Dorset County Gaol, Dorchester - Prison Register 1782 - 1808

I have only extracted the names of people where 'Dorchester' or 'Fordington' has been given as their Parish.

Compiled by Mike Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington July 2024

[Resident in Dorchester = 42 : Resident in Fordington 77 : Total Records 119]

The county-gaol was erected near the site of the old castle in Dorchester, between 1789 and 1795, at an expense of £16,179,
and comprises a gaol, sheriffs' ward, penitentiary, and house of correction; the exterior is handsome,
and the interior is divided into various departments for the classification of prisoners, having four wings,
which, though detached, communicate with the central building by cast-iron bridges

Link to 'Dorchester Jails' for a brief history and pictures

The following Prison Register starts in the year 1782 which is the year the prison reformer John HOWARD visited the establishment and reported on its poor state.
For more information follow this link to separate website
"County Gaol and Bridewell, Dorchester Dorset.


(Source :- images 1 to 204)
[Note:- In the original File some pages have been torn out and therefore missing. Not all entries in the Prison Register resulted in appearance at the Assizes usually because they related to relatively minor charges where the individual pleaded guilty and the sentence was for (or under) a months imprisonment with hard labour in the House of Correction. Female prisoners were often pressed into administration tasks such as food preparation or nursing the sick but also spinning wool. Men were put to work on the "Engine" or the making of "Hats". ]

= Dorchester 'F' = Fordington

Dinah AMEY - 30 Jan 1802 - Born c1753 - 'F' - [Wid] - Domestic {Widow of John AMEY (d.1800/1) ]

Richard AMEY - 21 Nov 1801 - Born c1786 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Stealing - Also - 04 Oct 1802 - Stealing 1 horse shoe - Son of Dinah AMEY above.

Robert AMEY - 19th Jun 1787 - Born Dec 1776 - 'F' - [?] - Stealing - Son of Finah AMEY above.

John ANTHONY - 05 Jan 1808 - Born c1791 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Stealing

Charlotte BARNES - 22 Oct 1807 - Born 1793 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Housebreaking -Transported to New South Wales Australia for 7 years aged 14 on ship 'Aolus'

Samuel BAYLEY - 19 Jun 1806 - Born c1771 - 'D' - AllSts' - [Mar] - Housebreaking

Thomas BAILEY - 09 Oct 1797 - Born c1772 - 'F' - [Mar] - Receiving

Richard BILLETT - 05 Dec 1806 - Born c1786 -'D' St Peters - [Sgl] - Bastardy

John BIRT - 28 Feb 1801 - Born c1768 - 'F' - [Mar] - Idle disorderly

Robert BOWDITCH - 03 Nov 1801 - Born c1774 -'D' - [Mar] - Smuggling [Whipped] - Also - 25 Aug 1807 -

Richard BROOKES - 12 Aug 1800 - Born c1763 - 'F' - [Mar] - Poaching

Joseph BROWNE - 29 Nov 1792 - Born c1726 -'D' - [Mar] - Arson

Mary BUCKLER - 23 Jun 1804 - Born c1786 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Idle Disorderly - Also - 3 Nov 1804 and 27 July 1805

Betty BURNETT - 23 Nov 1799 - Born c1759 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Damage

Thomas BUTLER - 11 Feb 1801 - Born c1761 - 'F' - [Mar] - Stealing

Charlotte CANTERBURY - 2 Feb 1795 - Born 1770 -'D' - [Sgl] - Stealing - [Mother of Thomas Canterbury 20 Sep 1804]

Thomas CANTERBURY - 20 Sep 1804 - Born 1792 -'D' - [Sgl] - Damage - To be Transported 14 years - Drowned 1805 when on Prison Hulk 'Captivity' [Son of Charlotte above]

Phoebe CHAMBERLAINE - 15 Jan 1791 - Born c1731 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Stealing

Elizabeth CHURCHILL - 04 Nov 1804 - Born c1786 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Idle & Disorderly

Mary CHURCHILL - 27 Feb 1794 - Born c1754 - 'F' - [Wid] - Damage

Mary CHURCHILL - 30 Nov 1802 - Born c1742 - 'F' - [Wid] - Stealing

John CLARKE - 27 Dec 1800 - Born c1735 - 'F' - [Widower] - Idle disorderly

Samuel COLLIS [COLLES] - 19 Jan 1807 - Born Ibberton 1783 lives 'F' - [Mar] - Rogue & Vagabond

John DARE alias WEST - 09 Mar 1799 - Born c1790 - 'F' - [?] - Stealing

George DAVIS - 13 Mar 1792 - Born c1767 -'D' - [Sgl] - Burglary

John DAVIS - 12 May 1804 - Born c1775 - 'F' - [Mar] - Leaving Masters Service

Susan DAVIS - 19 Jul 1791 - Born c1733 -'D' - [?] - Stealing

Thomas DAVIS - 19 Jul 1791 - c1778 -'D' - [?] - Stealing

Robert DAW - 17 Sep 1794 - Born c1748 -'D' - [?] - Stealing

Mary ELLARD - 27 Nov 1802 - Born c1764- 'F' - [Wid] - Stealing

Ann FORTUNATUS - 16 Sep 1799 - Born 1755? -'D' - [Wid] - Stealing - {Born Broadmayne as Ann STEVENS in 1751]

Ann FORTUNATUS - 20 Dec 1800 - Born 1755 -'D' - [Wid] - Stealing [2nd Offence see above]

Joseph FOY - 24 Feb 1794 - Born c1775 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Rape and Robbery

William FRY - 09 Jan 1790 - Born c1773 -'F' - [Sgl] - Assault - Also - 15 Mar 1790 - Born c1773 - Failure to attend Militia

Stephen GALE - 24 Feb 1794 - Born c1775 -'D' - [Sgl] - Rape & Robbery

Lot GARTEL - 14 Sep 1802 - Born c1772 - 'F' - [Mar] - Breach of Peace - Also - 15 Jul 1803 - Sus Stealing - Released

Joseph GAWLER - 18 Oct 1800 - Born c -'D' - [Mar] - Stealing

Maria GAWLER - 02 Jun 1798 - Born c1775 - 'F' - [Mar] - Damage

Thomas GRAY - 24 Feb 1794 - Born c1773 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Rape & Robbery

Thomas GUPPY - 27 Mar 1786 - Born c1769 - 'D ' [Sgl] - Stealing - Also - 23 Sep 1794 - Born 1769 - [Mar] - Assault [Cont:-}

Thomas GUPPY (Cont:) - 26 Nov 1799 -'D' - [Mar] - Stealing Malt and a Sack [Whipped]

John HARRIS Jun - 20 Mar 1792 - Born c 1770 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Poaching

Elizabeth HOAR - 27 Feb 1794 - Born c1772 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Damage

Charles HODDER - 29 Apr 1795 - Born c1776 -'D' - [Sgl] - Bastardy

Edmund HUNT - 09 Jan 1790 - Born c1768 - 'F' - [Mar] - Assault

Thomas KEATS - 06 Oct 1803 - Born c1743 -'D' - [Mar] - Leaving Masters Service

Ann KING - 10 Sep 1791 - Born c1763 -'D' - [Sgl] - Stealing

James KING - 04 Jul 1791 - Born c1755 - 'F' - [Mar] - Threat

Samuel LEGG - 12 Jan 1802 - Born c1781 -'D' - [Sgl] - Bastardy

Elizabeth LESTER - 10 May 1800 - Born c1787 - 'F' - [Sgl] receiving

Susan LEWIS - 19 Jul 1791 - Born c1733 -'D' - [?] - Stealing

Thomas LEWIS - 19 Jul 1791 - c1778 -'D' - [?] - Stealing

Richard LOCK - 19 Feb 1803 - c 1759 - 'F' - [Mar] - Stealing

Mary LUCAS - 08 Sep 1786 - Born ? - 'F' - [Mar] - Stealing

Sarah LUCAS - 23 Nov 1799 - Born c1777 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Damage

Sus? LUCAS - 15 Dec 1798 - Born c1784 - 'F' - [?] - Stealing

Susannah LUCAS - 23 Nov 1799 - Born c1780 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Damage - {Actually Born 'F' 1879]

Susan LUCAS - 20 Nov 1790 - Born c1767 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Arson

Betty MABER - 24 Aug 1790 - Born c1775 -'D' - [Sgl] - Stealing

Elizabeth MANFIELD - 10 Dec 1803 - Born c1782 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Vagabond - Also 19 Sep 1805 Idle & discorderly (ill) - and - 18 Apr 1806 - R & Vagabond - and - 20 Aug 1806 - R&V and 18 Dec 1806 R & V

Sarah MARTIN - 18 Jun 1796 - Born c1781 -'D' - [Sgl] - Stealing

James MILFORD - 06 Oct 1807 - Born c1772 - 'F' [Widower] - Bastardy - Discharged

William MOREY - 30 Mar 1803 - c1745 -'D' - [Sgl] - Breach of Paving Act

Joseph NORRIS - 01 Sep 1803 - Born 1779 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Desertion from Army Reserve

William NORRIS - 18 Jan 1793 - Born c1771 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Bastardy

William NORRIS - 22 Dec 1804 - Born c1765 - 'F' - [Mar] - Family Chargeable on Parish

Richard OLDIS - 30 Jan 1790 - Born ? -'D' - [?] - Bastardy

Cassandra PLOWMAN - 06 Jun 1806 - Born c.1754 -'D' - [Wid] - Smuggling

John RANDEL - 25 Mar 1805 - Born c.1768 -'D' - [Mar] - Stealing

Thomas REASON - 09 Jan 1790 - Born c1763 -'F' - [Sgl] - Assault

Sarah SEAL - 29 Aug 1801 - Born c1778 - 'F' - [Mar] - Stealing - [Wife of Thomas SEAL]

Thomas SEALE - 02 Jun 1792 - Born c1771 -'F' - [Sgl] - Assault - Also - 02 Aug 1792 Born c1771 - House Breaking

William SEAL - 18 Oct 1800 - Born c1731 - 'F' - [Mar] - Stealing

William SEALE Jun - 12 Jul 1791 - Born c1764 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Stealing

William SILCOCK - 06 Jan 1800 - Born c1774 -'D' (All Saints) - [Sgl] - Stealing Soap (dismissed) Stealing a Pocket Hankerchief guilty

Daniel SPENCER - 21 July 1786 - Born c1763 -'D' - [Mar] - Receiving -Transported to Prison Hulk 'Dunkirk' Plymouth, Placed on 'Charlotte' First Fleet Australia

William STAYNER - 30 Jun 1796 - Born c1775 -'D' - [Sgl] - Stealing [Whipped] - Also - William STAINER - 05 Feb 1806 - [Mar] Sarah LUCAS FStG 1805

Dorothy STYLE - 10 Sep 1791 - Born c1761 -'D' - [Sgl] - Stealing

Thomas STYLE - 27 July 1803 Born c1781 -'D' - [Sgl] - Stealing

Mary SUMMERS - 19 Jun 1806 - Born c1782 - 'F' - [Sgl} - Vagrancy

Robert SUMMERS - 09 Jan 1790 - Born c1750 - 'F' - [Mar] - Assault

Nicholas SWYER - 23 Apr 1794 - Bornc1754 - 'F' - [Mar] - Stealing

James SWYER - 27 July 1799 - Born c1761 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Poaching

John Allen SWYER - 23 Mar 1801 - Born c1775 - 'F' - [Mar] - Released

Sarah SWYER - 13 Mar 1788 - Born ? - 'F' - [Sgl] - Stealing - Sentenced to   Transportation 7 years - Pardoned

Ann SYMES - 20 Aug 1803 - Born c.1771 - 'F' - [Mar] - Stealing - [Wife of John Symes]

John SYMES - 19 Feb 1803 - Born c1768 - 'F' - [Mar] - Stealing - Also - 20 Aug 1803 - Breach of Peace

James THORNE - 25 Sep 1793 - Born c1777 -'D' - [Sgl] - Bastardy

John TIZARD - 12 Aug 1807 - Born c1785 - 'F' [Sgl] - Rape & Further investigation

William TRAVERS - 04 Jan 1802 - Born c1766 -'D' - [Mar] Stealing

William VATCHER - 04 Jan 1802 - Born c1781 -'D' - [Mar] - Stealing

Ann WARREN - 09 Feb 1792 - Born? -'D' - [Mar] - Stealing - [Wife Richard Warren]

John WARREN - 16 Dec 1794 - Born c1778 -'D' - [Sgl] - Bastardy

Richard WARREN [Jun] 09 Feb 1792 - Born c1742 -'D' - [Mar] - Stealing

John WEST - 15 Apr 1805 - Born c1789 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Stealing - Also - 17 Apr 1805- Stealing - Sentenced to Death (reprieved) to Transportation to New South Wales for life delivered to Hulk 'Captivity' Plymouth 1807

Margaret WESTON - 29 Aug 1801 - Born c1753 -'D' - [Wid] - Stealing

Matthew WHITE - 29 Apr 1795 - Born c1776 - 'F' - [Mar] - Desertion

William WHITE - 17 Apr 1790 - Born c 1760 - 'F' - [Mar] - Swindling - Sentenced to Death 1790 - Reprieved to Transportation 7 years 1792 - Reprieved 5 years hard labour then enter Service as Soldier.

John WHITTLE - 15 Jun 1802 - Born c1781 -'D' - [?] - Released

Jane WHITTY - 12 Feb 1808 - Born c1786 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Idle & Disorderly

William WILCOCK - 06 Jan 1800 - Born c1774 -'D' - [Sgl] - Stealing

Susanna WILSON - 30 Oct 1799 - Born ? Widow - 'F' - [Wid] - Damage

Elizabeth WINZAR - 23 Jun 1804 - Born c1786 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Idle & Disorderly - Also - 06 Nov 1804

John WINZAR - 11 Feb 1801 - Born c1752 - 'F' - [Mar] - Breach of the Peace

Mary WINZAR - 12 Feb 1808 - Born 1789 'F' - [Sgl] - Idle & Disorderly

Sarah WINZAR - 23 Jun 1804 - Born c1780 - 'F' - [Sgl] - Idle & Disorderly - Also - 06 Nov 1804

Image 4 - 27 Mar 1786 - Thomas GUPPY

    No. : 3
    Warrant Date: 27 Mar 1786
    By Whom : The Mayor of Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 27 Mar 1786
    Name: Thomas GUPPY
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: Single
    Age: 17
    Size: 5ft 3 ins
    Hair: Dark
    Complexion: Fresh
    Eyes: Grey
    Marks: Left eye out, round face
    Crime: Stealing Meat
    Bef whom tried: Sir Richard Perryn Knight
    When tried: 1786 Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: Privately Whipped
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 6th Aug 1786
    Prison Reg No. : 35

Image 5 - 21 July 1786- Daniel SPENCER

    No. : 21
    Warrant Date: 21 July 1786
    By Whom : Charged in custody by judge in Court
    Admitted to Prison: 4 Aug 1786
    Name: Daniel SPENCER
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: Married
    Age: 23
    Size: 5ft 7ins
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Receiving stolen goods
    Bef whom tried: Sir Richard PERRYN Knight
    When tried: 1786 Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: 14 years Transportation
    Behaviour: - orderly
    When Discharged: 9th Aug 1786
    Prison Reg No. : 53
    Remarks: Put on board 'Dunkirk' at Plymouth

    [Note:- His Trial is recorded in the Quarter Session Records Image 210 on 16th Sep 1786 - under heading Gaoler Transport Order: Link to full Transcription. The ship referred to used to be HMS Dunkirk and was a 60 gun fourth rate ship of the line and launched in 1754 from Woolwich dockyard. She ceased service for the Royal Navy in 1782 and converted to the hulk 'Dunkirk' operating from 1784 to 1791 at Plymouth. In 1786 she became a depot ship holding convicts waiting to join the first fleet ships to Botany Bay and held a small contingent of female prisoners.

