Survey of Tenants taken in 1650
Links To:- 1600 Survey:       1600 Tenants       1615 Survey       1615 Tenants       1650 Survey - West Mills

©Compiled and transcribed by Peta Winzar 5th Sep 2023

Extracts from UK National Archives - Kew.
Exchequer. Office of First Fruits and Tenths, and the Court of Augmentation. Trustees for Crown Lands and Free Farm Rents.
Parliamentary Surveys. Dorset. Fordington [1650]

Survey of Fordington Manor
[E317/Dors/5 and 5A: ]

[© Compiled & Transcribed by Peta Winzar 5th Aug 2023]
The Survey for Fordington consists of twenty five folios, f1 to f25, within a larger bundle of surveys taken across manors in the Western Counties.

Folio 1

Folio f1

Transcription of Folio 1

Dorsett ff:
Manoria de
ffordington _
Juribus membris
& apytenencibus

A Survey of the Mannr of ffordington - wth the Rights
Members and appurtenances thereof Situate and
beinge in the County of Dorsett late pcell of the
possessions of Charles Stewart late prince of wales
& Duke of Cornwall, and pcell of the possessions x
of the said Dutchy made & taken by us whose
names are hereunto subscribed by vertue
of a Com:on granted to us by the Honoble
the Trustees appoynted by Act of the
Comons assembled in Parliamt
for sale of the Honn Mannr:
and Lands heretofore ~
belonging to the late
King Quene and
Prince undr their
hands and




The quitrents due to the Lord of the fforesd Mannr of ffor-
dington wthin the township or parish of ffordington holding of the sd mannr in ffree and Comon soccage tenure according
to the Custome thereof & payable at Michs and Lady day are
p ann ___________________________________________________




XVl iiijs id






The like rents due from the ffreeholds wthin the township
of Dalwood in the pish of Dalwood holding of the said Mannor
in ffree & Comon soccage tenure according to the Custome therof
 and payable at Michs & Lady day are p ann  ____________________








Coppiehold rents:

The Rents due from the Coppieholdr: for lives and Cottages
wthin the towneshipp of ffordington & in the East tything
holding of the said Mannor by ffines Arbitrary according to
the custome thereof payable at Mich & Lady day are p ann ________



xxvijl vjs






The like rents due from the Coppieholdr: for lives and Cottages
wthin the towneshipp of ffordington afforsd & in the west
tything holding of the said Mannor by ffines Arbitrary
according to the custome thereof payable at Michs &
Lady day are p ann________________________________________




xxijl vijsxd





Folio 2

Folio f2

Transcription of Folio 2


The Court Barrons & Court Leete ffines, Amercamts of Court
Issues, post fines, herriotts, relises, waives, Estrayes, deodands (1)
ffellows goods, goods of fellows of them selves, of ffugatives &
of Condemned psones, Hawking, Hunting, ffowling, ffishing
& all other pfitts & pquesitts wthin the fforesd Mannr to the
Royalty thereof appertaining wee estimate to bee worth
Comunibus annis ________________________________________

Some totall of the foresaid
Rents & Royalties are p ann












CLXXVl xxiijs


The coppieholds for lives wthin the East tythinge in
ffordington according to the Custome of whole places
hereafter ffollow vizt:  /



Ffine xl


Redd xxijs id

Wm Barnes holdeth by Coppie of court roll dated 22 October
15 Caroli: [1639] a tenemt with appurtenances comonly called a whole
place containing by estimacon 2 acres & 3 roodes of Meddow
& pasture and 54 acres of Arable for the Lives of the said
Wm aged 60* yeares And of Robt Barnes his Brother aged
57 yeares and of Anthony his sonne aged 28 yeares
successively according to the Custome of the said Mannr All  ~
wch wee estimate to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ____

The lives are all in beinge.

[Link to his father William Barnes Senior in 1615 Survey. Link to his own Will dated 1658 and background notes. *He was bap FStG 1587 so actually aged 63 in 1650.]



56: 3: 00



xxil xxis iijd




Redd xxijs jd

Sarah the Relict of John Gould deceased holdeth during her
Widdow hood & Chastity a tenemt: wth appurtenances Comonly
called a whole place containing by estimacon 4 acre of
Meddow & pasture & 59 acres of arable by vertue of a Coppie
granted to the said John Gold [sic] dated 14 Sept: 39 [1597] Elizabeth
according to the customs of the sd Mannr which wee value
to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann____________________

The said Sarah now living aged 56 yeares

[Link to 2nd Plot] [Link to 3rd Plot]
Sarah Gould nee Benvenue Widow of John Gould the Younger (1590-1643)



63: 0: 00



xxixl xiijs

Ffine xxll

Wm Gould & Margrett his sister the children of the said
John Gold deceased holds the reversion of the sd whole place
by coppie dated 27 Marcij 10 Car: [1634] for the lives of the said
Wm aged 18 yeares and of Margrett his sister aged
21 yeares according to the Custome of the sd Mannr

The lives are both in being

[Link to rev in 2nd Plot] [Link to rev in 3rd Plot]




Gen Note:- 1. Deodand – something that has caused the death of another person – eg, a runaway cart

Folio 3

Folio f3

Transcription of Folio 3

Ffine xxxl



Redd: xxiijs iiijd

Elizabeth the relict of Ralph Perrine holds by Coppie dated
27 Oct 10 Caroli [1634] A tenemt wh apytenances called a whole place
containing by estimacon 2 acres ½ of Meddow & pasture and
53 acres of Arable for the lives of her the said Elizabeth  x
aged 50 yeares and of Samuell her sonne aged 21 yeares succes-
sively according to the Custom of the said Mannr wch wee value
to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann__________________

Both lives are in beinge [Note:- Link to 2nd Plot held by copyhold dated 10 Mar 1634 for 24 acres]



55: 2: 00



xixl xvjs viijd

Ffine viijl

Redd: xviijs vd

Thomasin the relict of wm Windsor holdeth by coppie dated
12 May 5 Jac: [1607] A tenemt wth thapytenances called a whole place cont: by estimacon 2 acres and ½ of Meddow & pasture and
53 acres of Arable for the lives of her the sd Thomasin aged
60 yeares & of John Windsor aged 43 yeares successively
according to the Custome of the sd Mannr wch wee value to bee
worth besides the psent rent p ann _______________________
Both lives are in beinge
Link to Thomasin Winsor nee White (c1573-1655) an account of her life and children.



55: 2: 00



xxil xijs

Ffine lijl


Redd: xvijs jd

Robt: Windsor holds by coppie dated 31 Marcij 16 Caroli [1640] ~
a tenemt wth apytenances called a whole place Cont: by estimacon
2 acres & 3 roodes of Meddow & pasture & 54 acres of arable
for the life of him the said Robt: Windsor aged 38 yeares accor
ding to the Custome of the sd Mannr wch wee value to be worth besides the psent rent p ann ____________________________

The life in beinge



56: 3: 00


xxl xviijs


The Coppie holds wthin the East tything holdinge
according to the customs of a half place hereafter
ffollow vizt:







Ffine iiijl



Redd: xijs ixd

Mary now the wife of John Bartlett the daughter of Rich:
deceased holds by coppie dated 5 Augt 5 Jacobi [1607]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place cont. p est:
one acre and ½ of Meddow & 21 acres of arable for the life of
the sd Mary aged 44 yeares* according to the Custome of
the said Mannr wch wee estimate to bee worth besides
the psent rent p ann__________________________________

The life in Beinge ./ [*Note:- Mary's age is actually 58 see baptism 1592]

[Links to 1615 Survey for Richard Warren (1557-1637) when her age was given as being 20 when actually 23, and his Will dated 1636 with genealogical notes about his family]




22: 2: 00



ixl vjs viijd

Folio 4

Folio f4

Transcription of Folio 4

Ffine xl




 Wm Cox and Elizabeth the Relict of John Cox deceased holds
by coppie dated 12 Marcij 14 Caroli [1639] the reversion of the half
place last resited (i.e. last entry on image 3 above) after the death or forfeture of the same by the above named Mary the wife of John Bartlett for the lives of
the said Wm Cox aged 15 yeares And of Elizabeth his mother
aged 40 yeares according to the custome of the sd mannr

The lives are in beinge . /

[Note:- See comments about Mary Bartlett's age at end of image 3 - out by 14 years. This plot was held in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor by Richard Warren (1557-1637) and descended to his eldest daughter Mary BARTLETT nee WARREN with reversion rights after her death to her sister Elizabeth COX and her sons. Elizabeth's age is also well out being about 50 not 40. Elizabeth & her sons are also beneficiaries under her fathers Will dated 1636]



