Thomas Grigg (1857-1932)

Photographer of Dorchester

©Originally compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester April 2011 (Extensive revision with significant new material Sep 2022)
[I am particularly grateful to the assistance given to me by Jenny Davis for the background information supplied on their lives at Combe St Nicholas]

St Nicholas’s Church - Combe St Nicholas

© Copyright Martin Bodman and licenced for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Ancestry (1)

Thomas GRIGG (1857-1932) was the grandson of an agricultural labourer George GRIGG (1775-1876) who was born at 'Isle Abbotts' in Somerset circa 1775. George married Thomas's paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Betty) Slade (1783-1867) in Combe St Nicholas on 9th December 1807(6.1) and they settled in the village to raise a family of nine children between 1809 and 1828. George lived to be over 100 years old, and an article in the 'Wells Journal' for 2nd September 1875 reported "that he was still able to reap wheat in his sons ground the other day" (6.6 , 8.9).

George and Elizabeth named their eldest son Thomas Grigg (1809-1880), and had him baptised at Combe St Nicholas on 24th Dec 1809(6.2). By the time of the June 1841 Census however Thomas had already left home to live in Dorchester's High West Street, where he worked as a groom for John James Lambert Esq (1793-1856) a Gentleman and Landed Proprietor. When James Lambert died in 1856 he left Thomas a bequest of 19 guineas. (7.7)

George & Elizabeth's second son (and 6th child) was George Grigg (1820-1896), our photographers father, who was also baptised at Coombe St Nicholas on 23 Jan 1820. His father married his mother Sarah Stewart a native of Southampton in St Nicholas church on 20th March 1845. Sarah was the daughter of George Stewart, a wool sorter by trade, and his wife Elizabeth who lived close by at Higher Wadeford. George and Sarah also raised a large family of nine children in Combe St Nicholas, our Thomas being their 7th child. George after his marriage worked as a labourer for a local clothier and in his 60's became a wool dyer whilst Sarah made stays to supplement their income. His father who had worked hard all his life died at the age of 76 in Combe St Nicholas on 27th December 1896 leaving an estate of £98 14s 6d. (7/2)

Thomas Grigg (1857-1932)

Great Western Hotel - West Fordington

Picture by:- Simon House - Taken 1980

Thomas GREGG (1857-1932), like his father before him, was born in Coombe St Nicholas just 2 miles (3.2 km) northwest of Chard in Somerset and baptised in the local parish church on 12 April 1857 (6/3). By the age of 14 however he was already living with his uncle Thomas Grigg (1809-1880) who as explained above had moved to Dorchester by 1841 and by 1858(3 and 8.1) was running the 'Great Western Hotel' in West Fordington on behalf of it's owners the Duchy of Cornwall. The Hotel was situated just south of the 'Nursery' not far from the Great Western Railway Station right at the cross roads of Union Road, Great Western Road, Maumbery Road and Cornwall Road and is marked on the 1886 Map of Dorchester as 'G.W.Hotel.'
    Thomas (his uncle) however had not married until 26th Oct 1857 in Holdenhurst Hampshire when he was aged 48, and his bride Mary Ann GILLARD from Moreton in Dorset, was his contemporary and therefore already past child bearing age (6/4). His name appears on each years Jury List for Fordington between 1859 and 1870. By 1861 they were already employing a house maid to help them run this large Hotel, and the business continued to prosper over the next few years. Thomas was well respected being appointed 'Constable' and 'Overseer' of Fordington in 1862. Having no children of their own and plenty of accommodation, they also took in two of their nephews. The eldest was John BARBER who had been born in Illminster c1852 and the other our Thomas Grigg (1857-1932) the future photographer. The 1871 Census shows them all still at the Great Western Hotel in Dorchester with John Barber aged 19 employed as a decorator, and our Thomas GRIGG aged 14 a scholar, probably attending the Grammar School in South Street. On the 14th Aug 1875 the Duchy of Cornwall sold the premises to Eldridge Pope & Co the well known brewing firm for £1,510 and the premises underwent an extension and refurbishment. Thomas and his family moved to live in East Fordington and in May 1876 the license for the Great Western Hotel was formally transferred from Thomas Grigg (the uncle) to Mr. G.D.Seale.

Start of his Photographic Business
The Great Western Hotel, West Fordington - 1875

Thomas GREGG (1857-1932) has always maintained that his photographic business was established in 1875 as shown on the back of many of his later photographs shown below. He was then still only 18 years old. Certainly photography was well established and had a high profile in Dorchester by then, due mainly to the commendable work undertaken into carbon printing by John Pouncy (1818-1894), another native of Dorchester. By 1875 his son Walter Pouncy (1844-1918), had already taken over running the Pouncy photographic business which was situated at 38 High West Street. Walter aged 31 was still a young man and undoubtedly would have been an inspiration to Thomas as he grew to adulthood.

Thomas Grigg Studio

The move of his studio to Fordington Hill, East Fordington - April 1876.

Information about Thomas during these early years is difficult to come by and as stated above they had left the Great Western Hotel by May 1876 at the latest, and this is confirmed by the advertisement first placed in the Weymouth Telegram dated 14th April 1876 (shown left) in which he states that he has removed his studio to Fordington Hill (8.10. This advert was being repeated every week until mid July at least. I am very grateful therefore to Noland West who sent me a copy of the Photograph shown below in July 2015. It shows his maternal great grandmother Betsey SPICER (1843-1897). (I have provided a link to her marriage where more background information about her is available). Of vital importance to me however is the back of the card as it has a temporary sticker confirming his move to Fordington. Underneath the sticker, although badly damaged, can be seen the word 'Hotel' and this in full would have been 'Great Western Hotel'. To date this is the only photograph that I have relating to when his business was in Fordington and I would dearly love to find more.

The move of his studio to Fordington High Street, East Fordington - April 1878.

I now know that in April 1878 Thomas Grigg moved his studio again, this time to Fordington High Street. The advertisement (shown right) was appearing in the 'Bridport, Beaminster & Lyme Regis Telegram' as well as the 'Dorset County Express and Agricultural Gazette' newspapers throughout April to July 1878. As stated it was situated next to The Rectory for St Georges Church and can be seen on the 1886 Map of Fordington marked as St George Vicarage. I suspect that Thomas Grigg would have had new cards produced showing his new address but I have not located any so far.