    [Note:- Brief report Salisbury and Winchester Journal Monday 14th Aug 1786 Page 3 "At Dorchester Assizes:- -- Daniel SPENCER, for buying a quantity of fowls knowing them to be stolen, to be transported for fourteen years." ]

    [Note:- Although records here show that he was placed on board the Dunkirk to await transportation to Australia Wikipedia suggests that he went to Australia on board the 'Charlotte' with the first fleet ]

    Court order for Transportation

Image 6 - 8th Sep 1786 Mary LUCAS

    No. : 5
    Warrant Date: 8th Sep 1786
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis

    Admitted to Prison: 8th Sep 1786
    Name: Mary LUCAS
    Parish: from the Parish Fordington -
    Trade: [blank]
    Condition: Married
    Age: [blank]
    Crime: Stealing Barley (with others Sarah LUCAS, Rebecca LUCAS, and Frances WINZAR all from Fordington being No.s 59, 60 and 61 in the register all treated the same)
    Bef whom tried: Dr Sherive, William Toogood Esq & others
    When tried: Michaelmas Sessions 1786
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: Weeks hard labour the County Gaol Dorchester
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 12th Oct 1786
    Prison Reg No. : 58
    Remarks: [Blank]

Image 10 - 19th June 1787 - Robert AMEY

    No. : 20
    Warrant Date: 19th June 1787
    By Whom :The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 19th June 1787
    Name: Robert AMEY
    Parish: from the Parish Fordington -
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: [Blank]
    Age: 9 [Born Dec 1776 see comments below]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Stealing Iron
    Bef whom tried: Mayor of Dorchester & Wm Templeman Esq
    When tried:
    Event of trial: Discharged
    When Discharged: 6th July 1787
    Prison Reg No. : 105
    Remarks: This boy was committed to be tried at the Borough Sessions for Dorchester and was discharged by the order of the Mayor of the said Borough and Wm Templeman Esq

    [Note:- Robert AMEY was the 2nd child of John & Dinah AMEY and baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 8th Dec 1776 ]

Image 13 - 13th Mar 1788 - Sarah SWYERS
    No. : 22

    Warrant Date: 13 Mar 1788

    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester

    Admitted to Prison: 13 Mar 1788

    Name: Sarah SWYERS

    Parish: from the Parish Fordington -

    Trade: [Blank]

    Condition: Single

    Age: [Blank]

    Size: - [Blank]

    Hair: - [Blank]

    Complexion: - [Blank]

    Eyes: - [Blank]

    Marks: - [Blank]

    Crime: Stealing Silver Spoons

    Bef whom tried: Sergt Kirby

    When tried: Lent Assizes 1788

    Event of trial: Guilty

    Sentence: 7 years Transportation

    Behaviour: orderly

    When Discharged: 5th Nov 1788

    Prison Reg No. : 144

    Remarks: NOTE:- As will be seen in the document dated the 8th Oct 1788 above right an appeal for a pardon was made to His Majesty's Justices of the Peace by Thomas BRYER (1750-1818) who in 1788 was the curate of St George's church in Fordington (where Sarah SWYER lived) and Chaplain to the County Gaol situated in the centre of Dorchester where she was in prison. He is supported in his petition by Charles Frederick BROOKES and John MORGAN who were Churchwardens at St Georges Church in Fordington and also James BONNETT the Overseer for the poor there.. John HAYNE (d.1799) a Gentleman of Fordington also signed the petition and came from the prestigious HAYNE family who had resided in Dorchester & Fordington since the 14th Century and was well known and respected in the town. Thomas BEDLOE (1743-1804) was another important and regular member of the church vestry at St Georges Church, for example serving as Overseer of the Poor in 1770 and 1777 and Church Warden 1794-1800. When she was charged with stealing the spoons Sarah SWYER was employed by Caleb CLOTHIER and his wife Ann nee BISHOP who has also endorsed the petition as her former Mistress.

    The petition was presented at the Assizes and supported by the Justices who added their support in the form of the 2nd letter far right which is dated on the other side " Dorchester 22nd Oct 1788 and addressed to Mr WALLIS -- Recommendation of Mary? SYYW for a Free Pardon -- one enclosure" . Of particular importance in the appeal are references to offers of employment by the Keeper of the Gaol and her former employer Caleb Clothier. The request was accepted by His Majesty King George III and luckily returned to the Justices who despite having got her name wrong managed to tie it up with the right person and discharged her on 5th Nov 1788.
    Image 22 - 09 Jan 1790 - William FRY [Note:- William FRY, Thomas REASON, Robert SUMMERS, Edmund HUNT all tried together for the same offence]
    No. : 27
    Warrant Date: 09 Jan 1790
    By Whom : Honble Le Damer :
    Admitted to Prison: 09 Jan 1790
    Name: William FRY
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: Single
    Age: 17 [1773]
    Size: 5ft 7ins
    Hair: Brown
    Complexion: Sallow
    Eyes: Gray
    Marks: Smooth face, a cut between 1st & 2nd joints of left thumb
    Crime: Assaulting and maiming one George DAVIS and cutting off part of his ear
    Bef whom tried: Sir Richard Perryn
    When tried: 1790 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 13th
    Prison Reg No. : 238

Image 22 - 09 Jan 1790 - Thomas REASON [Note:- William FRY, Thomas REASON, Robert SUMMERS, Edmund HUNT all tried together for the same offence]
    No. : 28
    Warrant Date: 09 Jan 1790
    By Whom : Honble Le Damer :
    Admitted to Prison: 09 Jan 1790
    Name: Thomas REASON
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: Wheelwright
    Condition: Single
    Age: 27
    Size: 5ft 10 ins
    Hair: Light
    Complexion: Fresh
    Eyes: Gray
    Marks: marked with the small pox , slender made
    Crime: Assaulting and maiming one George DAVIS and cutting off part of his ear
    Bef whom tried: Sir Richard Perryn
    When tried: 1790 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 13th
    Prison Reg No. : 239

Image 22 - 09 Jan 1790 - Robert SUMMERS [Note:- William FRY, Thomas REASON, Robert SUMMERS, Edmund HUNT all tried together for the same offence]
    No. : 29
    Warrant Date: 09 Jan 1790
    By Whom : Honble Le Damer :
    Admitted to Prison: 09 Jan 1790
    Name: Robert SUMMERS
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: Sawyer
    Condition: Married
    Age: 40
    Size: 5ft 4 ins
    Hair: Brown
    Complexion: Fresh
    Eyes: Gray
    Marks: Lusty
    Crime: Assaulting and maiming one George DAVIS and cutting off part of his ear
    Bef whom tried: Sir Richard Perryn
    When tried: 1790 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 13th
    Prison Reg No. : 240
Image 22 - 09 Jan 1790 - Edmund HUNT [Note:- William FRY, Thomas REASON, Robert SUMMERS, Edmund HUNT all tried together for the same offence]
    No. : 30
    Warrant Date: 09 Jan 1790
    By Whom : Honble Le Damer :
    Admitted to Prison: 09 Jan 1790
    Name: Edmund HUNT
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: Sawyer
    Condition: Married
    Age: 22
    Size: 5ft 11 ins
    Hair: Dark
    Complexion: Fresh
    Eyes: Dark
    Marks: Large dark Eyebrows, Lusty
    Crime: Assaulting and maiming one George DAVIS and cutting off part of his ear
    Bef whom tried: Sir Richard Perryn
    When tried: 1790 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 13th
    Prison Reg No. : 241
Image 23 - 30th Jan 1790 - Richard OLDIS
    No. : 35
    Warrant Date: 30th Jan 1790
    By Whom : D.R.Michael Esq:
    Admitted to Prison: 30th Jan 1790
    Name: Richard OLDIS
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: Tinker
    Condition: -
    Age: -
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Crime: Refusing to obey the order of his ??? supporting the maintenance of a bastard child
    Bef whom tried: Sir Richard Perryn
    When tried:
    Event of trial:
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 14th July 1790
    Prison Reg No. : 246
    Remarks: By order of Sessions [Note:- Quarter Sessions Records Order Books Image 329 of 533 A General Quarter Sessions held at Shaston Dorset 12th July 1790 :: " Richard OLDIS - For want of Prosecution in Bastardy - Ordered that he be discharged"
Image 24 - 15th Mar 1790 - William FRY [Note Items in brackets:- [xx*] have been taken from earlier conviction Image 22 dated 9th Jan 1790]
    No. : 2
    Warrant Date: 15th March 1790
    By Whom : D. Michael Esq
    Admitted to Prison: 15th Mar 1790
    Name: William FRY
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: Single
    Age: - [17* 1773]
    Size: - [5ft 7ins*]
    Hair: - [Brown*]
    Complexion: - [*Sallow]
    Eyes: - [Gray*]
    Marks: - [Smooth face, a cut between 1st & 2nd joints of left thumb*]
    Crime: Not appearing at a Dorset Militia meeting in the years 1788 and 1789
    Bef whom tried: Sir Richard Perryn
    When tried: {blank}
    Event of trial: {blank}
    Sentence: - {blank}
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 26th May 1790
    Prison Reg No. : 256
    Remarks: By order of Col Michael
Image 24 - 17th Apr 1790 - William WHITE

    No. : 6
    Warrant Date: 17th Apr 1790
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 17th Apr 1790
    Name: William WHITE
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: Married
    Age: 30
    Size: 5ft 6 ins
    Hair: Dark
    Complexion: Swarthy
    Eyes: Gray
    Marks: A cut perpendicular at the right end of the right eye - scarcely visible, another across the left thumb, Lusty
    Crime: Swindling
    Bef whom tried: Sir John Heath Esq
    When tried: 1790 Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: - Death    :     [Reprieved and to be transported for 7 years - Began work 1791 14th March how employed Hatting [Note:- The manufacture of hats was one of the jobs given to prisoners - DHC Ref D1721/4/1]    :     [1792 May 18th Received an extension of his Majesty's Mercy on condition of being kept to hard labour for the term of 5 years from 12th April 1792]     :     [1794 April 8th Received a further an extension of Mercy towards this Prisoner on condition of his entering to Serve his Majesty as a Soldier]
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 11th April 1794
    Prison Reg No. : 256
    Remarks: Delivered to Corporal WINZAR of the Dorset Regiment

