston & Thamasin BIRD of Fordington
(2) Anno Domini 1685 Ffebruary ye 22 was baptised Tamazen the daughter of Frances Devonesh & Tamazen his wife of Grimston and Anno Domini 1686 May 14 was buried Tamazen the daughter of FFrances Devenish and Tamazen his wife of grimston (3)Ano: Domini 1691: June ye 29 was baptised Frances son of Frances Devenesh of Grimston and Tamasen his wife in Grimston |
Marriages Charminster Dorset ancestry.com image 47 of 129 |
07 Jun 1683 | MARRIAGE:- Mr. Henry ROBINSON (of Fordington) & Mrs Hannah THORNBURGH were married 7th June 1683
Marriages Owermoigne Dorset - ancestry.com image 55 of 123 |
08 Nov 1683 | MARRIAGE:- William DOWLE of Fordington & Honour CLENCH married 8 Nov 1683 | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
30 Sep 1684 | MARRIAGE:- Joseph JAMES of this parish & Hannah BUN of Fordington was marryed Sept ye 30th 1684 [Note:- Hutchins incorrectly has her name as Hannah BENN?] | Marriages Owermoigne - ancestry.com image 55 of 123 |
21 Apr 1685 | MARRIAGE:- John WIGGONS of Fordington & Mary CURTISE were married 21-Apr 1685 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
18 Oct 1685 | MARRIAGE:- Mark AMES [EAMES] & Grace HUNT of Ffordington were marryed October ye 18th [Note:- This was Mark EAMES 2nd marriage, see genealogical note 35 in the life of Anthony EAMES (1595-1686). His first wife Mary had their son Edward EAMES baptised at FStG 21st Aug 1681 and there are burials at FStG for 2 other children of theirs : Hannah 2nd Jan 1681 and Elizabeth being buried on 4th Oct 1687. Mary his 1st wife appears to have died and been buried at FStG 1st March 1684/5 Grace HUNT was the grandaughter of Robert HUNT (c1595-aft1639) and Katherine BATSCOMBE who married at FStG on 23rd Jan 1630 - and the daughter of Robert HUNT (1633-1675) by his wife Joan. They appear to have lived at Fordington as a son John EAMES was baptised there on 11th March 1686. Here son was left 20 shillings and six pence in her mother Joan's will in 1699 and a leasehold dwelling house and garden in Mill Street by Graces brother Sebastian HUNT when he died in 1722. Grace EAMES was buried at FStG on 24th Oct 1689] |
Marriages Owermoigne Dorset - amncestry.com image 55 of 123 |
29 June 1692 | MARRIAGE: At the parish church in Owermoigne Dorset in 1692: " Clement BUNNE & Edith WILLIAMS of Upwey were married June ye 29th 1692" [Note:- This is Clement BUNNE (1666-1728) the only child from the marriage of William BUNN (bur.1688) to Martha INGRAM (bur.1666) at FStG on 8th Jun 1665. Clement their only child had been baptised at FStG on 28th Dec 1666. Edith BUNN nee WILLIAMS was buried at Upwey on 10th Nov 1728 followed by Clement BUNN on 16th Feb 1728/9. Children from their marriage:-
(2) John BUNN born 31st May 1697 and bap Upwey 16th May 1697 (3) Mary BUNN bap Upwey 24th Dec 1699 buried there 19th Aug 1701 (4) Mary BUNN bap Upwey 10th Mar 1702 and buried there 30th July 1705 (5) Arthur BUNN bap Upwey 16thAug 1704] |
Marriages Owermoigne Dorset - amncestry.com image 55 of 123 |
03 May 1693 | MARRIAGE:- Robert BILCKE of Stepleton [Winternorne Steepleton] and Alice BARNES of Forrington Fordington were married 3 May (PR) | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
31 July 1694 | MARRIAGE: at the Parish Church at West Stafford in Dorset : John AMEY & Mary BARTLETT married July 31 1694
After marriage John and Mary settled in his parish of West Stafford to live where the following children were baptised in St Andrews Church. [Images are available to view on Ancestry.com see image 10 of 65 West Stafford Parish Register] (1) Jane Amey (1695- aft.1735) recorded as 'Jane daughter of John Amie [Amey] bapt May: 12: 1695'. She was left 1 shilling in his aunt Elizabeth BARTLETT (1649-1739) 's Will dated 21st Oct 1735 referred to as Jane the daughter of her neice Mary AMEY. (2) John Amey (1696- aft.1765) John son of John Amye [Amey] bapt Easter Sunday 1696 ; sole beneficiary and executor of his uncle's Will dated 15th Apr 1727 . i.e.William BARTLETT (c.1647-1727); John AMEY the Younger of West Stafford was appointed gamekeeper by George WHITE Esq Lord of the Manor of West Stafford which was ratified at the Quarter Sessions held at Bridport on 6th Oct 1724. (Ancestry.com image 199 of 240) Left 1 shilling in his aunt Elizabeth BARTLETT (1649-1739) 's Will dated 21st Oct 1735 . His name appears a 2nd time in the Quarter Sessions held at Bridport on 2nd Oct 1750 when he was promoted as Gamekeeper to cover the estate lands of Kingston Marlward and also the Manors of Tolpuddle, Dewlish Coppice, Stratton and Grimston. HE appears for the last time in the Quarter Sessions held at Sherborne on 6th April 1765 when he has a Thomas Francis brought before the court for stealing 2 fowls valued at 1 shilling 'the property of John AMEY te younger'. Francis was found guilty and ordered to be publicly whipped in the market place in Sherborne on Saturday next and then discharged. (3) Mary Amey (1697-1711) Mary daughter of Jno [John] Amye [Amey] bapt Octob.29. 97 [1697] and buried as 'Mary ye Daughter of John Eamy [Amey] Buried June: 6th: 1711' (4) Joseph Amey (1702 -aft 1735) Joseph son of John Amye [Amey] bapt 6th Decemb. 6. 1702 Left 1 shilling in his aunt Elizabeth BARTLETT (1649-1739) 's Will dated 21st Oct 1735 (5) Joan Amey (1704/5-1706) Joan daughter of Jno [John] Amye [Amey] baptp Febr. 18. 1704/5 and buried as 'Joan daughter of Jno [John] Amey buried June 27 1706' (6) William AMEY (1707-aft 1737) William son of John Amye [Amey] bapt. 17th Octob. 17. 1707 Main Beneficiary under in his aunt Elizabeth BARTLETT (1649-1739) 's Will dated 21st Oct 1735 being left 'all the rest of my goods and chattles and appoint him executor'. (7) Robert Amey (1710-aft 1735) Robert & Jone ye son & Daughter of John Eamy [Amey] Baptized Sept ye17. 1710. Left £5 and also my middle kettle and one pewter dish in his aunt Elizabeth BARTLETT (1649-1739) 's Will dated 21st Oct 1735 (8) Jone Amey (1710-1711) Jone Amey [See above] and buried as 'Joan ye Daughter of John Eamy [Amey] Buried Oct: 30th: 1711 (9) Bartlett Amey (1714-aft.1735) Bartlett the daughter of John Amy [Amey] baptd June 27. 1714 Left all my wearing apparell both linen and woollen and also my largest kettle and one pewter dish in her aunt Elizabeth BARTLETT (1649-1739) 's Will dated 21st Oct 1735 |
Marriages West Stafford Dorset Ancestry.com image 26 of 65 |
14 May 1696 | MARRIAGE:- Baruch NOWELL [Dissenting Minister*] of the Parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset was married to Joan MARSHALL of the Parish of Wilton in the County of Somerset widow the 14th day of May 1696 (Source* Oxford Journals and Bishops Hull Marriages 1562-1812)
Marriages Bishops Hull Somerset - ancestry.com image 2 of 30 from Somerset England Church of England Baptisms Marriages and Burials 1531-1812 file |
03 Sep* 1696 | MARRIAGE QUAKERS: belonging to Dorchester Meeting: Richard JOLLETT & Mary BRINE both of Fordington were joined together as husband & wife before sundry witnessesthe 3rd day of the 7th month (actually September* not July) 1696 [Note:- Link to their entry in the 'Dorchester Quakers File'] | Marriages [Quaker BMD Records] Ancestry.com image 75 of 150 |
13 Feb 1699 | MARRIAGE Parish of Somerton Somerset :- "N" [Note:- Latin abbreviation for nupti fuerunt which is nore generally abbreviated to 'Nupt' meaning were married] Feb.13 - James STURGEON, & Eliz: [Elizabeth] DOWLE - [Under a Column headed "The place of ye Husbands abode" ] Fordington in Dorset | Marriages at Somerton, So0merset ancestry.com image 53 of 115 |
31 Mar 1701 | MARRIAGE: March 31 1701 Thomas SNOOK of Fordington and Martha COLE of Dorchester were married with Licence | Marriages Winterborne Came Dorset ancestry.com image 3 of 116 |
28 Dec 1703 | MARRIAGE:- John GREENING of Fordington & Rachel SAXBY of Abbotsbury married 28-Dec 1703 by licence | Marriages Loders Phillimore OPC Transcription Ancestry do not have original marriages for this date |
20 Apr 1704 | MARRIAGE:- John FFRANCES of Fordington & Mary STRODE of this parish were married ye Banns being duly published Apr 20 1704 | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset ancestry.com image 13 of 72 |
05 Dec 1704 | MARRIAGE:-In the Parush Church at Bradford Peverell Dorset Between : William GRAY of Fordington & Margerie SHORTER of Dorchester were married by Licence Dec: ye 5th 1704 | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 16 of 72 |
24 Dec 1706 | MARRIAGE:-In the Parush Church at Bradford Peverell Dorset Between : - James BUNN of Fordington & Elizabeth WILLIAMS of Dorchester St Peters Parish were married by Licence Dec 24 1706 | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 16 of 72 |
01 Sep 1707 | MARRIAGE: Winterborne Steepleton: John LOCK & Elizabeth BISHOP of Fordington were married | Marriages Winterborne Steepleton Ancestry.com image 37 of 69 |
06 Oct 1707 | MARRIAGE: John GAWLER of Dorchester All Saints & Marie BARNS of Fordington ye banns being duly published were married 8br 6th 1707 [Note:- 8br is October see Glossary] | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 18 of 72 |
08 Dec 1709 | MARRIAGE:- John TRASK of Forthington (Miller) & Margarett HUNT of Knighton married Dec 8th 1709 [Note:- They lived at Lewill Mill and had the following children:- (1) John TRASK bap West Knighton 14th Dec 1710 (2) Jane TRASK bap 25th Dec 1712 (3) Sarah TRASK bap 8th Aug 1714 (4) Richard Trask bap West Stafford 17th Apr 1720] | Marriages West Knighton Dorset Ancestry.com image 5 of 66 |
07 May 1712 | MARRIAGE:- Year 1712: May 7 William LINNINGTON, of Fordington, & Sarah BUNN, of Dorchester were married | Marriages at Alton Pancras, Ancestry.com image 10 of 182 |
24 Jan* 1714/15 | MARRIAGE:- John ANGER [AUGER?] son & of the parish of Winsham in the County of Somerset & Mary JELLET of Fordington widow were joined together as husband & wife at a Meeting held at Dorchester in the presence of many witnesses the 24th: 11: (Note:- actuallu January* 1714/15 not Nov 1714) | Marriages [Quaker BMD Records] Ancestry.com image 75 of 150 |
01 Oct 1716 | MARRIAGE:- John LOCK of Fordington & Mary SPRAKE [?] married 01-Oct 1716 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
22 Apr 1716/17 | MARRIAGE:- 1717--April 22nd : John JACOB: and Grace ELLING [Note:- Although it does not say so this is the Rev John JACOB Rector of St Georges Church in Fordington] | Marriages Parish of Bruton Somerset image ancestry.com |
16 Feb 1717/18 | MARRIAGE in the Parish church at Steeple in Dorset between "Thomas WINDSOR Et Sarah WILLIS 16th ffeb : 1717/18"
(1) Thomas WINDSOR (1718-aft 1760 ) bap Steeple Dorset 27th Nov 1718 recorded as "Thom: [Thomas] fil: [abbreviation for filius latin for 'son'] Thom: Et [Thomas and ] Sara [Sarah] WINDSOR" : Thomas married at Bincombe in Dorset to Alice DAMON on 25th July 1743 when he would have been 25 years old. Thomas was left 1 shilling under his fathers Will in 1756, but £4 in his uncle Samuel's Will in 1760. (2) Joseph WINDSOR (1719/20-1723) bap Steeple 21st Mar 1719/20 recorded as 'Josephus fil: Thom: Et Sara WINDSOR'. Buried at FStG 28th Sep 1723 and next child after his death was renamed Joseph. (3) William WINSOR (1721/2-bef.1760) bap FStG 11th Feb 1721/2 as the son of Thomas WINSOR, Likely to have died prior to 1760 as not in his uncle Samuel's Will of 1760. (4) Joseph WINZOR (1723- aft 1760) bap FStG 6th Dec 1723 as Joseph the son of Thomas & Sarah WINZOR, Left 1 shilling under his fathers Will in 1756 but £4 in his uncle Samuel's will in 1760. (5) Sarah WINZAR (1725- ) bap FStG 9th July 1723, Likely to have died prior to 1760 as not in her uncle Samuel's Will of 1760. (6) Lawrence WINZOR (1727-bef.1729) bap FStG 27th Dec 1727 ; Likely to have died prior to 1729 as another child named Lawrence? (7) Lawrens [Lawrence] WINZER (1729-1730/31) bap FStG 20th Nov 1729 ; Lawrence WINZER was buried at FStG 23rd Jan 1730/31. (8) Phillip WINZOR (1732-aft. 1760) bap FStG 21st July 1732 ; main beneficiary under his fathers Will in 1756 and left £4 in his uncle Samuel's Will in 1760. |
Marriages Steeple DorsetAncestry.com Image 42 of 90 |
25 June 1717 | MARRIAGE:- George LILLINGTON of Dorchester & Ann JEFFERIES of Fordington. married 25 June 1717 by licence [Note:- Will of Ann LILLINGTON 1735 and letters of admin 14th Jan 1739 in Fordington Wills Index] | Marriages Puddletown Dorset ancestry.com image 112 of 595 |
26 Jun* 1718 | MARRIAGE QUAKER:- James SEYMER of Fordington Malster son of Richard SEYMOR of Marnhull deceased & Mary SMITH of Newbury in the County of Devon spinster daughter of John SMITH of the same deceased were joined together as husband & wife in the presence of Hannah SMITH; Daniel SMITH; Edward SMITH; Martha SMITH; John SMITH; Elias SMITH; Richard LEYMER; james WILLET; Thomas DYAT; Thomas BAGG; Joseph GILLET; John DIAMOND; John DYET; Mary OSBORNE; Elias OSBORNE junior; Sarah OSBORNE; Hannah OSBORNE; Mary HARDY; Ann BAGG; Anne SMITH; Hannah NICHOLES; Anne NICHOLES; Mary GUNDRY; Mary GILLET; Martha GILLET; John ASH; & Sundry others in a public Meeting at Membury 26: 4: (Note:- actually June* not April) 1718 |
Marriages [Quaker BMD Records] Ancestry.com image 75 of 150 |
20 Jul 1718 | MARRIAGE:- Mathew MARTIN of Fordington & Sarah BELLINGER married 20-Jul 1718 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
28 Jan 1718/9 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas EAMES of Fordington & Eliz [Elizabeth] JACOB married 28th jan 1718/9 | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
08 Feb 1718/9 | MARRIAGE:- Robert BELBEN of Fordington & Elizabeth MILLAR married 08-Feb 1718 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
22 Jan 1723 | MARRIAGE:- Year 1723/4 Jan 22nd were married John KEENS, of Durweston & Joan BISHOP, of Fordington | Marriages at Askerswell, Dorset Ancestry.com image 85 of 265 |
18 Feb 1724 | MARRIAGE:- 18th Feb 1724 William CHURCHILL , Fordington pish (Parish) Dorset Gent: [Gentleman] and Rebecca SNOOKE ditto
[Note:- Rebecca SNOOKE had two illegitimate children in Holy Trinity Parish as shown below. As these are beneficiaries under William's Will I have included them either as his children or adopted by him on marriage. After marriage they lived in Fordington where William became churchwarden. Fordington St George Parish Register records his burial - 'Mr William CHURCHILL Church Warden was buried 13th March 1728/9'. He left a Will dated 7th Aug 1727 (Link to transcription) in which he divides his estate into 5 equal portions (one for his wife Rebecca; and 4 for his children named as William, Charles, Elizabeth and Anne). On 20th July 1728 he adds a codicil to the will to include an equal portion for his new son John, to be taken out of the original 5 portions. Rebecca his widow was buried at FStG on 19th March 1746/7 Children from the marriage (2) Anne Snooke/Churchill bap Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 24th Jan 1720 Beneficary under will of William Churchill in 1728 (3) William Churchill (4) Charles Churchill (1726-1736) bap FStG 31st Jan 1726/7 and buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester 10th Jun 1736 (5) John Churchill (1728-1729) born just before Codicil added to the will on 20 July 1728. Baptised FStG 28th Sep 1728 and buried there 13th Jan 1729 |
Marriages - London Clandestine Marriages Officiating Ministers Burnford's Register image 141 ancestry.com |
13 Aug 1727 | MARRIAGE:- Year 1727 Joseph BISHOP of Fordington & Hannah CHAFFEY of this Parish 13 Aug
(1) Betty Bishop (1731- ) bap FStG 5th Dec 1732 (2) Joseph Bishop (1734/5-1734) bap FStG 7 Mar 1734/5, Buried FStG 30th May 1733? recorded as the son of Joseph Bishop Most Bishops transcripts do not have a year and cover several years so I think this is his burial in 1734 as the next child renamed Joseph? (3) Joseph Bishop (1738- ) bap FStG 22 May 1738 |
Marriages Puddletown Dorset Ancestry.com image 563 of 595 |
20 Feb 1730 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas LUCAS of Fordington married Sarah POUNCY of Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
05 July 1730 | MARRIAGE:- Mr William COCKS of Kighton [i.e. West Knighton] and Mrs Mary LIGHT of Forrington [Fordington?] were married July 5th 1730 | Marriages Winterbourne Came Dorchester ancestry.com image 6 of 116 |
17 Aug 1730 | MARRIAGE:- The 27 of August was married Thomas MEECKE of Dorchester & Elizabeth BUN of Fordington married 27th Aug 1730 | Marriages Charminster Dorset ancestry.com image 48 of 129 |
14 Nov 1730 | MARRIAGE In the Parish Church at little Cheney Dorset under the year 1730 : Thomas STONE of Charminster & Anne SQUIBB of Fordington p[er] Chancellor's Licence Novr. 14th. 1730 | Marriages Little Chenry Dorset Ancestry.com image 54 of 116 |
01 May 1731 | MARRIAGE:- John SEAGER of Fordington & Edith COLBAN of this parish married 1 May 1731 [Note:- April 14th 1732 Allowed by us] [Also Note:- same file image 568 Burials Puddletown: 17 Jan 1739 : John the son of John and Edith SEAGER | Marriages Puddletown Dorset ancestry.com images 144, 335 and 564 of 595 |
02 Apr 1732 | BAPTISM:- Mary WHITE a Quaker of Ffordington was Christened A[: 2. 1732 [Note:- Link to Dorchester Quakers File entry] | Baptisms Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 26 of 72 |
27 Aug 1734 | MARRIAGE:- John SEAL, of Trinity Parish in Dorchester, & Cicely FRAMPTON, of Fordington were married August 27th 1734 | Marriages at Godmanstone Dorset ancestry,com image 24 of 56 |
19 Sep 1734 | MARRIAGE:- James KNIGHT of Bockhampton & Dorothy HITCHCOCK of Fordington married 19-Sep 1734 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
29 Dec 1735 | MARRIAGE:- 1735: 29 December was married Thomas GILLIAM & Ann POUNT both of Fordington | Marriages Charminster Dorset ancestry.com image 48 of 129 |
19 Oct 1736 | MARRIGE:- William BENNETT esq. of Hargrove & Miss Martha LIGHT of Fordington, by Licence [Not located original image?] | Marriages Winterbourne Whitchurch OPC Transcription |
09 May 1737 | MARRIAGE:- Christopher VINCENT of the parish of Fordington and Margaret POOL of this parish were married May the 9th 1737 the banns being legally published | Marriages Cheselbourne Dorset ancestry.com image 27 of 223 |
25 Dec 1737 | MARRIAGE:- John SHERRINGTON of Fordington married Mary IRONSIDE of St Peters Dorchester | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
10 Apr 1738 | MARRIAGE:- Year 1738; Apll 10th Henry WINZAR of ye Parish of Fordington & Sarah ANDREWS of this parish were married by Banns being duly published
(1) John WINZAR (1741/2-1748) bap St George's Church Fordington on 1st Jan 1741/2 - Buried at St Georges Church Fordington on 12th Aug 1748 - NOTE: although this does not state it was a child the priest was not recording ages or parentage at this time as evidenced by many notes attached to other entries in the register.] (2) Sarah WINZAR (1745-1745) bap St George's Church Fordington on 1st July 1745 - Buried at St Georges Church Fordington recorded as 'Sarah daughter of Sarah WYNZAR Widow buried September 8th 1745. ] |
Marriages Owermoigne Dorset - ancestry,com image 58 of 123 |
c1739 | MARRIAGE : Between Edward CHAFFEY of Fordington and Joan [Jane] UNKNOWN
[Note:- Edward CHAFFEY Junior (c.1714-1778) shown above was the son of Edward CHAFFEY Senior (bur.1727/8) the Keeper of the County Gaol in Dorchester ( Follow link for more information about his parents and sibling) . After marriage they settled in Fordington where Edward continued to run his business as a currier. Corporation records show that he entered into Indentures to train the following Apprentices:-
7th Jan 1753 - James Thomas 22nd Apr 1758 - Samuel CHAFFEY 9th Nov 1761 - Samuel Meader 19th Jan 1764 - Thomas Frances (1) Martha Cheffey [Chaffey] (1740-1815) bap All Saints church Dorchester 18th Dec 1740. She married 1st Nathaniel SPARKS at St Georges Church in Fordington on 20th Nov 1770. Follow link for more information. Martha remarried to William NORRIS at St Georges Church in Dorchester on 23rd Nov 1783 and was buried as Martha NORRIS at FStG on 22nd Jan 1815 aged 75 years (2) Edward Chaffey (1743-1746) bap FStG 30th Mar 1743. Edward was buried in his parents parish of All Saints in Dorchester on 7th Sep 1746 (3) James Chaffey (1744-1772) bap FStG 17th Oct 1744 - buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 4th May 1772 (4) Elizabeth Chaffey (1746-1762) bap FStG 29th Aug 1746 and buried at St Georges Church on 29th Aug 1762 (5) Dinah Chaffey (1748/50-1778) born c1748-1750 bap with her younger sister Mary FStG 8th Mar 1754. Dinah had an illegitimate daughter Ann CHAFFEY baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 21st Sep 1766. Dinah married after Banns at St Georges Church in Fordington on 21st Jan 1768 to Thomas JUSTINS from the parish of All Saints Church Dorchester. When she married she appears to have left her illegitimate daughter Ann behind for her parents to raise which was not at all uncommon. A removal order was issued against Dinah JUSTINS the widow of Thomas JUSTINS from Fordington to Sherborne on 8th Sep 1775 which means that Thomas must have obtained settlement there. Dinah JUSTINS was buried at Sherborne on 6th May 1778.
(1) Joseph CHAFFEY (1793-1803) base born bap All Saints Church Dorchester 11th Aug 1793 and buried there on 6 Oct 1803 (2) Mary CHAFFEY (1793-1794) base born bap All Saints Church Dorchester 11th Aug 1793 and buried there 21st May 1794 (3) James CHAFFEY (1800-1850) base born bap All Saints Church 31 Mar 1800. He married 3rd June 1827 to Anne BRETT at Longburton Dorset (Follow link for mor information) (4) Ann CHAFFEY (1804-1886) bap base born bap All Saints Church 4th Oct 1804.She had an illegitimate son George James Chaffey bap at FStG on 21st Mar 1833 and buried there aged 1 year 29th July 1834. Ann married at St Georges Church in Fordington to John WELLSPRING on 26th June 1836. Follow link for more information. She was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 10th April 1886 when her age was estimated at 78. (6) Mary CHAFFEY (1754-1773) bap with older sister Dinah FStG 8th Mar 1854. Buried FStG 24th Sep 1773. |
Marrage Parish unknown |
22 Jan 1739 | MARRIAGE:- 22 Jan James s of James & Jean ALLEN of Fordington | Baptisms All Saints Dorchester |
24 Mar 1739 | MARRIAGE:- 24 Mar Mary d of Thomas & Mary DENIS of Fordington | Baptisms All Saints Dorchester |
06 Apr 1741 | MARRIAGE:- John SCANDERET of Fordington married Sarah STREET of Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
10 Jan 1741/2 | BURIAL: Ann WILLIAMS of Forthington [old form of Fordington] buried Afff 16th January | Burials Symondsbury |
27 Feb 1741/2 | MARRIAGE:- John SWYER of the Parish of Fordington and Elizabeth OLIVER of this Parish Their Banns being published / were married February 27 1741/2 | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 31 of 72 |
25 Jul 1743 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas WINZOR & Alice DAMON were marryed July 25 - 1743 by Banns [Note:- OPC transcription states "1743 Jul 25 Banns Thomas WINZOR of Fordington and Alice DAMON of Broadway" ] Children :- (1) Thomas recorded as "son of Tho. [Thomas] & Allice WINDSOR was baptized June 30th 1745" |
Marriages Bincombe Dorset ancestry.com image 44 of 108 |
06 Oct 1743 | MARRIAGE:- Year 1743: Octr 6th John HARVEYof Fordington & Mary BREWER of this parishby Banns | Marriages Moor Critchel Dorset ancestry.com image 145 of 205 |
27 Apr 1744 | MARRIAGE: Elias BEDLOW of Fordington & Grace DEAR married 27-Apr 1744 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
30 Mar 1747 | MARRIAGE:- John HAYNE & Alicia PREYTER married March 30 1747 [Note:- John HAYNE (d.1799) was from St George's church in Fordington and this was his 2nd marriage. His first marriage was to Ann nee COLLINS who had died in 1744. John Hayne was a witness on the Will of Thomas POUNCY the elder dated 18th Dec 1762. They had a son they named Samuel HAYNE (1749-1813) who was baptised at St Michael's church in Stinsford on 27th July 1748. Samuel later married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester to Rebecca Tilley on 28th Jan 1773. Alicia HAYNE was buried at FStG on 28th Jan 1759. John HAYNE (d.1799) was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 29th Nov 1799 and left an extensive Will which was dated 4th Apr 1797 and proved 21 June 1800. ] |
Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 32 of 133 |
21 Apr 1747 | MARRIAGE:- 1747: April the 21st were married Richard DAW & Amy PITWELL both of Fordington | Marriages Charminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 52 of 129 |
02 Feb 1747/8 | MARRIAGE:- 02-Feb-1747/8; Charles BARSON of Fordington & Eleanor WATERS | Marriages Ibberton OPC trans from Bishops Transcripts : PR only on Ancestry.com not for this period |
25 Jun 1750 | MARRIAGE:- Harry POUNCY of Dorchester & Elizabeth WILLIAMS of Fordington [Note:- Elizabeth Williams was the 7th child of Robert WILLIAMS MA (1729-1814) ] | Marriages West Knighton CLDS Film 1239202 + OPC trans from Bishops Transcripts by Kim Parker |
06 Aug 1752 | BAPTISM: 6 Aug Stephen BENNETT [note crossed out seems to mention Forthington] | baptisms Wool |
09 Jan 1753 | MARRIAGE:- Jonathan CHANING of Fordington married Betty VOSS of St Peters Parish in Dorchester | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
12 Oct 1753 | MARRIAGE:- Philip INGRAM of this parish & Elizabeth WINZAR widow of Fordington ye banns having been published | Marriages Owermoigne Dorset ancestry.com omage 61 of 123 |
22 Oct 1753 | MARRIAGE:- October 22 John LUCASS of Fordington & Mary MICHEL marryed | Marriages Tolpuddle OPC Trans + CLDS Film 1239251 + Original PR ancestry.com image 14 of 86 |
26 Feb 1754 | MARRIAGE:- John LOCK of Fordington married Sarah WARR of St Peters Parish in Dorchester | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
11 Sep 1754 | MARRIAGE:- No.3 Marriage Registers Langport :: Isaac SPARKS of the parish of Forthington in Dorchester bachelor and Martha STUCKEY of the parish of Langport a spinster were married in this church by licence this 11th day of September 1754 by me REv Thomas Michell curate both their signatures in the presence of John JACOB and Elizabeth SPARKS | Marriages Langport Somerset |
11 Dec 1755 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas HAYDON of Holy Trinity & Martha WETHAM of Fordington married 11-Dec 1755 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
11 Oct 1756 | MARRIAGE:- No3. Edward BROOKS of this parish and Rebecca BONNET of the parish of Fordington wewre married in this church by Licence this eleventh day of October in the year 1756 by me J Randall Vicar of Stinsford both their signatures as Edward BROOKES and Rebekah BONNETT witnesses James Chgapman and Elizabeth Lester [Note:- They had a son James BROOKS (1757-1837) who was baptised at Stinsford on 30th Aug 1757 and married Elizabeth HUTCHINGS at All Saints church in Dorchester on 24th Dec 1778. Edward's burial is recorded at Stinsford as "Dec 30th (1768) buried Mr Edward BROOKS Farmer affidavit made " and he is in the same grave as his father next to that of his mother. He left a Will 'Edward Brooks of Fordington' which is held at the Wiltshire Archives Ref: SPC 1770 3 20: P5/1770/9 + P5/17REG/20A (year 1770). His widow recorded as Rebecca BROOKS of Fordington also appears in the Stinsford Parish registers as being buried (presumably with her husband) on Setp 23rd 1779.] |
Marriages Stinsford image ancestry.com |
26 Jun 1758 | MARRIAGE:- James CHRISTOPHER of the Parish of Fordington, bachelor and Olive STONE of this parish, spinster married in this church by Banns this twenty sixth day of June 1758 by me Seth Bancks Curate, the mark of James Christopher and signature of Olive Stone; in the presence of Henry Woollbye and Jonathan Buttrich [Note:- James CHRISTOPHER (1732-1818) and Olive STONE known as Holloway (1736-1794). Link to an account of the life of his family:- His father Charles CHRISTOPHER (1705-1791) (James features in paragraph 3.2) | Marriages East Lulworth Dorset ancestry.com image 67 0f 97 |
12 Nov 1758 | MARRIAGE:- 19. Samuel MORGAN a marine & Jane ALLEN of the parish of Fordington were married by licence 12 November 1758 by me Rev John Hubbock officiating Minister (his signature her mark) witnesses Thomas Paul and Samuel Hobbs (PR) | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
19 Dec 1759 | MARRIAGE:- Moses BEDLOW of Fordington & Mary TAYLOR (by licence) 19 Dec | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
11 Jan 1760 | BURIAL:- Janry 11th buried John LOVEL of Fordington | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 33 of 133 |
29 Oct 1760 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Banns of Marriage between James SALISBURY of Fordington and Susannah DRAKE: of this parish were published three several Sundays viz: Sep 28th; Oct 5th & 12th MARRIAGE:- No. 14 James SALISBURY of the Parish of Fordington in this County and Susannah DRAKE of this Parish Married in this Church by Banns this twenty ninth day of October in the year 1760 by me Rev. John Cooper Curate ; James signature; Susannah Drake's mark; in the presence of John Vincent and Richard Legg |
Marriages Dewlish Dorset ancestry.com image 70 of 100 |
29 Jan 1761 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas HARDENS of St Peters in Dorchester married Betty WOODSFORD of Fordington | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
26 Apr 1761 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- James BUGLAR, of Fordington & Susanna KEECH of this parish were duly published in this parish church on the three several Sundays following On March ye 22nd and 29th & on April ye 5th by me Edm Lewis Curate MARRIAGE:- James BUGLAR of Fordington& Susanna KEECH of this Parish were married in this church by banns this 26th day of April by me Edm Lewis Curate . This marriage was solenmised between us mark of James BUGLAR and the Mark of Sussana KEECH in the presence of us Robert Brown and Henry Slade |
Marriages at Beaminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 241 of 778 |
10 Jun 1761 | MARRIAGE:- No.6 - David PHIPPARD of the Parish of Fordington in this County and Mary TALBOT of this parish were married in this church by Licence this 10th day of June in the year 1761 ; both their marks; in the presence of us Wm Taylor and John Sherrenwitnesses: William TAYLOR, John SHERREN | Marriages Broadmayne Dorset Ancestry.com image 38 of 50 |
16 Aug 1761 | BURIAL:August 16 17651 Joseph WARREN of the Parish of Fordington buried No affadavit made in 8 days. Made 17 October | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 33 of 133 |
26 Jan 1762 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- between James VALLENS [VALLENCE] of Fordington & Eliz [Elizabeth] HILL of Stafford were legally published for three several Sundays in this church MARRIAGE: No.4 - James VALLENS of the Parish of Fordington and Elis [Elizaneth] HILL of this Parish were married in this church by Banns this 26th day of January in the year 1762 by me John Randolph curate This marriage was solemnised between us both their marks in the presence of Jos: [Joseph] Winzar and Robut [Robert] Amey
(1) Elizabeth Vallence bap FStG 21st Oct 1764 (2) Edith Vallence bap FStG 30th Mar 1768 she married William PRICE at FStG Church on 23rd Feb 1786 (3) Mary Vallence [Vallens] buried FStG 17 Feb 1773 (4) Miriam Valence [Vallens] buried FStG 17 Feb 1773 |
Marriages West Stafford Dorset Ancestry.com image 57 of 65 |
17 Apr 1762 | MARRIAGE:- Robert HIND of the Parish of Fordington & Mary SCADDING of Holy Trinity were married 17-Apr 1762 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
06 Nov 1763 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- between John MASTERS of Fordington & Sarah HOLLOWAY of this parish were published May 29th; June ye 5th and 12th : 1763 by me James Acton Rector MARRIAGE:- John MASTERS of the Parish of Fordington and Sarah HOLLOWAY of this Parish were married in this church by Banns this sixth day of November 1763 by me James Acton Rector his signature her mark in the presence of William Galpin and the mark of Mary Wellman |
Marriages West Stafford Dorset Ancestry.com image 58 of 65 |
24 Apr 1764 | MARRIAGE:- No.16 Banns of Marriage between William LESTER of the parish of Fordington and Betty GILLINGHAM of Stinsford were published on three consecutiove Sundays in this church - William LESTER of the parish of Fordington and Betty GILLINGHAM of the parish of Stinsford were married in this church by Banns this 24th day of April 1764 by me J Randall Vicar of Stinsford his signature as William LESTER and her mark witnesses William Parsons and the mark of Giles Gillingham | Marriages Stinsford image ancestry.com |
11 Nov 1765 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Year 1765: Thomas VALLENCE of the Parish of Fordington & Hannah SKINNER were published Oct 27th; Nov 3rd & 10th by me Mr James Acton Rector MARRIAGE:- No.9 Thomas VALLENCE of the Parish of Fordington and Hannah SKINNER of this parish were married in this church by Banns this eleventh day of November in the year 1765 by me James Acton Rector ; both their marks; in the presence of: The mark of Thomas Skinner and Ann Moors. [Note:- Thomas VALLENS [VALLENCE] His surname is often spelt differently e.g. VALLINS, VALENS or VALLENS, VALENCE, VALLENCE or VALLANCE. Likely to have been the brother of James Vallence who married Elizabeth Hill at West Stafford on 26 Jan 1762 who also settled to live in Fordington. See their marriage above. After marriage Thomas and Hannah settled in Fordington to raise the family shown below. A Removal order was issued on 12th Apr 1783 returning Thomas his wife Hannah and their children named as Sarah aged 11;John aged 5;and Mary aged 3. Thomas was buried as a pauper at FStG on 25th July 1790. Children from this marriage:- (1) Sarah VALLENCE bap FStG 27th Sep 1772; aged 11 in removal order 1783; (2) Mary VALLENCE (1774-1775) bap FStG 13th Nov 1774 and buried there 23rd Oct 1775 (3) John VALLENCE bap FStG 29th Sep 1776. aged 5 in removal order 1783; He married at All Saints church in Dorchester to Elizabeth PRATT on 8th July 1805 (4) Mary VALLENCE bap FStG 19th March 1780 |
Marriages West Stafford Dorset CLDS Film 002427591 Baptisms CLDS Film 002427494 |
16 June 1766 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- No. 23 Banns between David CASHER of the parish of Monkton & Jane WILLIAMS of the parish of Cerne Abbas inhabitants of this parish - [Note:- Mr Roy Bowden a descendant advises that David CASHER (1732-1795) was christened 1st May 1732 at Winterbourne Monkton the eldest child of John and Ann CASHER.[ Link to background notes about this family given on his brother Edward's marriage record.] David had previously married at Winterbourne Monkton on 1st Aug 1757 to a Phebe [Phoebe] nee NOTTING (baptised 17 Feb 1733 at Winterbourne Kingston ) . On 28th July 1758 however David Casher, recorded as a labourer, was selected by ballot to serve in the Militia for the parish of Winterbourne Monkton (image on ancestry.com). Having just married he appears to have tried to avoid this obligation by promising to provide a legal substitute to serve in his stead. It took some time for the authorioties to catch up with him, possibly because at the 19th Dec 1859 meeting a number of militia lists had still not been submitted by parish tything men and parish constables were ordered to ensure they did so. It was not until the meeting held at the Antelope Inn in Dorchester on 26th Sep 1761 that David CASHER's name again appears when he is given one final opportunity to provide a substitute or face a fine of £10. No other records exist referring to this matter. They had no children before Phoebe Casher was buried at Winterbourne Kingston on 25th June 1765. The above entry records David CASHER's 2nd Marriage to Jane WILLIAMS who was born circa 1736 at Cerne Abbas. |
Marriages Charminster Dorset ancestry.com image 107 of 129 |
18 Aug 1766 | BANNS OF MARRIAGE between Thomas BISHOP of the parish of Fordington & Eleanor NORMAN of the parish of Stinsford were regularly published at Stinsford on three several Sundays - MARRIAGE:- No.21 Thomas BISHOP of the parish of Fordington and Eleanor NORMAN of the parish of Stinsford were married in this church by Banns this 18th Aug 1766 by me J Randall Vicar of Stinsford both signed as Thomas BISHOP and Ellnear NORMAN Witnesses; William Norman & William Parsons |
Marriages Stinsford Dorset image ancestry.com image 54 of 133 |
13 Mar 1768 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- in the Parish of Piddlehinton Entry 31 in the marriage register: between John VINCENT of the Parish of Fordington [Dorset] & Susanna BAKER of this parish were published three Sundays by me Wm Carpenter MARRIAGE No.31 John VINCENT of the Parish of Fordington and Susanna BAKER of this Parish were Married in this Church by Banns this Thirteenth day of March in the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight by mr Wm. Carpenter; The mark of John Vincent; The mark of Susanna Baker al[so] Vincent; in the presence of John Webber and George Pope were married Mar-13 1768 by banns Witnesses: George POPE John WEBBER [PR/BTs] |
Marriages Piddlehinton image ancestry.com |
03 May 1768 | MARRIAGE:- William CAVE of Fordington to Elizabeth HANHAM of this parish witnesses William HANHAM & Rebecca Higgins ADAMS by licence | Marriages Poyntington Parish Somerset CLDS film 002427558 |
01 Aug 1768 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- Between Fortunatus FORDINGTON & Ann STEVENS were published June ye 26th; July ye 3rd; & 17th 1768 MARRIAGE:- Fortunatus FORDINGTON of the parish of Fordington & Ann STEVENS of this parish were married in this church by me J Baskskett Curate [actual date of marriage has not been completed ] [Note:- Date last bans published at Broadmayne was 17-Jul-1768; From the Parish Register for West Knighton Dorset image 509 of 66 :- "August ye 1 married Fortunatus & Ann STEVENS] Link to an account of his life |
Marriages Broadmayne Dorset Ancestry.com image 39 of 50 and West Knighton Dorset image 50 of 66 |
29 Aug 1768 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas MEADER & Margaret STILES of Fordington married 29-Aug 1768 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester ancestry.com image 302 of 436 |
c last qtr 1768 | MARRIAGE: Between William NORRIS (1744-1818) resident at Stinsford Dorset to Martha Unknown (d. c.1780?): William NORRIS was the eldest child from his fathers 2nd marriage to Mary VOS at FStG on 29th April 1744. He was baptised at FStG on 17th Jan 1744/5. William & Martha had their first child, they named William after his father, at Stinsford on 5th Nov 1769 (see below) . Because many women died during childbirth it was traditional for the bride to return to her mother in her home parish to give birth to their first child where she had the support of her family. 7 or 8 children was normal so we have a typical family outlined below. This suggests that William the father who came from Fordington had married in the brides parish of Stinsford before returning to her husbands parish where the remaining six children are baptised. This leads me to believe that there should be a marriage around 1768 but I cannot trace one anywhere in Dorset let alone in Stinsford. Perhaps they never actually married? Children:- (1) William NORRIS (1769-1852) baptised St Michael's Church Stinsford 2 miles from Dorchester 5th November 1769. He married Mary DAVIS at FStG on 5th Feb 1793. Follow link for more information about his 3 marriages and arrests for Bastardy. I cannot trace a death of his wife Martha NORRIS between 1779 and 1783 when there is a gap in baptisms, but William NORRIS appears to have married the widow Martha SPARKS at FStG on 23rd Nov 1783 - (*) follow link as William has another daughter before his death in 1818 aged 77. |
Marriage Unknown |
21 May 1769 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between William STYLE of the parish of Fordington & Elizabeth NOTLEY otp were published Sunday April 23rd, Sunday April 30th and Sunday May 14th ; MARRIAGE:- William STYLE of Fordington and Elizabeth NOTLEY were married in this Church by Banns this 21st day May in the year One thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Nine by me Harry Place Curate both signatures witnessed by William Notley and Joseph Kestone |
Marriages Winterbourne Monkton Dorset Ancestry.com image 22 of 27 |
18 May 1770 | MARRIAGE:- Joseph STEVENS of Fordington and Ann LOVELL of St Peters Parish in Dorchester [Note IGI has year as 1780] | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
01 July 1770 | BANNS OF MARRIAGE:- William CLARKE of the parish of Fordington and Jane BIRD of the parish of Munckton banns were published May 20th; 27th and June 3rd MARRIAGE:- William CLARKE of the parish of Fordington and Jane BIRD of this Parish were married in this church by Banns on the 1st day of July in the year 1770 by me Harry Place Curate both their marks witnessed William Notley and John Casher [Note Banns of Marriage were also read at FStG Church] |
Marriages Winterbourne Monkton Dorset Ancestry.com image 22 of 27 |
19 Jul 1770 | MARRIAGE:- William SLADE of Fordington & Mary FORD of St Peters Parish in Dorchester [Note: IGI has 1779 as the year which it looks like but insequence is for 1770] | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
23 Jul 1770 | MARRIAGE:- Henry DRILLER of Fordington & Alicia VICKERS married 23-Jul 1770 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
13 Jan 1772 | BURIAL: Janry 13th 1772 Ann daughter of John & Jane MORGAN, of Fordington buried | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 34 of 133 |
26 Jan 1772 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between Thomas BISHOP & Elizabeth SNELLING were published Dec 22nd; & 29th [1771] and January 5th [1772] and MARRIAGE:- of the said Thomas BISHOP of the parish of Fordington and Elizabeth SNELLING of this parish were married in this church by Banns published as above this twenty sixth day of January in the year 1772 by me Samuel Wallis Curate ; both their marks; in the presence of John Andrews and James Ozard |
Marriages Owermoigne Dorset Ancestry.com image 105 of 123 |
27 July 1772 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between John FREKE of Fordington & Ann THORN of Heringston were published according to Law No.8 John FREKE of the Parish of Fordington and Ann Thorn of the parish of Heringston were married in this church by Banns this 27th day of July 1772 by me John Pope curate his mark her signature witnesses John Vincent and cornelius Voss | Marriages Winterborne Came |
18 Apr 1773 | BURIAL: April 18th buried the Widow KNIGHT, of st Peters Dorchester | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 34 of 133 |
09 Sep 1773 | BANS of MARRIAGE:- between James TOMPSON, of Fordington, & Mary CROCKERof this Parish were duly published in this church for the first time on Sunday July ye 11th; the 18th and 25th in the year of Our Lord 1773 by me William Carpenter curate MARRIAGE:- between James TOMPSON of Fordington and Mary CROCKER of this Parish were mnarried by Banns this 9th day of Seoptember in the year of Our Lord 1773 by me William Carpenter Curtae . This marriage was solemnized beteen us; both their signatures; in the presence of John Crocker and Elizabeth Crocker |