(1.) Betsey SPICER nee CLARK (1843-1897) (taken 1876-1878)

Pictures © Noland West July 2015

Betsey SPICER 1842-1897      Betsey Spicer reverse

Enlarged snippet showing underneath the 'T. GRIGG' Fordington sticker

The Death of his Uncle Thomas GRIGG (1809-1880)

His uncle Thomas Grigg (1809-1880), described as a 'Gentleman resident in the High Street Fordington', died at the age of 71 on 28th Feb 1880 and was duly buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 02 Mar 1880(6.7). He left his widow Mary Ann an estate of just under £2,000, a considerable amount of money.(7.3) Probate was granted to the executors of his will being named as Mark Pilley a boot and shoe maker of Dorchester, and our Thomas Grigg, then described as being of Horton in the County of Buckingham a grocer and his nephew. I have no information as to why he was in Buckingham in 1880. His uncles death however seems to have drawn him back to Dorchester presumably to support Mary Ann as in the April 1881 census he is shown as being resident at 34 South Street which was the address of 'The Railway Tavern' and his aunt Mary Ann was a lodger just down the road at number 14 South Street. Thomas's occupation given in that census is that of 'licensed victualler', so he is already in situ before the liqueur licence was formally transferred to him from John Pitfield on 16th April that year. (Jury lists from 1881-1886 all refer to him as an Inkeeper at 34 South street). I think this implies that his photographic business in Fordington had not so far been a great success and with the help of Mary Ann he took on the 'Railway Tavern' as a going concern. By 1882 however he had also opened a new studio there:-

Move of his Photographic Business to 34 South Street Dorchester
First Published 28th Apr 1882 in the Blandford & Wimborne Telegram newspaper but by 7th July 1882 he had
changed the reference of 'Vandyke Studio' to just 'The Studio'

Marriage to Bessie OWSLEY - 1st Feb 1882

Throughout this period it seems highly likely that Thomas returned to Somerset from time to time to see his parents and siblings as only two years after his uncles death, he married in Combe St Nicholas on 1st February 1882 to Bessie Owsley (1858-1945) a native of Ashill in Somerset (1 & 6/5). Bessie was the daughter of George Owsley (1830-1861) a master baker and at one time an innkeeper. With his wife Mary Ann (1827-1862) (nee Dyer) they produced four children, Arthur William (1856-1930); Bessie b.(1858), and twins Dorcas Jane and Walter Harry (b. Aug 1860). Her father George Owsley died on 10th Oct 1861 and her mother followed 3 months later on 8th Jan 1862 leaving them as orphans with an estate between them of under £100. It's not clear what happened to the children but at least one (Walter) ended up in an orphanage in Bristol. By 1881 however Bessie aged 22 is working in the hamlet of Wadeford still within the parish of Coombe St Nicholas with her older brother Arthur William already at the age of 24 a master baker. The picture below shows their bakers cart circa 1940.

The Owsley Bakers House (Shop) and Cart (9)

Thomas & Bessie soon produced the following children all born in Dorchester:-
    (1) Thomas Arthur Grigg (1883-1915) (6/9) Baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester on 24th Jan 1883. In 1901 living with his parents at 54 Icen way aged 18 he has a job locally as a reporter. In continued as a journalist marrying Evelyn Couling in 1910 at Upton upon Severn in Worcestershire. (6/14) Unfortunately he died at the age of 32 on 28th Nov 1915 at which time they were living at Hill View, Kings Road, Sherborne in Dorset. (7/5)

    (2) Bessie Mary A Grigg (1885) (6/10) Bap St Peters 13th July 1884. She married when she was 26 to Ebenezer Beck a 27 year old post office clerk on 20th Oct 1910 at All Saints Church in Dorchester and they moved to 2 Essex Road, Basingstoke to live.

    (3) George Ernest Grigg (1886-1887) (6/11) Born Dec 16th 1895 at South Street Dorchester, Bap St Peters 17th Feb 1886. Died an infant (6/11 ) Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 12th April 1887.

    (4) Lillie Georgina Grigg (1890-1978) (6/13) Bap St Peters 15th Dec 1889. Died a spinster at Poole in 1978

    (5) Rena [Reina] Emma Grigg (1891-1930) (6/14) Bap St Peters 19th Jul 1891. At the age of 19 she was working in a store in Bournemouth in the hosiery dept. She remained a spinster and died at 1 Pine Villa Noel Road Wallisdown Dorset on 12th Sep 1930 at Boscombe Hospital in Bournemouth. Administration of her estate of £252.12s.3d was granted to her mother Bessie Grigg on 26th Nov 1930

    (6) Walter Charles Grigg (1892) (6/15) Born 23 Dec 1892 at 1 East Parade Dorchester (See Southern Times & Dorset County Herald Sat 31st Dec 1892, page 8 Births _ GRO Births 1st qtr 1893 Ref 5a/314) Bap at St Georges Church Fordington on 10 Feb 1893 whilst living at 1 East Parade Fordington and at the age of 18 was an ironmonger's apprentice .

By the time of the next census on 1891 his uncle's widow Mary Ann GRIGG nee GILLARD (1809-1893) has moved in with Thomas and his family and when she dies in 1893 she only leaves effects totaling £44. 14s 1d so it looks like his uncles wealth was used in establishing his photographic business. Mary Ann was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 21st Mar 1893 when her age was registered as being 84. Mary Ann's death seems to have triggered another move with Thomas GRIGG recorded as a Photographer living at 1 East Parade.

Death of Thomas GRIGG (1857-1932) and Bessie GRIGG (1858-1945)

Thomas GRIGG (1857-1932) died at the age of 75 in the registration district of Poole in Dorset in the year 1932 (6/18). Bessie GRIGG nee OWSLEY(1858-1945) (6/19). lived to the age of 86 and was buried at Kinson about just over 7 miles north east of Poole, on 3rd Feb 1945.

Dating Photographs by Thomas Grigg

I have so far only recovered a few of the thousands of photographs taken by Thomas Grigg in Dorchester. If you have one buried in your family album I would love to add it to those shown below. Please make contact using the email address shown on the home page. The image on the back of his photographs can often give a range of dates within which it was taken:-

Date Range :

1875 - Mar 1876 (West Fordington) : As already outlined above he started his business in 1875 working from his home at the Great Western Hotel situated in West Fordington. We know he had cards printed with this address on the back as he continued to use them for a short time after his move to Fordington Hill in April 1876 but adding a temporary sticker (See next period). No photographs however have so far been found.

Apr 1876 - Mar 1878 (East Fordington) : As stated above he moved his studio to Fordington Hill in April 1876 and remained there until he moved again to Fordington High Street in April 1878. The photograph shown above of Betsey SPICER (1843-1897) is the only one I have which relates to his time at Fordington Hill. As he is informing the public of his new address in the newspapers it is assumed that he would soon have had new cards printed.

Apr 1878 - Feb 1880 (East Fordington) : As stated above he moved his studio to Fordington High Street (next to the Rectory) in April 1878 until his uncle died in February 1880. Again we are still looking for examples which can be dated to this period and bear the High Street Address. I have not been able to find an official date for the closure of his studio in Fordington.