Image 26 - 24th Aug 1790- Betty MABER
    No. : 1
    Warrant Date: 24th Aug 1790
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 24th Aug 1790
    Name: Betty MABER
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: Servant
    Condition: Single
    Age: 15
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks -:
    Crime: Stealing Tea
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: Disorderly
    When Discharged: 4th Oct 1790
    Prison Reg No. : 272
    Remarks: Delivered to the Constables of the Borough by order of the worshipful Mayor
Image 26 - 20th Nov 1790 - Susan LUCCAS [LUCAS]
    No. : 7
    Warrant Date: 20th Nov 1790
    By Whom : Honorable L Damer
    Admitted to Prison: 20th Nov 1790
    Name: Susan LUCCAS {LUCAS]
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: -
    Condition: Single
    Age: 23
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Arson
    Bef whom tried: John Heath Esq
    When tried: 1791 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: Indictment returned Ignoramus
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: Very Orderly
    When Discharged: 12th March 1790
    Prison Reg No. : 278
    Remarks: [Note:- This was probably Susannah LUCAS the daughter of John & Mary LUCAS bapt at FStG 8th Apr 1765]
Image 28 - 15 Mar 1791- Phoebe [Phabe] CHAMBERLAINE
    No. : 3
    Warrant Date: 15 Mar 1791
    By Whom : W.M.Pitt Esq
    Admitted to Prison: 15 Mar 1791
    Name: Phoebe CHAMBERLAINE
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: Spinner
    Condition: Single
    Age: 60
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Stealing Wheat
    Bef whom tried: Wm Toogood : D.R. Michael Esq: and others
    When tried: 1791 Easter Sessions
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: - Set to work 24 March 1791 spinning until 2nd May 1791
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 5th May 1791
    Prison Reg No. : 298
    Remarks: Easter assizes Image 349 " It is ordered at the prayer of John MORGAN the Prosecutor of Phaebe CHAMBERLAIN widow? tried and acquitted before this Court of Felony, that the western Treasurer of the County Stock of this county do pay unto the said John MORGAN the sum of 17s and also to William Henning, William MOORES, John BILES and Thomas POUNCEY the sum of 11 shillings each of his witnesses which to this Court doth seem reasonable for their expenses trouble and attendance herein according to statute in that case made and provided". Also under Calendar of Prisoners Image 350 "Phabe CHAMBERLAIN Indicted and acquitted of Felony - ordered that she be discharged". Also Image 242 - "Phabe CHAMBERLAIN - Indicted now No.10 for stealing one peck of Wheat valued 10d the property of John MORGAN.
Image 28 - 4th July 1791 - James KING
    No. : 14
    Warrant Date: 4th July 1791
    By Whom : Thomas Meggs Esq
    Admitted to Prison: 4th July 1791
    Name: - James KING
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: Taylor
    Condition: married
    Age: 36
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Threatening the life of Sarah the wife of Rev Rowsen
    Bef whom tried: Anth: Chapman ; Wm Toogood; and others
    When tried: 1791 Midsummer Sessions
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: - To give security in the sum of £50 to be of Good Behavour for 1 whole year towards and specifically towards the said Sarah - also Set to work 5th July 1791 tailoring until 22nd July 1791
    When Discharged: 28th July 1791
    Prison Reg No. : 309
Image 29 - 12 July 1791 - William SEALE Junior
    No. : 16
    Warrant Date: 12 July 1791
    By Whom : George Gould Esq
    Admitted to Prison: 12th July 1791
    Name: William SEALE Junior
    Parish: Fordington:
    Trade: Shepherd
    Condition: Single
    Age: 27 [c1764]
    Size: 5ft 6 ins
    Hair: Brown
    Complexion: Brown
    Eyes: Dark Grey
    Marks: Long Face, a scar on the left side of the chin, Lusty
    Crime: Stealing a Lamb
    Bef whom tried: Sir Francis Biller Esq
    When tried: 1791 Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 31st Aug 1791
    Prison Reg No. : 311William
Image 29 - 19th July 1791 - Susa [Susan] LEWIS alias DAVIS
    No. : 18
    Warrant Date: 19th July 1791
    By Whom : Robert Stickland Gent Justice for the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 19th July 1791
    Name: - Susa [Susan] LEWIS alias DAVIS
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: -
    Condition: -
    Age: 58 [1733]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Stealing wearing apparel
    Bef whom tried: Sir Francis Buller Esq
    When tried: 1791 Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: - -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 31 Aug 1791
    Prison Reg No. : 313
    Remarks: [See next entry ]
Image 30 - 19th July 1791 - Thomas LEWIS alias DAVIS
    No. : 19
    Warrant Date: 19th July 1791
    By Whom : Robert Stickland Gent Justice for the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 19th July 1791
    Name: Thomas LEWIS alias DAVIS
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: [ blank ]
    Age: 13 [c1778]
    Size: 4ft 11½ ins
    Hair: Light
    Complexion: Brown
    Eyes: Light Gray
    Marks: Round forehead, a scar on right side of it, slender made
    Crime: Stealing wearing apparel
    Bef whom tried: Sir Francis Buller Esq
    When tried: 1791 Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: - -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 31 Aug 1791
    Prison Reg No. : 314
    Remarks: [See previous entry]
Image 30 - 10th Sep 1791- Ann KING
    No. : 7
    Warrant Date: 10th Sep 1791
    By Whom : Honorable L: Damer
    Admitted to Prison: 10th Sep 1791
    Name: Ann KING
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: [blank]
    Condition: Single
    Age: 28 [c1763]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Stealing Wheat
    Bef whom tried: H.R.Sherive Esq and others
    When tried: 1791 Michaelmas Sessions
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: - 1 Months to hard labour in the House of Correction : Started work 12th Sep 1791 until 4th Oct 1791
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 4th Oct 1791
    Prison Reg No. : 321
Image 31 - 10th Sep 1791- Dorothy STYLE
    No. : 8
    Warrant Date: 10th Sep 1791
    By Whom : Honorable L Damer
    Admitted to Prison:
    Name: - Dorothy STYLE
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: [ Blank ]
    Condition: single
    Age: 30
    Size: -[c1761]
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Stealing Wheat
    Bef whom tried: H.R.Sherive Esq and others
    When tried: 1791 Michaelmas Sessions
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: - 1 Months to hard labour in the House of Correction : Started work 12th Sep 1791 until 4th Oct 1791
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 4th Oct 1791
    Prison Reg No. : 322
Image 31 - 09 Feb 1792 - Richard WARREN [Note:- Married to Ann WARREN No. 25 below]
    No. :24
    Warrant Date: 09 Feb 1792
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 09 Feb 1792
    Name: Richard WARREN
    Parish: Dorchester [All Saints ]
    Trade: Maltster
    Condition: married
    Age: 50 [1742 actually 1736*]
    Size: 5ft 7 ins
    Hair: Light Brown
    Complexion: Florid
    Eyes: Light Grey
    Marks: Long favoured, large ears, round chin, a cut on the back of the left hand above the knuckle joint of the forefinger
    Crime: Stealing wearing apparel
    Bef whom tried: John Heath Esq
    When tried: 1792 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: No Bill
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 17th Mar 1792
    Prison Reg No. : 338
    Remarks: [Note:- (*) This is Richard WARREN Junior (1736- ) who was the 2nd child from the marriage of Richard WARREN Senior (1696-1773) to Alice STOVEY and had been baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 4th Sep 1736. He later married Ann KNIGHT at Stinsford Dorset on 19th Feb 1770. ]
Image 31 - 9th Feb 1792- Ann WARREN [Wife of Richard WARREN - See No.24 above]
    No. 25
    Warrant Date: 9th Feb 1792
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 09 Feb 1792
    Name: Ann WARREN Wife of Richard WARREN
    Parish: Dorchester [All Saints ]
    Trade: [Husband's] Maltster
    Condition: Married
    Age: -
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Stealing wearing apparel
    Bef whom tried: John Heath Esq
    When tried: 1792 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: No Bill
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 17th Mar 1792
    Prison Reg No. : 339
    Remarks: [See remarks under Richard WARREN above]
Image 32 - 13th Mar 1792 - George DAVIS
    No. : 32
    Warrant Date: N/A
    By Whom : Brought by Habeus Corpus from Winchester Gaol
    Admitted to Prison: 13th March 1792
    Name: George DAVIS
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: Shoemaker
    Condition: Single
    Age: 25 [1767]
    Size: 5ft 3ins
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Complexion: Swarthy
    Eyes: Dark Hazel
    Marks: Round face, a mole on the right cheek, another small one on the left cheekbone, Top part of the left ear cut off , Lusty
    Crime: Felony and Burglary
    Bef whom tried: John Heath Esq
    When tried: 1792 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: No Bill [i.e. Habeus Corpus ]
    Sentence: - -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 17th March 1792
    Prison Reg No. : 346
Image 36 - 20 Mar 1792 - John HARRIS Junior
    No. :8
    Warrant Date: 20 Mar 1792
    By Whom : D: R: Michel Esq
    Admitted to Prison: 10 Nov 1792
    Name: John HARRIS Junior
    Parish: Fordington:
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: Single
    Age: 22
    Bef whom tried: D.R.Michel Esq
    When tried: 20 Mar 1792
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: - 3 months imprisonment unless a fine of £20 is soon paid
    Behaviour: Disorderly
    When Discharged: 09 Feb 1793
    Prison Reg No. : 392
Image 35 - 02 June 1792 - Thomas SEALE [See also Image 36 dated 2nd Aug 1792]
    No. : 30
    Warrant Date: 02 Jun 1792
    By Whom : D.R.Michel Esq
    Admitted to Prison: 02 June 1792
    Name: Thomas SEALE
    Parish: Forthington [: Fordington: ]
    Trade: Shepherd
    Condition: Single
    Age: 21 [1771]
    Size: 5ft 3 ins
    Hair: Dark
    Complexion: Brown
    Eyes: Gray
    Marks: 4th left finger crooked, The finger has since been amputated by Mr ARDEN* Surgeon of the Prison.
    Crime: Assaults and rescuing sheep
    Bef whom tried:Arth: Chapman DR Michel and Other Esq's
    When tried: 1792 Midsummer Sessions
    Event of trial: Pleaded Guilty
    Sentence: - Fined 6d
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 12th July 1792
    Prison Reg No. : 376
    Remarks: [Note:- * Christopher ARDEN Senior MD (1751-1811) was appointed as the Surgeon and Apothecary to the Dorset County Gaol situated at Dorchester on 6th Oct 1789. At the Quarter Sessions held at Shaston 10th July 1792 Christopher ARDEN was granted his quarterly salary of £7.10s. 0d Image 384 and on Image 386 A Calendar and Delivery of the Gaol of the County and of the Prisoners therein :- Includes : "Thomas SEALE Indicted for a trespass and assault and pleaded guilty ordered that he do pay a Fine of Sixpence and to stand committed until the fine is paid and then to be discharged - ALSO RECORDED IN:- -- Quarter Sessions Plea Books 1781-1793 Image 272 " Pleaded Guilty -- Indicted now No.8 for a trespass and assault on one Peter HATHERLEY".
Image 36 - 02 Aug 1792 - Thomas SEALE [See also Image 35 dated 2nd June 1792]

    No. : 30
    Warrant Date: 02 Aug 1792
    By Whom : Honorable L. Damer
    Admitted to Prison: 02 Aug 1792
    Name: Thomas SEALE
    Parish: Fordington:
    Trade: -
    Condition: -
    Age: - [21 - 1771]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: House Breaking and stealing
    Bef whom tried: John Heath Esq
    When tried: 1793 Lent assizes
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: - Death : [ Reprieved and received His Majesty's Mercy dated the 10th April 1793 on Condition of being kept to hard labour for the term of 5 years] Began work 20th Aug 1792 employed at Hatting until 27th Ar 1797 [Received an unconditional Pardon for T.SEALE
    Behaviour: Disorderly at first but afterwards very orderly
    When Discharged: - 28th April 1797
    Prison Reg No. : 385
    Remarks: [Note:- Reference to previous conviction No. 30 Folio 35

Image 36 - 29th Nov 1792- Joseph BROWNE
    No. :10
    Warrant Date :29 Nov 1792
    By Whom :The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 29 Nov 1792
    Name: Joseph BROWNE
    Parish:: Dorchester
    Trade :Labourer
    Condition:: Married
    Age: 66 [1726]
    Size: 5ft 5 ins
    Hair: Gray
    Complexion: Fresh
    Eyes: Gray
    Marks: Shriveled face and thin
    Crime: Arson
    Bef whom tried: John Heath Esq
    When tried: 1793 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: - -
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 16th March 1793
    Prison Reg No. : 394

Image 37 - 18 Jan 1793 - William NORRIS
    No. :17
    Warrant Date:18 Jan 1793
    By Whom :Francis Steward Esq
    Admitted to Prison:18 Jan 1793
    Name: - William NORRIS
    Parish: Fordington:
    Trade: Labourer
    Condition: Single
    Age: 22 [1771]
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Bastardy (for want of securities) [Note:- Mary DAVIS gave birth to a daughter baptised at FStG on 26th Aug 1792 as Jane DAVIS]
    Bef whom tried:-
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 4th Feb 1793
    Prison Reg No. : 401
    Remarks: By order of Colonel Michel [Note:- Col Michael was David Robert MICHAEL JP who attended the Quarter Sessions at Blandford Forum on 15th January 1793 . William NORRIS Married Mary DAVIS on the day he was discharged from prison at FStG on 4th Feb 1793 - - follow link for more information ]

Image 40 - 25th Sep 1793- James THORNE
    No. : 2
    Warrant Date: 25th Sep 1793
    By Whom :William Richards Esq
    Admitted to Prison: 25th Sep 1793
    Name:- James THORNE
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: Cabinet Maker
    Age:16 [1777]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Bastardy
    Bef whom tried: Hon Sherive LLD, Hon L. Damer, and others Esq
    When tried: 1793 Michaelmas Sessions
    Event of trial: Guilty
    Sentence: - 3 months hard labour [started work 'day not recorded' making beds until 7th Jan 1794
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 8th Jan 1794
    Prison Reg No. :430
    Remarks: [Note:- James THORN the son of James & Elizabeth THORN was baptised at FStG 24th Dec 1776]

Image 44 - 24 Feb 1794- Thomas GRAY
    No. :49
    Warrant Date: 24 Feb 1794
    By Whom :The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 24 Feb 1794
    Name: Thomas GRAY
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: Carpenter
    Condition: Single
    Age: 21 [1773]
    Size: :5ft 9 ins
    Hair: Dark
    Complexion: Brown
    Eyes: Gray
    Marks: Right forefinger crooked and stiff at the 2nd joint, Lusty
    Crime: Rape and Robbery
    Bef whom tried: Sir F. Buller Bart
    When tried: 1794 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: Bill of Indictment returned Ignoramus
    Sentence: - -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: - 14th March 1794
    Prison Reg No. : 478

Image 43 - 24 Feb 1794 - Stephen GALE
    No. :50
    Warrant Date:24th Feb 1794
    By Whom :The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 24 Feb 1794
    Name: - Stephen GALE
    Parish: Dorchester
    Trade: Carpenter
    Condition: Single
    Age: 19 [1775]
    Size: 5ft 7 ins
    Hair: Dark
    Complexion: Sallow
    Eyes: small blue
    Marks: Face wide at the eyes and forehead, Lusty
    Crime: Rape and Robbery
    Bef whom tried: Sir F Buller Bart
    When tried: 1794 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: - Bill of Indictment returned Ignoramus
    Sentence: --
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 14th March 1794
    Prison Reg No. : 479

Image 43 - 24th Feb 1794- Joseph FOY
    No. :51
    Warrant Date: - 24th Feb 1794
    By Whom : - Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 24th Feb 1794
    Name: - Joseph FOY
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Currier
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 19 [1775]
    Size: - 5ft 10 ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Fresh
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: - Small features, Pock marked, particularly between the eyes, where there are three, well made
    Crime: - Rape and Robbery
    Bef whom tried: Sir F Buller Bart
    When tried: 1794 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: - Bill of Indictment returned Ignoramus
    Sentence: --
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 14th March 1794
    Prison Reg No. : 480

Image 43 - 27th Feb 1794- Mary CHURCHILL
    No. : - 54
    Warrant Date: - 3rd March 1794
    By Whom : George Gould Esq
    Admitted to Prison:: - 3rd March 1794
    Name: Mary CHURCHILL
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: Spinner
    Condition: Widow
    Age: 40 [1754]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Breaking Hedge
    Bef whom tried: [Blank]
    When tried: [Blank]
    Event of trial:
    Sentence: - Imprisoned 21 days
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: - 25th March 1794
    Prison Reg No. :483

Image 43 - 27th Feb 1794-  Elizabeth HOAR
    No. :55
    Warrant Date: - 27th Feb 1794
    By Whom : - George Gould Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 3rd March 1794
    Name:- Elizabeth HOAR
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: Spinner
    Condition: Single
    Age: - 22 [1772]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Breaking Hedge
    Bef whom tried: [Blank]
    When tried: [Blank]
    Event of trial:
    Sentence: - Imprisoned 21 days
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: - 25th March 1794
    Prison Reg No. :484

Image 45 - 23 Apr 1794 - Nicholas SWYER
    No. :10
    Warrant Date:23 Apr 1794 -
    By Whom :T Meggs Esq
    Admitted to Prison:23 Apr 1794 -
    Name:- Nicholas SWYER
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: - 40 [1754]
    Size: 5ft 4½
    Complexion: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Marks: Long Chin, Lusty
    Crime: Stealing deal board
    Bef whom tried: William Toogood, D.R.Michael Esq and others
    When tried: 1794 Easter Assizes
    Event of trial: Acquitted
    Sentence: - -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 1st May 1794
    Prison Reg No. :496
    Remarks: [Note:- Nicholas SWYER married Ann EWER at FStG on 6th June 1787. Nicholas was charged above with stealing 5ft of Deal Board valued at 10d the property of Bernard GALE (Image 23 of 261) in Quarter Sessions Plea Books 1793-1810. He pleaded Not Guilty and was acquitted by the jury at The Easter Assizes Image 430 Quarter Sessions Order Books 1783-1797 and ordered to be discharged]

Image 48 - 17 Sep 1794- Robert DAW
    No. :6
    Warrant Date: 17 Sep 1794
    By Whom :The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 17 Sep 1794
    Name: - Robert DAW
    Parish - :Dorchester
    Trade: - -
    Age: 46 [1748]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Oats
    Bef whom tried: - Not Known
    When tried: - At the Borough Sessions
    Event of trial: [blank]
    Sentence: - - Not known
    Behaviour: - orderly
    When Discharged: - 6th Oct 1794
    Prison Reg No. : 530
    Remarks: - Former commitment Folio 38 No.?