Marriages at Alton Pancras, Dorset Ancestry.com image 87 of 182 |
21 Sep 1773 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas BUDDEN of Fordington & Jane ROSE married 21-Sep 1773 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
11 Apr 1774 | MARRIAGE:- No.33 Banns of Marriage between William PARSONS of Stinsford and Ann NORRIS of Fordington were regularly published on three several Sundays in this church - William PARSONS of this parish and Ann NORRIS of the parish of Fordington were married in this church by Banns on 1st Apr 1774 by me J Randall Vicar of Stinsford signed as William Parsons and the mark of Ann NORRIS witnesse4s Ambrose HUNt and the mark of Mary PARSONS | Marriages Stinsford image ancestry.com |
30 May 1774 | MARRIAGE:- John WHITE of Fordington married Mary HAINE [HAYNE] (b.1744) of St Peters [parish Dorchester] at St Peters on 30th May 1774 [See link for details of their family raised in Fordington - Mary was the 1st child from the marriage of John Hayne (d.1799) to Elizabeth Cheek in 1744 and sister of William Hayne who married Hannah PITMAN in 1814] | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
Banns 08 July 1774
Marriage 16 July 1774 |
BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between Francis OLIVER and Virtue ALLEN were published on three several Sundays in this church Entry 35 Francis OLIVER otp and Virtue ALLEN of the parish of Fordington were married in this church by Banns this 8th day of July 1794 by me Revd. Randall Vicar the marks of Francis Oliver and Elizabeth Allen witnesses Mark Chamberlain, Ann Hansford [See also Banns reegistrer FStG ] MARRIAGE:- Stinsford Entry 35 Banns of marriage between Francis OLIVER fand Virtue ALLEN were published three consecutive Sundays in this church: Francis ALLEN of this Parish and Virtue ALLEN of the Parish of Fordington were married in this church by Banns this 16th day of July 1774 by me Rev J Randall Vicar both their marks witnesses Mark Chamberlain and Ann Hansford]
(1) John Oliver bap St Georges Church Fordington [FStG] 11th Jun 1775 and buried there 8th Nov 1775 [twin] (2) James Oliver bap St Georges Church Fordington [FStG] 11th Jun 1775 and buried there 14th Jan 1776 [twin] (3) William Oliver (1776- ) bap FStG 10th Nov 1776. He became butler to William Martin Pitt Esq MP and then on Saturday 17th Oct 1812 the Innkeeper of the Kings Arms Inn in High East Street. (4) John Oliver bap FStG 17th Jan 1779 (5) Jenny Oliver bap FStG 22nd apr 1781 (6) Mary Oliver bap FStG 5th Sep 1784 (7) Virtue Oliver bap FStG 7th Mar 1788 (8) Elizabeth Oliver bap FStG 26th Nov 1790 (9) Francis Oliver (1794- ) bap FStG 15th July 1794. ] |
Marriages St Michael's church Stinsford |
25 July 1774 | MARRIAGE:- James DAVIS of this parish and Elizabeth WINDSOR of Fordington Parish married in this church by Licence this twenty fifth day of July in the year 1774 by me Rev. William Floyer Curate ; both their signatures; witnesses Nash Seall and Ann Applin | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 66 of 72 |
14 Aug 1774 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- were published between William MATCHEM and Sarah JEFFERY in the Parish Church of Poinington on Sunday the Seventeenth of July 1774 and the two following Sundays : and they were MARRIED::- in the said church on the Fourteenth of August 1774 by me James Parsons Minister : This marriage was solemnized the day and year above written between us ; both their marks in the presence of Peter Vincen[t] & William Button |
Marriages Poyntington Parish Somerset Ancestry.com image 54 of 64 |
23 Sep 1774 | BURIAL: Rebecca BROOKS of Fordington buried Sept 23 1774 buried [Note:- This is Rebecca BROOKS nee BONNETTT who married Edward BROOKS (1722-1768) . He was the son of Thomas BROOKS (1694-1748) who was the brother of Mary CHANNING (nee Brooks) (1687-1705/6) who was burnt at the stake in Maumbury Rings for mudering her husband.] | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 35 of 133 |
02 Oct 1774 | BANNS MARRIAGE:- Parish of Cerne Abbas Dorset Entry 14 in marriage register:- Banns of Marriage between John CLOTHIER of this Parish and Sarah FOOK of the Parish of Fordington were published September the 11th; 18th and 25th [1774] [See also Banns Register FStG] MARRIAGE:- No.14 Between John CLOTHIER of this Parish and Sarah FOOK of the Parish of Fordington were married in this Church by Banns this 2nd day of October in the year one thousand seven hundred and four by me Wm Danbery ; the signature of John Clothier and the mark of Sarah FOOK; witnesses Joseph Pulman and Arthur Hodges |
Marriages Cerne Abbas image on ancestry.com image 154 of 175 |
3 Nov 1774 | MARRIAGE: Banns between John AMEY & Helen SPRAKE were published on the 16th; 23rd and 30 days of October 1774. MARRIAGE: No 33 John AMEY of the parish of Forthington in this County Labourer? and Helena SPRAKE of this parish spinster were married by banns this third day of November in the year 1774 his signature her mark in the presence of John Browne and the mark of Ismael Browne [Note:- Helena SPRAKE was the daughter of John & Diana SPRAKE and had been baptised at Winterbourne Steepleton on 19 Aug 1754 so was about 20 years old at marriage] |
Marriages Winterborne Steepleton Ancestry.com Image 61 of 69 |
c1774 | MARRIAGE: What is fairly clear is that a John & Dinah AMEY had come to Dorchester around the beginning of the year 1775 when they had their son John shown below baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester before settling in nearby Fordington where they raised at least 5 more children. The first son being named after his father suggests the marriage may have been the year before in 1774. What is strange is that right at this point we have the above marriage on 3rd Nov 1774 of a John AMEY from Fordington marrying at Winterbourne Steepleton but to a Helena Sprake of which I have no further trace. As indicated above her mothers Christian name had been Diana so perhaps after marriage she adopted Dinah, a derivation of Diana, as her own name? There are two John AMEY's buried at St Georges church in Fordington, the first on 8th June 1800 and the second on 1st May 1801 and one of them is Dinah's husband. . Dinah AMEY (1750/3-1833) does not seem to have taken the death of her husband very well as on 30th Jan 1802 she is arrested because she was threatening to run away and leave her family chargeable to the parish of Fordington. The Prison Register gives her age as being 49 (born c1753) which is close to when Helena Sprake was baptised in 1854? . She was sentenced to 14 days hard labour and discharged on 13th Feb 1802. Dinah was buried at FStG on 15th Dec 1833 when they recorded her age as as being 83 years - making her born several years earlier c1750
(2) Fordington St George Parish: Year 1776: 'Baptised Robert son of John & Dinah AMYE [AMEY] December 8' (Image 54 of 506) . Robert AMEY was arrested on 19th June 1787 his age being recorded as 9 when he was accused of accused of 'stealing iron' but was discharged by the Mayor on 6th July 1787. (3) Fordington St George Parish: Year 1779: 'Baptised Sarah D (daughter) of John & Dinah AMYE [AMEY] September 5' (Image 56 of 506) She married the Soldier John ROGERS at FStG on 20 Mar 1797. Note:- There is then a long gap of 14 years and a change in scribe before the last 3 entries are all make althogether on 14th Apr 1793 (Image 94 of 506) They were all actually of different ages as we know Thomas's age was 59 when he died in 1849 making him born 3 years earlier in 1790. (4) Fordington St George Parish: Year Baptisms 1793: 'April 14 Elizabeth D (daughter) of John & Dinah AMYE' [AMEY] (5) Fordington St George Parish: Year Baptisms 1793: 'April 14 Thomas S (son) of John & Dinah AMYE' [AMEY] - Thomas AMEY (1790-1849) became a sawyer by trade and married Dorothy KIDDLE (1786-1852) a native of Piddletrenthide at FStG 1 Jan 1811. Follow link for more information about his family. (6) Fordington St George Parish: Year Baptisms 1793: 'April 14 Richard S (son) of John & Dinah AMYE' [AMEY] - Richard AMEY (1786-1850) enlisted into the 82nd Regt of Foot 0n 19th Apr 1805 , was transferred to the 13th Regt of Veterans in 1813 and Discharged in 1815. Follow link provided for a short account of his life. There is also a family of a John AMES and Dinah having children in Child Okeford in Dorset from 1767 as shown below and some family trees have linked the two together. The surname however is consistently AMES rather than AMEY and it appears to be a self contained family who remained throughout at Child Okeford from 1767 to 1780 so I have assumed for now this is not the family that settled in Fordington in 1775 . :-
(2) Leah daughter of John & Dinah AMES was baptised Sept 18th 1768 (image 36) (3) Betty daughter of John & Dinah AMES was baptized August 18th 1771 (image 37) (4) George son of John & Dinah AMES was baptised Sept 20th 1772 (image 38) (5) John son of John & Dinah AMES was baptised May 14th 1775 (Image 39) (6) William son of John & Dinah AMES was baptised November 2nd 1777 (Image 40) (7) Robert son of John & Dinah AMES was baptised December 17th 1780 (image 42) |
Marriage Unknown See Comments made about the marriage dated 3rd Nov 1744 at Winterbourne Steepleton |
07 May 1775 | MARRIAGE:- William COOMBS of the parish of Fordington and Hannah WALLIS of this Parish married in this church by Banns this seventh day of May 1775 by me Rev. Wm Floyer curate ; his signature her mark; in the presence of Robert Bartlett and John Bagwell | Marriages Bradford Peverell Ancestry.com image 66 of 72 |
12 Jan 1776 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between Matthew MATTHEWS otp and Alice HARDY of the Parish of Sutton Banns were read 12th; 19th and 26th Nov 1775 MARRIED:- Sutton Poyntz Banns of marriage between Matthew MATTEWS of Fordington bachelor & Alice HARDY of this parish spinster were published Nov 5th; 12th and 19th 1775 - Entry 59 - Matthew MATTHEWS of the parish of Fordington bachelor and Alice HARDY otp were married in this church by Banns this 12th day of January in the year 1776 by me Rev Henry Deane Curate both their marks witnesses William Miller and John Brown |
Marriages at Preston cum Sutton Poyntz,Ancestry.com image 57 of 73 |
18 May 1776 | MARRIAGE:- No. 38 Banns of Marriage Between William VOSS otp and Ann THOMSON of the parish of Fordington were duly published in the Parish church of Stinsford - William VOSS of the parish of Stinsford and Ann THOMSON of the parish of Fordington were married in this church by Banns this 18th day of May 1776 by me John Randall Vicar of Stinsford both their marks witnesses William HOUSE and William PARSONS [Also listed in FStG Banns Register] | Marriages Stinsford Ancestry.com image |
30 May 1776 | BURIAL:- May 30 [1776] buried Mr. John MORGAN of Fordington | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 35 of 133 |
30 Jun 1777 | MARRIAGE:- No 46 between Robert OLIVER of the parish of Fordington in this County and Mary Cox MORGAN otp were married by licence this thirtieth dau of June 1777 by me Revd William Carpenter curate both thier signatures witnesses Ann Davis and Joanna Davis | Marriages Hamworthy |
10 July 1777 | MARRIAGE:- John MORGAN of Fordington & Dorothy SPRATT (by Licence) 10 July 1777 | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
01 Dec 1777 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between John HARDY resident in this parish [Fordington Dorset] and Jane KNIGHT of Woodsford Banns were read 26th Oct and 2nd and 9th Nov 1777. Also at Woodsford Parish Church "Banns of Marriage between John HARDY of Forthington near the town of Dorchester bachelor and Jane KNIGHT of this Parish spinster were legally published in this church by me R Coker Curate MARRIAGE:- Woodsford Entry 19 - Banns of marriage between John HARDY of Forthington near the town of Dorchester bachelor and Jane KNIGHT of this parish spinster were legally published in this church by me Rev R Coker curate : John HARDY of Forthington bachelor and Jane KNIGHT otp spinster were married in this church after Banns this 1st day of December 1777 by me Rec R Coker curate his signature her mark witnesses Kitty Antram and Anna Vye |
Marriages Woodsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 94 of 98 |
04 Dec 1777 | MARRIAGE:- No.10 between Henry VINCENT & Elioner WILKINS were legally published . Henry VINCENT of the Parish of Forthington, bachelor and Elioner WILKINS of this parish spinster were married in this church by Banns this fourt day of December in the year 1777 by me R Coker Rector of Moreton ; both their signatures in the presence of Robert Stickland and Samuel Meagor | Marriages Affpudle Dorset Ancestry.com image 64 of 320 |
29 Dec 1777 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between John ADAMS otp and Catharine RANDALL of the Parish of Blandford Banns were read 7th; 14th and 21st Dec 1777 [Note:- Marriage Banns were read at Blandford Forum for John ADAMS of the Parish of Fordington bachelor and Catharine RANDEL otp spinster on the same dates: MARRIAGE Blandforde Forum Marriage Register Entry 45 John ADAMS of the Parish of Fordington bachelor & Catharine RANDEL of this parish spinster were married in this church by Banns this 29th day of Dec 1777 by me Rev C.B.Baldock curate both signed witnesses William Govey and Thomas Lacy |
Marriages Blandford Forum Dorset Ancestry.com image 448 of 830 |
20 Jan 1778 | BANNS of MARRIAGE betrween John HELLARD of the Parish of Fordington and Ann LUCASresident of this parish were published Nov 30th; Dec 7th and 14th MARRIAGE No.4 John HELLARD of ye Parish of Fordington and Ann LUCAS of this Parish were mareried in tis church by Banns this 20th day of January 1778 by me Nath Templeman Curate ; both their marks in the presence of John Devenish and Mark Dewland |
Marriages Charminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 111 of 129 |
19 May 1778 | MARRIAGE:- William GOULD of Fordington and Mary HELLARD of St Peters | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
30 Aug 1778 | MARRIAGE:- James BONNETT of Fordington & Mary JOHNSON 30 Aug | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
10 Nov 1778 | MARRIAGE:- William BISHOP of the parish of Fordington & Mary ASH of the parish of West Knighton were married in this church by Banns this tenth day of November 1778 ; both signatures in the presence of Robert Newham and Thomas Voss | Marriages West Knighton Dorset Ancestry.com image 61 of 66 |
04 Dec 1778 | MARRIAGE:- Robert STROUD of Fordington Miller & Eliza STUBBS of this parish Spinster. were married by Licence granted by J Hubbook surrogate to Bollhouse? B.D. [illegibae] to ye Right and Father in God thanks? and Bishop of Bristol the fourth day of December in the year of our God One Thousand seven hundred and seventy eight by me John Walker Rector. This marriage was solemnised between us both signatures in the presence of Thomas Hugh and Elizabeth Thorn | Marriages Spetisbury Dorset Ancestry.com image 54 of 86 |
23 Aug 1780 | MARRIAGE:- Joseph WARREN of Fordington & Betty ROGERS of Holy Trinity were married 23-Aug 1780 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
18 Nov 1780 | MARRIAGE:- John WHITE of Fordington & Eleanor ROLLS 18 Nov | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
15 Jan 1781 | MARRIAGE:- No.35 Bewteen William BARNES of the Parish of Swanage, a bachelor and Captain of a Merchant Ship & Mary RUNYARD of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset were married in this church by Licence this fifteenth day of January in the year 1781 by me Denis Bond Rector both their signatures in the presence of John Hood and William Balson | Marriages Tyneham Dorset Ancestry.com image 85 of 91 |
12 Feb 1782 | MARRIAGE:- James CROCKER of Fordington married Rebecca BEDLOE of St Peters Parish in Dorchester | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
25 Mar 1782 | BURIAL:-"Buryed the Rev. Mr. POPE Rector of Old Cleve in Somersetshire but Resident in Fordington - March 25th 1782" |
Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com images 38 & 96 of 133 |
10 May 1782 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between John HINE, of the Parish of Fordington, bachelor & Judith BUSHRODSpinster were published April 14: 21st; & 28th 1782 MARRIAGE:- No79. John HINE of the Parish of Fordington Bachelor and Judith BUSHROD of this Parish Spinster were married in this church by Banns this tenth day of May in the year 1782 by me John Rigby Gill Curate both their marks in the presence of John BrownJunior and Thomas Fook |
Marriages at Preston cum Sutton Poyntz, 1695 to 1837. |
10 June 1782 | MARRIAGE 17 in the Register: Banns of Marriage between John CHARLES & Ann TUCKER were published three several Sundays without prohibition: John CHARLES of this parish and Ann TUCKER of this parish were married in this church by Banns this tenth day of June in the year 1782 by me Revd. Thomas Bryer Curate both their marks in the presence of Joseph Jeffferd and William Voss.
(1) Sarah Charles (1782-aft.1802) bap St Georges Church in Fordington [FStG] on 6th Oct 1782. She married James SAMSON from Woodsford at FStG on 31st Jan 1802 when she was described as a minor as she was still under the age of 21. (2) Ann Charles (1784-Bef.1796) bap FStG 24th Oct 1784 ; Probably died prior to 1796? (3) John Charles (1789-1869) he was baptised at FStG church on 10th April 1789; John married Ann HIDE at St Georges Church on 6th Jan 1812. (4) Ann Charles (1796-aft.1822) bap FstG 3rd April 1796 she married John BUSHROD from Broadmayne 9th May 1822. |
Marriages Winterborne Came Dorset Ancestry.com image 111 of 116 |
13 Jun 1782 | BANNS of MARRIAGE: - between Thomas LESTER & Ann SLADE were published on 3 consecutive Sundays: MARRIAGE:- Thomas LESTER of the parish of Forington [Fordington] & Ann SLADE of this parish were married in this church by Banns this 13th day of June in the year 1782 by me Samuel Hardy Clerk X the mark of Thomas LESTER and X the mark of Ann SLADE in the presence of John TIZARD and Thomas LESTER |
Marriages Winterbourne St Martin Ancestry.com image |
22 Jun 1782 | BURIAL:- Under year 1782 - Novbr 20th buried Catherine LOVEL of Fordington | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 38 of 133 |
18 Nov 1782 | MARRIAGE:- No. 42 John HOUSE of this parish & Tabitha GENGE of the Parish of Fordingtonwere married in this church by Banns this eighteenth day of November 1782 by me Gilbert Langdon Curate ; both their signatures in the presence of John House and Reuben Price | Marriages Puddletown Dorset Ancestry.com image 420 of 595 |
23 Feb 1783 | MARRIAGE:- No. 45 Banns of Marriage Between John CHAMBERLANE and Hannah BISHOP were duly published on three several Sundays in this church - John CHAMBERLANE of the parish of Stinsford and Hannah BISHOP of Fordington were married in this church by Banns this 23rd day of Feb 1783 Witnesses; John Parsons and John Bishop [Note:- Hannah BISHOP was bap at FStG on 17th Apr 1762 the 2nd child from the marriage of Joseph BISHOP to Elizabeth ADAMS at FSTG on 13th Oct 1760.] | Marriages Stinsford image ancestry.com |
21 Oct 1783 | MARRIAGE:- Samuel GOODALL of Fordington married Elizabeth BUNGER of St Peters Parish in Dorchester | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
09 Jan 1784 | BURIAL:- April 27th [1784] was buried Stephen POPE of Fordington | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com images 39; 40 (entry crossed out) ; 95 (transcript); and 128 (transcript) of 133 |
28 Jun 1784 | MARRIAGE:- Philip WINZAR of Fordington & Mary PURCHASE married 28-Jun 1784 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
20 Oct 1784 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between Robert HUNT of the parish of St Peters in Dorchester & Elizabeth ROGERS of this parish were published on Sept 5th; 12th and 19th 1784: Robert HUNT of the Parish of St Peters in Dorchester and Elizabeth ROGERS of this parish were married in this church by Banns this twentieth day of October in the year 1784 by me Rev G Watson curate his signature her mark; in the presence of John Torkins? and Robet Tizard | Marriages Winterbourne St Martin Ancestry.com image |
02 Dec1784 | MARRIAGE:- Ambrose HUNT of Fordington & Elizabeth SQUIBB 2 Dec | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
23 May 1784 | MARRIAGE:- William FUDGE of the parish of Fordington & Elizabeth NOTLEY otp Banns were published 27th March; 3rd and 10th April they married 23rd May 1785 by George Watson Curate both their marks witnesses James Buckler & William Rogers
(1) Jonathan Fudge (1787- ?) bap FStG 30th July 1787 (2) Joseph Fudge (1794-1848) bap FStG 7th Sep 1794 and buried FStG 3rd Nov 1841 aged 48 years. |
Marriages Winterbourne Monkton |
15 Jan 1786 | MARRIAGE:- Banns of Marriage between Salathiel NORRIS of Fordington and Anne BARRETT of this Parish were published as the law directs : Salathiel NORRIS of the Parish of Fordington a bachelor and Anne BARRETT of this parish a spinster married in this church by Banns this Fifteenth day of January 1786 by me Rev. Thomas Russell ; both their signatures in the presence of John Higgins and the mark of John Penny.
(1) Mary Norris bapt FStG 22nd Oct 1786 (2) John Norris bap 5th Jan 1790 (3) Thomas Norris bapt FStG 26th Dec 1791 Needs further research - Remarried Mary Gale 18th Jan 1819. |
Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 67 of 72 |
16 Dec 1787 | BURIAL:- James HARRIS of Fordington buried | Burials All Saints Dorchester |
16 Nov 1789 | MARRIAGE:- Ben ROLL of Fordington and Mary ADAMS of St Peters | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
17 Jan 1790 | MARRIAGE:- No.22 Between Edward WINSOR of the parish of Fordington and Mary GROVES otp were married in this church by Banns 17th Jan 1790 by me Rev Thomas Hughes curate (their marks) wit: William Watson and Mather Ensor | Marriages Winterborne Came Dorset Ancestry.com image 112 of 116 |
25 Apr 1790 | MARRIAGE:- Joseph SEARLE of the parish of Fordington & Tabitha CHUBB of this parish were married in this church by banns this twenty fifth day of April in the year 1790 by me Rev William ENGLAND his signature her mark; in the presence of : Henry Greening, Joseph Jacob of Dorchester | Marriages West Stafford Dorset ancestry.com images 27 and 61 of 65 |
03 Aug 1790 | BURIAL:- Ann (daughter) of John & Dorothy MORGAN of Fordington buriedAugust 3rd 1790 | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 42 of 133 |
13 Sep 1790 | MARRIAGE:- George WINSOR of Fordington & Jane PHIPPARD 13 September | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
26 Apr 1791 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 29 in the marriage Register of the Parish of Dewlish Dorset Between James HARRIS of the Parish of Fordington a Bachelor and Frances FRAMPTON of this parish a Spinster were married in this Chapel by Licence this 26th day of April 1791 by me Rev John WOOD Vicar both their signatures in the presence of John Morgan and Richard Legg Note:- James HARRIS is the son of James Harris and Holloway Bennet |
Marriages Dewlish Dorset Ancestry.com Image 94 of 100 |
02 Jun 1791 | BURIAL:- Jane PALMER of Fordington was buried June 2nd 1791 | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 42 of 133 |
26 Apr 1792 | MARRIAGE:- Robert PATTEN & Elizabeth DOWLE of Fordington married 26-Apr 1792 by Licence | Marriages West Chelborough Dorset CLDS Film 1279491 and Pallot's Marriages |
06 Sep 1792 | MARRIAGE:- Edmund IRONSIDE of Fordington & Mary DRAKE married 06-Sep 1792 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
26 Nov 1792 | MARRIAGE:- No. 33 Between Thomas DAVIS, of the Parish of Fordington, widower and Elizabeth FRAMPTON of this parish were married in this Chapel by Licence this 26th day of November in the year 1792 by me John Moore Vicar his signature her mark in the presence of James Harris and Richard Legg | Marriages Dewlish Chapel Dorset Ancestry.com image 94 of 100 |
06 May 1793 | MARRIAGE:- Richard ROLLS of Fordington & Mary SHORT 6 May | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
29 Sep 1793 | MARRIAGE:- Robert ROPER of the parish of Fordington married Elizabeth TIZARD otp by Licence this 29th day of Sep 1793 by Thomas Hughes both signatures witnessed Robert Damon and Sarah Lovell | Marriages Winterbourne Monkton Dorset Ancestry.com image 25 of 27 |
15 Jan 1795 | MARRIAGE:- John FUDGE of the parish of Fordington and Mary Harris of this church were married by Banns 15th January 1795 by me Rev. James Fothergill Rector both their marks witnessed Thomas Voss and George Voss
(1) John Fudge (1796-1797 ) bap FStG 18th Sep 1796 and buried there 18 Jan 1797] (2) Charlotte Fudge (1796- ) bap FStG 18th Sep 1796 (3) Rebecca Fudge (1797- ) 4th June 1797 ] |
Marriages West Knighton Dorset Ancestry.com image 63 of 66 |
16 May 1795 | BURIAL:- Mary Anne MORGAN of Fordington was buried May 16 1795 | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 44 of 133 |
21 Sep 1795 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas UNDERWOOD of Fordington & Jane CURME married 21-Sep 1795 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
10 Dec 1795 | MARRIAGE:- William LAWRENCE of Fordington & Mary Elizabeth OLD married 10-Dec 1795 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
16 Jan 1796 | MARRIAGE:- William PETTIGREW Quartermaster & Mary WOOD married 16-Jan 1796 by license. William Pettigrew Quartermaster in the R.B.B. Dragoons in the Barracks of Fordington | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
30 Jan 1796 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas SHIELDS of Fordington & Betty GREEN married 30-Jan 1797 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
15 Feb 1796 | MARRIAGE:- John WOOD of Fordington & Ann WHITE (by Licence) 15 February 1796 | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
3 Apr 1796 | MARRIAGE:- John PROWSE of the parish of Fordington and Anne COWARD otp were married by Banns this 3rd day of Apr 1796 by me William Floyer Vicar his sig her mark wit: Stanley Coulfield and Wiulliam Lester | Marriages Strinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image |
02 Aug 1796 | BURIAL:- Sela WINZOR of Fordington was buried August 2nd 1796 | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry,com image 44 of 133 |
19 Feb 1796 | MARRIAGE:- Friedrick GOLTERMANN of Fordington & Mary SPRACKLIN married 19-Feb 1796 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
28 Dec 1796 | MARRIAGE:- John AMOS of the parish of Fordington and Ann PHELPS of St Peters | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
14 Mar 1797 | BURIAL:- James (son) of Daniel & Susannah PARSONS of Fordington was buried May 14 1797 | Burials Stinsford Doraset Ancestry.com image 45 of 133 |
21 Apr 1797 | MARRIAGE:- John SHAW of Fordington & Elizabeth STRICKLAND married 24-Apr 1797 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
08 May 1797 | MARRIAGE:- Henry FORSE of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset & Mary AMEY of this parish married in this church by Banns this eigth day of May in the year 1797 by me William England Curate His signature her mark in the presence of Henry Greening and William Matthews | Marriages West Stafford Dorset Ancestry.com images 48 and 63 of 65 |
06 Aug 1797 | MARRIAGE:- John GRAY of the parish of Fordington and Elizabeth KEATS of St Peters | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
28 Aug 1797 | MARRIAGE:- James FUDGE of the parish of Fordington, in the County of Dorset, & Mary MASSEY of this Parish were married in this church by Banns this twent eigth day of August in the year 1797 by me Charles Roberts Minister both their signatures in the presence of C Massey & James Garland | Marriages of Bruton Somerset, Ancestry.com image 178 of 210 |
17 Sep 1797 | MARRIAGE:- Jacob GRAY of Fordington & Kemey PAUL married 17-Sep 1797 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
28 Sep 1797 | MARRIAGE:- William WEIR of Fordington & Jane HAZARD (by Licence) 28 Sept | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
10 Oct 1797 | MARRIAGE:- Wm [William] CAVE of Fordington & Damaris TULLIDGE (by Licence) 10 Oct | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
15 Mar 1798 | MARRIAGE:- Francis CHARLES of Fordington & Elizabeth LESTER 15 March | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
28 Jan 1799 | MARRIAGE:- 48 between Samuel FOSTER of the parish of Fordington & Mary HODDER of Upwey were married in this church after Banns this 28th day of January 1799 by me Rev, Edward Fawlconer Rector both thier signatures witnesses William Townsend and Frances Henley [Note:- Samuel FOSTER was baptised at St George Church in Fordington on 16th Aug 1772 the son of John FOSTER and Sarah nee LUCAS. Mary was baptised at Upwey on 15th Nov 1772 the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth HODDER. After marriage they initially settled in Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester before moving to St Peters in Dorchester circa 1802. They are known to have had the following children. In 1841 they are resident on Glyde Path Hill Dorschester in the parish of Holy Trinity aged 68. In 1851 they are both living aged 78 in Whetstones Almshouse in Church Lane in Dorchester:-
(2) Elizabeth Foster bap St Peters 18th Dec 1803 (2) Robert Foster born on 3rd Feb 1806 and baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester on 26th Feb 1806 (3) Henry Hodder Foster born 13th Nov 1810 and bap St Peters 25th Dec 1810 |
Marriages Upwey ancestry.com image |
20 May 1799 | MARRIAGE:- John DAVIS of Fordington & Susanna GILLINGHAM 20 May | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
13 Aug 1799 | BURIAL:- Mrs. MORGAN Widow of Fordington was buried August 13 1799 | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 46 of 133 |
29 Dec 1799 | BURIAL:- Elizabeth wife of Joseph WINZAR of Fordington was buried December 29 - 1799 | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 46 of 133 |
30 Mar 1800 | MARRIAGE:- John MASTERS of Fordington married Esther WARREN of Marshwood at Whitchurch Canoncorium 1800: Marriage dates of 30th March and 27th april both on IGI CLDS Film 2427603 | Marriages Whitchurch Canoncorium Pallots Marriage Index |
05 Jan 1800 | MARRIAGE:- James MATTHEWS of Fordington and Sarah HOSKINS of St Peters | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
13 Feb 1800 | MARRIAGE:- John LYLE of the parish of Fordington & Elizabeth DIMENT of this parish were married in this Church by Banns this Thirteenth day of February in the year 1800 by me William Hogan Vicar both their signatures in the presence of William Parkinson and Elizabeth Strange | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 60 of 133 |
02 Mar 1800 | BAPTISM:- James MOON born 2nd March in Fordington Parish near Dorchester son of John MOON & Jane SLADE was baptised by the Rev. Charles Sevel? | Baptisms Lulworth Castle Chapel non conformist Roman Catholic East Lulworth Ancestry.com image 21 of 44 |
13 Apr 1800 | BURIAL:- April 13th 1800 See Hutchins which refers to the death of Mrs CHURCHILL from the mansion situated in Fordington whose remains were interred in the family vault in St Peters Church Dorchester | Burial The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset by John Hutchins |
20 Oct 1800 | MARRIAGE:- Angus SANHLON of Fordington & Rebecca WATSON married 20-Oct 1800 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
13 Jan 1801 | MARRIAGE:- John TERRELL of the parish of Fordington & Ann SLADE of this parish were married in this church by Banns this 13th day of Jan 1801 by me Giles Meech Perpetual Curate both their signatures in the presence of John White Junior and John White Senior | Marriages Charminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 124 of 129 |
29 Jun 1801 | MARRIAGE:- Edward CASHER of Fordington & Mary STILE married 29-Jun 1801 [Note:- Link to marriage of Edward CASHER (1778-1829) ] | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
22 Oct 1801 | MARRIAGE:- James SQUIB of this Parish and Catherine NORRIS of the parish of Fordington were married in this church by Banns this twenty second day of October in the year 1801 by me William Floyer Vicar his signature [SQUIBB] her mark in the presence of William Lester and the mark of Ann Hardy | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 61 of 133 |
22 Mar 1802 | MARRIAGE:- William HEWER of the parish of Fordington & Mary THOMAS of this parish were married in this church by Banns this twenty second day of March in the year 1802 both their signatures in the pressence of William Hooper, Mary Loveless | Marriages Hilton Dorset Ancestry.com image 110 of 132 |
09 Jun 1802 | MARRIAGE:- Joseph CLARK of Fordington & Ann OLDIS married 09-Jun 1802 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
07 Jul 1802 | MARRIAGE:- Mo.42 John DRYSDALE now resident in the parish of Fordington & of the V of Y N.B. Dragoons & Sarah FOX of this parish were married in this church by Licence this seventh day of July in the year 1802 by me Giles Meech Perpetual Curate bboth their signatures in the presence of John White [only 1 witness] | Marriages Charminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 124 of 129 |
08 Oct 1802 | MARRIAGE:-No 48. - Richard PHILLIPS of the parish of Fordington in the county of Dorset & Rebecca FOOT of this parish were married in this church by Banns thrice published this eigth day of October in the year 1802 by me William Ettrich Minister both their marks in the presence of William Cross his mark and Margaret Snook her signature | Marriages Affpuddle Dorset Ancestry.com image 76 of 320 |
02 Feb 1804 | MARRIAGE:- No.5 - Jesse BUSHROD of the p[arish of Fordington and Ann CHILCOTT of this parish were married in this church by Banns by me William Floyer Vicar both their signatures in the presence of Samuel Brooks, James Barnacle | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 64 of 133 |
11 Apr 1804 | MARRIAGE:- No. 5 - Robert LANSHARD of ye 20th Light Dragoons in ye parish of Fordington & Bathsheba DRAKE of this parish were married in this church byu Banns legally published this eleventh day of April in the year 1804 by me Giles Meech Perpetual Curate both their signatures in the presence of Edmund Leonsale? | Marriages Charminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 126 of 129 |
09 Mar 1805 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between Thomas BRETT of this Parish and Ann SARGENT of the Parish of Fordington were published Jan: 20 : 27 : Feb 7th 1805 MARRIAGE:- No. 156 Thomas BRETT of this parish & Anne SARGENT, of the parish of Fordington were married in this church by Banns this ninth day of March in the year 1805 Fordington 09 Mar 1805 by me Charles Coates Vicar his signature her mark in the presence of Thomas Sargent and John Brown |
Marriages at Preston cum Sutton Poyntz, Ancestry.com image 70 of 73 |
26 Aug 1805 | BAPTISM:- George Stiles son of William & Mary BISHOP of Fordington near Dorchester was born in January 1803 Baptized 26 August 1805 in this Church | Baptisms Wyke Regis Dorset |
29 Aug 1805 | MARRIAGE:- John WINSOR of Fordington & Mary JONES married 29-Aug 1805 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
31 Dec 1805 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- Between John VOSS of the parish of Fordington & Elizabeth GIFFORD of this parish were Published? MARRIAGE:- John VOSS of the parish of Fordington a widower and Elizabeth GIFFORD of this parish were married in this church by Banns this thirty first day of December in the year 1805 by me Geo.?? Rector of Warmwell; his signature her mark in the presence of Thomas VOSS, John GIFFORD |
Marriages West Knighton Dorset Ancestry.com image 66 of 66 |
17 Sep 1805 | MARRIAGE:- Henry MACK of Fordington & Mary ROSE (lived at the turnpike gate hence "Max Gate" 17 Sept | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
01 Oct 1805 | MARRIAGE:- John KING of Fordington Mary BALLSON 1 Oct | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
03 Apr 1806 | BURIAL:- Iunder the year 1806 : April 3: William BERRY of Forrington [Fordington] buried | Burials Askerswell Dorset: Ancestry,com image 83 of 265 |
30 Apr 1806 | MARRIAGE:- John MASTERS of the Parish of Fordington and Mary COOPER of the parish of St Peters were married in this Church by Licence this 30th day of April 1806 by me Henry John Richman Curate both signed in the presence of E BESANT & Thomas HARDY | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
08 Jul 1806 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- between Benjamin HALL of the parish of Fordington, bachelor, and Mary FORD of this parish, spinster were published on June 15th; 22nd; and 29th 1805. MARRIAGE:- No. 73 Between Benjamin HALL of the parish of Fordington, bachelor and Mary FORD of this parish spinster, were married in this Chapel by Banns this eigth day of July in the year 1806 by me John Wood Vicar, both their signatures in the presence of Mary Nolton, Thomas Hall and William Vincent and R.W.Tizzard |
Marriages Dewlish Dorset Ancestry.com image 99 of 100 |
03 Jun 1807 | MARRIAGE:- Jacob MILLER of the Parish of Fordington & Susana HOLLOWAY of the parish of Holy Trinity were married 03-Jun 1807 by license | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
08 Mar 1807 | BURIAL:- Susanna daughter of Daniel & Susanna PARSONS of Fordington buried | Burials Stinsford |
25 Jun 1807 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas CAINES of this parish (Buckland Newton) & Ann TIZZARD of the parish of Fordington, Dorchester were married in this church by Licence the 25th of June 1807 by me J Venables Vicar both their signatures in the presence of Henry Stone and and R.W.Tizzard | Marriages Buckland Newton Dorset Ancestry.com image 395 of 413 |
c1807 | MARRIAGE: John HAYNE and Elizabeth : Despite an extensive search I have not so far identified a suitable marriage all we know about his bride comes from the baptisms of her children which give her name as Elizabeth. [The nearest marriage that I can locate is a marriage on 26th Nov 1807 by a John HAYNE Esq a bachelor of the parish of St Faith in London in St Marys church at Lambeth to Elizabeth PRYCE of St Marys a spinster both their signatures but there is no clear evidence that John Hayne was actually from Dorchester/Fordington although he was a merchant and he married his 2nd wife also Elizabeth in London. John HAYNE (1779-1868) was the son of Samuel HAYNE (1749-1813) of the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester by his wife Rebecca TILLY who married by licence at Holy Trinity Church on 28-Jan 1773. The 1851 and 1861 census returns state that John was born at Frome Whitefield, a hamlet within Holy Trinity Parish, but he was not baptised until 11 Apr 1782 at Holy Trinity together with his younger sister Alicia. John Hayne was a separate beneficiary under his grandfather John HAYNE's Will dated 1797 in which he inherited lands and tenements in Fordington when he reached the age of 23 (i.e. in 1802). He clearly used his inheritance to start his own grocery business in Dorchester being admitted into the Company of Freemen on 27th June 1803. John and Elizabeth had 4 children as listed below all baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington between 1809 and 1817 but he is listed in 1830 in Pigots Street Directory as having his grocers shop at Cornhill in Dorchester, where he also sold wines and spirits. His 2nd wife Elizabeth HAYNE nee BAYLEY (1789-1864) died at the age of 75 on 27th March 1864 and left a Will which was proved by her step-son Robert on 11th March 1865 . Elizabeth was buried at the parish church in Ansford in Somerset on 2nd April 1864. John Hayne died at the age of 89 on 7th Apr 1868 and was buried at FStG Church 7 days later. He left a Will proved by his son Robert.
(1) Elizabeth Hayne (1809-1861) She was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 26th Jan 1809. She remained a spinster living with the family at Fordington House in King Street where she died aged 52 being buried on 5th Oct 1861. (2) Revd. John Hayne (1811-1879) born about 1811 but bap with younger sister Mary Ann at FStG on 4th Oct 1814. Admitted pens at Trinity College Cambridge 31st Oct 1831 Matriculated 1832 easter; BA 1836; Ordained a deacon 1837; Priest 1838 No curacies. He married Mary Ann Hayne his younger sister to Richard Cole at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Oct 1841. Cambridge General Advertiser Wednesday 11th May 1842: entry:- The Rev. John HAYNE B.A. has been presented to the rectory of Stawley Somersetshire void by the decease of the Rev JG Bowen MA the last encumbant: Patron John HAYNE Esq of Fordington Dorset. He married Isabella Eliza daughter of General Luscombe in 1843.Died 1879. Follow link for more information about his family (3) Mary Ann Hayne (1814-1885) bap FSt G 4th Oct 1814 she married by licence to Richard Sweet COLE Lt in W Regt of Foot, resident at Fordington, father Richard COLE Lt Col at St George's Church in Fordington on 02 Oct 1841. She died at Landport Hampshire at the age of 71 but her body was returned to FStG for burial which occurred on 26th May 1885. (4) Robert Hayne (1817-1899) bap FStG 15 May 1817 he became a merchant and married Mary Ann BEARDMORE of the parish of Holy Trinity Church Chelsea in Middlesex a widow at the parish church of Holy Trinity Chelsea 9th Dec 1863. Follow link for more information about his family. |
Not so far Identified |
09 Dec 1807 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas HELLARD of Fordington & Elizth. [Elizabeth] HIDE [HYDE] married 09-Dec 1807 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
09 Dec 1807 | MARRIAGE:- Richard FUDGE a bachelor of the Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester & Mary LEGG of the parish of Broadway were married by licence this 9th day of December 1807 by me Rev George Payne Minister both thier signatures witnesses William Slyfield and Martha Bankes [OPC has Barnes - not clear]
[Note:- Richard FUDGE (1785-1836) was baptised at Bincombe in Dorset on 3rd Apr 1785 the son of Robert and Elizabeth Fudge . The vestry minutes for Holy Trinity Church show that Richard Furdge was churchwarden there from at the very least belteen 1825 to 1834. Richard was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 1st March 1836 when his age was given as being 50. He left a Will however dated 29th April 1830 which refers to him as being a butcher in Dorchester, leaving everything to his widow Mary. His widow Mary FUDGE nee LEGG (1784-1854) of Glyde Path Hill in Dorchester is referred to as a coal merchant in the 1851 Census living with her spinster daughter Emily. She was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 17th January 1854 aged 70 years. She left a Will in which she left her daughter Frances ANDREWS the wife of MARK ANDREWS the dwelling house lands and premises situated in East Burton in their occupation. She also left her son Robert FUDGE £50 and all the rest of her estate she left to her spinster daughter Emily FUDGE. Children from this marriage:- |
Marriages Broadwey Dorchester + image ancestry.com |
14 Dec 1807 | MARRIAGE:- John BEAVIS of the parish of Fordington & Mary WHITE otp were married in this church by Banns married 14 Dec 1807 by me Rev. William Davis Minister his signature her mark witnesses Mary Bradley and James Knell?