Mar 1880 - Apr 1882 (South Street - Dorchester) : Everything changed once his uncle died in Feb 1880. Probate was granted to his uncle's widow Mary Ann on 12th March 1880 and Thomas was already shown as being resident at 'The Railway Tavern' at No. 34 South Street in Dorchester in the April 1881 Census when his occupation was recorded as being that of a Licensed Victualler, but there is little doubt that he continued to take photographs, probably in a separate room above the Railway Tavern. He did not however advertise the opening of his studio at 34 South Street until Apr 1882. Photographs with 'South Street Dorchester' on the back but no Street Number, like those shown below, appear to pre-date the official opening.

(2). Boy in Fancy Dress as Robin Hood or William Tell (taken c1880)
Picture © Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington April 2011


(3). Ellen TREVETT (taken c1881)
Picture © Rachel Mayers (nee Trevett)

The picture below is of Ellen Trevett (1868-1956) who was born on the 7th June 1868 and baptised at Winterbourne Steepleton (about 3 miles west of Dorchester) on 23rd August that year making her about 13 years of age. She was the daughter of Henry Trevett (1839-1918) & Matilda nee Stanfield (1837-1913) and went into service working as a domestic cook in Wyke Regis by 1891.


Apr 1882 - Aug 1886 (34 South Street - Dorchester)

First Published 28th Apr 1882 in the Blandford & Wimborne Telegram newspaper but by 7th July 1882 he had changed the reference of 'Vandyke Studio' to just 'The Studio'.


Following the official opening of his studio Thomas Grigg changed the design on the back of the card and adding in the Street number 34. I am still looking for more examples with this address as the only one to come to light so far is displayed below with the kind permission of Andy Miller and is displayed on 'Flickr' © all rights reserved). The rapid change in name from "Van Dyke Studio" as shown in the above advert is, I suspect, because it was already in use by another photographer. Certainly a Mr Wheeler had established a studio at Weymouth by 1890 as an article in the Weymouth Telegram on 19th Nov 1895 refers to "Mr Charles Hudson, of 16 Cornhill in Dorchester (for five years operator and manager to the late Mr. H. Wheeler, Van Dyke Stdio, Weymouth) has Opened the above premises as a high-class photographic Studio, where he intends to execute the very best work, at prices arranged on a strictly moderate scale -- etc etc.

On the 10th July 1885 the Advertisement below (left) appeared in the Bridport, Beaminster and Lyme Regis Telegram (and probably in many other local newspapers). He is still at 34 South Street but has enlarged his studio, expanded his product range and reduced his prices. The Advertisement below (right) from the same newspaper was published on 5th March 1886 and refers to having 'Taken upwards of 1,000 people in his studio since the 1st of May' so there must be a lot more out there


We know that Thomas Grigg transferred the liqueur licence of the 'The Railway Tavern' at No. 34 South Street to Hiram Edmunds on 13th Aug 1886.

Sep 1886 - 1892 (35 South Street - Dorchester)

As he had to vacate the 'Railway Tavern' at 34 South Street by 13th Aug 1886, I have assumed he was already resident next door at number 35 no later than that date. Other evidence of his move can be found :-

    'Jury Lists' show Thomas Grigg recorded as being at '35 South Street' in 1888 and 1889 (other years are missing)
    'Electoral Registers' :- 1888 - 1889 inc: Thomas GRIGG, 35 South Street, Dwelling House
    'Kelly's Directory' for 1889 for Dorchester also refers to his photographic business at 35 South Street.
    1891 Census Return: Shows his wife Bessie with their children and his aunt Mary Ann Grigg still at 35 South Street although Thomas himself is away (I have not been able to locate him at all in the 1891 Census).
    St Peters Baptism Register Daughter Rena Emma Grigg Bap 10th July 1891. Next child Walter Bap in Feb 1893 at Fordington after move

    By 1886 Thomas Grigg's reputation gained him many other photographic Commissions such as this Photograph of a ward in the Dorset County Hospital taken by Thomas GRIGG that year. I am interested in locating more like this if anybody is aware of them please make contact using my email as shown on the index page.


(4). Nellie PARSONS nee DIMOND (1885-1960)  (taken c1890).

Pictures © Reg & Mareta Eagles - June 2022)

I am grateful to Reg EAGLES of Victoria, in Australia for this photograph of his maternal grandmother. The design on the back of the card has now been slightly updated and the street number changed from 34 to number 35.

Nellie DIMOND was born on 6th Jan 1885 at Cattistock in Dorset the youngest of 9 children of a dairyman named Thomas DIMOND by his wife Maria nee Edwards. Interestingly her grandfather, John DIMOND (1806-1873) a farmer, had married in the parish of Coombe St Nicholas in Somerset to her grandmother Jane PEACH (1811-1846). Her grandparents settled in the village to raise their family and her father Thomas DIMOND (1836-1924) had been baptised and grew up there until around the time that Thomas Grigg himself was baptised in the same church. In the photograph Nellie appears to be about 5 years old which would mean the photograph was taken about 1890 in Thomas Grigg's studio in Dorchester as he often used this armchair as a prop.  Nellie by then aged 6 is recorded in the April 1891 Census shown living with her parents and siblings at Charlington House in Cattistock where her father was in charge of the dairy herd.
    Reg. comments:- "Nellie was age 37 when she married Walter Parsons age 33 (Cheese maker) of Warnford on 27 December 1921, at the Parish Church Closworth, Somerset. Their engagement of 11 years was a result of Nellie's mother Maria forbidding the marriage ...hence waiting until her death! In the meantime, Walter (and brother Ralph) spent many years in Australia making cheese at Kolora in the Western District of Victoria. It is not known if WW1 prevented an earlier return to England. It is believed Wally returned in 1920, marrying in December 1921. 12 months later a son was born. When they emigrated to Victoria in 1923, Nellie was pregnant again. (She would go on to have another 4 children.) They lived a very basic (and healthy) life on 50 acres they cleared from the bush. They cooked on a caste iron wood stove, and with no electricity ..lived by the light of Kerosene lamps. They never had a radio, let alone a TV but when transistor radios appeared in the 1960's ...they could at last enjoy a little 'luxury'. My mother doesn't remember a telephone until much later. As a 10-year-old, I discovered Nellie on the floor after a heart attack ... she died at our home in 1960. Still on the farm, Wally lived 'til 1969 ...still enjoying Nellie's home preserves and jam!

(5). Isabella LEE of Puddletown (taken c1892)

Picture © Paul Woodrow Kingston Ontario Canada April 2020

I am grateful to Paul WOODROW of Kingston, Ontario, Canada for the photograph above which he believes to be of Isabella LEE nee MAYERS (1826-1913) of Puddletown. We now know that Thomas Grigg lived at 35 South Street between 1886 and 1892. Isabella appears to be dressed as a widow and if this relates to the death of her second husband James LEE (1808-1892) makes her aged 66. James LEE was 18 years older than Isabella and was buried at Puddletown on 5th Feb 1892 aged 87.