Image 48 - 23 Sep 1794 - Thomas GUPPY
    No. :10
    Warrant Date: - 23 Sep 1794
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 23 Sep 1794
    Name: -  Thomas GUPPY
    Parish:- Dorchester
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: - 25 [1769]
    Size: - 5ft 9 ins
    Hair: - Dark
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Left eye blind
    Crime: - Assault
    Bef whom tried: - Not Known
    When tried: - At The Borough Sessions
    Event of trial: - -[Blank]
    Sentence: - - Not Known [Set to work 30th Sep 1794 Tending Mason until 5th Oct 1794 ]
    Behaviour: - Orderly
    When Discharged: 6th Oct 1794
    Prison Reg No. :534

Image 51 - 16 Dec 1794 - John WARREN
    No. :46
    Warrant Date: 16 Dec 1794
    By Whom : The Mayor of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 17 Dec 1794
    Name: - John WARREN
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Single
    Age: - 18 [1778]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Bastardy
    Bef whom tried: [Blank]
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: -orderly
    When Discharged: 22nd Dec 1794
    Prison Reg No. :570

Image 53 - 02 Feb 1795 - Charlotte CANTERBURY

    No. :73
    Warrant Date: 02 Feb 1795
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 02 Feb 1795
    Name: - Charlotte CANTERBURY
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Servant
    Condition: - Single
    Age: - 23 [1771]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Stealing a Shirt
    Bef whom tried: - Sir F Buller Bart
    When tried: 1795 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - Fined 1s and 6 months hard labour [ Work started 9th Mar 1795 - Lining Hats - until 10th Sep 1795 ]
    Behaviour: somewhat disorderly
    When Discharged: 11 Sep 1795
    Prison Reg No. :597
    Remarks: This woman became orderly and industrious [Note:- Charlotte CANTERBURY was baptised at Holy trinity Church Dorchester on 12th April 1770 the daughter and 12th child from the marriage of Richard CANTERBURY (d.1794) to Sarah LOCK at HT on 18th Aug 1751.]

Image 53 - 25 Feb 1795- Matthew WHITE
    No. :
    Warrant Date: - 25 Feb 1795
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison:- 25 Feb 1795
    Name: Matthew WHITE
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: Private in the Dorset Regiment
    Condition: Married
    Age: 37 [1758]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Desertion Impressed Service
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - -
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 18th March 1795
    Prison Reg No. : 607
    Remarks: By Order of the Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester

Image 57 - 29 Apr 1795 - Charles HODDER
    No. :33
    Warrant Date: 29 Apr 1795
    By Whom : The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: 29th Apr 1795
    Name: - Charles HODDER
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: Hair Dresser
    Condition: Single
    Age: - 19 [1776]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: Bastardy for want of sureties
    Bef whom tried:- - -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - - [working 'At the Engine']
    Behaviour: orderly
    When Discharged: 15 May 1795
    Prison Reg No. : 648

Image 69 - 18 June 1796 - Sarah MARTIN
    No. : - 33
    Warrant Date: 18th June 1796
    By Whom :James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: 27th June 1796
    Name: - Sarah MARTIN
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Silk Thrower
    Condition: Single
    Age: - 15 [1781]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Wood
    Bef whom tried: [Blank]
    When tried: - [Blank]
    Event of trial: - [14 days Imprisonment for the non payment of ? & 10 ]
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour: Orderly
    When Discharged: 9th July 1795
    Prison Reg No. : 795
    Remarks: Mr Frampton ordered this girl to be discharged some days ago but she appearing to work, the Gaoler suffered her to remain in Prison in hopes of getting her a place

Image 69 - 30 Jun 1796 - William STAYNER
    No. : - 34
    Warrant Date: - 30 Jun 1796
    By Whom : - William Richards Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 30 Jun 1796
    Name: - William STAYNER
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 21 [1774]
    Size: - 5ft 2½
    Hair: - Light Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Light Grey
    Marks: - Smooth face, several small cuts on his left thumb & forefingers Th??
    Crime: - Stealing strong Beer & Bottles
    Bef whom tried: - Baron Thompson
    When tried: - 1796 Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - Privately whipped [at the engine ]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 16th July 1796
    Prison Reg No. : - 796

Image 80 - 09 Oct 1797- Thomas BAILEY
    No. : - 22
    Warrant Date: - 09 Oct 1797
    By Whom : - The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 09 Oct 1797
    Name: - Thomas BAILEY
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 25 [1772]
    Size: - 5ft 5 ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - [Blank]
    Crime: - Receiving Stolen Goods
    Bef whom tried: - Barron Perryn
    When tried: - Lent Assizes 1798
    Event of trial: - Acquitted
    Sentence: - [At the Engine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 17th March 1798
    Prison Reg No. : - 932

Image 86 - 02 Jun 1798- Maria GAWLER
    No. : - 22
    Warrant Date: - 2 Jun 1798
    By Whom : - Hon. L. Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 11 Jun 1798
    Name: - Maria GAWLER
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - [Blank] [Note:- Joseph GAWLER of All Saints Parish in Dorchester married Meriah [Maria] SAMPSON at St Georges Church in Fordington on 15th Jan 1795 ]
    Age: 23 [1775]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Breaking Hedge
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -Fined 10s or 1 month imprisonment
    Behaviour:- very orderly
    When Discharged: - 16th June 1798
    Prison Reg No. : - 1002
    Remarks: Paid the fine [Follow marriage link above for more information]

Image 89 - 15 Dec 1798- Sus? LUCAS
    No. : - 33
    Warrant Date: - 15 Dec 1798
    By Whom : - L.H.Browne Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 15 Dec 1798
    Name: - Sus? LUCAS
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - -
    Condition: - -
    Age: 14 [1784]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Hedge Woods
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One Months Imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 12 Jan 1799
    Prison Reg No. : - 1041

Image 91 - 09 Mar 1799 - John DARE otherwise WEST the younger
    No. : - 169
    Warrant Date: - 09 Mar 1799
    By Whom : - Thomas Meggs Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 09 Mar 1799
    Name: - John DARE otherwise WEST the younger
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - -
    Condition: - -
    Age: 9 [1790]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing an Iron Spring
    Bef whom tried: - William Toogood Esq
    When tried: - Easter Sessions [1799]
    Event of trial: - Acquitted
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 05 Apr 1799
    Prison Reg No. : - 1077
    Remarks: [Note:- The above record suggests he was aged 9 and acquitted and released - - The Quarter Sessions held at Sherborne on 2nd Apr 1799 (Source Pleas Books 1793-1810 Image 87 of 261 ) shows that John DARE also WEST was one of a number of felons tried before a jury of 12 peers. The left page records that he was Indicted for stealing 3lb weight of Iron the property of Thomas REASON and found not guilty. On the right page is reference to the fact that Thomas REASON of Forthington [: Fordington::] a coachmaker and John CLARE of Dorchester a blacksmith were both ordered to appear at court to prosecute and give evidence against John DARE also WEST for felony.

Image 93 - 30 Oct 1799 - Susanna WILSON
    No. : - 4
    Warrant Date: - 30 Mar 1799
    By Whom : - T. Meggs Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 1st Apr 1799
    Name: - Susanna WILSON
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Widow
    Age: [Blank]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Breaking Hedge
    Bef whom tried: - Thomas Meggs Esq
    When tried: - 30th Mar 1799
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - Imprisonment 28 days
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 27th April 1799
    Prison Reg No. : - 1086

Image 97 - 27 July 1799- James SWYER
    No. : - 6
    Warrant Date: - 27 July 1799
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 31 July 1799
    Name: - James SWYER
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 38 [c1761]
    Size: - 5ft 10 ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Brown
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - [Blank]
    Crime: - Laying lines with hooks in the River on the Parish of Woodsford to destroy fish
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One months imprisonment in the House of Correction [working at the Engine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 30th Aug 1799
    Prison Reg No. : - 1136

Image 98 - 11 Sep 1799 - Ann FORTUNATUS (1751-1812)
    No. : - 27
    Warrant Date: - 11 Sep 1799
    By Whom : - J.H.Browne Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 14 Sep 1799
    Name: - Ann FORTUNATUS [Note:- Ann STEPHENS married Fortunatus FORDINGTON at Broadmayne in Dorset on 1st Aug 1768]
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Widow [See comments under account about her life via above link]
    Age: 44 [1755] [Actually Born Broadmayne in 1751]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Wheat out of a Wheat Sheaf
    Bef whom tried: - Rev. H. Sherive LLD
    When tried: - Michaelmas Sessions 1799
    Event of trial: - No Bill
    Sentence: - Working from 16th Sep 1799 to 8th Oct 1799 'Nurse Tending'
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 10th Oct 1799
    Prison Reg No. : - 1157
    Remarks: [Note:- Her name appears in the Calendar of Prisoners appearing before the Michaelmas Quarter Sessions held at Bridport on 8th Oct 1799 (Image 92 Order Books 1798-1806 ) along with another prisoner Richard Whittle who had been charged with killing & stealing a duck. They had been working in the prison since arrest and no bill was presented for either of them so they appeared in court to be officially released. Image 95 is also of interest as it shows that two witnesses, named as William HENNING Gent and George OLD Yeoman, both of Frome Whitfield a small hamlet within Holy Trinity Parish, had been ordered to appear in Court to prosecute Ann's felony.]

Image 100 - 23 Nov 1799 -  Sarah LUCAS
    No. : - 44
    Warrant Date: - 23 Nov 1799
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 23 Nov 1799
    Name: - Sarah LUCAS
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Spinner
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 22 [c1777]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Cutting and destroying wood and underwood
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One month hard labour
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21 Dec 1799
    Prison Reg No. : - 1174
    Remarks: [Note:- Sarah the daughter of William & Rebecca LUCAS was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 24th Aug 1777 - Susannah LUCAS below was her younger sister]

Image 100 - 23 Nov 1799 -  Susannah LUCAS
    No. : - 45
    Warrant Date: - 23 Nov 1799
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 23 Nov 1799
    Name: - Susannah LUCAS
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Spinner
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 19 [1780 - actually Sep 1779 see comments below]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Cutting and destroying wood and underwood
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One month hard labour
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21 Dec 1799
    Prison Reg No. : - 1174
    Remarks: [Note:- Sister of Sarah above: Susannah the daughter of William & Rebecca LUCAS was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 22nd Sep 1779 ]

Image 100 - 23 Nov 1799 - Betty BURNETT
    No. : - 46
    Warrant Date: - 23 Nov 1799
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 23rd Nov 1799
    Name: - Betty BURNETT
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Washer Woman
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 40 [1759]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Cutting and destroying wood and underwood
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One month hard labour
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21 Dec 1799
    Prison Reg No. : - 1176
Image 100 - 26 Nov 1799 - Thomas GUPPY
    No. : - 0
    Warrant Date: - 26 Nov 1799
    By Whom : - The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 26 Nov 1799
    Name: - Thomas GUPPY
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - [Blank]
    Age: [Blank] [c.xxxx]
    Size: - [Blank]
    Hair: - [Blank]
    Complexion: - [Blank]
    Eyes: - [Blank]
    Marks: - [Blank]
    Crime: - For Further examination
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: -
    Remarks: See Folio 48 No.10

Image 100 - 27 Nov 1799 - Thomas GUPPY
    No. : - 48
    Warrant Date: - 27 Nov 1799
    By Whom : - The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 27 Nov 1799
    Name: - Thomas GUPPY
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - [Blank]
    Age: [Blank] [c.xxxx]
    Size: - [Blank]
    Hair: - [Blank]
    Complexion: - [Blank]
    Eyes: - [Blank]
    Marks: - [Blank]
    Crime: - On Suspicion of Stealing malt and sack bag
    Bef whom tried: - Arthur Palmer Serjeant at Law
    When tried: - Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - Fined 1/- and one years Imporisonment in the House of Correction [Working from 17th Mar 1800 at Hatting ]
    Behaviour:- "A Bad Man"
    When Discharged: - 12 March 1801
    Remarks: Prior convictions See Folio 48 No.10 Prison Number 1178

Image 102 - 06 Jan 1800 - William SILCOCK - - [ See 2nd Charge 72 below]
    No. : - 71
    Warrant Date: - 06 Jan 1800
    By Whom : - William Floyer Clerk
    Admitted to Prison: - 06 Jan 1800
    Name: -  William SILCOCK
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Chimney Sweeper
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 26 [1774]
    Size: - 5ft 7 ins
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Soap
    Bef whom tried: - Henry Sherick LLD
    When tried: - Epiphany Sessions 1800
    Event of trial: - Not tried on this indictment
    Sentence: - Working sweeping chimneys
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: -
    Prison Reg No. : - 1201

Image 102 - 06 Jan 1800 - William SILCOCK [See 1st charge above]
    No. : - 72
    Warrant Date: - 06 Jan 1800
    By Whom : - William Floyer Clerk
    Admitted to Prison: - 06 Jan 1800
    Name: -  William SILCOCK
    Parish: - Dorchester [All Saints]
    Trade: - Chimney Sweeper
    Condition: - Single [Note:- WilliamSILCOCK married Martha JESTINS 25th Jan 1801 All Saints Dorchester]
    Age: 26 [1774]
    Size: - 5ft 7 ins
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing a Pocket Handkerchief
    Bef whom tried: - Henry Sherick LLD
    When tried: - Epiphany Sessions 1800
    Event of trial: - Guilty 2 Calendar months hard labour in the House of Correction
    Sentence: - Working sweeping chimneys -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: -
    Prison Reg No. : - 1201
    Remarks: [Note:-Dorset Quarter Sessions Plea Books Image 99 of 261 , James Barnacle of Kingston Servant, Mary Mitchell Spinster of same place witnesses to prosecute and give evidence against one William SILLCOCK -- Quarter Sessions Order books 1798-1806 Image 104 of 386 "William SILCOCK - Indicted and convicted of felony ordered that he be imprisoned in the House of Correction of this County to hard labour for the space of two calendar months and then to be discharged. ]

Image 107 - 10 May 1800 - Elizabeth LESTER
    No. : - 27
    Warrant Date: - 10 May 1800
    By Whom : - J.H.Browne Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 10 May 1800
    Name: -  Elizabeth LESTER
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - -
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 13 [1787]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Having in her possession a quantity of wood taken from Jeffery Russell of Stinsford
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One months imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 7th June 1800
    Prison Reg No. : -

Image 111 - 12 Aug 1800 - Richard BROOKES
    No. : - 5
    Warrant Date: - 12 Aug 1800
    By Whom : - William Floyer Clerk
    Admitted to Prison: - 13 Aug 1800
    Name: - - Richard BROOKES
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 37 [c1763]
    Size: - 5ft 4 ins
    Hair: - Brown Gray
    Complexion: - Brown
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Left Eye Dark
    Crime: - Unlawfully fishing on Froome Farm
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 1 months Imprisonment [Working on the Engine ]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 11th Aug 1800
    Prison Reg No. : - [Blank]

Image 114 - 18 Oct 1800 - Joseph GAWLER
    No. : - 46
    Warrant Date: - 18 Oct 1800
    By Whom : - The Hon. Lionel Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 18 Oct 1800
    Name: -  Joseph GAWLER
    Parish: - Dorchester All Saints
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married [Note:- Joseph GAWLER (1766-1822) of All St's married Meriah [Maria] SAMPSON at St Georges Church in Fordington on 15th Jan 1795 ]
    Age: 34 [c.1766]
    Size: - 5ft 6½ ins
    Hair: - Bald
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: - Lusty
    Crime: - Feloniously milking a cow
    Bef whom tried: - [Blank]
    When tried: - 1801 Epiphany Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - 14 days to hard labour [working on the engine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 27 Jan 1801
    Prison Reg No. : -
    Remarks: [Dorset Quarter Sessions Plea Books 1793-1810 - Image 118 and 119 of 261 (ALSO "Joseph GAWLER Indicted Now No.13 for a misdemeanor - Judgment of Jury Guilty To be imprisoned in the House of Correction 14 days & then discharged "- Image 119 " Edward ENSOR of Dorchester a Butcher and Isaac TOOGOOD of Dorchester a Labourer --To appear prosecute and give evidence against Joseph GAWLER for Felony".". ALSO Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Books 1798-1806 Image 135 and 136 of 386 "At the Prayer of Edward ENSOR the prosecutor of Joseph GAWLER tried and convicted before this Court of Felony - That the Western Treasurer do pay unto the said Edward ENSOR the sum of One Pound and Four shillings and also to Isaac TOOGOOD the sum of 15 shillings his witness which to this court doth seem reasonable for their expenses trouble and attendance therein" -- 136 "Joseph GAWLER - Indicted and convicted of a felony ordered that he be imprisoned in the House of Correction (at Dorchester} of this County for the space of 14 days and then discharged".