(1) Robert Beavis (1809-1883) He is said to have been born on 17th April 1809 on the island of Guernsey in the Channel Islands whilst his father was serving there. This is supported by an image of the local garrison baptism register for 1809 which records his baptism on 7th May the son of John & Mary BEAVIS. Clearly they had returned initially to Melcombe Regis but settled in Fordington by 1816 where Robert grew up. Aged 20 he was arrested for sheep stealing and sent to Dorchester Prison where he was admitted on 21st Oct 1829. He was tried at Dorchester Assizes on 12th March 1830, found guilty and initially sentenced to death. This was commuted to Transportation to Australia for Life. He was then committed to the Prison Hulk HMS Captivity which was at that time moored at Devonport. HMS Captisity had started life as HMS Monmouth and been launched in 1772 as a third rate ship of the line carrying 64 guns. Having served in a number of campaigns she was eventually brought back to England at the conclusion of the American War of Independence and paid off in July 1784. She returned to service on 20th Oct 1796 renamed as HMS Captivity and fitted out as a prison ship eventually becoming a prison hulk. Plans for a ship of this class survive at the Royal Museum Greenwhich and give a good, if faint, idea of the type of Prison Hulk he entered (see image below) . ![]() Robert BEAVIS boarded the Prison Ship 'Burrell' on 22nd July 1830 and arrived in New South Wales on 31st Dec 1830. On 18th Feb 1839 following good conduct he was given leave from the Prison Colony and soon married Elizabeth MacKenzie at Port Macquarie on 22nd April 1840. They raised a large family in Australia with Robert living to be 74 before he passed away at Paddington in New South Wales. (2) Samuel Beavis (1814-1863) He was baptised at Melcombe Regis on 9th October 1814 his parents abode given as Weymouth. This was because Weymouth was then much smaller than Melcombe Regis and did not have it's own church until 1830. The vast majority of marriages therefore took place at Melcombe Regis or Wyke Regis. His fathers occupation is given as a Soldier, a Private in the 39th Regiment of Foot. The year after he was born the family moved to Fordington where he grew up with his siblings. He married at St John's Church in Bedminster Somerset on 14th Jan 1839 to Eliza GILL Follow link for more information about their family. Samuel was a witness at his younger sister Ann BEAVIS wedding to Henry FOWLER at St John's Church in Bedminster on 9th March 1841. Samuel and Eliza along with his step daughter Eliza Gill and daugther Sarah Ann Beavis emigrated to New South Wales in Australia on board the Ship 'Tantivity' on 3rd Sep 1854. Samuel died at the age of 49 on 6th Dec 1863 at Sydney in Australia. Eliza lived to 62 and died at Huyde Park Asylum in Sydney on 5th June 1880. (3) John Beavis (1816-1904) He was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 9th June 1816. He married on 25th June 1838 at FStG Church to Marianne JOSLYN (1820-1893) the daughter of a chimney sweep John JOSLYN and his wife Ann, and she had been baptised at FStG Church on 3rd Feb 1820 as Mary Ann JOSLING. Mary Ann died in 1893 and John BEAVIS at 33 Woodborough Street in Bristol on 25th March 1904. His body was returned to St Georges Church in Fordington where he was buried aged 87 on 30th April 1904. Follow link for more information about his life and family. (4) George Beavis (1818-1885) ![]() In June 1841 they were living in Mitchell Lane in Bristol's Temple district, George a Labourer. By 1851 they had moved to 40 Wellington St in Bedminster where George had a job working as a packer at a Packet Office. Bristol was an important shipbuilding port and had a thriving packet trade between Bristol and Ireland often using paddle steamers such as the Albion built in 1831. By 1861 they had moved locally to Colson Street and George is now described as a Steam Packet Porter. By 1871 George was doing well as he had become a Shipping Agent and had been able to move to St Mary's Parish in Redcliffe in Bristol. His wife Eliza died aged 59 during the 2nd qtr of 1878 in Bedminster. George BEAVIS also died at Bedminster aged of 67 during the 4th qtr of 1885. (5) Ann Beavis (1820-aft 1901) bap FStG 26th Mar 1820. After her fathers death like her siblings she moved with her mother to live in Bedminster where she married at St John's church in Bedminster on 9th March 1841 to Henry FOWLER (1816-1887) a native of Beccles in Suffolk and the son of John FOWLER Father and son were both Cordwainers by trade. Her elder brother Samuel BEAVIS was also a witness at their wedding. They continued to live in Bedminster raising a large family with Henry FOWLER passing away at the age of 70 in Bedminster during 2nd qtr 1887. After his death his widow Ann Fowler nee Beavis went to live for a time with her married daughter Elizabeth Ann CROSSMAN nee Fowler who had married William Henry CROSSMAN at St Johns church in Bedminster on 12th Dec 1880. She is with them in the 1891 Census living at 77 Philip St in Bedminster. By the 1901 Census she is 81 and moved just down the road to live at number 55. I have not located her death or burial. (6) Sarah Caroline Beavis (1822-1910) ![]() Sarah Caroline married to a waiter Walter SMITH at St Mary's church in Newington but simply as Sarah BEAVIS. She already had settlement in the parish living in Francis Street with Walter. Banns of marriage were read at St Mary's on 26th Feb and 6th and 19th March 1843 but the Banns register for this period at St Georges Church in Fordington has not survived. They raised a family of 4 children between 1844 and 1856. Initially after marriage they lived in Bedminster with her mother and they had 3 children born there before in 1851 living at Letfords Buildings in Week in Hampshire for a short time before staying at 8 Danvers St in Chelsea where their 4th child Matila Annie Smith was born in 1856. By 1861 they had returned to Bedminster Walter now working as a butcher and for the first time she is recorded as Sarah C. Smith although her previously stated birthplace of Fordington has become Dorchester. By 1871 Sarah Caroline and Walter seem to have separated and gone their seperate ways but do not appear to have divorced. Sarah remained in Bedminster for many years and died in the district of Bristol aged 88 during the 3rd qtr of 1910. (GRO 6a/62). (7) Jacob Beavis (1823-1885) He was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 16 Sep 1823 and moved with his mother and siblings to live in Bedminster. He is in the 1841 Census resident in King Street with his bothers John and James Beavis. He emigrated to New South Wales Australia to be with his elder brother Robert and set sail on the ship "Nelore" out of Bristol on 25th Aug 1853. She was a ship of just over 484 tons carring 242 passengers and bound for Port Philip Sydney Australia. Jacob and his brother Robert are recorded in the Electoral Register for 1859-1862 for Central Cumberland Field of Mars Sydney. Jacob was buried at Rockwood Cemetery Sydney Australia on 27th Oct 1885. (8) James Beavis (1825-1891) He was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 13 Sep 1825 and moved with his mother and siblings to live in Bedminster. He is in the 1841 Census resident in King Street with his bothers John and Jacob Beavis. He married at St Georges Church in Fordington to Martha HALL the daughter of a farmer Charles HALL on 14th Nov 1847. Follow link for more information about his family. They raised a family of 8 children and James died at 5 Prospect Place Bedminster during 2nd qtr 1891. |
Marriages Cerne Abbas + Image ancestry.com |
17 Oct 1808 | MARRIAGE:- William Rutherford LEGG of Fordington & Anne BISHOP were married 17 Oct 1808 | Marriages Chaldon Herring Dorset CLDS Film 00242227474 No images on ancestry pre 1800 on Ancestry.com |
25 Dec 1808 | MARRIAGE:- Edward FOY of Fordington & Elizabeth BISHOP 25 Dec | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
07 Dec 1809 | MARRIAGE:- Joseph PITFIELD of Fordington in the County of Dorset & Elizabeth GOULD of this parish were married Dec 7th 1809 [ Note:- The only Joseph of Fordington at this date was Joseph PITFIELD (1786-1852) but he married Maria Sargent at F StG Church on 23rd Apr 1810 which would mean Elizabeth nee Gould died immediately and he remarried within 4 months which seems unlikely. I have not so far been able to locate such a burial] | Marriages West Stafford Dorset Ancestry.com image 49 of 65 |
15 Dec 1809 | BURIAL: Mary the wife of Charles HUNTER of Fordington buried | Burials Stinsford |
08 Apr 1810 | MARRIAGE:- Samuel LAURENCE of the parish of Fordington & Ann STRONG of the Parish of Holy Trinity orchester were married by Banns 08-Apr 1810 | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
01 May 1810 | MARRIAGE:- Charles PALMER a resident of the parish of Fordington clerk of the stores there and Jane LEGG of the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester were married 01-May 1810 by license. | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
14 June 1810 | MARRIAGE:- Edward WAY of the parish of Fordington & Anne COX of this parish were married in this church by licence this fourteenth day of June in the year 1810 by me Rev Frome Rector both signed witnesses Thomas Cox and Elizabeth Williams | Marriages Litton Cheney + Ancestry.com image 115 of 116 |
20 June 1811 | MARRIAGE:- John CLARE & Susannah PILGRIM of Fordington (by licence) 20 June | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
15 Sep 1811 | MARRIAGE:- Robert VINCE [a Soldier] of the Parish of Fordingtonin this County & Eleanor RIGGS of this parish were married in this church by Banns this Fifteenth day of September in the year 1811 by me John Baggs Curate his mark her signature in the presence of Thomas Purchase and Rebecca Rice | Marriages Puddletown Dorset Ancestry.com image 455 of 595 |
19 Jan 1812 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas SIMPSON of the parish of Fordington widower & Sarah HUTCHINGS of this parish were married in this church by Licence this fifteenth dau of January in the year 1812 by me John Parsons Curate his signature her mark in the presence of John Warren and Jonas Down | Marriages Sherborne Dorset Ancestry.com image 326 of 834 |
13 Sep 1812 | MARRIAGE:- Caleb BISHOP of the parish of Fordington & Mary HAWKINS of this parish by banns 13 Sept 1812 by me Rev. Thomas Bryer Rector (their signatures) witnesses Esther Hodges and James Keats [Follow link provided for more information] | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
02 Dec 1812 | MARRIAGE:- Christopher ENGLISH of the parish of Fordington & Ann ANTHONY otp were married by banns 2 Dec 1812 by me Rec FJC Trenow Curate (his signature her mark) witnesses John Miller Andrews and Elizabeth Anthony |
Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
04 Feb 1813 | MARRIAGE:- Robert COX , single man of the parish of Fordington in this County and Catherine Russell of this parish were married by Banns with consent of parents this fourth day of February in the year 1813 by me Robert Marriott - Rector both their signatures in the presence of Mary Russell her mark and James Brown his signature | Marriages Broadway Dorset Ancestry.com image 121 of 316 |
19 Apr 1813 | MARRIAGE:- Entry No. 8 - Charles COOK of the parish of Fordington in this County & Maria ROSE of this parish were married in this church by Banns by me D. Williams Assistant Curate 1813., his mark her signature, in the presence of Joseph Rose and Elizabeth Cook | Marriages Sherborne Dorset Ancestry.com image 830 of 1492 |
01 Jul 1813 | MARRIAGE:- John EDWARDS of the parish of Fordington, widower & Hannah Taylor VINCENT of this parish were married in this church by Licence this first day of July in the year 1813 by me Robt Frome Rector both their signatures in the presence of George Vincent, Matthew Vincent | Marriages Folke Dorset Ancestry.com image 2 of 140 |
15 Aug 1813 | MARRIAGE:- Joseph PITFIELD of the parish of Fordington and Elizabeth SARGENT otp were married after Banns this 15th day of August 1813 by me William Floyer Vicar both their marks wit: Robert Sargent and William Lester [Note:- This was Joseph PITFIELD (1786-1852) second marriage Link to Pitfield Families of Fordington for more information. . His 1st was to Maria Sargent at St Georges Church Fordington on 23rd Apr 1810 but she died and was buried there 19th April 1811. In April 1851 Joseph and Elizabeth, with their last 2 children were living near the Cross in Fordington. Joseph died according to his monumental inscription on 22nd August 1852 and was buried at the age of 66 on 25th. Elizabeth died on the 22nd January 1855 aged 67 and was buried in the same grave on 27th ] children from this marriage:-
(2) Joseph PITFIELD (1816-1825) bap Fordington St Georges Church 28th July 1816 - Died aged 9 years and buried FStG 13th July 1825 (3) Eliza Jane PITFIELD bap FStG 25 Feb 1821, she married James LEGG at Fordington on 4th Oct 1849. (4) John PITFIELD (1824-1885) bap FStG 04 July 1824 ; 1841 with brother George living in King St Fordington an Ag Lab; In 1851 unmarried with his parents and sister Mary Ann living near the Cross in Fordington. John working as a labourer to a local brewer. He married Mary Brown SMITH a native of Poole in the last quarter of 1856 and they moved to Bell Street in All Saints Parish Dorchester to Live where their son Joseph John Pitfield (1858-1936) was born being baptised at All Saints Church on 19th Mar 1858 and died in the district of Poole Sep 1936. Another son Charles Augusta Pitfield was born also baptised at All Saints on 29 Sep 1860 (Michaelmus Day) and a third Frederick William Pitfield (1862-1865) on 14th Nov 1862. Frederick Wm however died when aged 2½ years and was buried at the Civic Cemetery after a service at All Saints on 03 May 1865. John appears to have died during thge 1st qtr 1885 GRO JP aged 60 Ref 5a 272 (5) Mary Ann PITFIELD bap 1829? |
Marriages Stinsford Dorset |
13 Sep1813 | BURIAL:- 1813 September 13 Elizabeth MORGAN; 27; Abode Fordington | Burials Stinsford |
07 Dec 1813 | MARRIAGE:- Joseph STONE Corporal in the 13th Dragoons of Fordington & Ann WHITE Dec 7 | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
09 Jan 1814 | BAPTISM:- 16; 1814 Jan-9; Elizabeth daughter of William & Sarah TREVETT; Fordington; Servant | Baptisms Upwey |
24 Jan 1814 | BURIAL: In the Parish of Winterborne St Martin Dorset Entry 25 in the burial register John TIZARD abode Fordington buried 24th Jan 1814 Aged 66 years by W.R.Churchill | Burials Winterborne St Martin Dorset Ancestry.com Image 4 of 74 |
10 Jul 1814 | BAPTISM:- Abode Fordington; George son of Joseph and Elizabeth PITFIELD; Labourer [Note 1st child from the maririage of Joseph PITFIELD to Elizabeth SARGENT 15th Aug 1813 at Stinsford See above] | Baptisms Stinsford |
03 Nov 1814 | MARRIAGE:- John LEGG of the Parish of Fordington married Mary FIPPARD of this Parish [St Peters Dorchester] after Banns 3rd Nov 1814 by FJC Trenlow Officiating The marks of John Legg and Mary Fippard Minister Witnesses John PHIPPARD & Susanna BISHOP | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
02 Jan 1815 | BAPTISM:- 44 2-Jan 1815 Robert VINCE ; son; Robert & Nelly VINCE ; Fordington; soldier | Baptisms Puddletown |
12 Mar 1815 | BURIAL:- Entry No. 19 Thomas BROOKES of Fordington buried March 12th 1815 aged 40 years by Rev. William Floyer Vicar | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com Image 2 of 51 |
14 Mar 1815 | BURIAL:- In the year 1819 : No. 27 -- Edward LEGG Abode Fordington buried 19th March aged 33 years by T.E.C.Trenow | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 3 of 54 |
07 May 1815 | MARRIAGE:- William POUNCY of the Parish of Fordington and Mary BOLLEN of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester were married after Banns 7th May 1815 both signed Witnesses William CREECH & Elizabeth BESANT | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
09 Oct 1815 | MARRIAGE:- Between Joseph BILLETT a Widower from the Parish of Fordington in this County and Elizabeth HIPPENT a spinster of this parish were married in this church after Banns this ninth day of October 1815 Both their marks witnesses Joseph Hibbs and Elizabeth Stiles |
Marriages Bradford Peverall Ancestry.com image 1 of 142 |
29 Feb 1816 | BURIAL:- Entry No.23 John MORGAN of Fordington buried February 29 1816 aged 63 years by Rev. William Floyer Vicar . [ Link to his Will dated 12th Dec 1815] [Note:- Incorrectly indexed on ancestry.com image 3 of 51 as the year 1876 - facility for correction not available, only the final entry for both pages is correctly dated] | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com Images 2 and 3 of 51 |
18 Mar 1817 | MARRIAGE:- 1817 18th March Samuel PITFIELD (of Fordington) married Mary COUSINS (a native of Fordington) at Stockbridge in Hampshire [Note:- This is the second marriage of Samuel PITFIELD (1782-1840). 1st was to Elizabeth Bagg at St Georges Church Fordington on 23rd Jan 1808. On the 3rd Jan 1831 Mary was caught stealing wood and sentenced to 1 months hard labour . Samuel senior was buried at Fordington on 4th Jan 1840 aged 58. Mary is in the 1841 Census living in Mill Street with 5 of her children, Hannah the youngest was only 7 years old. Mary's age is given as 50 which would make her born between 1878 and 1791. On 28th July 1842 Mary was caught again receiving stolen goods and this time sentenced to 7 years transportation to Australia. She arrived in Tasmania in 1843 aboard the vessel 'Margaret'. On 30th Sep 1848 she married again to John Constable at Campbell Town Tasmania and died there 29th Dec 1869 aged 69. Children from this marriage baptised at St Georges Church Fordington
(2) Stephen PITFIELD (1821-1894) bap 11th Feb 1821 - after his mothers trial he lived with his elder brother Samuel in Mill street working as an agricultural labourer until he moved to Cuckolds Row (1861) and Holloway Row (1871) in Fordington. He married late in life to Elizabeth the daughter of George Damon (not Elizabeth Billett as stated on the certificate who was the witness! - see father and signatures) at F St G on 7th July 1875 and was buried at F on 10th Dec 1894. (3) James (1823-1885) bap 30th Nov 1823 he married Ann Bridge 3rd qtr 1846 district of Dorchester. They had son John Bridges Pitfield bap 15 Sep 1849 buried 19 Sep 1849 aged 2 Years. James was buried at F St G by coroners warrant 28th Nov 1885 aged 59. (4) Emma (1826-1862) bap 7th May 1826 (5) Mary Ann (bp.1829) bap 14th June 1829 (6) Hannah (1832-1879) bap 26th July 1832 of Mill Street buried F St G 18th Mar 1879 aged 50?] |
Marriages Stockbridge Hampshire CLDS Batch M13943-1 GS Film 1041367: (Also See Dorchester Prison and Admission Registers and New South wales and Tasmania Australia Convict Musters 1806-1849) |
27 Jun 1817 | BURIAL: No. 34 - For the YEAR 1817: John DIMENT, Abode Fordington, Buried June 27 aged 78 [Note:- Incorrectly indexed on ancestry.com image 3 of 51 as the year 1875 - facility for correction not available, only the final entry for both pages is correctly dated] | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 3 of 51 |
22 Oct 1817 | BURIAL:- Luke BAKER abode Parish of Fordington near Dorchester was buried 22nd October 1817 age 67 by Henry John Richman Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
24 Dec 1817 | BANNS of MARRIAGE:- Entry 242 Banns of Marriage between John HAINES [HAYNE] & Elizabeth PALMER both of this parish were read on Sundays 7th; 14th and 21st December 1817 MARRIAGE:- Entry 552 St Johns Church Frome John HAINES otp and Elizabeth PALMER otp were married in this church by Banns this 24th day of December 1817 his signature her mark witnesses James White and H Crinse? [Note:- 7 months after marriage Elizabeth gave birth to twin sons they named James & John HAINES and had baptised at Frome Selwood on 25th July 1818. The baptism gives their abode as being Keyford in Frome Selford and John Haynes occupation as being a shearsman. Not so far linked to the Haynes Family in Dorchester or Fordington] |
Marriages CLDS Film 1470972 Separate Banns and Marriages of St John the Baptist Church at Frome Somerset ancestry.com image Frome lies nw of Warminster in Somerset |
02 Nov 1818 | MARRIAGE:- nO. 25 Robert STROUD of the parish of Fordington & Mary SARGENT of this parish were married in this church by Banns this second day of november in the year 1818 :by me Rev. William Floyer Vicar; grooms signature her mark, in the presence of James Mills, William Lester [Note:- 1st marriage of Robert (Rogers) STROUD (1797-1877) of Fordington follow link for an account of his life - They had the following children (1) Mary Ann bap All Saints Church Dorchester 7th Mar 1819, she was buried at the age of 5 years at F StG on 15th Feb 1824 (2) Sarah Rebecca bap F StG 21st dec 1820, (3) Mary Ann bap F StG 29th May 1825, she survived and is in the 1841 census aged 18 (4) Elizabeth bap F StG 19th Feb 1831, she married Eneas CROSS a weaver by trade 8th Sep 1840 (5) Catherine bap 5th April 1833 buried at the age of 7 27th jan 1840 (6) Robert Rogers Joseph bap F StG 4th Feb 1836 buried aged 2 26th Jan 1838 - Roberts wife Mary died at the age of 36 and was buried at F StG on 10th April 1836] | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 5 of 134 |
15 Mar 1819 | BURIAL : - In the year 1819:- Entry 270 : Edward SHORT Abode Fordington buried March 15 aged 93 years | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 5 of 54 |
08 Mar 1819 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 24 George AMEY of the parish of Fordington and Elizabeth HARRIS of this parish were married by Banns 8th March 1819 by me Rev Thomas Morton Colson both sig: wit: the mark of Richard Amey and William Amey & John White | Marriages Charminster ancestry.com image |
18 Apr 1819 | MARRIAGE:- John RIGGS of the parish of Fordington , a bachelor and Mary Anne VINCENT of this parish were married in this Chapel by Banns this Eighteenth day od April in the year 1891 by me John Wood Vicar both their signatures in the presence of Robert Davis? and Dinah Vincent | Marriages Dewlish Dorset Ancestry.com image 5 of 157 |
6 May 1819 | MARRIAGE:- Edward Wm [William] CAVE, a bachelor of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset and Elizabeth GALE, a spinster, were married in this church by licence this Twentieth day of May in the year 1819 by me Geo J Payne Curate both their signatures in the presence of John Parmiter and Rebecca Curtis | Marriages Chaldon Herring Dorset Ancestry.com image 4 of 107 |
30 Sep 1819 | MARRIAGE:- James HARRIS of the Parish of Fordington married Elizabeth BARTLETT of this parish [St Peters Dorchester] by licence 30th Sep 1819 by HJ Richman Rector 1 witness illegible other Elizabeth HARRIS | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
31 Jan 1820 | BURIAL:- Ann BLANDEMORE age 42 of Fordington | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
15 August 1820 | BURIAL:- Susannah WEBB abode Fordington buried 15th Aug 1820 aged 48 years by W England Rector | Burial Entry 21 page 3 Burial Register Winterborne Came |
28 Aug 1820 | MARRIAGE:- Peter Hayball SEBLEY of the parish of Fordington in this County & Rosannah PRESSEY of this parishwere married in this church by banns this 28 day of August in the year 1820 , his signature her mark in the presence of James Critchell & John Donnington | Marriages Bryanstone Dorset Ancestry.com image 3 of 54 |
29 Oct 1820 | MARRIAGE:-Joseph WATERS of the Parish of Fordington Dorset a widower (X his mark) & Edith BARRETT of the Parish of All Saints,Dorchester, a spinster (X her mark) were married after Banns 29 Oct 1820 Witnesses Mary Knight & John Knight; Rev Francis Oakley Officiating Minister | Marriages All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 8 of 310 |
11 Jan 1821 | MARRIAGE:- William LESTER of the parish of Fordington, a bachelor and Elizabeth BISHOP of this parish spinster were married in this church by banns this Eleventh day of Jin the presence of Thomas Lester & Elizabeth Gyde. No.18. | Marriages Moreton Dorset Ancestry.com image 5 of 151 |
16 May 1821 | BURIAL:- John WEBB abode Fordington buried 16th May 1821 aged 73 years W England Rector | Burials Entry 25 page 4 Burial Register Winterborne Came |
13 Sep 1821 | MARRIAGE:- James WEBB of the parish of Fordington, widower and Elizabeth POND of this parish, spinster were married in this church by Banns this thirteenth day of September in the year 1821 by me D.H.England Rector both their signatures in the presence of Almey? Bond and George Webb | Marriages Broadmayne Dorset Ancestry.com image 4 of 188 |
13 Feb 1822 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 49 Robert ROPER of the Parish of Fordington and Betsey Ann BILES Widow of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester were married by licence 17th February 1822 by Evans Davies Rector both signed Witnesses S SHITTLER and Robert SHITTLER | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
10 Jan 1822 | BURIAL:- Elizabeth STEVENSON age 68 of Fordington HJ Richman Rector | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
17 Jan 1822 | MARRIAGE:- Robert ROPER of Fordington widower & Betsy ANN BILES Widow (by licence) January 17 1822 | Marriages All Saints Dorchester |
03 July 1822 | BURIAL:- Mary MEDWAY age 85 of Fordington | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
17 July 1822 | BURIAL:- Ann POPE age 21 of Fordington | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
02 Mar 1823 | BURIAL:- In the year 1823:- Entry 123:- Robert IRONSIDE from Fordington in the County of Dorset buried March 2nd 1823 aged 89 by Frances Oakley Officiating Minister | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 9 of 54 |
30 Mar 1823 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 56 Roger DAVIDSON of the Parish of Fordington and Jane DICERY Widow of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester were married after Banns 30th March 1823 by Evans Davies Rector both signed Witnesses Samuel BAILEY & John LUCAS | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
04 Apr 1823 | BURIAL:- Mary WINZER age 75 of Fordington J Morton Colson rector | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
15 May 1823 | BURIAL:- Entry 34 Robert BASCOMBE abode Fordington buried 15 April 1823 aged 67 years | Burials Winterborne Monkton |
02 May 1823 | BURIAL:- Samuel CHAPMAN age 79 of Fordington buried May 2 | Burials Puddletown |
12 June 1823 | BURIAL:- In the year 1823:- Entry 126:- Elizabeth TIPPARD from Fordington Dorset aged 58 years by Francis Oakley Officiating Minister | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 9 of 54 |
07 Jul 1823 | MARRIAGE:- Samuel TAYLOR of the parish of Fordington and Virtue PAUL of this parish were married in this church by Banns this seventh day of July in the year 1823 by me W. [William] ENGLAND Both their marks in the presence of . William Harris, Sophia Paul | Marriages West Stafford Dorset Ancestry.com image 5 of 55 |
28 Jan 1824 | BURIAL:- Entry 183 Susanna TULLIDGE widow of [Mr B ????Tullidge ] formerly master of Trinity School age 75 of Fordington | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
21 Apr1824 | BURIAL:- 1824 April 21 Susannah MORGAN; 33; Abode Fordington | Burials Stinsford |
06 June 1824 | MARRIAGE:- William Gilbert CASEY of this parish Batchelor to Jane CAVE [CAME] of the Parish of Fordington spinster were married in this church by Licence sixth day of June 1824 by me George Wood Officiating Minister both signed Witnesses: Thomas TULLIDGE and Carthareine DAMON | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
26 June 1824 | BURIAL:- In the year 1824 :- Entry 143 – John FIPPARD from Fordington Dorset buried Jun 26th; aged 57 years; Rev John Morton Colson Officiating Minister | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 10 of 54 |
15 Aug 1824 | MARRIAGE:- John GOULD of the Parish of Fordington married Lucy BAILEY of this Parish [St Peters Dorchester] after Banns 15th Aug 1824 by J Morton Colson Rector both their signatures Witnesses Thomas BAILEY & Thomas LOCKETT | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
24 Oct 1824 | BURIAL:- Entry 189 Thomas GARLAND of the Parish of Fordington was buried October 24th 1824 age 72 by Henry john Richman Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
21 Nov 1824 | BAPTISM:- Thomas son of Walter & Elizabeth BRETT tailor abode Fordingtion J Morton Colson Rector | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
21 Nov 1824 | BAPTISM:- Daniel son of Walter & Elizabeth BRETT tailor abode Fordingtion J Morton Colson Rector | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
26 Dec 1824 | BURIAL:- In the year 1824 :- Entry 155 – Henry & Hannah WINSOR from Fordington Dorset; buried December 26 - Infants; Rev William Henry Thornbury Officiating Minister [Note:- Children baptised 14th Sep 1824 of the blacksmith John WINSOR & his wife Patience] | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 11 of 54 |
14 July 1825 | MARRIAGE:- Entry. 40 :- Robert OLD of this parish of Piddlehinton and Jane KEATS of the parish of Forthington [Fordington] were married in this church by Banns this fourteenth day of July in the year 1825 by me John Morton Colson Rector ; his signature her mark in the presence of John DART and Eleanor Old | Marriages Piddlehinton Dorset Ancestry.com image 8 of 113 |
12 Sep 1825 | BAPTISMS:- Entry 229 Edward Charles son of William & Mary BARGE abode Hamiltons in the parish of Fordington occupation of father Tailor by George wood | Baptisms Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
19 Oct 1825 | BAPTISMS:- Entry 233 Dorothy daughter of Joseph & Mary FISHBURNE abode Barracks Fordington Private in the regiment of Dragoon Guards by William Gane Officiating Minister | Baptisms Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
16 Nov 1825 | BAPTISMS:- Entry 237 Harriett daughter of William & Mary BOWLES abode Barracks Fordington Sergeant in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards by George Wood | Baptisms Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
25 Nov 1825 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 74 James JEFFERY resident in the Parish of Fordington & Elizabeth BONNETT spinster were married by licence Witnesses Wm [illegible] and Sisan BONNETT | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
04 Dec 1825 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Broadwey Dorset : Entry 11 Between John HOSKINS a single man of this parish and Lucy BASCOMBE a single woman of the parish of Fordington [ Note:- Married FStG 21st Dec 1825] | Marriage Banns Broadwey ancestry.com Image 6 of 316 |
4 Dec 1825 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Moreton: Entry 3 On 4th; 11th; and 18th Dec 1825 : John BARNFORD of the Parish of Fordington Dorset and Martha FUDGE resident at Moreton a spinster. [Note:- CLDS Film 002427546 married 18th Dec 1825 is actually taken from the last day given on the Banns register and is not the marriage. Banns of marriage were also read at Fordington but for a John BAMFIELD & Martha FUDGE but no Marriage has been located] | Marriage Banns Moreton Ancestry.com image 15 of 151. |
07 Dec 1825 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 101 William ROWLAND Sergeant in the 2nd Dragoon Guards stationed in the parish of Fordington to Maria DUFALL of this parish [Holy Trinity Dorchester] spinster were married by licence with consent of parents on 7th Dec 1825 by George Wood Rector both signed witnesses Joseph PEARSE and Mary Ann DUFALL | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
13 Jan 1826 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 102 James HUTON Private with 2nd Dragoon Guards stationed in Fordington Barracks bachelor married Martha SHORTO residing in this parish [Holy Trinity Dorchester] spinster were married by licence 13th day January 1826 by me George wood Rector both signed witnesses Thomas Bell and Amelia Hardy | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
24 Aug 1826 | MARRIAGE:- Richard CRUTCHFIELD Bachelor of this Parish, a bachelor, & Barbara McFARLANE of the Parish of Fordington spinster were married in this church by Licence this twenty fourth day of August in the year 1826 by me George Chamberlaine Rector both their signatures in the presence of John Townsend and John Bussell | Marriages Wyke Regis Dorset Ancestry.com image 61 of 1064 |
09 Nov 1826 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 108 Josiah IRONSIDE of the Parish of Fordington bachelor and Ruth ATKINS of this parish [Holy Trinity Dorchester] spinster were married 9th Nov 1826 by me George wood Rector his mark her signature witnesses William Lester & hannah Lester | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
17 Dec 1826 | BAPTISM:- Entry 271 John son of Robert & Mary NICHOL was baptised 17th Dec 1826 abode Fordington Barracks occupation of father private soldier in the ennis skillen Dragoons by George Wood Officiating Minister | Baptsims Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
20 Dec 1826 | BAPTISM:- Entry 272 Thomas son of George and Margaret ARMSTRONG was baptised December 20th 1826 abode Fordington Barracks occupation of father Private soldier in Ennis skillen Dragoons by Dacre Clementson Chaplain to the County Gaol | Baptsims Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
16 Jan 1827 | BAPTISM:- Entry 276 January 16th 1827 Richard son of Richard and Barbara CHURCHILL baptised abode Fordington Barracks Private in the Ennis Skillen Dragoons by George Wood Rector | Baptsims Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
20 Jan 1827 | BURIAL:- Entry 232 Richard son Richard & Barbara CHURCHFIELD abode Fordington B(illegible) in the parish of Fordington Infant by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
12 Feb 1827 | BURIAL:- Entry 281 William son of Thomas & Margaret THOMPSON was baptised abode Fordington Barracks Private soldier in Ennis skillen Dragoons by George Wood | Baptsims Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
14 Apr 1827 | MARRIAGE:- John DAVIS a bachelor of the parish of Fordington & Sarah COSSENS spinster otp were married in this chapel by licence this 14th day of April 1827 by me Rev William Gorton curate both signed witnesses John Cossens and Elizabeth Cossens Marriage 76 | Marriages Radipole - image ancestry.com |
15 Apr 1827 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 62 William MUTFORD of the parish of Fordington & Mary DIFFEY of this parish were married in this church by Banns by Banns with consent of all necessary parties this Fifteenth day of April in the year 1827, by me E Murray Vicar grooms mark, brides signature, in the presence of William Lill his signature and the mark of Anne Voss | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 11 of 134 |
03 Jun 1827 | BURIAL:- Mary TREVIS wife of William age 53 of Fordington | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
07 Jun 1827 | MARRIAGE:- William LILL of the Parish of Fordington and Catharine Henville HORNER of the Parish of St Peter were married after Banns 7th June 1827 Thomas Morton Colson both signed Whitnesses: William LANGFORD and the mark x of Elizabeth SANDFORD | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
09 Aug 1827 | MARRIAGE:_ Entry 89 John STANDISH of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester & Elizabeth GRAY of the Parish of Fordington were married by licence by the Rev ichard Cutler Curate both signed Witnesses George GALPIN and Mary GRAY | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
24 Aug 1827 | BAPTISM:- Martha Rose daughter of William Lewis and Rose Ann HENNING was baptised abode Grampound House in the Parish of Fordington Esquire by george Wood | Baptsims Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
27 Nov 1827 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 116 Francis KEATES residing in the parish of Fordington bachelor & Elizabeth HARVEY residing in this parish [Holy Trinity Dorchester] were married 27th November 1827 his signature her mark witnesses William LESTER and Henry Lake [Note:- Henry LAKE (1786-1871) ] | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
30 Dec 1827 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 90 Joseph WELLSPRING of the Parish of Fordington and Sarah OLD of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester were married after Banns 30th Dec 1827 by William Henry Thornby Officiating Minister both their marks Witnesses William OLD and Samuel BAILEY | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
28 Jan 1828 | MARRIAGE:- Robert PURBRICK of the Parish of Fordington, a bachelor and Elizar GARLICK of this parish, a spinster were married in this church by Banns this twenty eigth day of January 1828 by me John Horsford Curate both their signatures in the ptresence of Abel Dominy and Mary Ann Tate | Marriages Wyke Regis Dorset Ancestry.com Image 72 of 1064 |
20 Mar 1828 | BURIAL:- in the year 1828 : Entry 115:- John LAWS abode Fordington buried on March 20th Aged 45 years by E Murray Vicar | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 8 of 51 |
31 Mar 1828 | BURIAL:- Entry 250 Emily daughter of William Lewis and Rose Ann HENNING abode Grampound House in the parish of Fordington was buried 31st March 1828 aged 11 weeks by George Woods Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
04 Aug 1828 | BAPTISM:- Entry 276 Eliza daughter of oseph James? & Eliza Jane Florence? CHARLIEN abode Fordington Deputy Adjutant ? General by J Morton Colson Rector | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
21 Jan 1829 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 92 Thomas CONROY bachelor of the Parish of Fordington and Ellis HUGHES Spinster of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester were married by Licence 21st jan 1829 Thomas Conroy signed his name her mark Witnesses John VINCENT and Bathsheba LANDSCHIST? | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
18 Mar 1829 | BAPTISM:- Entry 343 Martha daughter of John & Mary CHAPMAN abode Fordington near Dorchester occupation of father labourer by William Gare Officiating Minister | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
27 Apr 1829 | BURIAL:- in the year 1829:- Entry 210. Mary BAILEY from Fordington Dorset buried April 27th Aged 21 Years by Rev Richard Cutler Curate [OPC has wrong date of 27th July 1828?] | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 14 of 54 |
05 May 1829 | BAPTISM:- Entry 351 Sherlock son of William Lewis and Rose Ann HENNING abode Grampound House in the parish of Fordington occupation Esquire by George Wood | Baptsims Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
24 July 1829 | BAPTISM:- Entry 358 Elizabeth daughter of William & Susan APPLIN abode Fordington near Dorchester occupation of father labourer by George Wood | Baptsims Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester |
29 Sep 1829 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 139 John PARSONS of the parish of Fordington bachelor & Emma HOOPER of this parish [Holy Trinity Dorchester] spinster were married 27th sep 1829 by george Wood Rector he signed her mark witnesses James ROGERS and Sarah BARGE | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
18 Nov 1829 | MARRIAGE:- Entry No. 24 :- John GOWLAND of the Parish of Fordington in this County and Bridget BROWN of this parish were married in this church by Banns this eighteenth day of November in the year 1829 by me J Foster Curate both their signatures in the presence of Giles? Brown and John Chapman | Marriages Winterborne Steepleton Dorset Ancestry.com image 5 of 95 |
15 Jan 1830 | BURIAL:- Entry 83 Susan HAMMETT of Fordington buried aged 93 by Rev Richard Waldy Vicar of Affpuddle | Burials Tolpuddle |
11 Feb 1830 | BURIAL:- Maria PURCHASE age 29 of Fordington buried Feb 11 | Burials Puddletown |
04 Mar 1830 | MARRIAGE:- James LODER of the parish of Fordington and Harriet READ of this parish were married in this church by Banns this 4th day of March in the year 1830 by me R Jenkyn Stone Officiating Minister grooms signature her mark in the presence of John Randall and Henry Kiddle | Marriages Sydling St Nicholas Ancestry.com image 14 of 244 |
25 Apr 1830 | MARRIAGE:- Thomas CHUTTER of the parish of Fordington and Elizabeth ROBERTS of this parish were married in this church by Banns this 25th day of April in the year 1830 by me James Goodenough Rector grooms signature her mark in the presence of Jame West his signature and the mark of Elizabeth Chutter | Marriages Godmanstone Dorset Ancestry.com image 3 of 51 |
01 Sep 1830 | BURIAL:-Entry 316 John twin born son of John & Sarah BONNETT abode From the Parish of Fordington near this town was buried 1st September 1830 an infant by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
31 July 1831 | MARRIAGE:- Record 132 : Joseph HARRIS of the parish of Fordington , a bachelor and Matilda BROOKS residing in this parish a spinster were married in this church by Banns this thrity first day of July in the year 1831 by me G, Vink both groom and brides signature in the presence of William Hounsell and Mary Anne Brooks | Marriages Symondbury Dorset Ancestry.com image 31 of 517 |
29 Nov 1831 | MARRIAGE:- Winterbourne Steepleton Dorset Entry 25 - James WINZOR of the parish of Fordington and Grace FREAK of this parish were married after Banns 29th November 1831 by Rev Cole Officiating Minister. James WINZOR signature her mark; witnesses Henry Groves and the mark of Mary Dimment. [Note:- After marriage they returned to Fordington to live and had the following children baptised there. (1) James Winzor born circa 1832 bap 5th April 1835 with next sister (2) Jane Winzor born circa 1833 bap 5th April 1835 (3) Emma Elizabeth Winzor bap 16 Nov 1837 (4) William Winzor bap 27 Mar 1840 - buried 10 Mar 1841 aged 1 year (5) Samuel Winzor bap 4th Apr 1842 (Note:- this may be the original Samuel bap in 1842 being received into the church with new his sister as can't locate a death and 1842 ties in with census returns for date of birth] (6) Caroline Winzor bap 27 Oct 1844 (7) Samuel Winzor bap 27 Oct 1844 (8) Ellen Winzor bap 3rd Feb 1848 (9) Joseph Winzor bap 17 July 1849 (10) William Winzor bap 16 Sep 1852. Grace herself then died being buried at Fordington on 18th Sep 1852 age 44 years]. | Marriages Winterborne Steepleton Dorset |
16 May 1832 | BURIAL:- in the year 1832 : Mary Watts CULL ; Abode Fordington buried May 16th aged 46 years | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 10 of 51 |
26 Oct 1832 | BAPTISM:- Entry 461 Amelia daughter of John & Sarah JOHNSON was baptised 26th October 1832 abode Barracks in the parish of Fordington occupation of father Officer in the 7th Regiment of Dragoons by dacre Clementson officiating Minister | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
09 Jan 1833 | BAPTISM:- Entry 469 Henry John Revely MITFORD the son of Henry John Revely and Ann abode Fordington occupation of father ??? [possibly Naval Officer?] By George Wood Rector [Note henry John Revely Mitford married Ann Sandford in Holy Trinity Dorchester 23 Jun 1831] | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
03 Feb 1833 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 114 Thomas OLD of the Parish of Fordington bachelor and Mary Ann BAGWELL of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester Spinster were married after Banns 3rd Feb 1833 by Evans Davies Rector both signed Witnesses Jane HOLLAND & William POUNCY | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
06 Feb 1833 | BURIAL:- Sarah OLDIS age about 70 of Fordington J M Colson Rector [age uncertain could be 20, 70 or 90? | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
03 Mar 1833 | MARRIAGE:_ John GAUGHIRTY Private in third Dragoon Guards residing in the Parish of Fordington and Jane LACY of the Parish of St Peters were married in this church after Banns 3rd March 1833 JM Colson Rector his mark her signature Witnesses: James FOX and Harriett LACY | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
07 May 1833 | MARRIAGE in the Parish Church at Netherbury Dorset Entry 266 in the Marriage Register Between David BARTLETT of Mellplash in this parish and Mary BAGG of this parish were married in this church after Banns this seventh day of May in the year 1833 His signature her mark in the presence of Robert Bagg his mark and George Bagg