Ffine iiijl



Redd: xiijs iiijd

Wm Collins holdeth by coppie dated 5 Aug 5 Jac [1607] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place cont: by estimacon
2 acres & ½ of Meddow and 27 acres of Arable for the lives
of him the sd Wm aged 56 yeares & of Thomas his brother
aged 50 yeares successively according to the custome of the
sd Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent
p ann ______________________________________________
Both lives are in beinge . /



29: 2: 00



xil xvjs viijd



Redd: xiijs iiijd

Joane the Relict of Thomas Chount holds duringe her ~
widdowhood & chastity a tenemt called a half place cont:
by estimacon 2 acres and ½ of meddow & 22 acres of arable
according to the custome of the sd Mannr wch wee estimate to
be worth besides the psent rent p ann____________________

The sd Joane aged 60 yeares now living

[Link to the plot held by Thomas CHOUNT(1565-1637) in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor

[Link to Will of Thomas CHOUNT (d.1637) - executrix Joane 2nd wife

Link to 2nd Plot and Link to another Cottage]


24: 2: 00


xl xvjs viijd

Ffine xlijl

Thomas Bartlett holds by coppie dated 27 Marcij 10 Carl [1634]
the Revrsion of the sd half place after the death or forfeture
of the sd Jone Chount for the life of him the sd Thomas  ~
according to the Custome of the said Mannr. /




Ffine xll



Redd: xiijs iiijd

John Eames holdeth by coppie dated 27 Mar 10 Car: [1634] a tenemt:
wth thapytenances called a half place cont. by estimacon
one acre & 3 roode of Meddow & 24 acres of arable for
the lives of him the sd John aged 80 yeares & of Thomas
his sonne aged 33 yeares according to the Custome of the
sd Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent
rent p ann __________________________________________

Both lives are in beinge [Link to his entry in 1615 Survey]



25: 3: 00



ixl xvjs viijd



Redd: xiijs iiijd

Sarah the Relict of John Gould deceased holdeth during her
widowhood & Chastity a half place cont: by est 1 acre and ½ of
Meddow & 22 acres of arable by vertue of a coppie granted to the
said John Gold date 14 Sept 39 Eliz [1597] according to the Custome of the sd Mannr wch wee value to be worth besides the present rent p ann

[Link to prior plot] [Link to 3rd Plot]
Sarah Gould nee Benvenue Widow of John Gould the Younger (1590-1643)



23: 2: 00


ixl vjs viijd

Folio 5

Folio f5

Transcription of Folio 5

Ffine xll

Wm: Gold and Margrett his sister the children of the sd John holds
the Revrsion of the sd half place by coppie dat: 27 March 10 Car:[1634]
for the lives of the sd Wm aged 18 yeares & of Margrett aged
21 yeares according to the Custome of the said Mannr.

The lives are in being [Link to prior plot] [Link to rev in 3rd Plot]



Ffine xlvl


Redd: xiijs iiijd

Henry Holman holdeth by Coppie dated 30 Dec 15 Jac [1617] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place cont: by estimacon one
acre & 3 roodes of Meddow & 24 acres of arable for the life
of him the said Henry according to the custome of the said
Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the present rent ~
p ann _______________________________________________

The life in beinge

[Note:- Link to 2nd farthinghold plot held by copyhold grant dated 10th Mar 1619 .Henry Holman died in 1679 leaving a Will dated 23rd June 1679 and an Inventory of his goods taken shortly after his death on 29th Oct 1679]



25: 3: 00



xl vjs viijd

Ffine xll
This copy is for the lyfe of oliver & Johane Johnson both living
Nov:10th Will Webb
Redd xiijs iiijd

Oliver Johnson holdeth by coppie dated 7 Mar: 15 Caroli [1640] A
tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place containinge
by estimacon one acre & 3 roodes of Meddow & 24 acres &
one roode of arable for the life of the sd Oliver aged 18  ~
yeares according to the custome of the sd Mannr wch wee value
to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann __________________

The life in beinge

[Note:- Not located Will or their deaths]


26: 0: 00


xl xvs

Ffine xxxviij l

Robt Ingram holdeth by coppie dated 30 Dec 15 Jacobi [1617]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place Containinge
by estimacon one acre ½ of Meddow & 21 acres arable
for the life of him the said Robt Ingram aged 50 yeares
wch wee estimate to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ___
The life in being

[Note:- Robert INGRAM was the only surviving son and heir of John INGRAM (d.1602/3) by his wife Agnes INGRAM (1565-1638/9) who held it in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor].


22: 2: 00


ixl vjs viijd

Ffine xxvl

Christian the relict of Wm Lawrence holdeth during her
widdow hood & Chasitity a tenemt wth thappytenances caled
a half place containing one acre and 3 roode of Meddow
& 25 acres of Arable by vertue of a Coppie granted to the
sd Wm date 20 March 7 Car: [1632] for the lives of him the sd Wm
deceased & of John his sonne aged 24 yeares And of Sara
his daughter deceased successively according to the Custome of
the sd Mannr wch wee estimate to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ____________________________________________
The widdow & John both living./

[Note:- Link to Will of Wm Lawrence dated  10th Apr 1645 proved by his relict Christian and son John 19th Jun 1646. Link to Will of Christian Lawrence dated 20th Nov 1663 ]



26: 3: 00



xl xvjs vd

Ffine xiijlxs


Redd xiijs iiijd

Wm Limington holdeth by coppie dated 12 Aug 12 Car [1636] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place containing by estimacon
one acre & 3 roode of Meddow & 25 acres of Arable for the lives of him the sd Wm aged 60 yeares and of Robt his sonne aged 28 yeares ~
according to the custome of the sd Mannr wch wee value to be worth
besides the psent rent p ann______________________________

[Note:- William Linnington [Also Lymington] was churchwarden of FStG in 1627 signing the parish registers that year. We know of 3 children (1) Marie bap FStG 24th Dec 1614 buried there 26th Jan 1614/15 (2) Robert Lillington (1618-1675) Bap FStG 19th Apr 1618 so probably aged 32 rather than 28 as shown above-- Link to Will dated 22 Apr 1671 (3) Dorothie Bap FstG 8th July 1621. His wife was probably Agnes Linnington who was buried at FStG on 27th Apr 1620 hence no more children]



26: 3: 00


xl xvs

Folio 6

Folio f6

Transcription of Folio 6

ffine xxxl


Redd xiijs iiijd

Wm Miller holdeth by Coppie dated 6 Apr:l 22 Jac: [1624] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place containing by est: one
acre & 3 roodes of Meddow & 25 acres of Arable for the lives of
him the sd Wm aged 41 yeares & of Matthew his brother aged
33 yeares successively according to the custome of the sd Mannr
wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _____

Both lives are in beinge /

[Note:- Copyhold dated 1624: This might be William MILLER of Dorchester a brewer who was bound over on 24th Mar 1631 by JP Sir Arthur Ashley in the sum of £10 along with John Reason of Bryantspuddle £20 and John BARNES of Fordington £10 for beating Micheas Barnes upon the highway. This William MILLER was the son of Leonard MILLER the elder a Gentleman of Fordington who died in 1654 leaving to his son Wm Miller "my malt house in All Saints Parish Dorchester already in his occupation]



26: 3: 00



xjl xvjs viijd

ffine vl

vacat  .


Redd xiijs iiijd

Katherine the wife of Bruan Reeves Clarke (i.e. Cleric) holdeth by Coppie
dated 21 dec: 17 Car: [1641] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half
place cont by est: 5 acres & ½ of Meddow & pasture and
17 acres & 3 roodes of arable for the lives of the sd Katterine
aged 40 yeares & of Bruan their sonne aged 10 yeares  x
according to the custome of the sd Mannr wch wee estimate
to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _________________

It hath bin proved that this was only an exchange & that there are two lives in being in the Estate wch was so exchanged with Coppy bears date before 1641
Will; Webb

Both lives are in beinge. /

[Note:-This is Katherine Ryves nee Wa;dram (1594-`665) wife of Bruno RYVES (1596-1677) who has an entry in Dictionary of National Biography Vol 17 (Image 576 of 1428 . They married at St Mary Magdalen Old Fish St London 14th Oct 1628 (Image 73 of 138). I have not researched this family but some genealogists have attributed the baptisms of Morgan Rives baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 28th Oct 1587, and Benjamin Ryves bap on 22 Mar 1591 as elder brothers of Bruno's father Thomas Ryves ].