Image 114 - 18 Oct 1800 - William SEAL
    No. : - 47
    Warrant Date: - 18 Oct 1800
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 18 Oct 1800
    Name: - - William SEAL
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 69 [c1731]
    Size: - 5ft 6 ins
    Hair: - Gray
    Complexion: - Brown
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: - [Blank]
    Crime: - Stealing Turnips
    Bef whom tried: - [Blank]
    When tried: - 1801 Epiphany Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - 7 days Hard Labour [working on the engine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21 Jan 1800
    Prison Reg No. : - [Blank]

Image 116 - 20 Dec 1800-  Ann FORTUNATUS (1751-1812)
    No. : - 81
    Warrant Date: - 20 Dec 1800
    By Whom : - Honorable Lionel Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 20 Dec 1800
    Name: - Ann FORTUNATUS [Note:- Ann STEPHENS married Fortunatus FORDINGTON at Broadmayne in Dorset on 1st Aug 1768]
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - [Blank but a spinner]
    Condition: - Widow [See comments under account about her life via above link]
    Age: 45 [1755]  [Actually Born Broadmayne in 1751]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Wood
    Bef whom tried: - [Blank - I have checked and this time she was not tried at the Quarter Sessions ]
    When tried: - [Blank]
    Event of trial: - [Blank]
    Sentence: - Ten shillings or one months imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 17th Jan 1801
    Prison Reg No. : -
    Remarks: Link to previous conviction on  16 Sep 1799 : See account of the life of  Ann FORTUNATUS also Ann FORDINGTON nee Stephens

Image 117 - 27th Dec 1800- John CLARKE
    No. : - 85
    Warrant Date: - 27th Dec 1800
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 27th Dec 1800
    Name: -  John CLARKE
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Widower
    Age: 65 [c1735]
    Size: - 5ft 3ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Brown
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Lusty
    Crime: - Idle & disorderly
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - one month to hard labour [Working on the Engine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 25th Jan 1801
    Prison Reg No. : - [Blank]

Image 120 - 14 Feb 1801 - Thomas BUTLER
    No. : - 129
    Warrant Date: - 14 Feb 1801
    By Whom : - Honorable Lionel Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 14 Feb 1801
    Name: - - Thomas BUTLER
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 40 [c1761]
    Size: - 5ft 7 ins
    Hair: - Dark Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: - A cut on the ball of the left thumb, Lusty
    Crime: - Stealing Turnips
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - one months Imprisonment or pay a fine of 16s 8d [Paid the fine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 18th Feb 1801
    Prison Reg No. : -

Image 120 - 11 Feb 1801 - John WINZAR
    No. : - 130
    Warrant Date: - 11 Feb 1801
    By Whom : - Hon. Lionel Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 11 Feb 1801
    Name: - - John WINZAR
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Blacksmith
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 49 [c1752]
    Size: - 5ft 11 ins
    Hair: - Black
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: - Two cuts thus II on Left Eyebrow
    Crime: - Breach of the Peace
    Bef whom tried: - Wm Toogood Esq and others
    When tried: - 1801 Easter assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - To be Imprisoned until he finds sureties himself in £100 and 2 sureties in £50 each to keep the Peace especially towards William HENNING for 3 years [Employed from 29th June 1801 Hatting until 13th Apr 1804]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 17th Apr 1804
    Prison Reg No. : -

Image 121 - 28th Feb 1801 - John BIRT
    No. : - 147
    Warrant Date: -
    By Whom : - 28th Feb 1801
    Admitted to Prison: - 28th Feb 1801
    Name: - John BIRT
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Horse Keeper to Coach
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 33 [c1768]
    Size: - 5ft 1 ins
    Hair: - Dark
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Crippled
    Crime: - Idle and Disorderly
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One Month hard labour
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 30th Mar 1801
    Prison Reg No. : -

Image 123 - 23 Mar 1801 - John Allen SWYER
    No. : - 5
    Warrant Date: - 23 Mar 1801
    By Whom : - William Floyer Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 23 Mar 1801
    Name: - - John Allen SWYER
    Parish: Fordington::
    Trade: - Gardener
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 26 [c1775]
    Size: - 5ft 5 ins
    Hair: - Sandy
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Lusty
    Crime: - Suspicion of Felony
    Bef whom tried: - L.R.Graham
    When tried: - 1801 Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: - No Prosecution
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 26th July 1801
    Prison Reg No. : -

Image 131 - 29 Aug 1801- Sarah the wife of Thomas SEAL

    No. : - 11
    Warrant Date: - 29 Aug 1801
    By Whom : - William Foyer Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 29 Aug 1801
    Name: - Sarah wife of Thomas SEAL
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Pedlar
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 23 [C1778]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing a Wheat Sheaf
    Bef whom tried: - W.M.Pitt Esq
    When tried: - 1801 Michaelmas Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: -One Weeks Imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 14th Oct 1801
    Prison Reg No. : -
    Remarks: [Note:- Dorset Quarter Sessions Plea Books 1793-1810 Image 134 of 261 William BOWER of Dorchester Esq and Samuel LEGG of Forthington Yeoman To appear prosecute and give evidence against Margaret Weston a& Sarah the Wife of Thomas SEAL for Felony"]

    Dorset Quarter Session Records Order Books 1798-1806 Image 170 and 171 of 386 " Sarah the wife of Thomas SEAL & Margaret WESTON Indicted and convicted of Felony ordered that they be imprisoned in the House of Correction of this County (Situated at Dorchester) for the space of 1 week and then to be discharged - Also - At the Prayer of William Bower Esq Prosecutor of Margaret WESTON and Sarah the wife of Thomas SEAL tried and convicted before this Court of Felony that the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County do pay unto the said William Bower the sum of [Blank] and also Samuel LEGG his witness which to this Court doth seem reasonable for their expenses trouble and attendance therein according to directions of the statute in that case made and provided"].

Image 131 - 29th Aug 1801 - Margaret WESTON
    No. : - 12
    Warrant Date: - 29 Aug 1801
    By Whom : - William Foyer Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 29 Aug 1801
    Name: -  Margaret WESTON
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Widow
    Age: 48 [c1753]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing a Wheat Sheaf
    Bef whom tried: - W.M.Pitt Esq
    When tried: - 1801 Michaelmas Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: -One Weeks Imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 14th Oct 1801
    Prison Reg No. : -
    Remarks: [Note:- See remarks under Sarah wife of Thomas SEAL above which equally apply to Margaret Weston]

Image 133 - 03 Nov 1801 - Robert BOWDITCH      [Note:- Later arrested for smuggling 25th Aug 1807]
    No. : - 37
    Warrant Date: - 03 Nov 1801
    By Whom : - Samuel Weston, Charles Bowles Justices of Weymouth
    Admitted to Prison: - In Custody
    Name: - Robert BOWDITCH
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - [Blank] - [In 1807 Married - A Robert BOWDITCH from All Saints Parish in Dorchester married a Mary CLARK at Charminster 22 July 1798]
    Age: [Blank] [c.1774] - [In 1807 Age 33 - so in 1801 aged 27]
    Size: - 5ft 6ins - [In 1807- 5ft 7ins]
    Hair: - Black - [same]
    Complexion: - Brown - [Swarthy]
    Eyes: - Gray - [same]
    Marks: - "Right hand off above the wrist , Lusty" - [same]
    Crime: - For an offence committed against the Law & Statutes of the Customs - [In 1807 Smuggling]
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - Three Months of hard labour once Whipped
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 8th Feb 1802
    Remarks: The Debtors Book Folio?

Image 134 - 21 Nov 1801 - Richard AMEY
    No. : - 44
    Warrant Date: - 21 Nov 1801
    By Whom : - C. Bowles Bailiff of Weymouth
    Admitted to Prison: - 021 Nov 1801
    Name: - Richard AMEY
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 15 [c1786] [Note:- His parents
    Size: - 5ft 2½ ins
    Hair: - Dark Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Dark Hazel
    Marks: - The Mark of the evil on the right side of the neck, Lusty
    Crime: - Stealing 3 Horse Shoes
    Bef whom tried: - J Pickard Esq and others
    When tried: - 1802 Epiphany Sessions
    Event of trial: - Acquitted
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 16 Jan 1802
    Prison Reg No. : -
    Remarks: [Note;- Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Books 1789-1806 Image 184 of 386 Richard AMEY, Thomas WILKINS and William VATCHER Indicted severally of a felony and found not guilty ordered that they be severally discharged . ]

Image 135 - 04 Jan 1802 - William TRAVERS
    No. : - 65
    Warrant Date: - 04 Jan 1802
    By Whom : - W.M.PITT Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 04 Jan 1802
    Name: - William TRAVERS
    Parish: - Dorchester Holy Trinity
    Trade: - Servant
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 36 [c 1766]
    Size: - 5ft 6 ins
    Hair: - Dark Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Light Hazel
    Marks: - The Mark of a cut on the top of the third finger of the right hand, Lusty
    Crime: - Stealing Turkeys
    Bef whom tried: - Thomas Pickard Esq and others
    When tried: -1802 Epiphany Sessions
    Event of trial: - No prosecution
    Sentence: - [working on the Engine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 16 Jan 1802
    Prison Reg No. : -
    Remarks: [Note:-Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Books 1798-1806 - Image 184 of 386 " William TRAVERS (with others) - For want of Prosecution Ordered that they be severally discharged"]

Image 135 - 04 Jan 1802 - William VATCHER
    No. : - 66
    Warrant Date: - 04 Jan 1802
    By Whom : - W.M.PITT Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 04 Jan 1802
    Name: - William VATCHER
    Parish: - Dorchester Holy Trinity
    Trade: - Carpenter
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 21 [c 1781]
    Size: - 5ft 7 ins
    Hair: - Light Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - The top of the middle finger of the right hand much larger in proportion than the rest, Lusty
    Crime: - Stealing Turkeys - for further examination
    Bef whom tried: - Thomas Pickard Esq and others
    When tried: -1802 Epiphany Sessions
    Event of trial: - No prosecution
    Sentence: - [working on the Engine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 16 Jan 1802
    Prison Reg No. : -
    Remarks: [Note:-Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Books 1798-1806 - Image 184 of 386 " William VATCHER (with Richard Amey and Thomas Wilkins ) - Indicted severally for a felony and found not guilty Ordered that they be severally discharged"]

Image 136 - 12 Jan 1802- Samuel LEGG
    No. : - 72
    Warrant Date: -
    By Whom : - [Surrendered (on bail) in Court at Dorset Quarter Sessions Epiphany 12 Jan 1802 ]
    Admitted to Prison: - 12 Jan 1802
    Name: - Samuel LEGG
    Parish: - Dorchester All Saints
    Trade: - Bricklayer [Note:- In QS Plea Books Image 128 he is referred to as a Mason]
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 21 [c1781]
    Size: - 5ft 9 ins
    Hair: - Light Brown
    Complexion: - Florid
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Gray whisker on the left side of the face & part of the same side of the head almost bald, Lusty
    Crime: - Bastardy
    Bef whom tried: - Thomas Pickard Esq and others
    When tried: - 1802 Epiphany Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - To remain until he obeys the order of sureties [Image 184 QS Order Books ]Samuel LEGG surrendered on Bail charged with bastardy by the parish of Fordington be imprisoned in the House of Correction until he perform the orders of the Court"
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 01 Feb 1802
    Prison Reg No. : -
    Remarks: By order of the Rev W Floyer [Note:- Vicar of Stinsford Dorset and a Justice of the Peace - Samuel LEGG who appeared before the Epiphany Assizes on 12th Jan 1802 and found guilty of bastardy - Link to Transcript detailing maintenance order. Mary LUCAS had her illegitimate daughter baptised as Elizabeth LUCAS at FStG on Christmas Day 1801]

Image 136 - 30 Jan 1802 - Dinah AMEY
    No. : - 75
    Warrant Date: - 30 Jan 1802
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 30 Jan 1802
    Name: - Dinah AMEY
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Widow
    Age: 49 [c.1753] [Note:- Her age when she died in 1833 was given as being 83 which would make her born c1750]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Threatening to run away & leave her family chargeable to the parish of Fordington
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 14 days hard labour
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 13 Feb 1802
    Remarks: [Note:- Dinah AMEY (1750/3-1833) was the widow of John AMEY (d.1800/1) ]

Image 140 - 15 Jun 1802- John WHITTLE
    No. : - 28
    Warrant Date: - 15 Jun 1802
    By Whom : - The Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 15 Jun 1802
    Name: - John WHITTLE
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - [Blank]
    Age: 21 [c1781]
    Size: - 5ft 1½ ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Blind
    Marks: - Much pitted with Smallpox, Lusty
    Crime: - On suspicion of stealing £100 [with John MITCHELL of Wincanton Somerset ] & for further examination
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: - [Neither tried]
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 16th June 1802
    Remarks: Taken off by Mr Galpin the Town Sergeant

Image 142 - 14 Sep 1802 - Lot GARTEL [GARTELL and GARRTELL]
    No. : - 14
    Warrant Date: - 14 Sep 1802
    By Whom : - William Floyer Clerk [of Stinsford]
    Admitted to Prison: - 14 Sep 1802
    Name: - Lot GARTEL
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Carrier
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 30 [c1772]
    Size: - 5ft 8½ ins
    Hair: - Light Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Mole under left side of neck & a cut across little finger left hand, Thumb out of joint same hand
    Crime: - For want of sureties to keep the peace
    Bef whom tried: - J Pickard Esq and others
    When tried: - 1802 Michaelmas Sessions
    Event of trial: - Not Prosecuted
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 8th Oct 1802
    Remarks: [Note Lot GARTEL married Elizabeth BUN at FStG on 03 Dec 1795 but she appears to have died and he remarried to Sarah TERRELL at FStG on 3rd Apr 1800]