David and Mary are in the 1841 Census living in King St Fordington David aged 30 Ag Lab and Mary aged 28; : Also there C1851, David aged 40 Ag Lab born Netherbury; Mary age 38 born Chideok ; Mary BARTLETT nee BAGG (1813-1854) died at the age of 42 and was buried at FStG on 31st May 1854 described as being from Hayne's Yard in Fordington. David BARTLETT then remarried on 9th Oct 1855 to the widow Eliza TROWBRIDGE at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester. Follow link for more information. Children from this marriage:- (1) John Bartlett (1834-aft 1901) bap Netherbury 25 May 1834 father Labourer; C1841 King St F aged 7 ;C1851 aged 16 Ag Lab born Netherbury; Married at Winchester 1st qtr 1858 to Jane BRINSON a native of Netherbury Dorset (GRO Ref 2c/101): They had a son they named David Bartlett bap St Georges Church in Fordington on 27th Mar 1859 when they were living in Fordington High street John working for a Brewer. C1861 living at Eastbrook Wimborne Minster working as a Railway Porter with David aged 2:They went on to have 6 children in Wimborne,Salisbury and Battersea and were living in Wandsworth in 1871 John now a Railway Signalman aged 36, Jane aged 40 also born at Netherbury. By the 1901 Census John had retired aged 66, Jane 71 were both living still in Wandsworth but with their married daughter Clara Rawls. I have not followed the family further as they left Dorchester. (2) George Bartlett (1836-1857) bap Netherbury 17th Jan 1836 father a Labourer; C1841 King St F aged 5 ; C1851 age 15 Ag Lab born Netherbury; George married Jane MILLER at FStG on 17th July 1853 Follow link for more information. George BARTLETT was buried at FStG on 7th Oct 1857 aged just 22 years. (3) Mary Jane Bartlett (1838-1919) bap St Georges Church Fordington 25 Mar 1838 father a Carter; C1841 King St F recorded as Jane Bartlett aged 3; C1851 aged 13 Born Fordington; Mary Jane described as being from Hayne's Yard married on Christmas Day 1856 to Jacob HUNT (1834-1871 at St Georges Church in Fordington. Follow link for more info.She had 2 children before her 1st husband died and she remarried to a Charles LEAT. She diedat Christchurch Hants in 1919. (4) Charles Bartlett (1840-1911) bap St Georges Church Fordington on 14th May 1840 : C1841 King St F Charles son aged 1 ; C 1851 aged 11 Farm Boy born Fordington;He married on 27th Sep 1860 at FStG to Elizabeth LOVELESS follow link for more information. He raised a family of 5 children and died in Winchester in 1911. (5) Elizabeth Bartlett (1841- aft 1871) bap St Georges Church Fordington 14 Oct 1841 father a Labourer abode Haynes Yard Fordington; C 1851 aged 9 born Fordington; C1861 a General Servant living at 15 High West St C1871 aged 29 born Fordington, living Millbrook Rd Elm Cottage as a domestic servant to an independent widow Mary Baker aged 62. (6) Ellen Maria Bartlett (1844-1913) bap FStG 29 Sep 1844 father a Carter abode King St; C1851 aged 7 born Fordington; Mainly known as Maria and in 1861 Census recorded as M.Bartlett a general Servant unmarried aged 18 born Fordington.living at 15 High West St.Maria married a widower Henry MAXTED who was an engine driver at St Georges Church in Fordington on 1st June 1862. Follow link for more information. (7) Robert Bartlett (1846-aft 1911) bap FStG 27 Dec 1846 father a Carter; Abode Haynes Yard ; C1851 aged 4 born Fordington; C1861 with father & step mother Eliza aged 14 King Street . He joined the Army at Dorchester on 15th January 1863 Enlistment Papers WO 97 Piece No. 2264 :Aged 18 Born at Fordington near the town of Dorchester Dorset a Labourer enlisted into the 2nd Regt of Foot as a Private : Promoted to Corporal 11th June 1864: Sergeant 4th dec 1867 Re-engaged to complete 21 years service 6th Oct 1869: : Service Record DATED 26th Jan 1897 :- WO 117/51 Chelsea Pensioner Chelsea No 82242 1st West Surrey Regt Rank Colour Serjeant Robert BARTLETT Served 2 years 1 month West Indies: 2 years 1 month Egypt: 6 years 1 month Malta : 1 year 1 month Suakin : 3 years Hong Kong: 2 years 1 month India ; Character exemplary; 6 good conduct badges; Place of Birth Fordington (near) Dorchester; aged 52 years; Height 5' 1" ; hair dark; eyes dark; complexion Fresh; Intended place of Residence 20 St Mary's Road, Reigate.Date of discharge 16th Jan 1897. He is in the 1901 Census living at No.1 Blackbow Rd Reigate Surrey aged 54 years born Dorchester Dorset employed as a Vacination Officer and Army Pensioner. With him is his wife Harriet aged 44 born Surrey Guildford + 5 of his children all born Guildford. Also in Reigate 1911 Census with wife and 4 of their children. I have not followed the family further as they left Dorchester. (8) Eliza Bartlett (1849-1932) bap FStG 25 Dec 1849 father a Labourer Abode Haynes Yard ; C 1851 aged 2 born Fordington; C1861 East St Fordington House Servant aged 13 born Fordington; C1871 Charminster at Dorset County School as a Housemaid unmarried aged 22 born Fordington; Eliza married at St Barnabus Church in Birmingham on 25th Apr 1875 to George DOWELL a widower and a grocers porter whilst they were both living at Gunwenn Close West. In 1878 they were living in Parker St Edgbaston. George Dowell gained employment as a gardener in Oxfordshire and in C1881 they were at Charlbury Oxfordshire with 3 children Eliza Dowell wife aged 37 born Dorset Fordington..C1891 living in Berkshire Banger Lodge Cottage Eliza wife aged 41 born Fordington with 4 children. C1901 living at Rockfield Rd Oxted Surrey George still a gardener Eliza now aged 50 born F: with 2 of their children: 1911 C living at Lunchwood Cottage Limpsfield Sussex Eliza aged 60 married for 38 years had 5 children 4 living born Fordington. Eliza DOWELL nee BARTLETT (1849-1932) died at the age of 82 in the district of Godstone Surrey during 2nd qtr 1932 (9) Harriet Bartlett (1850-aft 1861 ) Born Mar 1850 : C1851 aged 1 month born Fordington : not bap FStG until 13 Jan 1853 Haynes Yard ;C1861 Harriett daughter with her father & step mother Eliza at King St aged 11 years born F: I cannot locate her in later Census returns but she might be the Harriet BARTLETT living at 114 Ensbury Park Road Moordown at Wimborne Minster who was buried there on 26th Aug 1915 aged 65 years. |
Marriages Netherbury Dorset Ancestry.com image 45 of 669 |
15 May 1833 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- between Joseph SEALE of the parish of Fordington & Maria LANGITON of vthis parish were published in this parish (Winterborne Monkton) on Sindays 28th April ; 5th of May and 12th May 1833 MARRIAGE:- Entry 20 Joseph SEAL a bachelor of the parish of Fordington and Maria LANGDON otp were married in this church by Banns this 15 day of May in the year 1833 both their marks in the presence of William Lake and John Langdon. See also Fordington Banns Register: Banns read 28th Apr; 5th and 12th May 1833
1. James Seal (1833-1834) bap FStG Church 28th Nov 1833 and buried there aged 1 year 5th Aug 1834 2. Joanna Seal (1835-aft.1852) bap FStG Church 5th Apr 1835 C41 age 6; C51 age 16 Ag Lab unmarried; Joanna married at FStG Church on 23rd Aug 1852 to Robert William Miller. Robert was a labourer on the railways and in 1861 they are living at Ringwood in Hampshire with 3 children. 3. William Seal (1837-1859) no trace of baptism or GRO Registration. C41 age 4; C51 age 14 errand boy born Fordington; Likely to be the William Seal from Mill Street who was buried at FStG Church 18th Mar 1859 when his age was given as being 18? 4. Josiah Seal (1839-1905) bap FStG Church 4th May 1841; erroneously recorded as Joseph aged 1 in June 1841 Census with siblings. C51 again recorded as Joseph Seal age 12. He enlisted into the Navy on 11 Dec 1854 for 10 years serving initially on HMS Victory and giving his date & place of birth as 15th Nov 1839 at Fordington. Interestingly HMS Victory was long past her best having been towed into dry dock at Portsmouth in 1822 and orders issued by the Admiralty for her to be broken up in 1831. A public outcry saved her and public interest was generated by two visits by Princess Victoria the first in 1833 to meet veterans of the Trafalgar Campaign and another as Queen in 1844. Visiter numbers increased from 10,000 pa to 22,000 pa. In late April 1854 Victory sprang a leak and sank. All on board were rescued and the ship subseqently raised. 8 months later Josiah arrived. John married aged 23 recorded as a seaman to Caroline Cox from Tincleton at FStG Church on 12th Aug 1863. Follow link for more information about his family. 5. Jane Seal (1843-aft.1860) no trace of baptism. GRO Birth Dorchester District 1843 1st qtr Ref 8/64. C51 age 9; Jane married aged 18 years at FStG Church on 29th June 1860 to John Davis a labourer the son of John Davis. 6.. Isaac Seal (1846-aft.1861) born 3rd qtr1846 Dorchester District Ref 8/5 : bap FStG Church 10th May 1849; C51 age 5; C61 living with widowed father Mill St aged 15 Shepherds boy. [Note:- Not the Isaac Seal aged 25 [1843] that died at the Lunatic Asylum in Charminster and said to be from Upwey. He was the son of William and Elizabeth Seal of Upwey bap there 27th Nov 1842] 7. Sarah Ellen Seal (1849-aft.1872 ) bap FStG Church 10th May 1849. C51 age 2; Sarah aged 12 is in the 1861 census in Ringwood Hampshire visiting her married sister Joanna. Sarah married on 4th June 1872 aged 23 to John Wills at FStG Church. |
Marriage Banns Winterborne Monkton Ancestry.com image 9 of 113 Marriage Winterborne Monkton Ancestry.com image 5 of 113 |
26 June 1833 | MARRIAGE:- Edward THORNE of the parish of Fordington & Mary Ann BISHOP of this parish;were married by banns this twenty sixth day of June in the year 1833 by me Robert Grant ; both thier signatures in the presence of George Bragg and Elizabeth Crocker | Marriages Bradford Abbas Dorset Ancestry,comimage 18 of 250 |
22 Jul 1833 | MARRIAGE:- Entry No. 79 : Thomas LESTER of the parish of Fordington & Ann SEALE of this parish were married in this church by Banns this twenty second day of July in the year 1833 by me E Murray Vicar the mark of the groom and signature of the bride in the presence of William Lester, Jane Balston (her mark) | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 14 of 134 |
19 Oct 1833 | MARRIAGE:- Entry No. 27: Paul STAMEN of the parish of Fordington , a bachelor & Marianne EVANS of this parish a spinster of this Parish were married in this church by Licence this 19th day of October in the year 1833 both their signatures (grooms looks more like Paul Slater?) in the presence of John Phillips Able Dominy | Marriages Wyke Regis Dorset Ancestry.com image 106 of 1064 |
29 Oct 1833 | BURIAL:-Entry:- 370 – Charles CRABTREE of Henning's Town in the parish of Fordington; buried 29 Oct 1833; age 30 years; Rev George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
17 Jan 1834 | BURIAL:-508 - 17 Jan 1834 - Charles son of Charles & Jane FIELD baptised, abode Barracks in the parish of Fordington, an Officer in the 1st Regiment of Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
22 Jan 1834 | BAPTISM:- 510 - 22 Jan 1834 - William Kingston son of Robert & Mary Ann NOAKE baptised, abode from the parish of Fordington, Troop Serjeant Major in the 1st Regiment of Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
06 Feb 1834 | BURIAL:- Entry 311 – Jane SMITH from the parish of of Fordington; buried 06 Feb 1834; age 8 years; Rev J.S.LeGros curate | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
09 Feb 1834 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 119 William CREECH of the Parish of Fordington near Dorchester a bachelor & Jane ABRAMS Spinster of the Parish of all Saints Dorchester were married by licence 9th Feb 1834 by evans Davies Curate both signed Witnesses jane and Sarah FOX | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
20 Apr 1834 | BAPTISM:- Entry 520 Louise daughter of John & Eleanor BRIDGE Hennings Town in the Parish of Fordington occupation Carpenter by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
01 May 1834 | BURIAL:- Entry 175 : Dorothy? MORGAN Abode Fordington Buried May 1st 1834 aged 81 years by Revd Mr Moule Officiating Minister | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 12 of 51 |
29 May 1834 | MARRIAGE:- Jeremiah PRANGLEY of the parish of Fordington Dorset and Jane MATCHAM of this parish were married in this church by Banns this twenty ninth day of May in the year 1834 by me R Lyon Curate both their signatures in the presence of George Matcham and Sarah Hine | Marriages Poyntington Dorset Ancestry.com image 9 of 45 |
13 Jul 1834 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 121 Thomas Harris MASTERS of the Parish of Fordington bachelor and Eliza BONNETT of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester were married by licence 13th July 1834 by Evans Davies Rector both signed Witnesses Thomas BONNETT and Charlotte BONNETT | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
21 Sep 1834 | BAPTISM:- Entry 536 Elizabeth daughter of Robert & Elizabeth RANDEL abode Hennings town in the parish of Fordington occupation Sailor [or Tailor?] by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
27 Sep 1834 | MARRIAGE:- William Gibson BARFOOT ofthe parish of Fordington and Leah BLY of this parish were married in this Chapel by licence thistwenty Seventh day of September in the year 1834 by me George Gray Stewart Vicar, both their signatures, in the presence of John Haseldine and William Vincen | Marriages Dewlish Dorset Ancestry.com image 14 of 157 |
16 Oct 1834 | BURIAL:- Entry 391 Mary GRANT widow abode Hennings town in the parish of Fordington buried October 16th 1834 age 49 by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
23 Nov 1834 | BURIAL:- Entry 395 Richard POPE age 77 from Fordington by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
27 Nov 1834 | BURIAL:- Entry 396 Emma daughter of Charles & Mary CRABTREE abode Hennings Town in the parish of Fordington was buried November 27th age 1y 3m by George Wiood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
31 Dec 1834 | MARRIAGE:- John LUCAS of the parish of Fordington & Anna LESTER of this parish were married in this church by Licence this thirty first day of December in the year 1834 by me Frederic Urquart Officiating Minister, both their signatures, in the presence of William Barge, George Lester, Mary Lester & Esther Barge | Marriages St Mary's Melcombe Regis Ancestry.com image 160 of 1821 |
10 Jan 1835 | BURIAL: In the year 1835:- Entry 322. : Susannah BOATSWAINE of Fordington Dorset buried on January 10th 1835 aged 73 years by Evans Davies Rector | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 21 of 54 |
17 Apr 1835 | BURIAL:- Entry 405 Robert LAKE of the Parish of Fordington buried April 17th 1835 age 39 by George Wood Rector [Note:- Robert LAKE (1796-1835) son of Henry LAKE (1762-1832) and Sarah EVOMY and husband of Eliza Martin whom he married at Wyke Regis in Dorset on ] | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
04 June 1835 | BURIAL:- In the year 1835:- Entry 333 : Thomas HODDER from Fordington near Dorchester buried June 4th aged 6 months by John Morton Colson | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 22 of 54 |
07 Jun 1835 | BAPTISM:- Entry 555 John son of John & Mary Ann LEGG was baptised 7th June 1835 abode Henning Town in the parish of Fordington occupation of father labourer by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
11 Jun 1835 | BURIAL: Entry 189 : Mary Anne CRITCHELL Abode Fordington Buried June 11th 1835 aged 25 years by E Murray Vicar | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 13 of 51 |
21 Jun 1835 | BAPTISM:- Entry 559 Selina Cozens daughter of Job & Margaret BAILEY baptised, abode Hennings Town in the parish of Fordington, a bricklayer by Rev George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester Ancestry.com image 36 of 51 |
26 July 1835 | BURIAL:- Entry 416 William son John & Mary TREVIS abode Hennings Town in the parish of Fordington was buried July 26th 1835 an infant by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
5th Aug 1835 | MARRIAGE:- Entry No. 68 - Bewteen Joseph COX of the parish of Fordington and Eliza SIMS of this parish were married in this church by Banns this Fifth day of August in the year 1835 by me William Blter Vicar ; grooms signature her mark in the presence of Mary Toms and James Yeats | Marriages Frampton Dorset Ancestry.com image 12 of 136 |
12 Nov 1835 | BAPTISM:- Entry 572 Henry John son of Thomas & Catharine COSBY abode Fordington occupation of father Carpenter by Henry Moule Vicar of t Georges Church Fordington | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester [Note other children baptised in st Georges Church Fordington] |
29 Nov 1835 | BURIAL:- Entry 421 Jane dau Robert & Eliza LAKE from the parish of Fordington was buried November 29th age 6m by dacre Clementsen Officiating Minister [Note:- Robert LAKE (1796-1835) son of Henry LAKE (1762-1832) and Sarah EVOMY and husband of Eliza Martin whom he married at Wyke Regis in Dorset on ] | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
10 Dec 1835 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 191 William HAYTER of the Parish of Fordington bachelor and Eliza HATCHER spinster of this Parish [Holy Trinity] were married after Banns 10th December 1835 by me George Wood Rector both signed witnesses John HAYTER & Leah HATCHER | Marriages Holy Trinity Dorchester |
24 Feb 1836 | BAPTISM:- Entry 581 Elizabeth BRIDGE daughter of John & Eleanor abode Hennings Town in the Parish of Fordington occupation of father carpenter by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
24 Feb 1835/6 | BURIAL:- Entry 426 Elizabeth dau John & Eleanor BRIDGE abode Hennings Town in the Parish of Fordington was buried 24 Feb 1835/6 an infant by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
17 Mar 1835/6 | BURIAL:- Entry 428 Mary wife of William BARGE abode Fordington was buried March 17th 1835/6 age 40 by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
12 Apr 1836 | BURIAL:- Ann COSBY Abode Fordington Buried April 12th 1836 Aged 28 years | Burials Melbury Osmund Dorset Ancestry.com image 25 of 101 |
22 Apr 1836 | BURIAL:- In the year 1836: Entry 351 Thomas HODDER [OPC has HOADER] from Fordington near Dorchester age 5 weeks by Evans Davies Rector | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 23 of 54 |
31 Aug 1836 | BURIAL:- In the year 1836: Entry 359 - Sarah GROVES from Fordington near Dorchester buried August 31 aged 38 years | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 23 of 54 |
14 July 1836 | MARRIAGE:- Entry No 104: John NORMAN ofthe parish of Fordington & Frances ARNOLD of this parish were married in this church by Banns with consent of Parents this fourteenth day of July in the year 1836 by me William Buller Curate bothe bride and groom signatures in the presence of Mary Taylor, Liza Scott, Thomas Taylor | Marriages East Stoke Dorset Ancestry.com image 18 of 185 |
30 Aug 1836 | MARRIAGE:- page 43 Entry 127 William SHUCKER of the Parish of Fordington and Sarah ASHFORD of the Parish of All Saints Dorchester Spinster were married by licence by Evans Davies Rector both signed Witnesses Thomas NEWMAN and Betty COLLIER | Marriages All Saints Parish Dorchester |
31 Oct 1836 | BURIAL:- In the year 1836:- Entry 364 :- Jane GROVES from the Parish of Fordington near Dorchester buried October 31 ahed 89 years by Evans Davies Rector | Burials All Saints Dorchester Dorset Ancestry.com image 24 of 54 |
11 Dec 1836 | BURIAL:- Entry 443 Sarah wife of Edward APPLIN age 53 of Fordington by George Wood | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
05 Feb 1837 | BURIAL:- Entry 452 James WHEATHAM abode in the Parish of Fordington was buried February 5th 1837 aged 41 years by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
15 Feb 1837 | BURIAL:- Entry 454 Ann relict of Benjamin PAUL abode Fordington was buried 15th February 1837 aged 86 years by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
02 Mar 1837 | MARRIAGE:- Entry No. 43 : Joseph BARTLETT of the parish of Fordington & Hannah COSSENS [COZENS] were married in this church by Licence this Second Day in the month of March in the year 1837 by me Frederic Urquhart, both groom and bride signatures in the presence of John Cozens and Elizabeth Cozens
(1) Henry Bartlett (1838-1843) bap FStG 14th Jun 1838 ; 1841 Census aged 3 years; Henry Bartlett described as from Fordington Cross died on the 20th October 1843 and was buried at FStG aged 5 years 6 months on 24th. His name appears on his grandfathers memorial at FStG graveyard. (2) John Masters Bartlett (1843-1875) bap FStG 11th May 1843; 1851 Census aged 6?; 1861 Census aged 18 a scholar; As stated above by 1865 the family bakers and grocery shop was trading under his name, instead of his fathers, and appears in Harrods Street Directory of 1865 simply as John Bartlett of Fordington. In the 1871 Census however he is unmarried aged 28 and still only described as an assistant Baker. Joseph Masters BARTLETT died at the young age of 31 and was buried at FStG on 24th Mar 1875 recorded as being from Fordington Cross his name appearing for the last time in the Post Office Directory of that year. ] |
Marriages West Knighton Dorset Ancestry.com image 8 of 130 |
07 Mar 1837 | BAPTISM:- Frederic John ANDREWS; son of George Valentine & Mary Ann ; ; 7 Mar 1837; Fordington; Officer of the Excise; J. DAVIS | Baptisms Cerne Abbas |
30 Mar 1837 | BAPTISM:- Entry 620 Thomas Bishop son of John & Eleanor BRIDGE from Fordington occupation of father carpenter by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
12 Apr 1837 | BURIAL:- Entry 461 Joseph WHEATHAM abode Fordington was buried April 12th 1837 aged 35 years by george Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
19 Jul 1837 | BURIAL:- Margaret BAILEY wife of Job age 29 of Upper Fordington | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
22 Sep 1837 | MARRIAGE:- 1837 solemnized in the parish church in the Parish of St Marylebone in the County of Middlesex ENTRY 157 22nd Sep 1837 Between [Note:- John HAYNE (1779-1868) His first wife was also called Elizabeth by whom he had 4 children. She died after 1817 and sometime prior to this marriage when he is a widower. Follow link for more information about both his wives and children] | Marriages St Marylebone London (image ancestry.com) Marriage Settlement DHC: DD\X\DST\8/4 |
28 Oct 1837 | BAPTISM:- Entry 643 Sarah Sophia daughter of William Lewis and Rose Ann HENNINGS abode Grampound now called Grove ?? In Fordington occupation of father Esquire by dacre Clementsen Officiating Minister | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
01 Feb 1838 | BAPTISM:- Edmund HODDER; son of John Mitchel & Mary ; ; 1 Feb 1838; Fordington ; Labourer; J. DAVIS | Baptisms Cerne Abbas Dorset |
04 Feb 1838 | MARRIAGE:- solemnized by licence in the Parish of Dorchester St Peters in the County of Dorset Entry 5 February 4th 1838 James DERMOTT of Full age Batchelor Musician abode Fordington Father John DERMOTT Soldier married Elizabeth TREVIS aged 20 Spinster abode St Peters father William TREVIS Cabinet Maker married in the church of St Peters Dorchester according to the rites of the Church of England by me Richard Cutler Officiating Minister Both signed Witnesses: George BARTLETT and E BARTLETT | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
29 Apr 1838 | BAPTISM:- Abode Fordington; Frederick son of Henry and Isabella PAUL; Carpenter | Baptisms Stinsford |
17 Jun 1838 | BURIAL:- Entry 377 Sarah BLANDIMER Abode Fordington June 17th 1838 Aged 56 Years JM Colson Rector | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
24 Jun 1838 | BURIAL:- 1838 June 24 George James KEATS; 18 months; Abode Fordington | Burials Stinsford |
06 Sep 1838 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Between George SNOOK resident at Fordington a bachelor and Mary Maria SNOOK resident at Wool a spinster Banns were read 28th Dec 1838 & 4th and 11th Jan 1839 MARRIAGE:- Entry 96: George SNOOK of the parish of Fordington a bachelor married Mary Maria SNOOK of this Parish a spinstert were married by Banns 16th Sep 1838 by me Rev Isaac Urban Cooke Vicar both signatures - she signed as M Maria Snook; witnesses Uford? Snook and Elizabeth Northover - There is also a new style certificate in the Wool register where his address is given as Near the River Fordington Dorset; his father as William Snook a carpenter and she gives her trade as a seamstress; signs as only Maria Snook; and gives her father as John Snook a shoemaker |
Marriages & Banns at Wool Dorset Ancestry.com image 50 of 332 |
Dec 1838 | BURIAL:- Entry 491 Susan POPE widow from the Parish of Fordington was buried December ? 1838 aged 85 years by george Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
14 Jan 1839 | MARRIAGE: Entry 279 14th Jan 1839 between Samuel BEAVIS of full age a bachelor a labourer resident at York Street Bedminster Somerset father John BEAVIS a Labourer and Eliza GILL of full age a spinster no occupation also resident at York Street father Thomas GILL a Labourer were married in this Church after Banns his signatures her mark witnesses Nathaniel Candesh and Benjamin John Room
Children: - (1) Eliza Gill (1837-1886) On family trees her birth is given as being 25th June 1837 which pre dates the start of GRO Registrations by 6 days and the above marriage by 19 months. Like her sibling she was baptised at St Marys Redcliffe in Bristol on 25th June 1837, but as Eliza the daughter of William and Eliza GILL. William is said to be a carpenter. On the Passenger Lists for the 'Tantivity' however she is stated 'to be the daughter of Thomas GILL dead and mother on board'.. After her mothers 2nd marriage she was referred to as Eliza Beavis. She emigrated with her mother, stepfather and step sister to Australia in 1854, married raised a family and died in Jan 1886 in Sydney (2) Sarah Ann Beavis (1841-1886) born at Bristol 15th Nov 1841 and baptised at St Marys Church Redcliffe in Bristol on 26th Dec 1841. She emigrated with her parents and step sister to Australia in 1854. She married William Henry RUSSELL (1832-1880) in Sydney Australia on 8th June 1858, raised a family of 13 children with him before he died. She remarried to James Poland Doolley in Redfern New South Wales 3rd Dec 1881 and had one more child. She died of Typhoid on 28th June 1886 and was buried at Sydney. |
Marriages Parish Church Bedminster Bristol Somerset image of original available on ancestry.com | 05 Apr 1840 | BURIAL: Entry 228. Catherine OLIVER Abode Fordington Buried April 5th 1840 aged 89 years by Rev. Richard Cutler Officiating Minister | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 15 of 51 |
03 Jun 1840 | MARRIAGE:- at the parish church Piddletrenthide entry 16. 3rd June 1840 between Robert DAMON of full age a bachelor a farmer resident at Fordington father Robert DAMON a Farmer and Jane YOUNG of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Piddletrenthide father James YOUNG s Farmer both signed witnesses Charles Mayo and Charles Young | Marriages Piddletrenthide Dorset Ancestry.com image 311 of 392 |
13 Jun 1840 | BURIAL: Entry 229. Mary Anne HARDY Abode Fordington Buried June 13th aged 7 months by Rev. Arthur G Shirley Vicar | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 15 of 51 |
29 Jul 1840 | MARRIAGE:- solemnized by licence in the Parish of Dorchester St Peters in the County of Dorset Entry 16 July 29th 1840 William HARRIS of Full age Batchelor Wheelright abode Fordington Father John HARRIS Tailor married Virtue BURGE of Full age Widow Occupation Beer House Keeper abode St Peters father William PAINE Thtacher married in the church of St Peters Dorchester according to the rites of the Church of England by me J Morton Colson rector Both signed Witnesses: James AMES and Frances HANNEY | Marriages St Peters Dorchester |
15 Oct 1840 | BAPTISM:- Entry 717 Grace Wallis daughter of George & Susan WYATT abode Upper Fordington in this town Adjudant in the Dorset Militia by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
02 Dec 1840 | BAPTISM:- Entry 720 Catharine daughter of Robert & Ann LENEY abode the Barracks Fordington Private soldier in the Regiment of Dragoons by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester [Note no trace GRO] |
02 Dec 1840 | BAPTISM:- Entry 721 Richard Henry son of Robert and Ann LEGG abode The Barracks Fordington Private soldier in the Regiment of Dragoons by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester [Note no trace GRO] |
02 Dec 1840 | BAPTISM:- Entry 722 Mary Ann daughter of Michael & Margaret CHARLES abode The Barracks Fordington Private soldier in the Regiment of Dragoons by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester [Note no trace GRO] |
02 Dec 1840 | BAPTISM:- Entry 722 John son of Michael & Margaret CHARLES abode The Barracks Fordington Private soldier in the Regiment of Dragoons by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester [Note no trace GRO] |
21 Jan 1841 | BAPTISM:- Entry 727 Samuel Alexander son of Thomas & Mary BAYLISS abode The Barracks Fordington Private soldier in the Regiment of Dragoons by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester [Note no trace GRO] |
19 Feb 1841 | BURIAL;- Sophia CLAVEL of Fordington; 75 | Burials Kimmeridge OPC |
04 May 1841 | BURIAL:- Elizabeth FOOT abode Fordington aged 75 years by Morgan Devenish Curate | Entry 54 Page 7 Burial Register Winterborne Came |
23 May 1841 | BURIAL:- Entry 521 Elizabeth DAVIS widow abode Fordington was buried 23rd May 1841 aged 71 years by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
28 May1841 | BURIAL:- Entry 246: Joseph Richard BEDLOE Abode Fordington Buried May 28th 1841 Aged 7 years by Arthur G.T. Shirley | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 16 of 51 |
08 July 1841 | BURIAL:- Entry 525 William TREVIS a pauper abode Union House Fordington was buried 8th July 1841 aged 76 years by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
Sep Qtr 1841 | BAPTISM:-Entry 745 William son of John & Eleanor BRIDGE abode Upper Fordington occupation of father carpenter by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester |
27 Sep 1841 | MARRIAGE:- September 27th 1841 ; Charles GOULD; Full age; Batchelor; Servant; Stinsford; Benjamin GOULD, Labourer & Frances Mary Roles RICKS; Full age; Spinster; Dressmaker; Fordington; James RICKS, Dairyman; Witnesses: George Fry and , ? Castles | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 22 of 134 |
08 Apr 1842 | BURIAL:- Entry No. 753 Mary Ann CHAPMAN Abode Fordington: Buried April 8 1842 aged 38 years by Rev. J Robins | Burials Holy Trinity Church Shaftsbury Dorset Ancestry.com image 52 of 160 |
29 Jun 1842 | BAPTISM:- Entry 774 Susannah daughter of William & Mary Ann TURNER abode upper Fordington occupation of father Messman to the depot of the Regiment of Dragoon Guards by George Wood Rector | Baptisms Holy Trinity Dorchester [Note no trace GRO] |
25 Jul 1842 | BAPTISM:- Entry 584 Edwin son of John & Ann SEAL abode Grove Buildings Fordington occupation of father Tailor by J Morton Colson Rector | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
30 Jul 1842 | BURIAL:- Entry 554 Mary Ann COLMAN an infant pauper abode the Union House Fordington was buried July 30th 1842 aged 11 months by George wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
04 Aug 1842 | BURIAL:-Entry No. 41 Ann MAIDMENT Abode Fordington Buried 1842 August 4th Aged 76 years by Frederic Urquart Officiating Minister | Burials Warmwell Dorset Ancestry.com Image 4 of 22 |
27 Nov 1842 | BURIAL:- Entry 563 Charles Old HARRIS abode Upper Fordington was buried 27th November 1842 aged 27 years by George wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
24 Dec 1842 | BURIAL:- Entry No. 191: Ann PERROTT abode Fordington Dorchester buried 24th Dec 1842 aged 57 years by Robert Cozens Vicar of Longburton Dorset [See Fordington Wills index died intestate Letter Admin granted 16th Jan 1843] | Burials Longburton Dorset Ancestry.com Image 14 of 52 |
1843 | MARRIAGE:-HAYNE, John and Isabella Eliza LUSCOMBE
Marriages Dublin Ireland - Marriage Licence Index 1843 Ref 461 |
15 Jan 1843 | BURIAL:- Entry 462 Edmund LEGG from the Union Workhouse Fordington May 15th aged 22 years by Evans Davies Rector | Burial Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
18 Feb 1843 | BURIAL:- Entry 567 Edward BARGE abode Union House Fordington was buried February 18th 1843 age unclear possibly 18 or 78? By George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
30 Mar 1843 | BURIAL:- Entry 445 Jane PAINE abode Fordington Buried March 30 1843 aged 1 year by Rev. J Venables | Burials Buckland Newton Dorset Ancestry.com image 29 of 106 |
24 May 1843 | BURIAL: Entry 264: John BISHOP Abode Fordington Buried May 24th 1843 Aged 11 years by Arthur G.T. Shirley | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 17 of 51 |
24 May 1843 | MARRIAGE:- No.17 : Robert CHAMBERLAIN of full age bachelor shoemaker of Bockhampton Father John Chamberlain shoemaker & Emma HINE of full age spinster of Fordington Father Melchisedick Hine sawyer by Banns Witnesses: Walter Moors & Rebecca Chamberlain | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Amcestry.com image 27 of 134 |
02 Jun 1843 | BURIAL: Entry 265: Eliza BISHOP Abode Fordington Buried June 2nd 1843 Aged 17 years | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 18 of 51 |
31 Jul 1843 | BURIAL:- Entry 100 :- Ann PARKIN abode Fordington buried 31st July 1843 An infant by Rev George Maxwell curate | Burials Winterborne Steepleton Dorset Ancestry.com image 7 of 19 |
26 Sep 1843 | MARRIAGE:- 1843 September 26; Benjamin HUTCHINS; Full age; Batchelor; Carpenter; Fordington; John HUTCHINGS, Carpenter & Maryann BONIFACE; Full age; Spinster; Servant; Stinsford House; William BONIFACE, Mason; Banns Witnesses: John HAYTER, Fanny ? [Note:- Mary Ann BONIFACE (1816-1895) was the daughter of William BONIFACE and Sarah REEVES and was living in Little Britain in Fordington Parish in 1851] | Marriages Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 28 of 134 |
26 Dec 1843 | BURIAL:- Entry 590 John the son of Mary? [illegible] possibly WELLSPRING? Abode Upper Fordington was buried december 26th 1843 age unclear possibly 10 | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester [Note Poor quality BT] |
26 Apr 1844 | BURIAL:- Entry 604 Isaac the son of Charles & Sarah HODGES abode The Canteen in the Barracks at Fordington was buried April 26th 1844 an infant [illegible possibly by inquest] by George Wood rector [Note:- 10th child from the marriage of Charles HODGES to Sarah GROVES at Wyke Regis Dorset on 12th April 1829]. | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
20 May 1844 | BURIAL:- Entry 607 Heorge HENNING [illegible entry possibly senior] abode Fordington was buried 20th May 1844 aged 75 years by George Wood Rector | Burials Holy Trinity Dorchester |
15 July 1844 | BURIAL: Entry 276 Mary Ann ROBERTS Abode Fordington Buried July 15th Aged 37 years by A Lowth Officiating Minister | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 18 of 51 |
18 July 1844 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 204:- Richard WHEADON of full age; Widower Fordington Clothier; Father: James WHEADON Clothier & Edith WYATT of full age; Widow of Wyke Regis; Father: Jacob PALMER? Bricklayer; Henry SYMES & John BUSSELL Clerk; T. Burn Anstis; by Licence | Marriages Wyke Regis Dorset Ancestry.com image 238 of 1064 |
07 Aug 1844 | BAPTISM:- Entry 630 Mary Anne daughter of Richard and Mary Anne COLE abode Fordington Lieutenant 91st regiment by John Hayne | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
27 Oct 1844 | BAPTISM:- Entry 323 27-Oct 1844 Mary Jane NORRIS ; dau; Thomas & Mary NORRIS ; Fordington; labourer | Baptisms Puddletown |
20 Dec 1844 | BURIAL:- Mary GREEN from Fordington December 20th 1844 aged 70 years by Evans Davies rector | Burial Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
17 Nov 1845 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Winterborne St Martin Dorset Entry No. 36 Between Alfred AMOR of full age a Bachelor a Carrier Resident at Fordington Father Richard AMOR a Cooper and Mary BARTLETT of full age no occupation resident at Winterborne St Martin Father John BARTLETT a Shepherd were married in this church afer Banns by me Rev. George Maxwell Officiating Minister Both their Marks in the presence of James Bartlett and Fanny Watts
[Note:-Alfred AMOR (1823-1891) was the 4th child from the marriage of a cooper by trade - Richard AMOR (1781-1857) to Anna [Hannah] RENDALL nee CASE (1793-1858) on 1st Oct 1818 at Bridport in Dorset. Alfred was born in Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester on the 26th June 1823 and baptised at the Presbyterian Chapel in Pease Lane Dorchester on 24th Oct 1823; Mary BARTLETT (1819-1851) was baptised at Winterborne St Martin Dorset on 7th Feb 1819 the 3rd of 10 children of John & Sarah BARTLETT, her fathers occupation again being given as that of a Shepherd. Her parents recorded as "John BARTLETT of the parish of Winterbourne St Martin and Sarah CHURCHILL of this parish"had married at Winterbourne Monkton in Dorset on 16th July 1816. They both survived to be in the Winterbourne St Martin 1851 Census when John said he was aged 61 (born 1790) born in the parish and Sarah aged 55 and born at Winterborne Monkton. I am not aware therefore of any association with existing Bartlett families in dorchester or Fordington. In the 1841 Census Mary Bartlett is working as a Servant for the brewer Charles Eldridge and his family and living in Durngate Street Dorchester which is probably how she met Alfred Amor. They had a daughter Emily AMOR who was baptised at Christchurch West Fordington on 29th May 1850. Mary died at the young age of 32 being buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 22nd Jan 1851. After his wife's death Alfred lived with his parents at Grove buildings in Fordington C 1851 with parents aged 28 a widower with their daughter Emily AMOR aged 6 years. |
Marriages Winterborne St Martin Dorset Ancestry.com image 28 of 204 |
23 July 1846 | MARRIAGE: after Banns in the Parish of Dorchester St Peters in the County of Dorset Entry 30 July 23rd 1846 Henry GERRARD of Full age Batchelor Carpenter abode Fordington father richard GERRARD Gardener to Eleanor ELLIS of Full age spinster Servant abode St peters parish father Thomas ELLIS a Tailor Both signed Witnesses: Thomas GERRARD and Maria Ezar BLAKE | Marriages St Peters Parish Dorchester |
3rd qtr 1846 | MARRIAGE:- James PITFIELD married Ann BRIDGE [Note:- could not locate a parish register marriage - James PITFIELD (1823-1885) is the son of Samuel PITFIELD (1782-1840) & Mary COUSINS (1800-1869) James was a blacksmith's labourer living in Mill Street whilst Ann a native of Beaminster worked as a laundress. Mary Ann Bridges an illegitimate daughter named Mary Ann Rowden who was born circa 1845 but not baptised until 1849. James became a Blacksmith and they moved to Gregory's Buildings in Fordington to live. Ann died pre 1881 leaving James a widower who was living in Mill street with his married daughter Ellen. James was buried at F St G Church on 28th Nov 1885 by order of the Coroner so presumably there was an accident of some kind. No age is given against his burial but his age at death is recorded at the GRO as being 59?. Children (1) Mary Ann Bridges Rowden BRIDGE was baptised on 15 Sep 1849 with her step brother John (1) John Bridges born circa 1847, he was baptised at F St G church on 15 Sep 1849 and buried aged 2 years on 19th Sep 1849 (3) William born circa 1849 (2) Ellen Bridges probably born 1858 was privately baptised at Fordington by the Rev Henry Moule on 15th Jan 1861. She later married Joseph George Joslyn on 28th Sep 1877 and had a daughter Alice ] | Marriages Dorchester GRO District Ref 8/114a |
03 Sep 1846 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish of Portisham Dorset entry 36 3rd Sep 1846 between Thomas BEVIS [BEAVIS] of full age a bachelor a Servant resident [West] Stafford father Thomas BEVIS [BEAVIS] a Gardener and Mary WHITE of full age a spinster resident at Portisham Dorset father Thomas WHITE a Carpenter; his mark her signature; witnesses Joseph Davis and Jane Marsh
(1) Henry John Beavis (1848-aft.1861) He was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 24th Sep 1848 whilst living in Mill Street; C 1851 aged 2 years; C61 age 12 printer compositor (2) Thomas Beavis (1850-1916) He was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 12th Dec 1850. He married 28th June 1870 aged 20 at All Saints Church in Dorchester to Selina TREVISS aged 19 the daughter of a publican John TREVISS. Follow link for more information about the family.] (3) Albert Augustus Beavis (1854-aft.1891) He was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 11th Jan 1855 the family having moved to live in Fordington High Street. C61 age 6; After 1861 can only trace him in the 1891 Census:- St Paul Deptford Resident at 13 William Street: Albert Beavis married aged 37 a Cabinet Maker born Dorchester with wife Emily Beavis age 39 born Lambeth daughter Emily age 16 born Walworth London. | Marriages Portisham Dorset image ancestry.com |
03 Sep 1846 | BURIAL:- Entry 470 Jane FOX of the parish of Fordington buried at Charminster 3rd Sep 1846 aged 57 years " From the Asylum" | Burials Chaminster OPC |
01 Oct 1846 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg entry 472 Jane SAMWAYS abode Fordington buried at Charminster 1st Oct 1846 age 16 months Rev Charles Tucker incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
08 Dec 1846 | MARRIAGE:-Entry 42:- 8 Dec 1846 Robert MOORS aged 22 years a Bachelor a Labourer resident at Fordington father Robert MOORS to Jane SQUIBB aged 22 years a spinster resident at Hilton father Andrew SQUIBB a labourer witnesses Thomas Moor and and Maria Squibb | Marriages Hilton Dorset Ancestry.com image 98 of 261 |
16 Dec 1846 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 846 Marriage in the parish church of Piddletrenthide Dorset entry 40 December 16th 1846 between James WHITE of full age a bachelor a Servant resident at Fordington father Rufus White a gardener and Mary FOOT of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Piddletrenthide father Jamnes FOOT a Carter his sig her mark wit: Ann Old and Joseph Oxford | Marriages Piddletrenthide Dorset Ancestry.com image 317 of 392 |
29 April 1847 | BURIAL:- Ann BAILEY from Fordington buried 29th April 1847 aged 73 Years by Osmund Fisher | Burial Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
02 July 1847 | BURIAL:- Entry 495 Elizabeth JOHNSON abode Fordington July 2nd 1847 aged 54 by Henry Moule Vicar of St Georges Church Fordington | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
18 July 1847 | BURIAL:- Eentry 492 James SAMWAYS abode Upper Fordington buried at Charminster 18th July 1847 age 9 months Rev Charles Tucker perpetual curate | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
22 July 1847 | MARRIAGE: after Licence in the Parish Church at Charminster Dorset Entry 47 22nd July 1847 between Thomas Whittle PEARCE of full age a bachelor an Attorney's Clerk, resident at Fordington Dorset; father Philip PEARCE a Printer to Elizabeth Arnold LITTLE a Spinster no occupation, resident at Charminster father William LITTLE a Dairyman both signatures in presence of Francis Pearce [Brother] & Susannah Little | Marriages Charminster Ancestry.com image 175 of 383 |
08 Aug 1847 | BURIAL:- Entry 427 Elizabeth PARSONS abode Fordington August 8th 1847 aged 27 years by J Morton Colson Rector | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
23 Nov 1847 | MARRIAGE: 1847 solemnised by Banns (Read on 7th; 14th and 21st Nov 1847) in the parish of Monkton in the County of Dorset Entry 5 in the marriage register Nov 23rd 1847 Between James LAKE of full age a bachelor, occupation labourer resident at Monkton and father William LAKE a labourer to Jane BAYLEY [BAILEY] of full age a spinster no occupation daughter of James Bayley a labourer his signature her mark witnesses William Lake and the mark of William Pain [Note:- James LAKE (1824-1909) was baptised at Winterborn Monkton on 16th Sep 1824 the son of William LAKE (1794-1785) & Elizabeth FRAMPTON (1796-1862). His father William LAKE had been baptised at Winterborne St Martin in Dorset on 30th May 1794 the 2nd child from the marriage of William LAKE (1764-1848) to Jane BOWRING (1762-1825) at Winterborne St Martin on 19th Aug 1787. His grandfather William lived to be 84 being buried at Winterborne Monkton on 1st June 1848 and his father lived to the age of 82 also being buried at Winterborne Monkton on 29th Apr 1875.