Paul comments:- "Although the person in the photo is not identified, I believe it is Isabella LEE. She was a daughter of Richard & Tamar Mayers, and was born in Puddletown in 1826. She married Harry WOODROW in Puddletown in 1846, and had a total of 13 children up to 1865. Her husband Harry died in 1872 and in 1879 she married James LEE in Puddletown. This family was still in Puddletown in the 1881 and 1891 census returns. James' death is listed in the first quarter of 1892.

Isabella's son, Henry Mayers WOODROW, born in 1848 in Puddletown, emigrated to Canada in 1872 and lived the rest of his life in Toronto, Ontario.. He was my great-grandfather (making Isabella LEE my great-great grandmother). Since the photo of "Isabella LEE" was in the WOODROW family photo album in Toronto, and with Henry's Dorset roots, I believe this woman is his mother. Isabella died in 1913 in Bridport, Dorset.

Change in Printing Technology

One of the difficulties during this period (Sep 1886-1892) is that there appears to have been a step change in the way the back of Cabinet Cards were being printed in Dorchester. I am happy to hear from anybody that has more information. The following picture of this charming young girl gives a very clear example of how much more detailed the printing on the back of the Cabinet Card has suddenly become.

(6). Picture of a Young Girl a member of the PITFIELD Family (taken c1890)

Originally I thought this picture of an unknown young girl dressed in her Sunday best was taken c1880/2 because of the 'South Street' Address on the back of the card. It is now clear however that despite living at No.34 'South Street' throughout he often simply referred to just 'South Street'. For example he has not given the street number in his advertisements in the press in 1885 and 1886. I would guess she is about 5 years old and my current estimate is that it was taken around the year 1890 but we really need to find out who she is to stand any chance of getting a more accurate date.


(7) Charles MARTIN & Sarah Bilke PITFIELD (taken c1888-1892)

This photograph has kindly been provided by a descendant Roy Martin and shows Charles Martin (1849-1919) who was a coach smith by trade with his wife Sarah Bilke Pitfield (1849 -1919). They married in St Georges Church Fordington on 24 Oct 1875 and Sarah's left hand is on top to show her wedding ring and married status. Link to more information about their family. This would mean both of them are aged between 39 and 43.


(Picture © Roy Martin)

Thomas Grigg's Private Residence after 1892

Dec 1892 - 1894 (Private Residence) - 1 East Parade Fordington

We know that Thomas GRIGG was living at '1 East Parade' on 23rd December 1892 when his son Walter was born. By 1895 when Kelly's Directory was published 1 East Parade had become the address of 'Barrett & Son, builders and contractors' and Thomas had moved his residence to 3 East Parade'. By 1892 however he had a separate Photographic Studio at 12 East High Street. Other evidence of him and his family living in East Street:-
    Bridport News dated 30 Dec 1892 Under Births : "Grigg - Dec 23 at '1 East Parade' Dorchester the wife of Mr T.Grigg, of a son". (Note Birth of Water Charles Grigg)
    Baptism Register of St Georges Church Fordington on 10th Feb 1893 Walter Charles baptised the son of Thomas & Bessie Grigg abode '1 East Parade' Fordington Photographic Artist
    Burial Register
    St Georges Church Fordington - Burial on 21st Mar 1893 of Mary Ann Grigg (his aunt who was living with them) resident at '1 East Parade' Fordington. Aged 84
    Fordington Jury Lists 1894
    : "East Parade , Grigg, Thomas, Photographer, Freeholder, amount assessed to the poor rate £14.10s"
Dec 1895 - 1898 (Private Residence) - 3 East Parade Dorchester
    All Saints Jury Lists 1895-1898 inc show:- '3 East Parade' : Grigg, Thomas, Photographer, Freeholder, amount assessed to the poor rate £14.10s .[Note:- Thomas Grigg is not on the 1899 Jury List, or later]
    Kelley's 1895 Directory Grigg Thomas, photographer '3 East Parade'
1901 - 1905 (Private Residence) - 57, 54 & 55 Icen Way Dorchester
    Fordington Jury Lists [Not available]
    Census 1901 1st April: All Saints Dorchester'54 Icen Way' ; Thomas Grigg; Head; married age 44; Photographic Artist born Combe St Nicholas Somerset with Bessie age 42+5 children all born Dorchester; RG13; Piece: 2001; Folio: 17; Page: 25
    Letter to Mayor of Dorchester and town council by Thomas Grigg Apr 1901 followed by report in the Weymouth Telegram 23rd Apr 1901 about him complaining about a certain carriers van blocking a narrow thoroughfare in the Icen Way ---etc--and blocking sight of his business premises etc. Signed Thomas Grigg of' The Studio Icen Way' Dorchester.
    Electoral Registers : 1901-1905 record:-
        "Year 1901 - Grigg, Thomas abode '57 Icen Way' Nature of qualification Dwelling House, Description '57 Icen Way":
        "Year 1902 - Grigg Thomas , abode '54 Icen Way', Dwelling house Description of qualification '57 and 54 Icen Way' :
        "Years 1903-5 inc - Grigg Thomas , abode '54 Icen Way', Dwelling house Description of qualification '54 Icen Way' :
    Article Southern Times and Dorset County Herald 25th July 1903 : Report of an important wedding of Miss Annie Lucie Greening of Dorchester, attended by Mayor etc and at which "A capital photograph of the wedding group was taken by Mr.T.Grigg of the Icen Way Studio."
1906 - 1927 (Private Residence) - 43 High East Street
    Fordington Jury Lists [Not available]
    Electoral Registers : 1907 - 1921 inc:- Thomas Grigg, 43 High East St, Dwelling House, Qualifying property 43 High East St (1907 states 54 Icen Way and 43 High East street also 1916 & 1917 returns missing)
    Census 1911 2nd April: 43 High East St, Thomas Grigg Head married male age 54 photographic Artist born Combe St Nicholas Somerset; Bessie Grigg wife married female married 29 years raised 6 children 5 still living. her age 52 born Ashill Somerset; Lillie G Grigg daughter aged 21 single born Dorchester; Walter C Grigg son aged 18 single Ironmonger's apprentice born Dorchester
    Kelly's Directories for, 1915, 1920, and 1927 all show"Grigg, Thomas, 43 High East Street, Photographer

Dec 1892 - 1896 (Photographic Studio - 12 High East Street - Dorchester)

From the addresses on the back of his photographs we know that his studio was at number 12 High East Street by 1892 (See cards 8 & 9 below) and at 13 High East Street by 1896 (See card 10 below) when he seems to have had another studio at 25 High West Street. From census returns, electoral registers and jury lists that Thomas Grigg never lived there. Numbers 12 and 13 High East street are both on the south side of the road right where 'Icen Way' joins High East street. Number 12 is on the east corner nearest to Fordington High Street and number 13 on the west corner nearer to All Saints church. We know that number 12 High East Street was continuously occupied from 1885 by the master cooper William Henry CROCKER (1831-1900) and from his probate record that he remained there until his death on 2nd April 1900. William Crocker was pre-deceased by his wife Rhoda and all his children were grown up so the premises were let, and from card 12 below, it appears that it was let to Thomas Grigg as his studio. Kelly's directory for Dorchester for the year 1903 shows 'Charles Crocker cooper to be at number 12 and Thomas Grigg operating his studio from number 13. Charles Crocker was the son and executor of William Henry Crocker and actually a butcher by trade. He was living at 10a High West Street where he also had his butchers shop. His younger brother William Henry Crocker junior was an innkeeper at this date running the White Horse Inn at 33 Colliton Street so presumably the family were still running their fathers coopers business.