23: 1: 00



xjl xvjs viijd

fine viijl vjs viijd

John Rasker holdeth by coppie dat: 17 dec 15 Car [1639] A
tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place cont by est:
3 acres & ½ of Meddow & 26 acres of arable for the lives
of him the sd John aged 30 yeares & of Margrett his wife
aged 25 yeares successively according to the Custome of
the sd Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent
rent p ann ___________________________________________

Both lives are in beinge /

[Note: John RASKER (1620-1661) Link to Will naming Margaret his wife as executrix]



29: 2: 00




ffine vjlxiijs iiijd


Redd xiijs iiijd

Wm Spearinge Gent. holdeth by coppie dated 26 oct 1 Car [1625] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place containing by estimacon
3 acres & ½ of Meddow & 23 acres & ½ of arable for the life of
him the sd Wm according to the custome of the sd Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ____________

The life in being ./

[Note:-William Spearing was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 1st Sep 1654 See also comments against Memorial plaque No. 99 in St Peters Church with more background]


27: 0: 00


xjl vjs viijd

ffine xxl

John Spearinge deceased & Benjamin Spearing his Brother sonne
of Wm Spearing last before menconed holdeth by coppie dated 27 Mar: 20 Car: [1644] the Reusion of the half place last recyted after the
death or fforfeture of Wm Spearing afforesd for the life of the sd Benjamin aged 21 yeares according to the Custome of the said

Benjamin is livinge ./

[Note:- See comments against Memorial plaque No. 99 in St Peters Church with more background]]




Folio 7

Folio f7

Transcription of Folio 7

ffine xvjl


Redd xiijs iiijd

Robt Seager holdeth by Coppie dat 19 July 21 Jac [1623] a tenemt wth
thapytenances caled a half place containing by estimacon two
acres of Meddow & 22 acres & 3 roodes of Arable for the lives of
him the said Robt aged 56 yeares and of Roger his sonne aged
27 yeares successively according to the custome of the said Mannr
wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _______

Both lives in being. /

[Note:- His son Roger Seager was bap FStG 7th April 1622 and his father Robert was churchwarden the following year and again in 1633. A daughter Joanna was bapt FStG 21 Apr 1625 and a son Robert bap FStG 1st May 1631]



24: 3: 00



xl vjs viijd


ffine ixl



Redd xiijs iiijd

John Windsor holdeth by coppie dated 5 July 5 Car: [1629] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place cont: by estimacon
one acre & ½ of Meddow & 25 acres of arable for the lives
of him the said John aged 50 yeares and of Thomas his
sonne aged 25 yeares successively according to the custome
of the said Mannr wch wee estimate to bee worth besides ~
the present rent p ann ____________________________________

Both lives are in being ./



26: 2: 00



xjl vjs viijd

ffine viijlxijs


Redd xiijs iiijd

Joane the Relict of Richard Windsor holdeth by Coppie dated
16 Janij 12 Car: [1637] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place
cont: by est: one acre & 3 roodes of Meddow & 22 acres of
Arable for the lives of the sd Joane aged 60 yeares & of
John Windsor aged 48 yeares successively according to the
custome of the sd Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides
the psent rent p ann _____________________________________

Both lives in beinge ./



23: 3: 00



ixl xs

ffine xxijl


Redd xiijs iiijd

Katherine Downtonn widdow holdeth by coppie dat: 26 May
16 Jac: [1618] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place cont: by
estimacon 2 acres & ½ of meddow & 24 acres of arable
for the life of the said Katherine aged 36 yeares according
to the Custome of the said Mannr wch wee estimate to bee
worth besides the psent rent p ann _________________________

The life in being . /

[Note:-Katherine Downton holds these plots in 1650:- copyhold dated 26 May 1618 half place as above : copy 30th Dec 1617 farthinghold: copy 3rd Aug 1618 whole place copy 25th July 1629a half place]



26: 2: 00



xjl vjs viijd


The coppieholds in the East tything according to the
Custome of a ffarthing hold hereafter followeth vizt:



ffine xxxl



Redd xiijs

An Bishopp widdow holdeth by coppie dated 27 Mar: 10 Car [1634]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthing hold cont: by
estimacon one acre & 1 roode of Meddow and 18 acres of
arable for the lives of her the sd Ann aged 56 yeares & of
Thomas Bishopp aged 27 yeares & of Joseph Bishopp aged
25 yeares (both her sonnes) successively according to the Custome
of the sd Mannr wch wee value to be worth besides the psent rent p ann
 All the lives are in being./

[Note:- Ann BISHOP was the widow of Richard BISHOP who was buried at FStG Church on 9th Nov 1633 leaving a Will naming Ann executrix and naming 5 living children inc Thomas and Joseph. His youngest daughter Hester BISHOP was bap FStG 18th Nov 1627. ]




19: 1: 00



vijl xijs _d

Folio 8

Folio f8

Transcription of Folio 8

ffine vjl vs



Redd xijs

Henry Butt holdeth by coppie dated 26 Oct: 10 Caroli [1634]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold containing
by estimacon 3 roodes of Meddow & 17 acres of Arable for
the lives of him the said Henry Butt aged 60 yeares & of
Henry his sonne aged 25 yeares successively according to
the custome of the said Mannr wch wee estimate to be worth
besides the psent rent p ann  _____________________________

Both lives are in beinge

[Note:- A Henry BUTT the Elder was buried at FStG on 14th June 1665 followed by another Henrty BUTT on 4th Apr 1695]



17: 3: 00



vijl iijs iijd

ffine xxxijl


Redd xijs

Richard Bartlett holdeth by Coppie dated 2 Oct 18 Jac: [1620]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold cont. by
estimacon 3 roodes of Meddow & 17 acres of arable land
for the life of him the said Rich: aged 50 yeares according
to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee
worth besides the psent rent p ann ________________________

[Note:- Richard BARTLETT (c1600-1679) thought to have been buried FStG Sep/Oct 1679 when burial register missing - Link to an Inventory of his goods taken after his death dated 24th Oct 1679. In 1650 his wife Agnes was living she was buried FStG 28th Aug 1670]



17: 3: 00



ffine xxij l


Robt Bartlet Junior holdeth by Coppie dated 10 ffebr 17
Car [1642] the Reusion of the Last menconed ffarthinghold ~
after the death or fforfeyture of the abovesd Richard
Bartlet according to the Custome of the sd Mannr:

The two lives are in beinge ./



Ffine xxjl



Redd xijs

Wm Collins holdeth by coppie dated 28 March 7 Caroli [1631]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold cont: by
estimacon 3 roodes of Meddow & 12 acres of arable for
the lives of him the said Wm aged 56 yeares and of
Jonathon his sonne aged 20 yeares And of Alice his
daughter aged 22 yeares successively according to the
Custome of the said Mannr wch wee estimate to bee
worth besides the psent rent p ann ________________________

The lives are all in being




12: 3: 00




vl xiijs iiijd




Redd xiijs

Grace the Relict of Phillipp ffeare holdeth during her widdowhood
and Chastity a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold
containing by estimacon one acre and ½ of Meddow And
15 acres & ½ of Arable according to the Custome of the
said Mannr And after her Robt ffeare sonne of the said
Phillipp deceased during his Life wch wee estimate to
bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ____________________

Both lives are in beinge./

[Link to plot held in the 1615 Survey by her husband Philip Ffear & Link to transcription of Philip FEAR's Will dated 1st Apr 1634 proved 16th July 1634]




17: 0: 00



vijl iijs

Folio 9

Folio f9

Transcription of Folio 9




Wm Miller holdeth by coppie dated 16 Novembr 1647 the
Reversion of the last recyted ffarthinghold for his life after
the death or fforfeyture thereof by the said Grace ffeare And

This was granted upon exchange of an old Lyfe
in the prmse  yett in being ./  Will; Webb 1650

Robt her sonne successively according to the Custome of the said




ffine xviijl



Redd xijs

Joseph fford holdeth by coppie dated 13 Apr 11 Car [1635] a tenemt
wth apytenances called a ffarthinghold containing by ~
estimacon 3 roodes of Meddow And 17 acres of arable for
the lives of him the said Joseph aged 40 yeares And of Joane
his sister aged 35 yeares successively according to the Custome
of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent
rent p ann_________________________________________________

Both lives are in beinge

[Note:- This plot appears to have been held by Henry FORD in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor.]