(2) Alfred James Lake (1851-1932) bap at St Georges Church in Fordington 28th Sep 1851; age 19 in 1871 Census, Ag Lab with father and step mother unmarried; Alfred married Mary SMITH during 1st qtr 1878 in the district of Basingstoke. She had been born at Dummer just 6 miles from Basingstoke about 1855 and the daughter of Henry SMITH a Farm labourer; In the 1881 Census Alfred is living at Steventon Hampshire working as an engine driver aged 28 with his wife and daughter Annie Elizabeth aged 1 and his father-in-law now a widower aged 58.In 1891 living at 4 Victoria St Basingstoke Albert described as Engine driver in a brewery.The 1911 Census shows they had 5 children (all girls) 4 living in 1911 and still living in Basingstoke. Mary died aged 65 during 2nd qtr 1920 and Alfred died at the age of 80 during 1st qtr 1932 within Basingstoke district. (3) Henry Walter Lake (1854-1914) bap at St Georges Church in Fordington 24th Sep 1854 ; aged 16 Ag Lab with father and Step mother;Recorded as Walter H LAKE in 1881 Census living with parents Ag Lab; Henry married during 2nd qtr 1883 Basingstoke Hampshire to Sarah Jane Brewer (1862-1940) had been born on 27th Oct 1862 at North Waltham in Hampshire. After marriage Henry worked as an engine driver and they settled in Fordington to live raising a family of 4 girls:- (3.1) Florence Maud Lake (1883-1962) ; Born at Fordington on 21st Aug 1883; aged 17 1901 a dressmaker; She married at Dorchester Reg Office to a wheelwright Ernest John BROOM during 3rd qtr of 1910 and were living at Jumpers Avenue in Christchurch Hampshire in 1911. In the 29th Sep 1939 War Census she was living with Ernest at 54 Louise Ave in Dorchester which is where she died on 3rd June 1962 leaving an estate to her son Reginald Walter Broom a local government officer. (3.2) Beatrice Maria Lake (1885-1967) ;bap at St Georges Church in Fordington 12 Dec 1888 with her younger sister Bessie; aged 15 1901; Working as a Parlour Maid at Dummer Hampshire unmarried 1911; Married 3rd qtr 1929 to Henry ADAMS at Southampton district died there2nd qtr 1967 (3.3) Bessie Jane Lake (1888-1981) ; bap at St Georges Church in Fordington with her sister Beatrice 12 Dec 1888; aged 22 unmarried with mother in 1911;Married to Harry Alfred Harold DEAN (1888-1980) at FStG on 23rd Nov 1914 Died at 27 Aug 1981 at 102 Wellington Road Taunton leaving an estate just under £25,000 (3.4) Emma Kate Lake (1896-1978) ; bap St Georges Church in Fordington 22nd Mar 1896; aged 15 in 1911 a moniteress at school paid by the Council; Married Wilfred William George HALLETT during 1st qtr 1914 ; Emma Kate Hallett died 9th Oct 1978 at 19 Greenings Court Dorchester leaving an estate of £1,933 In the 1891 Census they are already resident at Fordington Cross and still at No.2 in 1901 Henry recorded as an engine driver steam plough worker. In 1911 Henry is away working in Carmarthenshire in Wales where he died during the 1st qtr 1914 (GRO 11a/1682). In 1939 Sarah Jane was living at 20 St Georges Road in Dorchester recorded as a widow and an old age pensioner. (4) Frederick Joseph Lake (1857-1857) bap St Georges Church in Fordington 22nd Feb 1857; and buried FStG 11th Apr 1857 |
Marriages Winterborne Monkton CLDS Film 2430516 + Image ancestry.com |
15 Jan 1848 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 235 M/Reg John BLANDEMAR [BLANDAMER] of full age a bachelor a Porter resident Blandford father Robert BLANDAMER a Thatcher married after banns to Elizabeth HORLOCK of full age a spinster no occupation father henry HORLOCK a labourer both signatures witnesses John Horlock his mark and Mary Jane Byfoot [Note:- John BLANDAMER was the 4th child of Robert BLANDAMER by his wife Sarah SIBLEY who married at St Georges Church Fordington on 18th Apr 1815] | Marriages Blandford Forum ancestry.com image 414 of 1428 |
28 Jan 1848 | BURIAL:-Entry 16 : Martha TOOTELL oAbode Fordington Buried Jan 28th 1848 Aged 34 years by John Chevallier Curate | Burials Yetminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 53 of 146 |
06 Feb 1848 | BAPTISM:- William Henry son of Joseph & Ann MARCHANT Abode upper Fordington occupation of father Railway Porter by Osmund Fisher | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
24 Mar 1848 | MARRIAGE:- Banns Register Winterborne Monkton Thomas GARRETT of the Parish of Fordington and Mary PAYNE otp were read 24th March; 31st March & 7th April 1848 [Note:- They did notmarry until 17th April 1850 See below] | Marriage Banns Winterborne Monkton Dorset Ancestry.com image 94 of 113 |
18 Apr 1848 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 522: Elizabeth DAW abode Lower Fordington buried Charminster 18th April 1848 age 63 years by REv Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
21 Apr 1848 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 523: Elizabeth GREEN abode Lower Fordington buried at Charminster 21st Apr 1848 age 52 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
18 July 1848 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 532: Joseph GREEN abode Lower Fordington buried at CHarminster 18th July 1848 age 79 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
06 Aug 1848 | MARRIAGE:- Between James BARNES (1819-1865) & Elizabeth WELLMAN (1827-1891)
c1861 living Miller's Close West Fordington. James aged 38 [49?] Porter to Grocer; born Christchurch Hants: Elizabeth wife aged 36 [34?] Laundess born Fordington. Known Children :- (1) William Wellman BARNES (1849- ) bap Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 2nd Sep 1849; c1851 age 21 months born St Peters Dorchester: c1861 aged 12; (2) Dinah BARNES (1850- ) bap Christchurch West Fordington 26th Jan 1851 : c1851 age 6 months Born Fordington.c1861 aged 10: (3) Emily Blanche BARNES (1855- ) GRO Dorchester district 1st qtr 1855 Emily Blanche Barnes Ref 6a 332: bap Christchurch 26 Mar 1856 : c1861 aged 6: (4) Sarah Ann BARNES (1858- ) bap Christchurch 28th Feb 1858 : c1861 aged 3: (5) James John BARNES (1861-1864) bap Christchurch 8th Apr 1861 : c1861 aged 2 weeks & buried at the Civic Cemetery 1st Aug 1864 |
Marriages GRO 3rd Qtr 1848 Elizabeth WELLMAN to James BARNES at Dorchester Dorset Ref 8/109 [Family Tree on Ancestry.com] |
02 Nov 1848 | BURIAL:- Entry 394 : William WEST Abode Fordington buried Nov 2nd 1848 Aged 47 years by H.M. Crichlow Curate of Radipole | Burials Upwey Dorset Ancestry.com image 77 of 102 |
21 Feb 1849 | BURIAL:- Mary Sarah DOWNTON abode Fordington buried 21 Feb 1849 aged 9 Months | Entry 69 page 9 Burial Register Winterborne Came |
10 July 1849 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 548: Joseph NORRIS from the asylum late of Fordington buried at Charminster 10th July 1849 age 83 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
04 Aug 1849 | DEATH: Aug 11th (1849) at Axminster Mr. John PETT for many years postmaster of Dorchester aged 74 years. Like a true hearted Englishman he was ever conspicuous for his loyalty and good faith being an ardent admirer of thed illustrious Pitt: in his sphere he was a firm defender of the ancient institutions of this country and a strenuous zupporter of sound constitutional principals both in church and state. He was very highly repected by all who knew him. [Note:- In Fordington 1841 Census Return District 4 as John PETT Postmaster aged 65-69 with Mary PETT also aged 65-69] | Death: Axminster - Sherborne Mercury dated 18th Aug 1849 |
19 Sep 1849 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 557: Ann CHURCHILL from the asylum late of Fordington buried at Charminster 19th Sep 1849 age 31 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
05 Nov 1849 | BURIAL:- Mary Bond COLSON abode Fordington November 5th 1849 aged 57 years by Morgan Devenish Officiating Minister | Burials St Peters Dorchester |
27 Nov 1849 | BURIAL:- Entry 411: Elizabeth WEST Abode Fordington Buried Nov 27th 1849 Aged 42 yrears by R Bently Buckle Rector | Burials Upwey Dorset Ancestry.com image 78 of 102 |
11 Jan 1850 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 564: Thirza ADAMS abode Fordington buried at Charminster 11th Jan 1850 age 6 weeks by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
17 Apr 1850 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 9 1850 Marriage by Banns [See 24 Mar 1848 above] April 17th 1850 Between Thomas GARRETT of full age a bachelor occupation a Mason abode Fordington father John GARRETT a Mason and Mary PAYNE of full age a spinster no occupation abode Monkton father James PAYNE a Thatcher both signatures, witnesses John Garrett his mark and William Lake | Marriage Winterborne Monkton Dorset Ancestry.com image 78 of 113 |
29 Sep 1850 | MARRIAGE BANNS :- Entry 140 Banns of Marriage Register for Parish of Charminster Between Henry BOWRING a bachelor of Higher Burton in this parish and Mary GOULD spinster of Grove Buildings in the parish of Fordington were read on 29th Sep and 6th and 13th Oct 1850 [Note:- They married at Christchurch West Fordington on 20th Oct 1850 Ancestry image 193 of 676 ] | Marriage Banns Charminster Ancestry.com image 37 of 383 |
26 Jan 1851 | BANNS of MARRIAGE: Entry 46 Between John BELBEN of the Parish of Fordington a bachelor and Jane BEAVIS of this parish Banns were read on the 12th; 19th and 26th January 1851 Also :- MARRIAGE CLDS Film No. 002427591 26th Jan 1851 at West Stafford [Note:- Jane BEAVIS was bap West Stafford 21st Oct 1821 follow link for more information about their family] |
Banns of Marriage West Stafford image on ancestry.com Marriage CLDS |
23 Feb 1851 | BAPTISM:- Entry 677 Mary Ann Lovell daughter of George and Hannah? REEVES abode Fordington Servant by Osmund Fisher | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
28 Sep 1851 | MARRIAGE BANNS: Entry 142 between James Charles COSH a bachelor of this parish and Mary Ann RUSSELL of New Fordington were read on 28th Sep and 5th and 12th Oct 1852 [Note:- Married at Christchurch West Fordington 23rd Oct 1851 where banns were also read Sep 28th; Oct 5th and Oct 12th 1851] | Marriage Banns Charminster ancestry.com image |
25 Nov 1851 | MARRIAGE Entry 45 Between Isaac LUCAS of full age a bachelor an engineer resident at Fordington father John LUCAS a labourer and Roseanna COMPTON of full age a spinster no occupation father John Compton deceased a labourer both their signatures witnesses James Small and Frank Compton | Marriages Charlton Marshall |
14 Apr 1852 | BURIAL:- Entry 617: Leander John DAWE abode Higher Fordington buried at Charminster 14th April 1852 age 42 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
19 Aug 1852 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Between John Upshall a bachelorread 1st; 8th and 15th Aug 1852 MARRIAGE:- Entry 27: August 19th 1852 : John Upshall TROWBRIDGE of full age bachelor Innkeeper Resident at Fordington son of Robert TROWBRIDGE a gardener married by banns to Anna Maria GODDARD of full age a spinster a domestic servant resident at Moreton Father John GODDARD a cabinet maker, both their signatures in the presence of Louisa Catherine Goddard & Frederick John Goddard. |
Marriage Banns Moreton Dorset Ancestry.com image 30 of 151 |
14th Nov 1852 & 29 Nov 1852 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Entry 751 George HAWKINS a bachelor of the parish of Fordington and Jemmima WATTS otp Banns were read on 14th; 21st and 28th Nov 1852: - MARRIAGE:- Entry 334 Nov 29th 1852 George HAWKINS age 29 a bachelor a porter resident Fordington son of Robert Hawkins an Inn Keeper married Jemmima WATTS age 28 spinster resident Blandford father James Watts a post boy both their signatures witnesses Benjamin Watts and Elizabeth Hicks [Note:- Children:- (1) Isabella Amey [Anna] bap F St G 26th Nov 1854 (2) Robert Owen bap F St G 26th July 1857 (3) Gazilda Caroline bap F St G 14th Mar 1861 (4) Eliza Mary bap F St G 28th Jun 1863 ] |
Marriage Banns Blandford Forum |
01 Dec 1852 | BURIAL:- l Reg Entry 633: Stephen DAW abode West Fordington buried at Charminster 1st Dec 1852 age 76 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
03 Oct 1853 | MARRIAGE:- :Entry 19: 3rd Oct 1853 : Charles ALLEN of Full Age a widower a shoemaker resident at Fordington father Job ALLEN a shoemaker married Mary WATTS of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Stoke Wake father William WATTS a labourer witnesses Isaac and Jane Moores | Marriages Stoke Wake Dorset Ancestry.com image 15 of 62 |
26 Feb 1854 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 114: Feb 26th Joseph GUPPY aged 20 a bachelor a Labourer resident at Yetminster [Note:- No details given of Fathers name or Profession] and Grace KEMP aged 19 years a spinster a Glover resident at Yetminster were married in this church ; both their marks; in the presence of John Maidment and Samuel Hallett [Note:- Banns were read at St Georges Church Fordington :-"15. Joseph GUPPY a bachelor and Grace KEMP a spinster both otp Banns were read 9th; 16th & 23rd October 1853 " |
Marriages Yetminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 86 of 301 |
14 Sep 1854 | BURIAL:- Entry 674 Mary DEWLAND abode West Fordington buried at Charminster 14th Sep 1854 age 42 years by Rev Augustus Handley Officiating Minister [Note Rev Handley Minster of Christchurch West Fordington which did not have its own burial ground] | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
26 Sep 1854 | BAPTISM:- 26 Sep 1854 Louisa daughter of John and Rebecca PORTER Fordington Labourer Received into the church having been privately baptised at Fordinton. | Baptism Register West Stafford |
02 Feb 1855 | BURIAL:- Entry 680: Stephen DAW abode Higher Fordington buried at Charminster 2nd Feb 1855 age 3 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
14 Mar 1855 | BAPTISM:- Entry 6 Joseph Solomom son of Robert Rogers and Elizabeth Mary STROUD abode Fordington occupation of father Sexton by J Townson | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
24 May 1855 | BURIAL:- Entry 660 Robert CREECH abode Fordington buried May 24th 1855 aged 45 years by John Townson | Burial Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
12 Nov 1855 | BURIAL:- Entry 699 Robert HUMBER abode Fordington buried at Charminster 12th Nov 1855 age 45 years by Rev Charles Tucker INcumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
25 Dec 1855 | BAPTISM:- George William; son of; Charles & Ann; CASE; 25 December 1855; Fordington | Baptisms Litton Cheney |
31 Jan 1857 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 144 at the Parish Church in Christian Malford Wiltshire on January 31st 1857 Between William FRUDE aged 37 year a Widower a Labourer resident at Fordington St George [Parish] Father David FRUDE a Labourer and Mary COLE aged 22 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Christian Malford Father William COLE a Labourer were married by Banns by Edwin Arthur Salmon Curate Both their Signatures in the presence of Mary Ann Poulton (her mark) and William Cole (his mark) | Marriages Christian Malford Wiltshire Ancestry.com image 80 of 216 |
05 Feb 1857 | BAPTISM:- Entry 47 Thomas William son of Richard & Matilda Agnes ROBERTS Abode Fordington occupation of father Reporter by John Townson [No trace GRO] | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
14 Mar 1857 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 82 in the Parish Church of Winterborne St Martin on 14th March 1857 Between John James IRONSIDE of full age a bachelor a Bookeeper resident at Fordington [Dorset] father William IRONSIDE a Carter and Ann DUNFORD of full age a Spinster no occupatrion resident at Ashton in the Parish of Winterborne St Martin Dorset father Thomas DUNFORD a Carter were married by Banns by Edward Sudton ; both thier signatures in the presence of John Yeats ; Sarah Dunford and Elias Dunford | Marriages Winterborne St Martin Dorset Ancestry.com image 51 of 204 |
15 Apr 1857 | MARRIAGE Entry 39 in the Parish Church of Winterborne Houghton on 15th April 1857 Between Joseph NORMAN aged 20 years a bachelor a House Painter resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father James NORMAN a Carpenter and Selina ELFORD aged 16 years a spinster no occupation resident Winterborne Houghton father John ELFORD a Labourer were married in this church by Banns by J.A.Cotter Creech both their signatures in the presence of David Peaty and Jane Elford | Marriages Winterborne Houghton Dorset Ancestry.com image 51 of 117 |
11 Aug 1857 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 207 in the Parish Church of Symondsbury Dorset on 11th August 1857 Between James Powell HUXTER of full age a bachelor a Bankers Clerk resident in East Fordington father John HUXTER a Merchant and Maria PEARCE of full age a spinster no occupation father Henry PEARCE a Labourer were married by Banns by Henry Rawlinson both their signatures in the presence of James Pearce and Mary Ann Huxter | Marriages Symondsbury Dorset Ancestry.com image 145 of 517 |
20 Jul 1857 | BAPTISM:- Entry 96 July 20th 1857 Amy Sophia daughter of William John Walter & Margaret PIKE abode Fordington occupation of father Moulder by LPF Davidson Curate of All Saints | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
19 Aug 1857 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 58 Married after Banns in the Parish Church of St Peters Farnborough Hampshire on 19th Aug 1857 Between Charles James ANDREWS aged 24 years a bachelor a Servant resident at Farnborough father James ANDREWS a Farmer and Ann DANNIELS aged 24 years a spinster a Servant resident at Farnborough father James DANNIELSD a Gardener; his mark her signature in the presence of Eliza Redding and Thomas Gater [Note:- See St Georges Church Marriage Banns for Fordington where Banns were read as both were said to be of Fordington Parish.] | Marriages Farnborough Hampshire Ancestry.com image [in Surrey marriages File?] image 15 of 130 |
30 Sep 1857 | BURIAL:- Entry 82 Elizabeth ROWEN- description of person- wife of William Henry ROWEN a Draper - aged 32 years place where death occurred Fordington 30th September 1857 by Rev JM Colson grave 1572 in consecrated ground from St Peters Parish Dorchester. | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
3rd qtr 1857 | MARRIAGE: BANNS----103. Robert EVERITT a bachelor of the Parish of Fordington and Louisa BOWNS a spinster of the parish of Sparsholt Hampshire Banns were read 5th; 12th and 19th July 1857 [Note:- GRO Marriages 3rd qtr 1857 Winchester District Hampshire Ref 2c/141] [Note:- They are in the 1861 Census living at the Police Station Ilminster Somerset Robert EVERITT Head Married aged 28 Superintendent of Police born South Weald Essex with his wife Louisa aged 21 years born at Sparsholt with 2 children (the eldest William aged 1 having been born in Dorchester) and a servant . |
Marriages Winchester District of Hampshire GRO Marriages |
15 Dec 1857 | BURIAL:- Entry 97; George Augustus FROST; son of [blank] FROST journeyman watchmaker; aged 1; Place where death occurred Fordington; Dec 15th 1857 | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
26th Dec 1857 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 44 in the Parish of Winterborne Came Dorset on December 26th 1857 Between James SQUIBB of full age a bachelor a Labourer resident at [Winterborne] Came father James SQUIBB a Labourer and Elizabeth CLARKE of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Fordington [Dorset] father George CLARKE a Labourer were married in this church by Banns by me George Arden Rector his signature her mark in the presence of William Salisbury and Mary Squibb her mark | Marriages Winterborne Came Dorset Ancestry.com image 26 of 119 |
20 Feb 1858 | BURIAL:- Entry 756 Elizabeth Jane WHITE abode Fordington buried at Charminster 20th Feb 1858 age 2 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
13 July1858 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Fordington Dorset Entry:- 119. David TAYLOR a bachelor otp and Emma AYLES a widow from the parish of Monxton in Hampshire Banns were read 13th; 20th and 27th June 1858 [Note:- GRO Marriages 3rd qtr 1858 District of Andover Hants Ref 2c/299 - CLDS Film 1596211 Marriage Monxton Hampshire 13th July 1858] | Marriages Monxton Hampshire GRO and CLDS Film |
08 Dec 1858 | MARRIAGE:- Entry 123 in the Parish of Abbotsbury Dorset on 8th Dec 1858 Between Sydenham CHURCHILL of full age a bachelor a Maltster resident at Dorchester* Father John CHURCHILL a Labourer and Hannah Bartlett GILL of full age a spinster a Servant resident at Abbotsbury Father Charles GILL a Labourer by George H Penny Groom's signature brides mark in the presence of James Churchill and Mary Anne Gill her mark [Note:- Sydenham Churchill (1832-1861) was baptised at Winterborne St Martin in Dorset on 1st July 1832 the son of John and Jane Churchill whose parish was then given as being Martinstown. Banns* for Sydenham's marriage had actually been read at St Georges Church in Fordington rather than Dorchester. After marriage at Abbotsbury they settled on St Helier in Jersey living in Kensington St, where a daughter Matilda Rosilla Churchill was born on 16th Mar 1861 and baptised on the 19th. | Marriages Abbotsbury Dorset Ancestry.com image 62 of 439 |
15 Feb 1859 | MARRIAGE:- 1859 in the Parish Church of Wootton Fitzpaine Dorset Entry 51 on Feruary 15th Between John PIDGEON of full age, a bachelor, a Bailiff, resident at Fordington [Dorset] father James PIDGEON a Dairy Man and Adelaide SMITH of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Wootton Fitzpaine father David Smith a Labourer were married in this church by Banns by me William Fingham both their signatures in the presence of Henry Smith and Elizabeth Pidgeon | Marriages Wootton Fitzpaine Dorset Ancestry.com image 26 of 119 | 22 Feb 1859 | MARRIAGE BANNS read on 16th; 23rd and 30th of Jan 1859; between James LAKE widower and Mary GRAY (both of this parish) MARRIAGE: Entry 21 in the Marriage Register of Winterborne Monkton in Dorset held on 22nd Feb 1859 Between James LAKE of full age a widower occupation labourer resident at Monkton, father William LAKE a Labourer and Mary GRAY of full age a spinster a servant resident at Monkton father James GRAY a Labourer both their signatures witnesses the mark of William LAKE and the signature of Jane LAKE Note:- James LAKE (1824-1909) was baptised at Winterborne Monkton on 16th Sep 1824 the son of William and Elizabeth LAKE. His 1st marriage was to Jane BAILEY at Winterborne Monkton on 23rd Nov 1847. Mary GRAY (1829-1895) was bap at St Mary the Virgin Church in Gillingham Dorset on the 1st June 1828 the daughter of James and Mary GRAY an Agricultural Labourer. Follow link for more information about his 1st marriage and their first 4 children. After this his 2nd marriage they continued to live at Fordington and were still there on 28th May 1874 when their son Albert Edward was buried at St Georges Church. By 1881 however they had left Fordington to settle in Down Lane cottage in Drummer in Hampshire. Mary died there aged 67 2nd qtr 1895 district Basingstoke which covers drummer REf 2c/116; In 1901 James aged 78 now a widower. James died 1st qtr 1909 when age given as 86. (GRO Ref 2c/159) Children from his 2nd marriage:-
(6) Bessie Gray Lake (1862-aft.1911) bap St Georges Church Fordington 28th Dec 1862 with her younger sister Maud Mary. She is in the 1881 Census working as a general house servant aged 19 for Samuel HARRIS a Nurseryman with his wife and 6 children. Bessie had an illegitimate son she had baptised at FStG Church as Frederick Stanley LAKE on 9th Jan 1884 (no other trace?). There is a second entry in the St George baptism register on 13th June 1886 but the name of the child has been left blank, perhaps suggesting that it did not survive the birth. Bessie was unmarried aged 39 with her widowed father James in Dummer in 1901. In 1911 Census still unmarried living with her younger brother Edgar at Clump Farm in Dummer near Basingstoke along with her brother Frederick Joseph.. (7) Maud Mary Lake (1862-1939) bap St Georges Church Fordington 28th Dec 1862 with her elder sister Bessie Gray aged 8 in 1871; She married George BURT at Christchurch in Battersea Surrey on 7th Aug 1886. George BURT (1858-1895) was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 13th May 1858 the son of Isaac & Hannah BURT. After marriage they lived at 35 Hamballa Road in Battersea, George in the 1891 Census working as a warehouse porter.After George died in 1895 Maud BURT returned to Dorset and now recorded as a widow in the 1901 Census was living with her uncle Henry LAKE and his wife Elizabeth in Winterborne Steepleton with two of her children. She went with them when the moived to live in Preston near Weymouth and is in the 1911 Census aged 47. She remarried to Thomas SANDSFORD (GRO Mazrriages 4th qtr 1913 Dorchester district Ref 5a 813) and died at the age of 76 2nd qtr 1939 district of Weymouth 5a 322. (8) Emma Lake (1865-1945) bap St Georges Church Fordington 14th Feb 1867 aged 2 years ; aged 6 in 1871; Moved with her family to Dummer Hampshire working as a servant unmarried aged 16 in Basingstoke in 1881; She married a platelayer working on the South Western Railway called Henry William GREEN in the district of Basingstoke Hampshire during 1st qtr 1888. In 1891 they were living in a cottage at Steventon in Hampshire where they had 2 children Arthur Henry Green and Agnes Amelia Green who were at scholl aged 13 and 7 in 1911. Her husband died there in 1938 followed by Emma on 24th March 1945 leaving an estate of £493. (9) Frederick Joseph Lake (1866-1956) born on 23rd April 1866 and bap St Georges Church Fordington 31st May 1866; aged 4 in 1871; aged 15 Carter Boy 1881 at Drummer;aged 24 Carter on a farm at Drummer 1891; He was still a bachelor living with his brother Edgar and sister Bessie in 1911 in Dummer. He married during 2nd qtr 1911 in the district of Basingstoke Hampshire to Emily E FALLON. They are in the 29th Sep 1939 War Census living at Windmill Cottages at Wyke, Alton in Hampshire. He died in Alton aged 89 during 1st qtr 1956. (10) Kate Lake (1868-1966) born on 23rd May 1868 and bap St Georges Church Fordington 28th Nov 1869 with her younger brother Edgar; aged 2 in 1871; aged 12 scholar 1881 at Drummer; Married Alfred George CLEAVE (1867-1940) district of Basingstoke 2nd qtr 1893.Kate lived to 98 and died in the district of Basingstoke during 3rd qtr 1966 (11) Edgar Lake (1869-1942) born on 1st Oct 1869 and bap St Georges Church Fordington 28th Nov 1869 with his elder sister Kate; aged 1 in 1871; aged 10 at Drummer in 1881; Carter on Farm 1901 with father aged 31; In 1911 a carter at Clump Farm in Dummer with his elder sister Bessie and younger brother Frederick.He married Catherine E WIDDICOMBE during 4th qtr 1919 in the district of Basingstoke; They are living on 29th Sep 1939 War Census at Clump Farm Cottages. Edgar died at the age of 73 in the district of Basingstoke during 4th qtr 1942. (12) Albert Edward LAKE (1874-1874) bap St Georges Church Fordington 29 Mar 1874 and buried there 28th May 1874 |
Marriages Winterborne Monkton image ancestry.com |
24 Feb 1859 | MARRIAGE BANNS: MARRIAGE: Entry 22 in the parish register of Winterborne Monkton in Dorset on 24th Feb 1859 Between Charles LAKE of full age a bachelor a labourer resident at Monkton father Henry LAKE a Labourer and Maria CHUBB of full age a spinster a servant resident at Monkton father Thomas CHUBB a Labourer The mark of Charles Lake and the signature of Maria CHUBB Witnesses Louisa Vynyars ; Jane Gustey?; George Traveyis?
(1) Martha Lake (1860-1939) born abt Jan 1860 at Winterborne Monkton; aged 16 months in Apr 1861 Census; She had an illegitimate daughter she named Mabel Lake born on 24th May 1884. She then married the father on 5th Oct 1886 to John HURST at St Peters Church in Dorchester when aged 27. They had 12 children in all (inc Mabel) before Martha died aged 78 at Christchurch in Hampshire (2) Henry Lake (1861-1907) baptised at Buckland Newton on 1st Sep 1861; age 9 in 1871; aged 19 Labourer with parents in 1881(both returns completed from info suppiled by his parents); He was living in Mill St Fordington as a boarder, unmarried, aged 36 (1865?) born Fordington (where he lived from the age of 3). He became ill and ended up in the Union Workhouse where he died at the age of 47. He was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 29th May 1907.. (3) Sarah Jane LAKE (1863-1863) baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 30th Aug 1863 and buried at Winterborne Monkton aged 3 months on 16th Nov 1863. (4) Mary Jane Lake (1864-1953) bap at St Georges Church in Fordington 27th Nov 1864; age 6 in 1871;By 1881 she was working as a domestic servant in lodgings in Greyhound Yard in St Peters Parish aged 16. She married a 20 year old Insurance Agent called George READ at Christchurch in West Fordington. They had 2 children and Mary Jane died at the age of 89 during 1st qtr 1953 in Northern Surrey. (5) Kezia Lake (1867-1942) bap St Georges Church Fordington 24th Feb 1867; age 4 in 1871; aged 14 General Servant 1881; in 1891 she was working as a house maid at the Manor House in North Perrott Somerset. By 1901 she had moved to St George Hanover Square in London working as a house maid still unmarried aged 34. She married the following year on 8th Nov 1902 to Arthur OVENDEN a bank messenger at St Stephens church in Stretham. Kezia died at the age of 75 in Mid Eastern Surrey during 1st qtr 1942. (6) Harriett Lake (1869-aft.1911) bap St Georges Church Fordington10th Mar 1869; age 2 in 1871; aged 12 1881 scholar;By 1891 Harriett was living with her aunt and uncle Edward and Mary ROBINSON who were in their 70's at Radipole. By 1901 she was working as a house maid at 71 Harrington Gardens in S. Kensington and was still there in 1911 and unmarried. . (7) Fanny Lake (1870-1877) bap St Georges Church Fordington Nov 1870 aged under 8 months in 1871; She died at the age of 7 being buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on 19th Dec 1877) (8) Thomas Charles Lake (1871-1874) bap St Georges Church Fordington 26 Nov 1871;He died aged 2 years and was buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on 4th Apr 1874 (9) Louisa Lake (1875-1940) baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd June 1875; aged 5 1881; By 1891 aged 15 she was working as a Domestic Servant at Canford Magna for a 75 year old gardener Henry Crabb. She married at Piddletrenthide in Dorset on 15th Dec 1897 to George Ernest DRAKE a Groom . They had 2 children and were living in Wiltshire at Hannington in 1911. Children : In the 1891 Census both surviving children are living with their father and their Step mother Margaret (see marriage below) aged 4 and 3. In the 1901 Census Charles Joseph George Lake was in lodgings in Toller Fratum in Dorset aged 14 working as a farm labourer. Charles emigrated to America leaving Liverpool on board the vessel Majestic and arriving at New York on 21st Aug 1907. He later married in 1912 to Gertrude Jane Burdett (1884-1968) the daughter of James Burdett and Jane Welsh in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and they were living in Norristown Montgomery USA when his wife died in 1968. Sarah was aged 23 and working as a parlourmaid in Greenwhich London in 1911. She remained a spinster and visited America leaving on 13th June 1936 on the ship Britannic arriving in New York on 27th. When she returned she gave her permanent address in England as 259 Woolwich Road Greenwich.arriving back on 27th Sep 1936. She made further visits in 1953 and 1960 and died at the splended age of 101 in the district of Poole Dorset (GRO Deaths May 1988 Ref 23/556) Charles 3rd Marriage was to Margaret Maria WILLS a servant working for Mr HAYNE Esq during 1st qtr 1891. Follow link provided for more information | Marriages Winterborne Monkton and Marriage Banns images ancestry.com |
23 Apr 1859 | BAPTISM:- 23 Apr 1859 John MITCHELL son Joseph Sarah MITCHELL Blacksmith of Fordington | Milton Abbas Baptisms |
07 Jun 1859 | MARRIAGE:- Entry MO74 Thomas Brewer GREENING; ; Bachelor; Commercial Traveller; of Fordington; John; Harness Maker to Louisa Melmoth COX; ; Spinster; ; Bere Marsh.Shillingstone; William Cox; Yeoman | Marriages Shillingstone |
20 June 1859 | MARRIAGE: 1859 Solemnized at the Parish Church of St Luke's Chelsea in the county of Middlesex. Entry 463 dated 20th June 1859 Between Robert GRAINGER of full age a bachelor occupation butcher resident at St Luke's Chelsea father Robert GRAINGER profession ?? Manufacturer and Ruth SYMES [SIMS] of full age a spinster no occupation resident St Lukes Chelsea father Joseph SYMES profession gardener were married by Banns by me Mortimer L Jones Curate both signatures and witnesses R Burge and E Radford [Note:- Ruth SIMS was the daughter of Joseph SIMS (1793-1873) by his first wife Lucy SADLER (1793-1851) and was born in Fordington c1832] |
Marriages St Lukes Chelsea London image 240 of 249 London Marriages 1754-1932 Ancestry.com |
29 Jul 1859 | BURIAL:- Entry 231 Robert GALPIN Occupation Bu(illegible) aged 57 years place where death occurred Fordington | Burials Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
Sep 1859 [day and several words illegibel] | BAPTISM:- Entry 102 John James Rogers son of Robert Rogers and Elizabeth Mary STROUD abode Fordington occupation of father shoemaker by LPF Davidson Curate of All saints | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
26 Dec 1859 | BAPTISM:- Entry 110 December 26th Christopher son of Christopher & Maria GARRETT abode Fordington occupation of father Mason by JPF Davidson Curate of All saints | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
02 Feb 1860 | MARRIAGE:- In the Parish Church of Sherborne Entry 104 on 2nd Feb 1860 Between William Gatton WARREN aged 27 years a bachelor a Clerk resident at Fordington father John WARREN [occupation blank] and Mary Ann WOOTTEN aged 30 a spinster a Servant resident at Sherborne father William WOOTTEN (deceased) a Farmer were married in this church by Banns by me Rev. Edward Harston Vicar both their signatures in the presence of Samuel Barrell and Elizabeth Law | Marriages Sherborne Dorset Ancestry.com image 1243 of 1492 |
16 Feb 1860 | MARRIAGE: Entry 37 Parish Church Melcombe Horsey of the County of Dorset date Feb 16th 1860 between James BROWN aged 22 a bachelor occupation Drummer residence West Fordington Dorset father William BROWN a Labourer and Tryphena SLADE aged 18 years a spinster no occupation resident at Melcombe Horsey father John SLADE a shepherd both their signatures in the presence of John Swyer and William Lovell
(1) Sidney Edmund Levi Brown provately bap All Saints Church Dorchester 1st Dec 1862 father Drummer in Dorset County Militia (2) Mary Elizabeth Brown bap All Saints Church Dorchester 30th Sep 1864 fatherresident at West Fordington Barracks (3) Alfred James Mans Brown bap All Sts 17th Feb 1867 father Staff Sergeant Dorset County Militia (4) Amelia Kate Brown bap St Peters Church Dorchester daughter of James Manns and Tryhina Tryphosa BROWN (5) Ernest Edward Brown bap St Peters Church Dorchester 26th Jan 1870 (6) Arthur Wilton Brown bap St Peters 12th Jan 1872 |
Marriage Register Melcombe Horsey image ancestry.com |
24 Feb 1860 | BAPTISM:- Entry 118 Frank son of William & Sarah VAUGHAN abode Fordington occupation of father Engine Driver by LPF Davidson Curate of All saints | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
19 Mar 1860 | BURIAL:- Entry 603? Mary GREGORY abode Fordington buried March 19th 1860 aged 6 months by JPF Davidson Curate of All saints | Burial Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
12 Apr 1860 | MARRIAGE BANNS :-Joseph CHAMBERLAIN a widower of the parish of Stinsford and Mary SHETTLE a spinster of Fordington Parish Banns were read 18th; 25th March and 1st April 1860 MARRIAGE:- Joseph CHAMBERLAIN son of John CHAMBERLAIN married Mary SETTLE the daughter of William SETTLE at Millbrook Hampshire on 12th April 1860 |
Marriages Millbrook Hampshire CLDS Film 1041743 Ref ID 231 |
14 Apr 1860 | MARRIAGE: After Banns of marriage were read on 18th and 25th March and 1st Apr 1860 at the Parish Church in the Parish of [Winterborne] Monkton in the County of Dorset they married there:- Entry 25 in the marriage register April 14th 1860 Between John LAKE of full age a bachelor a labourer resident at Monkton father James Lake a labouyrer and Mary Ann SPRACKLING a minor a spinster no occupation resident at Monkton [the illegitimate child of Rebecca SPRACKLING no occupation. Both their signatures witnesses Joseph Lake and Sarah Bowring. [Note:- John Symonds LAKE (1830-1888) was the son of James LAKE and Ann nee SYMONDS and had been baptised at Upwey on 25th Nov 1830. After marriage they settled to live on Fordington Hill in Fordington where John worked for a Brewery. By 1865 he was in charge of an engine used in the brewing business. They had the following children baptised at St Georges Church in East Fordington, and after 1875 at All Saints in Dorchester. His last occupation was given as a fireman and he appears to have died aged 57 in the district of Winchester Hampshire during the 3rd qtr of 1888 (GRO Deaths John Simmonds Lake Ref 2c/49). This is probably correct as by the Mar 1891 Census Mary Ann is recorded as a widow living in St Peters parish in Friary Lane in Dorchester aged 48 and to have moved to Glyde Path Road by 1910. Mary Ann LAKE nee SPRACKLING (1843-1910) died aged 67 and was buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on 24th March 1910.