Photographs taken at his studio at 12 High East Street

(8) Family Photograph (taken c1894)

The photograph below has kindly been provided by a descendant of the family who lives in New Zealand and is important as it shows them with six of their children. The youngest girl was born in the first half of 1891 and is believed to be aged about 3 in the photograph, making it taken in the year 1894.


(9) Albert Ernest MARTIN (taken 1896)

The photograph below has kindly been provided by Roy Martin and shows Albert Ernest Martin (1883-1917) of St Peters Parish in Dorchester. In 1893 the minimum school leaving age was raised to 11 and children under the age of 13 who were employed were already required to have a certificate to show they had reached the educational standard or employers could be penalised. Most children therefore left school at the age of 13 and this photograph shows Albert in the uniform of the Victoria Hotel in Weymouth where he first obtained a job. The address on the back of the card is 12 High East Street and we know that this must have been among the last taken at that address as Thomas Grigg opened his new studio at No. 13 High East street on 11th Feb 1896.

Unfortunately like so many of his generation he joined the army aged 18 in 1914 (serving during the 1st world war in the 6th Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regiment - Regtl No. 3/7431) and was killed on 14th May 1917 in Flanders France still at the young age of 34. Link to more information about his family. The address is given as 12 High East street.


(Picture © Roy Martin)

Dec 1896 - 1915 (DUNROVIA Photographic Studio - 13 East High Street - Dorchester)

1896 - Weymouth Telegram 11th Feb 1896 : We would remind our readers that Mr. T. Grigg's New Photographic Studio will be opened on February 14th at his old address 13 High East Street Dorchester.

Weymouth Telegram 18th Feb 1896 : STREET IMPROVEMENT - New buildings have been erected in High East Street, which have added greatly to the appearance of the street. About two months ago we announced the opening of new premises by Mr C.R. Hayward, butcher, and now Mr T.Grigg's new photographic studio has been opened. The premises are well adapted for a photographer. The studio is a very commodious one, measuring about 30 feet by 16 feet, thus giving ample room for

    The following advertisement appears in the Southern Times and Dorset County Herald 14th March 1896:


    Has been established over twenty years and he respectfully solicits a
    Visit to his NEW STUDIO
    which has been recently built according to the LATEST IDEAS,
    so as to be able to produce the best Style of Work only, which may be obtained at Moderate Terms

    T. GRIGG'S

    13, High East Street, Dorchester
Other references to his studio at 13 High East Street:-
    1903 Kelly's Directory: Thomas GRIGG Photographer, 13 High East Street

Photographs taken at his studio at 13 High East Street

A young man from the FARNHAM Family
(Taken circa 1895)


(Picture © Linda Ferguson-Stuart)

I am not quite sure how to accurately date this photograph. It seems to hark back to an earlier style of printing. The address of Thomas Grigg's Studio on the back of the photograph however is given as '13 High East Street'. We know that Thomas Grigg opened his new studio in the new building at this address on 11th Feb 1896. The article transcribed above from the Weymouth Telegram refers to it being opened at his old address implying prior occupation there. Prior to 1895 we know that '13 High East Street' was a Boot and Shoe manufactures run by George & William Morton so I have assumed that this dates from 1895.which would mean that for a short period he was operating at 12 and 13 High East Street.

(10). Robert BLANDAMER (taken circa 1903)

The photograph below has kindly been provided by Yvonne Lot and shows Robert BLANDAMER (1870-1946) of Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester. Link to more information about his family. Robert Blandamer grew up at Middle Farm in West Fordington until his father died in 1886 when his mother moved the family 7 miles east of Dorchester to live in the small village of Moreton. Robert married in Basingstoke in June 1903 when he was 33 years old but brought his bride to live at Moreton where they raised a family of 3 girls. It seems likely that this was when the photograph was taken as he appears to be about the right age. Another address is also provided on the card of 25 High West Street which indicates some prosperity as Thomas Grigg now has a second shop at the more prestigious end of the High Street. He seems to have taken advantage of a vacant property as it was occupied by Thomas Rogers a cabinet maker in the 1901 Census and not listed in the census for 1911. Kelly's directory of Dorchester in 1915 only refers to his home address of 43 High East Street.

(© Pictures by kind permission of Yvonne Loat.)

(11a). Frances Ann BALLARD nee SPICER- (taken 1901- 1905)

Frances Ann SPICER (1868-1940) was the eldest of seven children from the marriage of John SPICER to Betsey CLARKE at St Georges Church in Fordington on 17 Apr 1868. Baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington in 1869 she married in 1893 to Robert BALLARD a Corporal in the Royal Horse Artillery stationed at Fordington Barracks. Ignore the age of 20 written on the back of the card as Thomas Grigg only lived in Icen Way between 1901 and 1905 so she is probably in her mid thirties in the picture. Link to more information about her and her family.

Pictures © Noland West July 2015

(11b). George Kail HENDERSON (1853-1926) & Eliza Jane JESTY (1854-1929) (taken 1905)

George Kail HENDERSON (1853-1926) a Journeyman Carpenter by trade had been born at Cerne abbas in Dorset and married Eliza Jane JESTY (1854-1929) in her parish of Sjerborne in 1875. They had a family of 9 children between 1877 and 1897 and the picture is thought to have been taken to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. George died in Church Street in Puddletown Dorset on 19th January 1926 leaving a modest estate of £300 to his widow who also died there on 15th Dec 1929.

Pictures © Alison Crosley - January 2024

Surprisingly I purchased the photograph below from a dealer in Victorian photographs in Cyprus which just goes to show the power of the Internet. Her wide brimmed hat, the bow with a brooch at the neck, cotton blouse, deep waist and gloves all suggest the turn of the century. She appears to be young and unmarried. From 1901 to 1905 Thomas Grigg lived on 'Icen Way', which not only his home but also his studio. As can be seen on the back of this card, and the card, above suggests that it was produced between 1903 and 1905.
and he has become an 'Artist to H.M. Government'.
(12). An Unknown Young Lady - (taken circa 1904)

Picture © Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington

Other Pitfield Family Photographs taken by Thomas GRIGG
Pictures © Michael Pitfield 2013

Below are some photographs taken by Thomas Grigg of members of the Pitfield Family and we would appreciate help in trying to identify who they are. If you can help please make contact either direct to or myself using my email address which is given at the top of the home page of the website.