17: 3: 00



vijl iijs iiijd



Redd xijs

Temperance Gardner the Relict of John Gardner holdeth ~
during her widdowhood and Chastitie a pcell of Meddow
land called a ffarthing hold containing one
acre and ½ of Meddow and 13 acres arable according to the
custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth be-
sides the psent rent p ann ____________________________________

[Note:- See next entry below and comments via this link regarding Letter of Administration for the estate of Temperance GARDNER Widow of Dorchester granted to her son Henry in 1657]



14: 2: 00






John Gardner & Henry and Wm his brothers holdeth by Coppie
dated 7 Oct: 17 Carl: [1641] the Reusion of the ffarthing hold last menconed  after the death or fforfeyture of the same by Temperance Gardner afforesaid ffor the lives of the said John aged 36 yeares & Henry aged 20 yeares and of wm aged 30 yeares successively according to the Custome of the said Mannr.

All the lives are in beinge

At the soking of this reversionall Estate
there was an old estate surrendered whereof
there is a lyfe yett in being dat
before 1641
Will Webb 1650






Redd xijs

Sarah Gould the relict of John Gould deceased holdeth during
her widdow hood and Chastitie a tenemt wth thapytenances
called a ffarthinghold containing by estimacon one acre
and ½ of Meddow and 13 acres of arable by vertue of a Coppie
granted to her said Husband dated 14 decembr 39 Elizabeth [1596]
according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to
bee worth besides the psent rent p ann__________________________

[Link to 1st Plot]   [ Link to 2nd Plot]
Sarah Gould nee Benvenue Widow of John Gould the Younger (1590-1643)



14: 2: 00



vjl xviijs


Wm Gould and Margrett his sister Children of John Gould
deceased holdeth by coppie dated 27 Mar: 10 Car: [1634] the reusion
of the last recyted ffarthing hold after the death or ~
fforfeyture thereof by Sarah Gould afforesd for the lives
of the said wm aged 17 yeares & of Margrett his sister
aged 21 yeares according to the Custome of the sd Mannr

Both lives are in beinge./  [Link to rev. in 1st Plot]   [Link to rev. in 2nd Plot]




Folio 10

Folio f10

Transcription of Folio 10

ffine xxjl


John Hyatt holdeth by Coppie dated 12 Apr 12 Car: [1636] a tenemt wth
thapytenances called a ffarthing hold cont: by estimacon one
acre of meddow and 17 acres of arable for the life of the
said John aged 26 yeares according to the Custome of the
said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent ~
rent p ann _____________________________________________

[Note:- John HYATT was son-in-law to Edward DASHWOOD (d.1667) of Dorchester. John buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 1st May 1663 who left a badly damaged will dated 20 Feb 1663 follow link for more info]



18: 0: 00



vijl xs

ffine xxijl


Ann the wife of Zachary Nelson Clarke (i.e.Cleric) & sister to John
afforesaid holds by coppie dated 31 Mar:16 Caroli: [1640]
the Reusion of the ffarthing hold last menconed after the death
or fforfeyture thereof by John Hyatt afforesd for the life
of the said Ann aged 27 yeares according to the Custome
of the said Mannr

[Note:- Zacharie NELSON rector of East Stoke in Dorset married Anne Hyatt at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 11th Aug 1641 and they raised a family in Frampton. Link to another Plot held by Ann by copyhold grant dated 28th Feb 1637 where Ann holds a tenement in an acre of meadow and 17 acres and ½ of arable land]



ffine lvjl



Redd xijs

Ambros Hunt holdeth by coppie dated 30 decembe 15 Jacobi: [1617]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold cont: one
acre and one roode of Meddow And 16 acres and one Roode
of Arable ffor the lives of the said Ambrose hunt aged
 50 yeares and of Ambrose Hunt Junior aged 22 yeares
according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee value
to bee worth besides psent rent p ann _______________________

Both lives are in being. /

Link to Bio of Ambrose HUNT (1592/3-1661). and His entry in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615 - His actual age here should have been 57 and that for Ambrose HUNT Junior 26.



17: 2: 00



vijl viijs

ffine xxvj l


Redd xijs


Henry Holman holdeth by coppie dated 10 Mar: 17 Jacobi: [1619]
a ffarthinghold wth thappurtenances containing by ~
estimacon one acre and one roode of Meddow And 18 acres
 and one roode of arable for the life of the said Henry ~
according to the Custome of the said Mannr wch wee value
to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ____________________

The life in beinge. /

[Note:- Link to helf place plot held by copyhold grant dated 30th Dec 1617. Henry Holman died in 1679 leaving a Will dated 23rd June 1679 and an Inventory of his goods taken shortly after his death on 29th Oct 1679]


19: 2: 00


vijl viiijs

ffine ixl vijs vjd



Redd xijs

Robt Ingram holdeth by coppie dated 20 Mar: 7 Caroli: [1632]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold cont:
by estimacon 3 roodes of meddow and 17 acres of arable
for the lives of him the said Robt aged 50 yeares And of
Joane Palfrey aged 50 yeares successively according to the
custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth
besides the present rent p ann _____________________________

The lives are in beinge . /

[Note:- Link to the Will of Robert INGRAM (1600-1672) dated 27 Jun 1672. He was buried FStG 16th July 1672 and an Inventory of his goods etc taken 30th July 1672]



17: 3: 00



vijl viijs

ffine vl


An the wife of zachary Nelson Clarke holdeth by coppie
dated 28 ffebr: 12 Caroli [1637] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthing hold containing by est one acre of Meddow
and   [Note:- continued on Folio 11]      



__  __


Folio 11

Folio f11

Transcription of Folio 11


Redd xiijs

[continued from Folio 10]
And 17 acres and ½ of arable for the lives of her the said
Ann aged 27 yeares And of John Hyatt her brother aged
26 yeares according to the customs of the said Mannr wch wee
value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ____________________

Both lives are in beinge. /

[Note:- Link to another copyhold grant dated 31st Mar 1640 where Ann holds the reversion rights to her brother John HYATT's plot.]


18: 2: 00


vijl vs




Redd xiijs

Jane Windsor the relict of Wm Windsor deceased holdeth
during her widdow hood and Chastitie a tenemt wth thapyte
nances called a ffarthing hold containing by estimacon one
acre and ½ of Meddow and 16 acres & ½ of arable according
to the Custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee ~
worth besides the psent rent p ann ______________________________



18: 0: 00




ffine xxl


Morgan Windsor sonne of the afforesd Wm Windsor deceased
holdeth by Coppie dated 10 Mar: 16 Car: [1641] the Reusion of the
ffarthing hold Last menconed after the death or forfeture
there of by Jane Windsor afforesd according to the Custome
of the said Mannr./



ffine xl



Redd xijs

Robt Windsor holdeth by coppie dated 29 Sept: 15 Jac: [1617] a tenemt
wth thapytenance called a ffarthinghold containing one acre
of Meddow & 18 acres of arable for the lives of him the said Robt
aged 57 yeares and of Roger his sonne aged 35 yeares And
of Em the wife of Robt aged 57 yeares successively according
to the Custome of the said mannr wch wee value to bee worth
besides the psent rent p ann ___________________________________
All the lives are in beinge./



19: 0: 00



vijl xs

ffine xlvl


Redd xijs

Katherine Downton widdow holdeth by coppie dated 30 decembr
15 Jac: [1617] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold cont by
estimacon halfe an acre of meddow & 17 acres of arable for the
life of the said Katherine aged 36 yeares according to the Custome of
the sd Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _
one life in beinge/

[Note:-Katherine Downton holds these plots in 1650:- copyhold dated 26 May 1618 half place : copy 30th Dec 1617 as above a farthinghold: copy 3rd Aug 1618 whole place & copy 25th July 1629a half place]


17: 2: 00


vjl xviijs

ffine xs

Mary the Relict of Samuel Belman holdeth by coppie ~
dated 6 oct 11 Car: [1635] a Cottage & garden thereunto adioyninge
for the life of the said Mary aged 42 yeares and of Samuell
her sonne aged 22 yeares and of wm her sonne aged 19 yeares
successively according to the Custome of the said Mannr wch
wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ________________

All the lives are in beinge./

[Note:- Samuel BELLMAM married Mary MYTCHELL at Piddlehinton on 22nd Jan 1623/4. Their son Samuel (2nd life) was baptised FStG 2nd Sep 1627 - follow link for more info. Samuel presumably died during the Civil war. Mary BELMAN was buried at FStG 29th Nov 1685)]






Some totall of psent rent in the East tything is p ann

Some totall of the Improvement p ann is





Folio 12

Folio f12

Transcription of Folio 12



ffine lxxxiijl
    vjs viijd


Redd xxijs: jd

The Coppie holds for lives wthin the west tything ~
in ffordington according to the Custome of whole
places here after ffollow vizt:

Micheus Barnes holdeth by coppie dated 30 dated Sept:15 Jacobi [1617]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a whole place cont by
estimacon 3 acres and half of Meddow and 56 acres
of arable for the life of him the said Micheus aged 52
yeares according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee
estimate to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _________________

The life in beinge. /

[Note:-A Machias BARNES is described as the son of William BARNES in the Will of John BARNES who died 16th June 1609 leaving a Will dated 14th June 1609.]