Image 143 - 04 Oct 1802 - Richard AMEY
    No. : - 18
    Warrant Date: - 04 Oct 1802
    By Whom : - By the Court Borough Sessions Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 04 Oct 1802
    Name: - Richard AMEY
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - [Blank] - [In 1801 Single]
    Age: - [Blank] - [In 1801 aged 15 i.e. born c1786]
    Size: - - [Blank] -
    Hair: - - [Blank] -
    Complexion: - - [Blank] -
    Eyes: - - [Blank] -
    Marks: - - [Blank] -
    Crime: - Stealing one Horse Shoe
    Bef whom tried: - - [Blank] -
    When tried: - - [Blank] -
    Event of trial: - - [Blank] -
    Sentence: - Confined in the Gaol one Calendar Month [working on the engine]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 4th Nov 1802
    Remarks: [Note:- Link to Previous Arrest: See Folio 134 No. 44 ]

Image 144 - 27 Nov 1802- Mary ELLARD
    No. : - 32
    Warrant Date: - 27 Nov 1802
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 27 Nov 1802
    Name: - Mary ELLARD
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Widow
    Age: 33 [c1764]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Turnips
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 20 shillings fine or two months imprisonment {Employed on washing from 29 Nov 1802 to 21 Jan 1803
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 22 Jan 1803

Image 144 - 30 Nov 1802 - Mary CHURCHILL
    No. : - 34
    Warrant Date: - 30 Nov 1802
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: -
    Name: - Mary CHURCHILL
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Widow
    Age: 60 [c1742]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Turnips
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -Sentence: - 20 shillings fine or two months imprisonment {Employed on washing from 29 Nov 1802 to 21 Jan 1803
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 22 Jan 1803

Image 145 - 19 Feb 1803 - John SYMES
    No. : - 65
    Warrant Date: - 19 Feb 1803
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 19 Feb 1803
    Name: - John SYMES
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 35 [c1768]
    Size: - 5ft 9 ins
    Hair: - Light Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Many very small warts under both eye brows, nail of 3rd finger right hand split, Lusty
    Crime: - Stealing six Elm or Ash Piles
    Bef whom tried: - William Toogood Esq
    When tried: - 1803 Easter Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - 2 months to hard labour - Working Engine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 13 Jun 1803
    Remarks: [Note:- QS Records Order Books 1789-1806 Image 234 of 386 "Richard Wallis the prosecutor of Richard LOCK and John SYMES was paid £1 expenses -- Image 236 " Richard LOCK and John SYMES Indicted and severally convicted of felony ordered that they be severally imprisoned in the House of Correction of this County (situated in County Prison in Dorchester to hard labour for the space of two months and then to be discharged - Also repeated in Plea Books 1793-1810 Image 157 and image 158 a warrant was issued for Richard WALLIS of Herringston a Yeoman to appear prosecute and give evidence against John SYMES and Richard LOCK for Felony ] [See Later arrest 20th Aug 1803 ]

Image 145 - 19 Feb 1803 - Richard LOCK
    No. : - 65
    Warrant Date: - 19 Feb 1803
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 19 Feb 1803
    Name: - Richard LOCK
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 44 [c1759]
    Size: - 5ft 3½ ins
    Hair: - Sandy
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Nose inclines to the left side of the face, a cut across the middle joint of the little finger right hand,
    Crime: - Stealing six Elm or Ash Piles
    Bef whom tried: - William Toogood Esq
    When tried: - 1803 Easter Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - 2 months to hard labour - Working Engine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 13 Jun 1803
    Remarks: [Note:- QS Records Order Books 1789-1806 Image 234 of 386 "Richard Wallis the prosecutor of Richard LOCK and John SYMES was paid £1 expenses -- Image 236 " Richard LOCK and John SYMES Indicted and severally convicted of felony ordered that they be severally imprisoned in the House of Correction of this County (situated in County Prison in Dorchester to hard labour for the space of two months and then to be discharged - Also repeated in Plea Books 1793-1810 Image 157 and image 158 a warrant was issued for Richard WALLIS of Herringston a Yeoman to appear prosecute and give evidence against John SYMES and Richard LOCK for Felony ]
Image 148 - 30 Mar 1803- William MOREY
    No. : - 6
    Warrant Date: - 30 Mar 1803
    By Whom : - George Churchill Esq Justice of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 30 Mar 1803
    Name: - William MOREY
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 58 [c1745]
    Size: - 5ft 6 ins
    Hair: - black
    Complexion: - brown
    Eyes: - gray
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Covering his dwelling house with thatch contrary to the Dorchester Paving Act
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One Months Imprisonment working the Engine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 27 Apr 1803

Image 151 - 15 July 1803 - Lot GARTEL [Items in Italics were blank but details carried forward from previous offence]
    No. : - 50
    Warrant Date: - 15 July 1803
    By Whom : - T.G.Read Esq Mayor of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 15 July 1803
    Name: - Lot GARTEL
    Parish: - [Blank] [:Fordington ]
    Trade: - [Blank]- [Carrier]
    Condition: - [Blank] [Married]
    Age: [Blank] [Age 31 Born c1772]
    Size: - [5ft 8½ ins]
    Hair: - [Light Brown]
    Complexion: - [ Fair ]
    Eyes: - [Gray ]
    Marks: - [Mole under left side of neck & a cut across little finger left hand, Thumb out of joint same hand]
    Crime: - Suspicion of stealing a Bottle of Wine
    Bef whom tried: - Corporation of the Borough of Dorchester
    When tried: - 03 Oct
    Event of trial: - No Bill Presented
    Sentence: - Taken off by the Constables of the Borough of Dorchester
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 3 Oct 1803
    Remarks: Previous Conviction See Folio 142 No.7 dated 14th Sep 1802 [Note Lot GARTEL married Elizabeth BUN at FStG on 03 Dec 1795 but she appears to have died and he remarried to Sarah TERRELL at FStG on 3rd Apr 1800]

Image 152 - 27 July 1803- Thomas STYLE
    No. : - 57
    Warrant Date: - 27 July 1803
    By Whom : - William Floyer Clerk
    Admitted to Prison: - 27 July 1803
    Name: - Thomas STYLE
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Stone Mason
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 22 [c.1781]
    Size: - 5ft 5 ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Brown
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: - [Blank]
    Crime: - Stealing Silver and other coin
    Bef whom tried: - Baron Graham
    When tried: - 1803 Summer Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: -Fined 1/- & entered to serve in the Royal Navy -- Worked on the Engine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 31st July 1803
    Remarks: Taken off by Captain Wolf's Men

Image 154 - 20 Aug 1803 - Ann Wife of John SYMES
    No. : - 11
    Warrant Date: - 20 Aug 1803
    By Whom : - William FLOYER Clerk
    Admitted to Prison: - 20 Aug 1803
    Name: - Ann Wife of John SYMES
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 32 [c.1771]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Stealing Divers Bank Notes
    Bef whom tried: - Baron Graham
    When tried: - 1804 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: - Acquitted
    Sentence: - [working at lining and binding ]
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 18th Mar 1803
    Remarks: See her husband's entry below

Image 154 - 20 Aug 1803 - John SYMES
    No. : - 12
    Warrant Date: - 20 Aug 1803
    By Whom : - William FLOYER Clerk
    Admitted to Prison: - 20 Aug 1803
    Name: -  John SYMES
    Parish: [ Fordington ]
    Trade: -
    Condition: - [Married]
    Age: [Blank] [?]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Breach of the Peace
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: - Bailed [working on the engine]
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 27th Aug 1803 By order of J.H.Browne Esq
    Remarks: Former convictions See Folio:146 No.65 Image 145 - Follow link to prior arrest on 19th Feb 1803 for more details omitted above

Image 155 - 01 Sep 1803- Joseph NORRIS
    No. : - 18
    Warrant Date: - 01 Sep 1803
    By Whom : - Mayor of the Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 01 Sep 1803
    Name: - Joseph NORRIS
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Miller
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 24 [c.1779]
    Size: - 5ft 6 ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Pale
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - A large cut on the back of the left wrist. Right leg has been broken, Long visage
    Crime: - Desertion from the Dorset Battalion of the Army of Reserve
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - Worked on the Engine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 16 Sep 1803
    Remarks: Discharged by order of the Mayor of Dorchester

Image 156 - 06 Oct 1803 - Thomas KEATS
    No. : - 39
    Warrant Date: - 06 Oct 1803
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 08 Oct 1803
    Name: - Thomas KEATS
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 60 [c.1743]
    Size: - 5ft 5 ins
    Hair: - Dark Brown
    Complexion: - Gray? [Fair]
    Eyes: - Fair? [Gray]
    Marks: - Cut on left side of head
    Crime: - Leaving his Masters Service
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 14 days in the House of Correction
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 22nd Oct 1803

Image 157 - 10 Dec 1803 - Elizabeth MANFIELD
    No. : - 55
    Warrant Date: - 10 Dec 1803
    By Whom : - Honorable Lionel Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 10 Dec 1803
    Name: -  Elizabeth MANFIELD
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 21 [c.1782]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Vagabond
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 7 days in the House of Correction
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 17 Dec 1803

Image 162 - 12 May 1804 - John DAVIS
    No. : - 19
    Warrant Date: - 12 May 1804
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 12 May 1804
    Name: - John DAVIS
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 29 [c.1775]
    Size: - 5ft 10 ins
    Hair: - Sandy Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Lusty
    Crime: - Leaving his Masters Service
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 14 Days Imprisonment working on engine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 26th May 1804

Image 163 - 23 Jun 1804 - Sarah WINZAR
    No. : - 30
    Warrant Date: - 23 Jun 1804
    By Whom : - Honorable Lionel Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 23 Jun 1804
    Name: - Sarah WINZAR
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 24 [c.1780]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Idle and Disorderly
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 1 Months Imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21 July 1804
    Remarks: [Note:- Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Books 1798 - 1806 (QSM 1/12) image 329 of 386 Epiphany Sessions held at Blandford Forum on Tuesday 15th, Wed 16th and Thur 17th Jan 1805 " Mary BUCKLER , Sarah WINZAR and Elizabeth WINZAR charged and Adjudged Rogues and Vagabonds Ordered that they be severally Imprisoned in the House of Correction for the space of six calendar months and then to be discharged"

Image 163 - 23 Jun 1804 - Elizabeth WINZAR
    No. : - 31
    Warrant Date: - 23 Jun 1804
    By Whom : - Hon. L Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 23 June 1804
    Name: - Elizabeth WINZAR
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 23 [c1781]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Idle and Disorderly
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One Months Imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21 July 1804
    Remarks: [Note:- Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Books 1798 - 1806 (QSM 1/12) image 329 of 386 Epiphany Sessions held at Blandford Forum on Tuesday 15th, Wed 16th and Thur 17th Jan 1805 " Mary BUCKLER , Sarah WINZAR and Elizabeth WINZAR charged and Adjudged Rogues and Vagabonds Ordered that they be severally Imprisoned in the House of Correction for the space of six calendar months and then to be discharged"

Image 163 - 23 Jun 1804 - Mary BUCKLER
    No. : - 32
    Warrant Date: - 23 Jun 1804
    By Whom : - Hon. L Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 23 Jun 1804
    Name: - Mary BUCKLER
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 18 [c.1786]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Idle and Disorderly
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 1 Months Imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21 July 1804
    Remarks: [See further offence next record]

Image 165 - 3 Nov 1804 - Mary BUCKLER
    No. : - 28
    Warrant Date: - 03 Nov 1804
    By Whom : - Hon. L. Damer Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 03 Nov 1804
    Name: -Mary BUCKLER
    Parish: - Blank - [ Fordington ]
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - [ Single]
    Age: Blank [Aged 18 Born c.1786]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Incorrigible Rogue
    Bef whom tried: - Thomas Pickard Esq and others
    When tried: - 1805 Ephiphany Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - To be imprisoned for 6 Calendar Months Working at Spinning Flax from 7 Feb 1805 to July 1805
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 14 July 1805
    Remarks: Folio 163 No 32 [See case above] [Note:- Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Books 1798 - 1806 (QSM 1/12) image 329 of 386 Epiphany Sessions held at Blandford Forum on Tuesday 15th, Wed 16th and Thur 17th Jan 1805 " Mary BUCKLER , Sarah WINZAR and Elizabeth WINZAR charged and Adjudged Rogues and Vagabonds Ordered that they be severally Imprisoned in the House of Correction for the space of six calendar months and then to be discharged"

Image 165 - 20 Sep 1804 - Thomas CANTERBURY

    No. : - 15
    Warrant Date: - 20 Sep 1804
    By Whom : - The Mayor of Weymouth
    Admitted to Prison: - 20 Sep 1804
    Name: - Thomas CANTERBURY
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Sailor
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 12 [c1792*]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Feloniously damaging a ship {Note:- He was with Benjamin WATERHOUSE of Chatham a Sailor age 16 who was also charged with the same offence]
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - Working the Engine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 2nd Jan 1805
    Remarks: Removed by Habeas Corpus to Newgate [Note:- See other Records relating to him from Newgate and Portsmouth below :-]

    (1) UK Prison Commission Records 1770-1951 - Newgate Prison List of Felons 1859-1890 - Image 128 of 278 - He is Listed under the heading of "Admiralty Transports" as "Del 19 March 1805 : Thomas CANTERBURY : 13 : Portsmouth : 14 yrs : Jan 16 1805 " -- Also 119 of 278 -- Also

    (2) Newgate Calendar of Prisoners 1785-1853 Piece 61:1804-1810 Image 201 of 533 Entry States " Delivered at Portsmouth 19th March 1805 : Benjamin WATERHOUSE and Thomas CANTERBURY } Convicted of Maliciously damaging a certain vessel called a Sloop belonging to Benjamin KERRIDGE upon the high seas within & are severally ordered to be transported beyond the seas for a term of 14 years" -- Also

    (3) Newgate Calendar of Prisoners 1785-1853 Piece 12:1804 Dec 1895 Oct Image 54 of 401 (a printed published document) ADMIRALTY No. 17 Benjamin WATERHOUSE and Thomas CANTERBURY from Dorchester Gaol committed by sir W Scott, Knight, J Nicholl, J Arnold, and F Lawrence Esq's for felony committed on the high seas, within the jurisdiction if the Admiralty of England . Also listed image 120 of 401 which confirms convicted at an Admiralty Session held January 16th 1805 of felony and ordered to be transported beyond the seas for a term of 14 years. -- Also

    (4) UK Commission Records 1770-1951 Newgate Prison List of Felons 1770-1951 - Newgate Prison List of Felons 1845-1851? (Image 166 of 279) Their names are listed as having been "Delivered on board the 'Captivity' - for transport" [Note: Captivity was previously HMS Monmouth (1772) who was paid off in 1784 and became renamed as a prison hulk moored at Portsmouth from 20 Oct 1796]. There are no dates on the page but this listing carries on a listing started on image 162 which has a date of March 1805

    (5) UK Prison Hulk Registers & Letter Books 1802-1849 - Captivity Register 1801-1836 image 21 of 47 :- Name: Benjamin Waterhouse : Age 17: Offence Admiralty Sessions: When & Where Convicted London 16 Jan 1805 Sentence 14 years : Remarks Sent on Board the Fortune 9th Jan 1806 -- Thomas CANTERBURY Age 13: Offence Admiralty Sessions: When & Where Convicted London 16 Jan 1805 Sentence 14 years : Remarks Drowned 5th July 1805? [Last digit unclear]

    (6) NOTE:-Thomas CANTERBURY was baptised at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 17th March 1790* the illegitimate son of Charlotte the 12th child from the marriage of Richard CANTERBURY of HT to Sarah LOCK of Broadmayne at HT on 18th Aug 1751. Follow link for more information about his father and family.