(13). Married Lady (taken c.1895-1901) and (14). Gentlemen (taken c1886-1890) - Pitfield Family
These Cabinet Cards have nothing on the back and are only displayed together because the photographs feature the same sofa and may have been taken at a similar date. I am no expert in dating cards from period dress and quite prepared to be corrected by someone who actually knows what they are doing. I am using as a rough reference guide the publication 'Costume 1066 to the present' by John Peacock. (13). The Lady's tight fitting jacket and collar with a broach suggests 1895-1901. She is married as she appears to be wearing an engagement and wedding ring on her left hand which is presented in this way to show her married status. (14). The Man's Bowler hat with a curled trim, single breasted jacket fastened by the top button, a bound edge to the jacket with cuffs suggests a slightly earlier date of 1885-1890. There is no evidence that he was married. This card is unusually coloured light blue (although this is not clear from the image) and Blue on the reverse.


This photograph is known to be of (15) George PITFIELD (1844-1917) who was Innkeeper at the Bull's Head on Fordington Hill for 20 years from 1877 to 1897. Photographs with the black surround on the front are usually blank on the back as is this one.. My wife thinks he looks to be in his mid 50's which would date the photograph to (taken circa 1900) when Thomas Grigg's Studio was at 13 High East Street.

George PITFIELD (1844-1917)
Innkeeper of the Bull's Head - Fordington Hill

(16). Young Man (taken c.1890-1895) and (17). Young Man (taken c1885-1890)- Pitfield Family
(16) These Cabinet Cards have nothing on the back. Winged collars seem to have been popular 1885-1890 but still in use through to 1910. Winged collars with silk neck ties possibly 1890-1895. (17) I wondered whether the white collar suggested that he had joined the church as it does not appear to be a fashion statement around this time. I could not however identify a suitable candidate with the surname of Pitfield but of course he may have married into the family. Silk Cravats with a pin certainly were in fashion in 1885-1890 but a handkerchief in the pocket might be more 1901-1905


(17). Trevett Family (taken c.1895-1901)

Another picture of one of the children of of Henry Trevett (1839-1918) & Matilda nee Stanfield (1837-1913) (See picture (3) above). The family moved from Winterbourne Steepleton to Nether Cerne (about 4 miles north of Dorchester) to live and this is a picture of one of their younger sons

(18). George HODDINOTT (1839-1919)

The picture below is of George HODDINOTT (1839-1919) A difficult card to date with no details on the back. George was born in Somerset and migrated to Shaftsbury arriving in Evershot in Dorset by 1891 and remained in the area living at Rampisham/Wraxall by 1901 about 13 miles from Dorchester. Thomas Grigg's Studio in High East Street was established at Number 12 in 1892, and moved to No.13 by 1896. The card itself appears to be fairly basic when compared to others being produced at High East Street which might point to it being among the earliest taken at the studio before other cards became available. George would have been 53 in 1892 and 57 by 1896.

(Picture © Graham Hoddinott May 2020)

(19) William Uriah HODDINOTT (1857-1885) - (Copied Between 1903-1905)

William Uriah HODDINOTT (1857-1942) was born at Gippsland, Victoria Australia in 1857, married there in 1885, and as far as Graham Hoddinott knows remained there until his death in 1942. The photograph gives every appearance of having been taken in Australia, and it is thought it was sent to his family in England, and further copies made here. Graham's great grandfather George Hoddinott (1839-1919), a farmer, lived about 13 miles from Dorchester initially at Evershot and later Rampisham so he may have been the one to arrange copying. Thomas GRIGG only had his studio at 13 High East Street between 1903 and 1915 but more importantly only at Icen Way between 1901 and 1905. William does not look that old in the photograph so was probably taken between 1903 and 1905..

Pictures © by kind permission of Graham Hoddinott April 2020

Other Photographs taken by Thomas GRIGG (21--23)

Picture 18 has on the reverse the address "Durnovaria", Icen Way, 13, High East Street, Dorchester.

Genealogical Research Notes:-    [If anyone has any more information, particularly about his role as 'Artist to H.M.Government' can more accurately date the photographs, or possess copies of any of this documentation please make contact as it would help add to our understanding of his life and help verify facts]

(1). Most of the Information about the life of the Grigg & Owsley families in Combe St Nicholas has been provided by Jenny Davis who has a particular interest in the village.
(2). Located in the following Census Returns:-
    1841 6th June: Holy Trinity Dorchester - High West Street Thomas Grigg (his uncle) unmarried age 35/39, a servant to John Lambert of Independent means.
    1851 31st March: Holy Trinity Dorchester - 69 High West Street: Thomas Grigg (his uncle) unmarried age 43, a servant (groom) to John Lambert a landed proprietor, born Combe St Nicholas HO107; Piece: 1858; Folio: 80; Page: 21. George Grigg (his grandfather) Combe St Nicholas Head Married age 73 Ag Labourer born Somerset Isle Abbots with wife Elizabeth and son John.
    1861 8th April: Combe St Nicholas, Somerset: Thomas Grigg son age 4 scholar; born Coombe St Nicholas (father George age 39 wool dyer) RG 9; Piece: 1635; Folio: 7; Page: 7
    1861 8th April: Great Western Hotel West Fordington, Thomas Grigg (his uncle) Head age 50 Hotel keeper born Chard, with Mary Ann wife age 50 born Moreton Class: RG 9; Piece: 1354; Folio: 72; Page: 25
    1871 3rd April: Great Western Hotel West Fordington; Thomas Grigg; nephew; unmarried age 14; scholar; born Combe St Nicholas Somerset (with uncle) RG10; Piece: 2011; Folio: 44; Page: 6
    1881 4th April: 34 South St, St Peters Parish Dorchester; Thomas Grigg; head unmarried; age 24; licenced victualler; born Combe St Nicholas RG11; Piece: 2110; Folio: 84; Page: 9;
    1881 4th April: 14 South St, St Peters Parish Dorchester; Mary Grigg, Lodger, Widow, age 72, no occupation, born Dorset Moreton
    1891 6th April: 35 South St, St Peters Parish Dorchester, Bessie Grigg head, married age 32, wife of a photographer; born Ashill Somerset with children Thomas A age 8; Bessie MA age 6; Lillie G age 1 m and aunt Mary Ann Grigg a widow age 83 living on her own means - Thomas is absent & I cannot locate him elsewhere but presumably away working.
    1901 1st April: 54 Icen Way, All Saints Dorchester; Thomas Grigg; Head; married age 44; Photographic Artist born Combe St Nicholas Somerset with Bessie age 42+5 children all born Dorchester; RG13; Piece: 2001; Folio: 17; Page: 25
    1911 2nd April: 43 High East St; Thomas Grigg Head married male age 54 photographic Artist born Combe St Nicholas Somerset; Bessie Grigg wife married female married 29 years raised 6 children 5 still living. aged 52 born Ashill Somerset; Lillie G Grigg daughter aged 21 single born Dorchester; Walter C Grigg son aged 18 single Ironmonger's apprentice born Dorchester
(3) Located in the following Street directories:-
    1859 Post Office Directory: (at Historical Directories on Line) Thomas GRIGG (his uncle) Great Western Hotel
    1865 Harrod's Directory: Thomas GRIGG (his uncle) Great Western Hotel near railway station
    1875 Post Office Directory: Thomas GRIGG (his uncle) Great Western Hotel
    1889 Kelly's Directory : Thomas GRIGG, 35 South Street, Photographer,
    1895 Kelly's Directory: Thomas GRIGG Photographer 3 East Parade,
    1903 Kelly's Directory: Thomas GRIGG Photographer, 13 High East Street
    1911 Kelly's Directory: Page 89 Thomas GRIGG Photographer, 43 High East St; also listed under 'Photographers' page 353
    1915 Kelly's Directory: Page 88 Thomas GRIGG 43 High East St; Photographer : Also Page 274 Thomas A. GRIGG (his son) Hill view, King's Road, Sherborne
    1920 Kelly's Directory: Thomas GRIGG 43 High East St; Photographer
(4) Located in the following yearly listings as qualified to serve on a Jury:-
    1859-1870 inc. Nursery Fordington Thomas GRIGG (his uncle) Innkeeper, Poor Rate
    1882 - 1889 inc. St Peters: Thomas GRIGG, 34 South Street, Innkeeper, amount 20
    1894 - Fordington: Thomas GRIGG, Photographer, East Parade Freeholder, amount assessed to the poor rate £14.10s
    1895 - All Saints: Thomas GRIGG, Photographer, East Parade, Freeholder amount £14.10s
    1897 - 1898 inc. All Saints: Thomas GRIGG, Photographer, 3 East Parade, Freeholder, amount £14.10s
(5) Located in the following Electoral Registers:- (not all registers have survived)
    1888 - 1889 inc: number 663 Thomas GRIGG, 35 South Street, Dwelling House
    1901 - number 109 Thomas GRIGG, 57 Icen Way, Tenement Dwelling House successive, qualifying property 57 Icen Way
    1902 - number 145 Thomas GRIGG, 54 Icen Way, Dwelling House successive, qualifying property 57 & 54 Icen way
    1903 - 1904 inc: number 115 Thomas GRIGG, 54 Icen Way, Dwelling house, qualifying property 54 Icen Way
    1907 - 1921 inc: number 74 Thomas GRIGG, 43 High East St, dwelling house, qualifying property 43 High East St (1907 states 54 Icen Way and 43 High East street and years 1916 and 1917 missing)
(6) Birth Marriage and Death Registrations: (Now in date order)