59: 2: 00






ffine xll



Redd xxijs jd

Richard Churchill holdeth by coppie dated 15 oct: 15 Car: [1639]
wth thapytenances called a whole place containing
by estimacon 3 acres and 3 roodes of meddow and 58 acres
and one roode of arable for the lives of him the said Rich:
aged 49 years and of Richard his sonne aged 18 yeares and
of Samuell his sonne aged 14 yeares successively according to
the custome of the said Mannr wch wee estimate to bee
worth beside the psent rent p ann _______________________________

The lives are all in beinge /



61: 3: 00




ffine lxxxl


Redd xxijs jd

Wm Collins holdeth by coppie dated 5 oct 15 Car [1639] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a whole place containing by estimacon ~
3 acres & half of Meddow and 58 acres of arable for the lives of
him the said wm Collins aged 57 yeares and of James his
sonne aged 27 yeares and of wm his sonne 25 yeares
successively according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee estimate to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _________________
The lives are all in beinge/


61: 2: 00



ffine xvijl


Redd xxijs jd

James Gould holdeth by coppie dated 14 dec: 29 Eliz: [1586] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a whole place cont: by estimacon
2 acres & 3 roodes of meddow and 53 acres of arable for the
life of him the said James Gould according to the custome of
the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent
rent p ann __________________________________________________
The life in beinge./



55: 3: 00




ffine xxjl


Redd xxijs jd

Henry Minterne holdeth by coppie dated 3 oct: 12 Caroli: [1636]
a tenement wth thapytenances called a whole place cont: by est:
3 acres of Meddow & 61 acres of arable for the lives of him
the said Henry aged 50 yeares and Elenor his wife aged 50
yeares according to the custome of the said mannr wch wee
estimate to be worth besides the psent rent p ann __________________

Both lives are in beinge/

[Note:- Henry Minterne (1600-1684) was buried FStG 17th Sep 1684 and died intestate see L/A 17th Sep 1684/5 for more information]



64: 0: 00



Folio 13

Folio f13

Transcription of Folio 13



Redd xxijs jd

Elenor the Relict of John Windsor deceased hold during her widdow
hood & Chastitie a tenemt wth thapytenances called a whole place –
containing by estimacon 3 acres and halfe of meddow and 55
acres of Arable according to the Custome of the said Mannr:
wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ___________


58: 2: 00



ffine cl



John Churchill & Eliz perrine holdeth by Coppie dated 5
Ap 18 Car: [1642] the Reusion of the whole place last menconed
after the death or fforfeture thereof by the sd Elenor Winsor
for the lives of the said John aged 16 yeares And of Elenor aged 20 yeares according to the Custome of the sd Mannr

All the lives are in beinge.



ffine lxiijl


Redd xxijs jd

Katherine Downton holdeth by Coppie dated 3 Aug: 16 Jac: [1618]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called whole place containinge
by estimacon 2 acres and half of meddow and 58 acres of
arable for the life of her the said Katherine aged 36 yeares
according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee estimate
to be worth beside the psent rent p ann _________________________

The life is in beinge /

[Note:-Katherine Downton holds these plots in 1650:- copyhold dated 26 May 1618 half place : copy 30th Dec 1617 a farthinghold: copy 3rd Aug 1618 as above a whole place: copy 25th July 1629 a half place ]


60: 2: 00





Redd xxijs jd

ffine lxxxvl

Christian the Relict of Hamnett Whyte deceased holdeth
during her widdowhood and Chastity a tenemt wth the
apytenances called a whole place containing by est:
3 acres and half of Meddow and 57 acres and half of arable
according to the Custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee
worth besides the psent rent p ann _____________________________
Both the lives are in being . /
Eliz Whyte daughter of the sd Elenor holdeth by Coppie dat 30 dec 15 Jac [1617] the reuson of the said whole place after the death or forfeture thereof by Elenor her mother afforesd according to the Custome of the sd Mann. /

[Link:- Christian WHITE nee BARNES and Plot held by her husband Hamnet WHITE in 1615 Suyrvey]



61: 0: 00





The Coppie holders wthin the west tything holdinge
according to the Custome of a half place hereafter
ffollow vizt:



ffine xxxiijl


Redd xiijs iiijd

Robt Bartlet holdeth by coppie dated 2 oct: 18 Jac. [1620] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place cont: by est: one acre
& 3 roodes of Meddow and 23 acres of arable for the lives of
him the said Robt aged 60 yeares & of John his Brother
aged 50 yeares according to the Custome of the said Mannr
wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ___________



24: 3:00



xl iijs iiijd


Both lives are in beinge./



ffine iiijl

Edith the Relict of Robt Bun deceased holdeth by coppie
dated 5 Aug 5 Jac: [1607] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half
place cont: p est 2 acres and 3 roodes of Meddow and 25
acres of arable for the lives of the said Edith and of Robt: [Continued next Folio}




Folio 14

Folio f14

Transcription of Folio 14


Redd xxiijs iiijd

Robt Bunn her sonne aged 50 yeares & of Phillipp her sonne
aged 40 yeares according to the Custome of the sd Mannr wch wee
value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _______________
The lives are all in beinge.

Link to Robert Bun in 1615 Survey : Link to Will of Edith Bun (d.1654)


27: 3: 00


xjl xiijs iiijd



Redd xiijs vijd

Joane the Relict of Thomas Chount deceased holdeth during her
widdowhood and Chastity a tenemt wth thapytenances called
a halfe place containing by estimacon one acre and halfe of
Meddow and 24 acres of arable according to the Custome of the
said Mannr wch wee value to be worth besides the psent rent
p ann _________________________________________________

[Link to Will of Thomas CHOUNT (d.1637) executrix Joane 2nd wife]

Link to 1st Plot : Link to Cottage



25: 2: 00




Ffine ll


Wm Rasker holdeth by Coppie dated 26 Mar: 16 Jac: [1617] the ~
Reusion of the halfe place last menconed after the death or fforfeture thereof by the fforesd Joane Chount according to the custome of the said Mannr

Both the lives are in beinge

Rich Byles Jun by Coppy dat the vith [6th] of Octo

xv [15] Carol [1639]
hath the former Reversion of the Last valued psents [presents] for his own lyfe yett in beinge  Will; Webb 1650]





Redd xvs jd

Alice the Relict of Ralph Corben holdeth during her widdowhood
& Chastity a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place cont:
by estimacon one acre & 3 roodes of Meddow and 28 acres of
arable according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee ~
value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _______________


29: 3: 00


xjl xiijs iiijd

ffine xxl


Benjamin Davinish and John his brother holdeth by Coppie ~
dated 12 oct: 22 Car [1646] the Reusion of the half place last menconed
after the death or fforfeyture thereof by the fforesd Alice Corben
according to the customs of the said Mannr

All the lives are in beinge./



ffine cl for
all her pticulars

Redd viijs jd

Temperance the Relict of John Gardner holdeth during her widdow
hood and Chastity a tenemnt wth thapytenances called a halfe place
cont: by est. one acre & half of Meddow & 22 acres of arable
according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to
bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ______________________


23: 2: 00


ixl vjs viijd





John Gardner and Henry and Wm his Brothers sonnes of the
fforesaid Temperance Gardner holdeth by coppie dated 7 oct: 17 Car: [1641] the Reusion of the last menconed half place after the death or fforfeyture thereof by the said Temperance according to the custome of the said Mannr

The lives are all in beinge/

There is one life in being in
A coppy dated before 1641 wch was surrendered at the granting
of this estate
Will; Webb 1650



ffine xvjl

Margrett the Relict of Wm Rasker deceased holdeth by Coppie
dated 27 Mar: 10 Car: [1634] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place containing by estimacon 2 acres of meddow & 22
acres of arable for the lives of the said Margrett aged 60 years
[Continued on Folio 15:-]




Folio 15

Folio f15

Transcription of Folio 15


Redd xiijs vijd

[Conimued from Folio 14:- ]
And of wm Rasker her sonne aged 32 yeares & of Robt her
sonne aged 26 yeares successively according to the Custome of
the said mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent
rent p ann ________________________________________________