    [(7) Note:-Newspapers: Oracle and the Daily Adviser - Thursday 17rth January 1805 :-
    Yesterday Sessions commenced before the Rt Hon. Sir William Scott; Sir Simeon Le Blanc; Baron Hotham, &c. for the trials and offences committed on the high seas, within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty. Benjamin Waterhouse and Thomas Canterbury were indicted for feloniously and maliciously boring two holes in the keel of a sloop called the Five Brothers, off Weymouth, on the 9th of Sep with an intent to sink the said vessel.

    The circumstances of the case were such as follow. Patrick HODGE the Captain of the vessel which was laying half a mile off Weymouth Harbour, and laden with Portland Stone, went on shore at ten o'clock on the morning stated, and left the vessel in the care of prisoners, who were his apprentices. At the time the sloop was in good condition, but on the Captain returning on board at seven o'clock in the evening, he assisted in weighing anchor, with an intent to place the vessel in Weymouth inner road for security. He found out that she was water logged, there being about five feet water in the hold, and to save her from almost instantly going down, he was obliged to run her ashore. He sent for MR B.Killage the owner who assisted in working at the pumps until ten o'clock, but finding that their exertions gained but little on the leak, they went below to adopt some plan, and on their arrival again on deck, the prisoners had escaped in the ship's boat. They worked at the pumps all night an din the morning having nearly emptied her they perceived that two holes had been bored in her bottom, of an inch in diameter. He also perceived that the cabin door had been forced by which the prisoners had got below and effected their purpose.

    The prisoners were pursued and taken; the one at Blandford, the other at Wimborne in Dorsetshire. A written confession as declared by the Prisoners before the Mayor of Weymouth, was read in Court. This instrument gave a statement of the whole of the transaction and in which the Prisoners declared it was determined to sink the vessel, and that Waterhouse had suggested the plab ---Guilty. Sir Wm Scott remarked to the prisoners, that they had been found guilty of a wicked and unprovoked offence, and he passed on them the sentence of 14 years transportation beyond the seas: Waterhouse is 18 years of age, and Canterbury 14.

    (8) Note:- Similar Article in Morning Post - Thursday 17th Jan 1805 but with slightly different account:-
    Ben, WATERHOUSE, a lad of 16, and Thomas CANTERBURY, aged 13, were indicted upon the statute of 33 Geo.III. The indictment charged that they being mariners on board a sloop called the 'Five Brothers', on the 9th of September last in Weymouth Roads, within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England, did feloniously and maliciously damage a sloop belonging to Edw. KERRIDGE, by boring holes through the bottom whereby the said sloop was in imminent danger of being sunk and lost. Patrick HUGHES, the master, stated that the two prisoners were on board the sloop on the 9th of September, when they came to Weymouth Roads, The eldest was his apprentice, and the other was up[on liking. He went on shore at eight o'clock in the morning on the 9th, and left only the two boys on board. He returned about nine in the evening, and hailed a boat which did not answer: he then hailed a man of war's boat, which sent his boat on shore: when he got on board they weighed anchor with ba view of coming closer in shore, but he found the ship water logged. They then set the pumps to work, and run her aground to prevent he4r sinking in deep water: he sent for the owner, who came on board, and upon a search they found that the ceiling had been broken up, and two holes bored through the bottom near the keel; they appeared to have been made with a borer of the same sort, and there was a spike gimber on board which would make just such sort of hole; The boys in the course of the evening both got ashore, and ran away. Kerridge the owner confirmed this account, and stated that he traced the boys, one of whom was taken at Blandford and the other near it.

    The confession of the boys as taken before the Mayor of Weymouth was then read. It stated that being left alone the eldest exclaimed, he wished there was a hole in the ship's bottom, upon which they both went down below, broke up the ceiling with a hatchet, and bored the hole with a spike gimblet, that the head of the instrument came off as they were about the last, and the gimblet slipped through the hole. Being called upon for their defence, they did not deny the fact, but said the Captain was always beating them. This the Captain denied in his evidence. The Jury withdrew a short time and returned with a verdict of Guilty against both. Sir William Scott immediately pronounced the sentence of the Court, which was that they should be transported for 14 years.

Image 166 - 03 Nov 1804 - Elizabeth CHURCHILL
    No. : - 29
    Warrant Date: - 03 Nov 1804
    By Whom : - Honorable Lionel Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 03 Nov 1804
    Name: - Elizabeth CHURCHILL
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Blank
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 18 [c.1786]
    Size: - Blank
    Hair: - Blank
    Complexion: - Blank
    Eyes: - Blank
    Marks: - Blank
    Crime: - Idle & Disorderly
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 1st Dec 1804

Image 166 - 06 Nov 1804 - Sarah WINZAR [Items in italics from prior conviction]
    No. : - 36
    Warrant Date: - 06 Nov 1804
    By Whom : - Hon. Lionel Damer:
    Admitted to - 06 Nov 1804
    Name: - Sarah WINZAR
    Parish: Blank [Fordington]
    Trade: - Blank
    Condition: - Blank [ Single ]
    Age: Blank [ Age 24 c.1780]
    Size: - Blank
    Hair: - Blank
    Complexion: - Blank
    Eyes: - Blank
    Marks: - Blank
    Crime: - Incorrigible rogue [Charges as Rogues and Vagabonds - Edward ENSOR of Forthington Yeoman to appear and exhibit on Information and complaint against Sarah Winzar & Elizabeth Winzar for being Incorrigible Rogues Image 182 of 261 Plea Books 1793-1810]
    Bef whom tried: - Thomas Pritchard & others
    When tried: - Epiphany Sessions Held at Blandford Forum 15th Jan 1805 Quarter Session Order Books 1798-1806 Image 329 of 386
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - To be imprisoned for 6 calendar months Working at carding and spoinning from Feb 1805 to July 1805
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 14 July 1805
    Remarks: Previous Conviction Folio 163 No. 30

Image 166 - 06 Nov 1804 - Elizabeth WINZAR[Items in italics from prior conviction]
    No. : - 37
    Warrant Date: - 06 Nov 1804
    By Whom : - Hon. L Damer
    Admitted to Prison: - 06 Nov 1804
    Name: - Elizabeth WINZAR
    Parish: Blank [Fordington]
    Trade: - Blank
    Condition: - Blank [Single]
    Age: Blank [ 23 Born c 1781 ]
    Size: - Blank
    Hair: - Blank
    Complexion: - Blank
    Eyes: - Blank
    Marks: - Blank
    Crime: - Incorrigible rogue [Charges as Rogues and Vagabonds - Edward ENSOR of Forthington Yeoman to appear and exhibit on Information and complaint against Sarah Winzar & Elizabeth Winzar for being Incorrigible Rogues Image 182 of 261 Plea Books 1793-1810]
    Bef whom tried: - Thomas Pritchard & others
    When tried: - Epiphany Sessions Held at Blandford Forum 15th Jan 1805 Quarter Session Order Books 1798-1806 Image 329 of 386
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - To be imprisoned for 6 calendar months Working at carding and spoinning from Feb 1805 to July 1805
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 14 July 1805
    Remarks: Previous Conviction Folio 163 No. 31

Image 168 - 22 Dec 1804 - William NORRIS
    No. : - 55
    Warrant Date: - 22 Dec 1804
    By Whom : - J.H.Browne Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 22 Dec 1804
    Name: - William NORRIS
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married [William NORRIS married Mary DAVIS at FStG on 4th Feb 1793 ]
    Age: 39 [c.1765]
    Size: - 5ft 7½ ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Cut from the left thumb to the forefinger, Lusty
    Crime: - Permitting his family to become chargeable to the Parish
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 14 days hard labour , working the engine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 4th Jan 1805
    Remarks: See Previous arrest on 18th Jan 1793 for Bastardy

Image 171 - 25 Mar 1805 - John RANDEL
    No. : 26
    Warrant Date: - 25 Mar 1805
    By Whom : - W.P.Gummey and J.D.Doune Esq's
    Admitted to Prison: - 25 Mar 1805
    Name: - John RANDEL
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Malt
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 37 [c.1768]
    Size: 5ft 9½ ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: - A cut down the upper lip and another cut on the left temple , Lusty
    Crime: - Stealing Pork
    Bef whom tried: - J Pickard Esq.
    When tried: - 1805 Easter assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - Hard Labour 6 Calendar Months - working at Hatting from Apr 1805 to Oct 1805
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 22nd Oct 1805
    Remarks: [Note:- Dorset Quarter Sessions held at Sherborne 23rd Apr 1805, Image 185 of 261, Plea Books 1793-1810 :: "John WARD of Netherbury a Butcher and William DAVISON of Poorstock a butcher were ordered to appear, prosecute and give evidence against John RANDELL for Felony -- Also-- Order Books 1798-1806 Image 341 of 386 " John RANDALL convicted of Felony ordered to be Imprisoned in the House of Correction of this County to Hard Labourer for the space of 6 months then to be discharged}

Image 171 - 15 Apr 1805 - John WEST
    No. : - 14
    Warrant Date: - 15 Apr 1805
    By Whom : - William Floyer Clerk [of Stinsford and JP]
    Admitted to Prison: - 15 Apr 1805
    Name: - John WEST
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Single
    Age16 [c.1789]
    Size: - 5ft 4 ins
    Hair: - Flaxen
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - A cut between the eyebrows leaning towards the left eye, a dent near the tip of the right middle finger occasioned by the bite of an adder, Lusty
    Crime: - Stealing divers articles of wearing apparel & part of a chop of bacon
    Bef whom tried: - Baron Graham
    When tried: - Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty on this indiction [but escaped remarks and next entry below ] Previous conviction to this book Folio 91 No.69]
    Sentence: -
    When Discharged: -
    Remarks: Escaped: Wednesday night 22nd or Thursday Morning 23rd May 1805 by enlarging the (ocutrlating ???) Holes at the top of his cell & getting through the arch into the Cock Loft, then going through the cistern at the end of the wing, then getting down on the upper Gallery, and and from thence to the under Gallery, then jumped down the on the Eastmound Common Gaol, got over the Palest went to the Hatting Shop, got through the window & took out the Hatters Poker with which he penetrated and made a Hole in the boundary wall and got off. He was retaken near Wrackleford and brought back to this Prison on Thursday Evening by Milbourne of Charminster Westbroke the finishing shop at the window and stole a staff Hat.

Image 172 - 17 Apr 1805 - John WEST
    No. : - 14 Continued [See above]
    Warrant Date: - 17 Apr 1805
    By Whom : - W.M.Pitt Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - Detained
    Name: -  John WEST
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 16 [c.1789]
    Size: - [5ft 4 ins]
    Hair: - [ Flaxen ]
    Complexion: -[ Fair ]
    Eyes: - [ Gray ]
    Marks: - [ A cut between the eyebrows leaning towards the left eye, a dent near the tip of the right middle finger occasioned by the bite of an adder, Lusty]
    Crime: - Stealing a Watch, a Purse and Money
    Bef whom tried: - Baron Graham
    When tried: - Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: - Allainted? of stealing good(s) & monies above the value of 4s? in a dwelling house
    Sentence: - DEATH [Reprieved] To be transported to the Eastern Coast of New South Wales by some one or other of the Island adjacent, during the term of his natural life Working grinding corn Nov 1805 to 2nd Sep 1807
    Behaviour:- disorderly
    When Discharged: - 2nd Sep 1807
    Remarks: Delivered on Board the  'Captivity' then in Portsmouth Harbour.  [Note: Captivity was previously HMS Monmouth (1772) who was paid off in 1784 and became renamed as a prison hulk moored at Portsmouth from 20 Oct 1796].

Image 174 - 27 July 1805 - Mary BUCKLER
    No. : - 47
    Warrant Date: - 27 July 1805
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 27 July 1805
    Name: - Mary BUCKLER
    Parish: - Blank - [Fordington]
    Trade: - [Blank] -
    Condition: - [Blank] -[ Single in 1804]
    Age: - [Blank] - [Age 19 --18 in 1805 Born c 1786]
    Size: - - [Blank] -
    Hair: - - [Blank] -
    Complexion: - - [Blank] -
    Eyes: - - [Blank] -
    Marks: - - [Blank] -
    Crime: - Incorrigible rogue and vagabond
    Bef whom tried: - J Pickard Esq & others
    When tried: - 1805 Michal mus Sessions
    Event of trial: - No Prosecution
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 11 Oct 1805
    Remarks: See Previous Arrests Filio 165 No 28.

Image 178 - 19 Sep 1805- Elizabeth MANFIELD
    No. : - 31
    Warrant Date: - 19 Sep 1805
    By Whom : - Nathaniel Stickland Esq Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 19 Sep 1805
    Name: - Elizabeth MANFIELD
    Parish: - Blank - [Fordington]
    Trade: - Blank -
    Condition: - Blank - [Single]
    Age: Blank - [Age 21 in 1803 Born c1782]
    Size: - - Blank -
    Hair: - - Blank -
    Complexion: - - Blank -
    Eyes: - - Blank -
    Marks: - - Blank -
    Crime: - Idle and Disorderly
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - One Calendar month to hard labour
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21st Jan 1806
    Remarks: Previous Conviction Folio 157 No. 55 - This Woman being diseased when she was brought to prison, was suffered to remain until she was cured

Image 181 - 05 Feb 1806 - William STAINER
    No. : - 75
    Warrant Date: - 05 Feb 1806
    By Whom : - J Arbuthnot Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 05 Feb 1806
    Name: - William STAINER
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 31 [c.1775]
    Size: - 5ft 3 ins
    Hair: - Light
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Lusty
    Crime: - Stealing a spade
    Bef whom tried: - J Pickard Esq & Others
    When tried: - 1806 Easter assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty - working day labour from Apr 1806 to 13July 18706
    Sentence: -3 calendar months hard labour
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 14 July 1806
    Remarks: Previous Convictions See Folio 69 No. 34 [Note:- Quarter Sessions Order Books 1798-1806 Image 375 of 386 " At the Prayer of John PITMAN the Prosecutor of William STAINER tried and convicted before this Court of Felony that the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County do pay unto the said John PITMAN the sum of One Pound and 4 shillings and also to Joseph JONES and George STILE the sum of 15 shillings each his witnesses which to this Court doth seem reasonable for expenses trouble and attendance therein] [Note:- William SATYNER married Sarah LUCAS at FStG on11 March 1805 ]

Image 184 - 18 Apr 1806 - Elizabeth MANFIELD
    No. : - 20
    Warrant Date: - 18 Apr 1806
    By Whom : - William Bower Esq Justice of Borough of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 18 Apr 1806
    Name: - Elizabeth MANFIELD
    Parish: - Blank - [Fordington]
    Trade: - Blank -
    Condition: - Blank - [Single]
    Age: Blank - [Age 21 in 1803 Born c1782]
    Size: - - Blank -
    Hair: - - Blank -
    Complexion: - - Blank -
    Eyes: - - Blank -
    Marks: - - Blank -
    Crime: - Rogue and Vagabond
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - Imprisonment 1 Calendar month
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 17 May 1806
    Remarks: See Previous conviction Folio 178 No. 31