(2) Tom Lake (1863-1924) bap St Georges Church Fordington 14th May 1863 ; C81 age 18; 1891 Census St Peters North Square a nightwatchman unmarried; Married GRO 3rd qtr 1893 Medway dist of Kent 2a 979 to Isabella Ann H BURTON. Census 1901 married to Isabella native of Chatham in Kent resident 40 Vincent St Lancaster Lancashire with 3 children (Tom, Dorothy and Violet): 1911 Census 27 Officers Quarters HM Prison Brixton occupation prison warder with wife and 5 children Died aged 61 district Lambeth Jul 1924 . (3) Herbert Lake (1865-1865) (twin) bap St Georges Church Fordington 20th Jun 1865 and buried there aged 7 months 27th Oct 1865 (4) Bernard Lake (1865-1865) (twin) bap St Georges Church Fordington 20 Jun 1865 and buried there 1st July 1865 (5) Richard Edward Lake (1867-1936) bap St Georges Church Fordington 29th Sep 1867. He enlisted into the Army, aged 18 years 3 months, on 21st July 1885 (Soldier No.1952) into a Regt of Foot - B Company (Does not state which and no other info); Richard Edward Lake married a widow Caroline Ellen SCOTT nee EARLY (GRO Marriages 1890 3rd qtr Ref 5a/612). Census 1891 Richard Lake aged 24 a blacksmith by trade living in Friary Lane Dorchester with wife Caroline age 31 also born in Dorchester with 3 step children Annie Scott born Dorchester age 11; Amy Scott born at Emsworth Hants age 6; and Mable Scott also born Emsworth age 4. Later in 1891 they had a son Sidney Hastings Lake who died at the age of 5 years and was buried at the civic cemetery on 21st Oct 1896. Still all at 14 Friary Lane in 1901 but have 2 more children of their own, Dorothy Lake age 5 and Albert Lake age 4. By 1911 they have moved to live at No.3 High Street in Fordington and have his brother Courtney Lake aged 23 living with them. Caroline Ellen Lake died on 28th Jan 1932 aged 70 and was buried at the Civic cemetery in Dorchester. Richard Edward Lake died on 10th March 1936 and was also buried at the civic cemetery. (6) Florence Kate Lake (1867-1933) bap St Georges Church Fordington 9th Feb 1870; After Banns were read on 8th; 15th and 22nd March 1891 she married at Christchurch in West Fordington to a bachelor Charles William ROME (GRO 2nd qtr 1891 Dorchester 5a 581) he was a native of Walworth in Surrey. After marriage they raised a large family initially in Walworth, then Leytonstone in Essex, Dulwwich in Surrey, and then Plumstead in Kent where they were living in 1911. The electoral registers for London show them living in Woolwich at 65a Bloomfield Road in 1933. Florence Kate ROME died in Oct 1933 at Woolwich in Oct 1933. Charles died aged 76 in Lewisham in July 1936. (7) Flora Emily Lake (1872-1951) born on 3rd Nov 1872 and bap St Georges Church Fordington 10th Apr 1872; She married at the age of 18 to George MEDHURST a native of Canterbury in Kent at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 25th Jan 1891. They raised a family of six children, the eldest child Beatrice Medhurst being born in Dorchester and the rest in Woolwich and later Plumstead. George Medhurst died there in 1906 and Flora returned to live in Dorchester living in 1911 at 26 Glyde Path Road in St Peters Parish still only aged 39. In the 29th Sep 1939 War Census she is living at The Cliff No.8 at Brighton in Sussex. Flora died at the age of 79 in Surrey during the 3rd qtr of 1951. (8) Sidney Lake (1875-1875) bap St Georges Church Fordington 15th Feb 1875 and buried there 23rd Feb 1875 (9) Lawrie [Laurie] Augustus Lake (1876-1949) born on 12th Jan 1876 and bap St Georges Church Fordington 9th Feb 1876 ; By C1901 aged 24 and unmarried living with widowed mother working as a wine merchants cellerman. In 1911 Census unmarried aged 34 boarder in St Peters Parish 17 Glebe Terrace occupation brewery foreman. He married at Christchurch in West Fordington on Boxing day 1914 to Annie Alice SPILLER the daughter of William SPILLER deceased a gardener by trade. They are both in the 1919 Electoral Register as living at No. 10 Duchy Cottages in Alington Road in Fordington. Annie died at the age of 49 being buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on 13th Feb 1934.Laurie remarried on 28th July 1935 to Mabel Hannah Lambert who had been born on 16th May 1882. They are in the Sep 1939 war census living at 10 Victoria Road in Dorchester. Lawrie Augustus Lake died at the age of 73 also being buried at the Civic Cemetery on 31st Oct 1949 in Oct 1949 joined by Mabel Hannah on 25th July 1961. (10) Alfred Lewis Lake (1878-1945) born on 29th July 1878 and bap All Saints Church Dorchester 15 Sep 1878; C1901 Aged 22 unmarried a brewery labourer. On 29th Sep 1939 War Census he is living in Trinity Street Dorchester working as a hotel kitchen porter. Died 15th Jan 1945 Dorset County Hospital (11) Clara Isabel Lake (1880-1952) bap All Saints Church Dorchester 17th Oct 1880; C91 age 10; 1901 aged 19 Domestic Parlour Maid at Southfield School; 1911 resident at Cumberland Cavendish Road Bournemouth working as a Parlour Maid aged 29 unmarried; Married 4th Feb 1918 at the Registry Office Weymouth to bailey ; Clara died at the age of 72 during 2nd qtr 1952 in the district of Portsmouth in Hampshire. (12) Ethel Hilda May Lake (1883-1886) bap All Saints Church Dorchester 20th May 1883; Died there aged 2 years during 1st qtr 1886 (5a/278) (13) Courtney Albert Charlie Lake (1887-1958) born on 23rd April 1887 and bap All Saints Church Dorchester on 17th July 1887 ; C1901 aged 13 office boy for telegram newspaper ; 1911 living with his brother Richard Edward and Caroline Lake at 3 Fordington High Street aged 23. Married to a Frances Bessie DAVIS at Christchurch in West Fordington on 1st July 1923. Living at 2 Ackerman Road Dorchester in 29th Sep 1939 War Census. Died at the age of 71 during 4th qtr 1958 in the district of Weymouth. |
Marriage Banns Winterborne Monkton image on ancestry.com includes marriage date + GRO Marriages John Lake 2nd Qtr 1860 Dorchester District Ref 5a/673. |
17 May 1860 | MARRIAGE:- 1860 in the Parish Church of Winterborne Came Entry 48 on 17th May Between Charles WIGG of full age a bachelor Railway Police resident at Fordington Dorset Father Thomas WIGG a Bailiff and Jane VINCENT of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Herringstone father James VINCENT a Bailiff were married in this church by Banns by me Lionel Damar both signatures in the presence of James Vincent; Elizabeth Vincent and James Beale | Marriages Winterborne Herringstone Dorset Ancestry.com image 28 of 119 |
23 May 1860 | BURIAL:- Entry 262 Thomas LOVE butcher aged 29 years death occurred in West Fordington 23rd May 1860 by Rev Hall; Class C burial Grave 2118 in Consecrated ground from the Parish of West Fordington | Burials Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
13 Jun 1860 | BURIAL:- Entry 604 Frederick William Smith GREGORY abode Fordington buried June 13th aged 27 years by JPF Davidson Curate of All saints | Burial Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
25 Sep 1860 | BURIAL:- Entry 294 John TROWBRIDGE Victualer aged 35 years died in Fordington 25th Sep 1860 Rev RFC Falkner Class B burial grave 1632 in consecrated ground from the Parish of Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial Register 28th Sep] |
25 Sep 1860 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Entry 10 on Page 4 of Banns of Marriage Charminster between Mathias BAILEY a bachelor of this place and Ellen MILLS a spinster of the Parish of East Fordington banns were read on Sep 25th and Oct 2nd and 16th [Note:- Married FStG 23rd Oct 1859] | Marriage Banns Charminster Ancestry.com image 52 of 383 |
29 Oct 1860 | BURIAL:- Entry 301 Charles REYNOLDS Victualler aged 52 years place where death occured Fordington 29th October 1860 by Frederick Moule Curate of St Georges Church Fordington Class A grave 893 in Consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial Register as Charles RAYNOLD] |
26 Sep 1860 | BURIAL:- Entry 306 Sarah PHELPS description= wife of Joseph PHELPS occupation ?? At Goal aged 35 years died Fordington 16th [or 26th] Sep 1860 by Rev Frederick Moule Curate of St Georges Fordington Class A burial grave 716 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial Register] |
18 Dec 1860 | MARRIAGE:- of Herbert William Reader GROVES to Sarah Ann PITFIELD
Marriages Independant Church at Poole GRO 4th quarter 1860 Poole district Ref 5a/651 |
21 Jan 1861 | BURIAL:- Entry 417 1 John MORGAN Abode Fordington Buried Jan 21st 1861 Aged 79 years by Arthur G.T. Shirley | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 27 of 51 |
23 Jan 1861 | BURIAL:- Entry 314 James ROGERS Post boy aged 75 years died Fordington 23rd January 1861 Rev James Holt Class C burial grave 783 in unconsecrated ground from the Parish of Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note Not found in Fordington Burial Register] |
21 Feb 1861 | BURIAL:- Entry 318 Ann BAKER single woman aged 66 years died Fordington 21st Feb 1861 Rev Frederick Moule Curate of St Georges Church Fordington Class A burial grave 32 in consecrated ground from the Parish of Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial Register] |
21 Mar 1861 | ![]() MARRIAGE:- Arthur Evans MOULE (1836-1918) and Eliza Agnes BERNAU (1842-1925 [Note:- As this document has been damaged by fire I have used two dashes in the transcription below -- to indicate missing text ] --61 Marriage Solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Erith in the County of Kent --March 21 1861 Arthur Evans MOULE aged 24 a bachelor Clerk resident at Fordington in the County of Dorset; Father Henry Moule -- and Eliza Agnes BERNAU aged 19 a spinster no occupation resident at Erith father John Henry BERNAU -- were married in this church by Licence -- his partial signature |
Marriages Erith Kent Ancestry.com Image 228 of 274 + GRO Marriages 1st qtr 1861 Between Arthur Evans Moule and Eliza Agnes Bernau in the district of Dartford Kent Ref 2a/303 |
02 Jun 1861 | BAPTISM:- Entry 155 2nd June 1861 Henry [GRO has Harry] William Moody son of William John Walter & Margaret PIKE abode Fordingtion occupation of father Moulder by GR Maskew officiating Minioster | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester [GRO registration not until 1st Qtr 1862] |
?? Sep 1861 | BURIAL:- Entry 342 Elizabeth BENNETT Widow aged 76 years died Fordington ? September 1861 Maxwell Class A burial in unconsecrated ground grave 312 from the Parish of Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note not in Fordington Burial Register] |
24 Oct 1861 | MARRIAGE Entry 68:- 1861 Marriage Solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Stratton in the County of Dorset on 1861 Oct 24th Between Samuel Alfred; VICKERY; aged 32 years ; Bachelor; Policeman; Resident at East Fordington; Father James Vickery a Labourer and Sarah Waldron BARGE aged 26 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Grimstone; Father Charles Barge a Labourer were married in this church by banns: by Charles Tucker Incumbant Both their signatures in the presence of Mary Ann Barge and Wm Brewer | Marriages Stratton Dorset Ancestry.com image 94 of 138 |
24 Oct 1861 | MARRIAGE Entry 49:- 1861 Marriage Solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of West Lulworth in the County of Dorset on October 24th 1861 Between Henry FRANKLIN of full age a bachelor a Coach Builder resident at Fordington [near] Dorchester [in Dorset] Father henry FRANKLIN a Brewer and Emma Winzar ROE of full age a soinster no occupation resident at West Lulworth Father Thomas ROE a Parish Clerk were married in this church by banns: by Rev. W.R.Bayley Both their signatures in the presence of John Winzar and Cecilia Mary Bartlett | Marriages West Lulworth Dorset Ancestry.com image 60 of 131 |
09 Nov 1861 | BURIAL:- Entry 349 Eliza daughter of James DRAKE Servant aged 7 years died Fordington 9th Nov 1861 FCJ Bird Class C burial grave 2819 in consecrated ground from the Parish of Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note not in Fordington Burial Register] |
29 Nov 1861 | BURIAL:- Entry 358 Sarah daughter of James DRAKE Servant aged 2 years died Fordington Rev CJ Bird Class C burial grave 2119 in consecrated ground from the Parish of Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note not in Fordington Burial Register] |
01 Jan 1862 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized at the Parish Church at Bradford Peverell on 1st Jan 1862 Entry No. 61 :- between James LAWELL of full age Sergeant in 6th Carbiniers a bachelor resident at Fordington [i.e. The Barracks in West Fordington] father George LEWELL a brush maker to Agnes FLANDERS of full age a spinster a housekeeper resident Bradford Peverell father William Flanders a Painter were married in this church after Banns ; both signed ; in the presence of Charles Elestree and Annie Vorsse? [See also Fordington Banns Register] | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 42 of 142 |
19 Jan 1862 | MARRIAGE BANNS Charminster Entry 23 James BRAKE a bachelor of Forston in this parish and Sarah Ann TUCKER spinster of West Fordington banns werec read 19th and 26th Jan and 2nd Feb 1862 [Note:- Married Christchurch West Fordington 3rd Feb 1862] | Marriage Banns Charminster Ancestry.com image |
24 Feb 1862 | MARRIAGE:- solemnized in the Parish church of Winterborne Whitchurch in Dorset Entry No. 84 February 24th [1862] Between William KELLAWAY of full age a bachelor a Railway Porter resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father John KELLAWAY a Labourer and Rosanna CUFF of full age a spinster no occupation resident at [Winterborne] Whitchurch Father Richard CUFF as Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me George Maxwell Vicar both their Signatures in the presence of William Henry Cuff (his mark) and Sarah CUFF (her mark) | Marriages Winterborne Whitchurch Dorset Ancestry.com image 135 of 222 |
08 June 1862 | BAPTISM:- Entry No. 637 : June 8th [1862] Mary Stevens daughter of James & Mary WINZAR of Fordington Father's occupation Painter by Rev. George Wright Officiating Minister | Baptisms Litton Cheney Dorset Ancestry.com image 41 of 51 |
07 July 1862 | MARRIAGE solemnised in the parish church at Tolpuddle Dorset Entry No. 81: Betrween George ARNOLD of full age a bachelor a Labourer resident at Fordington [Dorset] father Robert ARNOLD a Labourer and Ellen WATTS of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Tolpuddle Father Richard WATTS a Shepherd were married in this church after Banns by me George L Nash Vicar Both their signatures in the presence of William Hills? and Elizabeth Samways | Marriages Tolpuddle Dorset Ancestry.com image 54 of 171 |
04 Oct 1862 | MARRIAGE solemnised in the Parish Church of Milton Abbas Dorset Entry No. 158 on 4th Oct 1862 Between Job MITCHELL of full age a bachelor a Carpenter resident at Foirdington father Joseph MITCHELL a Carrier and Lydia JEFFERIES of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Milton Abbas father James JEFFERIES a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Henry Guy Rector Officiating Minister ; both their signatures in the presence of Joseph Vacker? Jeffr(e)y and Sarah Elizabeth Jeffery | |
22 Jan 1863 | BURIAL :- Entry 455 Ann Jameson GRIFFIS spinster aged 45 years died Fordington 22nd Jan 1863 Rev Frederick John Moule Curate of St Georges Church Fordington Class A burial grave 932 in consecrated ground from the Parish of Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial Register] |
10 Feb 1863 | MARRIAGE:- solemnized in the parish of Winterborne Came Dorset Entry No. 52 on February 10th 1863 Between John George TEED of full age a bachelor a Coach Smith resident at FordingtonFather John TEED a Coach Smith and Jane HALL of Full Age a Spinster no occupation resident at Winterborne Came Father Benjamin HALL a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. W Barnes Rector, his signature her mark in the presence of Robert Hall and Emma Hall | Marriages Winterbrone Came Dorset Ancestry.com image 30 of 119 Marriage Banns Wint Came image 74 of 119 |
24 Mar 1863 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 64 Samuel WALKER abode East Fordington buried at Charminster 24th March 1863 age 26 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
18 Apr 1863 | BURIAL:- Entry 489 William SHUTTER son of William SHUTTER a miller aged 31 years died West Fordington 18th Apr 1863 Rev James Cleare Class B burial grave 327 in unconsecrated ground from West Fordington parish Church | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note not in Fordington Burial Register] |
05 May 1863 & 09 Aug 1863 | BAPTISM:- Entry 223 Baptised 9th August 1863 Amelia Emily Born May 5th 1863 daughter of Frederick & Frances TOWNSEND abode West Fordington Sergeant in the Royal Horse artillery by CJ Proctor | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
20 May 1863 | BURIAL: Entry 495 Charles DUNN Inkeeper aged 44 years died Fordington 20th May 1863 by Rev J.C. Bird Incumbant of West Fordington Class B burial grave 1847 in consecrated ground from Parish of Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial Register] |
15 Jun 1863 | MARRIAGE BANNS: Winterborne Monkton Banns were read between Joseph LAKE anf Fanny CORNISH (both of this parish) on 24th; 31st May and 7th June 1863 MARRIAGE: At the parish church at Monkton Dorset on 15th June 1863 Between Joseph LAKE aged 28 years a bachelor a Labourer resident at Monkton father William LAKE a labourer and Parish Clerk to Fanny CORNISH aged 20 years no occupation resident at Monkton father Samuel Cornsh a shoemaker were married in this church by me Rev Edward Ludlow Vicar both their signatures witnesses James Lake and Elizabeth Jane Lake [Note:- Joseph LAKE (1835-1879?) was baptised at Winterborne Monkton on 1st March 1835 the son of William LAKE (1794-1875) and Elizabeth nee FRAMPTON (1796-1862). Fanny CORNISH [CORNICK] (1845-1926) was baptised at Maiden Newton in Dorset on 25th March 1845 the daughter of Samuel CORNICK a master shoemaker by trade and his wife Hannah. In 1851 Fanny Cornick aged 9 is with her widowed father Samuel and siblings Richard, Elizabeth and Solomon at Claremont in Maiden Newton. By 1861 aged 20 Fanny again recorded as Cornick is working in West Fordington at 14 Grove Buildings as a general Servant. After marriage they settled to live in Fordington in 'Mill Street' Joseph working as an agricultural labourer and raised a family of 7 children the last born in 1876. They arrived only 9 years after the deadly Cholera outbreak there during 1854. Joseph however had died before 1881 as Fanny is then recorded as a widow and had moved to live nearby in 'Cuckholds Row' in Fordington giving her age as 37. I can find no burial for Joseph at Fordington or at the civic cemetery and the only possible death registration at the GRO is for a Joe LAKE in the Dorchester District during the 1st qtr 1879 (It would be necessary to obtain the certificate to be sure this was him - GRO Ref 5a/271). On 20th Jan 1889 Fanny calling herself Frances had her two youngest children baptised at St Georges Church when she gave her abode as being Shorts Lane in Fordington. Fanny is back in 'Mill Street' by 1891 aged 48; In 1901 living at No. 73 'Mill Street' Fordington (not All Saints Parish as recorded on ancestry.) a widow aged 57 and slightly deaf; In 1911 Fanny LAKE a widow is a boarder in lodgings at 4 Priory Villas in Parkstone aged 67 her birthplace was entered as Dorchester but crossed out and Bridport entered. Her correct birthplace of Maiden Newton was half way between the two. Fanny died at the age of 83 during 4th qtr 1926 (5a/260 (not 250). Children from this marriage:-
![]() He joined the Militia and is resident in 1881 at West Fordington Depot Barrcks aged 16 and recorded as being born at Dorchester. Unfortunately very few Militia records survive. He married Elizabeth MILLS (1874-1947) the daughter of a labourer and mason by trade called Henry MILLS at St Georges Church in Fordington on 13th Jan 1895. Elizabeth had been baptised at Winterborne St Martin on 12th Aug 1874 the daughter of Henry Bartlett MILLS by his wife Susan Ann nee BOWRING. The 1911 census records that they had seven children, 5 of which were still at 10 Hillside Cottages in Fordington in 1911. Electoral Registers show that they were living at 20 Fordington Hill by 1914 but their daughter Alice married on 23rd Aug 1915 by which time they were resident at 8 Duchy Cottages in Alington Road and Solomon Lake is referred to as being a Private Soldier in the 3rd Dorset Regiment. It's also clear that he served during the First World War as Soldier 11658 a Private in the Dorset Regt. Unfortunately only his pension index card seems to have survived confirming his birth c1864. An Invalided Soldiers Pension started on 6th April 1920 when his address was 8 Duchy Cottages Allington Rd Dorchester. Solomon LAKE died on 11th Feb 1926 at 29 Arlington Road when his age is registered as being 61. He was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington 4 days later on the 15th of the same month.. Elizabeth recorded as a widow is in the 29th Sep 1939 War Census living at 29 Alington Road. She died there at the age of 72 being buried at St Georges Church on 8th Jan 1947. (1.1) Alice May Winifred Lake (1895-1981) born on 21st May 1895 and bap FStG 21st July 1895 whilst living at 21 Short's Lane; she married 23rd Aug 1915 to William Edward DOWD aged 22 a Corporal in the 1st Somerset Regiment at St Georges Church in Fordington.They are in the 29th Sep 1939 War Census living at Laine Road in Dorchester William being a postman.Alice died at the age of 86 3rd qtr 1981 in the distrrict of Weymouth (1.2) Rosaline Violet Alberta Lake (1897-1960) bap FStG 24th Oct 1897 74 Mill Street (1.3) Sydney Lake (1900-1900) GRO Births 2nd qtr 1900 Dorchester District, Ref 5a/313 and GRO Deaths 2nd qtr 1900 D/Dist Ref 5a/209 (1.4) Francis Vivian Lake (1903-1903) bap FStG 17th Mar 1903 at 7 Hillside Terrace; buried FStG 1st July 1903 aged 3 months (1.5) John Henry Lake (1904-1988) bap FStG 23rd Nov 1904 at 7 Hillside Terrace; (1.6) Nora Elizabeth Lake (1909-1985) bap FStG 21st Feb 1909 (CLDS Film 24277514); (1.7) Majorie Florence Mills Lake (1910-2002) born 2nd qtr 1910 Fordington; she married 19th Sep 1927 to Francis GREENMAN son of Charles GREENMAN (2) Herbert Harry [Henry] Lake (1867-1931) bap FStG Church 12 Sep 1867; aged 5 1871; age 15 with his widowed mother in 1881 an Ag Lab; Aged 24 1891 General Labourer; By 1895 he had moved to Preston and banns for his marriage were read on 5th; 12th and 19th May. He presumably obtained settlement in Preston as the words "of the parish of Fordington" have been crossed out on the Banns Register. On 22nd May 1895 he married Elizabeth Ann BURT the 29 year old daughter of Thomas BURT in the church at Prseton. After marriage they returned to Fordington where a son Herbert George Lake was baptised at St George Church on 20th Aug 1899; a daughter Ada Constance Sybil Lake bap 30th Dec 1900. They are listed in the 1901 Census living at No.2 Icen Way in All Saints Parish. Another son John Cyril Lake was baptised at St Georges church on 23rd June 1903 and they were still in Icen Way in 1911 although resident in No.8. Herebert Harry Lake died at the age of 64 on 14th May 1931 and was buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester. (3) Richard Lake (1870-1936) bap FStG Church 28th Aug aged 2 1871; Aged 13 with his widowed mother in 1881 Ag Lab; On 2nd July 1895 at Christchurch West Fordington he married Emily GREEN (1877-1940) the 18 year old daughter of George and Mary Jane GREEN. Emily had been born on 6th June 1877 and baptised at Osmington on 22nd July 1877 (CLDS Film 1239220). They were living with his mother at 74 Mill St in 1901 Richard working as a labourer at the iron factory in Fordington. They had 8 children between 1896 and 1915 (7 living in 1911) leaving Fordington circa 1904 for Tolpuddle and arriving in Winterborne Abbas circa 1909. Richard Lake died on 10th March 1936 aged 68 and was buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester (Grave 2-1174). In the 29 Sep 1939 War Census Emily recorded as awidow is in the General Hospital in Dorchester in Princes St.Emily died at the age of 63 during the 4th qtr 1940 (GRO 5a/827) (4) Rose Lake (1870-1932) bap FStG 9th Jun 1873; aged 1 1871; Aged 11 with her widowed mother in 1881 Scholar; She married Bryan Edward WARD a Soldier at St Georges church in Fordington on 21st Jan 1889. Bryan became a Railway Signalman and they had 2 children Herbert Edward Ward who born in Caldicot who became an ironmoulder and Alice May Ward born at Derby where Rose WARD nee LAKE died on 16th Oct 1932 leaving a modest estate of just over £168. (5) Frances Alice Lake (1873-1949) aged 8 in 1881 in Fordington Workhouse a scholar; baptised at Christchurch West Fordington 8th June 1884, abode given as East Fordington Union Workhouse, father Joseph Lake deceased mother Fanny Lake With her widowed mother in Mill St in 1891 aged 19; She married during 1st qtr 1898 to Herbert John BUSHROD by whom she had 3 children. She died at the age of 77 at Banbury Oxfordshire during 1st qtr 1949 (6) Charles William Lake (1875-1925) born at Fordington aged 6 with his widowed mother in 1881; baptised later at St Georges Church in Fordington with his younger brother Samuel Sydney on 20th Jan 1889; aged 16 in 1891 Draper's errand boy; Enlisted into the 24th Battalion Royal Fusiliers Soldier 6129 13th Apr 1898 aged 22 years 3 months occupation draper's assistant; height 5' 5½,Weight 123lbs; Chest 34/36"; Complexion fresh; Eyes Hayzel; hair brown; Discharged 16th Nov 1917 address 73 Mill St Fordington; bears an impressive charcter being conceincious hard working and thoroughly honest served in France and wounded; Amputation below the right knee scars on left hand leg and chest.Service Home 5 Aug 1914 ; France 15th Nov 1915 Home 12th Aug 1916 to discharge.Charles remained a bachelor and died on 30th May 1925 still living in Mill Street and was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 3rd June aged 50. (7) Samuel Sydney Lake (1876-1959) aged 5 in 1881 with his widowed mother; baptised later at St Georges Church in Fordington with his elder brother Charles William on 20th Jan 1889; aged 15 1891 General Labourer; He married Bessie SAMWAYS at St Mary's Church in Wareham 29th Feb 1896 by whom he had 5 children between 1896 and 1910.Samuel died at the age of 84 (GRO Salisbury 1st qtr 1959 Ref 7c/642) on 21st March 1959 at Dolbeajo Church Road Laverstock in Salisbury leaving an estate of just over £1,550 administered by his 2 eldest sons. |
Marriage Banns Winterborne Monkton Dorset ancestry.com image 100 of 113 and image 19 of 113
Marriage Winterborne Monkton Dorset Ancestry.com image 47 of 113 Also image 5 of 7 under Monkton 1852-1874 File
10 Jul 1863 | BAPTISM:- Entry 227 Emma born July 10th 1863 daughter of Charles & Emma TAYLOR abode West Fordington occupation of father labourer by Frederick John Moule Officiating Minister [Curate of St Georges Fordington] | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
09 Sep 1863 | BURIAL:- Entry 448 Elizabeth KENDALL Abode Fordington Buried Sept 9th 1863 Aged 55 years by Arthur S Shirley Vicar | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 29 of 51 |
11 Sep 1863 and 08 June 1863 | BAPTISM:- Entry 231 Baptised September 11th 1863 Walter Henry born 8th June 1863 son of Edwin and Harriett Amelia WALL abode Fordington occupation of father Station Master by CJ Prioctor | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
13 Sep 1863 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Entry 107 in the Register for the Parish of Wool Dorset: Banns of Marriage were read between John BUSH a bachelor of the parish of Fordington and Martha Kellway a spinster of this Parish on 13th; 20th and 27th September 1863. [Note:- Banns of Marriage were also read at Christchurch West Fordington on same days. An entry for their marriage was also made in the West Fordington Marriage Register Entry No. 64 on 18th Feb 1864 but Entire entry deleted - not signed by participants or vicar] | Marriage Banns Wool Dorset Ancestry.com image 237 of 332 - West Fordington image 17 of 676 |
22 Sep 1863 | BURIAL:- Entry 521 Mary POWELL daughter of Joseph POWELL aged 1 week died West Fordington 22nd Sep 1863 A Merriman Class C burial grave 799 unconsecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
05 Nov 1863 | BURIAL:- Entry 533 Harry PINNICK son of John PINNICK a Dyer, age 2 weeks, died West Fordington, 5th Nov 1863 Class C Grave 790 in unconsecrated ground from West Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
01 Dec 1863 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnised in the Parish church at Winterbourne Steepleton Dorset Entry No. 44: on 1st Dec 1863 Between Robert PAYNE of full age a bachelor a carpenter resident at Fordington Father William PAYNE a Carpenter and Elizabeth ENGLISH of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Winterbourne Steepleton Father William ENGLISH a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. M.G.Green B.D. Rector both their signatures in the presence of John Pearce and Mary Doors | Marriages Winterbourne Steepleton Dorset Ancestry.com image 28 of 95 |
09 Dec 1863 | MARRIAGE:- Robert HAYNE of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset a bachelor to Mary Ann BEARDMORE of the parish of Holy Trinity Church Chelsea in Middlesex a widow were married in the parish church of Holy Trinity Chelsea 9th Dec 1863 -- ALSO:- MARRIAGE: 1863 solemnized at Trinity Church in the Parish of Upper Chelsea in the County of Middlesex Entry 301: December 10th [1863] Between Robert HAYNE of full age a bachelor a Gentleman resident at Fordington father John HAYNE a Merchant and Mary Ann BEARDMORE of full age, a widow, no occupation, resident at Upper Chelsea, Father George Cooper RIDGE a Captain in the Army were married in this church by Licence by me Rev. John HAYNE Officiating Minister both their signatures in the presence of Frederick RIDGE; Jemima Bennett and Elizabeth Ridge.
(1) Elizabeth Ridge Hayne (1864-1892) bap 30 Oct 1864 who remained a spinster and died at the young age of 28 being buried at Fordington on 13th Dec 1892 (2) Robert Hayne (1868-1960) born at Fordington House on 23rd Sep 1867 he was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 13th Aug 1868. He matriculated at Brasenose College in Oxford on 25th Oct 1885 aged 18 but no other details are provided. Aged 31 he inherited his fathers substantial estate and in March 1901 is living at Fordington House recorded as a farmer with 2 servants a parlour maid and a cook. He remained a bachelor and by the 1911 Census aged 43 he is still a farmer but living at Osmington. On 30th April 1914 he married at St Marys Church Byanston Square St Marylebone to Margaret Olivia Ouless a 30 year old spinster. She had been norn on 6th Nov 1883 the daughter of Walter William Ouless described as of Royal Academicia. Robert lived to the age of 93 at spring bottom Osmington and died on 15th Dec 1960 at Moffat House in Weymouth leaving an estate of £75,694 to Margaret Olivia Hayne his widow and Lucy Margaret Pomeroy a married woman. Margaret died at Osmington on 27th Feb 1966. |
Marriages London England Crisp's Marriage Licence Index 1713-1892 Ancestry.com image 159 of 213. Also 1891 Census and National Probate Calendar Also Marriage 9th Dec 1863 St Marys Byanston Square St Marylebone London image ancestry.com Also Married 10th Dec 1863 Trinity Church Upper Chelsea Middlesex London image 202 of 252 Also Marriage Bond and Allegation Ancestry.com image 38 of 345 |
4th qtr 1863 aft 6th Dec | MARRIAGE BANNS:-Entry 226 in St George Church Fordington Between Henry TROWBRIDGE of the parish of Fordington a bachelor and Susan MORRIS of the parish of Catistock Banns were read 22nd and 29th November and 6th December 1863 [Note:- Cattistock Marriages are only available on Ancestry.com up to 1837 - GRO Marrages 4th qtr 1863 Dorchester District Ref 5a 743 - After marriage they settled in Fordington where the following children were baptised (1) George Trowbridge bap FStG 25th Dec 1864 (2) Charles Trowbridge bap FStG 29th Dec 1865 and buried 11th Aug 1866 | Marriages Cattistock Dorset GRO Marriages 4th qtr 1863 Ref 5a 743 |
13 Dec 1863 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Charminster Entry No. 37 between Charles BAILEY a bachelor of this place and Jane SIBLEY a spinster of the Parish of West Fordington Banns were read 13th; 20th and 27th Dec 1863 [Note:- Married Christchurch West Fordington 29th Dec 1863] | Marriages Banns Charminster Ancestry.com image |
24 Mar 1864 | MARRIAGE:- solemnized at the parish church in Littlebredy Dorset Entry No. 30 on 21st March [1864] Between John DAVIS aged 21 a bachelor a dealer resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father James DAVIS a Gardener and Martha WOODSFORD aged 23 years a spinster no occupation resident at Littlebredy Father Joseph WOODSFORD a shepherd were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. R.S.Eaton Curtae both their signatures in the presence of James Davis and Jane Woodsford | Marriages Little Bredy Dorset Ancestry.com image 109 of 151 |
02 Apr 1864 | BURIAL:- Entry 316 Burial Register parish of Ansford Somerset Elizabeth HAYNE abode Fordington buried 2nd Apr 1864 aged 74 years [Note wife of John HAYNE of Fordington See Wills Index. Also note She married John Hayne at St Marylebone London in 1837 ] | Burials Ansford Somerset |
17 May 1864 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 84 Elizabeth LESTER abode from the asylum late of Fordington buried at Charminster 17th May 1864 age 80 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
17 May 1864 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 85 Mary DUFALL from the asylum but late of Fordington buried at Charminster 17th May 1864 age 61 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
13 Jun 1864 | MARRIAGE: Entry 456 Parish Church of Holy Trinity Weymouth Dorset 13th June 1864 Thomas RIGGS aged 41 a widower Innkeeper resident at Fordington father Joseph RIGGS deceased married Dorcas BRINE aged 21 a spinster no occupation abode Weymouth no father "Illegitimate" both signatures witnesses William Purchase & the mark of Eliza Hore [Note:- Thomas RIGGS (1815-1877) was Innkeeper of the 'Bulls Head' on Fordington Hill. They had a daughter Alice Annie Riggs baptised at FStG Church 24th Oct 1864 who died aged 5 being buried there 17 Sep 1870. Follow link for more information] |
Marriages Holy Trinity Church Weymouth image available of Cert on ancestry.com |
22 Oct 1864 23 Oct 1864 |
MARRIAGE:- Licence: Diocese London: 22nd Oct 1864 Appeared Personally George Knight STANTON of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex a Bachelor of the age of 21 years and upwards and prayed a Licence for the Solemnization of Matrimony in the Parish church of Saint Clement Danes aforesaid between him and Sarah Selina LILL of the parish of Forthington in the County of Dorset spinster of the age of twenty one years and upwards and made Oath that he believeth that there is no impediment of Kindred of Alliance, or any other lawful cause, nor any suit commenced in any Ecclesiasticl Court to bar or hinder the proceedings of the said Matrimony according to the tener of such a Licence. And further made oath that he the said appearer hath had his usual place of abode within the said Parish of Saint Clement Danes for the space of Fifteen days last past. Signed George Knight STANTON. Marriage: Entry 436 between George Knight STANTON aged 52 years a bachelor occupation Gentleman resident 29 Arundel Street father William STANTON deceased Woollen Manufacturer married to Sarah Selina LILL aged 23 a spinster no occupation resident at Fordington Dorset father William LILL a Miller both their signatures witnesses Stephen Bendall and Kate Keswick |
Marriages St Clements Westminster London |
14 Dec 1864 | BURIAL:- Entry 465 Anne OLIVER Abode Fordington Buried Dec 14th 1864 Aged 74 years by Arthur G.S.Shirley Vicar | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 30 of 51 |
27 Feb 1865 | MARRIAGE:- entry 142 27th Feb 1865 between Charles Findel GRIFFIS age 50 a widower an adjudant of the Dorset Yeomanry Cavalry resident at East fordington father John GRIFFIS a Captain in the Army M.D. and Loisa Harriett COSENS age 43 a widow no occupation resident Charminster father William JONES formerly of the Kings Dragoon Guards were married by licence both sig: wit: Emily Harriett Cosens Harriett Coombs GJ Andrews Robert A Keddle | Marriages Charminster ancestry.com image |
12 Mar 1865 | BAPTISM:- Entry 649 William John the son of William & Elizabeth Bow BLANDAMER abode Dorchester trade Innkeeper by HJ Greenhill Curste [Note:- His father William BLANDAMER (1828-1878) was Innkeeper of the Noah's Ark in Fordington] | Baptisms Evershot Parish Baptism Register Ancestry.com image |
19 Mar 1865 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Moreton: Entry 43 between John Lovel PALMER resident at Moreton a widower and Emily Hannah CLARKE resdient of Fordington in Dorset a spinster. [Note:- Married at FStG 4th Apr 1865] | Marriage Banns Morerton Dorset OPC |
28 Mar 1865 | BURIAL:- Entry 610 William BRIDGE Shoemaker aged 23 years place where death occurred West Fordington 28th March 1865 by Rev H Bint? Class C grave 2120 in consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [BT's Missing for Fordington] |
22 Mar 1865 | BURIAL:- Entry 611 Charlotte WHITE Widow aged 46 years died East Fordington 22nd March 1865 Rev Frederick Moule Curate of St georges Fordington Class A burial grave 970 in consecrated ground from East Fordington parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [BT's Missing for Fordington] |
25 Mar 1865 | BURIAL:- Entry 613 Richard CANILY? [Note GRO has CANDY] Millwright aged 24 years died West Fordington 25th March 1865 Rev H Bird Class B burial grave 1736 buried in consecrated ground from west fordington parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [BT's Missing for Fordington] |
22 Apr 1865 | BURIAL:- Entry 622; Frances BUSSELL; daughter of Eliza Bussell, singlewoman; 7 Months; West fordington; Apr 22nd 1865 | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [BT's Missing for Fordington] |
11 May 1865 | MARRIAGE: Solemnized in the Parish Church of Gillingham Dorset Entry No. 60 on May 11th 1865 Between Laurence Henry NOLAN aged 24 years a bachelor a Railway Clerk resident at Fordington Father Laurence Henry NOLAN Controller of Customs and Eliza Ann STACEY aged 25 years a spinster no occupation resident at Gillingham Dorset Father William STACEY a Yeoman were married in this church [after Banns?] by me R Casswall Both their signatures in the presence of George Arthur? and Ann Stacey | Marriages Gillingham Dorset Ancestry.com image 378 of 756 |
abt Jun 1865 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- were read at Fordington Entry 267:- Thomas EAST otp a bachelor and Charlotte SYRED a spinster of the parish of Chalfont in the County of Berkshire Banns were read 14th; 21st and 28th May 1865 MARRIAGES:- GRO 2nd qtr 1865 between Charlotte Syred and Thomas East in the district of Amersham Buckinghamshire Ref 3a/477] |
Marriages GRO 2nd qtr 1865 Amersham district of Buckinghamshire Ref 3a/477 |
19 Jun 1865 | BURIAL:- Entry 630 Charles Robert SEAL Carpenter aged 34 years place where death occurred West Fordington, 19th June 1865, by Rev James ? Class C grave 2157 in consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [BT's Missing for Fordington] |
19 July 1865 | BURIAL:- Entry 645 Ellen Mary WALLIS daughter of James WALLIS receiving officer aged 22 years place where death occurred East Fordington 19th July 1865 by Rev Frederick Moule Curate of St Georges Church Fordington Class B in consecrated ground from East fordington parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [BT's Missing for Fordington] |
02 Sep 1865 | BURIAL:- Entry 652 Mary Ann Wallis TYLE wife of William Wallis TYLE editor of a paper aged 49 years place where death occurred East Fordington 2nd Sep 1865 by Rev CJ Proctor Class A grave 928 in consecrated ground from East Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [BT's Missing for Fordington] |
20 Nov 1865 | BURIAL:- Richard Joshua CRITCHELL abode Fordington Buried 20 Nov 1865 aged 21 Years W Barnes | Burials - Entry 115 page 15 Burial Register Winterborne Came |
04 Dec 1865 | BURIAL:- John Stokes HUTCHINGS Coach uilder aged 47 years place where death occurred Fordington 4th Dec 1865 by Rev Frederick Moule Curate of St Georges church Fordington Class A grave 1269 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [BT's Missing for Fordington] |
30 Dec 1865 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 132 Mary MEARS abode East Fordington buried at Charminster 30th Dec 1865 age 75 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
06 Feb 1866 | BURIAL:- Entry 686 Charles James FOX son of Henry FOX shoemaker age 1 year place where death occurred West Fordington 6th Feb 186 by Rev JC Bird Class B grave 1639 in Consecrated ground from west Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial Register] |
26 Mar 1866 | BURIAL:- 694; Walter BRIDGE; son of Jane Bridge, singlewoman; 1; Fordington; Mar 26th 1866 | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
06 May 1866 | BURIAL:- Entry 701 Elizabeth ROWE Widow aged 72 years 6th May 186 place where death occurred Fordington by Rev Frederick Moule Curate of St Georges Church Fordington Class A grave 1271 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial Register] |
25 May 1866 | BURIAL:- Entry 791 Sarah HAYMAN abode Fordington was buried May 25th aged 41 years by CJ Proctor | Burial Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
25 May 1866 | BURIAL:- Entry 707 Sarah HAYMAN wife of George Hayman receiving officer aged 41 years place where death occurred Fordington 25th May 1866 Rev EJ Proctor Class B grave 2045 buried in consecrated ground from East Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [See Above recorded in All Saints burial Register not Fordington] |
Banns from: 8 July 1866
Marriage 30 July 1866 |
MARRIAGE BANNS: Entry No. 25 Banns of Marriage between Ann ROBERTS Spinster of this parish and James BUBER bachelor of the parish of Fordington were read on July 8th; 15th and 22nd 1866 MARRIAGE: Entry 123 Parish Church of Sydling 30th July 1866: Between James BUBEER [BUBIER] of Full age a bachelor trade shopman resident Fordington father Henry BUBEER a Farmer to Ann ROBERTS of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Sydling no father both their signatures witnesses George Gilbert and Mary Ann Gilbert [Note:- First: James Surname is regularly spelt differently in documentation making the location of records difficult. [Variations located are:- Boobyer; Bubeer; Buber; Bubber, Bubear; Bubier; Bubyer. The best original spelling is BUBEER later becoming BUBIER] James BUBEER (1848-1893) was the son of Henry BUBEER a native of Tiverton in Devon by his wife Elizabeth from Up Ottery in Devon. Ann Wellman ROBERTS (1844-1931) was the illegitimate daughter of Bethia ROBERTS and baptised at Sydling St Nicholas on 24th March 1844. [Note:- Wellman may well have been the surname of the father]. After marriage James and Ann settled to live in Fordington living at Millers Close with James working as a Grocer's Porter. In the 1871 Census James younger brother Samuel BUBEER aged 16 a carter on a farm was also living with them; James died at the relatively young age of 50 being buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 28th Feb 1893. Ann remarried during the 3rd qtr 1898 to William Alfred Rudd. Ann RUDD nee Roberts died aged 87 on 18th May 1931 and was buried at the civic cemetery in Dorchester. Children:-
(2) Charles William BUBEER (1868-1868) (GRO Birth 4th Qtr 1868 Dorchester Reg district Ref 5a/336- Does not apopear to have been baptised. Buried at St Georges Church East Fordington 19th Nov 1868 [Christchurch in West Fordington had no burial ground] (3) Frederick Charles BOOBYER (1870- 1935? ) bap Christchurch West Fordington 8th Feb 1870; he remained with the family into adulthood working as a butcher in 1891 (4) William Frank BUBEER (1872-1907) His birth is registered at the GRO in 1st qtr 1872 Dorchester District Ref 5a/355. I cannot locate a baptism [although strangely there is one back at Sydling St Nicholas for a Henry Francis the son of James and Ann BUBEAR on 1st Sep 1872 where their place of residence is given as Dorchester! ]. In Census returns for 1881 and 1891 he is with his family simply recorded as Frank. He enlisted at Dorchester Barracks into the Army as Frank BUBIER on 30th June 1891 and is recorded as Soldier 3245 being posted after induction on 2nd July. In 1901 aged 29 he is still living at No. 5 Millers Close with his widowed mother Ann RUDD (who has remarried). William Frank BUBIER died aged 33 years of 5 Millers Close was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 27th Aug 1907 (5) Charlotte Emma BUBEER (1875- ? ) bap Christchurch West Fordington on 13th Feb 1875; aged 8? in 1881; aged 14 in 1891 (6) James Walter BUBEER (c1877- ) He was baptised at Christchurch on17th Feb 1877; aged 6? in 1881; aged 11 in 1891 (7) Lucy Bethia BUBEER (c1879- ) She was bap at Christchurch on 15th April 1879; aged 2 in 1881; aged 7? in 1891 (8) Elizabeth Ann BUBEER (1882 - ) She was baptised at Christchurch on 6th Aug 1882; aged 6 in 1891; aged 16 with mother 1901; (9) Alice Jane BUBEER (1887- ) She was baptised at christchurch on 6th Feb 1887; aged 4 in 1891 |
Marriage Banns Sydling St Nicholas Marriage Sydling St Nicholas images on ancestry.com image 84 of 244 GRO Marriages between Ann ROBERTS & James BUBEER 1866 3rd qtr Dorchester Reg District Ref 5a/605 |
04 Aug 1866 | BURIAL:- Entry 722 Jane WILLIS wife of Thomas ? WILLIS [illegible trade ] age 41 years place where death occurred West Fordington 4th Aug 1866 by Rev JC Bird Class grave 2075 in consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
23 Oct 1866 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Fordington Parish St Georges Church:- 291. James SEBLEY a bachelor otp and Elizabeth MORRIS a spinster of the parish of Cattistock Banns were read 16th; 23rd and 31st Sep 1866 MARRIAGE:- (1) Oct 23 at Cattistock Church Mr. James SEBLEY of Fordington to Miss Elizabeth MORRIS of Cattistock - [Note:-Ancestry.com only have Marriages for Cattistock up to 1837] |
Marriages Cattistock Dorset (1) Newspaper Southern Times & Dorset County Herald also Sherborne Mercury |
11 Nov 1866 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Entry 125 Wool Marriage Banns Register Banns of Marriage were read at Wool on 11th 18th and [Blank] but signed between Charles William FANCY a bachelor of the parish of Fordington and Mary LOCK a spinster of this parish Charles William FANCY - Mary LOCK MARRIAGE Solemnised in the Parish Church at Wool Dorset Entry 117:- dated Nov 27th 1866 Bewteen Charles William FANCY of full age a bachelor a Miller resident at Fordington Dorset father Edward FANCY a Baker and Mary LOCK of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Wool father Thomas lOCK a Dairyman were married in this church after banns by me Rev. Frank Newington; both their signatures in the presence of Charles Lock and Martha Jane Randall |
Marriage Banns Wool Dorset Ancestry.com image 242 of 332 Marriages Wool Dorset Ancestry.com image 115 of 332 |
06 Dec 1866 | BURIAL:- Entry 755 Mary Mc VERNON daughter of Alexander Mc Vernon aged 17 years place where death occurred Fordington 6th Dec 1866 by Rev [illegible] Class A in unconsecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
07 Feb 1867 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnised in the Parish Church at Netherbury Dorset Entry No. 289 on February 7th 1867 Between Simeon HODDER of full age a bachelor a Miller & Baker resident at Fordington Dorset Father William HODDER a Weaver and Harriet COOK of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Strode [Hamlet within Netherbury Parish] Father Richard COOK a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Aubrey Spring Rice both their signatures in the presence of Jonh [John?] Cook and Mary Ann Hardy | Marriages Netherbury Dorset Ancestry.com image 205 of 669 |
07 Feb 1867 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnised in the church of Bradpole Dorset Entry: No. 265 dated Feb 7th 1867 Between William POMEROY of full age a bachelor a Labourer resident at Fordington Dorset Father John POMEROY a Labourer and Mary Anna CLEALL of full age a spinster a Servant resident at Bradpole Dorset Father John CLEALL a Labourer were married in this church be me Rev. Bradley both their signatures in the presence of William Lowe and Elizabeth Pomeroy | Marriages Bradpole Dorset Ancestry.com image 238 of 477 |
02 Mar 1867 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 166 Joseph REDWOOD abode East Fordington buried at Charminster 2nd Mar 1867 age 41 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
05 May 1867 | BURIAL:- Entry 785 Thomas Luke ARNOLD Labourer aged 79 Years place where death occurred Fordington; 5th May 1867; by JH Charles Class C bgrave 913 in unconsecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