The lives are all in beinge. /


24: 0: 00



ffine viijlxs


Redd xiijs iiijd

Elizabeth the Relict of Ralph Perrine holdeth by Coppie dated 27
Mar 10 Car: [1634] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a half place cont:
by estimacon one acre of Meddow and 23 acres of arable for
the lives of the said Eliz: aged 50 yeares & of Samuell her sonne
aged 20 yeares according to the custome of the said Mannr wch
wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ______________

Both lives are in being. [Link to 1st Plot held by copyhold dated 27th Oct 1634 for2 acres ½ of Meddow & pasture and 53 acres of Arable  for same lives]



24: 1: 00



ixl xiijs iiijd

ffine iiijl


Redd xvjs jd

Robt Seager holdeth by Coppie dated 4 Aug: 5 Jac: [1607] a tenemt:
wth thapytenances called a half place cont by estimacon
2 acres of Meddow and 27 acres and half of arable for the
life of him the said Robt aged 56 yeares according to the Custom
 of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the
psent rent p ann _________________________________________


29: 2: 00


xjl xvjs viijd

ffine xiijl


Roger Seager sonne of the fforesd Robt holds by Coppie dat
6 Mar 20 Jac: [1623] the Reusion of the half place last menconed
after the death or fforfeyture thereof by his said father~
according to the custom of the said Mannr
The lives are both in being. /




ffine xl


Redd xiijs vijd

Wm Spearing holdeth by coppie dated 24 Sept 16 Jac: [1618] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place containing by estimacon
one acre & 3 roodes of meddow & 23 acres of arable for the life
of him the said wm Spearing aged 72 yeares according to
 the custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth ~
besides the present rent ______________________________________


24: 3: 00







 g the waie.

Redd viijs iiijd

The said wm holdeth alsoe a certaine ham of Meddow & the
way heading there unto containing by estimacon one acre
& a half for wch hee payeth a certaine Rent and is worth
besides the psent rent p ann __________________________________


01: 2: 00







ffine xxl

Wm Spearing sonne of the above said wm holdeth by Coppie ~
dated 10 Mar: 17 Jac: [1620] the Reusion of the Last recyted half place
after the death or fforfeyture thereof by his said father
according to the custome of the said mannr
Both the lives are in beinge . /



ffine xl


Redd xiijs iiijd

Robt Tapp holdeth by coppie dated 11 Januarij 11 Car: [1636] a tenemt
wth thapytenances called a half place containing by est:
2 acres of Meddow and 27 of arable for the life of him
the said Robt Tapp according to the custom of the said Mannr
wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ___________



29: 0: 00


xil xiijs iiijd

Folio 16

Folio f16

Transcription of Folio 16

ffine vl

Elenor Windsor holdeth by coppie dated 11 Januarij 11 Car: [1636]
the Reusion of the half place last menconed after  death or fforfeture thereof by Robt tapp afforesd for the life of her the sd Elenor according to the Custome of the said Mannr

[Note:- Link to 1615 Survey, plot held by Thomas Tapp]



ffine xiiijl

Redd xiijs iiijd

John Thorne holdeth by coppie dated 27 oct 10 Car: [1634] a tenement wth thapytenances called a half place containing by estimacon ~
2 acres of Meddow and 25 acres of arable for the life of him the
said John Thorne aged 36 yeares which wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann________________________________


27: 0: 00



ffine xl

John Rasker holds by coppie dated 31 Mar 16 Car: [1640] the Reusion
of the last menconed half place after the death or forfeyture
thereof by the abovesaid John Thorne according to the Custome
of the said Mannr




Memorandum that dui/s of the tents of ffordington
doe Certifie that Thornes Interest in the last recyted
half place was ffraudulently pcured & doe defer
that Rasker might have the libertie of peremption /(2)



ffine xxxvjlxs


Redd xiijs vijd

Katherine Downton widdow holdeth by coppie dated 25 July 5 Car: [1629]
a half place containing by estimacon one acre and half of Meddow
& 23 acres of arable for the life of the said Katherine aged 36
Yeares according to the Custome of the said Mannr which wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann
The life in being. /

[Note:-Katherine Downton holds these plots in 1650:- copyhold dated 26 May 1618 half place : copy 30th Dec 1617 a farthinghold: copy 3rd Aug 1618 as above a whole place: copy 25th July 1629 a half place ]


24: 2: 00


ixl vjs viijd


The coppie holds in the west tything according to the
Custome of a ffarthing hold hereafter ffollow vizt:







ffine xxvl



Redd xijs

Wm Bishopp holdeth by coppie dated 28 Mar 7 Car: [1630] a tenemt wth
thapytenances called a ffarthing hold ats standfast & a house & garden thereunto adioyning containing by estimacon one acre
 and 3 roodes of Meddow And 16 acres of arable for the lives of
him the said wm aged 58 yeares & of Thomas his sonne aged
27 yeares and Andrew aged 25 years according to the Custome
of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent
rent p ann _______________________________________________
The lives are all in beinge . /



17: 3: 00



vijl xjs





ffine xxvijlxs


Redd xiijs vjd

Wm Batescombe holdeth by coppie dated 30 dec 15 Jac: [1617] a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold containing by est:
3 roodes of Meddow and 15 acres & half of arable for the lives
of him the said wm aged 50 yeares And of Elizabeth his wife
aged 40 yeares according to the Custom of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ________________

Both lives are in beinge. /



16: 1: 00


vjl xvjs viijd

Gen Note 2:- Peremption – the absolute extinguishment of a right that prevents the bringing of an action (ie bars a claim)

Folio 17

Folio f17

Transcription of Folio 17

ffine xvijl


Redd xijs

John Batescombe holdeth by coppie dated 30 dec 15 Jac [1617] a tenemt wth
thapytenances called a ffarthinghold containing by estimacon halfe an acre of Meddow and 17 acres & a half of arable for the lives
of him the said John aged 40 yeares and of Dorothy his sister
aged 35 yeares according to the custome of the said Mannr wch ~
wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ____________

Both the lives are in being.



18: 0: 00



ffine viijl


Redd xijs

Richard Ingram holdeth by coppie dated 8 Jan 14 Car: [1639]
a tenemt wth thapytenances called a ffarthinghold cont by est:
one acre & aroode of Meddow and 18 acres of arable for the
life of the said Richard according to the custome of the said ~
Mannr which wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _



19: 1: 00



vijl xiijs iiijd

ffine xxl

John Hyat and An his sister now the wife of Mr Nelson
holdeth by coppie dated 24 July 15 Car: [1639] the Reusion of the Last menconed ffarthing hold after the death or fforfeyture of the
said Richard Ingram according to the custome of the sd Mannr:

All the lives are in being . /







ffine vjlxs

Redd xijs

Robt Seager holdeth by coppie dated 27 Mar: 10 Car: [1634] A ~
ffarthing hold wth thapytenances containing by estimacon
one acre & half of Meddow and 18 acres of arable for the life
of him the said Robt aged 56 yeares according to the custome
of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent
rent p ann _______________________________________________


19: 2: 00


vijl xiijs





ffine xxxl

Redd xijs iiijd

Roger Seager and wm his Brother bothe the sonnes of the
fforesd Robt Seagar holdeth by coppie dated 22 oct: 15 Car: [1639] the reversion of the last menconed ffarthinghold after the death
or fforfeyture by Robt Seagar their father afforesaid
according to the Custome of the said Mannr:

The lives are all in being. /


xil xiijs iiijd


The coppieholds: in the said tything who hold Certaine cottages by coppie hereafter follow vizt:



ffine xs



Redd viijd

Wm Burd holdeth by coppie dated 9 Apr: 1650 a Cottage, Stable, wth
a backside and a Close of pasture thereunto belonging containeinge by estimacon half an acre for the lives of him the said wm
aged 35 yeares and of Sarah his sister aged 29 yeares and
Robt Crumway husband to the said Sarah aged 28 yeares according to the custome of the said mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ________________________________

There is A reversionall Estate of two lives yett in beinge in the last menconed pluifs
Will; Webb 1650

The lives are all in beinge . /




00: 2: 00




Folio 18

Folio f18

Transcription of Folio 18

ffine vjs viijd

Redd ixd

Richard Bartlett holdeth by Coppie dated 5 Augt 15 Jac [1617] a Cottage
wth a garden thereunto belonging for the lives of him the said
Richard aged 40 yeares and of Thomas Bartlett his brother
aged 35 yeares according to the custome of the said Mannr
wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ___________

Both lives are in beinge. /


__ __


xiijs iiijd

ffine vil

Redd ijs jd

Wm Bunn holdeth by coppie dated 26 oct: 10 Car: [1634] a Cottage
and Garden containing by estimacon half an acre of ~
ground for the lives of him the said Wm aged 70 yeares And
of wm his sonne aged 40 yeares And of Nicholas his other
sonne aged 38 yeares according to the Custome of the said Mannr
wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ___________

All the lives are in being


00: 2: 00







Redd vd

John Bunn holdeth by coppie dated 20 May 11 Car: [1635] a Cottage
and Garden thereunto belonginge for the life of him the said
John Bun according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee
value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann_________________




xxvjs viijd





ffine iijs iiijd

Redd vjd

Richard Chount holdeth by coppie dated 6 oct: 11 Car: [1635] a Cottage
for the life of the said Richard aged 36 yeares according to the Custome of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides
the psent rent p ann  ______________________________________




vijs viijd






Redd ij s jd

Joane the Relict of Thomas Chount holdeth duringe her ~
widdowhood & Chastity a Cottage & garden cont: by est: one
roode according to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee
value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann ________________

[Link to Will of Thomas CHOUNT (d.1637) executrix Joane 2nd wife - also see below for reversion]

Link to 1st Plot : Link to 2nd Plot.