    6.1 Marriage of his grandparents George Grigg to Betty (Elizabeth) Slade Pallots marriage index 1807 Combe St Nicholas dates from Jenny Davis
    6.2 Baptism Coombe St Nicholas Parish Register 1809 - Thomas & Eliza, son & daughter of Geo: & Betty GRIGG - Dec: 24 (Image 13 file Coombe St Nicholas B.M.D's 1531-1812 File)
    6.3 Birth Thomas GRIGG (1857-1932) GRO 1st qtr 1857 Chard Registration district Ref 5c/501 baptism from Jenny Davis
    6.4 Marriage of his uncle Thomas Grigg to Mary Ann Gillard on 26th Oct 1857 at Holdenhurst Hants father George Grigg her father William Gillard CLDS Film 1041171 IGI
    6.5 Marriage of Rosanna Gillard to Stephen Stevens GRO 2nd qtr 1871 Wareham district Ref 5a/559
    6.6 Death of grandfather George Grigg (1775-1876) GRO 1st qtr 1876 age 100 Chard dist Somerset Ref 5c/350. Buried Combe St Nicholas 28th Mar 1876 aged 100 years.
    6.7 Burial Thomas Grigg (1809-1880) - his uncle- at FStG Church 02 Mar 1880 abode High Street Fordington, age 71 by Rev T.W. Knipe Rector of St Peters Church Dorchester Officiating Minister
    6.8 Marriage of Thomas Grigg (1857-1932) to Bessie Owsley GRO 1st qtr 1882 Chard district Somerset Ref 5c/600: Dorchester Strays Index 1st Feb 1882 Coombe St Nicholas Church Somerset
    6.9 Birth Thomas Arthur Grigg GRO Dorchester District 1st qtr 1883 Ref 5a/349 Bap St Peters Church Dorchester 24th Jan 1883.
    6.10 Birth Bessie Mary A Grigg GRO Dorchester District 2nd qtr 1884 Ref 5a/352.Bap St Peters Church Dorchester 13th July 1884 Bessie Mary Ann
    6.11 Birth George Ernest Grigg GRO Dorchester District Born: Dec 16th [1885] at ' South Street' Dorchester the wife of Mr.T.Grigg a son. (Bridport, Beaminster and Lyme Regis Telegram 18 Dec 1885; GRO Births Registered 1st qtr 1886 Ref 5a/339 Bap St Peters Church Dorchester 17th Feb 1886
    6.12 Death George Ernest Grigg GRO Dorchester District 3rd qtr 1887 aged 2 years Dorchester district Ref 5a/191. Buried at the Civic Cemetery 12th April 1887 no age given (Note buried Civic Cemetery as living South St)
    6.13 Birth Lillie Georgina Grigg GRO Dorchester District 4th qtr 1889 Ref 5a/341 Bap St Peters Church Dorchester 15th Dec 1889 Lily Georgina
    6.14 Birth Rena Emma Grigg GRO Dorchester District 3rd qtr 1891 Ref 51/319
    6.15 Births Southern Times and Dorset Herald 31st Dec 1892 - GRIGG- Dec 23, at '1, East Parade' Dorchester, the wife of Mr T GRIGG a son
    6.16 Birth Walter Charles Grigg GRO Dorchester District 1st qtr 1893 Ref 5a/314 also baptised Fordington St George Church 10th Feb 1893 residence 1 East Parade fathers occupation photographic artist. Also Bridport News 30 Dec 1892 Grigg- Dec 23 at 1 East Parade Dorchester the wife of Mr T.Grigg
    6.17 Death Mary Ann Grigg GRO 1893 age 84 Dorchester district Ref5a/235.Buried St Georges Church Fordington 21st Mar 1893 abode 1 East Parade
    6.18 Marriage Thomas Arthur Grigg to Evelyn Couling GRO 4th qtr 1910 Upton upon Severn Worcestershire Ref 6c 559
    6.19 Marriage All Saints Church Dorchester Marriage Register: Image - Entry 368 after Banns 20th Oct 1910 Ebenezor BECK age 27 a bachelor a P.O. Clerk resident Basingstoke, father James Beck a labourer married Bessie Mary GRIGG age 26 a spinster no occupation resident All Saints Dorchester father Thomas Grigg photographer both their signatures witnesses Thomas Grigg and Benjamin Gates
    6.20 Death Thomas Arthur Grigg Sherborne Burial Register Entry 907 resident Kings Road, buried 3rd Dec 1915 aged 32 years Rev C.O.Rockett 6.21 Death Thomas Grigg GRO 1932 age 75 Poole district Ref 5a/261
    6.22 Burial Register of Kinson Parish Church Bessie GRIGG of 33 Horsham Ave Kinson Dorset buried 3rd Feb 1945 age 86 years