09 May 1867 | MARRIAGE:- 10. Thomas COX a widower of the parish of Fordington and Mary PITMAN a spinster of the parish of North Cadbury in Somerset Banns were read 7th; 14th and 21st April 1867: [Note:- Banns Also read at North Cadbury Somerset Entry 172 Ancestry.com image 45 of 74 :- " Banns of Marriage between Thomas COX of the Parish of Fordington of [near] Dorschester a widower and Mary PITMAN spinster of this parish Banns read 7th; 14th and 21st April 1867: Side line entry "Married May 9th 1867" -- Marriage register not available on ancestry.com - GRO Marriages 2nd qtr 1867 Wincanton district Somerset between Thomas COX and Mary PITMAN Ref 5c/763] | Marriages North Cadbury Somerset Ancestry.com Image of North Cadbury Banns 45 of 74 |
19 May 1867 | BAPTISM:- Entry 336 baptised 19th May 1867 Elizabeth Mary daughter of William & Elizabeth jane L'HOMME abode Fordington occupation of father Merchant by Thomas Henry Braine | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
21 July 1867 | BAPTISM:- Entry 339 Baptised 21st July 1867 Alice Rosa daughter of Charles & Martha Margaret LACEY abode Fordington occupation of father bailer by Thomas Henry Braine | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
02 Aug 1867 | BURIAL:- Entry 799 Louisa Jane HAYWARD daughter of Robert Hayward Butcher aged 10 years place where death occurred Fordington 2nd Aug 1867 by Rev Henry Moule Vicar of St Georges Church Fordington Class A grave 646 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Also in Fordington Burial register] |
24 Sep 1867 | BURIAL:- Entry 813 Sely SHORE Widow aged 69 years place where death occurred Fordington by Frederick Moule Curate of St Georges Church Fordington Class?? Grave 1150? In consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Also in Fordington Burial register] |
06 Oct 1867 & 22 Oct 1867 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Charminster Entry 61 between Robert RUSSELL a bachelor of this parish and Anne HELLIER of the parish of West Fordington banns were read 6th; 13th and 20th Oct 1867: MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Charminster Entry 155 22nd Oct 1867 between Robert Russell age 29 a bachelor a labourer resident Charminster father William Russell a labourer and Ann HILLIER age 25 a spinster no occupation father George HELLIER a thatcher both sig: wit: Martha Jane Russell and George Hillier |
Marriage Banns Charminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 60 of 383 Marriage Charminster Image 229 of 383 |
27 Oct 1867 | BURIAL:- Agnes Annie VOSS abode Fordington Buried 27 Oct 1867 aged 3 months W Barnes | Entry 121 page 16 Burial Register Winterborne Came |
19 Dec 1867 | MARRIAGE:-Solemnized at the Parish Church in Bradford Peverell Dorset Entry No. 70 on Dec 19th 1867 between William THOMAS aged 21 a bachelor a Porter resident at West Fordington father Isaiah THOMAS a Thatcher and Susan Mary PARK age 21 Spinster no occupation resident Bradford Peverell father Samuel Park a Carter were married in this church by me Rev. Charles Tucker Officiating Minister both trheir signatures in the presence of Mary J Kinson and F Charles ? | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Anceswtry.com image 46 of 142 |
30 Dec 1867 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the parish church at Mintern Magna Dorset Entry No.73 on Dec 30th 1867 Between George FRANCIS aged 50 years a widower a Mason resident at West Fordington Father: Robert Francis, a Mason and Eliza ENGLISH aged 35 s Spinster no occupation resident at Minterne Magna Dorset Father: Daniel English, Keeper, were married in this church after Banns by me Rev john Truman both their signatures on the presence of John Hayter, and Ruth English Note:- Banns were published 15th; 22nd & 29th December 1867 at Christchurch West Fordington. | Marriages Minterne Magna Dorset Ancestry.com Mintern Magna Banns image 107 of 129 - West Fordington image 26 of 676 Marriage image 46 of 129 |
04 Aug 1868 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the parish church at Up Cern in the Diocese of Sarum in the County of Dorset Entry No. 23: on October 24th 1868 Between Robert QUARRELL of full age a bachelor a Constable resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father Robert QUARRELL a Tinman and Mary Ann QUARRELL of full age a spinster no occupation? resident at Up Cern father James QUARRELL a Tinman were married in this church after Banns by me Alec Williams Rector both their signatures in the presence of John Robertson and Elizabeth Annie Feltham | Marriages Up Cern Dorset Ancestry.com image 14 of 40 |
03 Sep 1868 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the parish church at Chickerell Dorset Entry No. 88 on 3rd Sep 1868 Between Thomas READ aged 29 years a bachelor a Policeman resident at Dorchester [Note:- Banns actually read at St Georges church Fordington] Father Thomas READ a Labourer and Hannah ROSE aged 25 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Chickerell Dorset father William ROSE a Labourer were marrie din this church after Banns by me C.M.Christa his signature her mark in the presence of William Rose and Ellen Hester her mark | Marriages Chickerell Dorset Ancestry.com image 57 of 294 |
12 Nov 1868 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnised in the Parish Church at Blandford Forum Entry No. 187 on 12th Nov 1868 Between Charles ROGERS of full age a bachelor a Staff Sergeant in the Militia resident at Fordington [i.e. The Barracks at West Fordington] and Letitia Davis MARTIN of full age a Spinster a Semptress resident at Blandford [Forum] father John Gover MARTIN a Printer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. ? May Curate; both their signatures in the presence of Henry Hoope and Elizabeth Cruae? | Marriages Blandford Forum Ancestry.com image 638 of 1428 |
19 Jan 1869 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnised at the Parish Church of Piddletrenthide Dorset Entry No. 142 on 19th Jan 1869 between George ANDREWS of full age a bachelor a butcher resident at Fordington father John ANDREWS a Butcher and Sophia CAINES of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Piddletrenthide father Benjamin CAINES a Groom were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Robert A Keddle ; both signed in the presence of Frederic Caines and Maria Caines | Marriages Piddletrenthide Dorset Ancestry.com image 342 of 392 |
21 Jan 1869 | MARRIAGE:-Solemnised at the Parish Church of Hinton St George in the County of Somerset Entry No. 143 on January 21st 1869 Between John HAINS aged 23 years a bachelor a Policeman resident at Fordington St George [Parish] Father George HAINS a Dairyman and Ann MORRIS aged 25 years a Spinster no occupation; resident at Hinton St George Father Edward MORRIS a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. H.D. Soulby Curate both their Signatures in the presence of Edawrd Morris and Harriett Morris | Marriages Hinton St George Somersetshire Ancestry.com image 74 of 127 |
09 Apr 1869 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Downton in the County of Wiltshire Entry No. 25 on April 9th 1869 Between George PITT aged 24 a Bachelor an Engine man resident at Fordington St George Father Moses PITT a Tailor and Charlotte EARLY aged 24 years a spinster no occupation resident at Downton Wiltshire Father William EARLY a Plumber were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. William C Porter both their signatures in the presence of William Early and Molly Early | Marriages Downton Wiltshire Ancestry.com image 21 of 226 |
01 May 1869 | BURIAL:- Charminster Reg Entry 242 Louisa NEALE from the asylum late of Fordington buried at Charminster 1st May 1869 age 51 by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
02 Jun 1869 | BURIAL:- Entry 915 Henry FOX son of Henry Fox shoemaker aged 1 month place where death occurred Fordington 2nd Jun 1869 by Rev henry Moule Vicar of St Georges church Fordington Class B grave 653A? In consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [In Fordington Burial register but out of place Entry 92 after 22 Jan 1869 but death given as 10th December 1868] |
05 Aug 1869 | BURIAL:- Entry 915 Henry BRADEY son of Edward Bradey Sergeant RH Artillery aged 5 years; place where death occurred Fordington; Augst 5th 1869 by Rev JA Charles Class C grave 822 in unconsecrated ground from fordington Parish [GRO have Brady] | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
14 Aug 1869 | BURIAL:- Entry 924 Alfred William HAWKINS son of Joames HAWKINS Stone Mason aged 3 years place where death occurred Fordington; August 14th 1869 by Rev NJ Norton/ Class C grave 770A in unconsecrated ground | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
20 Aug 1869 | BAPTISM:- Entry 389 baptised 20th August 1869 Beatrice Sarah daughter of William & Sarah BISHOP abode Fordington occupation of father grocer by John Miller | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
01 Sep 1869 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Preston and Sutton Poyntz Entry No. 171 dated 1st Sep 1869 Between John MABER aged 23 years a bachelor a Miller Resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father Peter MABER a Bailiff and Jane Osment WALDEN aged 19 years a Spinster no occupation Resident at South Down Dairy House Father William WALDEN a Dairyman were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Talbot H. B. Baker Vicar Both their signatures in the presence of Thomas William Walden and Charlotte Osment Walden | Marriages Preston and Sutton Poyntz Dorset Ancestry.com image 106 of 344 |
18 Oct 1869 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterbourne Abbas Dorset Entry No. 47 on October 18th 1869 Between George LILLINGTON of full age a bachelor a Railway Porter resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father John LILLINGTON a bricklayer were married in this church after Banns by me M.J.Grr=een B.D.Rector both their Signatures in the presence of Elias Rolls and Easu Lillington | Marriages Winterbourne Abbas Dorset Ancestry.com image 31 of 64 |
28 Oct 1869 | BAPTISM:- Entry 398 Baptised 28th October 1869 Frederick son of George and Sarah Elizabeth HAYMAN abode Fordington occupation of father tailor by J alexamder Falkner officiating minister | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
Jan 1870 | BURIAL:- Entry 952; Martha OLIVER; Widow; Aged 91; Fordington; Jan [off the page] 1870 | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
Jan 1870 | BURIAL:- Entry 954; Charles FOX; discharged soldier; 33; Fordington; Jan [off the page] 1870 | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
30 Jan 1870 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Pilsdon Dorset Entry No. 28 on 30th Jan 1870 Between Thomas STAPLE of full age a bachelor a Groom resident at Fordington near Dorchester Father Ebucednezer (sic?) [Ebernezer] STAPLE a Groom and Ann CHILES of full age a Spinster no occupation resident at Pilsdon father James CHILES a Carter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Frederick William Curate both their Signatures in the presence of Robert Chiles and May ? Chiles | Marriages Pilsdon Dorset Ancestry.com image 23 of 33 |
02 Apr 1870 | BURIAL:- Entry 989 Alfred DELL watchmaker aged 36 years at the Union Workhouse Fordington April 2nd 1870 by Rev R Watson Class C grave 1426 in consecrated ground from Holy Trinity Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note From Holy Trinity but died in Fordington workhouse - GRO gives age as 40] |
02 Apr 1870 | BURIAL:- Entry 990 Edward George NOBBS son of George NOBBS Printer aged 6 months place where death occurred West Fordington April 2nd 1870 by Rev J Bird Class C grave 2140A in consecrated ground from West Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
18 Apr 1870 | MARRIAGE:- Soleminized in the Parish Church of Sherborne Dorset Entry No. 355 on 18th Apr 1870 Between Harry PLOWMAN aged 24 years a bachelor a Brightsmith Resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father Harry PLOWMAN (deceased) a Smith and Ann Eliza COX aged 23 a spinster no occup[ation resident at Sherborne father Charles COX a Carpenter were married in this chuch after Banns by mr Rev. J Lemon noth their signatures in the presence of Charles Cox and Sarah Jane Plowman | Masrriages Sherborne Dorset Ancestery.com image 1369 of 1492 |
10 May 1870 | BURIAL:- Entry 1001 Alexander GOLDIE Commercial Traveler aged 50 years place where death occurred Fordington May 10th 1870 by Rev F Nearve Class A grave 285 in unconsecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Not in Fordington Burial Register] |
19 Jun 1870 & 05 Jul 1870 |
MARRIAGE BANNS:- Entry 142 Wool Marriage Banns Between Daniel TOOP a bachelor of the parish of Fordington and Elizabeth Sarah BOWRINE [BOWERING] of Borington in this parish Banns were read on 19th; 26th June and 3rd July 1870 MARRIAGE:- Entry 129 dated July 5th 1870 Between Daniel TOOP of full age a bachelor occupation a Porter resident at Fordington father William TOOP a Labourer married Elizabeth Sarah BOWING [BOWERING] of full age a spinster no occupation resident Bovington father John BOWERING a Labourer both signed Elizabeth Sarah as BOWERING in the presence of Thomas Bowering and & Charlotte Bowring |
Marriages Banns Wool Dorset Ancestry.com image 248 of 332
16 Aug 1870 | BAPTISM:- Entry 416 Lily Hester daughter of William & Sarah BISHOP was baptised 12th August 1870 abode Fordington Clerk by John Miller | Baptisms All Saints Church Dorchester |
22 Aug 1870 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 308 John PUCKETT abode West Fordington buried at Charminster 22nd Aug 1870 age 67 years by Rev Charles Tucker Incumbant | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
18 Sep 1870 | BURIAL:- Entry 1034 Ada Amelia ANDERSON daughter of James Anderson Attorny's Clerk aged 6 months death occurred at Fordington: 18 sep 1870 Rev Henry Moule Vicar of St George's Church Fordington Class B Grave 690 in Consecrated gound from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Also in Fordington Burial register] |
26 Sep 1870 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterborne Whitchurch Dorset Entry No. 112: Dated 26th Sep 1870 Bewteen Walter LEGG aged 22 years a Bachelor a Carter resident at Fordington Father Thomas LEGG a Carter and Catherine APPLIN aged 22 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Whitchurch father Edward APPLIN a Groom were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. George H Wynam ; both their signatures in the presence of Edmund Applin and Eliza Applin | Marriages Winterborne Whitchurch Dorset Ancestry.com Image 149 of 222 |
10 Dec 1870 | BURIAL:- Entry 1063 Susannah SHORE Widow aged 64 years death at Fordington: 10 Dec 1870 Rev Henry Moule Vicar of St Georges Church Fordingtion Class B grave 1577 in consecrated ground from Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
15 Dec 1870 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at West Knighton Dorset Entry No.69 dated 15th Dec 1870 Between Thomas EVANS aged 24 years a Bachelor a Gunner in the Royal Horse Artillery resident at [The Barrcaks] West Fordington Father John EVANS a Gardener and Marcia MILLER aged 21 years a Spinster no occupation resident at West Knighton Father James MILLER a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Paul Sylvester Curate Both their Signatures in the presence of Isaac Vincent and Eliza Petty | Marriages West Knighton Dorset Ancestry.com Image 41 of 130 |
25 Dec 1870 | MARRIAGE BANNS :- Entry 80. in the Banns Register of St Georges Church Fordington Dorset :- John NORTHOVER a bachelor of the parish of Gillingham Kent and Harriet Galpin SOPER a spinster otp Banns were read 6th; 13th and 20th Nov 1870 MARRIAGE:- [Note:- CLDS Film 1042495 Marriage at Gillingham Kent on 25th Dec 1870 between John NORTHOVER aged 33 years Father Robert Northover and Harriet Galpin SOPER aged 27 years daughter of John Soper |
Marriages Gillingham Kent CLDS Film 1042495 GRO Marriages 4th qtr 1870 Medway Kent Ref 2a/683 - |
30 Dec 1870 | BURIAL:- Entry 1072 Mary GOLDIE wife of [Blank] Goldie Merchants Clerk aged 60 years death at Fordington: 30 Dec 1870 J Neave Class A grave 286 in unconsecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
15 Feb 1871 | MARRIAGE Solemnized in the Parish Church of Winterborne Monkton Dorset Entry 35[Side Line Note:- During the rebuilding of the Parish Church] on 15th Feb 1871 John PITFIELD of full age a bachelor a Labourer resident at Fordington father John PITFIELD a Farmer married Emma ROBERTS of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Monkton father William Roberts a labourer were married in the Parish School Room after Banns by me Rev. Miles Barnes Rector his mark her signature in the presence of William Roberts and Ellen Lake
Marriages Winterborne Monkton Dorset - Ancestry.com image 50 of 113 Marriage Banns of Winterborne Monkton Ancestry.com image 102 of 113 |
16 Feb 1871 | DEATHS: Bridport News Friday 24th Feb 1871 : Feb 16th at Grove Buildings Dorchester, Mary the wife of Mr J.TREVISS, aged 34 | Deaths |
25 Jun 1871 | BAPTISM:- 1871 June 25th; Alice daughter of Eli & Esther THORN; Labourer; Fordington | Baptisms Stinsford |
16 Oct 1871 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Crewkerne Somersetshire Entr No. 482 on 16th Oct 1871 Between John Gillingham SHEPHARD aged 46 a widower a Plumber and Glazier resident at Fordington [near] Dorchester Father John Gillingham SHPHARD a Plumber and Glazier and Hannah PITMAN aged 38 a Widow no occupation resident at Clapton Crewkerne [Somerset] Father john PITMAN a Tailor were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. J.S.Stubbs Both their signatures in the presence of Joseph Scrven and Elizabeth Esseax? | Marriages Crewkerne Somerset Ancestry.com image 243 of 252 |
30 Nov 1871 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterborne Came Dorset Entry No. 68 on 30th Nov 1871 Between George TAYLOR of full age a bachelor a Farmer resident at Fordington Dorset Father Samuel TAYLOR a Farmer and Jane HARRIS of full age a Spinster no occupation resident at [Winterborne] Came father George HARRIS a Farmer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. C Barnes both their signatures in the presence of Thomas Walden and Caroline Harris | Marriages Winterborne Came Dorset Ancestry.com image 38 of 119 |
02 Jun 1872 | BURIAL:- Mary Ann HOLLOWAY wife of W Holloway tailor 64 years death at West Fordington: 2nd June 1872 Rev Henry Moule Vicar of St Georges Church Fordingtion Class B grave 1734 in consecrated ground from West Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
2nd qtr 1872 | MARRIAGE BANNS read at St Georges Church Fordington Entry No. 114. John WEST a bachelor otp and Jane LOVELESS a spinster of the parish of Milford in Hampshire Banns were read 9th; 16th and 23rd June 1872 MARRIAGE:- GRO 2nd qtr 1872 District of Lymington Hampshire Between Jane Loveless and John West Ref 2b/957.] |
Marriages Milford Hampshire GRO 2nd qtr 1872 |
09 June 1872 | MARRIAGE in the Parish Church at Melcombe Regis Dorset Entry 326. Between William FRY of full age a bachelor an Engine Driver resident at Melcombe Regis father William FRY a horse keeper and Alfreda Adelaide CHAFFEY of Full age a spinster no occupation resident at W Melcombe Regis father William CHAFFEY a Coach Builder both their signatures in the presence of Francis Richard CURTIS and Sarah WELLSPRING (her mark)
Marriages Melcombe Regis Dorset Ancestry.com image 930 of 1821 |
20 Oct 1872 | BAPTISM:- Entry 461 Baptised October 20th 1870 William Slade son of William & Sarah BISHOP abode Fordington occupation of father Clerk in [unclear] by henry F Jones Rector | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
22 Oct 1872 | BURIAL:- Entry 1203 Mary Cozens GREENING Spinster 71 Years old death at West Fordington: 22 Oct 1872 AJC Bird Class B Grave 1660 in consecrated ground from West Fordington parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
28 Oct 1872 | BURIAL:- Entry 1206 Selina LESTER Spinster aged 40 years death at East Fordington: 28 Oct 1872Rev T Neave Class A grave 287 in unconsecrated ground from east fordingtion | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
09 Nov 1872 | BURIAL:- Entry 1211 Patrick TAKEN Hawker aged 70 years death at East Fordington: 9th Nov 1872 A Dayer Class B grave 909 in unconsecrated ground from east fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
12 Nov 1872 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized at the Parish Church in Frampton Dorset Entry No. 122: on 12th Nov 1872 Between James HURST of full age a bachelor a Grocer's Assistant resident at East Fordington Father William HURST a Gardener and Emily BROWN of full age a Spinster no occupation resident at Frampton Father Isaac BROWN a Carpenter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Richard Tudor Vicar Both their Signatures in the presence of Isaac Browne ad Sarah Ann Brown | Marriages Franpton Dorset Ancestry.com image 74 of 136 |
12 Feb 1873 | MARRIAGE : Solemnized at the Parish Church in Winfrith Newburgh Dorset Entry No. 248: on 12th Feb 1873 Between Edward George BARTLETT aged 24 years, a bachelor, a Pointsman South Western Railway Resident at Burton; Father John BARTLETT Deceased. and Elizabeth Ellen FORWARD aged 22 years a Spinster No Occupation; Resident at Burton; Father Charles FORWARD a Groom; were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. George Phillips ; Both their signatures; In the presence of F Andrews and E Bartlet
(1) Edward Charles Bartlett (1873- ) bap FStG 22nd Feb 1874 resident at Church Hill occupation of father Pointsman ; C1881 age 7 born Fordington; He married 24th Nov 1898 aged 25 a bricklayer by trade at St Georges Church Fordington to Alice STAPLES aged 30 from Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester. Edward Charles and his wife Alice were witnesses at FStG Church at the marriage of another Engineer, Arthur Richard Andrews to Alice Maud Pullen on 5th Feb 1900. C1901 living East Stoke age 27 a bricklayer with Alice wife aged 32 from Kent Brested. (2) Frederick John Bartlett bap FStG 28th Nov 1875 ; C1881 age 5 born Fordington; C1891 age 15 Railway porter : (3) Beatrice Annie Bartlett bap FStG 24th Feb 1878 ; C1881 age born Fordington 3; C1891 age 13; (4) Emily Kate Bartlett bap FStG 25th Jan 1880 ; age 1 born Fordington: C1891 age 11; (5) Alice Mary Bartlett bap FStG 18th Jun 1882 ; C1891 age 8 ; C1901 age 18 Dressmaker; (6) Amy Bartlett bap St Peters Dorchester 18th Dec 1887; C 1891 age 3; C1901 age 13; age 28 unmarried a Dressmaker with father; (7) Nellie Bartlett (GRO 1st qtr 1891 Dorchester Dist Ref 5a/318 ; C1891 age 2 months ; C1901 age 10; C1911 Age 20 unmarried with father. |
Marriages Winfrith Newburgh Ancestry.com image 149 of 329 |
06 Mar 1873 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Woolwich in the County of Kent Entry No. 138 dated 6th March 1873 Between William John EARNSHAW of full age a Widower Sergeant Major Royal Horse Artillery Resident at [The Barracks - West] Fordington Father William EARNSHAW a Pensioner and Hannah FALKNER of full age a Widow no occupation resident at 16 Brewer Street Father John SAVILLE an Upholsterer were married in this church After Banns by me Rev. F.S.Harrison Curate ; Both their Signatures in the presence of Henry Brown and Agnes Mary Jackson | Marriages St Mary Magdalene Church Woolwich Kent Ancestry.com image 287 of 378 |
2nd qtr 1873 | MARRIAGE BANNS St Georges Church Fordington Entry No. 134. Between Alfred GEAR a bachelor otp and Mary Jane TUMLETT* a spinster of the parish of North Eling Hampshire Banns were read 30th March; 6th & 13th April 1873 MARRIAGE GRO 2nd qtr 1873 New Forest district Hampshire GRO Ref 2b/1051 bewteen Alfred GEAR and Mary Jane TREMLETT*] |
Marriages North Eling Hampshire GRO |
27 Sep 1873 | MARRIAGE: Entry 111 Between Richard GROVES aged 22 years a bachelor a Labourer resident at West Fordington father George GROVES a Mason and Mary HILLIER aged 25 years a spinster no occupation resident Cheselbourne Dorset father Thomas HILLIER labourer were married 27th Sep 1873 by Banns ; Richard Groves his mark her signature Witnesses Thomas Hiller and Fanny Cuff. | Marriages Cheselbourne Dorset image Ancestry.com |
21 Mar 1874 | BURIAL:- Entry 1306 Fanny THORNE daughter of [Leonard?? Unclear] Thorne Stor worker aged 1 year death at West Fordington: 21 Mar 1874 JS Colson Class B grave 791 in unconsecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
14 Apr 1874 | BURIAL:- Entry 1311 Thomas Charles DENT shoemaker aged 46 years death at West Fordington: 14th April 1874 AWC Osborn Class C grave 1351 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
29 Apr 1874 | BAPTISM:- Page 52 Entry 411 Edward Albert son of George and Ann MITCHELL Abode Fordington Sergeant in the Borough Police by EW Pearce | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
29 Apr 1874 | BAPTISM:- Page 52 Entry 412 Alice daughter of Robert and Alice COOMBS abode Fordington Occupation of father Porter at LWR Station EW Peart Rector | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
20 Jul 1874 | BURIAL:- Entry 1333 James WALLIS relieving officer aged 70 years death at Fordington: 20th July 1874 Matthew Evans Curate of St George's church Fordington Class B grave 1582 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
29 Aug 1874 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Haselbury Plunknett Somerset Entry No. 175 on 29th Aug 1874 Between Simon EARLE of full age a Bachelor a Game Keeper resident at Haselbury Plunknett Father Uriah EARLE a Labourer and Mary DENNETT of full age a spinster a Servant resident at Fordington [Dorset] father William DENNETT a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. John Hancock Vicar ; His Mark Her Signature; in the presence of Richard Dennett and Jane Dennett | Marriages Haselbury Plunknett Somersetshire Ancestry,com image 90 of 152 |
03 Sep 1874 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized at St John's Church P ortland Dorset on 3rd Sep 1874 Between Henry PEARCE aged 29 years a Bachelor, An Officer of Inland Revenue Residence Dorchester [Note:- More likely Fordington as Banns were read at St Georges Church] Father Edward PEARCE a Miner and Mary SCORE aged 24 years a Spinster no occupation resident at St John's Portland Father Richard SCORE a Baker were married in this church by me Rev. W.C.Roberts Both their signatures in the presence of Richard Score; Elizabeth Pearce; Matilda Score; Mary Scriven [Note:- Henry PEARCE (1844-1917) was baptised on 29th Dec 1844 at Portland the son of a quarryman named Edward PEARCE (1806-1897) by his wife Flora STONE (1806-1878). Mary SCORE(1850-1932) was the daughter of Richard SCORE (1819-1898) and Matilda nee GIBBS (1816-1895)] |
Marriages Portland St John's Ancestry,com image 198 of 826 |
15 Oct 1874 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Little Bredy Dorset Entry No. 39: on 15th Oct 1874 Bewteen Charles FRAMPTON aged 28 years a Bachelor a Blacksmith resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father George FRAMPTON a Labourer and Martha CORNICK aged 27 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Little Bredy father John CORNICK a Carpenter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. W.H.Valentine Curate Both their Signatures in the presence of Charles Lock and Emma Pitfield | Marriages Litthe Bredy Dorset Ancestry.com image 62 of 151 |
05 Nov 1874 | MARRIAGE:- Bewteen James THOMPSON (a Collar Maker by Trade) a Bachelor and Elizabeth Sarah KNIGHT a Spinster were married at Woolwich Kent on 5th Nov 1874 Both Their Signatures Solemnized by Rev. Henry Brown Rector [Note:- Banns of Marriage for the Parish of St George in Fordington near Dorchester Entry No. 166 in the Banns Register Between . James THOMPSON a bachelor otp and Elizabeth Sarah KNIGHT a spinster of the parish of St Mary's Woolwich Banns were read 18th, 28th Oct and 1st Nov 1874.] | Register of Marriages UK British Army WO 69 Piece 582 Ancestry.com image 35 of 144 |
01 Dec 1874 | BURIAL:- Entry 1361 Ann BRYER Widow aged 75 years death at Fordington: 1st Dec 1874 H Everett Class A grave 1266 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
10 Jan 1875 | BAPTISM:- 1875 January 10th; Frances Louise daughter of Albert & Harriet WILLS; Labourer; Fordington | Baptisms Stinsford |
14 Jan 1875 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Frome Vauchurch Dorset Entry No. 39 on 14th Jan 1875 Between Charles GREENING aged 23 years a Bachelor an Upholsterer's Assistant; Resident at Fordington [Dorset] Farther Charles GREENING a Hall Keeper and Amelia Annie BUCKLER aged 23 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Frome Vauchuch Dorset Father William BUCKLER an Inn keeper were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. T.M.Nantes Rector Both their Signatures in the presence of William Buckler and Alice Mary Dufall | Marriages Frome Vauchurch Dorset Ancestry.com image 27 of 110 |
10 Mar 1875 | BURIAL:- Entry 1400 John WELLSPRING builder aged 75 years death at West Fordington: 10 Mar 1875 WC Osborn Class A grave 706 in consecrated ground from West Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
02 May 1875 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Portisham Dorset Entry No. 173 on 2nd May 1875 Between Frederick NORRIS of full age a Bachelor a Mason Resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father John NORRIS a Carter and Margaret HODDER of full age a Spinster no occupation Resident at Portisham [Dorset] Father William HODDER a Sawyer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. W.H.Gorton Vicar Both their signatures in the presence of John Hodder and Mar Ann Hodder | Marriages Portisham Dorset Ancestry.com image 85 of 239 |
abt May 1875 | MARRIAGE BANNS :-Fordington St George Parish Entry No. 174. William Thomas PARRATT* a bachelor and Sarah Ann SAMWAYS a widow both otp Banns were read 17th; 24th and 31st Jan 1875 (Ancestry.com image 166 of 1140) [Note:- Banns of Marriage were also read at Shapwick Dorset for William Thomas PERRITT* a Widower and Sarah Ann SAMWAYS Widow of Fordington Banns were read on April 18th and 25th and May 2nd 1875 (Ancestry.com image 29 of 39) - MARRIAGE: - GRO - May 1875 Between Sarah Ann SAMWAYS and William Thomas PERRETT 2nd qtr 1875 District of Wimborne Dorset Ref 5a/463 - [Note:- Ancestry.com only has Shapwick Marriages up to 1837.] |
Marriages Shapwick Dorset GRO |
26 May 1875 | BURIAL:- Entry 1423 Grace CANDY wife of Joseph Candy baker 77 years age death at West Fordington: 26 May 1875 WC Osborn Class B grave 1726 in consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
24 Jun 1875 | BURIAL:- Entry 1428 Samuel CARROL band master aged 53 years death at Fordington West 24 June 1875 JA Charles Class B garve 359 in unconsecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
13 July 1875 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Kingsbury Episcopi Somerset Entry 441 on 13th July 1875 Between Samuel William ROBINSON aged 25 years a Single Man a Telegraph Clerk resident at Fordington [near] Dorschester [Dorset] Father William ROBINSON a Butler and Elizabeth Jane EVANS aged 26 years a Spinster no occupation Resident at Kingsbury [Episcopi] Father John EVANS a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. C.C. Southes Both their Signatures in the presence of George Evans and Ellen Revtan? | Marriages Kingsbury Episcopi Somerset Ancestry.com image 223 of 238 |
01 Aug 1875 | BAPTISM:- Entry 513 Baptised August 1st 1875 Martha Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Elizabeth ATKINS abode Fordington occupation of father dairyman by henry F Jones Rector | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
23 Sep 1875 | BURIAL:- Entry 1439 Frederick Lloyd TURNER Surveyor of [illegible] retired aged 56 years death at Fordington : 23 Sep 1875 by Henry Moule Vicar of St George's Church Fordington Class A grave 156 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
08 Nov 1875 | BURIAL:- Entry 1452 Robert RUSSELL Gardener aged 79 years death at West Fordington: 8 Nov 1875 | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
06 Jan 1876 | BURIAL:- Charminster Burial Reg Entry 510 Ann DAWS abode West Fordington buried at Charminster 6th Jann 1876 age 63 years by Rev M L Barnes Curate | Burials Charminster ancestry.com image |
abt Mar 1876 | MARRIAGE BANNS :-Read at St Georges Church Fordington Entry No. 196. Between William Charles SHIER a bachelor otp and Louisa Elizabeth JENKINS a spinster of the parish of St Andrews Plymouth Banns were read 5th; 12th and 19th March 1876 MARRIAGE:- Plymouth abt Mar 1876 GRO 1st qtr Between William Charles SHIER and Louisa Elizabeth JENKINS Ref 5b/406] |
Marriages St Andrews Plymouth Devon - GRO |
01 May 1876 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized at the Parish Church of St Michael Gussage in Dorset Entry No.66 on 7th Dec 1876 Between Robert OLIVER aged 27 years a Bachelor A Groom Resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father William OLIVER (dead) a Shepherd and Ellen GUMBLETON aged 26 years a Spinster a Domestic Servant Resident at Gussage St Michael Dorset Father george GUMBLETON a Labourer were married in this church by me Rev. J.H.WARD Both their Signatures in the presence of Mark Gumbleton and Annie Bailey | Marriages Gussage St Michael Dorset Ancestry.com image 23 of 50 |
07 Nov 1876 | MARRIAGE:- in the parish church of Piddletrenthide Dorset entry 172 7th Nov 1876 between George DAVIS aged 31 a bachelor a builder resident at Fordington father Richard DAVIS and Jane COLLIER age 26 a spinster no occupation resident at Piddletrenthide father James Collier a Miller both signed in the presence of Jamesa Collier and Ann Collier | Marriages Piddletrenthide Dorset Ancestry.com image 350 of 392 |
21 Nov 1876 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized at the Parish Church in Melcombe Regis Dorset Entry No.496 on 21st Nov 1876 Between George FRANKLIN of full age a Bachelor a Printer and Publisher resident at Fordington County of Dorset Father Joseph FRANKLIN a Chandler and Julia MARTIN of full age a Spinster no occupation Resident at Melcombe Regis [Dorset] Father Robert Kellaway MARTIN a Pilot were married in this church after Banns by Rev. J Allen Falkner Curate Both their signatures in the presence of G.A. Pover and T Franklin | Marriages Melcombe Regis Dorset Ancestry.com image 1015 of 1821 |
27 Nov 1876 | BURIAL:- Martha CRITCHELL abode Fordington Buried 27 Nov 1876 aged 60 Years W Barnes | Entry 145 page 19 Burial Register Winterborne Came | 01 Mar 1877 | BURIAL:- Entry 1546 Cordelia Caines READ daughter of Robert READ [Butler? unclear] aged 44 years death in Fordington: 1st Mar 1877 [illegible minister] Class A [illegible grave number] in Consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
01 Mar 1877 | BURIAL:- Entry 1549 Rebecca DAWE Widow aged 85 years death at Fordington March 1877 by Matthew Evans curate of St George's Church Fordington Class B grave 1842 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
13 Mar 1877 | BURIAL:- Entry1551 Ernest PINNICK son of [illegible PINNICK] age 11 death at Fordington 13 Mar 1877 T Neave Class C grave 199 in unconsecrated ground from fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note record difficult to read OPC has age as 4 months] |
13 Mar 1877 | BURIAL:- Entry 619 Jane RUNYARD resident at Fordington buried 13 Mar 1877 aged 80 years | Burials Wool |
21 Mar 1877 | BURIAL:- Entry 1555 Ann ARNOLD Widow aged 84 years death at Fordington: 21 Mar 1877 W Allen Class C grave 951 unconsecrated ground from fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
05 Apr 1877 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Abbotsbury Dorset Entry No. 221 on April 5th 1877 Between Benjamoin James TAKEN of full age a Bachelor a Labourer resident at Fordington Dorset Father Matthew TAKEN a Shopman and Sarah BRYER of full age a Spinster no occupation resident at Abbotsbury Dorset Father Charles BRYER a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev, Clement H Gosset Rector of Langton Herring Dorset; Both their Signatures in the presence of John Bryer (his mark) and ? ? | Marriages Abbotsbury Dorset Ancestry.com image 111 of 439 |
19 Apr 1877 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Puddletown Entry No. 351 on April 19 1877 Between Charles Tizard ATKINS of full age a Widower Supervisor of Inland Revenue resident at Fordington [near] Dorchester [Dorset] Father John Bartlett ATKINS a Printer and Ellen GENGE of full age a Spinster no occupation resident at Puddletown [Dorset] Father Richard GENGE a Gentleman were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Henry B. Miles ; Both theoir signatures in the presence of Henry Betteris ; Eliza Mary Brymer; Mary Glass; Eliza Helen Brymer ; Charles Cox Bartell | Marriages Puddletown Dorset Ancestry.com image 380 of 493 |
10th June 1877 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Tolpuddle Dorset Entry No. 129 on 10th June 1877 Between George STAPLES of full age a Bachelor a Bricklayer Resident at Fordington Father Richard STAPLES a Mason and Julia KEATS of full age a Spinster no occupation Resident at Tolpuddle Father James KEATS a Shepherd were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. George L Nash ; Both their signatures in the Presence of Richard Spicer (his mark) and Elizabeth Spicer [Note:- Julia STAPLES nee KEATS was buried at Affpuddle Dorset aged 23 years on 6th Feb 1878] | Marriages Tolpuddle Dorset Ancestry.com image 78 of 171 |
11 Jun 1877 | BURIAL:- Entry 1571 Frances Maria LUSH aged 11 months death at West Fordington: 11 Jun 1877 B Albert Class B grave 929 in unconsecrated ground from West fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
11 Jun 1877 | BURIAL:- Entry 1574 James HARDY aged 41 years death in fordington : 11 June 1877 [illegible minister] Class C grave 714? In unconsecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
11 Oct 1877 | BURIAL:- Entry 1594 Frederick Charles TRAVERS son of ?? Aged 1 year death in West fordington Rev[illegible] Class C grave 1934 in consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note difficult to Read OPC also has clerk to auctioneer] |
25 Nov 1877 | BAPTISM:- Annie Louisa daughter of George and Ann MITCHELL abode Fordington Sergeant in Borough Police H Puget Waikes | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
13 Dec 1877 | MARRIAGE:- MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at West Pennard Somerset Entry No.204 on Dec 13th 1877 Between James PERKINS of full age a Bachelor a Police Officer resident in the Parish of St George Fordington [Dorset] Father John PERKINS a Labourer and Matilda RIDOUT of full age a Spinstera Servant resident at West Pennard [Somerset] Father James RIDOUT a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. J Nunn Vicar ; Both their signatures in the presence of James Newport and Jane Newport (her mark) | Marriages West Pennard Somerset Ancestry.com image 103 of 164 |
21 Dec 1877 | BAPTISM:- Entry 481 Isabella Jane daughter of William & Emily DORRITT? Abode West Fordington occupation of father Porter by H Puget waikes | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
23 Jan 1878 | BURIAL:- Entry 1619 Mary DAWE wife of ??? ; a gardener, Aged 58 years death at Fordington: 23 Jan 1878 Rev Everett Class A grave 1321 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
27 Jan 1878 | BAPTISM:- Amelia Jane daughter of Henry & Emily NEALE abode Fordington Baptised | Entry 355 page 45 Baptism Register Winterborne Came |
27 Jan 1878 | MARRIAGE: Entry 55 in the parish Church at Sherborne on January 27th 1878 between James CHARLES age 21 a bachelor a blacksmith resident Sherborne [actually lived in Fordington] father Henry CHARLES Labourer to Agnes Anne FRAMPTON aged 22 a widow resident at Sherborne father John BARRETT a Labourer; both their signatures witness Alfred Loader and William Brine
(1) Alice Charles (1877-Aft 1881) born c 1877; age 4 in 1881; (2) Rose Elizabeth Charles (1879-1950) She was born on 4th Dec 1879 at Sherborne but not baptised until the age of 2 at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1881 together with her younger brother Henry James ; generally remained with her parents but was working for the Dorset County Hospital in Princess Street Dorchester in 1901. She married to Charles George ROSE about April 1904 (GRO 2nd qtr 1904 Dorchester district Ref 5a/751) and Banns read at St Peters Church Dorchester 20th and 27th March and 3rd April 1904 but the parish register is not available. In 1911 she is 32 years old and living in Frome Somerset with her husband a domestic gardener and their 14 year old son.By 1939 she is a widow living at 1 South View in Dorchester.She is buried at the civic cemetery in Dorchester in 1950 when her age was given as 73 (3) Henry James Charles (1880- ?) Bap FStG 2nd Feb 1881 with elder sister Rose; aged 4 months on night of 3rd April 1881 born in Lambeth Surrey; Age 10 1891; 1901??? ; aged 30 in 1911 living with parents; (4) Harriet Emily Charles (1883- ?) She was bap FStG on Easter Day 25th March 1883. aged 8 in 1891;aged 18 in 1901; aged 28 still unmarried in 1911; (5) James Charles (a twin) (1885- ?) He was baptsied with his twin brother at FStG on 19th June 1885; aged 5 in 1891; 1901??? ; aged 25 working as a farm cowman and carter in 1911; (6) Arthur Charles (a twin) was baptsied with his twin brother at FStG Church on 19th June 1885; aged 5 in 1891; 1901??? ; aged 25 and married cowman in 1911 with his parents (no wife with him) (7) Ernest George Charles (1887- ?) bap FStG Church 14th Dec 1887; aged 4 in 1891; aged 14 and working as a Milk seller in 1901; aged 24 and unmarried in 1911 working for a hauling contractor as a carter; (8) John Charles (1889- ?) bap FStG Church on Whitsun Day 9th June 1889; aged 2 in 1891; aged 12 in 1901; aged 22 unmarried and working as a porter for a draper in 1911; (9) Elsie Charles (1891- ?) bap FStG 23rd Sep 1891 (residence given as Mill Street); aged 9 in 1901; aged 18 in 1911 (10) Reginald Charles (1895 - ?) bap Dorchester 16th June 1895; aged 6 in 1901; aged 15 in 1911; (11) Frank Charles (1897 -?) aged 4 in 1901 (12) Rowland Edward Charles (1898- ?) bap Dorchester 25th Jan 1898; aged 3 in 1901; aged 13 in 1911 (13) Ivy Gwendeline Charles (1907- ?) aged 2 in 1911 |
Marriages Sherborne |
06 Feb 1878 | BURIAL: Parish of Affpuddle Entry No. 518 Julia STAPLES resident Dorchester? Buried Feb 6th 1878 aged 23 years [Note:- Julia STAPLES nee KEATS was the first wife of George STAPLES of Fordington who married her at Tolpuddle in Dorset on 10th June 1877 - Link to transcription of their marriage] He later Re-married in Fordington see St George Banns Register and Marriages | Burials Affpuddle Dorset Ancestry.com image 36 of 57 |
16 May 1878 | BURIAL:- Entry 1650 Joseph CANDY baker aged 79 death at west Fordington: 16th May 1878 WB Osborn Class A grave 1731? In consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
2nd qtr 1878 abt April | MARRIAGE BANNS:- St Georges Parish Fordington:- 244. John BISHOP a bachelor otp and Lucy EASON a spinster of the parish of Preston Somerset Banns were read 24th & 31st March & 7 April 1878 [Note:- Banns also read at Preston Plunkett Somerset Entry 162: Between John BISHOP of the Parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset Bachelor and Lucy EASON of this Parish on the same dates (Ancestry.com image 44 of 46) - - GRO MARRIAGE:- 2nd qtr 1878 District of Yeovil Somerset Ref 5c/715 between John Bishop and Lucy Eason - Ancestry.com do not have the marriage records] | Marriages Preston Plunkett Somerset GRO |
05 Jun 1878 | BAPTISM:- Florence daughter of William & Sarah GALE abode West Fordington occupation of father SWR Porter EW Pears Rector | Baptisms St Peters Dorchester |
06 Jul 1878 | BURIAL:- Entry 1652 Alice Maude TAYLOR daughter of Sergeant Taylor soldier aged 7 years death at west Fordington: 6th July 1878 H Everett Class B grave 1472 in consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
06 Aug 1878 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Church of Holy Trinity Brompton Middlesex Entry No. 313 dated 6th Aug 1878 Between Herbert Cary George BATTEN of Full age a Bachelor a Barrister Resident at 5 Kings Bench Walk Temple Father John BATTEN Esq [i.e. Gentleman] and Frances Eleanor BEARDMORE a Minor a Spinster No occupation resident at Fordington [near] Dorchester father John BEARDMORE (deceased) Esq [i.e. Gentleman] were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. C.Vaughan D.D. Masdster of the Temple ; Both their Signatures in the presence of John Batten and Thomas Bates and Thomas Taken | Marriages Kensington and Chelsea Holy Trinity Church Brompton Ancestry.com image 205 of 503 |
3rd qtr 1878 | MARRIAGE BANNS: Read at St Georges Church Fordington: Entry 249. Arthur FULLBROOK a bachelor otp and Ellen Jane SMITH a spinster of the parish of Brockenhurst Banns were read 4th; 11th and 18th Aug 1878 MARRIAGES: GRO 3rd qtr 1878 District of Lymington Hampshire between Arthur Fullbrook and Ellen Jane Smith Ref 2b/947] | Marriages Brockenhurst Hampshire GRO |
15 Sept 1878 & 8th Oct 1878 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- Entry 51 Banns of Marriage Charminster between Albert DAUNCEY a bachelor of Fordington and Mary Anna Courtney GREENING a spinster of this parish banns were read 15th; 22nd and 29th Sep 1878: MARRIAGE:- Charminster Entry No. 212 dated 8th Oct 1878 between Albert DAUNCEY of full age a bachelor a gardener resident at Fordington father James DAUNCEY a weaver to Mary Anna Courtney GREENING of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Charminster father George GREENING a labourer their marks wit: George Greening and the mark of Julia Greening |
Banns of Marriage & Marriage Charminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 257 of 383 |
13 Oct 1878 & 14 Nov 1878 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- between Henry George MARTIN a bachelor of Fordington and Mary THORNE a spinster of this parish banns were read 13th; 20th and 27th Oct 1878 : MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Charminster Dorset Entry 213 dated November 14th 1878 Between Henry George MARTIN of full age a bachelor a blacksmith resident at Fordington father James Sansom MARTIN a farmer to Mary THORNE of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Charminster father John THORNE a contractor both sig: wit: George Thorne and Elizabeth Thorne |
Marriage Charminster Ancestry.com image 258 of 383 |
14 Oct 1878 | BURIAL:_ Entry 1667 Isaac PARSONS Victualler, aged 51 years [query] death at West Fordington: 14 Oct 1878 Osborn Grave 1010 in consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
09 Dec 1878 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish of Winterbourne Steepleton Dorset Entry No. 66 dated 9th Dec 1878 Between William FOX aged 23 years a Bachelor a Labourer Resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father William FOX a Labourer and Elizabeth ABBOT aged 24 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Winterbourne Steepleton Dorset Father Stephen ABBOT a Carter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Edward Ludlow ; the mark of William Fox and the signature of Elizabet ABBOT in the presence of Benjamin Samways (his mark) and Ann Samways | Marriages Winterbourne Steepleton Dorset Ancestry.com image 39 of 95 |
26 Jan 1879 | BAPTISM:- Sarah Harriet Emma daughter of Henry & Sarah COSINS abode Fordington Baptised | Entry 360 page 46 Baptism Register Winterborne Came |
01 Feb 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1696 William FODING sailor aged 43 years death at West Fordington: 1st Feb 1879 Everett Class B grave 1693 from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials [Note difficult to read OPC has William FIRLING occupation Painter age 45] |
16 Feb 1879 | BAPTISM:- Entry 587 Baptised 16th February 1879 Alfred Frank son of George Alfred & Anne Beer BARNES abode West Fordington occupation of father wine Merchant Clerk by henry F Jones Rector | Baptism Register All Saints Parish Dorchester |
25 Feb 1879 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of St Peter Chertsey Entry No. 68 on February 25th 1879 Between Edward Joseph DAY of full age a bachelor occupation Surgeon abode Fordington Dorset father William DAY a Yeoman to Mary Ann WETTON also of full age a spinster no occupation resident at Abbey House Chertsey father Henry WETTON a brewer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Charles Scott; . Both their signatures in the presence of Henry Wetton her father, Agnus Wetton and hHnry Wetton Junior. [Note:- See Edward Joseph DAY MD(1852-1933) ] | Marriages St Peters Chertsey Surrey. image ancestry.com 18 of 27 |
13 Mar 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1703 Elizabeth BRIDGE Widow aged 72 years death at West Fordington: 13 Mar 1879 WC Osborne Class A grave 1133 in consecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
18 Mar 1879 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Mappowder Dorset Entry No. 82 dated 18th March 1879 Between Harrey GARRETT aged 22 years a Bachelor a Dairy Man resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father John GARRETT a Labourer and Maria GALE aged 21 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Mappowder Father John GALE a Shepherd were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. J Lampter? Rector ; Both their marks in the presence of Tom Warren and Harriet Gale | Marriages Mappowder Dorset Ancestry.com image 60 of 84 |