00: 1: 00







ffine vl

Redd viijd

James Allen and Jonathan Seager holdeth by coppie dated
27 Mar: 10 Car: [1634] the Reusion of the fforesd cottage after the
death or fforfeyture thereof by the fforesaid Joane Chount~
according to the custome of the said Mannr

All the lives are in beinge./







ffine goods / services

Wm: Dilly holdeth by Coppie dated 6 oct: 11 car: [1635] a Cottage lately built
upon the wast for the lives of him the said wm aged 55 yeares and
of John his sonne aged 23 yeares wch wee value to bee worth besides
the psent rent p ann ____________________________________________
Both lives are in beinge




iijs iiijd

ffine xiijs

Redd xijd

Edward Eames holdeth by coppie dated 12 oct: 22 Car: [1646] a cottage
& garden thereunto belonging for the lives of him the said Edward
aged 33 yeares & of John his sonne aged 9 yeares & of Samuell
aged 4 yeares wch wee value to be worth besides the psent rent
p ann _____________________________________________________

All the lives in beinge./ [Link to an account of Edward EAMES (1618-1685) ]






Folio 19

Folio f19

Transcription of Folio 19

ffine xls

Redd xijs

Lucye the Relict of wm ffrancis holdeth by coppie dated 30 dec:
15 Jac: [1617] a cottage wth thapytenances for the lives of the sd Lucye aged 60 yeares and of Thomasin her daughter aged 30 yeares
wch wee est to bee worth besides the psent rent pa ann _________
Both lives are in beinge./









ffine xxs

Redd iiijd

Peeter Gawdin holdeth by coppie dated 10 ffeb 7 Car: [1632] a Cottage
and garden for the lives of the him the said Peeter aged 44 yeares
& of Elizabeth his daughter aged 18 yeares and of Richard
his sonne aged 12 yeares wch wee est to bee worth besides
the psent rent pa ann _____________________________________
All the lives are in beinge . /








ffine xls

Redd ixd

Oliver Johnson holdeth by coppie dated 18 Januarij 14 Caroli: [1639]
a Cottage barne & stable & garden thereunto belonging cont
one roode of ground wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent pa ann ______________________________________________


00: 1: 00


vl ixs iijd





ffine vjs

Redd xviijd

Judith Ingram widdow holdeth by coppie dated 30 dec: 15 Jac: [1617]
a Cottage barne stable and Garden thereunto belonging wch wee
value to bee worth besides the psent rent pa ann _______________









ffine xls

John Ingram holdeth by coppie dated 15 Apr: 20 Jac: [1622] the
Reusion of the cottage Last menconed after the death or
fforfeyture thereof by the said Judith Ingram
Both lives in beinge








Redd vjs viijd

Temperance the relict of John Gardner holdeth duringe
her widdowhood and Chastity a pcell of ground called
the weare and hams cont: by est: one acre and halfe
worth besides the psent rent p ann ___________________________


01: 2: 00








Redd ixd

The same Temperance holdeth during her widdow hood and
chastitie a Cottage & curtilage wch was sometime a barne
worth besides the psent rent p ann ___________________________




vjs viijd






Redd vd

The same Temperance holdeth during her widdow hood a garden plott wch was sometime a Cottage worth besides the psent rent p ann






Redd ijs jd

The same Temperance holdeth during her widdow hood A
cottage called potts house worth besides the psent rent p ann _____










Redd ixd

The same Temperance holdeth during her widdowhood
a Close of ground called Rate_s Close cont: by est: one acre &
a half worth besides the psent rent p ann  _____________________


01: 2: 00








Folio 20

Folio f20

Transcription of Folio 20


Redd iijs xd

The same Temperance holdeth during her widdow hood A
Close of Land called Rebam containing by estimacon
2 acres wch wee value besides the psent rent p ann _____________


02: 0: 00








Redd xiijd

The same Temperance holdeth during her widdowhood
a Close of land called Glovers close cont: by est: one acre
wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann  ________


01: 0: 00









John Gardner and Henry & wm sonnes of the said

There is one lyfe in being
in A Surrendered Coppy dat
before 1641 of the same
last menconed pticulars
Will; Webb 1650

 Temperance holdeth by coppie dated 8 oct: 17 Car: [1641] the
Reusion of all the pticulars above said in the tenure of
the said Temperance or her assignes after the death or
fforfeyture thereof by the said Temperance according to the
custome of the said Mannr:

The lives are all in beinge ./




Margarett Raskr by Coppy dated
 the vi th of Dec: xv Caroli [1639]
hath the Reversion of the last menconed p_mse granted to her for her lyfe yett in being
Will; Webb 1650




ffine xs


Redd xijs

John Rasker holdeth by coppie dated 27 Mar: 10 Caroli [1634]
one cottage a barne & out howses and two acres of arable
ground for the lives of him the said John aged 64 yeares
And of John his sonnes aged 30 according to the custome
of the said Mannr wch wee value to bee worth besides the
psent rent p ann __________________________________________



02: 0: 00


iijl xs


Both lives are in beinge . /







ffine repair

Redd iiijs

Wm Spearing holdeth by coppie dated 20 dec: 15 Jac [1617] a Cottage wth
thapytenances called the courthowse for the life of the sd Wm according to custome wch wee value besides the psent rent p ann ____









ffine iiijl xvs

Redd ixd

Thomasin Windsor widdow holdeth by coppie dated 30 dec:
15 Jac: [1617] a cottage & garden thereunto belonginge for the lives
of her the said Thomasin aged 60 yeares And of Mary her
daughter aged 40 yeares worth besides the psent rent p ann ______
Both lives are in beinge./









ffine xls

Redd xijd

Ambrose Whyte holdeth by coppie dated 12 Apr: 12 Car: [1636]
a cottage & garden containing one roode for the lives of him
the said Ambros aged 70 yeares And of Ambrose & Edith
his children according to the custome of the said mannr:
worth besides the psent rent p ann ___________________________

All the lives in beinge ./


00: 1: 00


xxvis viijd







Redd ixd

The Relict of wm weich holdeth during her
widdowhood & chastity a cottage wth appurtenances accor-
ding to the custome of the said Mannr wch wee estimate to
bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _______________________




xxixs iijd









Folio 21

Folio f21

Transcription of Folio 21

ffine iijlvjs viijd


John Weich holdeth by coppie dated 2 Junij 16 Car [1640] the
Reusion of the fforesd cottage after the death or fforfeyture
thereof by the fforesd widdow weich according to the custome
of the said Mannr







Redd xd

Nicholas Slade holdeth a pcell of ground whereof standeth
part of his mill for wch hee payeth rent p ann _____________________

__ __






Redd xijd

Robt Bartlett Junior holdeth a cottage & Litle garden ~
thereunto belonging ad placitu domini (3) wch wee value to
bee worth besides the psent rent p ann __________________________










Roger Bun holdeth a Cottage ad placitu wch wee value to
bee worth p ann _____________________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Lawrence Combe holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee value
to bee worth p ann  __________________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






John Collins holdeth a Cottage ad placitu wch wee value to
bee worth p ann  ____________________________________________


iijs iiijd






Robt Deffey holdeth a cottage& shopp ad placitu wch wee
value to bee worth p ann  _____________________________________




Redd ijs

By her free bench & Christopher Lawrence in reversion in both above
Margrett Lawrence ˄ holdeth a cottage & garden
thereunto belonging ad placitu wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _____________________________________

Will; Webb 1650








Wm Martin holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee value to
bee worth p ann  ____________________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Christopher Parkes holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee
value to bee worth p ann  _____________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