(7) National Probate Records:
    7.1 William Henry CROCKER of 12 High East St Dorchester cooper died 2 April 1900 Probate Blandford 7 June to Charles Crocker butcher effects £1,277.19s.9d
    7.2 National Probate Register for 1897 - George GRIGG of Combe-St-Nicholas Somersetshire labourer died 27 December 1896 Probate Taunton 19 January to John BROWN gentleman Effects £98 14 6d
    7.3 National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations),1861-1941 Record for Thomas Grigg 1880 Personal estate under £2,000: 12th March. The Will of Thomas Grigg late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Gentleman who died 28th February 1880 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Mark Pilley of Dorchester in the said County Boot and Shoe maker and Thomas Grigg of Horton in the County of Buckingham Grocer the nephew the executors. NOTE:- His uncle seems to have had a number of nephews; for example in the 1871 census an older nephew, John Barber was also staying with him in Fordington
    7.4 National Probate Register Mary Ann Grigg of Childe Okeford Dorset Widow died 17th March 1893 at Dorchester administration with Will Blandford 10th July to Rosanna Stevens (wife of Stephen Stevens) Effects £44.14s.1d
    7.5 National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations),1861-1941 Record for Thomas Arthur Grigg of Hill View Kings-road Sherborne Dorsetshire journalist died 28th November 1915 Probate at Blandford 29th December to Evelyn Grigg Widow and Garnet McDaniel Ingram Accountant Effects £461.0s 8d
    7.6 National Probate Calendar 1930 Reina Emma of 1 Pine Villa Noel Road Wallisdown Dorsetshire spinster died 12 Sep 1930 at Boscombe Hospital Bournemouth Administration o granted at London on 26th Nov to Bessie GRIGG (wife of Thomas GRIGG) Effects £252. 12s. 3d
    7.7 Will dated 30 Apr 1856 proved 8th Dec 1856 John James Lambert (1793-1856) Bequest to Thomas GRIGG (1809-1880) of 19 Guineas
(8) Located in Newspaper reports:

    8.1. Dorset County Express and Agricultural Gazette - 31 Aug 1858 Long list of Borough Brewers includes "Thomas GRIGG Great Western"
    8.2. Dorset County Chronicle 3rd Apr 1862 Overseers for the Borough were appointed --- Fordington Henry Harvey and Thomas Grigg (his uncle)
    8.3 Isle of Man Times & General advertiser 4th Sep 1875 , Issue 749: Also Dundee Courier & Argus Issue 6901 and many others including the Preston Guardian.
    8.4. Link to image above throughout April/June 1878 this advertisement was appearing in the Bridport, Beaminster & Lyme Regis Telegram and the Dorset County Express and Agricultural Gazette. referring to his premises next to the Rectory in Fordington High Street.
    8.5 Blandford and Wimborne Telegram28th Apr 1882 ---PH OTOGRAPHY - THOMAS GRIGG -- Photographic Artist, Begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Dorchester and the neighborhood generally that he has --- OPENED A PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO --- at the Railway Tavern, 34 South Street, Dorchester. T.G. is now in a position to execute First Class work, and will guarantee satisfaction to all who will give him a share of their patronage. Portraits taken by the New Instantaneous process and in the newest styles at a moderate charge. Please Note the Address:- Vandyke Studio, Railway Tavern, 34 South Street Dorchester.
    8.6 Bridport, Beaminster and Lyme Regis Telegram 8th May 1883 "Upwey: Where to have your portrait taken artistically and very cheap. Go to Thomas Grigg, South street Dorchester (See Advert)"
    8.7 Weymouth Telegraph 13 Jul;y 1883 - The Dorchester Photographic Establishment, 34 South Street Dorchester. Thomas GRIGG -- Begs most respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of Dorchester and Neighbourhood that he is now prepared to execute Portraits in all the NEWIST STYLES of PHOTOGRAPHY and at Moderate Charges --- T.G. takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for past favours and in soliciting further support, assure those who patronise him he will endeavour to give the utmost satisfaction. --- Portraits taken by the NEW INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS in any weather. Portraits taken and enlarged to Life size, and finished in Oil Colour Water or Sepia. Please note address 34 South Street Dorchester
    8.8 Bridport, Beaminster, and Lyme Regis Telegram. 8th May 1885. THOMAS GRIGG - Artist - Begs to inform the inhabitants of Dorchester and neighbourhood, that having ENLARGED his STUDIO, and added several new accessories he is now ready for the summer season. FIRST CLASS PORTRAITS in all new styles are now taken daily in any weather at his photographic establishment (three Door from Knights Royal Carriage Works ) South Street Dorchester. T.G. having determined to keep pace with the times he has greatly reduced his prices for taking Portraits and hopes thereby to merit a still larger share of patronage and support. CARTE-DE-VISTE PORTRAINRS , from 4s.6d per dozen. CABINET PORTRAITS, from 8s per dozen. Quantities of less than a dozen taken at proportionate rates. OUR SPECIAL ENLARGED PORTRAIT in Oil in handsome gilt frame with 12 Vignettes for 30s; payable 1s weekly or 28s.6d cash. There is no rival in the market bearing comparison to this work of art. OLD PHOTOGRAPHS copied at the extraordinary low price of 3s per dozen. Testimonials have been received from all parts of the country for these productions. [Note:- There is another advert in the same paper on 5th March 1886 using the same address and in a similar vein, but also states that "That having met with such flattering success this Summer since he reduced his prices (having taken upwards of 1,000 people in his studio since the 1st May----]"
    8.9 Wells Journal 2nd Sep 1875 - Chard and Illminster News 6th Jan 1877.
    8.10 Thomas Grigg Studio Unfortunately the definition of this image is very low resolution and I have been unable to enlarge it. It appeared in the Weymouth Telegram Newspaper on May 26th 1876: It states :-


    T.GRIGG begs to inform his friends and the public that he has REMOVED his STUDIO to FORDINGTON HILL
    where, with a good light and other advantages, he is in a position to execute FORST CLASS WORK, in the newest style,
    and at a very moderate charge. No pains spared to give satisfaction. Portraits taken daily".

    8.11 1886 - Article Southern Times 13 Aug 1886 - About transfer of licences -- "and that of the Railway Tavern from T.Grigg to Hiram Edmunds.

(9) This photograph is reported on the web to be circa 1940 but Jenny Davis (who lived in the village) and I both think this dates much closer to the start of the century circa 1904?

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