29 Mar 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1709 Charles DAWS Gardener aged 61 Years death at West Fordington: 29 Mar 1879 Rev H Everett Class B grave 1346 in consecrated ground from West Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
17 Apr 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1716 Charlotte Alice CLIFFORD daughter of Samuel A Clifford Yeoman aged 11 months death at Fordington: 17 Apr 1879 W Osborn Class A grave 937 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
19 Jun 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1732 William Robert F BROWN Son of Robert B? aged 5 months death at Fordington: 19 Jun 1879 S Osborne Class A grave 303 in consecrated ground from Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
27 July 1879 14 Aug 1879 |
BANNS of MARRIAGE: Entry 55 George CROSS of the Parish of East Fordington a bachelor and Mary Jane READ of this parish spinster were read on 3 consecutive Sundays on 27th July; 3rd Aug and 10th Aug 1879 MARRIAGE: Entry 31 14th Aug 1879 between George CROSS of full age a bachelor occupation carpenter resident East Fordington father David CROSS a dairyman and Mary Jane READ of full age a spinster no occupation father Samuel READ a shepherd both signatures witnesses the mark of Samuel Read and Katherine READ |
Marriage Banns Winterborne Clenson images ancestry.com |
09 Sep 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1745 Ann Galpin WICKS wife of Ephrain? Wicks Railway Porter aged 48 years death at West Fordington: 9th Sep 1879 illegible minister Class B grave 1588? In consecrated ground from West Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
16 Sep 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1746 Sarah HODDINOTT Widow aged 70 years death at West Fordington: 16th sep 1879 W Allen Class B grave 373 in unconsecrated ground | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
02 Oct 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1752 Anthony ALLEN Son of Joshua Allen Engine Fitter aged 1 year death at West Fordington: 2nd June 1879 illegible minister & grave in unconsecrated ground from West Fordington Parish | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
28 Oct 1879 | BURIAL:- Entry 1768 Samuel CLIFFORD Yeoman aged 44 years death at West Fordington: 28th Oct 1879 C Osborne Class A grave 2711- in consecrated ground from West Fordington | Dorchester Civil Cemetery Register of Burials |
10 Apr 1880 | MARRIAGE BANNS: In the Parish of Charminster Dorset :: Between George? [Note:- Clerical error should be 'James'] Mark PRINCE a Bachelor of the Parish of East Fordington [Dorset] and Eleanor Mary WOODSFORD Spinster of this Parish were read 6th; 13th and 20th March 1880 MARRIAGE:- Solemnized at the Parish Church Fordington Dorset Entry No. 273 on April 10th 1880 Between James Mark PRINCE aged 21 years, a bachelor, a Labourer Resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father George PRINCE a Labourer and Eleanor Mary WOODSFORD aged 21 years a spinster no occupation Resident at Charminster Father Joseph WOODSFORD a shepherd were married in this church after banns by me Rev. A.A.Leonard ; Both their signatures in the presence of John Cross and Mary Jane Prince |
Marriage Banns Charminster Dorset Ancestry,com image 75 of 383 Marriage Fordington Dorset Ancestry.com image 704 of 1140 |
22 May 1880 | BAPTISM:- Beatrice LUCAS; dau of Richard & Amey Lucas (Labourer) (Abode - Fordington, Dorset) | Baptisms Melcombe Regis |
26 Jun 1881 | BAPTISM:- Frank Edward son of Charles & Amelia HAWKER abode Fordington Baptised | Entry 377 page 47 Baptism Register Winterborne Came |
2 Oct 1881 (Banns) 20 Oct 1881 Marriage |
MARRIAGE BANNS Register Broadwey Dorset Year 1881 Between Herbert Williams HODGES a bachelor of the Parish of St Georges Church in Fordington & Anna Louisa FURMIDGE spinster of this parish Banns of Marriage [Blank apart from the unsigned date of 2nd Oct 1881} MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Broadwey Dorset Entry No. 150: on 20th Oct 1881 Between Herbert William HODGES aged 38 years a Bachelor a Wine Merchant resident at Dorchester? Father John Francis HODGES a Wine Merchant and Anna Louisa FURMAGE aged 34 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Broadwey father John FURMAGE a Gentleman were married in this church after Banns by me Rev John Parmiter Curate of Chelmsford ; both their signatures in the presence of John Silvester Junior and Elizabeth Roberts Furmage |
Marriage Banns of Broadwey ancestry.com Marriage Broadwey Dorset Ancestry.com image 211 of 316 |
07 Feb 1882 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Winterborne Came in the county of Dorset Entry No. 79 dated February 7th 1882 Between Walter William James BOWRING of full age, bachelor, a carpenter, residence Fordington [Dorset] father Thomas BOWRING, a Carpenter and Lila Hannah PEACH of full age, a spinster no occupation, resident at [Winterborne] Came father Richard PEACH a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev.W Barnes; both their signatures; in the presence of Thomas Stone & Emily Ann Peach | Marriages Winterborne Came Dorset Ancestry.com image 44 of 119 |
02 Feb 1883 | BURIAL:- Thomas CRITCHELL abode Fordington Buried 2 Feb 1883 aged 93 Years W Barnes | Burials Entry 167 Page 21 Burial Register Winterborne Came |
01 Jul 1883 | BAPTIM:- 1883 July 1st; Herbert Charles son of George & Sarah SMITH; Gardener; East Fordington | Baptisms Stinsford |
25 Dec 1884 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Winterborne St Martin Dorset Entry No. 159 on 25th Dec 1884 Between Harry Adolphis DODGE aged 21 years a Bachelor a Baker Resident at Fordington [Dorset] Father Jonathan DODGE a Marine Stores? Dealer and Martha BISHOP aged 27 years a Spinster a School Mistress Resident at Winterborne St Martin Dorset Father Christopher BISHOP a Bootmaker were married in this church after Banns by mr Rev. Edward Ludlow Both their Signatures in the presence of Christopher Bishop and Jane Hicks | Marriages Winterborne St Martin Dorset Ancestry.com image 90 of 204 |
26 Oct 1885 | MARRIAGE: at the Parish Church at Kingston Portsmouth by Rev. E.Payne, John Samuel GARLAND C.E.R.A. R.N. to Martha Fanny MEDWAY of Fordington [near] Dorchester | Marriages Kingston Parish Portsmouth {source:- Poole Telegram Fri 30 Oct 1885 |
27 Dec 1886 | BURIAL:- Horace Edwin James WARREN of Fordington 4 mths | Burials Dewlish |
06 Jun 1887 | BURIAL:- Entry 731 William Joseph RICKETTS of Fordington buried at Wool on 6th June 1887 aged 38 years | Burials Wool |
17 Feb 1887 | DEATH:- ELLIOTT - Feb 17 at 7 Argyle Terrace Radipole [near Weymouth] Mr Thomas ELLIOTT, late of Fordington [near] Dorchester aged 76 years. | Burials Source Bridport News Fri Teb 1887 |
25 Feb 1888 | DEATH: PLAYER- Feb 25 - Edward PLAYER of Fordington [near] Dorchester aged 46 [Note:- Not buried at Fordington or Dorchester Civic Cemetery] | Death Fordington Bridport News Fri 2nd Mar 1988 - also GRO Deaths Edward Player aged 46 1st qtr 1888 Dorchester district Ref 5a/273] |
12 May 1889 | BAPTISM:- 1889 May 12th; Ethel Louise daughter of Thomas & Emma POMEROY; Fish keeper; Lowdes Mill, Fordington | Baptisms Stinsford |
20 Jan 1889 | MARRIAGE BANNS: Parish of Moreton Dorset: Entry:- No. 145 Between John Morpett PIERCY a bachelor of the parish of West Fordington and Ida Clara Mary CROKE a spinster of the Parish of Moreton Banns were read on 20th and 27th January and 3rd February 1889. MARRIAGE:- Solemnized by Banns in the Parish of Moreton in the county of Dorset Entry No. 93 dated February 6th 1889 Between John Morpett PIERCY aged 38 years a Bachelor a Captain H.M. 39th REgiment of Foot Resident at[The Barracks] in West Fordington Father John Morpett William PIERCY a Clerk in Holy Orders and Ida Clara Mary CROKE aged 22 years a Spinster no occupation Resident at Moreton [Dorset] Father James Nias CROKE Commander in the Royal Navy were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. W Frampton Officiating Minister; Both their Signatures in the presence of John William Dickson and Arthur Mills |
Marriage Banns Moreton Dorset Ancestry.com image 51 of 151 Marriage Moreton Dorset Ancestry.com image 122 of 151 |
16 Jun 1889 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- between Joseph STURMEY Widower of the Parish of Fordington and Sarah Ann MITCHELL Spinster of this parish were read 16th; 23rd and 30th June 1889 | Marriage Banns Entry 238 Page 43 Tolpuddle Dorset Ancestry.com image 144 of 171 |
01 July 1889 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Tolpuudle Dorset Entry No. 156 dated 1st July 1889 between Joseph STURMEY aged 36 years a Widower a Mason by trade resident in East Fordington father Joseph STURMEY a Shepherd to Sarah Ann MITCHELL aged 25 years a spinster a Cook resident at Tolpuddle father James MITCHELL a Labourer both signatures witnesses James Mitchell his mark and Alice Martha Mitchell signature and Rose Mitchell Signature | Marraiges Tolpuddle Dorset Ancestry.com image 91 of 171 | 09 Aug 1889 | MARRIAGE Solemnized in the Parish Church of Leigh Dorset Entry No. 103 dated July 9th 1889 Between William George Card DAVIS aged 32; Bachelor; Cooper; Residence Fordington [Dorset] ; father George DAVIS , occupation Cooper and Anna Maria HOLT; age 40; Spinster; no occupation; Resident at Leigh [Dorset] ; father Stephen HOLT, occupation Game Keeper were married in this church after Banns by Rev. William Augustine Heggater; Both their signatures in the presence of Jacob Robert HOLT and Elizabeth BURT | Marriages Leigh Dorset Page 52 Ancestry.com image 77 of 91 |
06 Oct 1889 | BAPTISM:- 1889 October 6th; Stanley Arthur son of Henry James & Maria Dewland? SMITH; Head SW Railway Clerk; Fordington | Baptisms Stinsford |
01 Dec 1889 & 17 Dec 1889 |
MARRIAGE BANNS:- were read between William COLLINS a bachelor of the Parish of East Fordingtopn and Mary Jane PARKER spinster of this parish on December 1st; 8th and 15th 1889 : MARRIAGE: Solemnized in the Parish Church at Wool Dorset Entry No.184 on 17th Dec 1889 William COLLINS of full age a bachelor a Railway Servant resident at Fordington father James COLLINS a Labourer and Mary Jane PARKER of full age a spinster a Domestic Servant resident at Wool father George William Parker a Dealer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev.Arthur R Hartley Vicar both signed witnesses George William Parker and Emma Elizabeth Parker |
Marriages Wool Dorset Ancestry.com images:- Banns image 266 of 332 Marriage image 149 of 332 |
3rd Apr 1890 | MARRIAGE Solemnized at the Parish Church of Melbury Bubb Dorset entry 57 in Marriage Register 3rd April 1890 between Joseph George OSMOND aged 22 years a bachelor occupation store keeper abode West Fordington father George OSMOND a Groom and Elizabeth Annie SAWYER aged 20 a spinster no occupation resident at Melbury Bubb father John Sawyer a labourer were married in this church after Banns by George P Hooper both their signatures witnesses Levi Sawyer and Jane Osmond | Marriages Melbury Bubb Dorset image ancestry.com |
10 Dec 1890 | MARRIAGE: Solemnized at the parish church at Bradford Peverell Entry No. 133 dated Dec 10th [1890] between Edward Henry GREEN aged 27 a bachelor a Labourer resident in St Georges Parish Fordington father George GREEN a Labourer and Mary Jane CLOTHIER aged 21 a spinster a servant resident at Bradford Peverell [Dorset] father William CLOTHIER a Carpenter both sig wit William Clothier and Ann Elizabeth Clothier | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 78 of 142 |
05 Feb 1891 | MARRIAGE: Solemnized at the parish church at Bradford Peverell Entry No. 134 dated Feb 5th [1890] between Uriah GALE aged 30 a bachelor a Labourer resident Bradford Peverell [Dorset] father Uriah GALE a Gardener and Mary Ann CARTER aged 22 a spinster no occ resident at West Fordington father James Carter a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev.Edward J Pope Rector both their signatures wit George Gale and Emma Carter | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 78 of 142 |
14 July 1891 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterborne Came Dorset Entry No. 89 Between William John WATKINS age 30 Widower Builder abode St George's Parish Fordington father Thomas WATKINS Bricklayer married Eliza OVERTON age 35 Spinster abode Winterborne Came father George OVERTON a Smith were married in this church after banns by Rev. Charles Gale Townley Officiating Minister both signed witnesses = William KINNERSLEY & Sarah OVERTON | Marriages Entry 89 page 45 Winterborne Came Marriage Register Ancestry.com image 49 of 119 |
02 Sep 1891 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Corfe Castle Entry No. 25 dated 2nd September 1891 Between Charles ALDRIDGE aged 29 years a Bachelor in the Army Reserve resident [At the Barrcaks] West Fordington Dorset Father George ALDRIDGE a Tailor and Rachel CATTLE aged 22 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Corfe Castle [Dorset] Father Joseph CATTLE a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. W Clement Ketchley ; both their signatures in the presence of W.H.Chaffey and Elizabeth Cattle | Marriages Corfe Castle Dorset Ancestry.com image 321 of 457 |
25 Dec 1891 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterborne St Martin Dorset Entry No. 179 Dated 25th Dec 1891 Between Isaac William SPRACKLEN aged 23 years a Bachelor a Carter Resident at West Fordington Father Harry SPRACKLEN a Labourer and Harriet Louisa WELLMAN aged 23 years a Spinster no occupation Resident at Winterborne St Martin Dorset Father Charles WELLMAN a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Edawrd Ludlow Both their signatures in nthe presence of Charles Wellman (his mark) and Lily Mary Spracklen | Marriages Winterborne St Martin Dorset Ancestry.com image 100 of 204 |
08 May 1892 | BAPTISM:- Charles William son of William & Elizabeth KINCHERN abode Fordington Baptised | Baptisms Entry 440 page 55 Baptism Register Winterborne Came |
7 July 1893 | Marriage between Frances Ann SPICER and Robert BALLARD ![]() Frances Ann SPICER (1868-1940) © Picture by kind permission of Noland West July 2015. She was the eldest of seven children from the marriage of John SPICER to Betsey CLARKE at St Georges Church in Fordington on 17 Apr 1868 and was baptised there on 28th March 1869. Prior to her marriage Frances was living with her family at Poundbury Farm in Fordington and working locally as a general domestic servant. By 1898 Robert had left the Army and in 1901 Robert and Frances were living at 15 St Georges Road in the parish of All Saints in Dorchester and Robert was working locally as a groom. A few years later (possibly around 1904) this photograph was taken by the Dorchester Photographer Thomas GRIGG (1857-1932). 1904 was actually the year the family moved initially living at Moreton where Robert worked as a dairyman but by 1906 they were in Blandford St Mary. Robert died at the age of 60 and was buried at Blandford St Mary's Church on 4th April 1917. Frances also died there at the age of 71 in Dec 1940. Robert and Frances raised a family of 10 children:- (1) Margaret Ann Maud Ballard (b.1894) was baptised at Christchurch in West Fordington 10th June 1894.By the age of 16 she was working in Blandford St Mary for a retired land agent Arthur Gerrard Creech and his family as a general domestic servant. She married in the 1st qtr of 1916 at Blandford to Robert J PORTER |
Marriages - GRO Dorchester District Ref 5a/661 + Ancestry.com Family trees |
19 Nov 1893 | MARRIAGE BANNS: Parish of Broadwey Dorset EntryNo. 4 Between Robert Henry STICKLAND a bachelor of the parish of Fordington and Alice Udal DYKE a spinster of this parish Banns were read on the 19th & 26th November and 3rd December 1893 MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church of Broadwey Dorset Entry No. 214 dated December 4th 1893 Between Robert Henry STICKLAND aged 30n years a Bachelor a Clerk of the Markets Dorchester resident at Fordington Father Henry STICKLAND a Miner and Alice Udal DYKE aged 30 years a Spineter no occupation Resident at Broadwey [Dorset] Father Richard DYKE a Boots in a Hotel were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. D Long Rector Both their signatures in the presence of R Dyke and Ann Dyke |
Marriage Banns Broadwey Dorset ancestry.com image 88 of 316 Marriege Broadwey Dorset Ancestry.com image 243 of 316 |
06 Aug 1894 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Bradford Peverell Entry No144 dated August 6th [1894] Between Albert Sockwin JACKSON aged 26 years a Bachelor a Corporal in the Royal Horse Artillery Resident at [The Barracks] West Fordington Dorset father John Herbert JACKSON an Engineer and Ann Elizabeth CLOTHIER aged 20 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Bradford Peverell father William CLOTHIER a Carpenter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Philip T Cother Rector Both their signatires in the presence of William Clothier and Mary Jane Green | Marriages Bradford Peverell Dorset Ancestry.com image 83 of 142 |
17 Oct 1894 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterborne Came Dorset Entry No.93 Between John WOODLAND aged 24 Bachelor occupation attendant at Charminster Asylum Resident at Charminster father George WOODLAND Labourer and Susannah TOOP aged 27 Spinster abode Winterborne Came father George TOOP labourer were married in this church after banns by Rev. Albert F Acton; both signed in the oresence of George Woodland and Martha TOOP | Marriages Entry 93 Page 47 Marriage Register Winterborne Came |
05 Nov 1894 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterborne St Martin Entry No. 183 dated 5th Nov 1894 Between John Alfred LOVELESS aged 28 years a Labourer a Bachelor Resident at Fordington Father John Alfred LOVELESS a Labourer and Alice Sarah GROVES aged 24 years no occupation a Soinster Resident at Martinstown Dorset Father George GROVES a Labourer were married in this church after [Banns?] by me JW Barlow Vicar Both their signatures in nthe presence of George Groves , Walter Drake, Ellen Elizabeth Groves and Mildred Dunn | Marriages Winterborne St Martin Dorset Ancestry.com image 102 of 204 |
29 May 1895 | BURIAL:- Entry 669 Susan BURT Abode Fordington Buried May 29th 1895 Aged 73 years A Mitchel Vicar | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 43 of 51 |
03 June 1895 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- 1895 Parish of Beaminster Dorset Entry. 179: Between Joseph POMERY of the Parish of Fordington [near] Dorchester a bachelor and Annie POMERY of this Parish a Spinetr Banns were read on May 12th; 19th and 26th 1895 MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Beaminster Dorset Entry No. 299 dated June 3rd 1895 Between Joseph POMERY aged 32 years a Batchelor a Lance? Sergeant of West Fordington; father William POMERY a Labourer and Annie POMERY aged 23 years, a Spinster, no occupation, Resident at Beaminster, father John POMERY a Carter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. B.W.Bradford ; both their signatures in the presence of ; Dan Pomery & Elizabeth Samways (her mark) |
Marriage Banns Beaminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 737 of 784 Marriage Beaminster Dorset Ancestry.com image 509 of 784
12 Feb 1896 | MARRIAGE: At the Parish Church at Bagborough in the County of Somerset Entry 150 dated 12th Feb 1896 Between Frederick William SIDA aged 27 years a Bachelor a Carpenter resident at West Fordington father Henry SIDA a Potter and Agnes Ellen COLES Aged 28 years, a Spinster, a Servant, resident at Bagborough, father Robert COLES a Shoemaker were married after Banns by me Rev John B Rikye? both their signatures, witnesses Albert Headford and Rose Headford | Marriages bagborough Somerset Ancestry.com image 77 of 103 |
15th Feb 1896 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church at Charminster Dorset Entry 309 on February 15th 1896 Between Charles James NAPIER aged 31 years a Bachelor a Sergeant resident at West Fordington, father James NAPIER (deceased) and Ada Florence HONEYBUN aged 21 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Charminster father Frederick HONEYBUN a Blacksmith were married in this church after banns by me Rev Charles Dundas, their signatures witnesses James Forrest? 'his hard Plaister' and Alice A Honeybun | Marriages Charminster Dorset Ancestry.com Image 306 of 383 |
6th April 1896 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church at Longbredy Dorset on 66th April 1896 Between David John SPICER aged 25 years a Bachelor a Groom, resident at West Fordington, father John SPICER a Carter and Julia Annie SAWYER aged 21 years no occupation, resident at Kingston Russell, father John Sayer a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev Henry Pigon. their signatures, witnesses John James Sawyer & Elizabeth Harriet Adams | Marriages Longbredy Ancestry.com image 137 0f 168 |
20 Jul 1896 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Stinsford Dorset Entry No. 134 Between Edwin DAWE aged 23 years a Batchelor an Upholsterer Resident at West Fordington [near] Dorchester Father Frederick Stephen DAWE, a Coachman & Bessie Ann UDALL aged 24 years a Spinster no occupation, Resident at Lower Bockhampton; Father John UDALL, a Dairyman were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. H Mitchell vicar: Both their signatures in the presence of Frederick Smith, Joseph Phillips | Marriages Stinsford image ancestry.com image 85 of 134 |
25 Dec 1896 | MARRIAGE: Solemnized at St Pauls church on the parish of St Mary Newington London Entry 293 25th Dec 1896 between Henry Charles Austin MARTIN age 28 years a Bachelor; An Auctioneer; Parish of Fordington Dorchester father Frederick MARTIN a Commercial Traveller and Edith Annie NEWMAN age 27 years a Spinster no occupation, abode 56 Sutherland Square, father George NEWMAN a Compositor were married by Banns byRev A Pollock Hamelton Curate Both their signatures witnesses G Newman and Emilee Beatrice Newman | Marriages Saint Paula Parish St Mary Newington London Image 955 of 1258 ancestry.com |
5 Jan 1897 | MARRIAGE in the Parish Church at Wincanton in the County of Somerset Entryt 49 dated January 5th 1897 Between Charles Pople POCKCK aged 25 years a Bachelor a Soldier resident at Fordington [near] Dorchester father William POCOCK a Packer, and Flora Kate SMART aged 25 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Wincanton father Thomas SMART a Coachman were married after Banns by me Rev Walter Farrer; both sognatures witnesses Lucy Popcock and A Kassett? | Marriages Wincanton Somseret Ancestry.com image 27 of 102 |
16 Feb 1897 | MARRIAGE In the Parish Church at Bradford Peverell Dorset Entry 150 February 16th 1897 Between Charles Samuel MERCHANT aged 30 years a Soldier Resident at Dorchester [Actually stationed at the Barracks situated at the end of Dorchester High West street which is in the Parish of West Fordington] father Samuel MERCHANT a Farmer and Agnes Emma DAVIS aged 24 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Bradford Peverell father Walter DAVIS a Carpenter. were married in this church after banns by me Rev GBowyer. both their signatures witnesses Walter Davis & Jessie Mary Davis . | Marriages Bradford Peverell Ancestry.com image 86 of 142. |
3 Apr 1897 | MARRIAGE: at the Parish Church in the Parish of Broadmayne Dorset Entry 192 3rd April 1897 between John TONKINS aged 45 years ba Widower occupation Labourer resident at Broadmayne Dorset father Reginald Richard TONKINS profession Min[rest missing in image] and Mary Hannah LEACH aged 33 years a Spinster a Laundress resident at Fordington Dorset father Richard LEACH a Carter were married after Banns by me Rev George William But[rest missing] both their sgnatures in the presence of William Toop and Eliza Ann Kinden | Marriages Broadmayne Ancestry.com image 104 of 188 |
11 Apr 1897 | MARRIAGE In the Parish Church at Crewkerne in Somerset Entry 179 dated April 11th 1897 Between Frederick George DAVIS aged 24 years a Bachelor, a Soldier, Resident at Dorchester (Actually at the barrackes in West Fordington) Father James DAVIS (deceased) and Bessie HALLETT aged 24 years a Spinster no occupation, resident at South Street Crewkerne father Thomas HALLETT a Weaver. were married in this Church after Banns by me Rev WH Haviland Curate . both their signatures witnesses Thomas Hallett and Mary Jane Hardy | Marriages Crewkerne Somerset Ancestry.com image 92 of 252 |
7 June 1897 | MARRIAGE:- In the Parish Church at CHARD Somerset Entry 451 Between Edward ADAMS aged 23 years a Bachelor occupation Engine Driver; resident Dorchester [Actually East Fordington St Georges Parish See Banns read there] father Joseph AFDAMS a Carter and Kate COOPER aged 25 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Chard Somerset farther [Blank] were married after Banns by me Rev J.W.Robinson both their signatures witnesses G.H.Ford & A.M.Chant | Marriages Chard Somerset Ancestry, com image 240 of 272 |
19th June 1897 | MARRIAGE In Holy Trinity Church at Weymouth Dorset Entry 371 dated 19th June 1897 Between William Arthur TOOLE aged 24 years a Bachelor a Private in the Medical Staff Corps [stationed at] Red Barracks Weymouth, father Charles TOOLE a Carpenter and Agnes Jane COSH aged 24 years a Spinetr, no occupation, resident at 4 Lanstowne Terrace father James COSH a Blacksmith were married in this church after Banns by me Rev.L.N.Weldon DD ? ; both their signatures witnesses Mary Elizabeth Tomkins and James Tomkins | Marriages Holy Trinity Weymouth Ancestry.com image 687 of 1183 |
4 Aug 1897 | MARRIAGE: at Horton Church in the Parish of Horton Dorset entry 355 Between Albert CULL aged 21 years a Bachelor, a Policeman, resident at St Georges Parish Fordington, father George CULL a Malster and Elizabeth Jane ROSE aged 24 years a Spineter no occupation resident at Horton, father Charles ROSE, a Labourer were married after Banns by me Rev George Wellington Vicar, both their signatures witnesses Charles Rose and Ada Ellen Cull | Marriages Horton Dorset Ancestry.com image 230 of 292 |
21 Aug 1897 | MARRIAGE: at the Parish Church in the Parish of Lytchett Minster Dorset Entry 282 21st Aug 1897 Between William David HAYWARD, aged 24 years a bachelor, a Police Constable, resident at East Fordington Dorset, father Reuben HAYWARD a Farmer and Ellen Sophia STAPLE aged 20 years, a Spinster, no occupation, resident at Lytchett Minster Dorset, father Thomas STAPLE a Coachman were married after Banns by Rev Henry Farley, both thier signatures, witnesses J Staple, and Edith Staple. | Marriages Lytchett Minster Image Ancestry.com |
1 Nov 1897 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church in the Parish of Lymington in the County of Southampton [Hampshire] Entry 97 Nov 1st 1897 Between Cyril Arthur BARRETT aged 29 a Bachelor, a Builder, resident at East Fordington [near] Dorchester father Peter Wellman BARRETT, a Builder and Sarah ROWE aged 30 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Lymington, father George ROWE a Joiner were married after Banns by me Rev B. Martin? Vicar Rural Dean, both signatures, witnesses George Rowe, F Framton; Alice Wilson? and Walter Rogers. | Marriages Lymington Hampshire Ancestry.com omages 57 of 262 |
27 Dec 1897 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church of Sherborne in the County of Dorset Entry 52 dated 27th Dec 1897 Between Augustus GYNGELL aged 23 years a Bachelor, a Printer, Resident at Fordington St Georges |
Marriages Sherborne Ancestry.com image 275 of 1492 |
11 Apr 1898 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church at Portesham Dorset Entry 268 dated 11th April 1898 Between Francis Walter Henville PEATY, aged 21 years, a Bachelor, a Salesman, Resident at Dorchester [Actually Fordington near Dorchester] father David PEATY a Goldsmith and Emily Mary BARTLETT aged 22 years a Spinster, No occupation resident at Portesham father Henry Edward BARTLETT a Baker were married in this church after Banns by me Rev John C Molyneux Vicar, both their signatures witnesses Henry John Bartlett; Lilly Annie Maria Bartlett, Lydia Bartlett & W.W.Acutt | Marriages Portesham Dorset Ancestry.com image 132 of 239 |
11 Apr 1898 | MARRIAGE in the Parish Church at Heatherlands in the Parish of Kinson in the county of Dorset entry 156 in the marriage Register dated 11th April 1898 Between Thomas FORD aged 21 a Bachelor , a Costable, resident at Church Street Bridport father William FORD a Dairyman and Edna Kate FANCY aged 20 years a Spinster, No occupation, resident at Uppleby Road Heatherlands father Charles FANCY a Builder were married in this church after Banns by me Rev Edward Birkley Butler; both their signatures; witnesses Charles Fancy and Mary Ann Berwick | Marriages Heatrherlands Kinson Ancestry.com image 78 of 357 |
20 Apr 1898 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church in Wimborne Minster Dorset Entry 18 dated 20th Apr 1898 Between Henry PITFIELD aged 28 a Bachelor, a Railway Employee; Resident at East Fordington Dorset; father Edward PITFIELD (deceased) Railway Guard and Kate DUNFORD aged 25 years a Spinster No Occupation resident New Road Wimborne father William DUNFORD a Bricklayer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. G.S.Jellico Officiating Minister ; Both their signatures witnesses Edward Dunford and Sarah Dunford. | Marriages Wimborne Minster Ancestry.com image 914 of 1265 |
24 Apr 1898 | BAPTISM:- 1898 April 24th; Winifred Daisy daughter of Charles Curtis & Annie Hayward BROWN; Grocer; West Fordington | Baptisms Stinsford |
8 Aug 1898 | MARRIAGE In the Parish Church Holy Trinity Yeovil Somserset entry 173 dated 8th Aug 1898 Between George William BELLINGER aged 26 years a Bachelor, a Butcher, Resident at St Georges Church Fordington in Dorset father James Wiliam BELLINGER a Butcher and Annie Eliza GAWLER aged 29 years no occupation resident at Hendfold Somerset father Morgan John GAWLER a Builder, were married after Banns in this church by me Rev Theidore E.R. Phillips curate; both signatures witnesses Felise Abbott ; Albertina Daisy Lily Gawler | Marriages Holy Trinity Church Yeovil Somserset Ancestry.com image 88 of 238 |
29 Sep 1898 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church at Bradford Upon Avon Wiltshire entry 142 dated 29th Sep 1898 Between Charles WILLS aged 25 years a Bachelor a Baker resident at Fordington St Georges Parish father James WILLS a Gardener and Alice Jane MOORE aged 24 years a Spinster No Occupation resident Church Street father Tom MOORE a Parish Clerk were married in this church by me Rev Sydney G Collisson; both their signatures witnesses Tom Moore and Georgina Helen Moore [Note:- Charles Surname wrongly indexed at Ancestry as MILLS (Checked GRO Marriages for Alice Jane Moore 3rd qtr 1898 Bradford on avon Wiltshire Ref 5a /236 spouse Charles WILLS) I have done a correction on Ancestry] | Marriages Bradford upon avon Wiltshire Ancestry.com image 75 of 254 |
30 Nov 1898 | MARRIAGE in the church of St Mary's Henley on Thames Oxfordshire Entry 474 on 30th Nov 1898 Betwen Frederick TOWNSEND aged 26 years , a Bachelor, a Mineral Water Maker's foreman, resident at West Fordington [Dorset] father Edwin TOWNSEND a Labourer and Kate Eliza CARTER aged 28 years no occupation, resident at Henley on Thames father Henry CARTER a Brewer's man were married in this church after Banns by me Rev John A Meal? ; both signatures witnesses Harry Sims & Ada Elizabeth Carter | Marriages Henley on Thames Ancestry.com image 123 of 133 |
21 Dec 1898 | MARRIAGE: At the Parish Church at Lytchett Minster Dorset: Entry 2287 Dec 21st 1898 Between Herbert William LEGG aged 28 years, a Bachelor, as Ostler; Resident at Fordington St George , father John LEGG a Licenced Victualler and Beatrice Mary DOLMAN aged 26 years a Spinetr no occupation, resident at Lytchett Minster father William Dolman a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev Henry FILEY; both signatures, witnesses William Dolman and Helena Annie Legg | Marriages Lytchett Minster Dorset Ancestry.com image 144 of 431 |
09 Feb 1899 | MARRIAGE: At the Parish Church at Litton Chenry Dorset Entry 203 dated 9th Feb 1899 Between Joseph John SYMES aged 27 years a Bachelor, a Police Constable, Resident at Fordington St George , father William SYMES, a Labourer and Louisa Kate HAN |
Marriages Litton Cheney Dorset Ancestry.com image 115 of 177 |
24 Apr 1899 | MARRIAGE In the Parish Church in the Parish of Chisledon in the County of Wiltshire entry 431 in the marriage register dated 24th April 1899 Between John CHILDS aged 25 years a Bachelor a Gardener resident at West Fordington father George CHILDS a Labourer and Margaret SMITH aged 25 years a Spinster no occupation father John SMITH a Labourer were marroed in this church after Banns by me Rev. Henry R. Foyeet ; both their signatures in the presence of Joseph Smith; Jesse Smith & Ellen Smith. | Marriages Chisledon Wiltshire Ancestry.com image 224 of 264 |
29 Apr 1899 | MARRIAGE: At the parish church at Tyneham Dorset entry 91 dated April 21st 1899 Between George CASE aged 24 years a Bachelor a Tinsman resident Dorchester [Actually Fordington St George near Dorchester] father George CASE a Labourer and Emily COOPER aged 24 years a Spinster No Occupation resident at Tyneham Dorset father Samuel COOPER a Carrier were married in this church by me Rev Claud S Homan, both signatures witnesses Henry Charles Hayter and Mary Amelia Mores | Marriages Tyenham Dorset Ancestry.com inage 53 of 89 |
6 June 1899 | MARRIAGE In the Parish Church of St Nicholas Gloucester Entry 112 dated 6th June 1899 Between Philip Ernest GEORGE aged 26 years a Bachelor a Grocer resident at 3 Bridport Terrace West Fordington [near] Dorchester father |
Marriages St Nicholas Church Gloucester Ancestry.com image 68 of 272 |
20 June 1899 | MARRIAGE In the Parish Church at Blackland Wiltshire entry 50 dated 20th June 1899 Between William James OAKFORD aged 22 years a Bachelor a Ticket Collector for the Great Western Railway. resident West Fordington, [near] Dorchester, father George OAKFORD a Passenger Guard for the Great Western Railway and Helen CAMPBELL aged 22 years a Spinster no occupation, father John CAMPBELL a Coachman were married in this church after banns by me rev George R Hadow; both their signatures witnesses John Campbell & Eliza Jane BOWLES. | Marriages Blackland Wiltshire on 20th June 1899 |
24 June 1899 | MARRIAGE in the Parish Church at Crewkerne in the countyb of Somerset Entry 245 dated 24th June 1899 Between Harry McCREADY aged 23 years a Bachelor a Privae in the Dorset Regiment resident at West Fordington [Barracks] father Robert McCREADY a Warehouseman and Rosina STAPLES aged 20 years a Spinster no occupation Resident at Crewkerne father Charles STAPLES a Factory Hand were married in thgis church after banns by me Rev. Herbert Ways Vicar. both etheir signatures witnesses Charles Staples and Annie Elizabeth Merritt | Marriages Crewkerne Somserset Ancestry.com image 125 of 252 |
05 July 1899 | MARRIAGE: GULLIFORD - PITFIELD -- July 1 at the Registry Office Dorchester, Thomas GULLIFORD, to Alice Victoria PITFIELD, both of Fordington | Bridport News Fri 5th July 1889 Page 8: Marriages |
09 Jul 1899 | BAPTISM:- Clifford George son of Walter & Lucy BILLETT abode St Georges Fordington Baptised | Entry 469 page 59 Baptism Register Winterborne Came |
5 September 1899 | MARRIAGE at Bournemouth St John's Moorsdown in the County of Southampton (Now Hampshire) between Entry 79 dated September 5th 1899 Between William YOUNG aged 30 years a Bachelor a Sergeant resident at West Fordington [Barracks] father George YOUNG a Labourer and Rosina Rebecca MILLER aged 25 years a Spinster a Dressmaker resident at Wireton father George MILLER a bricklayer were married in this church after banns by me Rev Richard Williams curate ; both their aignatures witnesses George Miller & Childerpy May Jeanes | Marriages Bournemouth St John Moordown Ancestry.com image 52 of 266 |
27 Sep 1899 | MARRIAGE in the Parish Church at Broadwindsor Dorset Entry 485 on September 27th [1899] Between Charles William TURNER aged 23 years a Bachelor, a Labourer, Resident at Fordington St George [near] Dorchester. father Aaron TURNER a Labourer and Emma Jane HOARE aged 30 years a Spinster, no occupation, resident at Broadwindsor [Dorset] father Abraham John HOARE a Carter. were married in this church after Banns by me Rev George Cyril Hutchins. The signature of Charles William Turner and the mark of Emma Jane HOARE in the presence of Charles Hoare and AliceTurner. | Marriages Broadwindsor Dorset Ancestry.com image 297 of 543. |
13th Nov 1899 | MARRIAGE in the Parish Church at Piddletrenthide Dorset emtry 282 on 13th Nov 18999 Between Francis William LUCAS aged 26 years a widower a Fitter, resident at 'Dolas Ash' *; father William Charles LUCAS a Labourer and Fanny Jane ROBBINS aged 23 years a Spinster no occupation resident at Piddletrenthide father Henry ROBBINS a Labourer. were married in this church after banns by me Rev. W.W.Singleton; both their signatures; witnesses Fanny Cheeseman and Evelyn Beautrees Robbins. [Note:- See Banns read at St Georges Church Fordington entry 129 on Oct 8th; 15th and 22nd 1899 bewteen Francis William Honeybun LUCAS and Fanny Jane ROBBINS - Also 'Dolas Ash' is a farm in Dorset a few Kilometers east of Piddletrenthide and south of Plush ] | Marriages Piddletrenthide Dorset Ancestry.com Image 377 of 392 |
25 Dec 1899 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church at Owermoigne Dorset entry 162 December 25th 1899 Between George Frederick DAMEN aged 27 years a Bachelor, a Carpenter, resident at East Fordington, father George DAMEN a Groom and Rosa Ann WEBBER aged 26 years, a Spinster, no occupation, resident at Owermoigne father Richard WEBBER a Shepherd were married in this church after banns by me Rev William Ryddesch; both signatures, witnesses Richard Webber and James Webber | Marriages at Owermoigne Dorset Ancestry.com image 110 of 134 |
24 Mar 1900 | MARRIAGE In the Parish Church at Poxwell Dorset Entry 47 dated 24th March 1900 Between Walter Thomas WHITE aged 23 years a Bachelor a Fireman on the Railway resident at West Fordington, father Samuel WHITE a Labourer and Emily Elizabeth FOOT aged 23 years a Spoinster no occupation father George FOOT a Carter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev Joseoh Wood Rector, both their signatures witnbesses Annie Foot and T.G.Coat. | Marriages Poxwell Dorset Ancestry.com image 42 of 45 |
03 Jul 1900 | BURIAL:- Entry 696 Bessie Ann DAWE Abode Fordington Hill Buried July 3rd 1900 Aged 27 years by H Mitchell Vicar | Burials Stinsford Dorset Ancestry.com image 44 of 51 |
13 Aug 1900 | MARRIAGE: In the church of St John's Weymouth Dorset entry 492 dated 13th Aug 1900 Between Thomas HARD aged 22 years a Bachelor of the Army Pay Corps resident at 9 Maumbury Road Dorchester father Hubert HARD a Pensioner and Kate HOWSON aged 24 years a Spinster no occupation resident at 10 Victoria Terrace St John's Parish father James HOWSON a Labourer were married in this church after banns by me Rev William Newman Curate ; both their signatures witnessesCharles Cyril Mason and Bessie Creech | Marriages St John's Church Weymouth Ancestry.com image 451 of 704 |
1 Oct 1900 | MARRIAGE: In the Parish Church in the Parish of St Bartholomew Chichester in the County of Sussex Entry 152 in the marriage Register dated 1st Oct 1900 Between Reginald Lewis OSMOND aged 26 years, a Bachelor, a Hattor's assistant, Resident at St Bartholomews Chichester, father William OSMUND a Gas supplier, and Elizabeth Alice HUGHES aged 23 years a Spinster, no occupation, resident at Fordington St George [near] Dorchester [Dorset] father Robert HUGHES an Engineer, were married in this church by me Rev J.N.Parrington Vicar , both their signatures, witnesses Frank Osmond and Bessie Osmond [Note:- Marriages Taunton Courier and Western Advertiser Wednesday 17th Oct 1900 : "OSMOND - HUGHES . 1at at Bartholomew's Church Chichester, by Rev Parrington, Reginald Lewis fith son of the Late William OSMOND of Salisbury Walk Dorchester, to Elizabeth Alice, fourth daughter of the late Robert HUGHES of Giversyll, near Wrexham." |
MARRIAGES St Bartholomews Chichester Ancestry.com Image 84 of 144 |
13 April 1903 | MARRIAGE at The Parish Church at Corfe Castle Dorset Entry 90 Between John William Thomas HODDINOTT aged 28 years a bachelor occupation linesman resident at St Georges Fordington father John HODDINOTT a Labourer and Margaret Eliza GOODCHILD aged 22 spinster resident at Corfe Castle father Stephen H Goodchild a bricklayer both their signatures witnesses Stephen H Goodchild and Frances Ellen Goodchild | Marriage Corfe Castle image ancestry.com Banns of Marriage also read at St Georges Church Fordington March 22nd and 29th and April 5th. 1903 |
30 Apr 1904 | MARRIAGE Solemnized at The Parish Church at Tyneham Entry No. 95 Between Alfred Robert PAIN of full age a widower Malster of West Fordington father George PAIN a shoemaker and Jane Ann HARVALL of full age a spinster of Tyneham father Edward HARVALL a Carter were married in this church by mr Rev.Claud S Homan Rector Both their signatures in the presence of : Alice Hannah TIZZARD and Thomas HARVALL | Marriages Tyeham Dorset Ancestry.com image 55 of89 |
07 Mar 1905 | MARRIAGE: Entry 371 7th March 1905 between Frederick James BIRD age 30 a bachelor a Lance Sergeant in the Dorset Regiment resident at West Fordington Dorset father Richard BIRD a Shoemaker and Emily Louisa CHURCHILL aged 24 a spinster no occupation reisent at Charminster father Richard CHURCHILL as Labourer; both their signatures witnessed by John James Churchill and Lyn Verina Riggs.
Marriages St Mary's Church Charminster image ancestry.com |
27 Feb 1906 | MARRIAGE Solemnized at The Parish Church at Bincombe Dorset Entry No. 87: Between George William; PAYNE aged 33 years a bachelor a Bricklayer resident at West Fordington [near] Dorchester father Robert Payne (deceased) a Wheelright and Ellen Hannah HATCHER aged 22 years a spinster no occupation resident at Bincombe Father Walter Eli HATCHER a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by Rev. A.F.J.Danneman Both their signatures in the presence of William Henry Hatcher and Clara Elizabeth Hatcher | Marriages Bincombe Dorset Ancestry.com image 55 of 100 |
22 Mar 1906 | MARRIAGE Solemnized at The Parish Church at Charlton Marshall Dorset Entry No. 220 Between William John CAKE aged 28 years a bachelor a printer resident at West Fordington father John Foot Cake a blacksmith and Annie Louisa CUFF aged 23 years a spinster no occupation resident at Burt's Close Charlton Marshall father George CUFF a Carter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. F.S.Beale; both their signatures in the presence of Mary Louisa Cake and George Cuff | Marriages Charlton Marshall Dorset Ancestry.com image 120 off 179 |
10 April 1907 | MARRIAGE Solemnized at The Parish Church at Stratton Dorset Entry No.140: Between Samuel; DRAKE aged 32 years a Widower, a Labourer Resident at Dorchester (Note:- Banns were read at West Fordington) Father George DRAKE a Labourer and Beatrice Caroline WAY aged 30 years a Spinster no occupation Resident at Stratton Father John WAY a Gardener were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Seth Morgan B.A. Both their signatures in the presence of Ethel Mary Way, John Way, and Thomas Edward Way | Marriages Stratton Dorset Ancestry.com image 130 of 138 |
15 Sep 1907 | MARRIAGE BANNS:- were read in the Parish Church at Winterborne Monkton between John Legg BAGG a bachelor of West Fordington and Amelia Jane KIDDLE otp Banns were read 15th; 22nd and 29th Sep 1907 MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterborne Monkton Entry No. 57: on 12th October 1907 between John Legg BAGG aged 33 years a bachelor occupation Farmer Resident at West Fordington father Matthias Benk Legg BAGG a Miller and Amelia Jane KIDDLE aged 22 years a spinster no occupation Resident at [Winterborne] Monkton father John KIDDLE a Farmer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. W Miles Barnes Rector ; both their signatures in the presence of George Laver Hounsell and Rachel Emily Kiddle |
Marriages Winterborne Monkton Dorset Ancestry.com ime 108 of 113
Marriage image 83 of 113 |
10 April 1909 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Stinsford Dorset Entry No. 162: Between Alfred PEARCE aged 25 years a Bachelor a Brewer's assistant Resident at Higher Kingston Father Charles PEARCE a Labourer & Ada PENNY aged 23 years a Spinster Resident in St George's parish Fordington; Father William PENNY a Labourer were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Cyril P Wix Vicar Both their signatures in the presence of: William PENNY, Jane PENNY | Marriages Stinford Dorset Ancestry.com image 99 of 134 |
09 May 1909 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Stinsford Dorset Entry No. 163: Between Frederick Arthur WHITE aged 23 years a Bachelor a Labourer Resident at Fordington St George Parish Father Richard WHITE a Labourer & Ada Louise BAILEY aged 25 years a Spinster Resident at Stinsford Dorset were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Cyril P Wix Vicar Both their signatures in the presence of William George White and Lillie Mary Brewer | Marriages Stinford Dorset Ancestry.com image 100 of 134 |
23 May 1909 | MARRIAGE BANNS: Moreton Dorset: Between George TAYLOR a bachelor of the parish of West Fordington and Emily Harriett BROWN a spinster of Moreton . Banns were read on 23rd and 30th May and 6th June 1909 MARRIAGE: Solemnized in the Parish Church at Moreton Dorset Entry No. 133 Between George TAYLOR aged 36 years a Bachelor a Soldier resident at [The Barracks] West Fordington Father George TAYLOR (deceased) a Mason and Emily Harriett BROWN aged 32 years ; a Domestic Servant, Resident at Moreton [Dorset] Father Samuel BROWN (deceased) a Carpenter were married in this church after Banns by me Rev. Will Mostelen? Rector Both their signatures in the presence of Walter Jessie Gundry and Frances Jessie Brown |
Marriages Moreton Dorset - Ancestry.com image 68 of 151 Marriage Moreton Dorset Ancestry.com image 142 of 151 |
11 Aug 1910 | MARRIAGE:- At St John the Baptist Church Broadstone entry 27 11th Aug 1910 between Robert Smith WRIGHT aged 39 a bachelor occupation grocer resident Dorchester father Gideon Denner WRIGHT grocer and Elsie Gertrude IRELAND aged 20 spinster no occupation resident Broadstone father William George Ireland gassman was held after banns by me Rev Stuart Stent Vicar both their signatures witnesses Arthur Denner Wright and Bertha Florence Ireland | At St John the Baptist Church Broadstone |
15 Feb 1914 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Stinsford Dorset Entry No. |
Marriages Stinford Dorset Ancestry.com image 103 of 134 |
11 Jun 1916 | MARRIAGE BANNS: Moreton Dorset: Between Walter Edwin BALSTON a bachelor of St Georges Church Fordington and Margaret Fanny SMITH a spinster of Moreton. Banns of marriage were read on 11th; 18th and 25th June 1916 MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Fordington Dorset Entry:- 393 dated 10th July 1916 Between Walter Edwin BALSTON aged 28 years a Bachelor a Shop Assistant Resident at 24 Fordington Hill Fordington Dorset Father William Henry BALSTON a Plumber and Margaret Fanny SMITH aged 27 years a Spinster no occupation Resident at New House Moreton Dorset Father Frank SMITH of Gosport a Gamekeeper were married in this church by me Rev. Richard Grosvenor Bartelot Vicar Both their signatures in the presence of Mary Knott and Alexander James WHITE |
Marriage Banns Moreton Dorset - Ancestry.com image 76 of 151 Marriage Forsdington St Georges Church Ancestry.com image 1015 of 1140 |
12 May 1918 | MARRIAGE:- Solemnized in the Parish Church at Winterborne St Martin Dorset Entry No. 242 dated June 24th 1918 Between William Percy GAWLER aged 23 years a bachelor a Boiler Maker Resident at West Fordington and Louisa STEVENS aged 23 years a spinster Resident at Ashton in this parish Father John STEVENS a Labouerr were married in this cvhurch after Banns of marriage were read (on April 28th; May 5th and 12th 1918 ) by me Rev.S.J.Kent Both their Signatures in the presence of Mary Stevens and John Stevens | Marriages Winterbourne St Martin Dorset Ancestry.com image 131 of 204 |
04 Jul 1920 | MARRIAGE BANNS : Between Frederick Percival LOCK a bachelor of the parish of St Mary's FORDINGTON and Rosalie Maud HATCHER spinster otp Banns were read 4th; 11th; & 18th July 1920 [Note They married at Winterborne Monkton on 29th July 1920 entry 73 in Parish Marriage Register Frederick Percival LOCK aged 23 years a bachelor occupation shop assistant abode 289 Great Western Road Dorchester father William LOCK deceased and Rosalie Maude HATCHER aged 23 years a spinster no occupation abode Monkton father Thomas HATCHER a carter botrh signatures witnesses JC Hatcher and Nora Susan Hatcher |
Marriage and Marriage Banns Winterborne Monkton |
18 Mar 1926 | BURIAL: Entry 672, 18-Mar, 1926, Mary, EVERETT, 71, Fordington | Burials Stratton |
20 Jan 1927 | BURIAL:- Entry 183 Eliza WATKINS abode Penwithen St Mary's Parish Fordington aged 71 years | Burials Winterborne Monkton |