James Reap holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee value
to bee worth p ann  __________________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Roger Seagar holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee value to ~
bee worth p ann  ____________________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Phillipp Tucker holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee
value to bee worth p ann  _____________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Nicholas Windsor holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee value
to bee worth p ann  __________________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Ambros Way holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee value to
bee worth p ann  ____________________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Robt Windsor holdeth a Cottage ad placitu wch wee ~
value to bee worth p ann  _____________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Widdow Whyte holdeth a cottage ad placitu wch wee
Value to bee worth p ann  _____________________________________

__ __

iijs iiijd






Gen Note 3 :- Ad placitum domini – at the Lord’s pleasure

Folio 22

Folio f22

Transcription of Folio 22

Redd ijs ijd

John Windsor holdeth a Cottage and Garden ad placitu wch wee value to bee worth besides the psent rent p ann _________________________________







@ the date of the 17 last copies

Some totall of the Reusion in the west tything are p ann


xxijl vijs xd


Some totall of the Improvementes p ann _____________
wth the two pcells next following /


      xiiijs xd






Memorandum there is a pcell of Meddow called the Baylifes bed
Lying and being in Rodemeade Abutted on the East side by the Meddow ground of widdow Bun in the west by the Lands of Robt Bartlet containing by estimacon 3 roodes wch said pcell of Meddow
hath beene usually Reputed the Reeves and & Inioiyed by
the Reeve of the said Mannr as appurtenant to his office  


00: 3: 00


vjs viijd


Wch wee estimate to bee worth p ann _________________________







Redd vjd

There is alsoe a pcell of pasture neare great bridge called
the Haywards Ham and the share and goe of the Heywards
Lake in Rode meade & the sheare and goe of two hams in
the East ward meddow and two Litle hams neare the East gate
 in all containing by estimacon one acre wch hath beene
usually enioyed time out of mind by the Heyward of the
said Mannr as apytaining to his office for wch hee payeth the yearely rent of vjd wch wee value to bee worth p ann ___________________



01: 0: 00



vjs viijd














There is a Court Barron belonging to the said Mannr kept at the court house in ffordington at the will of the Lord /








A court Leete also kept at the usuall times./








The ffreeholdr and coppie holdr of the said Mannr are to pforme
their suite & service to the Lord at the courts afforesaid./








The ffreeholdr of Dalwood wch are about 36 in Number holding
pcell of the lands for wch Mr ffry payes a rent doo usually pay to the Lord of the Said mannr by way of Relife upon descent




iiijs Each.








The coppie holdr doo pay for a heriott Certaine upon descent
vizt: for a whole place five shillings, for a half place twelve
pence and ffor a ffarthinghold six pence; And their fines
are Arbitrary as they can agree./




Folio 23

Folio f23

Transcription of Folio 23





The Coppie holdr of a whole place may keepe only one 3 Cowes in the Moore and 120 sheepe upon the downes and in the ffeilds, And for every
halfe place they may keepe only one two cowes in the Moore And
66 sheepe upon the downes and in the feilds; And for every   ~
ffarthinghold they may keepe only one two cowes in the Moore
and 40 sheepe in the downes and in the ffeilds wch wee have
comp/hended in the seurall values of their respective houlds. /




The ffarmer of west mills may keepe foure cowes in the Moore
and 160 sheep in the downes & ffeilds wth the said tennants ./




Memorandum that any of the said coppieholdrs maybe
chosen for Reeue and is to collect the rents & pfitts
of the said Mannr and doth usually give entertainment
for the stewards and hath an allowance therefore at
the Auditt the Reeue alsoe claimes two loade of ffire
wood in Hermitage Comon yearely And also hee
hath usually had allowed 13s 4d at the Auditt And
the share and goe of the Baylifes bed afforesaid






Memorandum that Samuel Bond Esq is high
the wards of the said Mannr and Thomas Sheppard
Gent: under Steward by vertue of a deputacon from
the said Mr Bond but what ffees are due for ~
their services wee know not. /

Folio 24

Folio f24

Transcription of Folio 24

A brief rentall of the freehold and Coppiehold
Rents of the Mannr of ffordington Temperance Gardner widd; 00-12-00
  l  s  d John Hyatt 00-13-06
Ffordington        ffree holds James Gold 00-07-07 Ambrose Hunt 00-12-00
Richard Churchill for Landffeilds 00-08-05 Zachary Nelson Jur uxor 00-13-00
The same for his weare 00-05-00 Jane Windsor widdow 00-13-00
Sr John Strangways for Burton 10-00-00 Robt: Windsor 00-12-00
The same for Burton 01-06-08 Mary Belman 00-01-00
Md the tythe of the sd Sr John Strangway therein is doubtfull West tything . / 27-06-00
Micheus Barnes 01-02-07
ffourshall Rent 00-13-00 Richard Churchill 01-02-07
Sr Tho: Trenchard for whytewell 00-16-09 Wm Collins 01-02-07
The same for whytewell  01-06-08 James Gold 01-02-07
Md that whytewell for wch this rent is paid is probable to bee a lease out for the same the sd Sr Thomas being to clear his tythe therein before us wthin a short time or also a survey thereof will bee returned. 15-04-01 Henry Minterne 01-02-07
Elenor Windsor widd: 01-02-07
Katherine Downton widd 01-15-08
Christian whyte widd 01-02-01
Robt: Bartlett  00-13-04
Edith Bunn widdow 00-13-04
  Widdow Chount 00-15-08
Dalwood freehold Wm ffry Esq:_____________________ 00-04-00 Alis Corben widdow 00-15-01
Tempance Gardner widd 01-03-08
       Coppie hold rents. Margrett Rasker widd 00-13-07
Wm Barnes 01-02-01 Elizabeth Perrin widd 00-13-04
Widdow Gould 02-07-05 Robt Seagar 01-08-01
Widdow Perrine 01-03-04 Wm Spearing 01-05-11
Thomasin Windsor widdow 01-18-05 Robt Tapp 00-13-04
Robt Windsor 01-02-02 John Thorne 00-13-04
John Bartlett 00-12-09 Wm Bishopp 00-12-04
Wm Collins 01-05-04 Wm Battescombe 00-13-04
Joane Chount widdow 00-13-04 John Battescombe 00-12-04
John Eames 00-13-04 Richard Ingram 00-12-04
Henry Holman 01-05-04 Wm Bird 00-00-08
Oliver Johnson 00-13-05 Richard Bartlett junior 00-00-09
Robt Ingram 01-05-04 Wm Bunn 00-02-01
Christian Lawrence widdow 00-13-04 John Bunn 00-00-05
Wm Limmingon 00-13-04 Richard Chount 00-00-06
Wm Miller 00-13-04 Wm Dilly 00-00-06
Barnett Rives Jure vxor 00-13-04 Edward Eames 00-01-00
Wm Spearing 00-13-04 Lucye ffrancis widdow 00-01-00
Robt Seagar 00-13-04 Peeter Gawdin 00-00-04
John Windsor 00-13-04 Oliver Johnson 00-00-09
Joane Windsor widdow 00-13-04 Judith Ingram 00-01-06
Katherine Downton widdow 01-05-04 John Rasker 00-01-00
Ann Bishopp 00-13-04 Thomasin Windsor widd 00-01-09
Henry Butt 00-12-00 Ambros whyte 00-01-00
Richard Bartlett 00-12-00 Widdow weich 00-00-09
Grace ffeare widdow 00-13-04 Nicholas Slade 00-00-10
Joseph fford  00-12-00 Robt Bartlett 00-01-00
Margrett Lawrence widd 00-02-00
John Windsor 00-02-01
24) The Hayward 00-00-06

Folio 25

Folio f25

Transcription of Folio 25



An abstract of the psent rents ffuture
Improvements & all other pfitts of the
Said Mannr of ffordington./








The ffree and coppiehold rents
p ann ______________________________


lxvl xxiijd






The pfitts of Courts & Royalties ~
Cominbus (4) annis ______________________









Some totall of psent
pfitt p ann ______________



clxxvl xxiijd






The Improvement of the Coppieholds
for lives wth the Reeues and
 Haywards Hams p ann_________________









Totall of acres are ____________________

1928: 2: 00

dcccxvijl xjs xd






Some totall of future ~
Improvemt p ann _______________



dcccxvijl xjs xd














This survey was pfected




This 2d Novembr: 1650 by us vizt:






Jeremie Baines


Samuell Cottman




Ex Will; Webb supvs gent            Joh Haddock
















Gen. Note 4 :- Cominbus – collectively, or grouped together

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