Image 185 - 06 June 1806 - Cassa [Cassandra] PLOWMAN
    No. : - 38
    Warrant Date: - 06 Jun 1806
    By Whom : - Dr Cooper & G Churchill Esq's
    Admitted to Prison: - 06 June 1806
    Name: - Cassa [Cassandra] PLOWMAN
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - [Blank]
    Condition: - Widow
    Age: 52 [c.1754]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Smuggling
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - Fined £10
    Behavour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 21 July 1807
    Remarks: [Note:- John PLOWMAN married Cassandra MULLINS at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 18th Jan 1782 but he died and was buried at Holy Trinity on 1st April 1801 leaving her a widow as stated above]

Image 186 - 19 Jun 1806 - Mary SUMMERS
    No. : - 43
    Warrant Date: - 19 Jun 1806
    By Whom : - T Meggs Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 19 Jun 1806
    Name: - Mary SUMMERS
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Servant
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 24 [c.1782 ]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Vagrancy
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - 1 month Imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 16th July 1806

Image 186 - 19 Jun 1806 - Samuel BAYLEY
    No. : - 45
    Warrant Date: - 19 Jun 1806
    By Whom : - T Meggs Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 19 Jun 1806
    Name: - Samuel BAYLEY
    Parish: - Dorchester All Saints Parish
    Trade: - Carpenter
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 35 [c.1771]
    Size: - 5ft 6 ins
    Hair: - Dark Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Broad Face , Long Chin, Lusty
    Crime: - Housebreaking
    Bef whom tried: - Sir Allan Chambers
    When tried: - 1806 Summer Assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - Fined 1/- & six calendar months hard labour - working as carpenter from June 1806 to Jan 1807
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 27 Jan 1807

Image 188 - 20 Aug 1806 - Elizabeth MANFIELD
    No. : - 16
    Warrant Date: - 20 Aug 1806
    By Whom : - J Arbuthnot Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 20 Aug 1806
    Name: - Elizabeth MANFIELD
    Parish: - Blank - [Fordington]
    Trade: - Blank -
    Condition: - Blank - [Single]
    Age: Blank - [Age 21 in 1803 Born c1782]
    Size: - - Blank -
    Hair: - - Blank -
    Complexion: - - Blank -
    Eyes: - - Blank -
    Marks: - - Blank -
    Crime: - Rogue and Vagabond
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - Imprisonment 28 days
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 16 Sep 1806
    Remarks: See Previous conviction Folio 184 No. 20

Image 191 - 05 Dec 1806 - Richard BILLETT
    No. : - 60
    Warrant Date: - 05 Dec 1806
    By Whom : - Robert Patterson Justice of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 05 Dec 1806
    Name: -Richard BILLETT
    Parish: - Dorchester St Peters
    Trade: - Chase Driver
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 20 [c.1786]
    Size: - 5ft 5½ ins
    Hair: - Dark Sandy
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - A cut along the left side of the nose & a bruise on 2nd finger right hand, Lusty
    Crime: - Bastardy
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 20 Dec 1806
    Remarks: Discharged by warrant under the hand and seal of the committing Magistrate [Note:- At this date is was common practice for illegitimate children to be baptised with the father's surname as a second name if the mother and/or child were likely to fall for support from the overseers of the poor. A female child was baptised at St Peters church on 12th January 1807 as Ann Billet the daughter of Elizabeth GOULD.]

Image 192 - 18 Dec 1806 - Elizabeth MANFIELD
    No. : - 67
    Warrant Date: - 18 Dec 1806
    By Whom : - T.Meggs Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 20 Aug 1806
    Name: - Elizabeth MANFIELD
    Parish: - Blank - [Fordington]
    Trade: - Blank -
    Condition: - Blank - [Single]
    Age: Blank - [Age 21 in 1803 Born c1782]
    Size: - - Blank -
    Hair: - - Blank -
    Complexion: - - Blank -
    Eyes: - - Blank -
    Marks: - - Blank -
    Crime: - Rogue and Vagabond
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -1 months Imprisonment
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 14 Jan 1807
    Remarks: See Previous conviction Folio 188 No. 16

Image 192 - 19 Jan 1807 - Samuel COLLIS
    No. : - 75
    Warrant Date: - 19 Jan 1807
    By Whom : - J Pickard Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 19 Jan 1807
    Name: - Samuel COLLIS
    Parish: - Ibberton but lives at Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married
    Age: 24 [c.1783]
    Size: - 5ft 7 ins
    Hair: - Light Sandy
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Hazel
    Marks: - Two cuts on the forehead, Lusty
    Crime: - Rogue and Vagabond
    Bef whom tried: - J Pickard Esq and others
    When tried: - 1807 Easter Sessions
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - Six calendar months Imprisonment and at the end of that time to enlist into HM's Land Service [working from Jan 1807 at Hatting until Oct 1807
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: -
    Remarks: Enlisted into H.M. 66th Regiment of Foot [Note:- He was born at Ibberton in Dorset and baptised there on 28th Nov 1783 recorded as Samuel COLLES son of John & Amey COLLES] See Also Dorset Quarter Session Order Books 1806-1812 Image 35 of 333 which states "Samuel Collis, George Butt, Christopher Woodward and John Purchase - Charged and adjudged Rogues and Vagabonds under the statute of G2nd ordered that they be severally imprisoned in the House of Correction of this County for the space of six calendar months and at the expiration of that period to enlist into His Majesty's Land Service." { Same Entry in Plea Books 1793-1810 Image 212 of 261.

Image 198 - 12 Aug 1807 - John TIZARD
    No. : - 9
    Warrant Date: - 12 Aug 1807
    By Whom : - James Frampton Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 13 Aug 1807 [Fully Committed 15 Aug 1807]
    Name: - John TIZARD
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Miller
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 22 [c.1785]
    Size: 5ft 6 ins
    Hair: - Light Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Cut on 2nd joint fore finger right hand & another on the knuckle joint of the thumb, Lusty
    Crime: - Rape & for Further examination
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 19th March 1808
    Remarks: [ Note:- John TIZARD a blacksmith from the parish of Askerwell appeared at the Quarter Sessions held at Blandford Forum on 13th January 1807 to answer a charge that he was the reputed father of a female bastard child delivered by Dinah SHEPARD of the Parish of Maiden Newton on the 6th December 1806. He was found guilty and ordered to pay 20 shillings towards the lying in of Dinah Sheppard and the maintenance of the child to that date and 1shilling and sixpence weekly thereafter. Dina SHEPPARD herself also had to pay a weekly charge of 9 pence to the churchwardens and overseers of the Poor of Maiden Newton in case she shall not nurse and take care of the child herself. I have not so far found any further information about this arrest]

Image 199 - 25 Aug 1807 - Robert BOWDITCH      [Note:- Previous arrest 3rd Nov 1801 for smuggling]
    No. : - 15
    Warrant Date: - 25 Aug 1807
    By Whom : - Robert Patterson and George Churchill Esq's
    Admitted to Prison: - 25 Aug 1807
    Name: - Robert BOWDITCH
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Married [Note:- A Robert BOWDITCH from All Saints Parish in Dorchester married a Mary CLARK at Charminster 22 July 1798]
    Age: 33 [c.1774]
    Size: - 5ft 7 ins
    Hair: - Black
    Complexion: - Swarthy
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Right hand off above the wrist , Lusty
    Crime: - Smuggling
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - To pay a fine of £15. 15s. 0d [Employed on the engine] Paid the fine
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 4th Sep 1807
    Remarks: Previous Offences : See Debtors Book Folio 38 No. 3 [Note:- There was an advert in the Sherborne Mercury Monday 17 Aug 1807 which may be relevant" Custom House London 30th July 1807 - Whereas it has been represented to the commissioners of his Majesty's Customs that on the 19th day of June last the Boat's Crew of the TYGER CUTTER in the service of the customs stationed at Roquine in the Island of Guernsey whilst in chase of a Smuggling boat were feloniously fired on by some persons unknown on board the said smuggling boat, which escaped ---The Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs in order to bring to justice the person or persons concerned in this felony and outrage are hereby pleased to offer a REWARD of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS to any person or persons who shall apprehend or cause to be apprehended any one or more of the said offenders, to be paid by the Receiver - General of his Majesty's Customs upon conviction. ]

Image 199 - 06 Oct 1807 - James MILFORD
    No. : - 6
    Warrant Date: - 06 Oct 1807
    By Whom : - William Floyer Clerk
    Admitted to Prison: - 06 Oct 1807
    Name: - James MILFORD
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Widower
    Age: 35 [c.1772]
    Size: - 5ft 1 ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Swarthy
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Lost almost all the hair on the forehead, Lusty
    Crime: - Bastardy
    Bef whom tried: - J Pickard Esq and others
    When tried: - 1808 Epiphany Sessions
    Event of trial: - Discharged [working whitewashing]
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 13 Jan 1808
    Remarks: See Debtors Book Folio 46 No 12 [Note:- Link to transcription of Bastardy Order issued at the Easter Quarter Sessions held at Sherborne 26th, 27th and 28th days of April 1808] [Note:- Baptism Register Tolpuddle Dorset "Feb: 14 - John - Base Son of Jane PEARCE "]

Image 200 - 22 Oct 1807 - Charlotte BARNES

    No. : - 30
    Warrant Date: - 22 Oct 1807
    By Whom : - J.H.Browne Esq
    Admitted to Prison: - 23 Oct 1807
    Name: - Charlotte BARNES
    Parish: Born at Fordington lives at Maiden Newton
    Trade: - Labourer
    Condition: - Single [Note:- [Actual age 14]
    Age: 13 [c.1794] [Note:- Baptised FStG 11th Aug 1793 Charlotte base-born daughter of Martha BARNES - Being very young she is likely to have moved to maiden Newton with her mother Martha, and I note that a Martha BARNES married William GROVES of Broadway at Maiden Newton on 11th Jan 1797.]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Housebreaking
    Bef whom tried: - Sergeant Marshall
    When tried: - 1808 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: - Guilty
    Sentence: - Seven years Transportation
    Behaviour:- Disorderly
    When Discharged: - 19th May 1808
    Remarks: Put on board the 'Aolus' (*) Transport at Deptford for New South Wales.

      [File Notes:-
      Article in the Sherborne Mercury - Monday 2nd Nov 1807 page 4 " Charlotte BARNES, charged with breaking open the dwelling-house of Benjamin CAVE, at Froome Vauchurch and stealing there-out a blue handkerchief, containing a quantity of nuts and a pair of slippers."] - Dorchester England & Wales Criminal Registers 1791-1892 - Dorset - 1808 - Image 1 of 3 :: "NAME - Charlotte BARNES : Where Tried Lent Assizes : Crime - Larceny in a dwelling house : Sentence - Transportation for 7 years : Disposed of [Blank?] - Australian Convict Transportation Registers - Other Fleets & Ships 1791-1868 - Image 127 of 140 :: NAME Charlotte BARNES - Where Tried - Dorset Assizes - When 16 March 1808 - Term 7 years

      (*) Note:- The ship referred to above is the Convict Ship Aeolus which in June 1808 was moored in the Thames River at Deptford where 79 female prisoners from districts throughout England and Scotland were to be embarked. Follow link to this site and note the text regarding the appeal regarding the treatment of Female prisoners on arrival and lack of any real prospect of their ever returning. I have also copied the following text as the 14 year old referred to was in all probability Charlotte BARNES.

        "In regard to the 39 seven years transports now under orders of removal, the Sheriffs can scarcely hope that any decision of government can be made in time to afford these persons relief, notwithstanding several of them have already suffered nearly two years imprisonment in Newgate: - many are for first offences (one of them being but fourteen years of age, and another but sixteen) attended by no circumstances indicative of radical or habitual depravity; and others unite to this last recommendation, that of having families of young children, husbands, and other relatives, the conscious separation from whom, for the remainder of life, involves more acute suffering and more complicated misery, than would the punishment of death itself. '
      The Aeolus arrived at Port Jackson on 26 January 1809 having embarked 79 female convicts, none of whom died on the voyage. Most were then sent to the Parramatta Female Factory. In May 1809 the Sydney Gazette published the latest General Orders issued by Government and the public were informed that the Factory was re-established under the direction of Mr. Benjamin Barrow and that the Factory was open for the reception of Wool and Flax for the fabrication of Woollen and Linen cloths .

      Under the sites link "Female Convicts" the following comments are made:-

        AEOLUS 1809 - correspondence written in England 4th May 1809 - I beg to submit to your consideration the following remarks:... There is another cause to which the laxity and depravity of public morals is peculiarly imputable. It will perhaps scarcely be believed that, on the arrival of a female convict ship, the custom has been to suffer the inhabitants of the colony each to select one at his pleasure, not only as servants but as avowed objects of intercourse, which is without even the plea of the slightest previous attachment as an excuse, rendering the whole colony little better than an extensive brothel, and exposing the offspring of these disgraceful connexions to the risk of an example at once infamous and contagious. So prevalent has this practice been that it is estimated there are actually at this time about one thousand illegitimate children in the colony of this description

Image 201 - 05 Jan 1808 - John ANTHONY
    No. : - 55
    Warrant Date: - 05 Jan 1808
    By Whom : - Robert Pattison Esq Mayor of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 05 Jan 1808
    Name: - John ANTHONY
    Parish: - Dorchester
    Trade: - Cabinet Maker
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 17 [c.1791]
    Size: - 5ft 3 ins
    Hair: - Brown
    Complexion: - Fair
    Eyes: - Gray
    Marks: - Two cuts on the back of the thumb left hand, mark of a wound knuckle joint forefinger same hand
    Crime: - Stealing Money
    Bef whom tried: - Sergeant Marshall
    When tried: - 1808 Lent Assizes
    Event of trial: - Acquitted [Been working as a carpenter]
    Sentence: -
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 19th Mar 1808

Image 203 - 12 Feb 1808 - Jane WHITTY
    No. : - 72
    Warrant Date: - 12 Feb 1808
    By Whom : - Robert Patterson Esq Mayor of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 12 Feb 1808
    Name: - Jane WHITTY
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Servant
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 22 [c.1786]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - Idle & Disorderly
    Bef whom tried: -
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - Hard Labour 1 month
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 12 March 1808

Image 203 - 12 Feb 1808 - Mary WINZAR
    No. : - 73
    Warrant Date: - 12 Feb 1808
    By Whom : - Robert Patterson Mayor of Dorchester
    Admitted to Prison: - 12 Feb 1808
    Name: - xxxx12 Feb 1808
    Parish: Fordington
    Trade: - Weaver
    Condition: - Single
    Age: 19 [c.1789]
    Size: -
    Hair: -
    Complexion: -
    Eyes: -
    Marks: -
    Crime: - xxxx
    Bef whom tried: - Idle & Disorderly
    When tried: -
    Event of trial: -
    Sentence: - Hard Labour 1 month
    Behaviour:- orderly
    When Discharged: - 12 Mar 1808

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